Copter Spins Into Gulf; Four Perish NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 1 0-A helicopter (pun into choppy waters or th Gulf of Mexico off Grand Ma today shortly after taking oft from an offshore oil rif. The pilot and three other men perished. Seven men survived the wreck Hoffa Prevents AFL-CIO Seat For Teamsters MIAMI BEACH, ria., Feb. 1 AFL CIO leaders said today the expelled Teamsters Union won't be taken' back into the federation even under a court monitor system so lonf as Jimmy Hoffa heads the truckers. This was the word among top AFL-CIO chiefs gathering here for winter meeting of the feder ation's policymaking Executive Council opening Monday, The Teamsters were ousted from the AFL-CIO in December on charges the 1.400,000-member union the nation's largest single labor organization was cor ruptly dominated. The charges were based on dis closures against Teamsters bosses including Hoffa brought out In lengthy hearings before the Sen ate Rackets Investigating Com mittee headed by Sen. McClellan (D-Ark. Hoffa's election at the union convention here last October as Teamsters president succeeding Dave Beck, who was also involved in the committee disclosures, was challenged in Teamsters mem bers court suit. They claimed convention dele sates were chosen in a manner to rig the union elections for Hoffa. But the case was compromised and Hoffa permitted to take over the union presidency under an agreement that established a three-man board of monitors to advise Hoffa on how to run the union in an honest and democratic way. . Hoffa is not bound under the arrangement to take the advice of the monitors but he has pledged as part of the court settlement to handle Teamsters -funds and prop erty with all the responsibilities of a legal trustee. SALE! ! this week only! Kent symbol of precision watches since 1837. Guaran teed by fac tory snd by Meier A Frank Co. DSQi Waterproof, with built-in alarm. Clear busier reminds you when you need remind ing. Sweep second hsnd, Bight dial. Matt and 'phon$ orders. Plus shipping cost to areas Outiide mr regular truck delivery routes. PINI JEWELRY STREET FLOOR - after a two-hour struggle In cold water.. One was burned by-fumes from high octane gas. John .Hall Jr., 32. of Golden Meadow, La., one of the survivors, said the helicopter began swirling ,HU. 1.... " 1 -1 II J .... jaiuuiiu juai aucr iaroit ana n cuminuea 10 spin until we SiruCK the water." Hall said the pilot, E. E. Esk ridge, guided the craft away from the rig and set -it down with the door side up to make it easier to escape. The helicopter sank min utes later. Flrk as Sarvlvera A Humble Oil Co. tugboat from a nearby rig picked up the sur vivors and the dead. Toe 14 place Sikorsky helicopter waa on a routine return flight from an oil-drilling rig nine miles off Grand Isle, island center of J Tidelands oil-drilling operations about SO miles south of New Or leans. Eskridge, formerly of Ventura, Calif., worked for Rotor Aids, Inc. which operated the Humble Oil Co., helicopter, and lived in a camp at Grand Isle. The other dead were listed as B. F. Wiley of Grand Isle, a geolo gist for Humble Oil. and J. A. Led ft on Larose and. Frank V. Bergeron, of Cut Off. botn em ployes of Rowan Drilling Co. Officials said it had not been determined what caused the heli copter to. start spinning. All Had Life Jackets "It all happened so fast I'm not sure what really happened," Hall said. "When we first climbed from the helicopter." he said,-"everybody was together. All had life Jackets. "The pilot kept reassuring us. telling us to stay calm . . . then we began to drift away from each other. "I guess I was In the water about an hour and a half or two hours. If we hadn't kept seeing lights, I don't think I could have made it," he added. Hall apparently was referring to the lights from the oil rig. Business Activity In PORTLAND. Feb. 1 - The signs of business activity in the Portland area last month were mixed. Building activity was up but bank clearings down. The building permits were for construction totaling slightly more Rent wonder watches O automatics O alarms O 14K gold O all 17 jewels Its bargain time in fine watches. You've seen them all at much higher price. For this week only, your favorite watch is yours at this wonderful low price! ' 14K white or yellow gold dress watch for women. Dainty flowers design with 2 flashing diamonds. for w o m e a: water proof watch goes from dishpan to