The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 01, 1958, Page 10, Image 10

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    10-Statesman, Salem, Oregon, Saturday, Feb. 1, '58
Markets Business Reports
New York Closing Stocks
Reported by
Merrill Lynch, Pierce. end Bean
Most Grains
Suffer Loss
Admiral Corn
Al Chem St Dye
Allied Strs
Allu Cham
Aluminum Ltd .
Am Airlinea
Am Can
Am Cvan ....
Am Motors
Am Stl For . .
Am T T
Am Tobacco . -Am
Amc Coppar
Armco . .. '
Armour .
Atcheson Top .
Beth SU
Boeing Air ..
Bor Warn
Burro Adding .
Campb Soup .
Can Pac Ry .
Case J I .
Caterp Trac
Chea a O I;
Chi M ft SI P
Chi NW By .
Chi R la Ry
Clues Serv
Coca Cola
Com Credit
Comw Edison .
Cons Edison ..
Container ...
Cont Can
Cont Oil . .....
Crant Co
Crown Zell
Curtiaa Wr
Deer Ar Co
Dia Match
Doug Air
Dow Chem
De P De Ke
Uat Air U
east Kodak
El Peso Gas
Ex Cello
17 'a
Tord Motor
Gen Dynamics
Han Eler
Gen Foods
Gen Motor! ..
Gen Tire
8 to Pac Ply .
32'. I Goodrich
. Uli, Goodyear
'Grace WR
JS' Grt No Ry
. 44, Grt West Sue
4 ; Greyhound . .
IT, Gulf Oil
19e i
" Homestake M
Int Harvest .
Int Nickel
Int Paper . .. ...
Jones ft M SU
Kaiw Alum
58 Kennecott
' L
1'VLibby McN
8'a Lin Myers
!' I.or Class
Lock hud Air ...
Loew s Inc
Marsh Field
Merck Co .
Mont Chem .
Mont Ward .
Motorola .
aj'a I Natl Biscuit
7a rail caan nri H
nau vmtry
Natl Distill
Natl Gypsum
Natl Lead
I Pepsi Cola .
41 'i Phelpa-Dodge
4t), ! Phllco Corp
j Phil Morrisa
una, Phil Petrol
ii'. Proc Gam
&3 , Pug Sd P A L
34, Puraj Oil .. - - ,
30', 'Radio Corp
S4Js 'Rayonler Inc .
88' i iRepub Stl .
78', Reynolds Met
. S3,
- 14'.
.... 22',
... So'i,
.., 104',
.. . 53
. 4J'
14 'a
40' ,
... 2S,
... .
. 29
.- 31',
Natl Supply .
NY Central
No Am Avia
No Pac Ry .
NW Airlines
Olin Math ...
Pac G It El
Pac T ft T ....
Pan Am Air
Penney J. C
Perm Ry
Reynolds Tob
Richfield O
Royal Dutch ..
Safeway Strs
St Refia Paper
; Schenley lnd
Scott Paper
Sears Roa
I Shell Oil
'Sinclair Oil
Sou Cal Edi
3t', sou Pac Ry
40 Sou Ry
sperry nana
Std Brands . .
Std Oil Cal ...
3t Oil NJ ..
Sunray Oil .
Sunshine M
Swift & Co ...
Sylvania El
Texas Co
Texas Gulf
Tidt-Asso ...
Trantam .
Trans Wo Air ...
T'en Cen Fox
Union Carb
Onion Oil .
Union Pac R.v
Uni Aircraft .
Uni Corp
Uni Fruit
US Plywood
US Rubber
US Steel -
HP a
88 ,
. 42',
. . UP.
CHICAGO.' Jan. 31 The
pressure tightened on grain fu
lures in Board of Trade dealings
again today and almost the entire
market finished with more losses.
Setbacks of more than l'i cents
a bushel were marked up against
all the hew crop wheat deliveries.
Wheat finished ' to 1 cents
2', ilower.pcorn -l4 lower, oats un-
! changed to 'a lower, ry higher
j to 1 cent lower, soybeans ' lower
30', to S higher, and lard 2 to 10 cents
J,. 1 a hundred pounds higher.
K'l During the day India was re-
, j ported to have bought 1.200,000
491. bushels of I . S. bard wheat for
3'' ' sh'Pmnt 1 March and April and
xi", I Pakistan was expected in the
if;, market next week for, additional
iit ! supplies, but these developments
so', ' were offset by disappointment
2J, over Canadian exports to Israel
32 ' ; and Malta.
34'. Israel bought 14 million bushels
M3 of Canadian wheat under a three
K ' year credit arrangement and Mal
i ta bought 350.000 bushels.
. Chicago Grain
Warner Pic
Wash Water P
West Air Br
Western Air ....
Western Elec ...
Western Union
82 -
- 43',
. 39
- 29
. 17
. 22'.
. 3
42 V
Investment Trusts
ZHka. Smltber Ca.. le.
Affiliated fund 5 4
Canadian Fund 15.73
Century Stiaraa Trust 23.40
Chamtcal Fund 15.15
Delaware) Fund 9 37
Diver. Invest. Fund 7.7f
Dividend Share 3 47
Eaton at H. BaX Fund 30 33
Oaa. InL 113
GrouD Tobacco 5.15
Incorp. Intnastors 7 M
Chicago Buttef-Eggs.
i auiwr awwij, . '
i prices unchanged; H aeore A A 58"
",:3 A 59'. ',,; W B 5'M'i;
Key Cuat. Funds:
B-a .
Hiitur ataadv: wholesale aelllna
A ax pa
17.01 ' c
23 141 r. wholeaal aallinf prices un
18..TS j changed to '., lower; W per cant or
w better graae a ' wanes i. inw
50 1 um (xtras 33-33t,; atautdarda 33-33 ;
SJ I checks 3,-30.
