The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 01, 1958, Page 9, Image 9

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    Newr York Promises Sports Stadium
For National League Baseball Team
NEW YORK. Jan. Jl The
city ol New York opened the door
(or a National League baseball
learn today by promising to build
a ports atadlum by I960.
"The commitment Is kere aa
far aa the city li eanceraed,"
Mayer' Robert Wagner hM l a
larmal ttatemeat. "New tt'a aa
tq the Natloaal League."
At the same time, William Shea,
chairman of tbe Mayor's Baseball
Committee, was Instructed to coo
tact Warren Giles, National League
president, on the proipect of bring
ing a team into New York to re-
Saxons Halt
Lebanon Beaten
In 8 A-l Contest
(Continued from preceding page)
15 all on Moore's tip-in. Then aft
er ties at 17 and ID, Bayne went
on a one-man ' scoring spree col
lecting seven straight points In a
minute and a half for a M-1S
Saxon lead. The Southsiders were
In command the rest of the way.
With a SZ-ZS balfUme cushion.
South weal oa ia Increase Its
lead le ll-tl la the first fear
mlautea el the third period Which
the Warrlara foaad le be unsur
mouatable. Reserve guard Dale
Wulf pouring la sevea points le
lead the surge.
Midway in the fourth period.
South held Its biggest lead, 18
points at IS 30 when Wulf scored
his 10th 'fhd 11th points of the
game on the pay-off end of a fast
break. The Sax coasted In from
Bayne wound up with 14 points
to lead the Saxons and Wulf was
runner-up with II. Bob Primasing
and Doug Taylor, whose firing
gave the Warriors their early lead,
each had nine points for the losers.
Seath High flalshed with by
far the better, sheeting average,
a .177 ea M for U. Lebanon
took a comparable aamber of
shots, SZ, bat connected on ear
14 for a .26 Mark.
Rebounds favored South, XI to
29. Bob Phillips pulled down 10
for Lebanon while Bayne latched
on to nine for the Saxons.
Lebanon went away with some
consolation, scoring a convlncfng
6.V33 victory over South Salem in
the junior varsity preliminary.
Dick Bergiel paved the way with
31 markers. King seed eight for
the losers.
t.essaoa (37)
r t
MUMps llll
Coelloio (III
attlasa 11IS
Frltnaaf I j I
Taylor til
SharW I 0 I t
pain, e i e
Noons e e e
hop e e e e
(11) Inula
Itiu t
Madklas 4
Moor 4
Brukal t
RoMaia e
Bruk e
Bartons I
Wnlf I
Swctrra e
MCrawk 1
Bartlett 4
4 114
e i a
i i
e e a
e a a
l in
e e a
Total 14 tUJl Total Mil 14 IT
Leoanon 11 II a 137
Booth aalcaa ..IMS is SI
rrto throws nslrsre: Lohaaon II,
loath Salon a. officials: Tottl and
F: Blaaehal !); Borslol (tl). C:
Barnes (l)j Ot Arnastreni (1); Lam
phtr (1). Reserves fscerlni: Miller
it); Braada (S)i O'DwU (); Ceddes
P: Beadersoa (1; Belleisle (4). C:
Klni (I); ot Clark (J); fetta (0).
Rrterrts senrtwr: Oleekler (II; Cal
vert (4); KaraUne (I); MtUn (1);
Joan (2).
Lebanon JV .
I. aaltm JV
-.4 14 II 411
...4 I II 1J SS
07 Smothers
Portland State
Oregon Tech used an effective
zone defense in defeating Port
land State (4-34 in an Oregon Col
legiate Conference basket ball
game here tonight.
Portland State held a M lead
early in the game, but by half
time trailed 35-15.
John Wintera of Portland State
topped the game's scoring with 15
points. John McCutcheon hit 14 In
leading OT! to iti eighth victory
in nine conference games.
Portland State M) Frederick (4).
Rrrlrini (). Wrhrr (4), Winters
(IS), Ray (I), Deraat (t), Clara (t),
Blley (1). .
OTI (S4 Wllllasas (4). McCateh
oon (14), Boflo (11), Bklne (II), Fes
teen (), AUesle (I), WlUoa (I),
Nortasrl (1) Nokor (I).
tiairtuaei oti is, rortiaaa state
Grays Win Again in Jr.
High Play; Loy Hits 30
The Parrish Grays continued
their, domination of the Junior
High League, and Pit Loy con
tinued his assault on scoring rec
ords, as the fourth round of loop
play was ended yesterday.
