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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1958)
10-(Sec. II) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Wed., Feb. 5, '58 Grid Coach Sees More Ball Control Trend Will Halt After Two Year's By HUGH fVLLERTON Jr. NEW YOnK. Feb. 5 -College fcotball. criticized in rotrte quar ters for being drab and unimaji-1 na'ive, may be in (or another sea-1 nn or two of ball control and I comparatively low scoring. ' Then : the offenses will take charge again and open thing up. , The aew rule which offers a Choice betweea one and two poet conversion plan after a totjchdowa likely will eeatrtbule ta ' deve'enmed!. but K went bring aa oversight change. Rath er It will lead ta aew Meat la offense. So say George ' Lefty James f Cornell. 1957 president of the American Foo'.ball Cosc'ies Asn. "I'd like la gel away from the false Imnr-sision 'hat college fMlball tea t spectacular," Lefty aa. "la aame area we've had a trend fca'l control la ne- eeat yean. The defease are temweHt ahrar" af th of fense. But there have keea a In' af wide een, eselting games. Ion. ii tn next tnree or four '-ears I think the general trend will away from ell tlvs. The jamming FALLS CITY.' Feb. 4 (Special'- MOLALLA. Feb. 4 (SpecUD dtfeaffs will force the coaches Fall City remained in sole posses- After fighting tank a ad aall lor u ... o. v r pi mirror ora when Ihfit happens the defense will have to opm to too." Af lor ine iwa-r-otm eaaver ilea, .'aire thi"-': I' wiH he bard ta make althoagh M will a 'd eater aad earttemeal te Ike game'. "' ou re goint to see lots of of- lens inside the five -yard lines W fa'' Th II have "Pi- a let of fakes and there'll he p t :ty o: nc' ce on scoring p'a'v from initio the five." he spid. It won', he v won , hf ,1'ni nn th nntnti aiier wucrwown. out tftey H score aftener when ih ri onener nen mey get cose. , Mm kf otors Wins DUwssll T.'li. I laywl I I III ' Valley Motor won the opening game of a best-of -three playoff to determine the District 3c AAU basketball Utlist Tuesday night, de- feating Tirst National Bank 4-44 ai resile junior Mign. Orcutt s Market opened the even- trtm Mrilk AI 1. II a w.u, m -m-i. wm wver vMiirj. Tractor in a Salem City League make-up game. VaBey Motors took a 204 lead V: Kick sT Krh (. c: nr, af the end of the first period and (i: G: ceitmaa 4; rma at- was never headed. Tom Cooding"" 2"- ' j took high point honor with 14. 'Vr'mtt Ay. T.,fr (7). c: scm L-arry zjies nad u lor First j National. The winners Jed 20 at ' halftime. The second game of the playoff will be played next Tuesday night u.tJ v.iu.i . iriu .a.icj iracvor lo one point in the first period and built up a 204 lead at halfUme rmsT national sank (4) , P: (Larry) ZHk mi: aartaaaa cSwZ'firmZSLmS v a i.i. ft MoTon (S4) I eraWpa!? l!!. GoMasaa (I) Baatrvas arartof: RSI-i KUSluZrt.iV. ,4 , Valle Kmi aa i: 11 lai Officisn: suahaaaon sa4 raan ARcifTYa MAIKtT 41 P: Clan ll); Jala ((. C: Ratrhav (); 6: Daaaaackwrsky (14). Paik ; Vaiixt TaArTa u, (Gary) Psrkcr (II: SUM (J. Ca O.rta.4 "or. e: (I): Ck Warner t. St'' i "i "i 'tu OfflrJ-TjHiaar aa raaaamhL PE TEACHERS MEET Teachers of physical education in Marion and Polk Counties will meet at North Salem High School Thursday night at 7:30. A schedule of meetings for the coming year will be drawn up and a program presented. Boston College is Syracuse Uni versity's only new football rival i for 1951. i DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. Jest ' I. Political group t. West Point student 19. Writer of fable 12. Apparent 13. Pantheon S. Lamb's T 4. Shel tered lid 7. Mountain (Thessalyl t. Agree t. To steal (Hang) gods (Tout.) 11. Go 11. Word of forward honor IS. Audience Is.Aeuck.00 18. African . fvar.) worm 17. Wsx wafer It. Sentimental 90. Chapters woman journalist 31. City (Fl ) (sbbr.) ill At one time 034. Raw recruit (slang) 2. Checks 28. Dwell 39. Triangular sail (Medit) SI. Hastened S3. Land meature 13. Pundit - (Hindu) SS. Seine 17. Minuter 41. Ventured 44. Shop . 4. Variety of willow 41 Dispstchae 47. Loyalist (Am. hist) ; 41 Therefore . - DOWN 1. Kind of ' coffee , v t. River ; (Czech.) r S. Thia mineral oil fpl.) 4. Endeavor . tSeetl They'll Do It Every F7EC VEAQS OF C0LLE6E, PRE MED, MEDICAL SCHOOL, IKTEPMSHIP AHD WWITIHO FOR WTIEMTS, DOC'S HOUSE FEE But the HAMDVMAN WHO FOUND A PA'R OF PLIECS 4ND WE NTT INTO SUSIMESS UST MONTH THANX ANOA TIP Of THE H4TLO HAT toBobsvKapl, MO. Prep Lead Gained ! By Falls City S10n of firs, pacs , the mmor dl. vision of the Marion B League here MARION LEAGl'S iMImi) W L Prt. FT PA raiii rtty ii la mi ?3 MxUrrl 7 t .711 IS? Or. Detf acSMl ) .Ml 4M 43 St. Panl . .11 .7 -! 