ly GLADYS ABKH Statesman, Salem, Ore.. Tues., Feb. 4, 58 (See. IV)-19 News From The Valley -- a - ' '.-- at .-- " Statesman News Service rM6OIN6T0Tll?0FFTHE POLICE. THIS AUTHOR EXECUTED AN INNOCENT Markets Business Reports MAN.' MOPSY U.S., Oregon Leaders Honor Retiring Mayor of Mt. Angel ihkmu nwi terete I Congressman Walter Norblad MT. ANGEL.. Ttt 2 National 'and.Slate Secretary Mark Hatfield and state leaders added their con- each sent a telegram to President gratulations Sunday night to the 'Andrew Schmidt of the business tribute Mid bf the Knights of Co-j men to be read at the testimonial Iambus 8nd the Businessmen's dinner which concluded the annual dub to Jacob Berchlold, retiring KC initiation mayor of Mt. Angel. 1 a personal letter expressing his esteem and congratulations to the former mayor. Carl Mucken, past president of the club and aenior city councilman, presented Mayor Berchlold with a plaque from Mt. Angei barton uub and a purse Gov. Holmes had previously sent ' from the businessmen ' I i ne nev. uaorin moms, van . a a a i mala aoeaker at the banquet and WAAnhllfn NrAllfC K TlICA member of the KCs. reviewed V f W WTeJBafMS B B la W M B mae7Seaiaa' $120 in Dimes Campaign luunu Kesrs Service WOODBURN. Keb. I - Approxl ntately SIM was raised Saturday some of the highlights of the for mer mayor s life and paid sin cere and enthusiastic tribute to the man who during his long term of 99 v r hnH elven "u iMunyMlv charge of the "Mothers' March i on and unselfishly the gift of self to Polio - In Woodbum collected $339 hjl Thursday night in canvassing the by Cub and Boy Scouts in their city. annual "Mile of Dimes" in down- j Mothers in the Donald Buttevitle tewn Woodburn on Front Street . Broadacres area collected 8155 40, between Hayes and Garfield stated Gerald Webster, north Mar streets, according to Ray Miller, ion County campaign cairman. eobmaster. Jaycee-ette mothers in' whi uid Sunday that a final : I tally of all contributions in this ! dd my best wishes to one area is not yet available; how- the finest men I have ever had ever, special eventa in this area 'the privilege of knowing. Greet have made substantial amounts. I to all my friend in Mt. An Last week Marines from Salem ! Walter Norblad.; collected sM.2S in towns alone I Hatfield sent his best wishes to rae iih v Am4 miiimwi Z-H-Sb Wheat Prices Drop Sharply CHICAGO. Feb. S UP All the wheat futures slid to fairly sharp Allied sir. losses on the Board of Trad today " Cham while May soybean and all the AiSn?inuni tui com contract again hit new low Am Airlines price, for the season. Am, ; That avaftrsil hift Imarairvl linnlH. : Am Motor- ... , 1 Am TIT New York Qosing Stocks Itepurted by Mtrrtll Lynch. Pierce. and Bum Admiral Corp A I Chm ! Dye 41 Can Dynamics Norblad's telegram read. "Read in Salem papers of KC and your selves honoring our good friend and outstanding citizen and for mer mayor Jacob Berchlold. Grange Unit To Hear Baby Home Officials High Winds Ground U. S. Moon Program ' CAPE CANAVERAL. Fla. Feb. Less sensitive to the air cur- ation of wheat was ascribed least partly, to report that the Am Tobacco government is moving large a.c amounts of grain into positions Armco which some traders viewed si a I Tot possible threat to export business. I a vc The report saM the grain, possi-! B.1W1, bly ! million bushels, will be Bt Feeds moved from southwestern storage! S?!1? u. - mo lieu uoucr jui lauituon wi ux , Borden Chicago Commodity Credit Corp. office which would place it in a better position for ultimata use. The selling of wheat also caused some selling of the other grains. 30 34. 6, ' 42'. " 22 151. 108 At the rinse wheat was IVIti Mma, cent lower, corn was lower to ! Sj''?-,, higher, oat unchanged to hi cm m a si p lower, rve ttnehaneed ta lower, i Chi kw By j. ' ki-uJl in-1 hi " i ay ' Ford Motor 1 o ' can Elec "r i Gen roodi J Cn Motors ,Gen Tlrt i Go ft Ply ' Cllddn ' J i Goodrich J ; Coodytar .$' Grc Wit J iCrl No Ity i Grt Wt Su ?' i Crayhounit . 