The Grays, after a very slow
, first auarter, found the range
aad rolled ap a 11-14 wla ever
the Leslie Galas ea the Leslie
Ley patted U points Is pace
tle wla, aamber four la a raw
w l Pet. rr pa
Parrlth Oraya I I l oos las los
Parrlth Carei 1 I .134 111 II
l.eall Warriors -.1 I .MS 114 US
Leille Oolda .. .i 1 I M 101 111
Leille Blues 1 1 .254 SI 141
ParrUh pianaoro 14 .Ml 14 111
Vrl4ari ecoroi: Orayi M, Ooldi 14;
Carle II, Ploaoort 111 Bluei M. War
More H.
for thi Jeha Dalka coached
Grays. Steve Stewart had seven
for the leeers.
In other games the Leille Blues
turned 13-point first quarter into
their first win of the year, as they
downed the Leslie Warriors 32-28.
.Dale Myen led the win with 14
points, while LeRoy Haven had 10
for the losers.
The Parrish Card put an a
ecead half spurt ta lake a 17-17
place the departed Giants and
No atadlum will be built with
out a promise thai a learn will
locate here, Wagner's statement
said, la case the National League
waata le mere la before 1M0. Eb
beta Field, farmer lame of the
Dodgers, was proposed aa a ilsp
What two -vvajor
national hocksy league
The vezina vtopny,
awarded annually to the
lbaguei leading 60alie
and the nocr trophv
which honor the "best
defenseman'op the
(Contlaaed frena preceding page)
Bakor 12, U Oran4 44
NHtuui St. ClaAstesaJt St
Myrtle Polat 41, Fawtn 11
Mnmlt W. Mtn 41
Great IS, Benson 11
Jefferson 44, Wllsea II
Franklin I, Waahiartsa SI
Cleveland M, UncaU 14
Orefea Mate S3, Oreieo
WashlBtea SI. lualarl M
laattia 14. PorUand S4
LlnfleM II, OCB SI
CainVio of Uaaj II. Pacific SS
Lewie Clark 17, Whitman 11
Ortfoa Teeh M. PartUad lull 14
loothiora Oroe II. Kaatora
Oroioa II
Britham Vaunt 47, Utah Itata M
ISn rrancisre U, Loyola (Lao
Aasolat) IS
Nevaaa 44. CaUforala Aisles IT
Ooaaasa M. St. Martia's 04
11 LA II, Saala CUri S4
Univ. BrIUih . t'oluasla SS.
Writ. sb. M
Huaibaldt tUf. IUU II,
San Fraactsro State M
Fresno) state IS, laa Dltfe IUU 41
rariftc Lutheran (Wash.) ST.
Eastern Wasltlnitea SS
Central Waifclncton M, onset
Sound (Weak.) SS
Peppordlae 11, Colkp of Pacific
nertawost naaareat (laaae) 70,
Weotaalattsr Utah) SS
Vermont U, Coast Guard SO
Platubartk 14. Bokorts Weeleyaa
Seraatoa St, RUaaeetatlwa (Pa.)
North Carolina A A T 41, Vlrfiala
nuto so
CathoUc U. 104, LTathkarf 14
Doano II, Nohraika Wtalovaa It
loutAora ninois 44, Ctnlral
Michliaa IS t
Taa loutktra M, Warnt 41
Eaitera lUlnola II. Euura
Michliaa S
Arlaa 111, Tlffla (Ohio) 4S
Oklahoma City 41, Wiitarn
Kentucky SI
Kentucky II, riorld. is
Wert Vlrilala lei. riarlda IUU II
CtnUaary 71, Bprinf Mill as
North OakaU IUU U, lawn
Tcachcri 14
Miislaalppl lautaorn IS, Loyola
(Now Orlcana) SS
WaMcra Mulaaa SI, Carroll
(Moat.) 44
Northern Montama 11, taatora
Moauna M
Colorado Nlnoi II, WttUra (Colo.)
suto 14
Idaho lutt 11, A4au (Colo.)
SUlo M.
Bend Junior Chamber
To Sponsor Ski Meet
BEND, Jsn. Jl (41 The Bend
Junior Chamber of Commerce
will sponsor the fifth annual Ore
gon Jaycee Ski Tournament Feb.
(-( at Hoodoo Bowl.
There will be competition for
both boys and girls in novice, in
termediate artd expert classifies-tlons-'-in
downhill races tomorrow
and slalom rues Sundsy,
Meadows Dates Set
PORTLAND. Jan. Jl W Port
land Meadows today ssid Its horse
rice season will open May 1.
