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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1958)
10-Statesman, Salem, Oregon, Monday, Feb. 3, 1958 Plunging Bomber Misses Housing Tract Venezuela Proves 2 Dictators in One Country Too Many "fV mHiiwm seawspa ujJ.-.wwFt.-'.vn . -s -'.. NORWALK. Calif, Feb. Z This air view hwi how falling Navy Neptune patrol bomber which had collided in air with transport narrowly missed falling Into Bousing tract near Santa Fe Springs last night. Transport crashed in Norwalk residential section. Forty eight people were killed, 47 aboard plsaes. 4S.ory on page 1) (AP) Yank Polar Scientists on Way Home Feted by Russ ABOARD THE I'SS BURTON j L'. S. ship to anchor at the chiel i iponded with expressions of hope ici ivn Antarctica. Yrh 2 Li c, r.nnhv.irai ! lor continued cooperation and U. S. scientists 41x1 Navy mea.Ver center in Antarctica, homeward bound from Antarctica , . . ... VI C IllCM "till oauutc uj it. it copters and were given a warm welcome. They spent IS hours drinking toasts in vodka and champagne, helping launch a weather balloon and eating heart- cot a red carpet reception from Russian scientists at their Mirny polar station The Burton Island was the first Father of U.S. Rocket Expert Proud of Son ily. friendship. The Burton Island left at mid night Thursday on its way to the Wilkes station where it will join the icebreaker Atka and the cargo ship Arneb. They will head for home after supplying IGY stations for the coming year. In return, Capt. Gerald Ketch urn, commander of the U. S. Ross Sea surface units, invited the Rus sians aboard this ship for an even ing meal and m doubleheader movie program. About 100 came aboard. ' The Russians showed a liking for American magazines, particu larly those with photographs of beautiful girls. They carried back with them 400 magazines courtesy tv,' R.7..i. . ' committee, said today "we are The Russians have a normal , . .... . .,.h,n of 170. all clwiuM;.rSJLwTur r.1" Mirnv elation l " OBERAL'DORF. Germany. Feb 1 JP Baron Magnus von Braun poke with fatherly pride today of U.S. rocket expert Wernher von Braun and called him "a -u. wir. .n.t t r. v. nioauH complement ii.i" th. th.r tain .hn personnel, at their Russ Accused Of Using Spies For Delegates NEW YORK, Feb. 2 (JwRobert Morris, former chief counsel of the Senate Internal Security sub- CARACAS, Venezeual. Feb. 2 Two dictators In one country are too many. Even if one is in re tirement. Marcos Perei Jimenei of Vene luela and Juan Domingo Peron of Argentina now can testify to the truth of this political axiom from exile in the Dominican Republic. Leading Venezuelan political fig ures, reconstructing and assessing the events of the great January upheaval in Venezuela, have con cluded that Peron s presence here as an exile helped spark the revolt that toppled his host Perez Jim enez, Perm Had It 'GomI' Obviously, Peron would not will ingly have aided the Venezuelan, people in their bid to end 10 years of tyranny and recapture freedom. Peron never had it so good as in Caracas after being an 'exile in! Paraguay and Panama following; his overthrow in Argentina in 1953. Here he openly established head quarters, directing Peronist under ground movements in Argentina, Bolivia. Brazil. Chile, and I'ru guay aimed at returning him to power in Buenos Aires. He was allowed to publish book, to make press statements agaiavt the Ar gentine government, to receive and dispatch agents on missions. He enjoyed secret police protec tion. The Perez Jimenez regime even broke diplomatic relations with Argentina rather than curb Peron's ill-concealed conspiracies. But Venezuelans didn't like Peron from the moment he ar rived from Panama in 1957. So when Perez Jimenez fell, they lost no time in trying to get rid of Peron last remaining symbol here of dictatorship. Prra Attacks Peron The nation's press accused him of masterminding the tough meas ures taken by Perez Jimenez and the hated security police to crush subversive activities and rebellion. Peron took