The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 04, 1958, Page 8, Image 8

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Identity of Twins Lost
MSec. JI) Stttcsman, Salem, Ore., Tues., Feb. 4, '58 h..iA f ..
rcniuu jay
School Crimes
Not Racial
NEW YORK, Feb. 3 - A
froup of Negro and white minis
ter J' Brooklyn where re
cent outbreak of crime in schools
el off healed controversy here
aid today they deplored attempts
to "place a racial connotation on
recent unfortunate events in our
"Children of various races and
1 nationalities have been both vic
tims and perpetrators of crimes
in this area." the ministers said
i in a telegram to Mayor Robert F.
"However, there is not the
slightest evidence that these
events have been connected in
any way with racial tensions."
Message Sent Wagaer
The message was Sent to Wag
ner as he met with the Board of
education in an attempt to settle
the feud between board members
and the Kings County grand jury
investigating crime in public
The ministers referred to an ap
parent upswing in juvenile crime
here, particularly in Brooklyn
I where a 13-year-old white girl was
raped by a ' Negro boy at John
Marshall Junior High School At
the same school, a patrolman was
; roughed up and a teacher beaten.
The principal of the school. George
Goldfarb, committed suicide
Patrolmen have been stationed at
41 city schools.
Headline! Deplored
The ministers' message de
plored "headline-seeking adven
turers who . would disrupt our
schools and who by innuendo
are attempting to place a racial
By EVA STARR called "The Bernal. Sierra Story." connotation on recent unfortunate
HOLLYWOOD. Feb. 3. ONE Roland guest-starring witn events in our borough ".
h in 'iii .
rv. - v-
-e . V -
"w '
CLINTON; III.,- Feb. 3 -Barefeot Tommy and Terry Cray,
..-month-old twins, await footprint comparisons which
will tell their parent which is which. A pre holiday hair
tut eliminated the only method of identification for par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Don Cray. fAP)
Inside TV
Gil Roland to Star
In Show He Wrote
OF THE MOST remarkable come-
Wsrd Bond and Robert Horton.
It continued: "In fact, wherever
hacks in Hollywood historv has on-one ower small poini. ine a scnooi integration program has
been that of Gilbert Roland, the """P1 for lh show wnt,M hfn ""Hated student and par
lover boy of another generation by-Gilbert Roland.
who. in his heyday, was Greta
Garbo'i leading man.
ate dropped out of sight for many
year and then
suddenly reap
peared as one
of the moat
accomplish e d
character act
ors in the bus
iness, a man
who has refus
ed to live in the
.:.M past and has
dismissed all
notions of trying to get away with
romantic leads. As a results, he is
The EMMY AWARDS telecast,
set far April 11. hat latched ea
U eee eaweser, a, soap maker,
ad la mi kaatlag arm ad far
aaather owe to kelp pick p Ism
With only hi apaasar. the
saaw will raa aa boar. Given
tee. It will spread to M mlaates.
It's a eMiinerieal world we live
Here's a tip aa some probable
wiaaers: 'Tweatleth Ceniary."
"Aaale Get Year Gaa." "Dinah
Share," "Gaasmoke." Barae A
Allea. "Ptaykaaae M."
STARRDLST: Fred Coe, long as-
ent relations have been eicellent
We recognize the importance of
community leaders fulfilling their
responsibilities to guide youth
along socially constructive chan
nels. However, the Board of Edu
cation and the City of New York
also have a great responsibility."
Rocket Expert
LONDON. Feb. 3 - Defense
,1... ..... A A
mm auucfllllll n i u ; . mm - ...
.-, sociated with NBC as a producer Minister Duncan Sandys Sunday
Take a good look at "Wagon of outstanding dramatic shows, congratulations to the man
.fcJI it u.rrh it . starts his new job with CBS by who was a personal enemy in
turnin nut the old Victor Herbert """d War 11. '
ooeretta. "The Red Mill." for the n congratulations went to Dr.
iDuPont "Show of the Month." If"rnher von Braun, a leader in
i will be a so-minute spectaclar ,h ?m ,n' nt the first L'.S.
scheduled for April 10.
Senator Says
Rich Stable on
Drought Relief
SHORT SHOTS: Laaise Paget.
wha bad a rale la a recent "Mr.
A da ml aad Ere" eniaade. is fa
lag to oaceaae a regular. The pra
daeers like her.
WASHINGTON. Feb. I uT Sen. 1 Walter ' Wlaebefl and Deal
Williams (R-Del said today own-! Araas win start sbaatiag a feat
era af the race horse Swaps re- are Btetarc, The Lewke Story,"
ceived for drought relief.
He demanded the Justice De
partment investigate the payment.
Williams told the Senate the
payment ato the Ellsworth Ranch
in Seligman. Ariz , was "another
flaring example demonstrating
satellite aloft. But 14 years ago
oe Braun was the German rock
et expert who sent the deadly VJ
rockets against Britain.
In those days. Sandys was
chairman of the British War Cabi
net committee for defense against
German V weapons.
Today, the son-in-law of Sir
Winston Churchill wired Yon
Braun now an American citizen
star since .
hh r.r Porter Seeks
Survey of
VA Hospital
owners in applying lor drought re
I. Steps to recover the money.
tali saaaaer.
i . , , ri a as,,.
Detect!.." k.i We. reae.e. far 'ey could meet
"r.hrt",;- Vou and I had Mme differences
fL i the war," recalled Sandys in his
Nork actor Eli W.llach n :iJ ,re
aTw- .K-..- Hvl in ..... .u- i- AiK-aw . MWW '"K oscinrr ior me same
w.B intended program when the;AntMi, w on the Feb. XT 'Jrw'.
MMummmmrti nivi an in com ana -'!;" -
there is no local financial respon-i charie, Coburn, a star since
aibility." 1903, is celebrating his
He said the rancn owns awapa ; km w,,.. i... anth
and operates one of the country's wwld hM n brijfritr be-
ncnea racing mau.ra. csum of him.