Co-manager Jack Randall said,
howeyca that the race season
manot fill the 50 days originally
pinned for the track.
win over the Parrlsk Ploaeers
after having oaly a 14-U bulge
as halltlme. Row Llppencott led
the wla with eight palnti.
In the Jayvee games the Cards
took a 21-19 victory over the Pio
neers; the Blues tipped the War
riors 14-22; snd the Grays took
a 21-19 double overtime win .from
the Golds.
BI.UF.fl (ID
r: Blnier (I): Baslrk (I). C: My
art (14); O: Mtdlaoa (4); Smith (1).
r: Havca (II); Royee (I). Ci Maen
il); Oi rannlai (4); Edwardf (It),
luei 11, I I 4 Jl
Warrlora I I 11 421
Official: Huntley.
r: Taylor (4); Hatktll (I). C:
Chaaihera (4); G: Batei (2); Brown
(1). Baaorvoi Kertaf : Wkltmlra (1);
Woock (t),
CARD! (Tl)
t: Upaxncatt (I); Weathers (4).
C: Dochtor (I); Ol Haikln (2); Bon
ier (4). Reserves ncorlni: Davla (4).
Princess . I I 1 111
Cards I I I S 11
Officials: Pslsracht sal Maarlni.
GRAY! (30)
F: Lop 414): Bolatad (I). Ci Moray
(S); Ot Mleklet ( I ) ; t Bllllais (I), (14)
' r: l.osaaer (.1); Terry (I). C: Pox
(1); Oi Btawsrt (1): Moermona (II.
Reterves certnn NIOltea (1).
Omys . , i II It 1 14
iCOM' t I II 1 U
1 Olllslali Belmana. '
The mayor issued his statement
through. spokesman, saying that
the Board of Estimate had en
dorsed in principle the building of
a new stadium, for a National
League club.
The board wai asked by tho
mayor to submit plans aa aeea
as possible.
Wagner said the atadlum would
be financed outside the city's debt
limit, apparently through a bond
issue. "It will not cost the taxpay
ers a nickel," the statement add
ed. Ne lite was announced. How
ever, a spokesman for Park Com
snUslaaer Robert Motes, whe Is
on a Weal ladles trip, laid hll
office would recommend city
ewaed property la Um Flushing
Meadewi section of Queens, far.
ater itle of the World's Fair.
"I am confident that the Na
tional League will with to move
without delay to lifeguard its ter
ritorial rights in this great base
ball city," the mayor said. "Since
the city has been invited to send
a representative to a meeting of
the National League in July, the
Board of Estimate members as
sume that a franchise for New
York will be available.
The transfer of the Giants ta
Ran Francisco aad Dedgere to
Lee Aagelea becomes of tidal to
morrow, Feb. I.
After that date, for a period of
15 dayi, the New York City terri
tory become open for a National
League bid. On Feb. IS, if no bid
has been made, the New York ter
ritory, except for Brooklyn, is offi
cially closed with the New York
Yinkeei of the American League
operating exclusively.
Then, by baseball law, a unan
imous vote of the teams of hath
league! becomes necessary ta
bring a lew team Into New
An effort was made at the offi
cial baseball meetings here earli
er this month to instill a new
rule on territorial rights permit
ting two clubs in all cities of over
2.000,000 population granting the
rival ball parks are five miles
Gains Made
By Xampy'
GLEN COVE, N.Y., Jan. 31 WV
Roy Campinella, Dodger catcher
injured in an automobile accident
last Tuesday, continued to show
improvement today with feeling in
bit body extending to the knee on
the left tide.
A report from the hospital
early teaight said he still was
on the critical Usl hut gave this
encouraging sews:
"The patient's general condition
has improved over last night. The
infection in his lungs is better
and his temperature remained less
elevsted today.
The M-year-eld baseball star
nnaerwoat as operation last
Bight ia reUevi a infection la
kit right laag. The sWclJea was
found after hli temperature rase
The doctors described the oper
ation as a tracheotomy the inser
tion of a tube in the throat as
minor and designed to help the
patient remove the mucous from
his lungs.
Southern Oregon
Grabs Close Win
ASHLAND. Jan. II (4) Bill
Hollingsworth scored 22 points as
Southern Oregon edged Eastern
Oregon 78-71 in a basketball game
here tonight.
The victory gave SOC an 8-1
conference record and kept the
.Riiders in a first-place tie with
Oregon Tech, which also won to
night. EOC (11) Neel (12), Baxter (I),
Parson (1), Reward (II), 0,ulna (14),
Armoia (, oxonaovu (2), rani'
son (I).
IOC (ll D'OUva (It), OUva (II),
neinntewerui maarer (!), nc
Akee (II), lutheriand (I).