" Portland Produce
Van. Bond Fund
jVfasat Invest. Trust .
JVtl. Sac. Senes:
Income Series
Stock Series
Pref. Stock S.
. 30
7 25
NatL Dtv. Series 3 2
Natl. Growtal 5 44
Pioneer Fund s .12 S3
Tel-Dect. Fund .ia 2
VaJue Una Inc. FuntL- 4 41
Wellington Fund 11 aH
. 43
. 1 07
.1001 1090
9 M
7 54
14 04
Portland Livestock
for week salable 2,200; trad fair
ly active, fed steer and heifers
steady; slaughter cows opened
the week mostly 50 lower but
closed mostly 23 off:. bulls sold 50
lower with some tales 1.00 lower;
one load choice Canadian steers
36.00 Monday with other high good
to low choice steers., from 23.00
25.50; good steers mostly 24.00
25.00; sUndard 2U0-24.0O; several
small Ms of choice fed heifers
24.00 with other choice kinds at
23.30: good heifers 22.00-23.00 and
standard 20.00-21.50; utility and
commercial cows 18.00-19.50 with
canner said cutters from 12.50
canner and cutters from 12.50
14.50 and heavy cutters up to
16.00; utility bulls mostly 11.50-
21.00; good and choice feeder
steers 22.00-23.50.
Calves for week salable 265
trade slow, vealers mostly 1.0O
lower: slaughter calves and stock'
ers 4reak to 50 lower; choice veal
ers 2f.00-30.00: a few up to 31.00;
good 25.00-21.00: standard 11.50-
i to
"I PORTLAND I Butterfat
,,iTenUtive, subject to immediate
772 rha n i?e-lremimurn ouaiiiy. aeuv-
!2 ered in Portland, 60-63 cenU per
lb; first quality, 5740; second
quality. 52-55.
Butter-Wholesale, fob. bulk
I cubes to wholesalers Grade AA
93 score. asi a irtw, acw.
584: B grade, SO score, 57; C
grade. 89 score. 55.
Cbeese-To-wholesalers Ore
gon singles. 41-tt lb; Oregon 5-1.
loaf, 43V&-53H. '
Eggs To retailers Grade AA,
larje44-4; A larg. 0-C; AA
medium, 39-43; medium. 34-12.
Cartons 1-3 cents additional.
Eggs To producers AA large,
35-37H; A large, 32-35; A medium
Live poultry No. 1 fryers. 2-4
lbs 22 at farm: light hens i ll at
farm; heavy bens 18-19 at the
farm: old roosters, 7-1.
Rabbits Average to growers
Live whites, 3Vi-44 lbs. 22-25;
colored pelts, 4 tents less; fresh
killed fryers to retailers, 59-61;
cut up 62-ttt.
Wool-Nominal. clean basis Vt
blood, to 1.05; H blood to 1.15; 4
blood to 120; fine to 1.28.
Whelesal Dressed Meats
Beef carcasses Steers, choice.
500-700 lb, 42.50-44.50: good 41.00
43.09; standard 3J.0O-41.0O; com
mercial cows. 36.00-37.00; utility.
34.00-36.00; canners and cutters,
32 00-35 00.
- Beef cuts Choice steers, hind
quarters, 48.00-52.00
CHICAGO. Jan. 31 1
December .
December ..
Marck .
Ma-v.. .......
-Opea Close
2 17', 214',-',
213',-lJ 211V12
. 1 SJ, 1 87', ',
- l2Js!a l.SO'.-'a
- 1 7 1 5,-,
1 OS',', 1 Sa,.l,
113V l.l'.-,
1.14-131, I ,-',
I I1, I II
1 13-12, 1 12'i
2'a .2',
- .', .0,
57'a .S7,
1 135',
-.,v.- .4'. - t.ti'..i, l.oa-osu
.... ....... 1 12", Ml',
J30V. ',-,
j, 2 34'.-!, 3 24', '.
2.25', 2.25',
21'. 2 l,-,
2 13'. 2 14
1. Earth
fi, TemplM ,
, tCJua.) .
10. A lultin)
12. Mixture
U aetala
13. Defensive
14. Internal
decay of
15. Winnow
1. None got)
17. The rr.
18. Noah's
flood homr
19. Airplane
JO. Flea
f 33. FundaUoa
24. Interval
26. For
28. Thicker
31. Perform
32. Seed
DOWN 13. Liberty
IV. B. It Likely
Secretary ' 19. Crowd
of State 21. Cfcaat
INot wor king (Rom.
1 Source) aatlq.)
4. Attempt 21 Pismire
8. Becretau-y 23. Stornge
of NATO '"
' Cornucopia
7. Fortify
1 Cooking
.Piece of
- furniture
U Rugged
23. Color
26. BU.
27. Pendant
of Ice
29. Go
30. Ceremonies
1 a ( t iTTA l;i
TTTfnj'itr iAl:;.''.
TaaUreav Amaaree
32. A meat .pie
35. Walked
34. Jumping: ;
37. Coin (lnd.)
39. Help
40. Spht pulse) .
Khrushchev Ready
To Assert Complete
Mastery Over Russ
33. Creek,
34. River
39. Scotch
man's eap
34. Agreement
38. Wound
40. Recipient
of a gift
4L George
42. Girl's Bam
43. Whirlpool
44. Burden
Chicago Livestock
CHICAGO. Jan. 31 un (USDA)
Hot, (000: moderately active:
steady to weak with Thursday's aver
se, an butchers under 230 lbs; over
230 lbs uneven; mainly steady to 23
hither; sow, steady to 35 lower;
2-3 190-330 lb butchers 1 00-11 50; 2 3
240-37 lb 1S 5O-1S.00: 3-3 270-29 lbs
II 00-11 50; larcer lots mixed trade
sows 330-40 Iba 17 2S-17 75.