refuge in the Domini can Embassy. The Venezuelans made the in vitation to leave more pointed. Un identified armed bands made a shooting attack on the Embassy. Peron took the hint and fled to Ciudad Trujillo. Undoubtedly, Peron inadvertent ly helped get the tide of resent ment against the Perez Jimenez regime snowballing. After his ar rival here. Venezuelans quietly grumbled: "Now we have two dic tators. Both must go." Cbarch Eaters Issue The people of this heavily Rom an Catholic nation felt Peron was having a bad effect upon relations between the Church and the Perex Jimenei government. They remem bered Peron had warred with the Church in Argentina, one of the contributing causes for his fall from power. They believed Peron counselled steps to curb the Church, once it raised its voice in protest against the government. Thei' fears were confirmed when the Perez Jimen ez regime did get tough and seized seven priests after the abortive air force revolt on New Year's Day. Navy Prepares Vanguard for Satellite Shot CAPECANAVERAL, . Fla., Feb. 2 1 The Navy's Vanguard satellite-bearing test vehicle, partially dismantled a week ago, has been repaired and is fully reassembled in its launching tower, it was 1 learned today. i Informed sources said technical ; difficulties which prevented a Van. guard launching in January and which gave the Army's Jupiter-C the chance to launch the Explorer satellite Friday night have been i corrected. They said the 72-foot, three-stage rocket probably would be ready : lor launching as soon as final I checkouts have been completed and wind conditions and the sched ules of down-range test equipment permit. -The Navy, determined to keep its launch date as secret as the Armv had kept that for Ihe Jupiter-C, would say nothing of its new Vanguard plan. The reassembled Vanguard was visible in its tall launching stand. A nearby Army launching tower also contained a large rocket which could be the Redstone first stage of another Jupiter-C satel lite vehicle. -hl hu Inr hi ro. mauig 11 UK largest in action to the launching of the first McMurdo Sound, the largest i and IT C ofallit "W hv. hn -. o. aumun, a uuinwui; waiting for a long tame for Wern- ov th ,IM although dur 1 sw . ,.h, i. .h.. ing transfer periods as many as be can do." with the Soviet Union. He referred to the recent agree- Dog Bites Actress 300 have been in the base. once the held a Weimar sian station showed comforts at Jn un(jercover or espionage, an police, The baron, who ministerial ontl in Republic, now lives in retirement least "J"81- and m rDCM , undercover for the secret In this Bavarian Alpine village, superior, to the L. S. stations. !Morris gd. every room nas ocas, nox Morris, who resigned his subcom- Divina Vessel Loaned buI J0"" had. 0riental, 00 mittee post Friday, is a candidate immg vessel Loaned waUs Because of a complete lack ,or the Republican nomination for PARIS. Feb. 2 - The French of military features, it appeared j (j s. senator from New Jersey, navy has agreed to send its to be more homelike than the U.S. j speaking before the annual Com bathyscope diving vessel to Tokyo quarters. ; munion breakfast of the Catholic for a series of tests next summer. Evgeni Toleukov, the Soviet , institute of the Press, Morris A group of Japanese scientists station leader, started off the termed visiting Soviet delegations asked tnat me craft, which went visit wnn a aogoie rouna the advanced guard of the secret "" police and "salesmen of despot and ,. He said testimony taken during the subcommittee hearings from former Soviet secret police who defected to the West revealed that delegations of Russian agricultural experts and scientists included secret police. Morris urged that U.S. delegates land sent to Russia as part of the ex change program be selected on the basis of "political sophistication." ment between the United States! ROME. Feb. 2 iActrp Sil. Russia on expanding ex-, vana Pamtanini ha filpH iit for cnanges oerween ine two countries in technical, cultural, educational and sports fields. "Every delegation from the So- The liviag quarters of the Rus-;vjet Unn to the Lniled sutes js down to about 12.000 feet in 1954, bottoms-up vodka toasts to make dives in the S.OOO-foot range ! friendship of the American off the coast of Japan. 