Valley News Statesman Newt Strvict Five Mt Angel Girls Seek Crown of Saturday Night Mardi Gfas ' !" i ! " 0j '" - ";,,,lllirl a-,-, .. 1 .in .,. ., Four Corners Rod and Gun Club Elects David Bales to Presidency t lUUiau Newt Strife FOUR CORNERS. Ttb. I David 8. Balea ii fleeted as president of the Rod and Gun Club Tuesday evening. Other officers art vice presl dent, Howard Ptielpa; recording secretary, Earl Crabb; financial secretary, Ralph Calkins; esecu tive officer and assistant are Ted Miller and Carl Holmstedt; out door range officers, F. J. Prick ey: assistant, Phil Gardener; Indoor range officers, Don Rollofaon and Roy Cooper; representative to the Community Center Association, Lester Morris. Guest speaker was Jamea Dim it, Boys Physical Education In structor at Leslie Junior him school. He outlined the acheduled Valley Briefs' Taraer - Tom Webb Wt this week with five of his raca horses for Sacramento, Calif. The horses will commence several weeks training previous ta opening of the print racinf season. Mr. and Mrs. Oran Klokstad also left this week with their race horse for Sacra mento. Corrals Grade school students at Gervala will receive the third polio immunisation shot at the Woodbura library Tuesday. Meaaaeela- Alpha Psl Omega, honorary dramatics society at Ore- eon College of Education, has pledged three new members. They are Sam Macintosh, Salem; Mar jorie Bailey, Springfield; and Judy Jeffries, Portland. Initiation cere monies were held Sunday. Hopewell The missionary socie ty holds its meeting Sunday at the church, following a non-host din ner. Hopewell Three local residents are hospitalised. Bert, .Shrpens is reported improving at McMinn villa Hospital; Mrs. J. D. McKen ney is undergoing treatment at Providence Hospital in Portland; and Mrs. Aria Hagstrom is at Mc- Minnville recovering from a heart attack last Saturday. SkerMaa-W. C. Wfegers. dis trict supervisor of vocational re habilitation, from' the state de partment ia Salem, will be apeak er for the Feb. 11 meeting of Yam hill County Parents Council for the Handicapped. Persons with old Valentines are asked to give them to the council, or contact Mrs. Ezra Kilmer at Bauston, president of the group. The Valentines will be given to Fairview Horn t 8a- lem. MrMinaville Iinfield College Board of Trustees will meet ia McMinnville Friday. Presiding of' ficer is Dr. Hugh Dowd, Salem physician, who is board chairmae. trustees will gather on the cam pus for their regular semi-annual meeting which ia expected to be an all-day meeting. Amity Plana for Friendship Night are under discussion, whea the Amity Chapter, Order of the Kastern Star, met recently at the Masonic hall. The affair is elated Feb. 17. Amity Sophomores at Amity high school will launch n ticket selling campaign Saturday, in preparation for their community spaghetti dinner, slated Feb. 14 at the high school. Students will can vass the Amity area throughout the day. Amity First semester honor roll at Amity Union high school re vealed three students with a ner feet grade rating of 4.00. Students receiving the high scholastic rat ing are Rachel Wallenstein. Ellea Hampton, and Sharon Smith. North galeas-CondiUoa of Mrs Tillie Elliott, who has, been under care at the Mt. Angel Convalescent Home for the past month, ia im proved.- t v t ..' North ftalem Dane) Zielinskl son of Mr. and Mrs. Homer . Zielinski of Gervais. Route 1. rep resented G er v a i i Union High School Future Farmers of America chapter in the district speech con test held at Salem. Monday, fer ret chose the subject of irrigation Jefferson Teacher to Attend Portland Event autaaaua News Bervka JEFFERSON, Feb. Mildred Meunier. eighth grade teacher here, will attend an Education As sociation sponsored regional in structional conference ia Portland Feb. lf-22. Teachers from Wash ington and western Oregon will take part. The conference ia to be devoted exclusively to Instruction, using aa a theme, "Focus oa Good Teachinf-ef AU Children." : FOR CAR. DIALS THAT S A VI YOU MONEY SEE CLASSIFIED 1 4 161 Willamette River Days pro gram. The club will participate ia the celebration. Feb. I ia a work day oa the new club house under construction oa the out -door range lour miles east of Four Corners. Several Eye Postal Post am Kt. Service NORTH SALEM. Feb. (-Mrs. William Uppendahl . is assisting Miss Pearl Vogt with duties at the postofflce. Several residents have indicated Interest in appoint ment as postmaster ta fill the va cancy caused by the death of Mrs. Cecil corny. .