Cattle 700; calves 100; not enoufta
steers and heifers to test prices:
canners and cutters steadv; better
trade cows ateady to fully 25 lower:
bulls about steady; vealers weak:
atockera and feeders steady: food
ana atanaard slaughter steers 30.50
24.00; standard and food heifers lt.OO
23 OS; few sUndard cows IS. 00-19. 50;
utility and commercial IS 00-17 SO;
canners and cutters 13 50 H 00; utU
ity and commercial bulla 19.00-21 .00;
food and choice vealers 37.00-33.00;
standard and toed 300-20; cull
and utility 13.00-30.0.
Sheep 300: not enough of any call
sa sale to test prices; all sates about
a t a a d r with Thursday's market:
choice 100 lb lambs 24.50; part deck
10 lb fall ahorn 23 50; other mixed
choice 33.50-33.0: culls down to 17.00:
cull to choice wooled alauamur awaa
U.S. Nuclear Test Against
Missile Possible in Spring
WASHINGTON. Jan. 31 17
The United States may find out
how effective a nuclear blast in
space would be against enemy
proving grounds.
The semiannual report of the
Atomic Energy Commission, just
issued, said the forthcoming
series of proof flrings of nuclear
devices and weapons at Eniwetok
will advance the development of
weapons for defense against ag
gression whether airborne, mis
sile-born, or otherwise mounted.
The report made no further
explanation, but there has been
speculation that the 1968 Eniwe-
AP Foreign News Analyst
Nikita S. Khrushchev appears to
be ready to bury "collective lead'
ership". for good.
Recent clues suggest he is about
to assert his total mastery over
the Soviet government, as well as
the Communist party, and emerge
as Russia's new dictator.
Recent items in the Soviet
press, along with activities of So
viet censorship indicate collective
leadership Is just about finished.
It remains only for Khrushchev to
make this official by combining
his party boss authority with di
rect personal control of the coun
cil of Ministers.
Khrushchev can do this by mak
ing a trusted member of his per
sonal machine premier or even
by taking the jobhimself. Nikolai
Bulganin, the present premier,
can be kicked upstairs to tne
chairmanship of the' Supreme So
viet parliament and figure
head 1 president. The incumbent,
old Marshal Klimentl Voroshilov
can be retired.
Gaorlflcatloa Campaign
A glorification campaign1 for
Khrushchev already, has begun
slowly and cautiously at first, but
now gathering momentum.
Thursday, the - most authorita
tive Communist party publication,
the" monthly Kommunist, suddenly
broke the news that tne real ar
chitect of victory over the Nazis
at Stalingrad was Khrushchev.
Khrushchev did play a part at
tok tests might include the finng Sn,.thu,t Front Military rnnnr-il
of a nuclear charge to an altitude emerging as a lieutenant general,
of 100 or more miles. But unti tne dictator died, Stalin
Army Jupiter -
El m r uM
" 1" i
" i
a r-
I w I lk
Council for the Stalingrad Front
and the Southwest Front, Nikita
S. Khrushchev."
Soviet censorship failed to pass
the first Associated Press dis
patch j-eporting this, possibly be
cause It contained speculative
material on the sudden glorifica
tion of Khrushchev.
Senate Unit
Okehs Fund
For Arms
23 .SO; good and choice sUughterl T
calves 21.50-24.00; good and choice
stock steer calves 22.00-25.00.
Hogs -for week salable 1.130;
trade moderately active; butchers
steady to strong; sows steady;
sorted U. S. 1-2 grade butchers
180-230 lbs 2100-23.50; mixed grade
lots 21.50-22.00; No. 2 grades down
to 21.00; heavy and lighKbutchers
20.00-21.50; sows 300-500 Ins 15 50
19.00; two lots of choice feeder
pigs 70-115 lbs 21.50-22.50.-
Sheep for week salable 1.300;
trade moderately active; slaughter
Iambs mostly 25 higher: feeders
and shearing lambs strong to 50
higher; slaughter ewes weak to
1.00 lower; choice slaughter lambs
with No. 1 or better pelts 23.00
23.25; a few full-wooled lambs up
to 23.50; good slaughter lambs
22.00-22.50; good and choice feed
ers 10.50-22.00; shearing lambs
23.50-23.00; cull to good slaughter
ewes 4.00-f.oo.
Chicago Onions
CHICAGO. Jan. 31 M Onions:
O Hl(h Law Close
February 154 1.S2 1.43 141
March 1.7 1.S2 1M 1.73
Western Securities
These bid and ask quotations rep
resent prices at which one or more
dealers, members of the National
Association of Security Dealer's Inc..
would trade with the general public
at the tima the quotations ware
fathered at 1 p.m. yeaterday:
Bid Aaked
Calif. -Orefon Power 31'., 33,
lbkio, riywooa . is,
Consol. freight IS1,
Iron fireman 10J
Jantzen Inc. Com. IS1,
Meter Frank HV4
Morrtson-Knudaen ,
Ora -Port Cement TO
r o u n a s. ; nc. r. v i com. . 31 ,
49.00-51.00; full loins, tnmmedj KVg fc Cok.
W.uu-0.uu; lorequaners, a.uv- port. Can. Elc.
chucks 41.00-43.00;
at ft!
After receiving easjensiv
mllitajcy vtwliiiiiej, f ewe evt
I Hire sanrksmaii put their
skills to work for mere
WHttf Iwl pfeNNrttf taWWab0a74sw
.F"4b. a
49 00-S5.00
Lambs Choice 48.00-51.00;
good, all wts. 46.00-50.00.
