Valentine Tea at Laricejield Home Will Benefit Hospital Salem Memorial Hospital Auxiliary members art buijr making plant (or their annual benWIt tea, which will b an event of Valen tine's Day at the new home of Dr. and Mm. Stuart Lancefield, JIM Mulberry Drive, corner of Hansen Ave. The Intereated public la invited to attend and calling houra are from 1 to o'clock and the auxiliary hopes that a number of men uiii aiimn during me lale after noon. Prnceede derived from the Affair will be used to equip the new teen age ward at the hospital. Mri. John Kolb ii heading the directorate for the tea with Mn. James Armpriect the co-chairman. The chairmen are planning the decor around an old fashioned Val entine theme. Mm. Yvonne Woodry is chairman of the refreshment committee, as sisted by Mra. Rex Adolph, Mn. Carl G. Collins, Mrs. Robert Klf slrom Jr., Mra. Donald Buss, Mrs. Charles Claggett. Mrs. Earl C. I.atourette, Mra. Jack W. Stanley, Mrs. Bruce Crandall and Mrs. Vern D. McMullen. Other chairmen include Mrs. Ken neth Muller, decors! ions; Mri. Val H. Slnper, invitations; Mr. Wil liam Beard, telephone; Mrs. Thad .Moreland, kitchen, assisted by Mrs. A. C. Haag. Mrs. Frederick H Thompson, Mrs. Bertram L. Trelfltad and Mm. Marsh 0. Per kins. Oregea li a ( the states wheat Seen and Heard . . . y JERYMB fcNGUSR A ROUND .... of social affairs were arranged for the pleasure of the hop growers and their wives, wno were in oa-g lem inn a i week for the an nual convention of tht Hop Grow art of America . . . . Over 300 from Ore gen , J 1 f 1 ! jaano . ana vu fornia regiaterj I n a far thtt three day aes-I , lion and (he ma blue Woman's Guild Luncheon Set For Wednesday The Woman's Guild of the First Congregational Church will , jor)iy accornp,nied by their wives the luncheon .... Mrs. Smith s Eismann wearing a navy ensemble with brtton sailor .... Mrs. Cecil Weston ef Grants Pass, who has many friends in Salem, hoping to have time to call a few following the convention . . . . Others seaUetf .... Mrs. Her man GoMhia of Silverton, wife of Oregon Hop Growers president . . . Mrs. Robert M. Fitzmauxice a symphony in brown ... Mra. Con rad W. Paulus and Mra. Werner Brown busy chauffeur ing tht out-of-town guests .... Mrs. Carl Smith of St. Paul and Mra. Homer L. Goulet, who were in charge of meet in the Huntington Memor- . the Marion Hotel lobby waa daughter, Mrs. Elmer Ernst, her Wednesday, promptly at 12:30 p. m. for a coveted dish lunch. Members of Circle 7, whose lead er Mn. Gerald Smith, will act as tht hostess group. Devotional services will he In ehsrga of Mn. Donald DeLisle. A lecture-iccital will be given in tht sanctuary at 2:19 p. m. by Prof. Josef Schnelker, who has chosen "Our Heritage in Relic ious Organ Music" as. his subject. Prof. Schnelker hss been on the faculty of the School of Music at Willamette University for eleven years. He is also oreanist and choir director for the First Meth odist ChuTh. , . Any ona who enjoys gootf'mu- governors have officially pro-ic will be welcome to attend this claimed February American Music recital. Month", in honor of American com-1 posers. The "Month" is being Creative Art Group hat sche- sponsored oy me Oregon Federa-, duled a meeting for Thursday tion of Music Clubs, of which Mrs. ! night, Feb. 6 at the Bush House Mary Craig, Portland, is president, st 8 p.m. isl Social Room of the church on j packed at all times and seeming- daughters-in-law, Mrs. Gene Smith ly the place where everyone met snd Mn. Tom Smith, noted at and congregated before going from 'one of the tablet . . . Mrs. Gordon one tvent to another Highlight .... for tht women was the lovely fashion luncheon on Friday afternoon . . . the long, patio at .Meier and Frank's the setting for the affair .... ever ISO attending with guests seated at tables for eight .... even the sun coming out during Jhe noon hour and shining through the glass windows ... a delight for the visitors, who had aeen only rain since arriving in the capital the tables so spring like Hsdley over from Independence and wearing a good-looking honey beige auit iitta leopard hat ... . her husband co-chairman of the convention . . . Mrs. Hazel Down ing Goodman joining Mrs. Hadley for the luncheon . . . Mrs. John Smith. Mrs. Lamont Fry and Mrs. Ray Kerr among others noted . . . A banquet snd dance at the Ho tel Marion concluding the festiv ities Friday evening ... IT WAS A GALA .... time In ' ,V' i r!5il. .2i Oregon's eipital city s week ago with bouquets of daffodils nd,whe tvl0 o( the j,,,, mm events of the winter season iook A peddler's knowledge of vitamins