Williams urged:
1. Hou approval of a bill .1- j Cm.V.otp,
ready passed by the Senate to'
require participating states to put . s. D J
SLS-iiw jaYiei IXdUlU ROSEBURG. Feb. 3 - Rep
Hal TrE toTe Krth'riaimC OlKFpH i viSS' AttS&rlta
L S;"Sua,ms uusrea nciais to th VA hosi
iTXl- JflSS"... .iSlaw4rr- I ! here to determine what is neces-
oi ure ,.i.u.. - a l a.a, m wt mi . a it a ni.i..,!..
LJIIIl Idl LITE 1 """" "-"'
! Dr. William S. Middleton. chief
LONDON. Feb. 3 uP Moacow medical director of the VA. said
Williams said Res Ellsworth 1 radio told Sunday what two ousted , earlier that the hospital is "one of
DO. DTOUier, wnose iir name soviet oriiciaii vi owii ww-1 - ..u..., , fru v, ivuiyici
he did not mention, received I2B.- adays. moderntzation " He said therea-
MS of what he termed "subsidy Former Dep. Premier Lazar M. peutic exercise clinic buildings
feed payments" and 12.865 worth Kaganovirh is sn executive in the and connecting corridors are
of free hay from the drought re- building materials industry in the needed.
lief program. He said mast of the : irt Mountains which divide So- Porter said that no funds are
benefits were paid in 1957 but that ;Vet Europe and Asia, the broad- budgeted for improvement here,
"when an inquiry was made they;ca,t Mjd. ibut that he would support appro-
were stopped." The broadcast confirmed re-, priations for the VA to mate ur-
ports that former Foreign Min-jveys at Roseburg and other sites
ister Dmitri T. Shepilov heads a where moderkization is needed.
scientific institute of the Academy
of Sciences in the Kirghiz Repub- . r I
lie in Soviet Central Asa. U.J. JillD j3IIS
The whereabounr of the two i "'j
former officials were brought up: Q Aid ICCDOUnO
in a DToaucat io .vi in nuici iv. i . . . .
CONSTANTINE. Algeria. Feb. 3 Moscow radio said it was snswer- JananeSC VeSSd
A bomb exploded outside a ing an unnamed person in Miami, j r
chain store here lodsy. injuring 34 Fla., nho had asked what had , ABOARD L'.S.S. ARNEB. Feb.
persons. M seriously. happened to the officials ousted;, The American icebreaker
One moment a shopping crowd from their government and party BlJrt()ll ,gamJ ha, ,trted a 2,nno-
thronged the sidewslk in brilliant posts last June. mttt ,ntarctic run to aid an ice-
Bomb Explodes
Outside Algeria
Store; 34 Hurt
sunshine. Seconds later the m
. lured were -srfrewn about amidst
'pools of blood.
Some of the wounded tried to
rise to their feet snd flee. Thev
tottered a few steps and collapsed.
Children were among those hurt.
' Police cordons were thrown
around the area but no arrests
were reported. It appeared that
the bomb had been left in a ba. n r . -I. I
presumably by Algerians fighting Ull jpUllllKS LISTS
rrencn ruia,
in 1952.
Big 4 Plan Exhibits
VERACRUZ. Mexico. Teh. S
Officials have announced all
the Big Four powers (he United
States, Britain, France and Soviet
Russia are entering exhibits in
the agriculture, livestock, indus
trial and commercial fair opening
in this Gulf port March 30.
Kirsten Fligstad Nimed
OSLO, Feb. 3 UB - Norwegian
linger Kirsten Flagstad, former
ly of the Metropolitan Opera in
New York, baa beer appointed
ttief al Morwsyg new opera. "
They were not shot or per- iaoaneM, vessel
cuted, the broadcast said, but! 7 Burton saiMj Mx wilkew
were working -just like Harry station Sunday for the Japanese
Truman is working after he wasifltarctjc baie o(f Prince 0lav
not re-elected to the post of Presi-f0(1 3.700-100 Japanese
dent." Truman decided not to run sovt Mam has been iee-lorked
four weeks in Lutzow-Holm Bsy
with s 50-man scientific team
The U.S. cargo ship Arneb left
Wilkes Station for Sydney, talcing
out Operation Deep Freeze per
sonnel who spent the winter at
Wilkes and Hallett Stations.
Russian Report
No Space Secrets
BRUSSELS. Belgium, Feb. 3 Of)
A preliminary report from Rus
sia on her two Sputniks finally
reached International Geophysical
Year headquarters today. It car
ried no secrets from space.
IGY Secretary General Marcel
Nicolet said the report contains no
precise data on what the Sputniks
may have learned about the sun's
rsdistiona, Xrays and ultraviolet
Scientists In the West have com
plained the Russians were with
holding information obtained from
the satellites in violation of IGY
U.S., Canada Plan
Joint Sub Warfare
Training Exercise
NORFOLK, Va., Feb. 3 UB
United States and Canadian war
ships and planes' will conduct
Joint antisubmarine warfare train
ing exercises off the Florida coast
for 'twa weeks beginning Monday.
Feb. 1. Taking part will be 10.000
men, 34 ships, three submarines
and aircraft.
Murder Trial of
Grants Pass Man
Set for March 3
ROSEBURG. Feb. 3 UB Felix
J. Brame. 46. Grants Pass,
charged with first degree murder,
will go on trial here March 3.
He is accused in the gun shot
death of his wife on a Grants Pass
street last July 10.
Circuit Judge Carl E. Wimberly
today assigned the case to Judge
Orval J. Millard of Grants PaVs.
Too Late to. Classify
400 Agriculture
401 Pets
ISM CMEV. tlS Sadaa... haw
mili. Itldio t kaatar, tub
tlr, laoki 4 runs Ilka
ntw. M.V 4ISS Portlaa ad.
em i-oses.