1 Gulf Oil ' am 13',, 1 , . HomoUk M , W, ' Int Nlckl !J 1 Johna-Mam Bora War. IA1 'on U Bucyruv . SI'.i i Burro Adding . MU Kalaar Alum . c . Konnccott vampo soup ... 97' uan rar ny Lax 4 I Papal Cola Phalpa-Dodf p. ! Philco Corp . C'Z I Phil Morris . . . 54 Phil Patrol jji . ! Prac a Cam . . y,,' : Puf Sd P aV L l-urt Ull 3S 91', 251 if a. , Ubby McN .'. ,i HJ !" 1 vocanaaa Air 14 .Loews lnc soybean Vt higher to 1 lower, and lard I cent a hundred pounds higher to I cent lower. Nawi (crvtra Mishwav 9E trom Hainn to Aii-i Mayor Berchlold. "a man who is ' - "'h '?. n" enemy irenu through wmcn it pushes iu - ia nttil to city and state." ' missile launcners. apparently : way Is the Army's Jupiter-C, a . I TKa nwVat lirtl mavor HIM ' grounded the nation' sstellite fir- sturdier, much .heavier vehicle .A . h'tUeril -th emotion with .U the pr,e. I .lroT.m today and .offered than the Vanguard. - . ----- tKirAi M.imtmm mh . fM IK ii Li la uiwiiiM in rai it iricuc. . wuxjb wrre iikjbi LTiticau iui Stat WOODBURN Mrs. Alfred .ru. "IT. TZT'SZ Star tAm. AW M a. H.. URN Feb J-Mr and PonsorF1 y Junior Chamber kj T d Mou. operators of i . me at Jbu N . iu Haw. Hum lorated School gym. Willamette lTni'rs"ty K .. ;testvehic Grange meeting to be held Thurs-! Children at Lincoln Grade School tall, slim Vanguard test vehicle, which stood in Us launching stand seemiagly ready to go when condition might fm- day in the Grange Hall. The meet-: have given IX lor polio preven- Ing will be preceded by a : "on p.m. no-host supper. I Mr. and Mrs. Moss will bring with Ihem eiuht girls from the home (or which the Home Eco nomics Club of the Grange has done some sewing. They will also how slides of the home. The Grange is sponsoring Luncheon is Served feed hall Saturday noon. In charge of Beauty Salon "Changes Hands arrangements for the Thursday meeting will be Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hennings. Ray Shaner. Harry McCall and fred Mitchell. StaWamaa News S.rrlr, DALLAS. Feb. J Mr. and Mrs. George Condon of Salem pur chased the Town Shop beauty sa- Vanguard cannot safely About 300 men and women at- prove, tended the testimonial dinner.! The Fred J. Schwab, state deputy of leave its launching bed the KC's. acted as toastmaster: when ground winds exceed IS Rev. Edward Spear, chaplain of m.p.h. the Mt. Angel Council, gave the 'speeds, The Jupiter-C which put the first American satellite. Explorer, into an orbit last Friday night, was forced on two preceding nights to forego a launching because of a jet stream a river of turbulent air eiht to 10 miles above the earth, with wind speeds up to 230 Climbing at increasing m.p.h. it can withstand winds High altitude winds today ex- invocation; Grand Knight Alfred: aloft it they are not greater thanlceeded 200 m.p.h., thus effectively beauty operators. Gervais Pastor Called to Seattle At Death of Father Statesman Nrwi Srrrlra GERVAIS. Feb. 3 - The Rev. Stanton E. McClenny of Gervais Presbyterian Church was called to Seattle, Wash.. Sunday due to the death of his father. The Rev. Ernest Trembley.j Emeritus, was in charge of the' service here. The Rev. Trembley was pastor of the Gervais church ! Cooking Club has beea organized tor 12 years ana recently returned from visiting his daughter at Mat ton. Wis. Bernt of Mt. Angel gave the ad- about 12S m p.h dress of welcome; and William Bean, Mt. Angel's new mayor pre sented his illustrious predecessor. Jacob Berchlold. Several musical selections were given by the Sem inarian Quartet. Also called upon to speak were District Deputy Mike Reschko and State SecreUry Ed Bell. Earl Zak Ion and assumed operation Satur-.of Milwaukee presented pin and day. Mrs. Jesse Hudson was for-1 certificates to the 23 new mem mer owner since 1953 The Hudson , bers initiated into the Knight dur family is moving to Beaverton j ing the afternoon and named the where he will be employed as a 'Jacob Berchtold class in honor of Meahy Eyes Reuther Plan Cautiously ruling out also another army Jupiter-C try. However, the Army is believed not yet ready to un dertake a second satellite launch ing. The problem of surface winds is greater for