147 ''' . I .44 4S t 1 .Kl 44 4U I J 'T! T 4 p,rrTii D-irl I .III JM M .XZ." - ? ?F"."' ?. r - u. rim nty , i f,u " vimii a. ""' -"""f St. Paul. The loss dropped St. Paul - 1 into a third place tie with Oregon School for the Deaf. Roy Carver Fal1' i the game, and the. Mountaineer constructed s 42-19 halltime lead. ! Then Carver fouled out in the third constructed s 42-is nsinime ieaa. Than firv.r Imiitt mit in IK thirrf flutter and the winners wtn forced to stave off a determined St. Paul rally. Carver had 20 points 'or the game. Palls City maintained its one- game ieaa over Maciarrn. wnicn beat Chemawa. 52-45. tonight. E41 riu flu Mnm "wi re n snc in overtime, 45-39. u; : vrt (U; wir (J. JluTV., I II 17 14 54 PaUs City 17 M T ri J n,,, OnerWOOa DOWITiei. BA... A:il.M:M IVUUIIV.C IT llldlllllls) SHERWOOD. Feb. 4 (Special'-' Sherwood remained in the running for the Yawama League basket- enwn here tonight with a ,47-43 decision over Willamina. The' teams were tied at the end of ., ., . Jim Regan With II points and ?irrr,SchBeider w,lh 14 pacdth' Victors. Willamina won the jayvee con- l' 5-49. , WUXAwrNA (41) fj i"r5 " e T ',.,'f ' acwiaa: nicnnsa m; Biuwimnir mi ure miunn nawr. irirxi TI in. 7fU Oakka. (S); RaasUlM (I). I Tom Fend hooped 17 points to I ' w p: ataaro (4); Raf.a (i). C:"., winner, "while MyroaJ DETROIT. Feb. 4 (SpeciaD- to?X - J?:J!!Z? ii; ?taUm W.M SttU"Z 14 ,or th Bi" Cokenour stuffed in 23 points wTlliaaasi . W is siii T" jvv 8sm U helo Detroit top Vakell. 49-4n. i inrwtM a ii it ii Official: Paster an RraaaS. Rain Stops Golfers ( TUCSON, Arix.. Feb. 4 (-Thc ' first measurable rain since Dec. IS today forced postponement of the qualifying round of the $15,000 Tuc- son open golf tourney. sassL. t - 1L. Si A a : - t iL. 11 year history of the event that weather bad interfered. 22. Oil region 23. Citizen (abbr.) 25. Un. dress, ed hide of young - IfsssseSsy Anewae 18. Chinese aeeret , society 3. Order I L.) 40. Property (L.I ( 27. Stitch 30. Short sleep 34. Billiard atrok 42. Ever (poet,) 31 Music group 43. Arid Alw'f j , LlAiViCtl. W JL IT T" m TrrTTf, W W TW Time L I noCTOC.' yOUVt EC ALLY 1 -il I ?- ow mooi pyj I MTV FAUCET AND 7TTTI I V 4- SriP I "ii siMHseeMta((iNM HiNNtmiieiaMHMmNtti Hoop Results .... c, . Huskies, 57-50 mare than three quarter. Melalla drew away in Ike last Irar mlnate kere tonight la heal Sweet Home, 57-JI, la a aaa-eea-fereaee haiketaall game. Dave Brock collected 17 Hats and Jadd Brewae had 11 far the i m inwi ,,iihc barley parn sweet Heme wna is. ewaaien. Maialla also wra the Jayvee Same. WKKT HO.'lr. (Ml F: Miller (til: grltifr (). f: Rnk rru I4: li: CSIn 1141: Innrt f Rnrrvfi Karin: LanS (1); GUI (1) '" ' ': - i), r (i. c: rtmr dJ); r.: hrork 17: Xiro t) suvSrr i. "t h.. i t i n-.w Mom'. l75' E w,-vs. lis t KA lii IfAri IM 'IOV.I-flfCll n I D LOOD YY III , ' WOODBL'RN. Feb. 4 Special! nucLaren remained on the heers of front-running Falls. City here to- : L . ... . 1 r- v. nigni oy iriinrning vnemawa, 'in a Marion B League basketball Sgame. MacLaren is one game be- hind the leaders of the league minor division, Gary Fuller hooped 21 points for the winners. Eddie Belin had 12 for Chemawa. which led, 23-19, at half- time. Chemawa salvaged fhe Junior ,vsnity preliminary clash, 4.V28. cnfMKmik (, I. ' ''' OP-?. ir (i); n: Totat (in: am (i). - Vtof uV,; raiser ). C: O); ;;" ; c Cfcrtateoaoa M.rir.'. . 11 ia ij $4 ii it ii jj ToU anS ate wart wnruia: " " Santiam C obbers ... Brownsville Five O MILL CITY. Feb. 4 'SpeciaP CarttitarM art aervaav4 au.t am UaiAti D i kMiiivianiii Vuju cub. wi S'lSal nni mj icompetrtion tonight and posted a 7t-3l kings-x basketball win over L"."?,! .J:: "7 oonuain, anowNsviLXR ( I a, asv-j a - V, . ... -IX . 1(7). Reserves atarinf: Dokssn (!. rTanrwniii. M.rr... ,v C: "" it-. G: Hirte tt: iievier tsiJduced 14 poinU in that period to JXVmmsH Ihe nod. Don Lemming was santiam it u i 71 second high for Detroit with 13 'STtMa,' .rue,.',;rlnU. '1 CRRRRY CITY BOWL Clvie Laaxua: Sam a Or Varkel (l),l fa. City Tranafer (I); Saleai Iron- X. i-w, WrlUiz:: Jaka Poster (S). Shrine Na. 1 (I). (krina No. Z (1): Iteulers (11. Skrtne Pttrol (I); Pacific Title tna. (1), Spot, 1 Hm r.i. ft,. rh..r. r-i. . . . Skrine No. I (). Hl(k InShianaj Game: Bill Ann (244). Hlik In. SlrlSual arle: Lee Praainkur (SOI) nil. j can, vjamr; aoaos va,.1 5:.