14-(Sec. II) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Thurs., Feb. 658! fKP PrpciHpnf Ne'9hbors Find UJl rreSiaeill Dead Woman, 87, Yearns for MildiS Student Revolt ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED Too Late to Classify 400 Agriculture 403 liveitock WantocJ 41 rORD V-4, dr . radio, heat er Clean. EM 2-0417 . 400 Arnold. CATTLE buver A F Sommti i Dallas Rd. t,M -!xn I BU YER-Claud Edwarda. Rt I Boa S99E EM 4-1113 40i Hell 47 BUICK 4 dr Good cond Ful ly tflUlO. 48.V CM 1-313.1 BI'il'Tll-lll r-nior Rr-,-1 Cora Brink, about ". Was (ourld : DUE TO DEATH, owner will nir. 1340 Chemeketa. rfpad in her burning house on Deer I u 2 bdrm. hse . oak lira., 3 4.hu Island last nieht. r.'c '. f"- 1 FOR SALE: Boxer dog Si nq. Mr TO PLACE AD EM 4-6811 400 Agriculture Ca- EM yr. old Neighbors discovered (he body when they rushed to investigate . see lo appreciate EM 4-0793. Mllby. 4KHI Lowell. with papera. EM 4-3554 1 vr old small female Fox Ter rier. 110. EM 4-3246 EUGENE. Ore , Feb. 5 -Ore- smoke coming from the house. STAURANT-apEcruziNr. PEK,NOES DUpDies akc. rg i President A. L The fire, discovered at about ; iNVvir i ,"a rvic. ma a-37oa. con Slate Colleee Strand told a University of Oregon , p.m., destroyed the interior of the assembly today he was yearning house. for a mild rebellion among stu dents. He said students should take a closer look at themselves, at the kind of education they accept and at the "curtains of sentimental illusion" with which they sur round themselves. He said he was not pleased with the growing movement to make the United States a religious na tion There is a strong element of insincerity" in this movement that ha "pervaded our national capital." he said. This w n I d make it appear, he added, that the government is becoming the official sponsor of religion. "It mizht have been planned by Madison Avenue. The Eisen- p'r "' hotter administra lion has em- p" braced it. if. indeed, it did not help generate it." Strand said Classified Advertising Ktatesmaa - Jraraal Newspaper !M Church St NR. PHONE EM 4-6811 LOCAL RATES WEEKDAYS IN EVENINGS. 4.1850 RENT-A-TOOI. and GARDEN STORE New ' Bld(. I ut of Parking A Sacrifice at I14.U00. SERVICE STATION LOCATION a .SOU car per dav ollicial count. 2' j ACRES-City water Cheap 1 Tavrnw iv suin rniiw l ,i-1n,' t "ver food Column ears. I7.500.U0 Terms. j n BUSINESS A APARTMENT ' BABY tf lor vour locker., all RENTALS l weights. EM J 8403 Good construction Excellent r... . location. Will TRADE APPLES - Kings Baldwlna. Ol DF.R TVPE HOME Large lot j -S?!S-p,t'l?U , zoned lor business Legated if am it Kistu wnoie muh. tec PUPPY LAND Variety-410 up. EM J IJ4S S'.'REHCAMP dog food; 50 lb. $5.13 2.1 lbs. $2 IKS Larro Feed Store.jt30 N. Front. Birds, Cavies. Chipmunks. lltkl Livingston EM 3-1424. 1 .1 4 40 .49 .3S 33', TQTAL CHARGES (Mia. I Han) Weekdays per line 1 time .40 .TO i on Slate Street I ARMSTRONG REALTY CO. I 1748 Center St. i Ph. EM 4-4901-Day or Night j ' 2 RDRM. with garage, garden ! space. 2 blttrk to bus. close ' to 4 Corner sch'l Ph 8-5J4 ' Independence before noon or after 5:30. 2 BDRM mod. sub. So. 45. or win sen scaou. cm z-hctu. gal Homogenized. Mr "t gal 44c Clearv Dairy EM 1-X0S5 SPITZ apples SI 50 bu. delivered' Worm fret. EM 1-7153. BITRBANK potatoes 1c rbfW. M. Murphy. 1 mi. W. Ketzer Schl. 42S Auction Sales Furniture TONIGHT 7:J0 P.M SUDTELL'S AUCTION 391S SILVERTON RD. 450 McrfKandiVe 451 Household Goods $BE'THRIFTY$ BUY GOOD USED FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES $30 Dn. will buy a complete household of furniture. Maple china closet with glass doors $49.95 Davenport It club chair, u-naiu , is 3 piece bdrm. set $29.95 424 Farm Equipment JOHN Deere tractor, mower, harrow, spring tooth, plow. $523. EM 2-7355. 5517 Sunny- side. Hotpoint apt. range, 4 burner ... $69.50 Club reclining chair, brown $39.50 12.5' chest type freezer. 2 $159 450 Merchandise 458 Musical Insfrumorrtt FOR Quick sale, hut reoos sessed nearly new Janssen Spinet piano with built-in or gan. Yuu can't beat thia piano- organ pom in one. ruuy guar anteed. Save mm. Zobel'a Pi ano Ca. 400 Church St. EM -azu. ROCHOLA luke box. SIM. Goad. EM 3-3087 between 4-7 p-m, GIBSON EL.EC Heel guitar and smpli. $83 ' or trad for '1 speed record player. EM aj ' ELEC. 0 r a n. Demonntral Substantial discount, EZ terma Tallman Piano Stores, Sua 8. lata, open moo., rri. eves. 462 Wanted Hihld Goods MISC. Furniture wanted. Cour- teous service. Ph. EM 3-40114. CASH for RANGES. REFRIO" r.RATORS. Misc. EM 3-9424 Glen woodry 1M N. Bummer. CASH for clean used fURNl" TURE. EM a 5110. Gleja Wood ry, MOl N. Summer. rOR sale about" J500 lbs. new I Good selection of springs gaivanued no. a wire, lie. per lb. EM 2-3340. 414 Poultry t Rabbits He said the answer to this move- per line 3 times merit lies in belief in Uie values jJ Jj JJJ" mis naiion notua in luuuiimi uie SI 05 II 50 4 RM. HSE with i CLEAN 2 bdrm.. hardwd. N. 9. Nr. Northeate. 