. r , HONDH ly CHIC TOUNO Statesman, Salem, Oregon, Monday, Feb. 3, 1958-7 r.i!!!lll,l!llilU!li:!ll" I iriyiM" """""' fTmm m?TT - 1 ill l i I l"P 1 I I. -1 II OM.WEHWeSOMCWONOePFULI r! W6 HAVE EXCITfcMeNT.. v I ( DON! YOU HAVE J' , I " i NEW SCENISPW SMART, J " APVBMlUHt-IKHCll IOV...- ANYTHING FOP J I WANT A BOTTLE ?s SOPHlSTlCATTO WOMEN yct T ANt THIS ONC CALLED r? I A BEGINNER frc ii -- pj t y-' C-CV' IAKES AUVg.l 1 1 JEST S0BTA f I 00N7 KNOW WHAP. XnTT MAVHAPS WE ' i i - I r . MSLJ8SY R 60T A PEEUNVAl ON AIRTH VE EVER GOT J AlNT VAWNIN V rH WAAL-1 BETTER JJ"" J " I'M KEEPING Of V-rffa OEE A UOUO ENUFF KLj fJ?!2?' L RUSH?5 YOU FOLKS JM QL UKE THAT. C Vim SNUFFT Z. li IUCK ROGERS , ly RICK YAGER tVnr, BOC5B.I?, THE " -TMATWMV "V WUlMtff, I I yBftTtMN V (HCLOOiMfi US (OUT9lDTffMPe0TUev) I TUB MAftTIAMff 7 OA? POlA.'C0TTlN ABOATO rVIU. I WfOWW rN y U7B' ttJOH xmitof will soon m; cue PowaATHffewvM I mxa ,kxw? Wck-ao .rv I ATMO WTOUffTeAH. BUT ... V TON-MA05I MATTB LIKBI Vl 'Av A4AIN f y V WITHOUT MAT S IlitN- in , voV tCCLKM WHf N few 7MrMrurArKj.mrMMr. MICKEY MOUSE ly WAIT DISNEY 1 1 S, rigrhAl.sV PQggQNg A.,.', I f ...SO WITH A CUKPLINO "Vf LL , ....AND THAT WASTHI ) FzZ2A 'f?1 I '"TT? S-( ThS W C 3 H grgj BUZZ SAWYER '" ' " Ry ROY, CRANI P MAKRICO!.. AM, Mi! IUT Till Ml T 1 1 SUPPOSE SHE'S UKC AUWOMKH COOP FOR MW. THEM SMI WONT MM? MY AWUT THI UICK( WIFE, POEi . I WITM 6UM0K0US WU5tANPi... TAKINA OU PWINOTOTHSSCAMOFv SHE ftO SCUA PIVIHQ, TOO? S 4 WW JWUM PlCESIKNOW V THS WAV, WHf$ I'-yVST 7f 7WMEHTMI I fn f - V k W TMAT MAKE XZrli-A ( THE TIMEt I PROMtStD JI iA. FA i WATER'S ' ,WIHN3 MEAPU9. SFXfiSSQ V T0EACKFOR , -- j OASOLINI ALLEY By. KING r i In rs-aJ I oh it? you, Judy-' You ) 1 1 wow don't try autTyT:t Pv I don't ant to tarfcV I '?1f a littl pa!.-- I to ay a iord. y ryn 1 Doc---q w ma now. I'll 1 collscting bill9 from k Stick out your rV V L JS At m4ndvoua f UOO SMIN . By KEN BALD n4 JERRY BRONDFIELO 5 Jir TM PEAL'S AAAPC, JUPP.' I )l I iUT HERE'S SOME Y WHATR6 L IS f C uirKKilf 1 V tOOHT TRU-HNE OM NEW INFORMATION WU TRVINS N I f V c,'5 7 -at WkulA OSWORTH. we'U. kg! WOM THE SURVEY 1 TO TELl ME J Ik THAN WB 0iA.. g,, J 'ijj RIP KIRBY ' ly ALEX RAYMOND I f I ll Yf T'M 1 " rlgllv AaAlf- I I THERE'S THE mLOW WA, WfyZS A I iUniT rJ MISS PORIAN. VOO'Ll WJRT COMING OUT OF WE5HACK H. CARMOPY J T , Uril'V V YOURSEIF LESS IP NOW. RlP. C'MON, WE CAN'T 2Sr(T 2w-vJ DICK TtACY . ; , ' , ' By CHESTER COULD I J"V I V WILL. 1 ANSWCR fl rOU DID PINO T" WHAT 1 I7T TXI POLICED OSIMESS. "s. what? n MVOoesTioK f ' tvo recows business janir. WHERTARE y f-7 well T lxvV janir. V I DlDNT 1 isrTOF VTVI RECORDS? ' . - , , " "i1-! '- ' 4 ... . Monday Television Highlights KOIN-TV (Channel 6); S:M p.m. Amckalr Theatre "Enchanted Kve plnj" lUrrinc Eddit Albert And Margo. Life U lovely until kidi lo tbAftrt ticket that their dad'i bow bu been coh)ntoa. 7:M .. Lvey-Dttl Hmw 4Bclal Lmjt 1m love-ilarvad trottlnf horM in breaktat cereal contest. I;M .bl Daaax Tbaaua Umw Danny'i eftortf to make ton Rusty stand up (or his rights against the school bully bring surprising results. t:M a.m. StudW Oaa Nina Foch. Richard Den- mng, Lee Bowman, Jane Wyatt co-star in "The Laughing Willow." A career girl finds that her popularity and cleverness are becoming detri mental to her main goal -of finding a husband. 