-.. A-iM? fid (MOS). Taeaday ttoatealfe lvalue: son Aatanna (4). C.mmerclal Boa fl; Petaarhao a Son (3), (as land ..mtver or; r.a I Market (1). Gat' trr Gaeeles (1): Indeavadenca Etee. trie (1; Arthur Murray (I): UnMed I Trsael (4. Payleaa Olf (). Hith W?M.m?lS'fm!: fM vn (l. Hick ladlvtdnal Series: Bulk Saere -aatajsa Traoa naaansae: P.d's Msr- ktt OUy Bik Team Series: Ed's Market (tISS). Induatrial No. I: Doakle p Parma (4), C St S Peulp. (4); National Bat- lery (1). Moatry Pnaratacv (1); East- ery's Paadliner (I), Clark Graff (I); Cal Pak (4), Helda Steahhaoae (l; McGlkhrtat (1), Bluw Lake (l; Carly't Dairy (1). Elaroadt Mitssi (I): Cascade Mrrrhaatll n, Case t ffJ!!: Tt.".. ft. r iittj) men Team r.imi; Car t'i Dairy (laaS). Hick In. Serloa: Jim Brown (24). Hlh In Gam: Mirk Mathers (til). a a b bowl citv iatne: Davit nti ca. tt). g. j ..EVlrVi.?,:irraai:.,r:;! (, ie Newman (i); Loder Bro.' j'!: itaiaatvidnaioam'o:l!B'!ti -1 Ullerr aUial LM Mlll-r IH. nifH lffll Blk Team Series: Rasaates (111) - . H A lllH. r- -...I ....i , w. . Clesaers tl). Dyet A Son (I-): Cash. la Ins. 4). Bidesway (I); Alea,"" -"wr ; Janes (4). Gaad RotKakeepln (0): SBSJtlDAN (IS) ' ' Nlchalsaa Ins. (4), Vlosks Pont P: Mutrhlna (II); Bskerts (). C: (Ii TeafO Ckev. (), Capitol Allevt Psrker (IS); ft: Ceaatrvmaa fl); (). Blth Individual Game: W Card. Smith fl). Raearvo srorlas: Chap err (IIS). Hlrh Individual Strict: W man (4); Krautkoafer (t). Gardner (I). Hlrh Team (lnri Yamhill . ..IS 19 IS It U Nlrkonvan Ins, (9M. Hlik Team . Serlast kholaoa las. (2)U). i By Jimmy Hjtlo isaeiseMitiieaMtttMtaaiiaaast Albany Clips Dragon Club DALLAS, Feb. 4 i Special VThe Dallas Dragons made a gallant but fruitless bid to overtake the Al bany Bulldogs tonight on the Dal las floor, and were downed 52-50 in a non-league basketball tilt. A 31-21 halftime deficit was too much for I K DraoAnc In mlrnn jB , gamt wnich MW Albany lead aj W8V Joe Prohaska had 17 point to pace the Bulldog win. Teammate John Wilson added IS. while Gary Henry was getting 11 for Dallas. Mutline Fast and Tom Parsons eacn dad in tor tne Dragons. Albany also came out on top in ... ' . . the jayvee encounter, winning this nru AtBAvs!, . h k blofh ( Kr,rrTf, rln, prini -). Mullin (); Sew (2). U'LLVS M) T: Hfnrv (III: r (14) C: Mr l.n (Jl; Ptraani (IS); Wall (4). Rttcrvei worUi: Phillip (S); Bnrk koMrr (5). Alktar IT II 1 II s? Dallas I) I I; Orflrlali: Htndrl an Mull. C J I La. 01 nOV LdmD3SlS ' Vernonia, 75-50 SANDY. Feb. 4 'Special) Led by Ed Hoffman's II points. Sandy rolled to a 75-50 hoop win over Vernonia here tonight in a kings-x tilt. A. big first and last quarters wss the margin of victory. Besides (Hoffman's 11. Bill Hepselman hh !l3 for the winners, but both hsd ! ..." ,hempedby Vernonia's Mike Mullins. Sandy won the jayvee game 74-52. VFRNOX1A (M) P: Crawatoa (It): MnlHnt (t C: Davlet (t): G: Naniaa (S); Hawir (4). nfTi scorio Dlnctr (1); Knall (t). SANDY (TS) Pi Calkins (S; BJork (). c: Hoff man (II); G: Henwlroan (13); Mr DrraarO IS). Rtaervas atarinf: LnSI (); Rlrharauta (; Sckwarta (4); Srarh (t); Willi () Vrrnnnia . 7 I 14 II M SanOv 10 1 I to 71 Officials: Zimmerman an Cllmeri. a A0m DetrOlt CtiptlirCS .... ' . . , c:s, AQ AL , . uartnn H Leneue Dssketnau !same here twight. It was De-'m f.m-t ,l aaw tanas aetaaaa) 1 1. , . ; ine Louaars were Denina going into me imai quarter, our pro- P: PaaUr (14): DoatkH (4). C: Roa 0); C: CUrer (IS); RackarS C). ocTRorr 4 P: Rokarts (I): Cokenour (ZD. C: Hamilton (S; 6: Lent ml a( (II); Granan (S). Valaeu IS 14 M DeUail IS II 144 . , , Jefferson Lions . . . . . . I n VhnWW .Mil OV I VU jnCUU'n1liCj SHEDD. Feb. 4 ( Special Jef. ferson scored heavily in the second " tatbtji win I over Shedd-Halsey here tonight in a non-conference clash. Jefferson also won the B game, 46-30. jFPPP.Rao (l p; Marram (4): Or Mtrlatt (l. C: Hocbair (l: G: Nyman (lai; Wakefield tl). aetervet scorlni: R. MarlaU (12):Wllaan (t). Ellia t); Wlmkush (I). SH'.DD-njALS'V 14) P: Parker (14) Davis (). C: Iri.k (: C. Towla (!: ViUaanevn (1). Reaorvka seorlnf : Snrltk (1); Jackson (1): Lapp (4); Maaae (2). Jefferson . 