Pork carcasses Shipper style,
120-170 lb. 32.00-33.50.
Pork cuts Loins, choice. 8-12
lb. 48.00-53.00; shoulders. 16 lbs,
down, 34.00-37.00; spareirbs, 46.00
50.00; fresh hams, 12-16 lbs 51.00
54.00. Slab bacon - All wts, 48 00
56.00. Veal and calves Good and
choice, all weights,
standards 38.00-49.00.
Hay No. 2 green alfalfa, new
crop, bailed f o b. Portland,
24.00-25.00 ton.
Onions 50 lbs sack Oregon west
dist. Dan vers med 1-85-2.00: large
2.50-3.00: boilers 10 lbs 28-32: Cen
tral Point, Ore, sweet Spanish
Potatoes Ore. Deschutes Rus
sets 100 lbs 3.50-75; few lower;
bakers. 100 lbs 6 oz. min.. 3.75
4.00; 12-16 pi. 4 25-50; local Bur
banks washed 100 lbs No. Is 2.75
3.00; Idaho Russets bio. 1, 100 lbs
Apples unchanged.
Celery California 2-Jli dozen
4.00-4.50; hearts 2.00-2.50 dozen.
ribs.! .
Dan, vi America
Bank of California
Chaae Manhattan
First NaUonai
First Nat. City N. Y.
!-U. S. National
31 "4
Salem Quotations
BUTTERFAT (Andreaens)
Premium - .- SI1,
No. I . ... M,a
EGGS (Orefon Est Producers)
Prices to farmers sre to cents
under these wholesale prices:
Jumbo A M
40.00 -54.00; If ' " AA -- J
law A .. .43
Medium AA .. .43
Small AA .... 41
POULTRY (Jonas Dillon Poultry Co I
Leahorn Hens - ..- .13
Colored Hens ..: . .IS
Colored Fryers 33
Old Roosters M
Portland Grain
Dow Jones Averages
NEW YORK. Jan. 31 I Dow
Jones ctoauif stock sverafes:
Hlfk Law Cloae
s Industrials 431.4 444 70 430.03
30 Railroads 10 40 107. 10C.04
IS Utilities 71 71.H 73 37
S3 Stocks 134.11 133.43 1S3.S4
Pendleton Studies
Modernization of
Lighting System
PENDLETON, Ore., Jan. 3101)
The Pendleton City Council is
studying plans for modernization
of the downtown street lighting
The council has directed city
engineer Jerry Ulett to prepare
cost estimates on the project. The
city has budgeted 15,140 for a
start ob the lighting program this
PORTLAND Of Coarse grains,
15-day shipment, bulk, coast de
livery: Oats No. 2, 38-lb. white 49.50.
Barley No. 2. 45-lb. B.W. 47.50.
Corn No. 2. E. Y. shipment
Wheat , (bid) to arrive market,
basis No! 1 bulk, delivered coast:
Soft White 2.25
Soft White (excL Hex) 2 25
White Club 2 25
Hard Red wlater:
10 per cent
11 per cent
12 per cent
Bard White Baart
10 per cent
11 per cent A
12 per cent
Car receipts: Wheat 83; barley
4; flour (; corn 21;- mill feed 11.
Court Upholds
Conviction of
Red Defender
Dividing 5-4, the U.S. Court of
Appeals ruled today that attorney
Harry Sacber, defender of Com
munists in legal trouble, had no
right to refuse to tell Senate in
vestigators whether he himself
was a Red.
The ruling upheld Sacher's 195S
contempt of Congress conviction
in U.S. District Court here and
the sentence of six months in jail
plus a $1,000 fine imposed by
Judge Alexander Holtzoff.
Sacher. a New Yorker, served
a jail term for contempt of court
following the trial of 11 top Com
munist leaders in New York, in
which he was a defense attorney.
In the contempt of Congress
case, he was indicted for refusing
to answer these questions before
the Senate Internal Security sub
committee in April 1955:
1. Are you. Mr. Sacher, a mem
ber of the Communist party,
X Have you ever been a me ru
der of the Communist party of the
United. States?
3. Are you now or have you ever
been a member of the lawyers
section of the Communist party,
Sacher did not invoke the Fifth
Amendment privilege against self
incrimination, but said it was "in
consistent with the dignity of any
man to be compelled to disclose
his political, religious, economic,
social, or any other views."
Stock Prices
Up Slightly
NEW YORK. Jan. 31 HI The,
stock market ended the month of
January with another sluggish ses
sion today. Prices were uneven.
The market ended the first
month of 1951 appreciably higher
than rt was t the end of 1957. For
the week there was a slight gain
on average.
The Associated Press average
of 40 stocks rose 10 cents to
$162.50. The industrial and rail
components each rose 10 cents
while utilities were down the same
amount. This is a myiimum move
for these averages.
Volume totaled 2.030.000 shares
compared with 2,150,000 yester
day. Boeing rose Vs. On the American
Stock Exchange Todd Shipyards
rose as the Seattle firm re
ceived a contract for- a guided
missile destroyer.
The speculation has included the
Lugesijon,.1that.,M)ft , Army ..might
be designated to provide "The ve
hicle for lofting a nuclear device
out into the edge of space per
haps using one of its Jupiter
intermediate-range ballistic mis
siles for this purpose. The Jupiter
IRBM, with a lateral range of
1,500 miles when fired in a long
trajectory, climbs several hun
dred miles.
In a test involving only altitude,
the missile presumably would be
pointed up almost vertically to
keep the explosion somewhere
above the instruments on the
Marshall Island atolls set to re
cord the test.