4-16.1a 450 Merchandise 4S1 Household Goods per line per aper the iodividual common consent. "rST,. .T.rtT" S. devotion to trttth, regard for ex-, vanuces o t- tremendnu nuiimg roi. Store. 430 Front NE ! BABY chicks, leghorns, par- . EM I menters. New Hamps. White ! Jj burner Rock Cornish. Ask about free i .001 heater chicks. Valley Farm Store. i wringer wasner Kerosene heater .. Airtight heater Sewing machine Radio-phono, 4 speed I OPPORTUNITIES In broiler n ear., ranee ana : t Ar SUM. , . . , , . I .... I ,10 ( SI 40 S5.J0 imc. Sun ) CLOSE IN. newly dec. 2 rm. Uii.im.im uh.il rk.rnl II H iUm. apt. Utll. DO idfl N. "worth and dignity of the human ' locals Churchji !n' A?' 4 em 3-4472 I 41s lawn Garden person, moral responsibility Ol 14 per line per aper .newly redeo. upstairs. 3 rm. 1 .-- t.nin.-. w.nri iiiu ju nuiuiiLLr.n wnn trailer util. rm. furn 1.15. 1820 Ferry $500. EM 2-S691 after S p.m. St. EM 2-3101 eeJlence. fratenutv and brother- power of 37,0.4 combined circuia- need lady to "help Ore for 420 Seads a Plants a tlOflai i A 11... rn n au- 1 noofl. equality Detore trie law and when an ad is ordered three or "' " . , j new. Assume pyts. of 114.50 freedom to develoo and exchanse me and a Sundav nsue is in- PRUDENTIAL has ooenlng for I DWARF fruit trees Flowering m0 EM 3.5707. rreroora 10 uevciup ami aiMiw example Eriday, Salur- - man in new ordinary office. I . "j1" supplies - - - - h-,rrln7 KleaS. w.v, c,M. Ik. C-., c.nri.v 01.. Aeei JS-4fl Cnmnll trsmine 3100 Mkt. EM 2 194. SEALY mattress box spring. c. . .j... ju . i.i! c.i...' ru a !.-- - - i dining lame. 4 chairs, m S.WM 548.50 79.95 111195 SI 1.95 $450 fSSM ! MONTGOMERY WARD 155 N. Liberty EM 3-3191 I SPINET Piano Bargain. Like A mattresses. Table model radio, push button tuning $9.95 ft PI41 ratio 1 Wti 515 S. COM'L PH. EM 4-19 452 Appliances that the teaching of religion ia apply publishes Sundays. Classified ads will start 702 for Interview. LUDWIG upright, walnut case piano. Excel, cond 1515 State. , SCnootS WOUM improve students morning Oregon Statesman, conclude -a Ii.m in the evenine CaDital JiMjrnal but - . , , . ' . j , . riT ........... .... dv accepiea lor sunoay ' ' " 1 - i.wwtMcu. aieai e-if. casv lerms. siaic Finance Co. EM 3-3151. Mnger mmf ,.u m. machin 1 7HS N tion is complete. Middle Grove Winter. rursery sju aiivcnun no. we - A t SPARK OU Circulator 15 50 Glen Woodry, ISOS N. Summer ASSUME balancT on IS cu7It upright freezer new guaran tee. 110 down Easy terms at "Your Down Town" Fire stone Store. 393 N. Liberty. EM 2 2491. He said he did not believe reli-! S?,,,m.n "iv Eton should be suppressed and that there was something wrong with a college education which did not extend a student's religious feelings. '"We need religion that produces tension not the kind that's easy and belays frustrations like a bot tle of tranquilizing pills." MOVING Sell misc. household articles, 1515 Stale St. Salem Boys Charged With Mail Theft Th deadline for classified ads is 1:00 p.m. the day before publication except for Sunday when deadline is 4:30 p.m. Friday. Emergency ads and am all tine ads received after 1:00 S m. weekdays and until 12 n a n i aturdav for Sunday may be placed I 300 1 VrSOnai in the Too Late to Classify column, j .m. Ada for Monday papers must be ia bv 1 p.m. Saturdav. The Statesman Journal Newspa pers reaerve the richt in reject ques tionable advertising; it further re serves the rifht to place all adver tising under the proper classifica tion. , The Statesman Journal New spa 316 rWsonl five S&H Green Stamps. 42? Fertilizer fers assume no financial responst ility for errors which may appear in ad vert iiem ems published in its columns and In rases where this pa per is at fault will reprint that part at an advertisement in which the tvpograohical mistake occurs and is responsible for only sne incorrect imertion. A "Blind" Ad an ad containing Two 14-year-old Salem boys were ilf "1! ?.ap?" . J ... J .... I . IIWIIB.I "HUM W W TTcsiea wexuiesaay on cnargea 01 mail theft involving more than 40 letters, including S40 in checks, from mail boxes in the Silverton Road area north of the State Fairgrounds The first theft was in a night venture last November, wbea the pair rifled mailboxes on one of the boy's paper route, Salem police said. About 40 letters in cluding several checks and a dollar in cash were taken, police said and the letters were later destroyed. Police said the boys gave tha thrill of reading other people's mail and the possibility of cash as reasons for the thefts. Smaller thefts were made from the same area on two other occasions said authorities. Federal postal inspectors aided in the arrest. The boys, who have no previous record, were released to their parents pending investigation. protection of the advertisers and must therefore be answered br let ter. The Statesman-Journal Newspa pers are not at liberty to divulge in formation as lo the identity of an advertiser using a "Blind" ad. ! Ads ia other columns which require investment in stocks. samples, equipment or cash