garden without trouble . , . smart enough, te wear to luncheon. ' , - ; i- r Trains Collide In Oklahoma; Three Succumb BOKOSHE, Okla., Feb. ) Two Midland freight trains collided and the engines burst Into flames here today, killing three crewmen and for a time threaten ing this eastern Oklahoma com munity, with a dangerous gasoline explosion. The head-on crash occurred about 11 a.m. The wreckage burned more than three, hours and it was feared for a time the flames would spread to several gasoline filled tank cars making up one of the freights. - However, the flames were brought under control -without reaching the gasoline, some of which spilled over the right-of-way in the crash. 1 Chemical Tracks Chemical trucks were brought ; from Ft. Smith, Ark., to extinguish I the fire. I Bodies of two of those killed were removed from the wreckage a short time after the crash, but a third man was trapped in the flames and his body was not re covered until several hours later. oevcn oiner meniuers Dl ine irain crews were injured, five of them seriously. The two conductors ex caned unhurt. The crash was about two blocks north of the business section of Bokoshe. population 500. A dozen homes are within about a one block area near the crash. Those killed wyre identified as O. B. Skinner, an engineer: R. K. Ferrell, a brakeman; and D. A. Hammons, a fireman. la Serleea CaadltlMS Injured and taken to a Poteau hospital were Wayne Cox, Floyd Williams. Walter Grover, R. W. Parks and Cecil dark. Parks, Cox and Grover all were reported in serious condition. . Suffering only slight injuries were J. A. Brown and O. B. Gray. ! The conductors who escaped in- jury were J. E. Wilkerson and H. E. Gruenwald. Portland Mixed than four million dollars, nearly double the December total, but more than a half-million under the previous January. Bank clearings totaled M31.71I. 140, mere than nine million dol lars under December and nearly 47 million under January. 1957. 19 .95 reg. '42.50 for men: water . protected watch with all the sports features, plus dress styling. Slide sction expansion brace let. automatic watch winds Itself. Nearest thing to perpetual motion . . . protected by fine water proof case. Promoted ' ' , "?"': v ."4 '.". i ' Jt.'-i mi Byron W. Hazeltoa Jr., Sa lem, whe has been promoted to lieutenant of slate police and assigned ta the train ing section at headquarter! here. Indian Stand ... Disturbing to Neuberger WASHINGTON, 'Feb. 1 ( Sen. Neuberger (D-Ore) said Fri day be was "extremely disturbed" to learn that the Klamath County Republican Central Commit tee had declined to indorse the bill for federal purchase of Klam ath Indian resources. He said he learned through the press that the Committee "does not feel that Indian problems be long in politics." "It is my understanding." Neu berger said, "that Thomas B. Wal ters, chairman of the Manage ment Specialists and an appointee IT PAYS TO ' ,7"n4"itw-e.. M..,-,-.,,rm,.,. ' ' - . i " 'l J l ,J .rrCia. , 5n5S?tg.r5-,; J ' f-i . . v- " i I . I -v ' i i -rv-- 3L.ZiS? I f, ?i rrrr.r -- r i . ' ' 'lir-. vMVUHll v Hi a, -I&A 'ihYMV ' jrtr fJL virrk rir? .X-FM if u hxVA r--' - -' ami i if a si plt h"!!' i "I : '.it brown o rose o nutmeg o oyster green tawny t sandalwood also fn the 4' to the pair o' to the pair 8' to the pair. a.. STORI HOURS MONDAY AND FRIDAYi 9:30 A.M. TO 9 P.M. OTHER DAYSi 9:30 A.M. TO 3:30 P.M. NW Power Unit' Still Interested In Snake Work SPOKANE, Feb. 1 t - D . . t 7 h.v." .ZZ7Z7r" T 10 r. -,0UM 001 rt terest in development of the Mid-' Bargaining unie Dy auiomo- die Snake River but made no anoi, manufacturers and union lead- nouncement on immediate plane. , - . , . , The directors were meeting for Tet,monSr before, the Senate the first time since the Federal " , " u ., ,Tn..i7 h r ' T " 00 " Power Cemmiasion denied PNP s i?J"t!L application for licenses to build ; Z JVm Wided ufm". S?S!Pr LTJIl1 Th witnesses, each on for' two1 Under this plan. 25 per cent of h i. V.rZZ dy. Rwther. prei-!all profiU above IS per cent be 2 "iw-T .2-'d f th n'11 Automobile fore taxes would be divided smong JSL.ivi vnJ?m Workers, snd Harlow H. Curtice, salaried and wage employes and oT'snak? River tK 11 General Motors. another 15 per cent would be re rv.. ll uuL The contrast between them waa turned to car buyers is a rebate Oregon and Idaho. ... , n,Mi. - ik. . u... ' The FPC said a dam at Nex Perce, below the conHiience of the Asking Reuthef a question Is