Halftlana: EOC 41, IOC IT.
Chcmawa Scalps
Detroit by 55-17
CHEMAWA, Jin. 81 (Special)
Eddie Belin rolled in 21 points
to lead Chemawa to a convincing
55-17 victory over Detroit in Mar
ion B League (Minor Division)
basketball here tonight.
For the Indians, who led at half
time 29-9, the win evened their
league record at 4-4. Don Leming
scored 13 for Detroit which
dropped its eighth in a row.
Chemawa also won the jayvee
game, 31-13.
r: Hapsoa (I); Melton (I). C: (1); 6; Lesnlnf (11); How
land (1). Reserves scoring: Hamilton
F: Bella (21); Redsteer (1!). C:
Ttesie (5); O: Ysnle ); A. While
(1). Reserves scorlns: Teller (1);
Smith (1); Ahkee (4); Beiay (I).
Detroit 1 I 4 411
Chemawa It 11 It 14
Officials: Trent and Fadearecht.
Buckaroos Clout
r II M A 'IA
rerryaaxe, ou-w
ST. PAUL, Jin. 31 (Speciali
st. Paul held onto a tie for second
place in the minor division of the
Marion B League here tonight with
a 60-40 basketball win over Perry
dale. Rich Koch itufted in 23 points
for the winners, Who were ahead
at halftime by only four points,
Perrydale won the junior varsity
tUt, 21-J9.
F: DeJonie (I); Frlak (II). C:
Van Ottea (It.i O; Gllson (1); Iraple
ton (2). Reserves Scorlns : Chapea
amius i).
IT. PAUL (40)
F: Kirk (IS): Colemaa 1151. C:
Vandewelle (I). Ot Kerh (21)1 Okerl
(I). Reserves seorlfte: Frlin ();
Smith (2).
Prrrvlale , I 11 I 1140
St. Psal .11 II II It Ml
Do It Every
vcu asm. me I this is
JAf? IT'
tSfflsLI -Stefan.
Dallas Edges
Molalla Fjyc
MOLALLA, Jan. Jl (SpeciaD
Molalla fell apart in an overtime
period here tonight and Dallas
raus city 1 jii 444 ni
St Paal S 1 1J4 ill ZM
MacLnrea . S I .154 Ml Ml
Ore. Deaf School .. I 1 411 434 1S4
t'fcemawa 4 4 .504 405 154
Valseta I 1 411 414
Perrylale ..1 4 .150 MS 411
Detroit 4 S .IM 144 441
Friday's scares: Oresan School for
Iteaf SS, rails City Si; MacLarea 44,
Valseta IS; St. Paul SS. PerrydaM S
Chentawa M, Detroit II.
giined a 41-42 victory and sole
possession of firit place in the
Willamette Valley League.
Molalla had a one-point lead at
the end of three quarters but lost
it ai Dallas tied It up at the final
gun, 40-40. In the overtime period
Dallas scored heavily en free
throws to win the crucial clash.
Both teami were undefeated in
league play going into the game.
Gary Henry topped Dallai scor
ing with U points. Dave Brock of
Molalla was high for the game
with 15.
Dallas made H a clean sweep
with a 43-M victory in the Jayvee
t: Heary (11); Fast (I). (': Mc
Lean (II). G: Parsons (S); Wall (4).
Beserves Scorlns: PhllUps (4); Bark
holder (4).
P: Larson (S); Brawns (II). C:
Farker (I). O: Brock (11); Mar
son (I).
Dallas I tllll I 41
Melalla - I 11 II II 141
Woodburn Cracks
Gervais, 57-48
GERVAIS, An. 31 (Special)
Woodburn remained in second
place in the Capital Conference
here tonight with a S7-48 basket
ball Victory over winless Gervais.
Gervais led in the first quarter
but wilted in the second period.
Loiys Sowa of Gervais topped
the scorers with 20 points. Jim
Halter had 18 and Vic Belleque
17 for Woodburn. ,
Woodburn also won the jayvee
game, 62-31.
F: Bishearlck 1); Fulpi (I). C:
Weir (1). C: Belleaae (11): Halter
ill). Beserves Scertai: Bets (1);
ilack (I).
F: Bersluad (IS); Cox (I). C:
oua (II). O: Miller (4); Vehlaad
). Bosoms leorlnf: 1. Grassmnn
(I); Fosaholm (4); Italr (1).
Woodhura II 11 II I IT
Oorvals 11 I II 1141
Officials: Daaavaa A Janes.