bond should be thorough! v investigated before paying out any monev. Advertisers requiring a cash investment for samples or merchandise sales aids etc. must so apeciry in ineir aas. THIS NEWSPAPER STRIVES to pro tect its readers against fraud, decep tion, or tnmrle. Readers are cau tioned to make NO PAYMENTS ts get a position advertised In the help wanted columns. All help wanted ada MUST SPECIFY THE NATURE OF THE WORK. Sale help wanted ada must state if the par 1 in the form of salary, commissions, guaranqw. sr include firm nam. Bona fide offers of employment with pay belong to the "Help Wanted" columns. Kindly report any exception to this rule lo thg classified advertising manager. PERSON who took dual carhure. tor from frsnt porch, please ! return to same place we've infor. as who took it. We will not press charges. This is being thoroughly investigated. Need Help? Income tax returns, and part time bookkeeping. John W. Bollinger. 1460 I Im. EM 2 3425. AIjCOHOLICS Anonymous SOS S. Commercial. EM 4-1801. ALCOHOLIC Annn4noua SO Marion EM 4-0545 400 Agricnlhire 402 Uvostock For Sale Np Objections to Reclassification Of County Land A Wednesday afternoon hearing : notice! at the Marion County Courthouse concerning reclassification of 1.593 acres of county lands as forest- lands brought no objections, said nrrBV T ifSi?w County Judge Rex Hartley. Attomcv for Executor Final action on reclassifications ".'.Ir"' Butwtn requested by property owners will Jan. 20. Feb. s. is. 20, 1951 come from the State Tax Com mis- ion. notice or public hearing ReclassifkaUon place, , SenU- th., per-acre US On the lands Ul place public hearing will be held by the Of the Usual property assessments. Ccmunon Council ot the City of Sa- a n . 1.. -1 lem. Monday February 10. 193 at " v m ' w oiiw the hour of T:.T o'clock p m. coun- COllected when the trees are har- "1 chambers. City Hall. Salem, Ore- vested. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN, thai by order of the Circuit Court of the Stat of Oregon for the County of Marlon. In Probate, duly made and entered on the 2Sth day of January, lsa. the U.S. National Bank of Port land, Oregon, a corporation, has been duly appointed as Executor of the Last Will and Testament and estate of IVY ELLEN WELCH, deceased, and has qualified as such Executor. All persons having claims against sasd estate hereby are required lo present them, with proper vouchers, to said Executor at X? State Street. Salem. Oregon, within aix months after date of first publication of this Dated and first published the 30th day of January. !)M U S NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, OREGON, Executor aforesaid. GUERNSEY cow. fresh 1 mo ; also Guernsey heifer to fresh en Sept. 1st. Both artificial bred. EM 2-23.T9, 200 EWES starting to lamb. EM 1-4W51W EM 4-2SSS eves. EWES, 1 reg. 4-3203 after 5: JO. ram, EM CRASS bay 40c. bale. 3S2S D St. Ph. EM 4-4253. COW FERTILIZER for garden A flowers. IIP load. EM 3-5129. PEAT moss 4t chick trayt, 75c. sack. Valley Farm Store. . , MUSHROOM Fertilizer. Now la the Ume to put on lawn, also have rich black manure. No weeds. EM 2-0331. RICH fertilizer with ahsvingt. u-naui. Lee a Matcnery ROTTED manure by sack or cu. yd. always good measure A g-nod quality Phillips Bros RL S Box S0. EM 4-3031. FERTILIZER. S10 truck load 50c as.. EM 4-0393 or EM 4-S5II2 j USED crib with mattress. 122 50. HUUU BKUS. Z4 state. CHILD'S wardrobe chest in very good condition. 119.95. Bob's Mdse. Mart. 274 S. Liberty. EM 4-4371. Open Fri. nights til 9. FOR SALE: Uaed davenport k chair. SIS. Bradley Furn. 1974 N. Capitol. MAHOGANY Knee-hole desk. elec. range, excel, cond. EM WASHER, wringer typa, good cond. S30.EM4-S344, 5'i CU. FT. Norge refrlg., good cond. $45 cash. EM 3-5047 be tween 4-7 p.m. v FRIGIDAIRE automatic washer. Guaranteed. Like new. 199.50. Heider's Appliance 341 N. High St. GUAR, used appliances. Yeater Appl. Co 375 Chemeketa. SAVE S200 nearly new matched automatic washer-dryer 1299.50 Glen Woodry. 1803 N. Summer. 463 Boa tine BOAT motor. Mercury mark IS with tank. Very good rond. 494 csin. siou s-omana ns, All sizes New Johnsons SO pet, off. yon have a choice now. SALEM BOAT HOUSE 100 Chemeketa EM 3-9303 GLASS boat motor trailer, sell re as. or trade, EM 3-4605 64 S porta tquipmom HUSOVARNA 3-4631. 3004 Rifle. EM CASH tor Used Guns and old epins, all types. Cascade) Merc 1130 Broadway. 