1 Russian peoples. Ketcbum re-; Rocket Motors Developed For Navy Ballistic Missile SACRAMENTO, Calif., Feb. 2 from surface warships trV Successful development of Ds ... , . . . ... , 1 When it becomes operational, tery Urge, solid propellant rock- wi jve tremendous jm. et motors for the Navy's Polaris ipetu, u the United States' drive fleet ballistic missile was an- for weapons superiority, said Bounced Saturday by Aerojet-Gen- Aerojet missile experts. eral Corn And. they empmasize, it will im- resigned to hurl a nuclear war- l? V' S' r bead about 1.500 miles, this big ,talip.'r- . . manaB , Intermediate range missile is ca- . R"d j TJLf! pabie of launching from subma- Ifc0 " Jket P'an.'. M rinen roving beneath the sea, orjj JS, form, in the form of. submarines nd ships at sea. that is highly mobile and extremely difficult for an enemy to detect and destroy.! "Polaris is the first ballistic missile to have this mobility. "It also is the first ballistic mis sile based on solid propellants, which are easier to store and han dle under seagoing conditions than : liquid propellants. "These characteristics make it j quite different from other weap ons systems developed thus far." j Ceckler added. "The feasibility of solid propellants has been dem onstrated. All the parts of the propulsion system have been test' led and work." SI .800 for damages she claims she suffered when she was bitten by a dog on a Rome street. The suit was brought against the dog's owner, Duchess L'berta Visconti di Modrone. Miss Pampanini included in her suit costs for immediate medical treatment, lost income and plastic surgery for removal of scars from her legs. votice to cneorroRs NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I have been appointed by the Circuit Court of the State of Ore Ron for the County of Marion. Probate Depart ment, ai executrix of the estate of RUTH E. BRESSLFR, deceased, and have qualified as such executrix. All persons havina claims against aaid estate arc notified to present the aame. duly verified, to me at 411 Pioneer Trust Building. Salem. Ore gon, in said Count, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated this 23rd day of January, !5. CATHA VIOLA RHODES Executrix of the estate of RUTH E. BRESSLER, Deceased. BHUCE W. WILLIAMS OTTO R. SKOPIL. JR. KEITH D. EVANS 412 Pioneer Trust Building Salem, Oregon Attomevs for Executrix Jan. 27. Feb. 1. 10, 17, 24. CHARLIE CHAN CHINESI MEDICINI AND HEW CO. NEW LOCATION SO. 12th AND LESLIE 1195 LESLIE Office Hoars Tnes. and SaL t a.n. i Tm. Ph. EM X-lttt 8. B. FONG, BEU1ST DAILY CROSSWORD j- a : smw ' a -a-w a a Science Shrinks riles New Way Without Surgery Finds Haalinf Substance That RcCeree Pain, a?WjBi atsjisssiaj aa whs a wiiivi mmw.. . Y. H. T. tSasslal) - roe tk first tiaae adewea kaa ( a aw aline rabatasM with tk aataa lakiif ahllitr te ikriak heater, raoida, stoa iukinf, a4 rlw paii - witkeat iurcery. la rase after case, while gently relieying aaia, aetaal reductiea (shrinkage) task place. at est anatiaar af all-reaolU fhwt a Ueraaik thai aaff erars Made artuisaiar ataUmeata like "Pilaa ka a ceased ta he a problem ! Taa aerrst is a atw kealiar sua atanca (Bie-Dyae ) discorery at a world-fanwos reaaarck institute. Tkia aubsunce ia aew availabla la eaiaaeetlenf ar (( era ander tke aame 'reaeratiea H. At year dragfiat. Meaer kack, taaraataa. ' rat. ua. ACKOM 1. Raised platform S. A tax I. Caisson disease tcolloq.) 10. Cantered 12. Italian volcano 13. Grumhle 14. Behold! 15. Fens 1. Mother 17. Fumiahea 20. Woodm pin 21. Circlet of flowers 22. Crazes 23. and Old Lace" 25. Faihion 27. Defender of Troy 30. Land measuree 31. Extra. J. theater , patron 32. FUh 33. Let it aland (print.) 