11:4 p.na. ShawUm m sis "Death Is a Mock cry." starring Donald Houston, Kathleen Byron. A couple turns to smuggling when their small fishing business goes bankrupt. KGW.TV Channel 8): lt:M a.Bfc Meralag Merle "Blonde Bombshell." ' Jean Harlow and Frank Morgan. Trials and trib ulations of Hollywood actress trying to live a normal life. liN .ra. Telerama Movie "Don't Gamble with Love." Ana Sotbera helps her husband, played by Bruce Cabot, preserve his life and their mar riage at the expense of his business. t;N a .jo. Pa recite Stery-Adolphe Menjou nar rates a strange tsle of suspicion where Justice was achieved In the jiick of time. "The Crime." I:M p.aa. Bold Jeoraey Adventures of a white hunter in the jungles and on the plains of Africa. :M a.m. Velce ef Flresteae Guiseppe Campora, Metropolitan tenor will be heard in a program of Italian folk songs and opera arias. 1:31 p.m. Lawreaee Welk Top Tunes and New Talent a music by the regulars. It: 4 s.nk Chaaeel I Playhouse "A Day at the Rices." The Marx Brothers and Maureen O'Sul livan in a zany comedy involving a horse doctor, a loan shark and a race horse needing psychologi cal treatment. KPTV (Channel 12): 1:M a.m Stage It "A Smattering of Bliss." starring Irry Parks and Betty Garrett. A suc cessful husbsndfwife writing team is nearly dis solved when s luscious blonde comes on the scene. 1!:M aooe NBC Matleee Theater (la Coler "Cave In," starring Paul Ijngton. Jeanne Coop er. Catherine McLeod and Stacy Harris. An acci dent that has befallen their children exposes the extra-curricular relationship between neighboring couples. J:M p.m. Year Afteraeea Theater "Accidents Will Happen," starring Ronald Reagan, Gloria Blondell, Dick Pur cell, and Sheila Bromley. An insurance adju.itor's wife gets framed in a fake accident. 1:31 a.m. Aespease Callmlled-' Alias Nora Hale," starring Claire Trevor and Warner Anderson. A woman swears an oalh of revenge against the judge who sentenced her to prison. :W s.m. Tars ef Fate "Music in the Night." starring Jane Powell, with Peter Hansen and Maggie Mahoney. A young woman's telephone rings all night long only to hear the pulsating melody of Ravel's "Bolero" and a strange mas culine 'voice taunting her. lt:M p.m. Satpielea "Heartbeat," starring David Wayne and featuring Pat Hingle, Barbara Turner. Warren Beaty and Raymond Bramley. Due to an accidental switch In medical records, a doc tor discharges a seriously ailing man with a heart condition. 