470 Bunding Matarials" aulation $l.2 bag. Loose rock wool pouring type In aulation 41. M bii Fiberglass roll blanket and rock 4-7474. RELIABLE party may assume 425 Auction Sales GREEN Clover a grass haySSO. T. DeL Straw 30c. EM 2-3925. GET greater gains for less money. Use Surepork 35 with your grains. Larro Feed Store, 430 Front NE. GOOD clover hay. 120. Del. Straw 1 25 bale. EM J-2990. GOOD clover hsy $20 T. All 11 T. lor $200 U-Haul. EM 4-1349. GRASS hay 45c. bale, straw 45c. Larro reed store 430 Front St. EASTERN Ore Alfalfa 1st and 2nd cutting. EM 4-4433 days EM 1-274 eve. GOOD quality grass hay 430 tots, csa deliver CM 2-4437 403 Livestock Wanted CATTLE Snethe 410S KUvertm Rd. EM 2-1343 or EM 2-43N- CATTLE horses, al your farm E. C. Mccandiish. EM-aiat. TOP cash prices at your place. Hay i-ozei, c-m s-sies uoiiecL SUDTELL'S FURNITURE & MISC. AUCTION Thurs., Feb. 6th 10 A.M. Misc. Tools, Produce 7:30 P.M. Furniture Appliances Misc. Heated Building always a good Buying Crowd. LANE SUDTELL'S USED 3 piece limed oak dinette. balance on automatic wasncr 439. HOGG BROS 244 Stale St. IF you have one item or a house of furniture to sell, call tha Bob's Merchandise Mart, 27(l J5. Liberty. EM 4-4371. USED daveno bed. good condi tion. $49 HOGG BROS 248 State 1144 511 NEW 7 pc. Biltwell Daveno Group (daveno. rocker. 2 step end tables, coffee table. 2 lamps I Terms. Glen Woodry, 1405 N. Summer. USEbHpisno with stool. ONlV 449. HOGG BROS. 144 Stats St. ELECTROLUX cleaner, guaran teed. $14.95. Terms. EM 3-7047 USED bunk bed, maple, com plete with springs and Inner spring mattress. $79. HOGG BROS. 144 Slate St. . NEW 4 pc Bedroom Group 4129" I Mr. at Mrs. dresser, bookcase bed. box apring. inner mat tress) Terms. Glen Woodry, 150$ N. Summer. $5 down. A t Khape. 'Y n u r Down Town" Firestone Store. 3SN.Liberty EM3-249I. BENDIX auto, deluxe washer. Only $75. EM 2 8854. DAVENPORT chair sets from 11$. Bob's Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. EM 4-4371. Open Fri. nights til 4. THE finest In sleep I New 1240 lou box spring a saartress, Reg. $13f .50 ails price $99.50. Terms. Glea Woodry, 1S03 N. Summer. 100 Disploy Clossifiod 3915 SILVERTON RD. EM 3-6098 100 Disploy Ctossiflod THERE IS ONLY ONE USED oil heater. 4 room alze. 2?1 HOGG BROS 244 State. LARGE home desk all ma hogany good condition. Only $39.93, Bob i Mdse. Mart. 270 S Liberty. EM 4-4371. Open Fri. nights til 9. NEW x 12 linoleum rug. $4.94. Bradley Furniture 197S N. Capitol. NEW armless daveno. $54 95. HOGG BROS 244 State St. WATER r AIX style 7 aet. Good 4-3244. cond. 4100. EM TWIN baby buggy. 3 JT. crib. Speed Queen ironer. Kcnmore wssher. timer, pump. Duo therm oil heater. 2040 N. 14th St. USED walnut dresser with mir ror. $19 50. HOGG BROS. 244 State St. NEW Biltwell daveno and rocker ree. 1189 50 now onlv 4119 50. Bradley Furn. 1974 N. Capitol. NEW garbage cana on sale for orriy $4 95 Bob's Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. EM 4-4371. Open Fri. nights til 9. ; $30 DN. 115 mo. buys complete household of furniture. Glen Woodry. 1403 N. Summer. NEW Freezers. $179.50. Heider's Applisnce.36.1N. High St. NEW Electric Dryer only$39 50 with an automatic washer. Heider's Appliance. 343 N High St. ELECTRIC dryer 1957 Uw balance. Only $5 down. New farantee. "Your Down Town" Firestone Store. 395 N. Lioerty Eat 2-2491. ELECTRIC ironer only $29.50. Works good as new. Heider's TV Appliance. 383 N. High St. FRIGIDAIRE li) ft.; like-new. Guaranteed. 159 50 Heider's T.V. a Appliance. 33 N. High St. ' "555 .l,iS.,ric Pa"'" 3245 So. Com'l l aun. .,!,. o. m up. D.IKI Huatlg ! Your Down Town" Firestone Store. 393 N. Liberty EM 3-2491. wool baits ONLY 4,c. an. ft. Also 4 kinds reflective type in sulation paper. CEILING TILE Attractive 14 x 33 and 12 x 24 In- suiaung celling tile made from Hawaiian cana fiber. Quickly have beautiful ceiling with out taping Joints or painting. C.G.K I mi. N. nf Kelzer EM 4-50JI SAVES YOU MONEY ORDER SPECIFIED 1x4 3x4 - IxS lxs sn. OLD GROWTH FIR . 3-1 Composition FRY ROOFING 2 R7L Oak Flooring NAMED BRANDS BRUCE & LOUISIANA QUALITY & SERVICE WE DELIVER 1951 DELUXE Kanmore elec. range, excel, cond. 405. EM 3-489. W APT. Hl-apeed Electric Range 455. Glen Woodry, 140$ N. Summer. MATCHING Westlngbouse Laun dromat a drver. New guar. $194.9$. Terms Used dryers, $79.93 and up. Yeater Appl. Co. 373 Chemeketa. 454 Sewing Machines SINGER SEWING MACHINES SALE ORIGINAL Graveside Service Set Saturday for Mill City Baby tataaassa News Service MILL CITY, Feb. SGraveside services for Kim Lee Underwood, 10-day-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Underwood. Mill City, who died Tuesday, wilt be ia Fox Valley Cemetery here at 10 a.m. j Saturday. Rev. Larry Lawrence will officiate. Kim was one of a set of twins; born Jan. 24 in Salem. The ether j died at birth. ; Survivors besides the parents, i are grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Aphal Underwood, Lyons, and Mr, and Mrs. Leon York, in Texas. Refinery Site Picked KARACHI, Feb.S W - Pakistan soon will have aa oil refinery near this national capital. The govern ment is choosing the site on the basis of a report submitted Joint' ly by Burma!) Oil. Shell Petrole um, Standard Vacuum and Lai lex. PUBLIC MAKING ON NEW HEATING CODE PORsTHB ..CITY OF SALEM, OKEOON NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that the Common Council ul tha City of Calemi Oregon, will on Monday, February IS, 1951 at the hour of 7:30 o'clock p. m., Council Chambers, City Hail, Salem Oregon, hold a pubUc hearing to consider provisions of a proposed ordinance bill regu lating; the installation, maintenance, and replacement aitd repair of heat ing apliances In the city of Salem, which ordinance. If adopted, would be known as th Heating Code tor th City of Salem. ' T ANY PERSON wishing to speak for or against tha adoption of th proposed bill or em any provision or item contained la the said ordi nance bill may do so at th above namod tim and place. ALFRED MuNDT City Recorder . .ho. . 