34. Forward 33. Keep 37. Without hair 3. Fritd lightly 40. Sham 41. Fiba 42. Female ahcep . DOWN I. Trawler's headache 3. Miss Sotlicra Mountain (Asia Minor) 4. Steamship (abbr.) 5 Hits ( tlang . Uifht bedatetdi T. Make choice I. Abounded Beneath II. Pulls 13. Damaged by 28. Cod of an irueet the winds 13. Morsels 29. Transmiu 18. Rlpa x . 31. Eye 1. Tilled land afllicUons 20. Walked fB RT .p o wp a 22 Jean iPiflnlU c I 8ibeliuj, jj n 'gjljiW tiona P TgJjjpqgi 20. Severe fcfcn 'lf trial Salardar'a Aaaaraf 33. Satiate 3. Parson bird '"37. Arch 38. Mature 40. Exiat wli i j--- & mzz."tzzm ' i rz i it y V U mzuzmzzLM Classified Advertising fUtesraaa-JonraaJ Newspapers 2 Ckurek St. Nt. PHONE EM 4-6811 LOCAL RATES WEEKDAYS Par da 12 14 IS Per line 0 OS J2, JM Jl TOTAL CHARGES (afla. Uaeal Wnkaara Sea. par Una 1 time 40 JO par Una S times II OS M par Una S timea Sl.M II 40 par line t mo. .. S5.SO (tnel fun.) Minimum, when charged, tl.S LOCALS SSa par lfte per paper Classlrleo aaa will oa rua la oath papers to give advertiaera Ihe aa rantagea of the tremendous pulling power of TljOi combined eirenla- Uona. "When an ad is ordered tnree oi six times and a aVinday taaue la in cluded (for example rnda Satur day Sunday i the lower Sunday rate apply because only The Statesman O'iblisnes Sundars Classified ads will start ia trie morning Oregon Statesman, conclude in the evening Canital Journal but ada will be accepted (or ,undaT Statesman only The deadline lot jUsaified ada n 1 .00 p.m the day oelore publication except tor Sunday whan deadline it vie p.m Friday Lmeigency ada and sm.'ll line ada received after I M 8 m weexaaya and unui 12 noon aturday (or Sunday may ae placed la the Too Late to Clasisfy column Ada for Monday papers must be a by I p m. Saturday The Statesman Journal Newspa- pera reserve the nghl to reject Ques tionable advertising; It further la aervea the right to olaea all adver tising under the proper elesitrtee- tioa. The Stateamaa - Journal Nearapa- pera assume no financial -esponai-biUty (or errors which mas appear in adevrtleementt published in ta columns and In cases where thie pa- pel it at rauu will reprint mat nan of an advertisement la which the typographical mistake occurs and la responsible (or only one Incorrect Insertion. A 'Blind' Ad an aa contaiaiaa a Statesman-Journal newspapers oox number for an address li (or tne protection ol the advertisers ana must therefore be answered ay let. ter The Statesman-Journal Newspa pars are not at liberty to divulge In formation as la the identity of aa advertiser using e 'Blind" ad Ada ia ather columns wnien rtuuirs investment in ttocaa, samples equipment or cash bond should oe thoroughly investigated a e I . . e paying out any money Advertisers requiring a cash investment for samples or merchandise ahw sida ate. must so tpecily in 'hrn sd i Hih Hfuvv. !, . . , . tect Its readers against (rsud, decep tion, or injuries Readers are cau tioned to make NO f-AYMtN'IS to gat a poaiUon advertised in the help wanted columns. All help wanted ads MUSI 8PEC1PV THE NATIIHE nt THE WORK. Sales help wanted ads must stale ir tna dsv ia in the form of salary, commissions, guarantee, or inciuoe firm name. Bona fide oirart of employment with pay belong to tne ncip wanted columns Kindly report any exception to this rule 'to the classified advertising manager FINAL NOTICE KENNETH CLARK executor of the estate of NONA CLARK, -He-ceased, has filed his final aicminl aa such in the Circuit Court of Marlon County. Oregon, and aaid Court has fixed Wedneadsy, March S. IMS. at io:ou o cior a.m.. in tne court rtoom of said Court as the time and place for hearing objections thereto. KENNETH LI.AHK Executor of the Estate of NONA CI ARK. deceased. BRUCE W. WILLIAMS OTTO R. SKOHIL. JH. KEITH D. EVANS 412 Pioneer Trust Building, Haiem. oreann w Attorn ys for Executor. r 3.10 11,24. M 3 NOTU'P. OP HF.AHINO ON FINAL ACCOUNT Notice la hereby eiven that the Pinal Account of Elsie Alma Norton as JExecutrix of the Estate ol Thorn aa Edward Norton, deceased, has bean filed in the Circuit Court of Marion Countv, Oregon, and that Wednes day, the 24th day of