Sandy Humbles
Canby, 76-55
SANDY, Jin. 31 (Special
Sandy, led by Ed Hoffman's II
and Bill Henselman's 17, was
ahead all the way after the first
quarter in posting a 76-55 victory
over Canby in Willamette Valley
League hoop action here tonight.
The Pioneers, ahead 39-30 at
halftime. evened their league mark
at 2-2. Delmar and Clarence Dar
ling sparked Canby with 13 and
12 points, respectively.
Sandy took the jenior varsity
game, 66-30.
CANBY (55)
r: D. Darllnt (11); Daniels (1). C:
Inlaw (I); O: Intrant (1); C. Dar
Un (It). Beserves srorlna: McCaan
(J): kaUea (I); Calhona (1).
F: Hawkins (I); Richardson (I) C
Hoffman (II); C: Henselmaa (11):
Wills (1). Reserves scorlns: Me
Dermoa (4); Lndl (2); BrhwarU (I);
learls (III BJotk (2).
Csnhv II II II 1255
eanly II II II 1111
Turner Hits 36
To Pace Huskies
AURORA. Jan. 31 (Special)
Despite a tremendous. 36 point
scoring spree by 6'2" Bill Turner,
the North Marion High Huskies
were forced to go overtime to
capture a 48-41 Capital Conference
basketball decision from Mt. An
gel here tonight.
The score was 40-all at the end
of regulation playing, but Turner
was simply too much for the An
gels to handle in the extra time.
Bob Blem and Jim Schaecher
each tallied 11 for Mt Angel.
Mt. Angel won the jayvee con
test, 40-39.
MT. ANGEL (41)
F: Blem HI); Ichaecher (II). C:
D. Wavra ); G; Danely (4): C
Wavra (0). .Reserves erorlnc Miller
(4); Bran (4).
F: Turner (34); Metier (I). C: Mr
l.sren (1); G: DeArmonl (4); Lamb
(21. Beserves seorlnt: Wentcl (4).
Mt Ansel 15 12 1 141
K. Marlon II II II I I 41
Just happen to
Hoop Results
Panthers Romp
Over Estacada
In WVL 6140
ESTACADA, Jan. tl (Special)
Central Hlgk'i ranlaeri roared
iff le s tt-U first aaarter lead
aad then weal ea to whip Esta
cada ta Willamette Valley
League basketball here teaight,
I1-49. '
Darrrll Brandt aid Vera Laee
lare topped the Central scoriaf
with 15 aad 14 petals, respective
ly. ReMa Cody notched It far the
Rangers whe trailed it balftlmi
Central made It a eleait sweep
with a 55-25 win la the preUml
aary. CENTRAL (II)
F: Brandt (15); D. CnmnUns (4).
C: Lovelace (14); C: Ballenllne (1):
Martin (S). Reserves scorlns: Britten
(1) : Dodsoa (I); Marr (5).
F: Cody (11); Miller (I). C: Wor
ley (I); C: Larsen it): kttrhlne (11.
Beservos searlns: Kelier (1); Smith
(2) ; Klrkkrlle (II).
Central 2t II II I SI
Bstaea4a It II S 1144
Officials.- Faisal and Boso.
Eagles Take
Narrow Win
STAYTON, Jan. 31 Special )
John Lucai scored a field goal
with only two seconds remaining
here tonight to give Stayton nar
row 89-38 victory over Silverton
in Capital Conference basketball
action. Stayton remained two
games ahead of the pack as a
result ot the win.
Larry Zetterberg of Silverton
led all aCorers with it points. Rog
er Ward had 15 for the- winners.
Stayton also won tbe jayvee
game by a slim margin, 43-41.
F: Graves (4): McKllloa (4). C:
Ashley (l); Zetterheri (li); Over
Arid (I).
F: Ward (15); Ware (1). C: era
sen (1); O: Lncaa (I); Boeaberser
(2). Boaorvos seerlns: Baedlshelaaer
Sllvertm II I IS II M
Staytaa . 1 14 IS
Sweet Home Clubs
Bulldogs, 5740
SWEET HOME. Jan. II (Special)
Sweet Home'i Huskies gained un
disputed possession of second place
in District 8 A-l here tonight with
an easy 57-40 basketball triumph
over Albany.
Wayne Roberts, wno played only
about three quarters, tallied 21
points for the winners.
Albany captured thi jayvee
game, 60-46
r: Drohaska (4); Bayne (1). C:
Brynaa (11). G: Wllioa (II); Bohr
heath (S). Beserves IcorlnC Mul
len (1).
fcWKET ftrjMB (51)
r: Miller (II); lelher (4). C: Gil
bert (I). G: Land (4); Cell (I). Be
serves learlne: Beborts (21); Elflcy
(1); Janes (2).