-4- Mrs. Colby, postmaster 1 tot S yean at Gervais. died Jan. M whea her car was tnictt a train as she was driving home from work during the noon hour. X. s DELORES SCHMIDT MARY DONNELLY VIRGINIA SANNES , v - Ss ' t - - ,-. , . - , Vt ' :. -v 'v-V .:" I i i ' y 1 ? , r-;' - . , i r - i i "'- i'v Iiitil a oi iiiit fcMMn mt in ' ---my - - ,-,f I. r - JOAN JAEGER JOAN FISHER Coronation and Celebration Set for St. Mary s Schoo Eleven Students Earn Honor Roll llilimi Mtwi Mrvtc ST. PAUL. Feb. (-Eleven stu dents, four of them seniors, were listed en the honor roll of St. Paul high school for the ttlrd six-weeks period. Seniors are Carol Blanchette, Ann Brentano, Kathleen Coleman, and Thais Hiller. Three juniors are James Oberg, Danny Yaa de Wiele, and Marie DuRette. Sophomores Mike Koch and Bar bara Blanchette, and freshmen Carolyn DuRette and Marie ne Blanchette complete the list. Honorable mention went to Carole Harie, Freshman Carolyn DuRette rated highest with a j.l grade. eutMaua Rtwi Strvic T. ANGEL, Feb. -A Mardi Gras calebratioa. with many en tertainment features for young and old is being held at St. Mary's school auditorium Satur day night. Opening festivities will be cen. tered in the coronation of the Mardi Graa Queea at I p.m. Tick et Hies, which decides the queen from the five candidates, will close Saturday afternoon. Aa- Louisiana has 4.7M miles of na vigable waterways. St. Paul Boys Earn Awards Sutcuiiaa Nwi ttrrir$ . ST. PAUL, Feb. a-Mike Koch, a sophomore at St, Paul Union High School, placed third ia the annual Capital District Future Farmers of America public speak ing contest. The event was held this week at Salem. Koch's topic was "Green Progress," showing importance of trees on western Oregon farms. A junior class student, Dave Schneider,, placed first with his project record book. First place for books kept by club treasurers, went to Tom Frith, a St. Paul sophomore and local chapter treasurer. nounce me nt of the queea will be ma da at the school. The other four girls will be princesses. Girls competing for the title are ' Mary Donnelly, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Donnelly, Woodbura; Joaa Fisher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Fisher: Joan Jaeger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Jaeger; Virginia Sannes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Sannes; and Del ores Schmidt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Schmidt, all Mt. An gel. Flower girl and crown bearer will be Linda Zitzelberger, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Zittel- Robert Brack Named Woodburn's Outstanding Farmer of the Year berger, and Billy Schiedier, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Schied ier. There will be no admission and no ticket is needed ta attend the Mardi Gras. Tickets sold by the girls will be converted into script money to. use at the various booths and events. Proceeds will go for the Prep school Athletic Fund. Father Gab riel is general chairman. The event is sponsored by the Parents Club. Statesman, Salem, Ore., Fit, Feb. 7, '58 (Sec.II)-15 Demonstrations Highlight Meeting of District 4-H Club Leaders at Pioneer lUUiau News Strrit HAZEL GREEN. Feb. (-.Demonstrations in 4-H work was topic of the program at the Prairie Ridge District 4-H meeting at Pio neer School Jaa. 10. Mrs. Ray Darland, County Junior 4-H Club Leader of Middle Grove, reported oa the activities of the Junior Leaders in Marion County. Sara Mayers, a junior leader SUUmaa Newt aervlr WOODBURN. Feb. a-Robert A. Brack of Woodbura route I was named this week ss Woodburn's outstanding young farmer by judges in the local junior of com merce