Vanguard than tor Jupiter-C partially because Van guard is: TALLER 73 feet to 70 feet for the Jupiter-C. SLIMMER Four feet in diam- M1AMI BEACH. Fla.. Feb. 1 I API. . (in PrMirlml Rir Meany today cast some cautious ! f'r compared with six feet for doubt on profit-sharing plans such "" "-" junior accountant. the former mayor, who was a as Walter Reuther has demanded: LIGHTER 22.000 pounds com- Tha imw ooerators formerlv charter member of the Mt. Angel j from the auto industry. i pared with about 65,000 tor the were associated with a South : KC Council when it was organized I Meany said he always hw been JuP',er"C- Salem beauty salon and both are "" " J""" s- I suspicious of such plans when New Members Listed proposed by employers in the . , ... past. But he added that perhaps The new members. 22 (rem Mt. i. Ki ; it- p,,h.r, itniiLi ...j j . cKiii, big union like. Keutners I'nitea Angel and one from Sublimity in-, Workers could bargain out a elude Lawrence Sow. John k.Ku h.. Portland Produce PORTLAND - Butterfat -Tentative, subject t immediate change Premium quality, deliv ered in Portland, Mt3 cent per lb; first quality. 87-M; aecond quality. SJ-55. Butter Wbolesa.e fab. bulk cube to wholesaler Grade AA. acore. WH; A grade, 2 score, SI4: B grade. M score, 17; C grade, M score, SS. Cheese To wholesalers Oregon singles, 41-41 lb; Oregon S-lb loaf, 43-53 Vi. Eggs To retailers Grade AA, large.. 42-44; A large, 38-40: AA medium, 37-41; A medium. 37-40. Cartons. 1-3 cent additional. Egg To producers AA large, 4. . ,., iT4 3 - V, 4s 4"i Chryalar Liucs Mrv . Coca Col .... Colgate Com Credit Comw Idlsoa Cons Edison . Container Cont Can .. Cont Oil Crane Co Srown Zall urtlae Wr B Deere Co . Dla Match Dou Air Dow Chain D P de Na . I 4a IMIL CI Paso Gas SO' J b Cello 4 rilntkote 4I ...... , s ... IM'.i last Air U ..... East Kodak M Mainavox Marah Plcld Merck St Co . Mont Cham Mont Ward Motorola Natl Biscuit Natl Cash IU Natl Dalrr Natl Distill Natl Gypsum Natl Laad Natl Supply NY Central . No Am A via No Pec Ry NW Airlines O Olln Math Pae G if ... ... Pec T T . Pan Am Air . Penney i C Penn By fladio Corp Rayoniar lnc Rcpub Stl Reynold! Met Reynolds Tob Richdrld O . Royal Dutch . a Saewav Stra St Rtfii Paper Sfli, M:nanjCT inQ Scott PlUf Sl'i i Sean Roe i Shell Oil Sinclair Oil Socony-Mob Sou Cal Ed I Sou Pae Ry Sou Ry Spcrry Rand. Std Brands -Std Oil Cal Std Oil NJ Sunray Oil f!,-i Swift a Co 13 Svlvania El 3S. 73 40' U.S.; Satellite, Spurs Stocks NEW YORK, Feb. I f-44uncfc ing of the American space laUUita spurred the stock market ta good advance today. Aircraft and missile stocks led the rise which saw key sleeks gala from tractions te well ever point for some. . .-. The quoted value of stocks ujted ftl ,00 the New York Stock Exchange irose an estimated 11.400,000,00) based en the gain In the AssocJ icv new average. Stocks advanced at the epenlog in a strong wave of buying whiek put the ticker tape behind for three minutes. Then trading mod erated and opening price were 23 41 IS ? 40' 7J . 711, IS fl , snaoea. -Sl Among the aircrafu. Martia J,; 'Co.. maker of the Vanguard, new si,!awaitins another chance at tat gi ! lite-Uunching. gained a point . 20 ' General Dynamic rose , United , Aircraft ' and Douglas while Sl. as s 34's 41. M'e M'a . . 44',, M 40', !', 45 11)1 3T IS'. 11". J7', . U'i Sylvania El T I Texas Co Texas Gulf .. Textron .... Tide-Aaso Trenaam Trans Wo Air ! Twan Can Pom !. v Union Care Union Oil Union Pse Ry uni Aircraft tTm Air Lines Uni Corp Uiu Fruit . US Plywood US Rubber . US Steel The AP SO-stock avarata raao tl.10 to $163.00 with the industrtala as i, i up $210. the rails up to cents and jue utilities up 20 cents. Volume was 1400.008 shares compared with 1030,000 a M. day. , - eo. MK( U's ... tav, .. 3u U'a IS'a n, ; 44 -1 . 