1444 i .p. . . ,. !'i ? i-''i I l !,...: ,'. gon for the purpose ot considering a j petition for change of zone from an ' R-4 Residential tone to a C-3 Bust- nes 'zone, of property described as i follows, to-wlt: Beginning on the west line of South 25th Street at a point which Is 71.00 feet south from the north- ! .east corner at Lot 14, Block "I.' "Simpson's Addition to th City of Salem, Marion County, Oregon: thence west parallel with the . north line of said lot 131.50 feet: j thence north parallel with the west line of aaid South 25th Street 7100 feet to the north line of said Lot: thence west along the north line of said Lot 159 0 feet to a point which Is 134.04 feet east from the east line of South 34th Street: thence south parallel with th east line of aaid South 24th Street, 124.30 feet, more or lesa, to the center line of Shelton Ditch: thence south 2' 34' east along th center lint of said Shelton Ditch 349.44 feet - more or lesa, to the west line nf aaid South 25th Street: thence north on the west line of aaid 2Jth Street 21100 feet, more or lesa. to the place of beginning. THIS PROPERTY IS LOCATED on th north side of Shelton Ditch wist of 25th Street SE. ANY PERSON desiring to speak either for or against the proposed zone change may do so in person or by attorney at the public hearing Also written objections may be filed with the City Recorder by persons in the Sffected area. DATED at Salem. Oregon, thia 29th day of January 195$. ALFRED MUNDT, City Recorder. r.4.S.4.'M 1 CYCL0-MASSAGE and all units bear the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval and the Underwriters Laboratories Seal of Approval. (Imitations may be represented as being similar.) USED walnut corner table. $19. HOGG BROS 144 State St. , SMALL upright piano. A beauty, : $4.50 mo. Tallman Piano Ware I house. 384 8. 11th, Open Mon . j Fri. eves ! SLIGHTLY heater, uaed elec. water elec. stove, retrial A other household items. EM 4-1712. 445 N. Cottage. of machines taken in trade on our new slant needle A Slant-O-Matk-. PORTABLES CONSOLES TREADLES Alt thoroughly reconditioned by amger experts. EXCEPTIONAL VALUES FROM LUMBER CO. EM 2-7SU Save Time - Save Money rr the Boat Pr CALL AN rr th Baal PrWeaataaal sWrteos EWE Id) Tl U'i 0 .Make Life Easier - Read & Use Want Ads Daily! ADPINO MACHINES W sell, rent A aarvlc all makes Roan. 454 Court. EM 3-4773. HU1XUOZING BULLDOZING; pay for tim on a?Ml"4?3f,hrEM0i,MO, Rulldortng Road. Dams. D4-D4 Carryall Huakey, EM 3-3144 IUIILDINO MATERIALS J. W. C0PELAND YARDS S2 Wallace Rd. EM 3-M37 "Your Friendly Lumber Yard" CASUNETS CABINET SHOP Kitchen Bullt-lna, Built-in Fur nltur. Store Fixtures. Kitchen- Remodeling, Our Specialty. W. J. SULLIVAN EM 4-4533 day EM 1-4780 Eve. COBIETICi" " STUDIO Girl Ruth L. Smith, 3-4681, 4-1304. Rt. 4. Box 110 CRANK SERVICE 35-TON Lorain moto crane. Sa lem Sand A Gravel. EM 3-2441 MOBILE Crane. H ft boom. handl up 4 ton. BM S-4444. To Place Claaaified AOs Call EM 4-MI1 ILOOR COVERINO NORRIS WALKER Paint Co. Floor covering Dlv. Quality Installations. Uno : carpets. As phalt A Rubber Til. Wall Ul. Free Estimates. EM 4-2279. GRADING DOZING Bulldozing, ing. a,. 1. Maerx. EaT 4-3817. INCOME TAX SERVICE Leon's accounting service. 1309 4th N E. KM 3-53115. Free pick-up and delivery. Bar ton Service. EM 2-9957. TAX return prepared, reason able rales, EM 1444. Lowest Legal Tsx Guarantee J2.50 A up. Exper. Tax Auditor. reeplckup A dellv. IM 4-2301. Tax forma prepared for Indi viduals Farma, small bual ness, FinnMan A Hardwick. EM4-1094or KM 4-J3M. - Bookkeeping; payroll reports A income tax service. E. J. Church A Co. 471 N. Cottage. SalemjjOre. EM J-4141, STAN'S Accounting" Service. 90 S. 24th. EM 1-5234. METAL ROOFING Calv. or Alum barns, sheds. hsei., Mtl. A Labor, terms. Edmond Const. Co. EM 1-4280. FAINTING 4s PAFKRHANOINd) Painting a f uperhangin' r'lee Est EM a-9313, lltf Shipping. BAND A GRAVEL WALLINO SAND AND GRAVES 1423 McCilchrlst Crushed quarry rocks and grav el. All all for roads, drive. waya and parking lots. READY MIXED CONCRETE Garden sand, bull dozing, shovel and dragline work. EM 3-9249. SALEM SAND A GRAVEL CoT Ready mix concrete, crushed round gravel, gand A top soil. 1404 N. Front. EM 11441, SEPTIC SERVICE MIKE'S Septic Serv. D' Rooter, clean tanks, sowcri EM 3-4444. HOWARDS Roto-Rooter sewers! Septic tanka cleaned. EM 3-3327 UPHOLSTERINO THERE'S hidden life A beauty in worn furn. or car uphol. when customized by LoUiea Uphol. Shop. Fascinating fab rics' superior workmanship. Free (si., pickup, del. Ell 4-9355. WAREHOUSES All types, barns, loafing or ma chine sheds. Tree est. Mater ial A Labor, terms. Edmond Const. EM 1-4240. 