To sum h up . . . probably zero. The professional people who know about vitamins and nutritional, supplements ait doctors of medicine and registered pharmacists. The peddler's "knowledge" probably consists of a prepared Sties talk which he memorized. Which may or may not give you all the facts. So, don't buy vitamins or nutritional supplements from door-to-door peddlers. Get them from, s registered pharmacist who knows what he's selling and t you what you pay for. y ii m r IdCUA acacia Kt gar and celerful .... the spring fashions wkh four of' Sa lem's attractiva women. Mrs. May Ion Scott, Mrs. Logan C. Berry, Mrs: Reynolds Allen and Mrs. H. C. Saalfeld. as models . . . There were a few chemist dress es and costume suits with the new nlsrw .... For tht vouna set it was the Coronation Ball at South Salem High nd for nearly a thousand other Salem citizens it waa the Mardi Grai ball at tht Armory Ronaaa Holiday .... waa the theme of the Coronation Ball es ana costume suiis wim u new -r -- -- .--- zr --., c..w relaxed waistline, which received V?, and! linen occaaion everyone comment ing about the beautiful decor, much favorable comment then the always favorite sheaths, casual cottons .... and j which took several days to com- a beautiful array of apring prints pHe .... In the center of tht for afternoon and evening wear ! hall a Romin garden scene with . . . . gorgeous and brilliant colon six large plllart and hedges en- vivid reds and blues, orange circling a bird bath . . . . the ice and the traditional pastels and ; W ..,.,. th. nri. Pper .... On one wall, which TT .Jiw iN been .painted white, were a . z wT a J. ' , JT, huge bunches oi grapes in tne frock ef blue and violet print chif- vitt tonM . . . . ind on the fon with matching stole . . . an- otnfr wti t muTI of Roman scenes of black and fold on white . . . Ont corner of the room was a gripe vineyard with a white aettea and pillars topped with clutters of grapes . . . . (here couoles had their pictures tiken during the evening) plllart flanking the band stand ana wnere aia tne piuars Other In ihader of Ijfueand-roac with linen sheath and overskirt of chiffon in the same print . . . A smat black and white pique patio dresa banded in white pique with bows . . . Outstanding were the matching hats and purses in bright colored prints . . . Anwag the guests a four- come from? ... the students some from Sacramento .... 1 went out and rounded up nearly Charming Mrs. Peter Bradley, every emnty rug roll st the van- whose spouse is president of the ous furniture stores In the city Hop Growers of America, smart "M then painted them all in a black costume suit .... white . , . , the jacket bordered in black fur The threat .... for the First . . ... her sister, Betty Caviti, Lady of South Salem High in! also choosing black and donning Kola against a floral back drop, a mink stole Sisters-in-law. P"lf d hy , The ( royal who also live next door to each 0' ., . ... , arm of their escorts to tne music other in the capital city of Cali- rf ..prett, Girig Are Like a Mel- mi B. afw iauciinourt , fornia tmv . cssv aa va whose husband is president of the I ,temmed red rbae .... Petite California Hop Growers, wearing : and orettv brunette Judy Atwood an almond brown suit with orange was crowned First Lsdy and for ice chapeau and matching flowers the occasion she wore a becom pinned to her suit .... Mrs. Wil- ing red ni white walu gown li.m nmumhaiier ehie in a black .... she was escorted by her , each carrying a long, sheath costume with grey fox col lar enhancing the jacket . . . Salem Frleati .... greeting Mrs. Howard Eismann, who now wh. lives in Caldwell, Idaho. . . . she(made "steady" Al King . . . Judy's G rente, the' Ralph Atwoods, on nd for the festivities and her mother mora excited than she tht announcement was . . other parents of the looked smart in a black suit with ! court attending as special guests. Medical Center Bids. 2441 Grear - Ph. EM 2-21S7 Court and Ceaaasercial Pheae EM S-tl21 15 South Liberty St Pheae EM 4 IJ3I Mm i -ii -r at' a white tur collar ana wnne chapeau . . . Willa telling us their sons. Chris and Sam, who are presently serving in the army and I -Wi" ! President XX next week ... the first time ia lg months ... Her sister-in-law and her husband, the D. T. Eia manns, also down from Caldwell for the convention .... Mn. our own big successes three little amiiis Our htad-hugging hairdos go everywhere - with ev ery curl in placet Jutt a bit shorter, jutt a bit curlier, and to much prettier., these 'Gamins' ere pure flattery for every female from 15 te 