40 u nu Stocks and Bonds , Caw piled Mr The Aaaeriata4 Pntes Warner Pic IT', Wash Water P J7 Weilarn Air 11 Western Elor a4'. lZZ'a ! Western Uam 17S4 14 Woolworth 43 Pek. S STOCK AVERAGES Net Chan fa Monday Pravioua Day Week am Mont Ae, Year Ago WI S Hi lMT-S Low ISM Hitn ISM Low II it as lad as Baals GUIs atka AJ1 A A J AO 143 7 SS 4 II 149 t 11 st i 714 m i S40 4 S7.S 751 lt i 237. as J 71 iui 25J.4 13S.S 741 17IJ sea 134 7 77 1 im MS 7SJ MJlMi Z7S.S 19 I 71 11.1 avi s us i . m.i realtk Portland Livestock PORTLAND un (USDA)-Cattle salable 1,500; trade moderately active: earlv sales fed steers LUnt- M'3J4: A mwli' ! strong to 2S higher; ether classes ums. jo-am. 1 j. ... . . Uve poultry-No. 1 fryers, IH-4 ,uu' lra,u' '""u cnoice lbs. 23 at farm; light hens. 10-11 Canadian fed steer M.2S; severs! at farm; heavy hens. la-U at the I loads mostly choice 2S.2S-50; good farm; old roosters. 74. ; steers mostly 24.00-75: standard Pringle Students Learn Cooking ..-aa.K kakaaai taeoilaai w, ... . . a, FivsB Hin Rvn.M Cor9.iaB4r i. 1 1 essioii here 0 th fiHration i rnislfLaaCa. f CO. 3 A ITCW .V . a . 17.. w - a -J-- wwi sBJi-c n uis.-osiai uif epvirvjisarc, a eiiiirvi , uwiac nirui-n, VaTCI eaiu p Lifts Mare Slowly Furthermore, the Vanguard Cascade Names Six for Honor in the Pringle area By Mrs. i.a Adam. The new group, Ten Little Cooker." plaa to meet on Mon days at S p.m. ' Membership of the new club, made up of boys and girls In the Fourth and fifth grades st Pringle. consuls of the following officers and members: President, Janet stair.maa Stmt srrvlre ' Hemelstrand; Vice-President. Te- Tl ;NEfl. Feb. S-Six students resa Jones: Secretary-Treasurer. wei named on the .high honor Janice Eldred: Song leaders. Nancy roll with all grades for the j Adams and Gary Wilson; New first semester. The list included reporter, B. G. Sergio. And mem two freshmen. Roger Barber and bers Scarlet Jones. Connie Shott. Pai:,v Freeman, a sophomore, Bev- Mitchell Watson and Gary Wright. erly Rutherford, and three seniors. Nancy Hammer. Clarissa Tomlin- son. and Celeste Kennies. Sixty- six other students were named on the regular honor roll. In aHHifinn In the six amecler honor f'tftents, six more students Of Fcfanfn FayC bad all "I" grades for the third! vl t-jpcu I UAC rocket lifts from the ground more slowly than does Jupiter-C. Once it get going, its acceleration rate i . 0M.I.. than rhal ai tm A ... bprauer, ui Rev. Leo Rinunele.' m " T7. w,.w;rocKet. -1. . . ... - n4twrriaii fnllAwincf IKa initial win. ueioen aprauer. meivin iveegan. r ' .u .: .:" .J The Vanguard does not attain full thrust of its engines until it is about four feet off the ground. tnh Al niehl Jam. Kallw.r.r ! tXCCUUVe LOU Dell. SISO MM He The Rev. Gerard Marx. Thomas w wprf"1 " ny Berg. Charles Hoffer. Richard j J1 mon,lor Wellman. Richard DeSantls. W. A.!"ned0 ."!"" ! u.ri.n tv,.. n.k.w uik..i i Teamsters Union. Praneer Ken Berchtold.' Ronald! Mny again made clear that Hackett and Joe Kinta. Portland Zoo Captures Second ix-ce'. 'erm. They were fresh man ""ith Bartels, sophomores Laura Lt. C vrltp, Jean Quinn, and L-UP4 Selns. and juniors Jams Hfrtman and Jim Lauman. Stubborn Bird Tries to Hatch Eggs on Ice ST. LOUIS, Feb. I v.A pigeon Jupiter-C, by contrast, has about IS seconds after the actual launch sequence, begin, In which to warm up to full power and then it fair ly leap into the air Another problem with Vanguard 1 that the missile has clearance of less . than a foot on one side and not more than 18 inches on so long a .lames R. Holla re main as Teamster president there will be no chance of letting the Tearnster reenter the'AFL CIO. The truck union was ex pelled two month- ago on corrup-1 lBe other from the launch struc tion charges. ture around its base. The missile The three-man Teamsters moni- not clear of the stands until it tor group was set up as part of a risen some four feet, compromise settlement of a lawj If in these first four feet a gust suit to stop Hoffa from becoming of wind should tip the rocket the union's president on grounds j slightly, the gimballed engines of hi election had been rigged. Hoffa iu first staze mieht rrart In with a stubborn mother instinct earlier was involved in Senate sharply is the opposite direction was rescued today after being , Racket Committee disclosures. 