SS PONTIAC convailible. S.S0S
ariual milat, HMdtd with all
. extras, Incl. power tacrine.
power braltas. powar Mat. Will
trade and hlp llaanca. EM
50 MERCURY 1 dr. adn, evar
drlva. real nlrt, S9S8 ,
British Car Sain '
ilSI Falrfroundi Rd. EM 1-SSH
Nonce or he arino
ArrerTiNo this area
NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN th.t Bv nwHrmZAkr.. rid
ubllc haarlnf will b hld by tha XII1 . lath. Hrolr. 1
I USE. W.-Salm view lot, parf.
(or aayuiht him. em s-nas.
Richmond School dlftrlct. lit
mo. EM 4-S5J3.
8imMon'i Addition to the City otisjs MadUon 1 Sdrmi. bimt.
baths, f A OU Heat. SI1.S0S
SUM. dn. SSS. ma., tlfr. dn.
pml. reduce mo. pmt.) Con.
k)tr trade EM 1-S4IS.
LGE. far. (or storu. B. Com
mtrctaJ, Owens ar EM 4-S4M.
t BORM. mod. houaa, rurn.,
4S47 Nuas Ave. in SS mo.
rOR RENT I bdrm. ha.
aarac. Avail ISth
after 1:30
at EM
r ao-3-4914
Common Council of Ui City of Sa
lein, Monday February It. I86S at
the hour of j:3 o'clock p.m. coun
cil chamber. City Hall. 8aJfi Or
inn lor th purpoa of coAsidrln a
patlUon for chn( of ion from an
R-4 Reaidantial ion to a C-i Bual
nen ion, of property deacrlbad a
follow t. to-wit:
ftfinnin on th wot tin of
South SS'h Street at point which
u 71.00 fet tnuUi from th north-
rail corner al Lot IS. Block I.
Sltm, Marion County.. Oraon;
thnc wil parallel with th
north line of aatd lot Ml JO fee;;
feet to th north line of laid Lot;
thence west along th north line
of said Lot ISO 00 feet to a point
which la ISO 00 feet eait from the
east line of South Mth Stret:
thence aouth oarallel with the eaat
line of aald South 14th Street. 1M SO r"URN. I rm. with kitchen, utll
feet, mor or lea, to Ihe center paid. S3J. 1.M 1-377.
I,.n h!tonil,,el; """" ". 1 HOSE WOOD Apt. rinTy fura.
SI' SS eait along th center line ; a. rM,.. i bdrm aou Coram
oi uid Sheltonitch 34JSO fe.t JmiM.
moL SL It" 'J?k "?' 112 ' EM 4-SSSl. Ev. EM 1-7SU.
aid South 2Sth Street; thnc I . . ,
north on th wat Una of aald Mth , SHOP Smith Mark V "SS Model
Street SU.OS feet, mor or Ins. to Some rcss. EM 11180 aftr
the place of hrjlnnlni 5:30 p.m.
THIS PROPERTY IS LOCATED nn e.rn r..... n a'i"
the north aid of Shelton Ditch west iin tKi w a, mntn, tis
of !ith Street SE. ! tlilrknesa nlaner S4S. Fur
ANY PERSON deilnnf In apeak i r hk. -u naa2.1
either for or afalnjl the proposed Sonotone Hearini aid $M. S30
zone chant may do so In person or rnrrf a-ST-ta
bv attorney at th public hearing.
Aln written objections may be filed BOAT motor. Mercury mark IS
with the Cilv Recorder by person wll5 nk. Very food cond. IDS
in the affected area " 41S0 Portland Rd
DATED at Salem Oregon, mil SMh jr' TV act A antenna. A 1 con
BOaTON Bull Tarritrs. Ra 1
weens. iva is. Adam. it-
Minnvllle. 7 IS.
PET coon ft eag. loves "chll-
dien. SIS. EM 3 MS
REO. German ahphrd pups.
3'imos. otd. EM 4-44M.
rOR SALE Peacock St htns
J1S . Jleut I, Boa 70. EM
FOR SALE: Raf. Male Weimar
aner 3 vra. old. reas. nfler
conaMrd. Pk. l int. Wood
burn. FOR sal pari Chow aTrrlr
puppies. Ph. EM 3-SIUM
PEKINGESE puppies. A KC. r
stud srvicci. MA 3-37US.
eariviy i a up r-as i-iaa. j
SRBHCAMP dog food: SO Ins. M lbs. KM. Larro Teed
Stort.tJ N. front.
Birds, Caries, Chipmunks.
3ISU Livinaalna ICM 3143S.
450 Mrrrhandiiie
43 Apaliancas
APT. Electric rang SM SO
larms Glaa Weedry ISOt N.
NEW rrMiarsT I7S.S. Haider
Appjlanca. 343 K High St.
NEW Elactrrte Dryer only S3S SS
with an automatic washer.
. HeMKr't Appliance. Hi N.
High 81,
ELECTRIC Ironer only SIB.W.
Works good aa new. Heirter'i
TV A Appliance, 3SS N. High
LATE model guaranteed appll
nci. SAVE I TERMS! Glen
Waedry 1SOS N Summer.
rRIOIDAIRE 1A fti' lik new.
, Gusranlaed S39..V1 Helder s
' T V. a Appliance, s3 N. High
450 Mrrrhanrliie
70 tulldinf Mafaeials
41 3 Food Column
S 5 Will decorate.
rURN. J rm. a pi A0. Nat
dean. 13th A E. Rural.
rURN. 3 rm., SS0?0tilltls pd.
Close in So. EM 1-3727.
day of Januar;
City Recorder
dttlon. Regularly I13S.S6. NOW
SM SS. Bob a Mds. Mart. 170
BABY bel for your lockers, ail
wignn. t.t s-asoj.
APPLES - Kings, Baldwins.
Spmm Sptta EM 1-UM-
Gnldea D e 1 1 e I a u A Roman
Beauty SOOS Portland Rd
APPLES, SpMa. TSe Sa list.
All worm ire. I1U5 Center si.