11:0 p.m. Acsdemy Theater-' HolTywood Hotel." starring Benny Goodman and his band, Dick Powell, and Lola and Rosemary Lane. ., rvnr'jniiiff iiara 'n-raa s"tw"tari Monday's Television Log KOLVTV, I: KGW-TV. KFTV, 12j KTAL-TV, U 00:30 00:41 HOUR 00:00 00:15 7,5211 cpl KB,Cipt KaasvooiCapt KnrooGrnt Hefcem ' A!' v OIAfrwnu ,OKA Premie I Com Ladles Fur KKW ptt rods f JdlM ralr rayer-Uyma odsy C.rtoon Time ICarteea Tim (Csrtooa Club iTadar Tada ') KI? ? c,mP- Le Search Totnenr.iOuldlaf UaM KPTV Tie Taa Doush'tic Tea Poufh It Could Be 0 11 CeuITae Yew 1 5"w 5,orn?i5,Brrt.iE,' fl'"K7 . iA WrM Werld Turna i,,,, .orn'n AtovtelMormnt Movl Morninf Movie (Morning Movie -0 PT SU. 12 mute U irraaaure Hint iTreawira Hunt 1 5!! h Cloes Baat the aocfciHoiiiie Psrty iHouae Party 1 f ?""" Movie'Morntai MovlelWork Bhon Wot Shoo JPTjr Price u night ,Prlce i aight Kitty Foyle KIHy Foyle I VAL 'Kitty I-oyle IKltty Foyle Bit Payoff iBir Payoff lYour Verdict .Your Verdict TfHH??" NooB cartooa Wunda Wwtda Wunde wunda NBC Matinee NBC Matinee NBC MeUnoe NBC MattnM NBC Matinee NBC Matinee INBC mVumT NBC M.UT ion EGW S.PTV KVAL KOIN KUW PTV KVAL 2S.OIN KUW XPTV KVAL 3 KOIN KUW KPTV KVAL Brighter Day Secret Storm XOIN Kitehea iKOIM Kltchee relerama iTelerama frtlerama iT.lerama Oueen lor Dty Qutm lor Day Quean tor Day (Mod. ftemaama Quean tor DaylQueen for Par Iftueea for Day 'Mod. Bomanneo 3arry Moore iCarry Moore lArthur Oodfrayi Arthur Oodtrey releram. Telerama ravorlte Story iFavonu Story Comedy Time IComedy Time Truth er Cana.:Truther Con. Comedy Time 'Comedy Time iTruth or ConaJTruta er Coaa. : Arthur Godfreyi Arthur CodfreyiEdg of Nlrht Edge ef MlfM Stu Erwia stu Erwui Trit Vour WUelTruat Tour Wife Aftrnoon Thee.lAftrnoon Thee. lArtraonn The a. lAfternoon Then. Cuwt Book Gueat Book 'rum Fair TOm fair Eight Die in House Fire ' '1r ' - '.-' t - t. . . V T j- h 4 'J " ' . " ;'.' -c'j" ikteivi-t " " .- It i 1 -1 rv ' , t V-',. I . - t i r.piiA(AmA CONWAY, Ark, Feb. Volunteers 41s; fat the mini of a frame dwelling Uruesome for (he Mitt 9t tlght tuoa, twa of them small children, whs perished In aa early morning fire la aa Isolated rural area near Gay, Ark. Three ether persons escaped from smoke-house which had beea converted lata temporary living quarters. (AP) " . 'o ii ea. a im a i a .... p WASHINGTON, Feb. 2 This is aa artist's conception of the X1S rocket re ixcaccl iv.il feirch plane which may reach a speed of 3,600 miles aa hour, according to the magazine Aviation Week. The publication said the X15 s power plant may have a thrust comparable with that needed for some ballistic missiles. (AP Wlrephoto) ! i Jt . . I , I; ,4 a . J , SaT y f a r x t .Mb! . t V i. i f t 'S f n f lt V ti -:: ay, Kf ".. - -V.. 1 I ? e: !