Sa mon. would be better adapted. Jike th vv, M , water John J. Burxe. Butte Moid ..,mtini jy worti now and flow, was reflected president of Pacific cunice is sparing in his use of Northwest Power, which ismade words and frw,Uently had to be up of Wishinron Water Power icoaxed int0 eUborating on his Pacific Power k Light. Portland ; brie( ,Mwtn General Electric and Montana 1 Power. I First Twa Wltaesaes J"i:'.CTrt,f5Bui,'.?j'n- a w. ueiieu ana raui a. Mcnee. now fortiana. were reuinea s vice presidents. Renamed directors were Mar- j naii l. dii i. opokane: Bam n. Chase Jr.. Butte; Donald R. Mc- I Clung. Portland, and Frank M. i Warren Jr. Portland. of ex-Secretary of Interior McKay4, suggested thai both major politi cal party central committees in Klamath County support federal purchase legislation." Neuberger said, he understood the Democratic committee did so. BUY AT MEIER I FRANK'S-FOR ASSORTMENTS, - $9.98 $17.98 $24.98 Hearings Provide Public Of Auto Leaders-Union WASHINGTON, Feb. 1 I Aithe auto industry hearings that Senate hearing this week provided 1 subcommittee's purpose was a public preview of some of the K . Lu. iiw Willi irm Hi n 'v . imuHviiii Reuther and Curtice were thefe V"0!?!' "Pl" firgt ,w, witnesses called in the subcommittees) inquiry into pricing pice, ta automo-i bile industry. Too executives of Ford. Chrysler and American Mo-if? tors will testify in the week ahead, The hearings are part of a gen eral study of what Chairman Kefauver (D-Tenni has called ad ministered; prices. These have been described as prices that, in-1 found it somewhat difficult - to stead of fluctuating on (he basis j reconcile Reuther's "professed of supply snd demand, are deer- concern over inflation with his mined by companies in concen- announced 1951 collective bargain trated industries. ing program.)' Kefauver said at the outset of ' Curtice told the subcommittee . luxurious antique satin picture window draw draperies the color is locked in . . . unconditionally guaranteed against fading for 2 full years! Hrt it window dressing you can bo proud of . . . and stay proud of . . . tho luscious colors rttain thoir quality and depth, ovtn in sunlight! Tho txtra heavy antiquo satin is woven in an interesting nubby texture to give decorative value to your windows and to your room. No waiting . . . they're expertly tailored and ready to hang. Full 84 inches long. Mail and phone orders I DRAPERIES SECOND FLOOR 'Plus shipping cost to BUG i..t ...... tween the VAW and the ma mtf.c hirers. However, Reuther. tbe first wit- P' hrd for the profit- sharing plan that the I'AW has vh fui viihk n II .. Reuther'a basic contention was that productive capacity has out run purchasing power and that this imbalance in the economy is responsible for the current busi ness downturn. He said the Big Three auto makers account tor tl per cent of car sales, adding this gives " prices In defiance of the law of ,uf,)Iy 'nd dem,Bd- He ' ltfttd. that the wages " workers have fallen be- ninu run onij me increawo proauc- tivity in the industry but ia the economy as a whole. An entirely different picture was painted by Curtice, who Mid he INTEGRITY, QUALITY, areas outside our regular truck ";" " ,wase negotiations this sorlns be-'hisher nrice ( 1 Statesman; Salem, Ore., Sun., Fek J, 58 (Se. T7- Preview Bargaining that "increased wage costs have been the largest single element in uk. vw,u, i.u ui lite tags on . General Motor !95l car. fall short of the increased cost of producing them. "For every dollar of increase in our own costs." he jald , "Price has Increased only to cents." Charm House and Maple Shop Oregoa'i only saedel honse famished la Carry Asaerieaa Maple Featariarexclaalve reareaeataUoa of jack lines as: mt iita SPIloUf I (AtlTM Free Deceratinf Consultant Service Odjal MeMdaWy aW4 PfidJdrjf sTVSMiH9l Good Housekeepinq Inc. 467 Court $t SERVICE AND VALUE delivery routes. Production of pleasure Vasts, from private yachts ta out board motors, are , Increasing ta UM -I United States, There were iMe.eoe in liH7 and more thaa six mlllioa in-1857. ' MIW Rx ASTHMA MMtt .imn , nam mxt HHn iMm ni"i. wtMi aifri.nt VWWiVVl wm i n wmw. WmZ Jffi?&'itt,JFt'!ZZi 'JIS I ,i.u. mom; tutruvM. TwuGuuroaoM - toi0iHNoinni Budget Tnw$ PhenefM multiple width . . 12 feet to the pair . : I- 1 . " 'store hours monday' friday t;M A.M. TO P.M. OTHER BAYS ' - I:S0 A.M. TO t:3t P.M. I ' " " i 1 - - - - - - - - - n n--i' m mm m- - -iiigWnwi - '