POtATOES. "good grada Bur
bank. Sl.W per 100. EM 4-3S3S
PAKTTLRIZED whole milk, Sic'
gal Homogenoad. SSc S tai
tie Clean Dairy CM i.VIM
SPITZ ppleJl . bu. 1llvred"
Worm lr.IM 1-71M
URBANK potatoes "c "lb. W.
M. Murpay. 1 ail. w. netter
454 Sewing Machine's"
414 owltry Kabbits
firocU, laving bird projects,
urkey projects. Larro Feed
Store. 430 Front NE.
GM COMPLETE gg ration SO
. S74 per ion duik ae-
llvered All Poultry feeders.
fountains, brooders 44 not. off.
Larrn Feed Stor 430 Front
r 4.s.s.'si.
BlatesnMta - ioaraal
las Charts SL KB.
PHONE EM 4-6811
Days 113 4 S S
Unaa .40 40 J4 Jli, JO M
per line I time 4 JS
per line 3 times SI OS S3
per line S times SI JO II 40
per line 1 mo. S3 50 unci. Sun I
(Mia. 1 lines i iM'eekdayt ixSaa.
lac per line per paper.
Classified ads will o run la
both papers to give advertis
ers th advantage of th tre
mendous com Dined circula
tions When an ad is ordered thr
or six times and a Sunday
tuu is included ifor example
Friday. Saturday, Sunday the
lower Sunday rates aorMr be
cause only In Statesman pub
lishes Sundays,
detained ads will start in the
morning Oregon tales man,
conclude In the evenina Capi
tal Journal But ads will be
accepted for Sunday a tales
man only.
The deadline tor classified ads
is l:ua p.m. the day before
publication except for Sunday
when deadline is 1341 p.m.
Friday. Emergency ads and
mall Una ada received after
l.OV pa. waekdaya and unul
11 noon Saturday (or Sunday
may be pieced la the "To
Let to Classify" column.
Ada foe Monday papers must
be in by 4 p.m. Saturday.
The Statesman - Journal Is ewe
papers assume as financial re
sponsibility for errors which
may appear In advertisements
riubliahed in it column and
n cam where this paper is
t fault will reprint that part
ot an advertisement in which
the typographical mistake oc
cur and Is responsible for
only on incorrect insertion.
A "Blind " Ad an ad contain
Ipf a Statesman - Journal
Newspapers box number for
an addreas it foi th pro
tection of th advertisers and
must therefore be answered
by letter Th SUtesman
Journal Newspapers ar not
at liberty to divulge Informa
tion to th Identity of an
advertiser using a "Blind" ad.
Ads In other columns which re
quire Investment In storks,
ample, equipment or cash
bond should be thoroughly
investigated before naving out
any money. Advartlsars re
quiring a cash investment for
samples or merchandise, aale
aids, etc., must ao soeatfy In
their ads
to protect it reader against
fraud, deception, or Inluries.
Readers are cautioned to make
NO PAYMENTS tp get a po
sition advertised in th help
wanted column. All help
wanted ads MUST SPECIFY
WORK. Sale help wanted ada
must state If th par Is In th
form of salary, commissions,
guarantee, ar Include firm
name. Ads requiring appll
canta to buy merchandise
from company and r - aerl
hould appear under "Dealer
Agrnta Wanted" claMllx ation.
Bona fide offers of employ
ment with pay belong to the
"Help Wanted" columns.
.300 Pergonal
313 Lost awaj Found
LOST: at Hubbard, email apared
brown female dog. EM i-iaos.
3 1 6erseel
BABY chicks, leghorns, par-
. U -... U . .
S. Liberty. EM 4S371. Open ,h r;i.h a.k sWiut free
Frl. nighta til 6. I chlek,. valley Farm Stor.
HI-FI set. At condition. "Ml
SALE FOR IIZI.M. Bob's . .wal a O.eHan
Mdne Mart 170 S Liberty.!''" Uwn sa WarCOW
EM 4 371. Open Frl. nights
of machines taken in trsd on
our new slant needl A Slant
O Mstlc.
All thoroughly reconditioned by
Singer txperts.
1x4 - SxS - txl
'3-1 Composition
1 RL Oak Flouring
500 Bin. & Finance
S10 Money a laaw
12U So. Com 1 EM 2-7550
474 Fleer Covorlno,
ree S3 SS vd.
Csrpeluig I'. 30 11x13 SM Glen
105 N. bummer.
NEW Sxll Rug nei SS SB Olen
Woodry 1003 Summer.
NEW x II Linoleums ISM Glen
Woodry IMS N. Summer..
80 fat Sale Miscellaneous
Store openi Monday A Friday
evenings til s.
til .
TABLE modal radio. Reg.
S28M. NOW 117.93. Bob's
Md. Mart. 170 S Liberty.
EM 4 S.17I. Open Fri. nights
ti .
S'i CU. FT. Norge rfrtf.. food
cond. S4S cash. EM 1-S0C7 be
tweea S-7 p.m.
Bob's Mds. Mart. 170 S. Lib
ertv. EM 4-S371. Open Fri.
nights til S.
OIL heater with tank for only
SIS. Bob's Mds Mart. 170 S.
Liberty. EM 4 371. Opan Frl.
nighta HI S.
RANGES from 130. Bob's Mds.
Msrt 170 S Liberty. EM
4 (371. Open Frl. nights til I
CHILD'S wart) rob ON SALE I
FOR II. Bob's Md. Marl, j
no s Liberty cm 4-u7i.
Open Fri. nights til S.
LAWN axed, garden aupphes.
value to S3.M. now your
choice SI. Larro Feed Stor.
430 Front St. NE.
420 UeeJs i Plants
130 N. Com'l. EM 3 3411
45 r.V. A Radio
TREES plant now whll selec
tion la complete. Middle Orove
Nurserv 420 Sllverton Rd. We
five SAH Graaa Stamp.
is. Fertilise!
FERTILIZER. 1S truck load.