-)' li 1Bh as aT aaanSaa.. - jf " I Rita's Fifth BEVERLY HILLS, Calif., Feb. t Actress Rita Hayworth and movie pro ducer Jme Hill are pictured Just atler their marriage at the bride's home here today. It was the first marriage for Hill, who Is 41, and the fifth for the actress, 39. Her daughters, Rebecca, IS, and Yasmln, 9, witnessed tlu? ceremony. (AP) 4" Dollar Dotter' iDouar Dotto I Mr. Moon nod Dunning 5''" Bandatand Bandatand Pioneer Chib Plotmr CluX 5fT? Aitrnoon Thea.iAitraooo Thea.lHigh Time High Time . KVAL Film Fair Film fair iFlka Fait Big Bnaidiap 5 SOrN Cartoon Tune iCartooa Time Armchair TheaiArmekair Tnaa. KGW Superman Superman Mickey Mnoic Mickey Mouae KPTV High Tune High Tune iuapenee UaltdlSuapenje UaltaV KVAL Big Roundup IBig Eoundup Woodpecker Woodpecker 6 KOIN Weather-Newa iDoug Edwarda RotMa Hood Rtua Hood KOW Sky Km ky King iNewi Beat Newe Beat KPTV Newi-Central INBC Ne Corllaa Archer ICerliaa Archee KVAL Weather-Newa UiBC Newe IFameue FlgtaU IWototoaS real ,.. KOIN KGW KPTV KVAL L4icy-Deal Hr. Lucy-Deal Hr. ILury-Oeel Mr. I Lucy-Deal Hr. CapL Cnei CpC Oriel Hiway Petrel iHiway Patrel Badge 714 :Bade 114 Price la Right 'Price ta RiirM Sayety Plynee-iGayety Plyhae.lBoeU A aaddlelBeeta a Saddle amKOtN Vw KGW KPTV KVAL KOIN" KGW KPTV kkrai Danny ThomaslDanny Thorn aai Dee. Bride i iDee. Brlee 1 s Love That Jul I Love That JiU Isold Journey I Bold Journey ReeUees Cua ReaUeaa Gua i Welle Fargo WeUe Fargo . Reitleu Gun 'ReaUeaa Gun 'Weus Targe jwella .Fargo f "Studio One Studio One Studio One Studio One" Voice Firtitone Vok irestaae Lawrence WelkiLawrence Wesk , Twenty-One Twenty -One i Turn of Pate IT urn of Fata , Twenty-One TwentvOne Ray Miuand 'Ray Milland KOUt . PerlornfamfStar Pertamu INawa Wire glghnoima aav, I KGW Lawrence Walk Lawrence Welk.Niht Beat IChan. S Plyhaa. ri? suspicioa surpicioa ouapicion nuapicson KVAL is Men I2S Men Uoc. Bride 'Dec. Bnde Bom inowttme oa Si Showtime ea KGW Jit a. s Plyhaa.iChan. s Plyhee. KPTV Academy Thea.i Academy Thea.1 KVAL BUr Perform, taur Showtime Chan. S Plyhee. Academe Tnea. iTenigot Showtime ea S IChan. S Plvhae. lAeadamy Thoau iToaugbt (Kdtteft aeeai rtt Stateeaaea akHsaes at seed faith the geegraaaa sad Unaea ea peertded ky ratio and TV atatleaa, kat keeaaee efMaaea the pregraau ere eaaaged wttaeen eettfteaelea this aeeapapar aeaaad ke reapwalele foe the aeaeraey aereta Monday's Radio Log KSLM Hid K8AI M30 KBZT Mte KOIN TO KOW 43S KGON llf ' "STii Megaeyeles - KOIN MUi KGW MeJ HOUR 00:00 00:13 00:30 00:43 6 KSLM Vol rermceat KGAT farm News KBZT RFD-Bauer KOIN Newe-Amerles KGW Dick Novak KGON Newa-Farm 7 KSLM KGA V KBZT KOIN KGW KGON Hemingway Local Newe Newa-tuuer KOIN Klock Dick Novak Newa-Dialect Val Farmeaal Roger Carroll Al Bauer KOIN Klock Dick Novak SUn Sputnik ITBA Plmmy Fldler IRFU-Bauer Headline Newa Dick Novak Staa Sputnik Val rarmcaat, Newa Roger cairou'jvoice or cama Al Bauer KOIN Klock Dick Novak Stan Sputnik Al Bauer KOIN Klerk Novak-News IStan Sputnut ITBA INewa Weatk. Lawrence Walk Roger CarreU iRav WUIet INewe FUoa iGoaa New Babbitt Show ' IWeaUier-News IDick Novak SUa Sputnik Stea Sputnik 8 KSLM KGAT KBZT KOIN KGW KGON Cliff Engle Local Newa Newa-Brody Consum News Dick Novak Mewa-Dialect IfamUy AlUr Larry Roee Steve Brody iVallle Newa Pick Novak IStan Sputnik Bible Inat Larry Roae News-Willee Shelley Berea. uica rrovan Sun Sputnik Bibkt