1 as to over-control and throw the found covered with ice and trying j Speaking of the compromised rocket off balance into the wind, to hatch two eggs in her nest be- court case. Meany observed that i "It's those first four feet so Church Sets Dinner neath a dripping downspout The pigeon sealoushr had kept to her uncomfortable post on a window ledge at the old St. Louis County courthouse through a 10 inch snowstorm. The bird kept ducking her head trying to keep it free of dripping snow that had PORTLAND. Feb. J - An other of the four foxes which es Icaped from the Portland too has been captured, . It anAllM vealerrlav hv two 11-year-old boys in a backyard of sheathed the rest of her body in a home near the ioo. An attend- ) ant who was called caught it in a I James Ray, agent of the Animal siatrsman News Service 'net. (Protective Assn., broke one of the GERVAIS, Feb. 3 Gervais . This is the second to be cap-; eggs while chipping the pigeon out Presbyterian Church will have its.tured. Another plunged to its! of her frozen nest with a hammer monthly no-host dinner in the death off a bridge as captors j and screwdriver. He thought he church basement at 7 p.m. ! closed in on it. The fourth is still could thaw out the mother with Wednesday. at large. an electric healer but wasn't so cure about the remaining egg. "when there' a big pot of money i terribly slow that we worry most and lawyers around you're bound I about," one Vanguard worker te get a settlement." I said City Obituaries DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. River (C. B.) 6. Scorch t. Straight (colloq 10. Washed 12. Native Japaneae 1.1. Ohio city 14. Loiter 18. Kind of apple 10. Indeed (Anglo-Ir.) 17. Unhappy la. Eye (Scot.) 10. Constating of two Jl.Trlrk (slang) S3. Platform 25. Or vein 37. Put air into soil 50. Apiece (tennis) 51. Wrp-yrn 32. Utile child S3. Supply again 31. Serve 37. Mechanic's coaster SS. Wrinkle (nat hlsO SI. Selassie 40. Fertilizer 41. Weaver' reed -42. Church projection DOWN .1. Collection of beehives S. Troop in front Of rayr 'i 3. Burden 4. No t ooo. labor ) 5. To darken . Dutch painter 7. Birds a a elaaa 8. Rescue t. A dinner course 11. Loves to rxcesa 13. Malleable 17. Little sister 20. Female deer 31. Bowling 21. Chestnut lane envelope 34. Decline 22. Olympic LW t , L'pl; ant itirm M i rfeti7 eraf. "J: and . - Carmen Ynterdar'a Aaawe 28. 8ns rl 2. Old Nora works 35. Not . working 30. Snare 40. Masurium sy.) si- . w V w rtte Heiress, 24, Gets Divorce; Claims Husband Retired LOS ANGELES. Feb. 1 (tv-Mrs. Athlie Joan Irvine Pennimart; who at 24 Is one of the nation's weal thiest women, obtained a divorce today. She said her husband stayed In bed until noon and re fused to get a Job. Mrs. Penniman inherited half the 250-millioA-dollar real estate fortune of her late grandfather, James Irvine Sr. The pretty blonde heiress di vorced Russell Sytvanus Penni man, 27. airplane broker and member of a prominent La Jolla. Calif., family. Her stepfather. U.S. District nev. Peter 'w. Ertntea Judf Thurmond Clark, called to: La" resident ot 4SI Center St., at give corroborating testimony, said: "He was always in bed. He was a "retired gentleman' at the age of 27." Laara Matilda lUrtrnff Late resident of Darton. Ore., passed away In a McMinnville hos pital on rb J. Mother ot Mrs. Cor delia Tnmpklna. Dayton. Ore.: Mrs. Winifred Huntley. San Joae. Calif : Wallace Bartruft. Bridgeport Wash: sister of Palmer Humphrey. Fall Creek. Ore. Mrs. Anns Hoven. Sa lem: Mlsa Mama Humphrey. Salem. grandchildren also survive. Ser vice will be held Tuesday, Feb. 4, at J a m, la the chapel of the W. T. Rifdnn Co.. wlUt Interment at the Howell-Murpfiy Cemetery. Meaae Dalke Late resident ef 4SM Sunnvvlew Ave. at a local hospital. Feb. 1st. Survived by wife. Mrs. Mary Dalke, Salem: daufMera, Mrs. Clsdys Wel ly. Salem: Mn. Clora Mae 8inrr, Salem; eons, MaJ. Clayton G. Dalke. U. S. Army: John W. Dalse. Salem: Richard Dalke. Albany: I brother. Thoma Dalke. Salem: Theodora Dalke. Nelsrott. Ore.: William Dalke. Ontario. Calif ; Walter Dalke. Tulsa. Okls.; Paul Dalke. Oklahoma