2 4 tt IS 41 Sbodd-Malsay .' (II It it . Sheridan Beaten By Tigers, 65-58 SHERIDAN. Peb. 4 Special- Yamhill continued to hgjd down a hird place tie in th, Yawama League here tonight with a 65-51 bc?t!f 11 over Sheridan. sJIICI tuanll wa l I UW WllllsaTI Jfl TAMHO.L (U) f P: U(kt (II); Latialas (1) C: Hermans til) ); o: yohb (: cn W ortn: B-eulas Sk'rMen tt II II t) Offvciaial ckraadet aad Rich. NBA Shuffles Ring Ratings After KOs MILWAUKEE. Feb. 4 1 Knockout victoria scored by Spider Webb over Rory Calhoun and Virgil Akin over Tony DeMarco re sulted today in a good deal of shuffling of middleweight and welter weight ranking by the National Boxing Aasn. By Pigott A-2 Classic Aid Asked "If the Clas A-2 tournament 1 to be luccess. it must be attend ed by the Salem citizenry." Buck la part waa the talk Are gea School Activity Assecialiaa secretary Tern Pigott gave teca!" Exchange Club official aad South Salem High represeata Uvea daring a special ktocbeee keee yesterday, la connection witfc Ike fortkcomlng Oregaa A-l State Baiketball Teiiraameab The tournament is to be held for the third straight year at South Salem High, on March 17-18-19. and will, be co-sponsored by the Salem Exchange Club, i Pigott added that a survey dis closed that visitors coming to Sa lem for the tournament "each spend, an average of $24. 2S per day in yonr city." Among those preaea! for the luacheea were Ste McElhlany, prealdeat af the Exchaage Club, Harold Schick, tonraament di rector for the club, Evaa Belae, club teurtey committeeman, and Seath Salem principal Carl Aaa cheahrena" atd athletic direc tor Harold Haak. Tournament tickets are te go on sale sometime -next week. An adult season ticket for the three- day meet will be M. A student1 season ticket will be $2. Eight 1 teams will participate In the play-' offs. on a double elimination basis, j Vikings Drop Mustang Five (Csntianed from preceding page) getting nicked for ten sid Mil-; waukie for only six. North madej good on six of seven free throw , attemp s. J North Salem was ia command af htk backboard throat-out ! the game, a factor which contri buted greatly to Mllwaakle's lack of aaccrt. Tne Vikings had a .373 shooting average, while Milwaukie shot only .269. Doug Blatchford scored 7 points in the jayvee preliminary to lead Milwaukie to a 48-44 victory over North Salem. Norlk Salrtn (M) (M) Mllwsaklc O P P T YaatS 4 114 Laaakr 1117 MarUa till reaaar 111 lacs 14 ciasaa 11 flell tilt Wolf 101 Ba'law 11 o r r t i.iukfia Scacfia Nartcr Orake SrUft W'ta Barars 7 S 1 14 1 1 SIT 1111 til S I IS Sill s s Total 27 ISM Tstal 14 S Nortk Salts Mllwaokla tt i ij'iSTq Beaverton Praa tkraws 1, Milwaukie NORTH SALEM (44) ) T: Mirk It i (7): Vaadtrknof (: C: i Taun,ul.l (); G: M s a I y (7); ... . - r . MCKi.ri Kiin. n,.' aaa (); Hllllnft (4). MILW AUKIR (II) r: LIparrt (IS); WratlanS (1). C: ! nrwi ia;j u: bhiimi iiji; Biaicn fnr (II). Reserves Marin: Kalley (.1) North Salras II It II 444 Milwaakla It 14 ( IS 4 Deaf School Tops Perrydale, 5049 PV'BBVnil P V.k A ICnlnll Oregon School for the Deaf won it sixth came aeainst Ihra loaava ' in the Marion B League here to- night, slipping past Perrydale, 50-49. Don DeJong of Perrydale topped the scorer with 20 points. Team- m v a.b i. i .i.:i- Shelby Caudle paced OSD with 12 counters. The visiting Panthers also snared the junior varsity prelim-1 OSD (Ml P: r.lllatt (); Caale (It). C: Bookshnli ((); O: Calley (IS); WaoS (IS). . Reserves seorlnf: Brlttoa (J): Rurkley (?). PPRRYDALI (4S) P: Prink (1; rkaaln (11. Ci DeJon (24). O: Giluin (): Staple- urn tvj. nrterTcs senrtn: iMiiaee (2. nan is IS 14 I Perrveale IS II I I Offlelala Warriors Dropped By Dayton Pirates DAYTON. Feb. 4 ( Special (-Dayton's Pirates kept Amity In the cellar of the Yawama League here tonight with an easy 70-41 victory over the visiting Warriors. Dennis Wright collared II points and Dick Vest added IS for the Tigers. Everett Johnson also had in ir nmity Dayton made it a double with a 49-37 win in the jayvee game. AMITY (41) Pt Bams (; Haotetler (I). C: Turaer (21; O: Johnson (I): Wood I (12). Reserves srarln: Preemsa (111 Kanaan (4)1 Kilmer (t), Enters (l).i DAYTON (7) P: Vest (ID: Writht (It): C: Slew-I srt (I); G: Wlilert ()l Wslthat (). I Reservaa scoria: Brown (I); Znpa (4); Caldwell (I); Bore. (2); Baker (I) I Amity II I I 2 II Davtoa . IS 1 14 IS 7 Officials: Rath and MeUhy. Jlatrfj Second in ShOOt SPOKANE. Feb. 4 (A -Wenat-rhee, Hayden Lake and McChord Field were tied for first with eifht points each today after two weeks of firing in the Paclfie Northwest Telgraphic skeet nveet. ' In a four-way. tie 'tor second with four points each were Lawis ton. . Salenr, j. . Seattle