SOc sk. EM 4-03S3 or EM
PEAT moss A chick trays. 75e.
sack. Valley rarm stor.
have rich black manure.
weeds. EM 1-0331.
RICH fertilizer with shavings,
U.haul. Lee Hatchery.
METAL bathinettes merchan-i ------ .
dl.l clearance $4 SS. Bob'l,0 "f! "
u.. i.t ... mt t i ik... cu vd always good measure
mu. - - -' - " " - - m J DklllMa Rm
Open Fri. night, i
Serv. SU. 3SS N. ComX
G Erortabl TV. S St with
new picture tube. New guar,
antee Helder'a TV and Ap
ollanca. 343 N. Hleh St.
MUSHKO&M 'ertlliier. Now Is i ,h, ntlt guraoteedtV"o7
th time to put on lawn, also nerfio a.!... .n .
lack manure, no t Helder's EM 4.M7I
CAL1 anvtlma for TV or radio I
GET 'am before It's loo f;il.
Sump pumps. S3 M. Quality
built hi capacity for g'ml
Job. Jud.on s. EM 1-4141. 17S
N. Cart
USED department speclsl Sink
fixtures. 14 on A up Toilet
Bowls from S3. OS to lit, good
LAVS Tubs, and dandy buy
nn doubkt alnk. Soma col
nred. some whit. Check these
before filing up that other
bath or remodeling Judaon .
EM 3-4141. 179 N. Com'l.
SMITH A Davis ifosp. bed A
mall, with side rails. Arrow
wheel chslr. EM, 31IOEvs.
GOOD u-ed Ro mower 14 M.
ThS Tiller Shop 1194 Commer
cial SE.
SEARS power mower 13S.SS.
Th tiller Shop USS Commcr-
cial S E.
A I SPARK Oil Circulator. Glen
Woodry 1003 N. Summer.
S YR. CRIB7 Bhv" Beauty
Matt. 114 60. Woodry 103 N.
NKW lgrsrbee can. 4 44.
- 'en Woodry loSs N. Summer.
NEW Clarinet At Vas. 40. Men
arrn Dike. Ml. em i-iju
ISM SMITH -Corona portable
' typewriter. Sterling model.
SET of 15 ChlMcraft BonkiT.
Best offer takea. EM 31SK4.
SUMP pump " ft. hoae MS.
EM 3-SiM.
tamp Master s-is" FORD tractor wheels. 1
HIS S3 Terms. Used dryers.
FOR SALE aaaaaned oakheart
anchor blocks, deadmen. 34"
long. Sue. each. Paul Hlrschv,
S7 D St. Independence. Ph.
104 W. Call after S evts.
STROLLER, bathinett swing
eeai, mate
10-11. misc.
COLONIAL Investment Ca. Real
Property Leans, Contract Par.
chased. SS7 Court. EM SUSS.
ISO 00 UI St 300 AO
Buy What Vou N7
Coniolidat Your Bills,
Finance Through
111 S. Church M. EM 114ST
CASH for Mlgs A Contract
Private money to loan B. M.
Mason. W. R Minier. Ml
ClMmaketa. EM S-SS41.
And all articles of value, na
signature required, rash ia
M seconds.
Star Exchange Loan
311 N. (Jprnmercial
515 Investments
IS? A 1ND mortgage to h lak
es! bidder. Ph. EM 4-SS.73
600 Kmployment
Heln Wopteel
ftperialitta In offlc mrsonnel
I7 Cottage St. SE rM t-OUt
. Ill V I L I ULIJ
Placement Agency
Since IMS gpeciaiuta
Office Placements
4S4 State 81 Mil Ore lldg )
Phone EM 4-3331
Journal in Stayton, Must have
typewriter. Some experience
or Journalism training pre
ferred Excellent part time
position. Contact Mike Forbes,
Valley Editor. Capital Journal.
164 Mela, WanteJ.'-KSr
ADMIRAL portable TV set.
Raled No. I See them al
Holder's TV. A Appliance. 303
N. High St.
BLOND 17" Munti fvtrilk
new, working good, Sac. price.
4323 Sunny view. EM 1-1S73.
C. E. TV, 17" like new. I SO.
Haider's TV A Appliance. 33
N. High St.
USED Ulevlsion reconditlonad A
fully guar. Bom new plctur
tub. Low arlceft eaav terms
aan green
I. maternity clothes. Mi I BABYSITTING
. EM 43271.
PEAR pruneri. experiences'.
Oak Crest Farms on Wallace
EXPERIENCED mechanic for
small engine, apply In person,
Th TillrShop
DEALERS wntd7sell Com pact
Vacuum Cleaners, leads (urn.
EM 1 707
6Ui Ham. Wanted), Lady
GIRL to share my home SIS
mo. 1310 N. 17th after S p.m.
1 WOMEN. 3S-40, for ra-wevC
Ing. Writ Boa I S3 Statasmaav
Journal. Giv phon.
fABV sitter wanted In North
East part of town. Your home,
S da. wk. Write Box IS4
in mv home.
North, half davt. I dav week.
Call morn, or eves. EM 1-4M.1.
EM 4371.
til S
1 PIECE sectional Just like
new. Regularlv Ills an. NOW
SIM S3. Bob' Mds. Mart. 270
Libertv. EM 4 S371. Open
Trl. nighta tU S.
SMALL electric heater with Tan
A temperature control. Onlv
S7.SS. Bob's Mrtse. Mart. 270
S. Liberty. EM 4S371. Open
Fii. night til .
PROPANE gaa tank A real
buv. Sale priced for S20. Bob's
Mdse. Mart. 270 S Ubertv
EM 4-6371. Open Fri. nights
til l.
NEW garbage ran on sal for
only U.K. Bob's Mds. Man.
270 1 Liberty. EM 44171.
Open Frl. nights III .