City. Okie.: Robert Dalke. Detroit Mich.: Carl Dalke. Homewood, 111. Also IS i rsndchtldren. Services will be Wed nesday at 1:0 p.m. In Clouh-Br-rlck chapel. Rev. J. M. Frant eMle- iatin Burial,- Prelum Cemetery. If desired, contributions may be made to the missionary fund of the Em manuel Mennealte Church, Prelum, Ore. Jesses B. Dayheft Lata resident of ISM Center St.. al hit home Feb. I Survived by eon. Marvin, Yuma. Clo Shipment to be made by Howell-Edwards te Longmont Colo. oir)lri a local Nursin Home. Februery 3rd, Survived by wife Mrs. Elvens M. Erlluen. Salem: brother, Henry Erik sen. Salem: nephew. Byron C. Sim onaon, Salem: niece. Mr. Glen A. Anderson. Salem. Several other nieces and nephews alao survive. Services wul be held Thursday. Feb ruery sth at 10 p.m. at St. Marks Lutheran Church. Rev. Warren W. Pechmsn. Rev. John Cauble. Rev. Howard Baumasrt end Dr L. H. Stelnhoff. president of Pacific Synod of the United Lutheran Church, will be the offlctrtliuj ministers tn lieu of flowrra, friends who wish, may contribute to the building fund nf the Faith Lutheran Church or the St. Marks Luthersn Church as a me- l.tx.j4 Ul-, f tua I , j . , s moriai w nev. a.riKsen. aervirra win rontied mm Ol S.140 and tied him he under the direction of the Ckuh. UP early today. 'Barrlrk Chapel. r Pantley said the two men i.ka Maaard uikaon laughed and joked With him a' .,h reaience. SIS Elerlrlc Ave they searched the establishment I ffJHtK m'-f ThimprT w' Baiem: tatner nf Marion Motel Owner Reports Robbery DEPOE BAY. Feb. 3 - Rob ert Pantley, operator of s resort motel, reported that two men for money. They tied him up and cibaon, noes oeiore leaving, Pantley said. I.... u.i iu. I.I.HW. ti-u . : David Gibton and Mra. Carrie Ann i V. 7 ,i. h"T Olln. both nf Salem: Mrs Jovre Loop land Mrs. aUthertna Fay Anderson, both of Toledo. Oregon;: Mrs. Marv Prater. Oxnard. Calif.: brother of Claude Gibson. Joplin, Missouri; George Gibson, San Dimaa. Calif.; Mrs. Grace Wilaon. Carl Junction. Missouri: Mrs. France! Pierce Webb City. Missouri; Mrs. Nellie Joseph. National City. Calif.: 14 grandchil dren alao sjrvlvc. Servicea will be hela Tuesday. Feb. 4th at 1:30 p.m. in the Chapel of W. T. Rigdon Co. Concluding services will be heM at the Reallawn Memory Gardens. 1 Grace Llkka At a Dallas hospital, fan. SI. Late reaident of Dallas, Ore. Survived by husband. Robert Links, and brother. Floyd D. Kibbe. both of Salem Golden Chapel. Services will be held Tuesday, Feb. 4. at 10:30 a m. In the Vrrgll T. Golden Chapel. Burial, City View Cemetery. Retails Trotter Mickey Late esldent of Rt. 1. Box 411. Sslem, .snuary 31, at the age of (S years. Survived by huaband. Law rence I. Mickey. Salem: sons. John N. Mickey. Turner, Robert L. Mick ey. Aumavtlle, James W. Mickey. Oakland. Calif.; daughter. Mra. Zel ma White, Jefferson: 7 erand chll dren and I great-grandchild alao survive. Stater of Mri. Fannv Emil Ruralton, Kan., and Claude Trotter Anderson, Calif. Mrs. Mickey wss a member of the W. Salem Methodist Church. Services will be held Tues day. February 4th at t oo n.m. In the Chapel of 'he Howell-Edwerds Fu neral Home. Concluding service will be at Mt. Crest Abbey Mausoleum. Carl Mvniea Late reaident of tOM N. 4th at at the residence. February 3rd. Sur vived by daughter. Mra. Helen An derson. Salem. Mrs. Florence Binger. Salem; sons, Edward Munaon. Whit tier. Calif, Norbert Munaon. Balti more. Maryland: aister, Mrs. Hanna Bloomqulst. Gary. Ind.. Mrs. Anna Smith. Gary, Ind. 3 grandchildren alao survive. Announcements of serv ices will be msde later hv the Clough-Barrlck Funeral Home. LIUy M. Skelleaberger At the residence. Rt. 1. Box SS5E. Turner Feb. t. Survived bv huaband. Clarence D. Shellenberger. Turner; daughters. Mrs., Orpha Taylor. San rrancisco: Mrs natei m. jonnaop. Brooks; sona. Floyd H Shellenbero cr. Metaline Fall. Waih.; William H. Shellenberger, Government Camp, Ore.; slaters, Mra. Laura Mls-hler. Osborne., Kan.; Mr. Annie Trow bridge, Mrrehalltown. Iowa: broth ers. Fred Stevens. Tabor. Iowa: Will Stevens, ciendair. Ani.; also