Alhany 1 II II 11 41
Iweet Home 14 II If IS SI
Officials: Bates Itenart.
MacLa ren Topples
Valsetz Cougars
VALSETZ. Jin. 31 (Special) -MacLaren
remained in a tie for
second place in the minor division
of the Marion B League with a
44-39 win over Valsetx here to
night. Larry Wells collected 13 points
for the winners. Valseti' Bob Cliv
er also hd 13.
MarLARKN (44)
F: Chrlstcnson (It: DoMs (2). C:
Fuller (II). G: Peterson (2): Bsrker
(1). Reserves leerlnt: Wells (11).
F: Penter ():. Mllbunt (1). C:
Rose (S). G: direr (111: ErU (1).
MacLarea . . II II I 1144
Valseta . I II. II 1111
Sherwood Bowmen
Upset by Tigers
YAMHILL, Jan. 31 (Special) -Yamhill
bounced Sherwood. 46-40,
in a basketball game here tonight i
to gain at least a tie for third with
tl)e Bowmen in the Yawama'
Bob Light tallied 14 point! for
the winneri. Dive Steams topped
Sherwood with 11.. Sherwood won
the junior varsity clash, 34-22.
Fi Stearns (II); Brian (S). C:
Schneller (S) Gi Myers (1): Brick
ley (). Res'eeves scorlns: Bahns (5);
Msrlln (I).
t: l.ltht (14); l.aiilni (ID. ('!
Yeune (1); G: Bermans (I); Lewert
(S). Reserves scorlns: crswford (11)
Bnrrwmw .. 1 II 14
Ysmhlll . . U II I
By Jimmy Hatiol
OSD Upsets
Falls City '5'
Oregon School for the Deaf pro
vided the Marion B League with
one of its biggest upsets for the
season oa the OSD court last
W L Frt. rr PA
. 4 I 1.104 K4 IM
.150 254 111
jee 211 141
Central . .
lanly .
ranky ....
Frllay's scares
Me m ill
.154 144 215
aee ist in
Dallas 41. MoUlls
41, (evertjme); Central II
to; laaly II. canby M.
night by dumping ill-victorious
Falls City. 69-57. Falls City re
mained on top of the league by
one game.
Oregon Deaf School had a good
lead at the end of three quarters
and made it even bigger in the
fourth chapter. Dennii Bookahms
tallied 21 points and Shelby Caudle
18 for the winners.
Roy Carver rolled in 26 counters
for Falls City, which now has a
7-1 record compared to OSD'a 5-3.
Falls City won the jayvee game,
Fi carver (2; Bad! (). C: Tay
lor (4); G: Vael (14): Wheeler (1).
Reserves scorlns: Shoeasaker (1).
Fi Elliott (S); Caudle (IS). C:
Bookshnls (11); G: Colley (II); Hood
(14). Beserves Searlns: Geyl (4);
Buckley (),
Falls Cltv li is tl iasi
OSD tl 11 II I
Officials: Veer aad Roth.
Philomath Wallops
Banks Club 45-26
PHILOMATH. Jan. 31 (Special)
Philomath stayed in the running
for Yawama League bonori, win
ning iti seventh game against
three losses, by drubbing the
Banks 'Braves. 45-26 here tonight.
Ron Edwards was high scorer
for the victors with 13 points.
The hosti also took the prelim
inary, 39-24.
BArfKI (21)
F: Lilly (I): TrusseU (I). V: Stew
art (4); G: B. Alloa (4); Dandies
). Beservos acerlaf: White 4);
Wllsoa (2).
F: Whitney (I): Edwards (II). C:
P. Davis (I); G: Calheua (5); Huvett
(S). Reserves srorlm; Gredli (1);
Ness (1); Williams (I).
Banks S s t e ?
rnnasaata is I) II
Willamina Tames
Pirafes, 5140
WILLAMINA. Jan. 31 (Special
Willamina gained a tie for third
in Yawama League basketball
play here tonight with a 51-40 vic
tory over the Dayton Piratei.
The Bulldogs were piced by
Steve Yoast who tallied 19 points.
Dick Vest had 18 for the losers.
Willamina also won the junior
varsity tilt, 56-48.
F: Vest (11); Benedict (I). C:
Stewart (I). G: D. Wrltht i): Bnr
Saa (I). Reserves leerlnt: Brown
(1) ; Baker (1); CaldweU (12); Wlllert
(2) ; Walther (2).