Results t'akaawa
Weaponeers so far only have
been able to theorize on what
would happen in an explosion
where there is little or no air.
One theory is that the absence of
atmosphere might work against
transmission of the shock wave
aa important factor in the destruc
tive features , of nuclear explo
sion. Further proof testing of nuclear
weapons either in the hands of
the armed forces, or well along
in development, is expected
These could include warheads for
short range missiles and artillery
shells, for anti-aircraft missiles
like the Army's Nike-Hercules
and the Air Force's long-range
Bomarc, and for other defensive
This, of course, does not pre
clude the likelihood of continued
tests of the big strategic weapon
tne hydrogen bomb.
which turned tne tide of World
War II in the East. After Stalin.
the Communist party leadership,
and the Stalinist "cult of person
ality" was deplored.
Grabbing All Glory
The military took its share of
the credit. But Khrushchev, after
using Marshal Georgi Zhukov's in
fluence to resolve the latest power
struggle, had the war hero down
graded and now appears to be
busy grabbing all the glory for
himself, Stalin style.
The article in Kommunist was
by another marshal, Andrei I.
Yerimenko. He announced that,
"All the noble and delicate work
done at Stalingrad was ac
complished under the direction
and with the direct participation
of the member of the Military
Debt Record
Consumers' installment ..debt in
creased by 531 million dollars in
December and was at a record
total of at the end
of the year.
Reporting this today, the Fed
eral Reserve Board noted the in
crease was slightly smaller than
the rise of 587 million in Decem
ber 1950 and compared with a
747 - million dollar increase in De
cember 1955.
The board reported that most
of the December increase in time
payment credit was on purchase
of automobiles and on personal
loans. There y was virtually no
change, the board said, in the
amount of credit to cover pur
chase of household appliances
and other consumer goods. Install
ment loans for home repairs and
modernization declined slightly.
Total consumer credit, includ
ing charge accounts and one-payment
loans as well as installment
contracts, increased by $1,268,000,
000 in December to a record
$44,798,000,000. This increase was
about the same as in December
125 1 . , Jaaaary 31
. 2 25 stocb; SfESAur.s
tie. "
4. W
Stocks and Bonds
Cesnll Bf The Assaflste Press
Markets at a Glance
NEW YORK. Jan. 11 UH
Slocks Mixed; selected Issues lm
provs. Bonds Steady: governments lm
provSk Oxum Irrefular; trad buylnf,
profit taking
Wheat Lower: liouldatinn.
Corn Lower; liquidation.
Oata Weak: light iradt.
Soybean Mixed; varied influenre.
Hogs Mainly ateady tn ZS rents
higher: sows steady to IS lower.
CatUa Steady te 2S cents lower.
1 2.25fNet Change
Previous Dsy
Week Ago
Month 'Age
Year Ago
1S57-S High
1M High
1M Low
lades Kails I'tUt Safes
A .1 A .1 D .1 A .1
141 Ml 75 4 IMS
241 S M.I 75 1M 4
Z41 il l 75 J
ZIS 7 M 71 I 1M
SSI IM 74 4 17 I
20 IM 7 77 S IS S
22 7 M l IM.
371 ISM 7.t 11. f
144 1M .1 171 I
2 II 1 I
Bails ladss Utile' Vrga
Net Chang
Previous Day
Successor to
Brewster Seen
PORTLAND, Jan. 31 ( The
Oregonian tonight said Einar O.
Mohn will be' appointed chairman
of the Western Conference of the
Teamsters Union.
The newspaper said Mohn will
be appointed to replace Frank
Brewster, who opposed the elec
tion of James Hoffa as head of
the big union.
The Oregonian said H learned
from "reliable pastern Teamsters
sources" that Mohn's appoirrtment
will be confirmed next week when
the union's executive board meets
in Miami Beach.
Mohn now is an international
vice . president of the Teamsters.
He began his career with the
Red Chinese
Leader Fires
Three Critics
HONG KONG, Jan. 31 CTV-Mao
Tze-tung. ruler of Red China, to
day fired three non-party Cabinet
ministers who took him up on his
invitation to entity ze the Commu
nist regime.
They are: Chang Po-chun, com
munications minister who called
Mao "the biggest rascal in the
history of China; Chang Nai-chi,
food minister; and U.S. -educated
Lo Lung-chi, forestry and indus
try minister. The, latter two were
accused of plotting a revolt
against Red rule. '
More punishmentprobably lies
ahead for the outspoken ministers
and other intellectuals and gov
ernment workers who astounded
the Peiping regime with the vigor
of their criticism last year.
Peiping radio announced the
firings. It added somewhat omin
ously that the Communist party
Central Committee and the ruling
State Council had passed regula
tions for the disposition of so
called rightist students and gov
ernment workers.
The three fallen Cabinet minis
ters all took back everything they
said. But this may not spare them
from worhangs in some remote
and disagreeable corner of China.
They also could be tried for trea
P.1A .I Uwh lnch
' S.1.4 M III at
a.i mi w i si
week Ago m mi n Teamsters in Bcllingham, Wash.
Month Ago II I 3'4 II. I 70, rum ...... -i.. .ij fu,
Year Ago a m i m i si 1 1 . The newspaper also said that
IS7M High - ,7i m ms 2 lithe Western Conference headquar-
KiiT m.1 !!! So .Him 'ed l"m Sea"
itHUw mi n.T ss.l eo.i'te Los Angeles,
Hero Pleads
Insanity in
Robbery Try
SALINAS, Calif., Jan. 31 on
Retired Lt. Col Melvin Russell
Blair, 42, Korean War hero, today
pleaded innocent and innocent by
reason of Insanity to a charge of
attempted robbery of 840,000 in
Bing Crosby Golf Tocraarnent re
ceipts. '
Trial was set for March 3 by Su
perior Court Judge Stanley Law
son, who appointed two alienists
to examine Blair because of his
sanity plea.