450 Merchandise 470 Building Materials USED BUILDING MATERIALS OF ALL KINDS CALL E. S. RITTER & CO. 5550 Portland Rd. EM 4-0151 Open All Day Saturday 450 Merchandise 490 Fuel 48C For Sale Miscellaneous CIRL'S DELUXE 24" bike. $24 Typewriter, $13. Record play er. $10. Large elec. heater, 220 V. $15. Dormever deep fryer, $3. Jig-saw. $. Girls shoe skates $7. Heine., A-l $25. Msrmlnk fur coat, sr.. 14 $25. EM 3-0817. USED toilet, $10. Ustrd wash bowll, $3 A S3. EM 3-4803. " EM 4-4747 PIT-RUN GRAVEL NCW Draw Fireacreens (Brass, lopoer. mass at Mark) 114 Ml. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer GET 'em before It's too late. Sump pumps, $53.54. Quality built hi capacity for a good Job. Jud.ion's, EM 3-4141. 279 N. Com'l. $19.95 NEW Shipment Solid Maple furn. Salem's Lowest Prices Glea Woodry. 1403 N. Summer. I PROPANE gaa tank. A real buy. Sale priced for $20. Bob's ' Mds. Mart. 170 S. Liberty. EM 4-4371. Open Fri. nights til 4. NIAGARA OF SALEM 1124 CENTER ST. m PHONE: EM 4-2890 SALEM, OREGON USED large alze chest of draw era. 41930. HOGG BROS 141 Stat St. 100 Disploy ClossifiecT Store open Monday A Friday evenings til 9. SEWING MACHINE CO. 130 N. Com'l. EM 3-3312 456 r V. Radio SINGER 300 Personal 312 Lost ond Found FOUND: Male Boxer, vie. Lan caster A Silverton Rd. EM "-V1-42SS. 31 Personal OPENING of the new manage i Mment r Barber Shop next to Chappelle'a. 1854 Mission St. Tues, Feb. 11th. Gene Boggan. Too Many Bills? Don't let your bills gel you m trouble if - you re aehine) payments, ' we can help you no security or ee-aigissrs need ed One place to pay all bills Pay only what you can f ford I (Bonded and licensed for your nrotection'l CREDIT CONSULTANTS Dial baKra CM S-4444 (dr tniuc aattoa. : . i , 'it mmmm IXCIFTIOMAUY FINE MACHINES . AT IAI6AIN fllCESI mn ww urro NEW PORTABLES ! ...$ 94.50 $45.00 NEW CONSOLES ; ..$189.50 $50.00 SLANT NEEDLE CONSOLE .... .$297.50 $37.50 SLANT NEEDLE PORTABLE.... $199.75 $30.00 i All OrVi Swocf To Prior $04 'or toroasf Vorlofy, Mak Tovr Cfcoito Now I SINGER SEWING CENTER AKM H year shea seel asesr tlbCU slWlM atACaiRt COJ . (3F ' iTMsssesrTsBirMsasM.ea. 130 N. COMMERCIAL PHONE EM I-3S12 11" CONSOLE TVs HUH up. Glen Woodry. 1603 N. Summer. JUST received another shipment of good used A repossessed TVs. Some real buys A many name makes. Low terms "Yoeir Down Town" Firestone store. 39 N Llberty JEM 2-2491 ADMIRAL portable TV set Rated No. 1. See them at Heider's TV. A Appliance, 393 -il' JH""-9' G. E. TV, l'rllk newr$si"5? Holder's TV A Appliance, 3M N.HighSt; tSED television reconditioned- fully guar. Some new picture tube. Low prices easy terms. SAH green stamps Master Serv St;, 345 N. Com'l. 07 E. Portable TV, $.VH0 with new picture tube. New guar, ante. Heider's TV and Ap pliance, 343 N. High St. FOR the best guaranteed TV or Radio service on any make call Haider s, EM 4-2271 . CALL anytime for TV Or r.rtin erv.rre tune checker. Curtis ALSO CERTAINTEED 3-TAB ROOFING Reg. & JJealdown 18.75 & UP j. w. mm LUMBER YARDS 349 S. 12th St. EM 3-9606 KEITH BROWN SPECIALS OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY" CASH & CARRY 4xftx Sheetrock 41 33 ea 4x8x, 1 0 ea 4xx', 1 no ea Pouring Wool 1 33 sk 43 lb. Smooth Rnollng 2 43 rl 3 in. 1 Asprialt Shingle 7 93 so MxMx1, Ceil Tile .10'3 sq ft 10 only steel sash at 41.30 ea Take all at $10.00. USED department apecial. Sink fixtures. 14. uo & up. Toilet Bowls from $.1 00 to $13. good choice. DAMAGEbNSHIPMENT GOODS LAVS. Tubs, and a dandy buy on a double sink. Some col ored some whit. Check these before fixing up that other bath or remodeling. Judaon'a, EM 3-4141. 274 N. Com'l. SMITH A Davis Hosp. bed A matt, with side rails. Arrow wheel chair. EM 3-321 Evca. GOOD used Rao mower 449.50. Th Tiller Shop 1194 Commer cial S.E, SEARS power mown $36.95. Th tiller Shop 1194 Commer cial S.E. SUMP pump 23 ft. hose $25. EM3J559: FOR SALE seasoned oakheart , anchor blocks, deadmen. 34". long. 50c each. Paul Hirschy, 479 D St. Independence. Ph. 24WCall alter eves. TYPEWRITERS. Adders, Safes, Desks, Chairs, Files, Duplica tors A Supplies Expert repair service, ftoen, 434 Court. EM 3-4773. NEW man's Binrm Dial-O-Rama Wrist watch. Value 400. sell 450. Call EM 4-3774 before 4 p m. FERN FUEL 203 E. Salem Rd., Dallas 2 Unit load alab wood 414: also dry slab 2 units $20. MA 3-1443 MA 3-2253collect ANDERSON'S Slab Wood. 1 cords dry. $25 deL EM 1-773 L DRY oak any" length. flTso cord del. EM 4-1953. E. Simmons. OREGON FUEL CO. Old Growth Fir $12 Cord DRV 4ND GREEN WOOQ S&H GREEN STAMPS EM 3-3533 3087 Broadway OAK stumpagev Ervin Simmons Rt. 1, Box 434, EM 4-1953. 