aeven grandchildren. Servl'-es will he held Wrdnesday, February Sth at 10 Ml A.M. at the Wesley Methodiat Church. Aumsville. Ore. Interment, Aumsvilir i emeier.v. nev. rrana Wing will officiate. Servicea will be under the direction of the Clough Barrick Chapel. Rabbits Average to growers- Live whites, 34-4 lbs, 22-25; col ored pelts, 4 cents less; fresh killed fryers te retailers, SMI: cut up, S2-65. Wool Nominal, clean basis, l blood, to 1.05: H blood to LIS; H blood to 1.30; fine to l.. Wholesale Dressed Meats Beet carcasses Steers, choice, 500-700 lb. 42.50-44.50; good. 41.00 42.00; standard. S8.00-41.00: com mercial cows, 35.00-37.00; utility, 34.00-3rj.00; canners and cutters, 32.00-35.00. Beef cuts (choice steers Hind quarters, 48.00-52.00: rounds 49.00 51.00; full loins, tiimmed, C2.00 7.00: forequarters. 17.00 38.50: chucks, 40.00-43.00; ribs, 40.00- 55.00. Lambs Choice 49.00-il 00, good. Sll wU, 4C.OO-50.00. Pork carcass Shipper style, 130-170 lb, 32.00-33.50. Pork cuts Loins, choice. 1-12 lb. 48.00-53.00; shoulders. 1 lb. down. 34.00-37.00; spareribs. 4S.00-50.OS; fresh hams. 12-18 lb, 51.00-54.00. Veal and calves G9d -choice. all wts, 40.00-54.00; standard 38.00-49.00. Produce Potatoes Ore. Deschutes Rus sets, 100 lb; 3.50-75. few lower; bakers. 100 lb. 8 ot min. 3.75-4.00; 12-18 oi, 4.25-50; local Burbanks. washed. 100 lb No. Is. 2.75-3.00; Idaho Russets, No 1, 100 lb, 4.00- 25. Onions Ore. west district Dan- vers. 50 lb. med, 1.85-2.00: Ige, 150-3.00; boilers. 10 lb. 28-32; Central Point sweet Spanish. 3.00- 25. Hay New crop. No. 2 green alfalfa, baled, fob. Portland. 24.00-23.00 ton. A Dole Oregon-Washington De licious combination loose 35-38 lbs, 2.75-3.00; fancy 1.75-2.00; C frsde 1.25-1.50: Red Delicious loose 35-38 lbs extra fancy 4.00-4 50: fancy 2.75-3.00; extra fancy tray pack 4.00-4.50; a few lower: fancy 4.00- 4.50: Red Romes. large, extra fancy 2.75-3.00; fancy 2.OO-2.50; Winesape, loose, combination grade. 35 lbs, 3.00-3.50: extra fsncy loose cartons 3.50-3.75: wood 2.75-3.00; various varieties C grsde loose pack low as 1.25. Celery California 2-2H dozen 4.50-5.00; hearts 2.00-2.50 dozen. NEW YORK. Feb. j uk -Storks HIsTher; aircraft m demand Bond Lower; range narrow Cotton Lower; cemmassioa Bouse selling CHICAGO Wheat Lower: genera aelUnf Cora Muted, light trad Oats About atesdy: light trad Soybeans Mostly lower; lleuidatiosa Hose Stendv ta SS enta aiater- Hop 131) cattle steady te sirens; top Sll SO steers 22.00-23.50; one lot 'mostly choice fed heifers 23.50; good heif ers 22.00-2S.00; utility and com mercial cow 18.00-18.50; canners and cutters 12.50-14.50: heavy Hoi steia cutter te 18.00; utility bulls 18.50-21.00. Calves salable 150; steady; choice vealers 28.00-30.00; good vealer 25.00 - 28.00: good and choice slaughter calves 21.50-24.08. Hogs salable 1,200; trade moder ately active: butchers 25-50 lower; tows steady, extreme top 50 up; sorted U.S. 1-2 grade butchers 22.00; mixed grade lots 21.00-50: heavy and light butchers 1800 21.50: sows 300-500 lbs 15.00-19.00; few No. 1-2 11.50. . Sheep salable 1.500; fully (toady; choice shorn lambs 22.75-23.00: good and choice feeders 65-85 lbs 18.00-21.50: cull to good slaughter ewes 4.00-1.50. Markets at a Glance 133 BOND AVERAGES 1 It M RaUs iMas tula Prga A 1 O .1 anch tmck u i se a Chicago Livestock Portland Grain Salem Quotations BUTTERFAT (Andreeens) Premium .. St'i No. I '! EGGS (Oregon Egg Producers I Prices to farmers are t to cents under these wholesale prices: Jumho A M Extra Large AA . 47 Large AA .... ... 44 Large A - 40 Medium AA 41 Smsll AA 3S POULTRY (Jnnes Dillon Poultry Cm Leghorn Hens ... H Colored Hens 19 Colored Fryers . . . . .. .21 Old Roosters -M PORTLAND Coarse grsins. 15-day shipment, bulk, coast delivery: ' Oats. No. 2. 38-lb white 48.50 Barkey. Nol, 45-lb B.W. . 47.50 Corn. No. I E.Y. ship't 53.00-50 Wheat bid. to arrive market. basis No. 1 bulk, delivered coast: Soft Whit 2.25 Soft White (excluding Rex) .. 