Blair, who won the Distin
guished Service Cross, the Silver
Star and Purple Heart for his war
service, told Judge Lawson he
was without funds. He said his
Army retirement pay "was. sus
pended after my arrest."
Judge Lawson then ordered a
court-appointed attorney, William
R. Kennedy, to continue in. that
capacity, and told Blair to sell
his automobile to defray some
trial expenses.
Blair was jailed Jan. 13 after
an early morning tussle with Dep.
Sheriff Tom Martin in the office
where golf receipts were kept.
Jamaica Tax Dropped
KINGSTON.1 Jamaica, Jan.' 31
iv-For the first time ft years,
you can now visit this British
Caribbean island without paying
a $1 40 passenger tax. Along with
about $112,000 annually, the tax
had brought in a lot of complaints.
The house abolished tt this week
as a nuisance that hampered the
WASHINGTON. Jan. 31 ' (A
The Senate Appropriations Com
mittee approved an emergency
defense fund of $1,410,000,000 to
day, and Chairman Hayden (D
Ariz) said in effect there was
more where that came from.
If the Pentagon decides It needs
more, money before Congress acts
on the defense budget for fiscal
1959. Hayden said, "We are ready
to give it to them."
The committee voted unani
mously in favor of a bill to fi
nance stepped-up missile produc
tion and improve the nation's air
defenses. The money will be avail
able in the current fiscal year,
which ends June 30.
Senate action on the measure
may come early next week.
One Major Chaage
The Appropriations Committee
made only one major change in
the bill as It was passed by the
House tast week. Hayden report
ed the committee eliminated all
search Project "'Agency the De
fense Department proposes to set
up soon. The House has voted to
authorize the agency but many
senators believe such authoriza
tion is unnecessary.
Hayden said, however, that 10
million dollars would be made
dirctly available to Secretary of
Defense McElroy for use in any
such agency.
Some Democratic senators
have advocated one or two billion
dollars more now to increase mis-
sil and bomber production, but
Hayden said his committee decid
ed to go along with McElroy's
Army Repeat
Testimony released by t h e
House Armed Services Committee
disclosed that the 'Army is pre
paring a request for more money
to hasten development of an anti
missile missile.
Army witnesses said the hope
was to cut down the time gap be
tween when the Soviet Union may
have an operational intercontinen
tal missile and when the United
States may have a ' weapon to
knock it down.
The emergency bill acted on to
day would provide IV, billion dol
lars in new money and authority
to transfer ISO millions in funds
already appropriated.
latessaaa - JeurasJ
N, was pars
IM Chuck St. MB.
PHONE EM 4-6811
Days 1114 1
Unes .40 .41) JS J2(, JO M
per line I time .4 Jo
per line I limes 11.01 M
oar line times tlM 11.40
oer line 1 mo. SS.M Unci. Sun.)
(Miss. 1 Uasi) iWseMays EXSsm.
Ue Der Una oer oaoer.
uiasaifitd a as win De run in
both papers to give advert!,
ers the advantage of the tre
mendous combined circula
tion. '
When an ad Is ordered three
or six times snd a Sunday
Issue la included (tor exsmple
Friday. Saturdsy. Sunday) the
tower Sunday rates apply be
eauae only The Statesman pub-
usnes ounasys.
Classified ads will start in the
mornlnf Oregon Statesman,
conciuue la to venini capi
tal Journal but ads will w
. accepted for Sunday. States
man only.
Die deadline Jor. classified ads
is IM pm. the dsy before
publication except (or Sunday
when deadline Is 1:30 p m.
Friday. Emersency ads and
small line ads received- after
IM) p.m. weekdays and until
11 noon Saturday (or Sunday
may be placed In the "Too
Lata to ClasalXy column.
Ads lor Monday papers must
be In by 4 cm. Saturday
The statesman Journal News
papers assum no financial re-
aponsibllity lor errors which
may appear In advertisements
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n cases where this paper Is
at fault wiU reprint that part
of an advertisement In which
the tVDOf raphlcal mistake oc
cur and la responsible for
only one Incorrect insertion.
. "Blind" Ad an adacontaln
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an address Is tor the pro
tection of the saverusers ana
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at liberty to divulge informs
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advertiser usine- a "Blind" ad.
Ada In other columns which re
autre investment In atocks.
fraaanpleaVenilpinra cash-
bond should be tnorotifniy
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.snv money.. Advertisers., rc-
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Readers srs cautioned to make
NO PAYMENTS to net a po
sition advertised -In the help
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wanted ads MUST SPECIFY
WORK. Sales help wanted ada
muet state if the pay is fn the
form of salary, commissions,
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from company and re -sell
should appear under "Dealers
A gents Wsnted" classiflcsUon.
Bona fide offers of employ
ment with psy belong to the
"Help Wsnted" columns.
400 Agriculture
402 livestock For Sal
Too Late to Classify
2 Men Dead
As Bombers
Smash in Air
Calif., Jan. 31 uW-Two propeller-
driven B26 medium bombers col
lided over the Southern California
desert today. The Air Force said
one crashed, killing its two-man
The other plane limped 73 miles
with one of its two engines feather
ed and made a belly landing here
on a foam-covered runway. Base
officials said the crew escaped injury-
Names of the dead were withheld
pending notification of relatives.
The airmen who landed safely
are Lt. William Suzich, pilot, and
Sgt. Tygart, the engineer.
The crash scene is approximate
ly 5 miles east of Daggett, Calif.