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money to Loon 600 Employment 610 S0I04 Halp Wonted EXPANDING AAA represents. Hon In Salea Department. Need 3 additional men to as list in covering MrMinnvill. Silverton, and wood burn area. Salary, commissions and fringe benefits. Car necessary. Age J referred 30 to 30. Call EM 3741 for appointment Inter view. $Too WEEKLY guar-to start, JFjiilerBrush Co.EM 3-S337. SALESMAN Local firm needs young man with car. Experience not nec essary. Excellent opportunity for advancement. Guaranteed salary, Write fully giving qualifications to Box 141 Statesman-Journal. MAN for sales A service. Elec trolux Corp. 1079 Broadway. EM 4-2239. LOANS $54 00 lo $1.500 00 Buy What You Need Consolidate Your Rills, Finance Through WILLAMETTE CREDIT COMPANY 182 S.Church St. EM 1 1437 CASH for Mies. A Contracts. Private money to loan. B. M. Mason. W. B. Minier, 341 Chemeketa. EM 34441. GUNS - CAMERAS DIAMONDS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS And all articles of value, no signature required, cash in 60 seconds. ' Star Exchange Loan 311 N. Commercial m Work Wofftod. Mow BUILDING It REMODELING EM 4-75T7 SMALL carpenter Jobs, good work, reas EM 4-1434 PETER Gelser FHA and con ventional loans. EM 4-4701. WILL buy your mortgage or contract, wan ta a-1733. F.H.A. 30 yr. 4",i pet. mtc. loans to buy, build, ref in fence your home. Low loan coats. State Finance Co., 147 High St S.E., Salem. Ph. EM 3-3151. PRIVATE money to loan S pet. merest, rs. cm a-vive. pit (MSKMPj GARAGE for sale. To be re moved. Phone EM 3-3174. WOOD FURNACE Vanco Wood Furnace, will heat 3 or 4 rm. house. Good shape, exceptional buy at 470. Jud aon'a, 179 NjCom'l. EM 3-4141. l-l" FORD tractor wheels." 1 platform seal. EM 3-2033. NEW DOORS - 2nd a .10x6 xl, Ext Mahog 7 00 ea .10x8 5x1", Mahog 3 O0 ea la. Garbage cans S4.44. uien woonry. iu w. summer. NEW cement mixer A boat trail- EM 1-2924. 483 Wanted MiscellanooM 2-o to i-4 x 4 a a a Mahog all $4 00 aftd up. 2 A to 3-0 x 4-S x Grade Louver drs. CASH FOR JUNK i?s BILL S EM 2-9872 Boone Rd. at Turner Rd CONSOLIDATE Your Bills $30 $3,000 PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL LOANS IIS S. Liberty EM 4-2203 . DISCOUNT paper real estate mortgages and contracts bought. Stat Finance Co., 147 a. High. RESIDENTIAL Commercial loans. $! pet Interest EM MSI COLONIAL Investment Co. Real Property Loans, Contract Pur chased. 487 Court. EM 4-2283. WOOD rutUng with chain saw. EM2-0749; GEN. Carp. work, porch, rm. JKeaiihasJMcLean EM S-3S3S CARPENTER repair, roof, paint reas.refer. Silvrtn. TR 3-4930. PAINTING EM3-7352.Dlrt cheaopricei. YOUNG- married"7"-man wants work. Truck driving. MA 3-3474 Dallas EXP. builder would like part time workEM 4-0044. MULDER operator A setup man" 10 years experience would con sider any wood working job. Ph. EM 4-9023. nrun. y insured. 2-0424. TREE trimming, topping, Ing, removing. Fully 11 John Payne EM SMALL motor repair, plck-up A del. Garden tractors A lawn mowers. Reel A circular mow ers sharpened. Alum imint hell -ark welding. EM 3-028. Painting,. PaperiBi, Texturing Nelson, EM 3-4493. J'ree Est "SPRAYING t pruning" L. W. Caudle E M 4-1441 EM 31444 Carpenter Repair Work C ON I f R U C TION' bosa" h know-how, you name It, ran do it Carpenter, etc. EM 3-2140. MALE nurse prac. Your home. B 140, Statesman-Journal 515 Investmonts 1s Stain 23 pet. off 1 lot slightly damaged sheetrock 4x8x1.' 1.20 ea Alum combination Screen A Storm Door, complete w.lock hinges k closure $39.50 I. S. Door Jambs No. 1 .1)3 ea 73 pes. 4x7x', Plywood 2 24 ea Try our easy- Budget Plan. We give SAH Green Stamps KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD 235 No rront EM 3-9111 Salem. Oregon HAT? ONLY tl for , 4x4 board' M s Rlghil I I Chip- -. . ......... . u Birch 3 15. ', 4x4 MdboardSE,vw' 2 00. Pouring- Insulation l ihi 790 Steward St. Ph. 4-7544. WANTED: Tape record player, Esau's Motor Service, Dallas USED filing cabinet. Reason able. Days: EM 4-3311. 484 MiKollanoous DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CAS EH DR. HARRY SEMLEn Dentist, Adolph Bldg. State A Com'l. Sts. Salem. Ph EM 1-1311. 486 Machinery t Tools 20 CU. FT. Wayne Atr Compres sor Dowered bv ho Briees. Ilk new cond. $27$ or make onr. ana fortland Hd WELDING A cutting outfit com Diet with 20 lb. Acetylene generator, A-l cond. $80. 3115 roniana no. SHOP SmltiTMark V '54-Mooe"l Some access. EM l-llso after d:w p-m. FOR SALE or trade model 17 Homcuia main aaw, 28 bar. 11' 3 wheel farm trailer. Want lap recorder or TV set. EM 4-4313. sax Mahof. Doors, Birch too oodles for your selection 1 H ... ComDlsrte Door Ul F.XPERTLY assembled at low prices. AND Plywood to suit your WISEI (Herat You bet!) taste Quality-wise; cut your -JO B price-wise UY Radio A TV Serv. EM 4-3741. ZENITH, beautiful consol sold nw for $400. AM-FMShort wave, $39 5fl. and phonograph. Heider's TViA Appliance, 343 . N. High St. TV' 444 Each-wlth-old fVi.T4. EM 3-3444. . Tapered Wooden Legs, 451 Musical Instrument! SPINET Pianos Rent lo own. from sa siii. Tallman a, 3ii3 3. lWh. Second, pianos", $s up. botige Piano Service, EM 4-1454. UPRIGHT piano $50VEir 4-0044. FOR BALE piano, good cond.. 443. EM 4-3914 after p.m. A GOOD piano, $39 50. Heider'i T.V. Appl. 33 n. High St. SMALL piano, excellent enndi SZ7. Dndg piano Service, t'VERAL used' elerlronlr or gana. I r m $49 Wills. weathers Musie, 470 H tot, t Do-vidcri for book shelves, Plans of all kinds Service with a smiles Yes Sir! WITH ... 