450 Merchandise
451 Heuseheld GsmmIs
THE FINEST! New J140 roll
box spring, mattress SSS. 10,
Terms. Glen Woodry I SOS N.
serv Tree tube checker. Curtis I TYPruiarrrss " -'
Radio A TV Serv. EM, 4-37S1. Chairs. Tiles. Duplies ! .
f enith. beautiful consol sold "r swp Etert repair j aim Sales Hela Wantaat
new lor 1400 AM FM .Short ! "J- 4 Court Ty,m
wav. S3 SO. and phonograph. '-"
Haider's TV A Appliance. 3AJ USED toilet. 110 Usd wash
bowl. S3 A S3. EM 3-4003
r CHOICE Belcrest Iota for sale!
For Information EM 1-S5U
N. High St
tV'a Ml Each with aid TV S3S
KM S-34S4.
451 Musical Instruments
FOR SALE plane, good cond.,
SS. EM 1-JS1S after gpjn.
A OOOD plana, SSS M. Helder7!
T.V. A Appl. 33 N. High St.
IP you have one item or a I SMALL piano, excellent cond.
house of furniture to sell, rail 273. Dodge Piano Service.
ine bod Mrcnanaia atari.
your bill
get vetj sa
behind as
Don't let
trouhlc. If yoe'r
payment, ft cn help you.
No security or co-aigriers need
ed One pier to pav all mil
par only what vou can ef
ford t 1 Bonded ana licensed for
your protection I
Dial halem EM l-aa44 for infor
mation fAMno longer responsible for
hills Incurred by Christine J.
DeGr William A. DeCeer.
MARI&N 0unVyWIJrr Comm.
deairea horn In th county
for 17 yr. old high school boy.
WUI pay rm. A board ta quali
fied famllv. Writ Mia Mary
Squier. P.O. Box 511. Salem.
' Need Help?
Income 'tax returns, and part
time bookkeeping. John W.
Bollinger. 140 Elm. EM 1-3423.
t. Commercial. EM 4-IS01.
Marloa EM 4VOS4S
'400 Agriculture
403 livestock For Sale
LARGE home desk all mahog
any good condition. Only
til S3. Bob' Mdse. Mart. 170
8 Liberty. EM 4-4371. Open
Frl. nighta Ui
DAVENPORT Achelr sets from
tlS. Bob's Mdse. Mart. 170 8.
Iberty. EM 4-4371. Open Frl.
nights III S.
CHILD'S wardrobe A chest in
. very good condition. SIS. S3.
Bob's Mds. M.irt. 270 S. Lib
erty. EM 4371. Open Frl.
nights tl S.
3 PIECE bedroom setagood
condition onlv I3S. Bob'
270 S. Liberty. EM 4-eSf7l.
SEALY mattress A box spring
dining table. 4 chairs. Singer
dec. sewing machine. 17S3N.
BILTWELL 1 place sectional.
Bob's Mdse. Man. 17S S. Lib
erty. EM 4-S371. Open Frl.
ghts til S.
Up to 50 Disc.
VS." .M,?rt-,r. 710 S. , Llhf'iH Mont-Ward RefriJ:. S ft
Hotpoint neing.. a it
Frigidaire Refrlg.. ft
Traveler TV, 17" labl
EM 4-S371. Opea, Fri.
til S.
Kenmor Washr. pump
Hotpoint Range, apt.
Mont-Ward Range, deluxe
Mont-Ward Refrig, S ft ..
RKCOND pianos. J7S up. Dodge
Plan Service, EM I-ISM.
U.VERAL used electronic or
fans, f r m S4M. WUtsae
Weathers Mut. 47 N. Capt-
EM 4-4747
413 Wanted Mlscallaneeaia
USED filing cabinet Bson
able. Days: EM 4-3311
442 WanteeJ Hshlel OsmmIs
PRIVATE party wish to buy
living rm. (urn. Must be clean.
Statesmsn. Journal Box I7S.
MISC. Furniture wanted. Cour
teous service. Ph.EM 3.S0SS.
ERATORS, Misc. EM 3-S33
Glen Woodry ISOS N. Sommer.
CASH for "clean used FURNI
TURE. EM 3 3110. Glea Wood
ry, 1103 N. Summer.
443 testing
iij, GLASS boat motor A trailer,
ins! sell reas. or trade. EM 3-4403.
RCA TV. 31" table
BUNK beds new! Regularly
7 Q Ho Sale Now For Onlv
trn'ti. Bob1 Mds. Mrt. 27S -Gnrsl Elc., 21" Consol 1114
S. Liberty. EM 4-4371. Open
Fri. night til s. I MONTGOMERY WARD
SINGLE bed floor clear.nce. I "o. Liberty M Mill
is M,n-. .iK,!"E!J oc.,,!rm. m,.,l:l". dn
, . ..-w..j. ... - - el. up. uwn wooory iwra
Open Frl. nights til . 1 N. Summer.
SSI I All sixes New Johnsons 20 pet.
011. you nave a rnoice now.
100 Chemeketa EM S-S903
7', Evlnrud. S2S dn.
Only on ao buy NOW I 37.
Bob's Mds. Mart. 270 S. Lib-
PLATE glass mirrors 1 left.
NOW. Bob'a Mdse. Mart 270
S. Liberty. EM 4371. Open
Frl. nights Ml S. ,,
ROSE dsv-eno hod, 70 Excel,
cond. EM 4-eos.
good condition. I USED "davenport A chlr sal.
Buy ior only sis. bod aeose.
Mart. 270 S. Liberty. EM
4-37L Opan Frl. nights til t.
ANTIQUE marble top table. EM
Open Frl.
WATERFALL etyle 1 DC. bdrm.
act. Good cond. 1100. EM
PINK Frlgtdalr like new. SM.
Elee. range, apt. sire, perfect
rend.. 43. Hollywood bed A
Inner spring . mattreaa. - like
new, S.1R. Chrame dinette set,
125 Washer, wringer type. SIS
Dininr tnble A 4 chairs. 110.