February, IS5S, at :is a.m. in tne courtroom of aaid court in the county courthouse a Salem. Oregon, has been set for the hearing of objections, 11 any,, to such Pinal Arvoont ELSIE ALMA NORTON K.xeculrlx .if the Estate of - Thomas Edward Norton, Deeerl STEVE ANDERSON attorney lo' the Estata Ml Court Street Salem. Oregon. : Jan. 37. r0. J, 10, 17, IBM. T 0 B U Y T 0 S E L L 0 R I 0 R E N T P H 0 E E M 4 6 8 1 1 N 0 STATESMAN JOURNAL WANT AD ORDER BLANK Write your ad here: (one word en each line) S words (2 lines) 400 Agriculture 412 Food Column PASTEURIZED whole milk, tto gal Homogenized ate U gal 44c Clcary Dairy EM l-SfetS SPITZ apples ff SO bu. delivered" Worm free. EM 1-71S3. BURBANK potatoes'ac lb. W. M. Murphy. 1 ml. W. Keller Schl. HOOD RIVER Delicious Apples, urapped a packed. Sl.M bu. Peda Produce, 5Xi 4230 Portland Rd. 414 Poultry tabbils OPPORTUNITIES In broiler firotecls, laying bird projects, urkey pmjecls. Larro Feed Store, 430 Front NE. CM COMPLETE egg ration SO lbs. S3.33. S7 per Ton bulk de livered. All Poultry feeders, fountains, brooders 40 net. olf. Larro Feed Store 4.10 Front St. NE. BABY chirks hatched yr. round. special parmenter roosters 5c aacn. vaney rarm store. 450 Merchandise 45 T V. ft Radio BLOND 21" Munti TV sal, like new, working good. Sac. price. MM Bunnyvlew. EM I-2S73. O. E. TV, 17" like new, tmM. Hetder's TV a Appliance, SSI N. High St. 41 lawn ft Garden LAWN seed,' garden supplies, values to' S3. 50. now your choice (I. Larro Feed Store, 430 Front St. NE. 420 Seairjs ft Plants TREES plant now while selec tion is complete, Minnie urove Nurserv 41130 Sllverton Rd. We give SH Green Stamps. 422 rortiliiet MUSHROOM Fertilizer. Now Is the time to put on lawn, also have rich black manure. No weeds. EM 2-0331. RICH ferttliter with shavings. u-naui, Lees riaicnery. ROTTED manure by sack or cu yd always good measure a good quality Phillips Bros Rt. S Box MO. EM 4-JOIl. USED television reconditioned fully guar, soma aew picture tunes, law prices easy terms. 84 H green stampa Master Serv. Sta.. Jtt N.Cm'l. O. E Portable TV, l.tS.M with new picture tube. New guar antee. Helder's TV and Ap pliance. 303 N. High St. FOR the best guaranteed TV or Radio service on any make call Haider's. EM 4-2271. CALL anytime for TV or radio serv Free tube checker. Curtis Radio Sr TV Serv. EM 4-37S1. ZENITH, beautllul consol " sold new for t00. AM rM Short Have, SSBM. and phonograph Helder'a TV k Appliance. 3D3 N. High SI. TV's 4t Each with old TV S3 EM 3-J4S4. 450 Merchandise . 4o Machinery ft Tools LATHE with aland, tooU aV m tor 7. " planer with stand a motor almost new, 170. Myrtleweod Factory. SSO So. Pacific Hwy. Wood burn, Ore. 490 Fuel 451 Musical Instruments A GOOD piano, SM.M. Helder's T.V. ApplStW N. Hgh St. SMALL piano, excellent rond 1273. Dodge Piano Service RFCOND pianos, S7S up" Dodge t-iano service, em 4-1(30. Sr.VERAL used electronic or cans, from 45. Wiltsev Weathers Music. 470 N. Capitol. 462 Wanted HsMd Goods 424 farrrTlquipmant 300 Personal 312 Lost ond Found rOR aale. 'SO Ford tractor It equipment. 248S Blossom Dr. EM 4-701S. 4-50 Merchandise LOST: at Hubbard, small spaved brown (emale dog. EM 4-308. 316 Personal I AM no longer responsible for bills Incurred by Christine J. DeGeer. William A. DcGeer. MARION County Welfare Comm. desires home In the county for 17 yr. old high school boy. Will pay rm. k board to quali fied family. Write Miss Mary Squier, P.O. Box 111, Salem. Need" Help? Income lax returns, and part time bookkeeping. John W. Bollinger. 1480 Kim. EM 2-342S. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous M S Commercial. EM 4-102. 451 Household Goods WE have loo many davenports from $14 M. Bob's Mrisr. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. EM 4371. Open Frl. nights til . PRIVATE party wishes to buy living rm. turn. Must oe clean. Statesman-Journal Box 171. MISC. Furniture wanted. Cour teous service. Ph. EM J-W. CASH for RANGES. REFRIG ERATORS. Mlac. EM 1-PS23 Glen Woodry 1603 M. Summer. CASH for clean used FURNI TURE. EM .191 10. Glen Wood ry, leos N. Summer. 