snd The Dalles. , The shooting ends March 30. Webb, of Chicago, leaped from sixth place to third among the iniuuicwcixiii cwiienucrs , aa houn. of White Plains, N.Y., wm demoted from fourth to sixth. Phi ladelphia's Joey Glasdello dropped from fourth to third. The eome-fraea-beklnd victory alsa earaed Webb the Baser af the Month toners. He waa fleer, ed twice aad then rallied to a'ap the muacalar C a I k a a la Ike J fourth reead at Saa Fraaelace. r Akin' second straight kayo win over DeMarco sent the former welterweight champion from Bos ton clear out of the top ten. Akin, of St. Louis, maintained hig No. 3 position in the champion-less wel terweight division. Vlnce Martinei, conqueror of Gilt Turner in the welterweight elimination tourna ment, wa promoted from fourth second. Jurner fell from second to fourth. Isaac LI art (, Caba retained hi No. t pasltlew. The sleek Ca bas wa matched against Aklaa la the welterweight leeraameai draw held Monday. In other changes in the 147-pound division, Sugar Hart of Philadel phia was boosted from ninth lo seventh as a result af hi victory over Larry Baker, and Baker was dropped from the elite list. Char ley ( Tombstone Smith of Los An geles (No. I and George Barnes, Australia's British Empire ruler No. (i, replaced DeMarco and Baker in the rankings. Cub, Brave Deal Eyed MILWAUKEE. Feb. 4 - Re ports are snowballing hereabouts : that the surprising December trade between the Chicago Cubs and the Milwaukee Braves may not have been completed and that Billy I Braton is ticketed foTWriglev Field if his knee holds up. Observen have felt right along tkat there wa more lo the arigiaal trade thaa met Ihe eye. Haw could the downtrodden Cubs 'v up pitchers Bob Rush and Don Kaiser and infielder Eddie Haas in return for pitcher Taylor Phillips and Rookie catcher Sammy Taylor? it didn't make sense at the time, they said, and it still doesn't. A ramor that" Burton, wh missed the last half of the 1957 season because of a wrenched knee would be part af the deal first cropped ap la the baseball meetings at Colorad Springs, Colo. It wa there that the deal wa completed. The Cub were said to have con sulted with Bruton's doctor and to have decided to wait until spring training before deciding definitely whether to take him as firal pay ment for Rush. Kaiser and Haas. Saxons Lose . ( from preeedl.g aa(e) These Combined with his five in the first half, made him South' high SCOrer for the nrght With 15 tallies Ritrres finished wiDl 14. Statistics for the game were! fairly even. Beaverton shot .373 on 28 of 75, snd South Salem hit .325 on 25 of 77. Rebounds were evenly divided. In the jayvee game. Ken Bel- leisle canned 16 points to lead South Salem, to a 45-44 victory over the Beaverton Juniors. . , Sam 1 4 ii Doraei til paaiy i s 1 1 woHm'h ill ninnerue f j tji Hait t t 4 ! ! f .! Bhia ." dark i i Z Bayaa lit EJ'unVai Mrtrmk Roklnaaa Braek ?r"" awnngr 1 114 1 1 S I 1 I 1 1 Z I 1 I I I Cunrlarl t 1 Kellklk ( I rotate till! Totals ti lit Soutn aaieat " j.1 rreo tarsws aueeoai a. uita is, Beaverton t. IOUTPJ IALIM (45) P: NenSortea (); Mrlln (). C: (ISl: G: Kalrkerkaeker 11: Gleeker (). Beaerves arorlni: Kin , (1)1 Covert (I): Clark (2); Karklnt BriAVERTON (44) Pi Berin (t): Bar (). C: J. Norrls (I); G: Jahaaan.dii Maora (4). Raservst srarln: Duals (ID; Cramer (14): Tnwsen (4). Sauth Salem I 14 It 1-4I Beaverton I 4 ill 22 44 4 JIS More Than 23 Million Fish Released in 1957 More thsn 23's million salmon and steelhead were liberated from the Oregon Fish Commission's 15 hatcheries in 1957. the commission ,,jd tody tota $howed , vf million fish Increase over salmon tni gteelhead UberatloM In 1951. Four species of salmoa, plan cteelhead, were railed M earn. . mission 1 1 aliens last year. Total Chinook salmoa releasee (bath spring and fnfi alack) exceeded II.75a.MI fish. Silver aalmoa lib eration) were allrhlly lesa thaa I.IM.see fth foe the year. Fish commission steelhead re leases in 1957 added up to 2.320,000 fish. More than half, of this total were fingerlings five Inches or more In length. Blueback and chum salmoa releases each to- tolled about 300.000 fish. ' Chums were DrODSltted at OnlV tha B e eraak hntrharv naar A.I Aria aivt i the Trask hatchery near Tilla mook. Bluebacki were raised at the Metotius and Oakridge stations in J957. ,r:r t :r Irvine French, eommtssioa di rector af flth ealtare, said silver salmoa ssswalag operations mil Lble Meu.'s y By Bunny Mason , - Salem