F: Nokleky (14); Llttlrjoha (2). C:
J. Wrltht (J). G: Yoast (IS); Pear
son (1). Reserves leerlnt: Gehlen
(2): McMillan (1); Hamlltoa (1); Hl
lenhotham (1).
Dayton 1 IS 11 5 4
Willamina II I II 1 si
Wolverines Fall
To Shedd-Halsey
SHEDD-HALSEY. Jan. 31 "Spe
cial) Shedd-Halsey "i Cobras came
from behind in the last quarter
to upset Santiftm in a non-conference
basketball game here tonight.
John Irish paced the winners
with 19 points Dale Smith had 20
for Santiam.
The Wolverines won the prelim
inary gamer 39-32.
r- Gregory (II); Smith (21). C:
Mine (1): G: Bevler (4): Marian (2).
Reserves ror!ni: Fend (4).
F: Psrker (4); Smith (I). C: Irish
ui ivwvu tei; viiiaauvva 4111
naniiam 11 i u
Sheoa-Halsey II II II
Bend Gets 59-52
Win Over 'Pokes
BEND; Jan. 31 i Special Brad
Flanary flipped in 20 points for
Bend ai the Lava Bears tripped
the Prineville Cowtooyi here to
night in Sub-District t A-l basket
ball. 59-52.
F: Mclntyre (14): Bee III). C:
K. Bohertson (11). G: i. Robertson
III): We-ks (41.
lie Harris (I): ronnellv (IS). C":
H (I). G: Flanary (IS): Hodfr
(I-!). .
Prlnrvllls II I II 1.1
Bead 21 11 11 11 M.
jPjj Qllt tO
Top Delany
Hope to Break
Winning Streak
BOSTON. Jan. 31 un George
King and Phil Coleman feel they
are ready to map bobbing Dublin
m i I e r- Ron Delsny'i unbeaten
streak tomorrow night at the Bos
ton A. A. meet. A new indoor rec
ord could result.
Delany, who his won all 17 of
his indoor mile efforts by running
just fast enough to come home
first, admits he has hid a chinge
of heart.
"I'm certainly shooting far Ike
Ineloor record, because I hive
oaly a few mere races te ran
la this cavalry and would like
to leave the fail seniethlag te
remember," Deliiy sale! when
be mailed his entry.
Coleman, student teacher from
the University of Chicigo. his the
early -speed and King, Boston Eng
lish high school instructor, the
kick-finish to push Delany faster
than Gunnar Neilten's current in
door standard of 4:03.6.
'Certainly, Deliiy eaa be beat
ea." King said. "He eaa be beat
ea tomorrow night aad I think
I eaa do IL I sm la the best
shape of any life."
King, who has. been training sev
en days a week since August, wis
spiked on the heel in Philadel
phia'! mile last week and his shoe
came off but he came back later
to win the 1,000 -yard run in a
Klag aever has ran a mill la
better than 4:11 but believes he
baa built Bp hit ipeed for a sprint
finish to challenge the best a
the easiness Dclaay. Ia addi
tion, be says, he bat been under
the world record for three-no ar
te rs la hli training trials.
If Delany wins it will be his
third successive BAA mile tri
triumph. Glenn Cunningham mas
the last to score i triple here In
Defender Ira Murchison in the
daah and Ellas Gilbert of Winston
Salem Teachers in the hurdles ire
among the favorites in other
Oldtimers to Play
Benefit Ball Game
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla.. Jan. 31
or It will be Max Lanier againat
Johnny Allen when the third an
nual oldtimeri baseball game be
gin! tomorrow ifternoon.
Lanier, the chunky aouthpaw
who did most of his big lesgue
hurling for the St. Louis Cardinals
and the then New York Giants.
will (tart for the National Lea-
gueri.- "
Allen, an ex-New York Yankee,
will be the American League tart
er. ' AI Lopex. American League man
ager, will catch Allen. Manager
Freddie Hutchinson of the Nation
als said his starting catcher will
be Zack Taylor.
About 60 present and former big
leaguers have volunteered to play
in the contest for the March of
Among the ex-greati lined up for
the game are Ed Roush, Wes Fer
rell. Spud Chandler, Heinle Man
ush and Heinie Groh.
Active players include Billy
Goodman, Billy Klaus, Earl Torge
son. Bill Virdon and Virgil Tracks.
Sound managem! nt and steady growth
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The 71st Annum. Report shows The Manufacturers
Life now provides $2,610,637,086 in insurance and
retirement protection for over 500,000 policyholders.
In 1957 41,000 people purchased $380,499,333 of
new insurance to take care of tomorrow's,uncertainties.