but KCAY Newa Rar WUlea Shelley 8 area. nevaax-nawa Staa Sputnik 9 Newa IPaator'e Call Roger Canon llimmy P idler Rav WUlea IRav WUlea Howard Miller Uieica Treat KSLM. Newe KGAT Roger Carroll KBZT Newa-WUlea KOIN Peter A Marr KGW Breaklaat Club iBreakfaat Club jBreakfaat Chm IMatinoe IKGAY Hay Wllles Midmora Ne Breekfaat Club KUUN Newa-Tra StorylMy True BtoryiBBC Bandat'ndiNBC Bandatand 1 0 1 I 1 2 1 2 KSLM KGAT KRZ KOIN KGW KGON Newt Roger Carroll . Conee-Newe I Nora Drake Anderaoa Shew NewaBandatd Telle Teat IWInga ef Song Clarey Dyer Roger Carroll itay wuiea Ray wuiee Ma Perkins Dr. Malone Anderaon Show Anderaoa Show NBC Bndatnd NBC Bandat'nd Wines ef Bone- Boris Karloft ' Ray WUlea Rood ef Lew Andera'a-Nawa NBC "Bandatand KSLM KGAT KBZV KOIN KGW KGON "kslm KGAT KBZT KOIN KGW KGON "kslm KGAT KBZT KOIN KGW KGON KSLM KGAT KBZT KOIN KGW KGON Newa I Kate Smith Dinner Winner I Dinner W Newa-Wltlee IRay WUlea Wendy Warren IMra. Burton Kotinw worth ,Konnie Worth Queen for DaylOueea for Day wimmy v Fldler IRoaar Canal! Rav WUlea Rav WiUee Strike It Rich INext Door Konnie Worth Konme Worth SpoUite Recda ISpotlile Recda Spotute Reeds Newe-SpoUite Newa Newt iScta Bike ShewlVeU. roieceet Roger Carroll H 15 Newa Roger CarroU IKGAT Newa Newa-Wheei News Fllea RFD-Bauer ISmorgaibord Noon Newa We a the i Hep't iCome A Get ItiCome Get at Paul Harvey Mank Henry Hank Henry iHenry-Newt Nea-Kecorda ISpotlrte Recda ISootlite Reeda'8petllte Recda Matinee IMatlnee Matinee Matinee Rollie Smith IPollie Smith 'Jimmy Fldler tKGAY News Newa Brodv Steve Brodv Steve Brody Steve Brod Godlrey Time iGndlre lime Godfrey Time Godfrey lime IHank Henry Uim Reevae Jim neevea ISpotlite Recda (Spotllte Recda. Spotlite Recda Hank Henry Newa MaUnee IMatlnee IMatlnee Matinee Rollie Smith Route Smith Rollie Smith KGAY Newe Newa-Brody Isteve Brodv Isteve Brody Steve Bmdy Godlrey Tune Godfrey Tune IHouae Party . House Paity Beckua Show IBackua Show IBackua Shove Backua-News True ConieaentlTrue Confeaanail Mans FamtlylDO Gentry 3 KSLM WUlam Mat iWUlam Mat KGAT Rollie Smith 'Rollie Smith KBZV Newa-MaUnee Matinee KOIN Backatage WUeGai hundav KGW Dick Novak IDick Novak KGON Nwa- Star MafS-Star Matinee IWUlam. Mat. Ijimmv Fldler Uncle Steve KewiDauei IDick Novak WUlam Met 'KGA V News Made Steve (Newspaper newa-novae KSLM Newa KGAT Rollie Smith KBZV Newe-Bandat'd KOIN Art Kirkhara KGW Dick Novak KGON Newa.Faeh'ne KSLM Fmlin KG ' Rollie Smith KBZT Newa-Pollce KOIN Ed Murrow KGW Newa-Novak KGON Newa lnbound KSLM Newt IHeminrway Rollie Smith Bandatand Man On Ge IDick Novak iFaah Rhythm INewa-Faah'nt Women ui Hae.lPepper Young iGabriel Heater iMutic 'Rollie Smite 'KGA? Newe Steve Brody Steve Brody lArthur GodtreyiArthur Gudlray IDick Novak (Newa-Novak raan. nrymme iProlica Rollie Smith S P. M. Ruah .Newt Weather pick Novak 'Inbound INewa 'Jimmy Fldler S P. M. Ruah Ton He'-mon John Daly llniMMino IN"' KGAY Newe Newt rUet Frank Goat 10 Anaeraea Unbound 91 7 IFarmcaat IBill atern