2.25 White Club 125 Hard Red Winter: Ordinary 2.27 10 per cent 2.27 11 per cent : 2.28 12 per cent 2.30 Hard White Baart: Ordinary 10 per cent 11 per cent 12 per cent Monday's car receipts: CHICAGO. Feb. 1 UP (USDAV Ho s aa labia e.OOO; moderately active: steady to strong en butchers under t lbs; heavtanr wetfrits eteedy to 2S higher; eswa earr. steady; I lto 14 lb butchem lS.t--M: No. Is ll-ts lbs uniform la weight and r-ade 1S T: 1-S SM-SM Iba l.M-l.4U; 1 SS-ll iba IS 00.11 M: mixed greet 17 MO lb sows II 36-17. SO. Cattle eatable n.MO; ralvel 10: slow oa slauchter steers and setfera: aleera eerwrally eteedy: high ohoec and prim stewr S0-S1.JO. food to average choaoe 21 10-M.sO: bulk choice hetfere t4.l-a.(0: good ta) low chotce tl.OS-M.W; utility and comroarciaJ cows II 90-17 SO; canners and cutters 11 0-uo; utility and commercial bulls IS 00-11 00; goo and chetce vejal era n -n.OO. Sheee eelaba 1.00: elauarhter lamba steaav to u lenwer; ouia cneae wewl- ea sisugnter ismos ioo lb so-a S4 O0-S4 M: rood grsde XUS-S4 SO: cull and utility IT M-Zl OS: too and choir woojef alaurhter ewes I iO- run a no utility t oo-e 90. Net Chang Monday Previoua Day Week am Month Af Yesr Ago IS41-S High 1951-M Low IK High ISM Low M S SI i si i S Mt SIJ 4 TS.a 1 sis t ni "I i stj S3 4 SS I u s es t SI S SS 1J ni ss hi j sai st j se e ss.l tt.t as ss. se.s si r ss SS S SO T SS. Western Securities The bid anaraak sjuotaBen roe resent prices at which on or mor icrs. member ot the KaUonal AssociaUoB ot Security Dealer- lnc, would trad with th general aubu Un,.u, quota none wVte gathered at 1 p.m. yesterday: r- . -'" Askeel ivI. L'Tr - r""Si, n . U'a Iron Fireman naf. Jantzcn Inc. Com. '"i neier et rrana in ""tTlSTtn tTniiflase Ore -Peart. Cement Pc. P aVL Can. Pone a Talhot forUend Get t CvJuT... 18 Pert. Gen. fjee. 1a BANKS ' Banks ef America .14 vnese aaanj- an first Nauon nrst Nat. City NT U. B. Natloaaf m. Chicago Butter-Eggs CHICAGO. Feb. 1 ia 4USDA I But ter steady; whole selling prices '.; as unchanged; S3 acore AA St) Investment Trusts Bllaus. Saalther at C, late. Affiliated Fund 18 vnaaiaai rune . .. .. 1 11 , Centurr Sharea Tnut liu Chemical rund ... Hit Delawar Fund 841 uiver. inveau fund M B MVMU: S C un quoted. Eggs uneertUed: w bote sale eellin( prices unchanged la I lower: SO dot cent or hetter grade A whites xt'a M'a; medhim traa SS-SSU: stand ards MVS; checks t's-30. A : Dividend Share IT Chicago Onions CHICAGO, Feb. I - Onions: Ohi Hlrk Lew Ctee Pebrusry l.M 1 se i ll i n March l.M 1.70 l.M 1.7 2.25 .... 2.25 .... 125 2.25 Wheat 91; barley 2; flour 35; corn 8; oat 1: mill feed 18. Fire Destroys Firm Af Myrtle (.reek MYRTLE CREEK. Feb. J UP John's Plumbing and Heating Co.. located just south of Myrtle Creek, was destroyed by fire this morn ing. The damage lots was estimated st 840,000. The firm Is owned by John Eckwall. Eaton a M, -BaL liacUSSJS Gee- Ind- 11.71 Group Tobacco JS Incerp. Investors f ,n Key Cue. Fuiidii a-J a-4 K-t s-i 8-4 7JS - i.n - 3 -1JS Msn. Bond Fund .. Meas, Invest. Iruat Natl Bsc. Series: Income Series S IS Stock Saries ., iS Pref. Stock S. T J Nstl. Oiv. Sanaa . , JS NaU. Growt SJ Pioneer Fund .. .'. 117 Tel -Elect, rund , It SS Value Un Inc. Fond . 4 SI WelUngton Fund ... IMS 114 If .11 IIS in ii at us lei net 13 IJ7 IM eai 141 11 1 lie? Dow Jones Averages SO Industrials 10 Railroads 11 Utilities SS Stock Nlgk Lew CM o.iv see. aa 4U lie t let m tie T177 71.08 7 l4 isi.te 1M.T8 Chicago .Grain CHICAGO. Feb. 1 ' Grain WHEAT March Mav Julv September December CORN March September December OATS March May July September RVE March Mav Julv September SOYBEANS March May July September November Opea Case 8.1S's-.i I.lS'V'i- t.7ii4 t.SS i.toJ-'i'ii, l.M'r 1JI lOS'.-'a lOS'i'i l.IJi.s l.llal l.l'i-4 1.15'-W l.l-a - 1-1 l.mi-" nm oi J'i o-ts eo(. S7's S7, Si's HU 1 isu 1 ss'i-'i 11S', 1 IS 10P', logs;'s 1 ll'i 1JH,, SSB'.'s 1 241.1; j 233,. l.MVM i..1Sa-U 1.1S S.lS'l tUUVt 8.18'. The typical U.S. fsrm in 1940 contained about 174 acres. Today the average size is slightly more than 215 acres. Watch your mail for a whale of a buy YOUR LAST CHANCE EVER TO OBT, FOR ONLYJOw.A COPY I .at f V 1 4" ..- 1 t -I r