The two bombers, assigned to
the 43th Tow Target Squadron here
took off earlier in the day on a
routine training mission. They
were not towing targets.
The Air Force reported the
planes were flying in tight forma
tion with three other B26s. A
spokesman said a gust of wind
may have caused the collision.
Beck Granted
Delay of Trial
SEATTLE, Jan. 31 l) Dave
Beck, retired Teamsters Union
president, was granted a three-
week delay today from April 14
to May 5 in the start of his income
tax evasion trial in V. S. District
Court is Tacoma.
Federal Judge George H. Boldt
allowed the extra time for Beck'i
attorneys to use in preparing his
defense. Motions for a six-week
delay. Indefinite continuance or
transfer of the trial, outside the
state were denied.
Portland's West
Side to Add 800
Parking Paces
PORTLAND, Jan. 31 Eight
hundred new parking places will be
available on Portland ! west side
They are In a four-block area
where cloverleaf approaches for
the new Morrison Bridge are un
der construction.
The county Is leasing the area
under and around the cloverloafs
to a parking lot operator for S9T,
664 a year.
17' AXUMINUU trailer. ' mod
el. Reduced for quick ssle.
11. 17S. Riverside Trailer Court.
MS Idgewater.
FOR Rent trailer apace for 10
or toss, also new trailer for
rent, adults only, no pets, 431
Union. EM 1SSS1.
MT Kaspp. EM S-4S91 after
4 p.m.
I A. HIDEOUT! Commute! Rt.
1. Magic view I You remodel I
dec. wen. sj.sw. am un,
Rltr. EM 1 MJ7
or EM 41711.
1 BDRM. house. 137.50 turn,
$32.50 unfum. 15M Waller.
7541 after 11.
1SS N. 13d. 1 bdrm. 131. B
Lee, 1 bdrm. 140. Rltr. EM
1-555T or EM 4-57S1.
rOR rent: 1 bdrm. all mod.
hse. sttsch. gar. Mr. school.
Bus by door. EM 4-5041.
CRASS HAY, No per pal. IS
Lancaster Dr.
1ST CUTTINQ alfalfa or clover
nay. neas. inaepenaence Boa
I. ISW1.
Salem Rd.
CLOVER hay. good quautr. Wilt
KM 3-1141.
GOOD clover hay. UO. Del.
Straw 1.15 bale. EM lliwe.
GOOD clover har 120 T. All IS
T. for 1201 U-tlaul, EM 4-134.
CRASS hay (Sc. bale, straw 45e.
Larro Teed Store 430 rront tit.
EASTERN Ore. Alfslfa. let and
lnd cutting. EM 4-4431 days
em i-nm svs.
GOOD quality grass hay 13
ton, can dsllvsr alM 1-4417
FOR SALE or trsde sorrel colt.
Whit msrklnrs. Tennessee)
Walking bread. EM4-070S evsa
403 livestock Wanted
GENTLE Shstlsnd pony.
Daughtry. EM 1-S547,
CATTLE Snathen 4101 RUvertoa
Hd. EM I-I3W or EM 1-43SSJ.
CATTLE horses, al your farm.
E. I. Mccanaiisn. tM i-i
CATTLE buyer A. F. Sommer
I3 Dallas ltd. 4-swi.
BUYER Claud Edwards. Rt a
Bon aaWE EM 4-1111
TOP cash prices at your place.
Hay Cozel. EM 4-jib i,ouecu
405 fH
SPAYED mix terrier, 1 r. Free.
EM 1-2025, 3 S. Wlvcr Hfl
4 SMALL black pups. 1 mos.
old ills Argyl ur.
AKC REG. bsck Dachshund al
stud. EM 4-7111.
REG. German shepherd pups.
35, mos. old. EM 4-43.
PUPPY Farm: Lge. aeltctlo
PurebrsMs. - cockers, rosters.
Welsh Scottles. Toy Coll Its.
Rsaa. prices. Douglaa Ken
nets, Scotts Mills. Ore. Drive)
lo Sllverton. coa t on 113 Hwy,
1 ml. to signs-
pups. Mother ref.
EM 4-1524.
AKC Peklngss
EM 1-7731.
stud service
Dachshund pups. Monkey, Rate,
y of Birds: Cat. Dog.
Bird Supplies, Birds Boarded,
Open eves. 4001 Stat.
BOSTON terrier
AKC. 5ml
puppies. wke.
type. EM 4-l.
LABRADOR-spaniel puppies foe-
aaie. em
AKC reg. pad. Beagle at stud.
AKC Collie stud service or will
sell. EM 3-7731.
FOR SAUK Peace V hend -
110 ea. Routs li Bo"7v7 EM
FOR SALE: Reg. Msl Weimar-
aner 1 yrs. old, reas. offer
considered. Ph. 2-522. Wood
COCKER puppies, 15 each. EM
BOSTON territr bull dog pup
pies. s.m j-spjs.
OR sale part Chow k Tarries
puppies. Ph. EM 3-150.
FOR aale: Male Siamese cat-
I mo. old with papers. Lyons.
Ph. Ulrick -244t.
siua servics. au
lea. AKC. ret.
A 1-1701.
Variety 10 k up. EM 1 124.
SVREHCAMP tfng food: 5 IbsT
13.13. is ins. 2 a. Larro reeer
Store. 430 N. Front.
Birds, Cavies, Chipmunks.
11S0 Livingston. EM 1-1421.
412 Food Column
APPLES - Spies, Spitz.' Pippins,
Arkansas Blacks, Homes. 553S
Copllngar Rd., Frank Barnett.
No Sun. calls, please.
APPLES Me II, your box.
Dennis Wiley, 1115 Windsor Rd.