The 71st Annual Report also shows that the Company
paid to living policyholders and to the families of those
who died, a total of $48,338,145 in benefits last year.
i Liabilities including Capital
aow amount to S702.622.322
a in
ffjteeftnW llo7)
Statesman, Salem, Oregon, ; Saturday, Feb. 1, '58-lV
Stapleton Has Talk
With Iowa Staters!
AMES, Iowa, Jan. II cn-Slngla wing football appeared. today la ,.
be playing an important part in
Iowa State College.
The Iowa State Athletic Council
with candidate! for the position to- r
day. Two others appeared before
the council yesterday and a sixth
coach will be interviewed tomor
With aa tnvKaUen now extend
ed ta George Dickersea, 46, No.
1 assistant at UCLA, to appear
tomorrow morning, aa Iowa
State spokesman said today It
seemed nailkely the aew coach
would be announced before next
The council, possibly pleased
with the success of departed Coach
Jim Myers' single wing offense
last fill, has interviewed in the
past two dayi primarily single
wing coaches.
The only exceptions were
George Bauer, 46, Baylor ath
letic director aad fanner T-for
natioa held coach, aad
I Coach
Warren Gaer, 45, wbe
lies ia the "T" at Drake
Clay Stapleton, 36. Oregon
State's No. 1 assistant, met with
the council this afternoon. He be
came the leading candidate for the
job after Leroy Pearce withdrew
his name from consideration late
Pearci weat ta Nebraska ear
Iter this month after serving ai
aa aide to Myen here last year.
He was Interviewed yesterday
aleag with John D. Brtagen, U,
Baltimore Calls line coach aad a
single wing mentor at the Uni
versity of tbe Seath from 147
te 1951.
Stapleton. well versed in the sin
gle wing, said he "never made an
application for any head coach
ing job, but I do feel I have the
Saints Toppled
By Scio 61-31
SUBLIMITY,- Jan. 31 (Special)
Scio'i Loggers rolled up a 27-11
halftime lead and went, on from
there to roll over St, Boniface,
61-31, here tonight in a non-league
basketball game.
Ken Robinson tallied 21 points
and Byron Eastman added IS for
the winners. St. Boniface snared
the jayvee preliminary clash,
scio (id
F: Newromb (1); Calkin (I). Cl
Eastmsa (15). G:ReMnson (11)1 Man
ley (I). Reserves Icorlni: Kara eeh
(I); Bennett (I).
F: Meiers (I); L. Gaenther (1).
C: Beaherter (II). O: D. Gnenther
(4); Blades (I).
do .. II 11 II 11-41
It. Boniface ... 1 I 11 1111
officials: Alloy Miller.
8pttrs Chiropractic Hospital
Dept. 55F penver 20, Colorado
Branch Offjca; 40 Yaon Building
C. R. Guest Manager for Oregon
Portland 4, Oregon
A. Oooch Suporvlier Silem District
Telephone IMpIre 3-33 14
the aelection of a new head coach at
scheduled three more .interviews
Santa Anita
Track Sets r
Double Bill
ARCADIA, Calif.. Jan.-31 or
Santa Anita offeri a racing double. . .
header tomorrow, with 10 cindU ,
dates named today for the $25,006 -Added
San CrfriV Handicap and ."
nine slated to go In the $25,006
Added San Pasqual Handicap.
The San Carlos, featured as the .
seventh race of the program, will "
be raced at a mile and one-quarter
over the Camtno real grass
Heading the field is Mrs. E. D.
Jacob' Premised Uad, high
weigh tea at 125 swaada. wbe
proved hbi Uklag for the tarf
roars when he wea the El ..
Peee Ranch Handicap earlier la
the meetlag.
Veteran Jack Wes trope will be.
aboard Promised Land. -
Major challenge to the Jacobs
Color-Bearer is expected to coma
from the Agoura Stock Farm's.
Ekaba, with Willie Shoemaker up,
and the Golden Gate Stable's Tall .
Chief. Ekaba was assigned 121
pounds and Tall Chief, with John-,
ny Longdert up, 120.-
The Eaa Paseeal at a mile
aad aae-slxteesth leaturei Alfred
G. Vaaeerbllfi lyiar-eM caarg-. .
er. Flaw, y hM first race of tbe , .
meetlag, a gal ait IJaageDea '
raraVs Psrtornoaae aa4 Nash-,.;
Hie. " - , " ' . M
Also named were Terrang. fac
ing for the Poltex-Bond Stable,
and the O. Enterprise, llystie
Eye. along with Koiandes uVUke -Magic,
Festia and Noredski.
1 . coMnrri (fi
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