IVirill Plnkley KBZV Bob Roblnaon AI Dreier I Morgan Beatty I Man'a Family KOIN Carpenter ! Lowell Thomaa Amos n' AndylAmna I 'n' Andy KGW Ed P Morgan Weather Sola (Starr Tune Starr-Newt KGON Newa-Muslc Dinner Music IMorgan Beatty iLile at World , Radio Rotary IBanO Concert Showcase Ishevrceae Rob . Lawtai Root Q Lewie Stan Time 'Starr-Newt . Wig btllne KSLM Gabriel Heater World Muaic KBZY Nwa-Shoucaae Showctee KOIN News-Melody IMelody KGW Starr Time ISiarr Tune KGON Newt-Man IGroucho Man INightline KSLM Whlrtlln Tunet IWhlstlin Tunet IWhittlm Tunes Vhirtlin Tunes KBZV UofO-Stanlord lUofO-SUnford lUofO-Stanlord UefO-Stanford KOIN UofO-Stanford lUofO-SUnford I UofO-Stanf ord lUofO-SUnford Slit Starr Time Starr Time Starr Time iStarr-Newa KGON Classical Muaic Classical Music NlghtUne Nlghtline inn 'n.i Barrv Grav I Sweet a, SwrlneSwetrt k aWtaal I KBZT TJofO-Stanford ll'ofO-Stanford I Late Show Late Show 1 KOIN UofO-Stanlord lUofO-Staniord I World Tonite WorM Tonite KGW News r'lashei. rianc Time Dance Time 'Danoe Tune . KGON Bell Telephone Bell Telephone Moatly Muaic IMoetly Muale KSLM Sweet it Swing Sweet Sr SwnglNews KBZV Pacific Newa (L-tfe Sr World lLaU Shew Late 8how KOIN Newa Flashet BporU Desk Chambr FerumiChamoer Fna. KGW Tof McCaU 'Dance Time I Dance Time IDanee Time KGONN.W. Newt Mostly Muaie iMoaUy Muale 'Moetly Muaie n VsTSTriie netective True rJeSeetlve Melodiea IMelodiet KBZV Newt-Show Late Show ' Late Show Mte Show KOIN Newa- bhow Late Show ILaie Show Wewa KGW Dance Time IDanee Time ..(Dance Time Pence Time KGON Newa Music 'Moetly Muale Moatly Muale IMoetly Mutie Radio Station KOAC. 550 kilocycles , , . r KOAC (Meaety)t 1:N a lsTke Newt end Weather: 1S:1S Kapaelally . for Weatea Merit Scales; ll: Oregea Scheel fe the Air Standard School Broadcast: 11:M The Concert BlaU-MuaU Frees Geraeany; U:4 The Ntwt aad Weather; IMS p.an. Neea Parat Bear; I: Melody Lane) l:is-0regea Scheel of the Air Lead ef Make-Belleve, -Frog rnnu"j i:je Twenty Over Twe Beadred; 1:41 Of Maay Talagai I: Especially fee Women "CeUtgea aad Universities ef Orten." Mrs. B. S. stiatataat 1:J Memory Beek ef Mask; :4S-Oregon Scheel of the Air Nerthwett Adven ture, "Buried Treaser"; 3: Oregea Reporter; J:IS Mette of the Mat ters; 4 H-Leadee Feraat; 4:JOe the Ipaeat; Se-ChlldreBl Tkeeteri irit-koaaan Farumi 1 4S Bier Deetethlaad : S:Tbe New sad Weatborj :lf-OSKA Newa; SiM-Pettarat ef Theagbt; :4S Atoaw fer'Teweri TOS- Evening Farm Been l:t-Baskateall-U. ef O. n. Stanford l-lW alag Mediuttena-Be. Keaatth Baldwin. First Beptm cearea; He Blga Off. "' - Educational TV (KOAC-TV, Channel 7) ' Fakruarv I: t:t a .as. . Se p.m. chee Chee rhertlei 1:3a """I' 7.... lntrri.all.nal Geephyaleal Veari S:M ft History; S. Let a Tfc oro ftrT a 1 4er Nslloa'a Beets: 1 :e -latsailee seven; T:IS . imiii of Atii l:at Great Declilaaati Gtatrel CheaUetrjr , ; Sign Oil. . , , , , - , MONDAY I'nlted Statn Explore Art; I:IS CeatUtetloa and Raman Rlthta; lt:4S The Friendly Giant; ll:e