Coif Club Profeiufonal And 1958 Ortgm Qpen Champion For the present at least, it looks as If the "young guard h arrived in tournament golf. Only somewhat ancient Dutch Harri son has been able to win a tour tournament this yesr, capturing the . Calient) Onen. All other titles have fallen y in spurts. Last TLi kVl Banar MaMa Sorry la report there will be aa major apea event Ihls earn mer fee Portland. The date was awarded to Denver a part af that city ' centennial. Pertlaad Just eenlda'l come ap with the needed maaey la large enough beadles. Denver offered to ge the Jell IM.MM te make Its event a major affair. . . . There la earn agitation among the tonraament ipensers te have schedules made p three years la advance se they will kaaw wher Ihey ataad a bit seeaer. The tendency now Is tor the PGA to wall and see who bids what each year, which Is a very aapepular ttaad with the people who pat ap the back. Seme have gene far aa la drop eld, established ceateala, aad eae of these W. the Palm Beach Reead.- Rebla. . . . We eaa'l say we feet badly about thai eae. aa only II playen were allowed to compete while the rest of the hoys had to ataad aa the sidelines for a week. Generally, the. feellag that peaar are getting Ihe skert end of Ike stick from the PGA aaw exist. . . . Ed Hogn Niiled for Unfair $100 Fine One of the first victim of the new PGA policy on contests"! conduct in a co-sponsored event happened to be Portland's Ed Hogan. He was fined 1100 in the Bing Crosby meet for failure to complete the last round which he had qualified for. We haven't talked to Ed yet, but would bet our last pesos he is a bit warm over it all. ' a cinch he didn't know he would be objected to a fine because he didn't feel well enough to play. ... Vaaceaver. B. C. Staa Leonard made a big Impression en Satarday's televised ssalch with hi smooth stroke aad Immense power, and his narrow wla ever Lloyd Maagram. Staa la a longtime Northwest competitor nnd has wee almost every one of -oar majar titles at see time or another daring Ihe past 21 years. We have played with the little man many limes, aad yon can be assured af one thing. It's ns act the way Staa performs la front of "mlhe" aad camera. He la a real gentleman of the old school. ' Not too long sgo in Vancouver, the entire city put on a "Stan Leonard Day" just to show him what they thought ol him. The little giant hasn't finished out of the money in any event he has entered since leaving his old job st Marine Drive. He plays out of LaChute Country Club now. end has one restriction. He must be on the job at the club five day a year. Tor thia he received a reported $2,000 per day. And those aren't bad wages. ... e Both Leonard, Souchak Can Slam 'Em It wa qaite a Jeit to see Mangnua miss that Mooter on the final hole Satarday. It Isn't exactly his style to kick a pos sible IZ.SOS out the wiadow like that. Bat It will happen to all at ane time or aaether. . . . Watch Leonard aad Mike Soaehak Ikis Satarday for two of the game's really streag hey. Staa I short In suture but ha the strength of a weight lifter. Seochak of coarse is bnilt like s young gorilla.,, . . Ia case ya bavea't notices. Leonard drive with a 2-weed. lie's always had to fight a fcook with the regular driver; dropped dowa to Ihe 3-weed to correct It. But be doesn't give away aay alliance olf the tee to aayeae ether lhaa the power packed George Bayer. ... City League CITY LEAGVR TlNDIKni w L Pet. Orratt's Market Sales Auto Parts First National Bank F.ppla Lamker Co. VaUay Tractor Co. Nalleaal GaarS Ca. .ssi SJl .an .42 1 .zee: Tentgkt's faaaet: 1 am. National Guars va. Orratt's Market. : la Fir n National Bank vi. Valley Trae- tar Co. t:3S anient Aula Parts va. -"L , ..rlMt Uoaal Bans vi. OrcaU Market. :M ,1.?,, Valley Motors AAV vs. Moors Oilers set vaoeasrver. wata. n " " 0""- Hl(k Scio Five Claws 0 Aft VOUQdrS, 00-rU i SCIO, Feb. 4 (Special) The Scio Loggers tonight ran up an i impressive 68-40 basketball win over the Cascade Cougars in a District 8 A-l tilt, Scio grabbed a quick lead and was never headed. Ken Robinson stuffed in 1 points to pace the win while 'teammate Byron Eastman and Dave Manley were adding 13 .., !,. r all, In. alan miahmt -"v. - r - home 12 for the winners. Ron whit-head led the loser with 14. ! Cascade won the Jayvee tilt 17-38. CASCAOB (4) Pi R. Wkiiakaal (K); PJatcb (1). Cl t. WkltabeaS (4): G: PJIHoa (): Ly ons (II. moaerva sronns: Rankel (2); Brawn (J); Dana (z Mar lay (1); ScnoUlaa (1) icio (s) P: raatanaa (1J); Rablnaan (IS). Ct Manley (ID: Gi Neweamae (); Cal kins (12). Reserves srarln: Karaaah 171: Bannatt (11. Cascade I 1 14 Stln .14 14 II I Officials: Banney and CsllUer have heea completed at ail sta tions. Cellecttoa af . steelhead eggs Is Just getting aaderway at some of Ihe hatcheries, French said. Following is the list of releases irom tne various stations in tne state during 1957: Aliea: SS4.IIC silvers snd chum. 554.110 steelhead. Big Creek (As tons 1 : 1.04S.SDI fsll rhlnnok, I.SSS.SS livers. OS (40 chum. Z3I.43I stael. hesit. Bonneville: 1.M1.0II fall Chi nook, 6AI.3ZS silvers and .chum, Oaai 70 31 fall ehlnook, I.I7Z.IZ4 silvers snd rkum. ZS.OOl staelhesd. Klaakan Ine: I04.IZS fall rhlnnnk. 711.117 sti vers and chum, IH.143 fleelhend. Marjon Porks: 1.434.013 sprln Chi nook, SI.33Z fall ehlnnok. VM0 steal, has. MoXanzla : 1,121,37 sprms rhl nnok. Motoiliis: 1M.44T sprint Chinook, IM.OM bluebark. Nehslem: 754.411 sli vers and chum, 17111 steoihesd. On Bow (Caacade Lnckal: l.7l.M fall Chinook. 111.174 silvers and chum, Tw (nd chum. ISI.IM staalhaad. Slleta.- SM.40S aUvar nd ehwm. 17,731 stool South Santiam: is M aortna Chinook. Trask : 11 00 snrin 00 snrin Chinook, Itaos fall ehlnnok. SS7.47I silvers, SOI. ill ahum. 3171 iteelhead WU- Ismeitai 1 SS) 121 sorlna ehlnaak. nuTii sineineea. la.avs oiiweack. 1 Totals: 4.407.131 sorlna ehlnook. 7.34 17 fall chlnonk, I 7,4 silvers, Sflt.tM rhur. I..MI.17 ttealheorl. 3I1.SM blasbssk. 'Grind total: 2i.i7i.iia, to relative newcomers. Frank Stranahan." whom we will have lo call part of the "middle guard." copped the LA Open. Roily polly Bill Catper nailed the Crosby and youthful Ken Venturt nab bed the next two events to make it 3-1 for the youngsters. . . . Both Venturl and Casper are a nuinla nf vun under M Vpntliri seems tO gO summer he got hot for a month and had 16 atraight rounds in the aixties, ana won two straight tournaments then alsa. . . . It's In deed rare these days when one plsyer ca,n win more than a single tournament a month. There are now so many good players going sfter the marble. ... (CanJaacd front precediag page) SaaU Barkara 11. I site Slate U Cfcapman Cellefa S. Cal Poly (Pomona) M Trxaa AcM St. Hauiton It Rica 12, Teaaa Beorietown (Ky.) , Lorknourne Air Bate 41 Wllmlntton it, Okie Narthern 71 Sheaharl (W. Va.) M, Potomac TI Buffalo Si, Grave City 4 Duke 11, Cleaasoa II Nona Carolina State II, Vlnlnlt it HampOea-kyaney It, Narfalk William ane Mary M Edinbar (Pa.) Tchrt. 71, Thiel 17 Indiana 'Pa.) Tchrt. IS, Clarion (Pa. I Tchrt. SS Kslamasoa (1, Lake Pareit (III.) II Adrian 19, Defiance I? Detroit Tech ST, Lawrtnce Tech IS Virginia Tech ItZ, rarmaa 7 Wathlnslon and Lee, , Roanoke Cello II Akron 14, Oberlla 41 Csrnefle Tech SI, lllppery Rock (Pa Tchrs. SS PlUsharia 77, Connecticut IZ Jacksaavllle 72. Rollins U Plorida AM S. Atakama State 11 CathoHc Univ. 4. Gsllsudat SI Suffolk ill, Boston suu Tehrt. st : Wilkerlorec SS, reSarville l 1 Xavter (Ohio) , riarMa State M rasa Tack 4 Bethany 44 -Christina Btpthars (Tenn.) II, Delta State SZ St. Praacis (Bka.) M. CCNY 41 Adelphl II, Kiats Point 44 St. Jaha's (Bka.) l, Brooklyn Collets 71 Peru TI, Dana (Nek.) 4 Buffalo Stats . Predonla IS Williams .17, Sprlaffleld M Jersey City Stat IS. Newark Stats 4 New Bedford Tech tl, Btoasnrield (N. J.) TI Mississippi leathers 14, Centenary 4 Oakland rite. It, Indiana Terk II Indiana Central SS, Concordia (lad.) Maaavar St, PraakHa M Notre Dame 71, Canltlut S Nekraika Wesleyaa M, Wayne (Nak.) 41 Weatera Rentacky 77. DePaal tt Tennessee Wesleyaa It, Raward (Ala.) M Salem (W. Va.) Ill, Olenvllle 11 West Llkerty 7, Wsynetbari (Ps.) IS Pairmant Stat IT, Davis nnd Clklns (1 Saxon Grapplers Lose NEWBERG, Feb. 4 ( Special ) The Newberg High grapplers grab bed a 30-11 win over South Salem's Saxons tonight on the Newberg mats. The jayvee competition was also won by Newberg, 28-12. Here are the varsity results: M-paaads: Larea lekrack (N) pin Baa Tamer (SS); iss-aeaads: Rd CsrraU (N) dec. Jim Bursa (I); llS-paaads: Ralph Martaa (IS) pi a , rstM.' a:, rV1 ,2 pounds: Bah Reehler (SS) pla Larry (N): ISS-naaadsi Baa Brsat IN) sac, aaa crensasw (S) 141- Fsaadst Boa Plnley (N) doc. Let ranklia (IS); 14S-paundsi Larry Deutlaa -H) doe. Art Krueter SS lll-aaanda: Dick Carrall (N) dss. Larry Psvns (SS): isi-noaadai Gsry Bsllew (SB) pla Ittrk Hsmlltna N); IH-paands: ftalab Pyrlu (SS) dee. Drrk Mays (N); Neavywaiihti Pit Clock (N) pla Danny Pie tars (SS). AUCTIOM SALE LAND AUCTION SALE 4 Febru.ry 1 J,1t5l al 11:00 A. M. The Oreion Stat Rlfkway trammlsalaa will after far saw) at oral pukna aaeuaa to ka hsM aat Pehruary 13, 1IJI, at I la A.M. I.SS aer at land, being part of the farmer Nleleaa ad Lack properties located ea tha Wast Side at th Salem Ry-Paea hatweea Blfvartan Band and laaavvtaw Avenue loath at Valley Saulpment Company's now kulld taf . Tha sal wlU he held oa th parrel which I aa striked aa laUawsi A parcsl af land lytn m Lata I I I. Cherry city PraM . Tracts, sltaatad In lecuaa 11. Tosraahip T Seath, sUne 1 Wast. W. M . Marten Coaaty Orefoa. eaatslnln t-M acre of land. TERMS OP SALE: Cash. Tna alnimam prk which will be accepted Is Ml. Ceaveyaae will b ky bkrcaJa aad sale dead. Tha risM Is reserve t accept at ralect any at all bid. No aeeas will aa allowed to th Pattland-Salem Eapramway. Access Is by way af th fraatof raad. AH af th bid pries must accompany th successful bis. i POR INFORMATION: W, R. Ka.kln. Property MsnVtr ., ItaU Riihnsy Bid., Salem Yank Falls To. Aussie n Tourney Hoad W'M Third From Gonzales 1 By GORDON TAIT SYDNEY. Feb. 4 -Australian Frank Sedgmaa rallied from two sets down tonight and won a rigorous 2' hour battle from Tonv Trabert for the rich While City professional tennis championship. Unable to break the American's service until the 23rd game, Sedg. man finally prevailed 3-4, 4-. 7-J, V3. ft-4 before a crowd of 7.500. The former Australian Davis Cup ace collected I4.4M as top prise while Trabert pocketed I3. lea. It was Ik most moaey either ever received for a Single tournament. Ia a match far 12.241 third money, Lew Heed of Aaalralia beat big Paache Goasale. lb king af the pree. M, M, s-S. The mstch did not count in the 100-matfli series for the world championship, which will be re sumed in Saa Francisco next Sat urday night. Hoad leads Gonsalea in this series, 1-5. The large final night crowd, which turned eat la Ihe face of a threatened storm, boosted the tournament receipts to I21.2M. Bat promoter Jack Kramer inf. ferod a financial lo line kl overhead wa flgared at fit ana. The feature match, which end ed to the accompaniment of light ning and thunder, was a struggle between Sedgman's quick reflexes and Trabert' tremendous serving and volleying power. For Ike first hoar of the leag battle Trabert was almost aa beatable. He seat kl service erashiag Into the court with each m a ra e a ( a m thai Sedgmaa rouldat haadle IL In the fourth game of the third set. however. Trabert. althou?h built like a college halfbsck, be gan to tire. The Cincinneti power house served a dnublefault and ! before he knew ft he found him (self broken for the first time. Warriors in Upset Win (Ceatiaaed from arecedlag page) deal the act for a ran feur-aatV a-half mlantee. Larry Dyck fiaal fy broke Ihe Ice with a Jump shot for Ihe Academy. This was the only points the Crusader hooped la the period. With a little over two minutes to piny in the quarter Philomath found life once ngnin aad bit for four atraight baskets, with Edwards getting three" of them. The final quarter was played on even terms with each team find ing the range for an even down markers. Star of the Academy surge was Howard Ediger with Edward led alt scorers with 17 poiats. Davie aad Erale Huy ett each had tea for Ihe invad ers. Larry Dyck kit elgkt to top the Crusader. While Salem Academy coach Bob Funk used his reserves freely in an effort to find a winnlnc com bination, Philomath mentor Lyle Cater went all the way with his starting five. The Philomath hand made It a clean sweep with a M-W v'e tory la Ihe Jayvee till. Ron Weld aad Gar Murdoch ear ioo-ed tea for the winners. whDe Tom Laewen led the lor era with aevra. Philomath win in the vanity game tightened up the league race. Salenn Academy now h- a 9-2 mark to still pace things, with (he Warriors in second place with . a I '"3 recora. . m iuOT.n ii tai aairm flri".'n. GPPT GPPT wnitney I 4 t Vatk rdwarSs I I 17 L. Dvrt Davta I I rtrnnf Calhoun tilt rarer HuyeU 4 111 Zwelfrt Blgfens "rii"n Mamlltn Sill I I I I Total II I S 41 Total IZ IHtl Philomath 1 I '--l Salem Academy I It It tl Proa throws missed: PhUomMh I. Salem Academy S. Officials: Evsns GOLF TOURNEY IN SEATTLE CHICAGO, Feb. 4 tA-The 1959 open of Ihe Women's Western Golf Assn. will be held at the Rainier Golf and Country Club, Seattle, Sept. 17-20, it was announced to day. FOR CAR DIALS THAT SAVI YOU MONIY SEI CLASSIFIED j