50. We'll adopt one just for you with tht) perfect permanent. Gamin r restylt cut N , from $10 this is what you get: kt. k wsxssssssfisJsV Vrtv 4 n r-jrririiiikj jrr"-l"j it? i fir i iiiriiiiiiiaS m'ftii f i lum from permanent conditioning shampoo style consultation glamour rinse W welcome you with or without appointment. You may use your charge account. Wa feature tht most popular halrcolorlng Miss Clairol Hair Coor Bat'bdi. We use Ogilvit Siattrt' preparations to help five your hair health; Aevlon't new "Red Caviar" for beautiful manicures. (C) lflM. , STOSE HOUM: MONDAY AND FtlDATt A. M. TO P.M. V OTHER DA1TJ :! A. M. TO 1:11.1. M. Master ef cereaaeales .... for the coronitlon was John Brown, who escorted Lynn Murphy, who wore a prettv pink snd white Dan Moore, atudent crown on Judy's dark tresses .... Dsn squiring popular Janice Phillips, one of tht Hl-Y Sweetheart can didates .... she wore a cham pagne tullt gown .... The reysl eesirt .... Susana Martorani, a charming brunette and exchange atudent from Ar gentine, wearing a full length white gown with pink cummer bund .... Claudia Fry in a pink and white ruffled ballerina frock . . . . her date was Dale Drake, popular North High basketball player and just chosen Rotarian of the Month .... Susana and Claudia both named crowned princesses .... Kennie Ruth Carlson wearing a long, raffled gown of rose end dancing with Pan Ritter .... Gerry Rote don ning whits tulle frock with lilac aetin cummerbund . . . . Aaseag atbere .... Princess Sue Jackson, who was responsible 4tr Iks) aiuwiasaf ail kail tweasa4n wa euvivMsus vetatj w as eat Uig j stunning red gown with velveteen 1 top snd tulle, walu skirt abort In front and longer in back . . . . and escorted by her "steady", Don Stuhr .... Petite Judy Ba ker, who it being installed as Rainbow advisor today, wearing a turquoise taffeta ballerina gown . . . . Pretty, titian sue Merrill's ballerina gawn of blue with ruf fled skirt and dancing with Ger ome Geortien .... Diana Hrubeti i choosing a sophisticated black , gown for the ball .... Officer Will Make Visit Alpha XI Delta alumnae will meet Wednesday, February 8, it tht home of Mra. John Hann, 35S E. Hoyt St Mrs. Loran M. Thomp son of Portland, national 4th vice president sad national alumntt 1 director, will attend tht meeting as a special guetL Sht will be accompanied to S a 1 1 m by Mrs. Eirl P. Newberry of Portland, province vice-president. Co-hoatewes will be Mrs. Rollin Lewis and Mrs. John Jenkins. Members who are new in Salem art invited te attend tht meeting. Parents to Hear Science Teacher sirs. Lena Mort, science instructor- at North Salem High School, will be the guest apeaker at the meeting of tht McKiniey Parents Club Monday night at tht school at I o'clock, Mra. Mort has chosen for her subject, "Science and Your Child." Plana will be madt for tht club's annus) Valentine tea to be held Feb. 1 at tht Gordon Cooley home. Hoatesstt for tht sociil hoar following the meet ing will be Mra. Stutrt McGil christ, Mn. Victor Palmtion, Mri. Jack Tilton nd Mra. Roy Chumblf. ", - Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sun., Fet. 2, '58 (Sec; IIllwf SsSEBsl ... nsHMaMMMBKIB fc If HOP MONDAYS AND j I FRIDAYS t:30 A.M. TO 9 P.M. I I I I fUi STORESIDI PARKING 1 lVf D I ' - WITH VALIDATION Of TICKET I jS'"SS7 A '"V 1 f "V- I I Mf 1 7 x"'' mart new styles rer half altei Betterniadeiweed knits loveliness for Half-Sizes: Warner's nylon corsolette 1 9-95 J ! inn I New spring stylet in "Pact Boucle", a luxurious blpnd of rayonacetate-nylon that looks like hand knit tweed. Step-in sheath in blue, gray, teal: 1X. Coat dress in blue, gray, beige, teal. 12K-24K. . ' Lipman't Druses, 2nd Warner'i custom-sire conelette was designed specifically for those special short-waisted proportions: sleeking leno and nylon taffeta slim you into a longer line; fine nylon lace lifts and molds in a be coming bra Section. Flexible front boning. In proportioned lizes. Reg. ' Lipinan's Foundations, 2nd floor remember your Valentine icith a gift from Lipman98 A ids1?)- 1 X VW '. 1 A 3 -V' ' 1 ilk ti-v- vjPs- ' LI I Jt-'l J IV Lipmani Coats, 2nd floor ' ? " , " ' I your dollar-' buy more at LipmanV'-SaH green stamps with every purchase I . : r ; ' sv new for many seasons af wtarl sale! luxurious spring cashmeres 100 piwe caslimpre ... a coat youll wear as proudly as fur . . . in handsome classic style by Dumas of California. An exceptional buy at this low price . . . and just in time for spring. Milium lined for all weather comfort. Fine tailoring details. Choose nude or black in sizes 8 to 18.