4160 Portland Rd. EM 2-0C82.
LGE. chest of drawers. IIS. 0x12
rug. good rood., S.10. Antique
rocker. I0V7 s. UBerty.
TWIN baby buggy, ) yr. crib,
Speed dueen Ironer, Kenmore
washer, timer, pump. Duo
Iherm oil heater. 2040 N. 14th
FOR SALE about 2500 b. new
galvanized Na. S wire. lie. per
lb. EM 2-g34S. .
SO" ROTOTTLLEN with trailer
1300. EM S-essi after S p.m.
I yr. old small female Fox Ter
rier, 10. EM 4-334.
KITTY to give away. I moa.
old, yellow mMl. ia I
23 EWES. I rrg. ram, " EM
4-3303 after 1:10.
400 Aprimlture
402 Llveafexh Fee Sale
JERSEY Oeurnsey heifer to
freshe anout leHh Feb. 1, ml,
W. Sunnysld on Hvlo Rd. N.
E. Mitchell. EM 4-4114 RL 4,
GRASS hay 40c. hale, less D"
St. PUEM4.2M.
OREEN Oovey A grass hay tSlT
T. bat. Suaw Joe, EM a ssjs.
GET greater gains for 1 a a a
money, us aurepork as with
your grain. Larro Feed Stor,
430 Front NE.
GRASS KAY, BO par kale. 1140
Lancaster nr.
GOOD clover hay.. 120. Del.
Straw I 23 bale. EM S.H8.
GOOD clover hay SM T. All 11
T. for 120 U-HauJEM 4-1141.
GRASS hay SSc. bale, straw 43c.
Larr Faed Store 430 Front St.
EASTERN Ore. Alfalfa, tat and
Snd cutting. EM 44431 days
EM S-I7IS aire.
G4XD euallly grass hay 110
tats, eaa deliver em 2-4437
401 Uveataxk WanteeJ
CATTLE Snethen 4I0S Sllverton
Rd EM 1 1344 or EM 1-4M0
TOP cash prices at your place
Ry Ceaal EM 4-1I4S Collect
CATTLE buver A. P. Rom mat
S3SS Dallaa Rd, EM 4-1007,
fUVFR-Claud Edwaraa, aUTl
BtVa MSC MM e-lUa.
l?LECTROLUX cleaner, guaran
teed. 114.91. Terms. EM 3-7047
NEW davene suite fSlTos up.
Glen Woodry ISO N. Summer.
NEW Hide A"."Bad. FLOOR
Now 1141 IS. Bob' Mdse
Mart. 270 8 Liberty. EM
4-4371. Open Fri. nights til I.
furniture A single Item ar s
complete household Buv now
oa our easy terms.
Woodry's Thrifty
Sll S Commercial EM 4-1311
I Block South Of Paper Mill
KITCHEN stools (metal). Save
now only 3 30. Bob'a Mds.
Mart. 27S S. Liberty. EM
4-4371. Open Frl. night til S.
110 mo.
113 mo.
40 Mere.. 7 dn S2S mo.
Scott-Alwater Sales A Service
I37S Highland Ave. EM 1-1423
Adolph Bldg State A Com'l.
Sis. Salem. Ph, EM 3-3311.
48 Machinery 1 Tool
FOR SALE or trade model 17
Homelite chain aaw. 2S" bar.
12' 2 wheel farm trailer. Want
tape recorder or TV set. EM
SEVERAL used welders. See at
790 Steward St. Ph. 4-7544.
USKD Welder all makes." reaa
OAS Illinois EM S-asaa
.11 ... i.j si.
MS Wanted Mactt. Tools
Used 10" Delta -Unlaaw.
EM S-44..or EM 1 107I
490 Ftl
464 Sports tquipmom
UPRIGHT plana ISO, EM 4-004
NEW foam rubber provincial
Simmons nia-a-Da a7.aii.
Glen Woodry laps N. Bummer.
S PIECE bdrm. aet. box A
spring mattress. EM S-4MI.
GUARDIAN Service rook ware
aet. 171. Like new. S3S River
Bend Rd.
GinsON "refrig tr'i jmaig
Maytag wasner. RCA deluxe
TV EM 1-S177.
FREEZERS Just like new.
Regularly S.130. NOW SIM.
Bob' Mds. Mart. 170 8. Lib
arty. EM 4-4371. Open Frl.
nights til S.
a ned sea: A l Hook Sxll rug
piasuc oaveno aet
manog. Duncan.
it SSS.M; I pe.
S7S30: Foam
rubber sot SJ SO: Desk
111 SO. and a great selection
of other fin furniture. Glen
ISA; S pc. pli
141.80; S ne. a
Phyfe dining a
Davene suite
Weadry ISOS N. Summer.
4S2 Appliance
MATCHING Westlnghous Laun.
aromas a aryar. new guar.
SIMM. Term. Head dryers,
7S S4 and up. Yeater Appl.
Co. S7S ChemekeU.
FRIGIDAIRE automatle washer.
Guaranteed. Like new. evg.M.
Helder's Appliance. 343 N.
High St.
USED refrigerator. 111.21 A up.
Al uua, App s Stale St,
WASHER wrinw, "type, good
eand. 130. EM 44344.
CUAR. used anallanees. Yaatae
. Appl. Ca, 171 Chemeketa.
auto, deluxe weshae.
Only 171. EM 1 .
To place 0aslhej Ads
Call EM 44SU .
1 MAN'S A 1 ladies ere
Brunswick Bowling ball
bags, both 123. EM 4-0783,
1 FT. Cartop. drift boat A Hi
Mr mirioo. ess i-07S3.
CASH for Used duns and aid
coins, all types. Cascade Mere
li)4 Broadway.
470 Building Materials
SSSO Portland Rd. EM 4-4111
Open All Day Saturday
II color No. 4 IIS lb. thick
butt 1 tab romp roofing 17. OS
ae). Ala large (lock roll roof,
la al lowaal arleas.
No. I Cedar shingle ' 110 2 sq
Galv. Iron roof II0.2S sa.