BABY beef for your lockers.
weights. EM 1-401.
Sptti. EM 2-S283.
Golden D 1 1 e I a s h Roman
Beauty. SON Portland Rd.
APPLES, Spitz, tie te- tie.
Ail worm ires. ivs cnter si
POTATOES, goad grade Bur
hank. S2.50 per log, em 4-3H3.
PASTEURIZED whole milk, S2e.
gaL Homogenised, see. u gat.
44e Clear Dairy EM 1-jftiS.
REAS.. vary nice at nicely turn.
tiny apt. Perfect for 1. 2251
Breyman. Near General Hosp.
BACHELOR spt., priv. sntr.,
tub bath. Suitable for 1 or 2.
145 tncl. all uttl. washsr. dry
er. 1 bias. State Bldgs. It
MAP. 4W N. Winter.
1 BDRM. all elec. Frplc. Adults.
No pets. 140 Trade.
GIRL, wants room at board In
private home. nr. bus una or
state bldgs. EM 1-3545.
YOUNG woman wanted for child
care ft light housework. Must
live In. Good wsges ft pleas
ant home. CaU EM 1-1047
or EM 4-M41.
DEALERS wanted, sell Compact
Vacuum Cleaners, leads turn.
EM 3-707.
EXCHANGE work for
HDIO est from Alturssr Calii
to Salem, Ore. Inq. trailer
houee behind 1SS5 Waller.
TREDDLK thread sewing ma
chine . in gond cond. with at
tachments. IMS Olive St. N.E.
EM 1-25M.
FOR sale. '50 Ford tractor ft
equipment. 1485 Blossom Dr.
EM 4-7011.
300 Personal
312 Lost and Found
LOST: at Hubbard, amall spayed
brown female dog. EM 4-3os.
LOST: Whit cal from 30;
Mr St. Reward. EM
31 Personal
ANY witness or early arrival to
accident between uncoin at
truck at Portland Rd. ft Pine
5n Jn. 23, ISM. pleas call
M 4-M01.
MARION County Welfare Comm.
oeaires nome in tne county
for 17 yr.. old high school boy.
Will pay rm. ft board to quali
fied family. Writ Mias Mary
Sqtiler, P.O. Bolt 111, Salem.
Especially for the Amateur
12.50 per yr. EM 1-810 evaa.
Need Help?
Income tax returns, and part
time doo,
S. Commercial,
EM 4,1801.
Marion EM 4-0841
400 Agriculture
402 livestock For Sal
GREEN Clover ft grass hay 3t.
T. DL straw 30c. sa l-zvss.
Let A
Classified Ad
Solve That
to place; AD
PHONE EM 4-6311
SPITZ apples 11 SO bu. delivered.
worm tree, cm j-tioj.
BURBANK poutoes 2c lb. W.
M. Murphy. 1 ml. w. Kelzer
Delicious Apples, wrapped ft
acked, II 14 bu. Pad
roducc. S230 Portland Rd.
414 Poultry t Kabbits
lbs. 13.32. 171 per Ton bulk de -llvered.
All Poultry feeders.
fountains, brooders 40 pet. off.
430 r
Larro Feed Store
St. NE.
BABY chirks hatched yr. round.
Special Parrhenter roosters 5
each. Valley Farm Store.
41 Lawn t Card
LAWN seed, garden supplies,
vslues to 13.50, now your
choice 11. Larro Feed Store,
430 Front St. NE.
420 Soodi I Plants
TREES plant now while seise
tlon is complete, Middle Grove
Nursery 4120 Sllverton Rd. We
give SftH Greaa Stamps.
4'2'2 Fsjttiliiat
MUSHROOM Fertilizer. Now I
the time to put on lawn, also
have rich black manure. No
weeds. EM 3-033I.
RICH fertilizer with shsvinga,
U-haul. Lee's Hatchery.
ROTTED manure by sack er
cu. yd. alwavs good measure)
ft good quality PhUlins Bros.
Rt. S Box ISO. EM 4-301.
450 Merchandise
4S1 rtovsohold Goodi
IF you havs on item or a
house of furniture to sell, cell
the Bob's Merchandise Mart,
170 S. Liberty. EM 4-8371.
ANTIQUE marble top Uble. Ekl
USED floor lamps SS.M. HOOtJ
uhus. 141 state st.
ELECTROLUX cleaner, gusran
seed. 114.15. Terms. EM 3-707.
COMPLETE furnishings for 1
pprm. noma to trade lor amaii
trailer nouss. i;m s-awz.
lerl&m luCKtiiiirri
Sr. 140 Mm, EM 1-342S. L.rilui u -,.. VHa.
Mart. 170 S. Liberty EM 4-8371
Open Frl. nights til I,
USED daveno bad and rocket
SWHOGG BROS. 141 Stalest.
COMPLETE hse. full, all the
best, a real bargain. Tool, a
personal items. typewriter,
dishes, etc. 4980 Lowell. Eat
UNFINISHED chests. It sizes Ml
select from 17 85 and up.
HOGO BROS. 248 State St.
NEW maple bunk beds with
springs. S5S. Bob's Mds. Msrt ,
170 4. Liberty. EM 4-S371.
Open. Fri. nights til t.
FOR sal houe full of
lure. BaL ft Sun. 8-1.
Plymouth Dr. EM 4 881I.
CE range. Duo-Therm oil cir
culator, complete laoarm. aei
and a, bed ft dresser. 1731
Longvlew. EM 1-8878.
USED table Tamos 12
83.SS. HOGO BROS. "8 Slat
NEW mattress." Ill I. IV'
Mdse. Msrt. 778 S. Liberty.
EM 4-8371. Open Frl. a if hi
tU 8. .