3d Monlhs to Pay NO DOWN PAYMENT Work Now Pay Later! AT "Your Building; Supply Friends" PORTLAND ROAD LUMBER YARD 354S Portland ftoad EM 4-44.11 Open All Day Saturday . WRECKING bouse 'at iM N. Wtter--tr 'AH material " for sale. Call EM 3-4031. 474 Floor Covering NEW 4 i 13 Rug Pad MM Glen Woodry. i"4 N. Summer. FPt- REG. 43! new 44 Woodry, 140 New Brokdlonm Rug new 84. so yd. IZ x II 473. Glen N. Summer, NEW i Linoleum 44 M. Glea Woodry, 140$ N. Summer, USED Welders, all makes, reas M Illinois em a-soM 488 Wanted Mach. I Tools Uaed 10" Delta Unlsaw. ' EM 1-4994, or EM 13974. 490 Fuel WEST SALEM FUEL Old Growth Fir $12 Cord Choice Block It Slabwood SAWDUST A SHAVINGS PH. EM 2-4031. DRY old growth alab. Lg. or am. 411 per eord. Dry Ige. Maple slab $14 eord. Dry Oak wood lg. or am. 417 cord. EM $-7804. PLYWOOD cores. Old fir wood. 3A10 Garden Rd EM 3-8354. HIGHWAY FUEL CO. SAWDUST A WOOD. EM 2-4444 SHAVINOS del. 'Mulching A bed. ding. SKyline 7 1723 Monmouth PROMPT " del Plywd. com Xeavy planar enda. Heavy Da. Old fir. Rhavingi. . . EM 4-S633 CAPITOL FUEt CO.. INC. , Sawdust, Chip oils . Slab Wood MILL, wood, plywood rates. as sorted hardwood, planer-ends. EM a-7711 or EM 1-4034 1438 BROADWAY 1ST A 2ND mortgages to high est bidder. Pb. EM 4-4831. 600 Employment &02 Help Wonted A MIDDLE-aged couple or older to manage 10 apis. Apt. A .utll. lurn. Give age A ref. Statesman-Journal Box 187. MITLTILITH operator $2to"" to $310. Vacancy in Salem. Must be high school graduate A have had 4 moa. experience In operation of offset process ma chines Including a MultUith 1230. Apply Civil Service Com miaaion Rm. 103 Public Serv ice Bldg., Salem. CAPITOL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Specialists In office personnel. 174 Cottage St. SE EM 2 0634 Placement Agency Since 1944 - Specialists ta Office Placements 494 Stat St (411 Or. Bid I Phone EM 4-333! 606 Help Wonted, Utiy WANTED: Elderly lady housekeeper. 1810 Center. for BABY aitter In my home, S day wk. So. 44 a day. EM 1-1773. BABY sitter wanted In Northeast part of town. Your home, S da. wk. Write Box -184 Statesman-Journal. WANTED: mlddlcaged woman for general housework In mod ern home. Live In. Phone Fairfax 7-2512. LADY BKPR. exp. Nat. Caah nog. marn., 40-nr. e&m mo. Pagenateoher's Placement Ag ency. 494 Stat. EM 4-3331. BOOKKEEPER. IS to 13, high- school bookkeeping, some part tm. Non-smoker. Apply 11 to 4 only, Sloppy Joes Drlve-In. 1 2th A Center. ' 1 WOMEN, 33-40, for re-weav- ing. writ nog IB.1 statesman Journal, Glv phone. BABYSITTING In my home. North, half day., 4 day week. Call mora, or eve1. EM 1-4933. 409 Commitsioft Work WANT to make- extra money! Selling. No door to door soli citing .full or part tim. EM 11064 for aapolntment. tVlO 5a.Q4 Holt) WontoJ EXPERIENCED isles nil sr woman. Ramsey Realty. 437 ferry. EM 4-404S. CARPENTRY it REPAIRING EM 4-S340 CARPENTER work A painting. New or repair. EM 1-1428. LOU'S tree service, removal, topping, prune EM 4-4501 614 Work Wanted, lady BABY sitting any eve have owa transportation. EM 1-4824. PRACTICAL Nurse, housework. EM 4-3243. HSKPR.'A aide for elderly per son. EM 3-3141. Rm. 123. CARE for convalescini home full-time, exp. Silverton. In your TR 3-54 IS, WILL make layette's A chil dren's clothes. EM 3-07S1. MtMEOGRAPHING typmg Mrat Poe. 464 N 18th. EM 3 J443 IRONING in way home 433 H. Liberty EM 4-0444 EM 2-3538 Ironing, my home. Hollyw'd dun, rUDY'S dressmaking A altera tlona. Work guar. EM 3-2044, IRONING and patching, my home. EM 4-8771 192$ N. 18th. Howards Mystic Re Weavers 1434 8 Summer EM 13404 615-A Babysittiwt, EXP. car for child, my home, wk. dtys. EM 3-0951. BABY sitting my horn or yours, houswork. EM 4-4488, 1114 3rd, CHILD care, my home, wk. day 3804 Sunnyvlew. EM 1-4494. EXCEL, child car for one or 1- Englewood diet. EM 1-8410. RELIABLE Babysitter. hr day or nit, my horn. EM 3-8A4. 618 Education HOME STUDY COURSES la Business, Box 184, Statesman. Journal. KINDE Rgarte'n Register-NOW Salem Chr'l'n Sch'l. EM 1-HS4 620 Day ond Controct 'a. 1.4 YD. shovel crane hoe I. line z&-ton mobile crane D-7 cata carry all clear- Ing , blade. Rental contract or unit prices. SALEM SAND GRAVEL 1404 N. rront St. EM 2-2441 700 Rental 701 Sleep. Rooms, loord CLEAN quiet nr. stale bldgs. niu-nen prlvlleges. EM 1-1449. LOVELY ground flr. rm. board oplonVprlv. horn, close In. GIRtTto share, my horn $14 mol1'i!L!i,L,'if,i ,m NICE warm room for men The Alexandria, 1130 Chemeketa. mCELY turn, rma.r alao bamC "f.- n. winter. WEEKLY "rates, Aran Hoteiri4S Chemeketa. New Manacemant. TV, clean" nloefurn. (leenme" JiJ'JJJ"' EI2-783(r KM. A board nr. Stat BldeaT -jtL-TV MT N. llthr HOME away from horn, men. pack lunches 1004 N. 4th. for Apartmonts tor Kowt ATTRAC. clean I rm. furn. Apt. gar. dope In, EM 1-7830. CLOSE. I rm. farnTnt." Slfl "'Z atu. T44 Marlon, XMJtlU. ; j . s.