463 Boating 7', Evlnrudr. 3J dn. tlO mo. 7', Scott, .U dn 113 mo. 40 Merc.. 171 dn 2S mo. Scntt-Alwater Salea A Service 1373 Highland Ave. EM 2-1423 FERN FUEL 203 E. Salem Rd., Dallas 1 Unit load alab wood SIS: also drv slab 3 units 12". MA 3-244S -MA 3-2233 collect. ANDERSON'S Slab Wood t cords dry, 24 del, EM J-llli DRY oak any length, 17S0cord nei. l.M 4-iiKU. E. Simmons. WEST SALEM FUEL Old Growth Fir $12 Cord Choice Block & Slabwood SAVVIMISl a (Mi INGS . PH. EM 2-4031. DRY old growth slab. Lge. or am, an per cont. Dry lee. Maple slab 114 cord. Dry Oak uood lge. or sm. 117 cord.' EM 1-7HM. PLYWOOD cores Old fir wood' 3310 Garden Rd EM 3-S2&4. HIGHWAY FUEL CO. SAWDUST JsJWOODJCM 3444 SHAVINGS del. Mulching' bed", ding SKvline 7 1722 Mimmouth CAPITOL FUEL CO.. -INC." SaHriUKt. Chip mix Slab Wood MILL wood, plywood cores, as. or led hardwoods,' planer-ends. EM 3 7721 or KM 3-SU24 1420 BROADWAY- OREGON FUEL CO Old Growth Fir $12 Cord Dill AND (irtt'c.N WIJOO S1H GREEN STAMPS EM 3-S333 301 Broaduay OAK stumpage Ervln Slrnmons Ht. 1. BOX S3, EM 4-1933 PROMPT del Plywd. corea. Heavy planer enda. Heavy alabs. Old fir. Shavings. EM 45633 ... 500 Bus. '& Finance 510 Monty to Loon 4o4 Sports tqulpmam ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. SW Martoa. em 4-oms. 400 Agriculture 402 livestock For Salo GET greater gains lor leas money, use surepork 39 with your grains, uarro reed store. 4:ui Fiont NE. GHEEN Clover ft" grass hay S20. T. Del. Straw 30c. EM 2-2U23. GRASS HAY, 00c per bale. 3240 lincasier ur. CLOVErThay. good quality. Will deliver, EM 2 149. GOOD clover hay. Straw s.25 bale. E 120. Del, M 3 2000. GOOD clover hay 20 f. All 12 T. for 1200 U-Haul. EM 4-1348. GRASS hay CSc. bale, straw 45c. Larro Feed Store 4M rront St. EASTERN Or. Alfalfa. 1st and 2nd cutting. EM 4-6432 days EM 2-278 eve. GOOD quality graai bay S20 ton, can deliver U 2-4437. 403 livestock Wantad GENTLE Shetland pony. Mrs. Daughtry. EM 3 547. CATTLE Snethen 4103 Sllverton Rd. EM 2-1343 or EM 2-43D0. CATTLE horses, al your larm. E.j:iJcCandlih.jEM S-1S9. TOP cash prices at your place' Ray Cotel. EM 4-311 Collect CATTLE buyer A. F. Sommer 3395 Dallas Rd. EM 4-9087. BUYER Claud Edwards. Rt 1. Box 9!IE EM 4 1113 405 Pats AKC Chihuahua stud serv. Choice of 3. Puppies It open or bred matrons for sale. EM 3-7731. 4 BOSTON Bull Terriers. 7 wetks. lftOS N. Adams, Mc Mlnnvllle. ph. 79. PET coon ft cage, loves chil dren. 125. EM 2 3894 AKC REG. black Dachshund at atud. EM 4-7211. REG. German shepherd pups, S'j mosold. EM 4-4sf. FOR SALE Peacock & hens Sltt ea. Route 1. Box 760. EM 2-2797. r OR SALE: Reg. Male Welmar aner 3 yrs. old, reaa. offer considered. Ph. 2-522. Wood burn. BOSTON terrier bull dog-pup-piesEM 2-SS3. FOR sale part Chow ft Terrier puppies. Ph. EM 3-1580. PEKINGESE puppies. AKCTreg stud Mcrvice MA 1-370. PUPPY LAND Vriety-S10 ft up. EM 2 114S SVREHCAMP dog food; 50 res'. 55 15 25 lbs. S2.M. Larro Feed Store.JSO N. Front. Birds, Cavies, Chipmunks. 3 1) Livingaton EM 3-142. 412 Food-Column BABY beef for your lockers, all weights. EM 3 6403. APPLES Spies ft - Kings, Baldwins, Spits. EM 2-5293. WASHINGTON APPLES Golden Delicious ft Roman Bauty.t005 Portland Rd. APPLES, Spita. TSc to tia. All worm irea. S795 Center St. POTATOES, good grade Bur bank. 12.50 per 100. EM 4-3933 IF you have one item or a ..... -f I..M.U..M .A - II - 1 1 the Bob's Merchandise Mart, 270 S. Liberty. a.M 4-S371. NEW-daven ft rocker-SPECtAL OFFER - II. 19 US Bob s Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. EM 4 371. Open Fri. nights til 9. ANTIQUE marble top table. EM 4-l. . ELECTROLUX cleaner, guaran teed. 114 95. Terms. EM i-JOSl COMPLETE hse. full, all the best, a real bargain. Tools ft personal items, typewriter, dishes, etc. 4380 Lowell. EM 3-1002. 30 X 40 MIRROR. $14.95. Bob's Mdsa. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. EM 4-8371. Open Frl. nights til 9. USED SPECIALS Up to 50 Disc. Kenmore Washer, pump Hotpoint Range, apt. Mont-Ward Range, deluxe Mont-Ward Refrig. ft Mont-Ward Refrig.. S ft .. Hotpoint Refrig.. S ft. rrlgidaire Refrig., ft Traveler TV, 17 table RCA TV. 3I'1 table General Elec., 21" Console MONTGOMERY WARD 155No. Liberty EM 3-311 5 PIECE bedroom set like new. Reg. (224.50. 'NOW 119 95. Bob s Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. EM 4-8371. Open Frl. nighta til 9. 3 PIECE bdrm. act, box ft spring mattress, EM 3-4930. GUARDIAN Service cook ware set. 75. Like new. 935 River Bend Rd. . 10 FT. Cartnp. drift boat ft 3'i HP mlr.S100. EM 24)73 CASH for Used Guns and old coins, all types. Caacade Merc 1230 Broadway. . 47a Building Maf rials SAVES YOU MONEY ORDER SPECIFIED 2x4 2x 2x1 1x8 SL OLD GROWTH FIR .1-1 Composition FRY ROOFING 3 RL Oak Flooring NAMED BRANDS BRUCE LOUISIANA QUALITY ft SERVICE WE DELIVER i PETER Geiaer FHA and con ventional loans. EM 4-4701. MONEY for 1st mlg loans up to 1.1000.00 on homes, acre ages, farina now available. Stale Finance Co. I7 High St, S.E. EM 3 3131. : WILL buy your mortgage ar contrsct.jCallEMJ1733. FHA. 30 yr. 3'i pel. mtT loans to buy, build, refinance your home. Low loan coats. State Finance Co., 187 High St. S E , Salem. Ph. EM 3.3151, COLONIAL 'investment Co. 'Real Property Loans. Contract Pur chased. (87 Court EM 4-2283. LUMBER CO. 3245 So. CoiTi'l EM 1-7550 aausaa aaaBBWBVbaaAM daBttaaaBafeaBaaVaBaWal CONSOLIDATE Your Bills $30 $3,000 PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL LOANS II S. Liberty EM 4-2203 834 $48 132 in $124 HI-CHAIR ft yr. crib. Ph. EMI-M5I. Bf. THRIFTY: Buy GOOD used furniture. A single Item or s complete household. Buy now oa our easy terms. Woodry's Thrifty USED FURNITURE 818 S Commercial EM 4-331 I Block South Of Paper Mill COMBINATION radio ft record player console. Chrome dinette set with ex. leaf ft 4 chairs. 9x12 Amer. oriental rug ft pad good cond. EM 3-8448. 452 Appliant ELECTRIC Ironer only 129 50. worxs gooa as new. neiner s TV ft Appliance, 383 N. High St. BF.NDIX auto, deluxe waaher. Only 873. EM I-S86. NEW Freezers. 1179.50. Helder'a Appliance, 33 w. High St. GUAR, used appliances, Yeater Appl. Co. 373 CnemcKeta. NEW Electric Dryer only 8.19.50 witn an automatic washer. Holder's Appliance, 383 N. High St. MATCHING Weetinghouse Laun dromat a dryer, new guar. 1199 93. Terms. Used dryers, end up. Yealer Appl. :o. J73 Chemeketa. FRICIDAIRE automatic washer. Guaranteed. Like new. 999.50. Helder'a Appliance, 23 N. High St. USED refrigerators. 119.25 ft up. ai Laue. a pp., 23iw state St. WASHER, wrinaa.' type, good cond. 8.10. EM 4 344. FRIGIDAIRE 10 ft., like new. Guaranteed. 889.50. Helder's T V. ft Appliance. 381 N. High St. 456 f V. t Radio ZENITH Trans Oceanic radio. 18 5. Bob's Mdsa. Mart. 270 8 Liberty. EM 4 371. Open Frl. nights til 9. ADMIRAL portable TV set. Hated no. i. sea them at Haider's TV. ft Appliance, 33 N. High St. Political Want Ad Brings 4,000 Letters Tlir committee woiking la elm )mU Mueller si sheriff of (iil County. III., pUed tltit sd in the "PrronsU colomn ol the Chicago Trihune: Over 4.IKX) msil replies and ihouundt ot phnnc calls re sulted1 within days alter the id fin. "Wwt.n M4V4. l.Uvl -. C Knnrf haIifmmh laff a yln piss's 1 MS Arms ywi immw, aetimi Mm J C.llf!. al Csk I .! Im Jl M..IU l Samll. f 1 .. H.aU Marsalas. Jl N.-J SSMfM HSiewl fM MMfMCftMtfftal --rii ( -"" 'i.ra. m.' MaMn i. F !. ' , ' l' . M B.M. mtmt4. tsW. New carload 18" No. 1 painted Cedar Shakea with dry under. course. ONLY 110 25 per aq. colors, perfect fitting BLUE LABEL. C. G. LONG & SONS 1 ml. N. of Keizer EM 4-5051 3c ft 81350 38c. ft. reduced USED BUILDING MATERIALS OF ALL KINDS CALL LS, RIM 4 CO. 5550 Portland Rd. EM 4-4151 Open All Day Saturday 52 gal. elec. water neater. 89.50 12-s Lomex in rons 8" Vent fan 4" solid fiber pipe Lighting fixtures 2011 amp. meter base 819.95 21x32 stainless steel Sink $37 50 Elect. Heaters, all makes cheap 4 ' cast iron Pipe 77c. It wall thermostat, 220 volt fit 14-2 Lomex In rolls i...2c ft. 15 H.P. Pumo Panel tlso Galv. Gutter 13c ft. Built-in oven, 4 burners $195 Complete line of elec. heating. house wiring, plumbing sup plies ft fixtures. OPEN FRIDAY EVES. APEX ELECTRIC & PLUMBING 1410 BROADWAY EM MSS$ 480 for Salo MiKollanoou NEW Clarinet ft case. 40. "Mon arch bike. 830, EM 3-7.155. 