IS lb. felt aioer .: S2.4S
Kraft paper, lot aq. ft. 2 23
1 ml. N. ef Kelaar EM 4-S0B1
SS gal. alee, water heater, sea 10
12-1 Lomsx la roil 3c ft.
I ' Vent fan 113 IS
4' aoud fiber pipe Sec ft.
Denting fixture ,. raduoed
300 mp. meter aaas IIS M
llx sialnleaa steal llnl 37 14
Elect. Hesters, all akf cheap
4" cast iron Ptp P. ft.
Wall thermostat. ISS veil 111
14-1 Lomex In rails Sc ft.
IS H P Puma Panel 114
Gar. Gutter 13c ft.
Bullt-ln even,' 4 burners SI IS
Complete line af - alee, heating.
nous wiring, animmng amp
piles A fixture
DO E. Salem Rd., Dallas
t Unit load slsb wood Sll; also
dry slab 1 units 110. MA 3-1443
-MA 3-223J collect.
ANDERSON'S Blab Wood. 1
cords dry. 121 del. EM 1-7741
DRY oak any length. 117 90 cord
del. EM 4.ISM. E. Simmons.
Old Growth Fir $12 Cord
Choice Block k Slab wood
PH. EM 1-4031.
6RY old growth alab. Lga. ar
am, Sll per eord Dry Ige.
Maple slab 14 cord. Dry Oak
wood If, ar am. 117 cord. EM
PLYWOOD cores Old Mr wood
3310 Garden Rd EM 3-8234
SHAVINGS del Mulching bed
ding SKvline 7 1722 Monmoulh
Kawdust. Chip mix
Slsb Wood
MILL wood, plywood cores, as
sorted hardwoods, planer-enrls.
EM 1-7711 or EM 1-S924
Old Growth Fir $12 Cord
EM 3-163 307 Broadway
MAN for salee A service Elee-
trnlux Corp. 107 Broadway.
EM 4-223
W ATKINS full or nart-tim
route man for established
area. Car nec., experience la
not. We train In field. Contact
Distributer S-IO a.m. only, Hit
So. Commercial St.
EXPERIENCED sales maa or
woman. Ramsev Realty. 411
ferry. EM 4404.
Sirs) WEEKLY guar to start.
Fuller Bruh Co EM 1-E1
OAK atumpage- Ervtn Simmons
HI. I. BOX S3, B.M 4-113).
PROMPT del Ptywd. core.
Heavy planer ends Heavy
labs. Old fir. Shaving.
EM 4-5633
Da you realise that your
abilities u) meet snd
talk to people have a
larg Income earning
potential which possi
bly you are not being
paid for today.
Many men earned. In
our business last year,
fmm ss.ooe to 110 000.
We have nothing to sell
you, but the opportunity
to make money Is await
ing the right men
Starting aalary 173 00 a
week plus bonus.
If you are between 21
80. have a car. free t
be away from home
Monday through Friday,
ready to begin at early
date then see Mr.
David Clark, Thursday.
Fb. Ith. 14 a.m. to 4:34
P.M.' t only I sl the Sen
ator Hotel In Salem,
rrrWork vVan.J. Me.
500 Bub. & Finance
S10 Money to Loo a
PETER Reiser rtfA snd cea-
veniional mans. EM 4-4701.
WILL buy your mortgage or
contract, call gaa 2-1733.
rKA. SO yr. S. pet. mti!
loan ta buy, build, refinance
Sour horn. Low loan cost,
law Finance Ca., 17 High
w. o r... asiem. rn t.MS.3iai.
PRIVATE money to kn 4 "pet.
intsreet. ph. EM 1-4T7S4.
Your Bills
$30 $3,000
til I. Liberty
EM 4-2203
5lSCdtINT paper real att1
morleages an 4 contracts
nouant. state rtnanee Ce.
S. High.
EXP. builder would like part
time work. EM 4-004.
MULDER operator A setup maiC
10 years experience would con
sular any wood working lab.
Ph. EM 4 IQ11.
TREE trimming, topping, prun
ing, removing. Fully Insured.
John Payn EM 1-024.
SMALL motor repslr. pick-up k
del. Carden tractors A law
mowers Reel A circular mow
eri sharpened. Alum Inura
hall-ark welding. EM
Painting, Papering, Texturing
Nelson, EM 3-S4M. Free Est.
LW. Caudle M4-14S1
EM t-liSI
rpenter RepajrWork
know-how, you name It. ran
do it. Carpenter, etc. EM
MALI nurse prac. Your home.
Bx 144. Statesman-Journal
EM 4-434 j
CARPENTER work A paintlag.
New or repair. EM S-I42S.
LOU'S tree service itinnval.
tnpoins orune I M t lAOl
EM 4-7377
CARPENTER work new or re
model day or contract ' CM
. 4-7144 after S.
SMALL carpenter Job,
work, reas EM 4-1424
WOOD cutting wlitt chain saw.
EM 1-0748.
eN. Carp, work, porch, rm,
Reaa Ch as. McLean EM 1-3931
CARPINTIR repslr, emir paint
-reas. refer. Silvrtn. TR 1434.
IU Work Wantetl, Lad"
CARE foe eonvslesemf tn your
home full-time. exp. TR 3-M11,
WTLL make layette's A ehll
arsn i ciomes. mm a-enai.
MIME06 RA PHINO. typing Mr.
Poa, 441 N 14th. EM 3-3441
IRONINO m my ham UtT.
Llhrty EM 4-S4M
C U R T A" I N Slaundrd "aiul
etretehed, raas. tit a-OSA
: 1 V EM I-SMS : '. : '
Ilronu.s. my nom. Hullyw'4 diet.
lUDY'l dre-amaklng A alters
tlons. Werb guar. EM 1-1044,
fnONINO and oatcrring, my
horn. EM 4-477! IS2S N. lllh.
rlowards Myitis Re-Weavers
4 a euojus.!. -At