sponsored annual contest. He will be honored during the an nual Woodbura Rotary Club's farmers' night banquet at Wash ington school cafeteria Feb. 13, and will receive an award plaque. Brack, 12, lives ona farm north east of Woodbura near MacLaren school. He is a native of Woodbura, a graduate of Woodbura High School, and has been farming in this area for the past U years. As Woodburn's winner, he will be eligible for the state-wide contest. the winner of which will receive an all-expense trip to Indianapolis, Ind. in April. Brack succeeds Warren Sybrant of the Union district. He operates a 57 acre truck farm, specializing in truck crops. He was recently selected as farm manager of Mac Laren school where he supervises the farm staff in planting grain crops, in caring for the school orchard, and in supervising the bog and dairy operations at the school. .'Four nominees were considered for the 1957 selection. His choice was based on the degree of pro gress of his agriculture career, ex tent 'of his good soil and natural resources practices, but particular- ly for his "contribution to the well-being of the community, state and nation category. He has served as a Hubbard school board director for five years, and has helped in rehabilitation work with boys from MacLaren school. OCE Instructor At Conference Stattuua Wtwi Strvict MONMOUTH. Feb. 6-Dr. Jack V. Edling, director of the audio visual materials center at Oregon College of Education, will be a fea tured speaken at the Northwest College Audio-Visual Conference Feb. 10-11 in Seattle. Jefferson Juniors Select Comedy auteuua Nwi icrvtr JEFFERSON. Feb. Wosepbiae Getchell, dramatics coach an nounced this week the Junior class has chosen a three-act comedy, "Act Your Age." and as started practice. No data has been set for its presentation. la the cast will be Katie Loot way, Sharon Wells. Gloria Bent ley. Larry Wimbush, Francis Mar cum, Joan Bennett, Jolenc Bur gess, David Harris. Linda Purdy is assistant coach, and stage man agers are Gary Griffia and Steve Sheffield. ' , Stayton Girl Chosen, VP for OCE Freshmen IIiHih Ntwi ServtM MONMOUTH. Feb. - Marlya Shetton, Stayton, was recently chosen for vice president of the frhshmaa class at Oregon College of Education as the result of a special election. The vacancy oc curred: whea James .Gatzke, Coos Bay, was boosted into the presi dency of the clasa following the resignation of its president. upcoming irosn activities in clude a beach trip, scheduled for Msy 10, and sponsorship of a dance to be held in April. Chuck Wagon Dinner Attracts 200 Persons luuwti News ServUa ELLIOTT PRAIRIE, Feb. I The annual chuck wagon dinner at the Elliott Prairie ball Satur day night was attended by ever 300 people. Approximately $139 was netted. This waa turned over to the church building fund and will be used ta pay for reshingling the church. i -.t y . v from Keizer, gave a team demon stration. She waa assiated by Mrs. Darland, who substituted for Jerry Stafek, Junior leader from the Lancaster district, unable to be there. . . : - ? ... . .. Ted Larson. County Extension Agent in 4-H Work, showed a movie of a cooking demonstration by Marie DuRette of SL PauL Marie was Marion county repre sentative to the National 4-H Club Congress at Chicago last fall. There waa discussion of a Dis trict Demonstration Day that would include all projects except livestocf. This will be discussed again at the meeting March at Labish Center School. All communities In the district. Pioneea, Parkersville. North How ell, Labish Center, . and Haul Green; were represented., by lead ers at the meeting. - - The) Xndaatuctible) ' J. Edgar Hoot" 1 by Joseph N. lei ',. Z 3 ycs llS fcat t ffcaj Federal Suroaa ef hwelletfea) hot been symbol ef Integrity, onflinchint atrieftiiMt and dap 9tJ 9tjPOilltBltCe H rM loft Mlible stamp en the mi WIIIMbeaWeleMwvivai - Mart " Family . r "Weekly ..... , ,:, . .. "y t. ' '-' '. ' . ' Ji" Ml Mi 11 nfn iiiJ SjlK, 3 TTO WIS, Another reason why Kenmore is America's Largest Selling Automatic!! all aiBai..M ... 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