1958 SMITH Corona portable typewriter, sterling model. 875 EM 3-0420. TAKE photo equipment trade-In on laai umega camera. 551 Rlverview, West Salem. TAKE good photo dryer, or iraoe-in on double Barrel .20 Jauge. 551 Rlverview, West alem. SET of IS ChTldcraft Books. Beit offer takes. EM 3-2594. La'YETT ft children's clothes. EM 2-071. SUMP pump 25 ft. hose 125. EM 3-5559. 218" FORD tractor wheels. 1 8119 98. Terms. Used dryers. FOR SALE seasoned oakheart anchor blocks, deadmen. 3" long. 50c. each. Paul Hirschy, IM D St. Independence. Ph. 24WCallafler . eves STROLLER, bsthlnette swing sest, maternity clothes, size 10-12. misc. EM 4-5271. TYPEWRITERS, Adders, Ssfes. Desna, cnairs, riles. Duplica tors ft Supplies. Expert repair service. Rnen, 45 Court. EM 3 773. USED toilet. 110. Used wash bowls. 83 ft 85. EM 3-8805 CHOICE Belcresl lota for sal. rqr inrormauon em s-9512. KM 4-4747 PIT-HUNORAVEL CIRCULATOR oil neater. Phone EM 2-73.11. $25. 414 Miscollanoovs DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-hr. service in most, Cases DR. HARRY SEMLER. Dentist, Adolph Bid. Stale ft Com'L Sta. Salem. Ph EM J-3311. 48o Mftchlnory Tool rOR RALE 8" sll metal table saw, tilting arbor, miter ft ' width gauge, , hp motor. EM x-juao. SEVERAL used welders. See at 790 Steward St. Ph. 4-7544. USED Welders, ill ma Kaa. rsaa at Illinois. SM l-$sjtV , , DISCOUNT paper real estate, mortgages and contracts iMHight. State Finance Co.. 17 S High. PRIVATE money to lonn pet, Interest. Ph. EM 274 LOANS 850.00 to 31 508 08 Buy What You Need Consolidate Your Bills. Finance Through WILLAMETTE CREDIT COMPANY 11 . Church St. EM 1 248T CASH for Mtgs. ft Coatracta, Private money ta loan. B. M. Mason, W. B. Miniar. 141 Chemeketa. EM 3-8841. GUNS - CAMERAS DIAMONDS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS And all articles ot value, no signature required, cash in 60 seconds. Star Exchange Loan. 311 N. Commercial 515 Investment 1ST ft 1ND mortgages to high est Diaoer. rn. cm s-skb. 600 Employment A02 Help Wonted CORRESPONDENT (or Capital Journal In Staylon. Muat have typewriter. Some experience or Journalism training pro ferred. Excellent pert time position. Contact Mike Forbes, valley Editor. Capital Journal. IERS Placement Agency . Since 104 specialists m office placements 411 Oreaon Buildfha r Receptionist Dr'a oflice, typing, , personality 30-3 Opea F-R.N. or experienced Dr's office 20-35 Open F-Steno out of Salem good Open F-P. T. Book-keeping Opea Best Way to the Best Jobs 44 State St. 411 Oregon Bldg. EM 4-3351 604 Halp Wanted, Mow DEALERS wantad, sell Compact Vacuum Cleaners, lesds turn. EM 3-7087. MEN NEEDED te trsln for Jet Aircraft industry, sea our ad under Class. 818. " EXCHANGE work for hauling Hum cat rrom Allurss, calif, to Salem, Ore. Inq. trailer house behind 1S9S Waller. MILLWRIGHT ft Electrician combination. Electrician muat have minimum of Ore. State Maintenance license. Call or sea Mr. Trachsel, Ph. Aums villa 104. Willamette Plywood Corp., Aumsville, Or. 606 Halp Wanted, Lady REGISTERED Nurse wanted weekends, day shift. Elderrest Nursing Home. Apply In par son. EM 2-P81. YOUNO woman wanted for child rare light housework. Must live In. Good wages ft pleas ant home. Call EM 1-104T or EM 4 943. . BABYSITTER, my home. 5 dava a wk. EM 4-aj after 5 30. 609Commission Work , CONSULTANTS FOR lucrative growing business in naiem aurrounoing area. Previous sales experience un necessary, For appointment call EM 41800, ;3 a.m. 1 p.m. 610 Sole Help Wonted MAN tor sales ft service. Elec trolux Corp., 107 Broadway. EM 4-2239. WATKINS fuU or oart-time route man tor established area. Car nec., experience ia ' not. We train lit field. Contact Distributer 8-10 a.m. only, 1137 So. Commercial St. EXPERIENCED" slesmannr woman Ramarv Raaltv 457 Kerry. EM 4-0089. fuller flruik lo start. SM 1 J8T.