The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 31, 1958, Page 10, Image 10

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    10-(Sec. II) Statesman,
At Oregon
Gdeds Busy
In Campus
Malesmaa Carrespaadeat
EUGENE With thr coming of
mid-term, University of Oregon
students art cutting down on the
usual activities, but a always
house dances fill the weekend pro
frum. Judy Keller. Kwama member,
hit been appointed chairman of
the annual Blue-White party. This
party ia held to acquaint frtth
man and sophomore womea with
the purpose and activities of the
aophofnort and junior service hon
acartea. - loodra Jechimeen was named
as co-chairman for the Heart Hop
annual Valentine's dayi dance and
Phoebe Lou Braun is suh-chair-maa
af the king'a coronation.
Pam Lindholm was just ap
pointed to the Student Union Jan
Ia conjunction with the "Great-'
er Oregon" program. Salens hish
Kbooi senior Sue Keech will be
the fueat tor the weekend of the
Pi Beta Phi sorority
Our neighbors from the north. 1
resented a very entertaining ex
change talent assembly in the Stu-
dent Unkw Ballroom this week.
Several Salem students enjoyed
this fine program bv members of
the Oregon Sfate student bodv.
n we--f nick Wu!f t-nuis. Wilt-
shire. Larry Newsome. Linda
Davis. Sail" Mernl!. N'sncv Den
ton, Jim Allen. Dale Jones, and
Indie Templeton.
Heme Diam Sme4
Mary Jane Waite will be attend
ing Delta Delta Delta's formal
"Blue Grotto" this weekend. Joan
Kleinke was chairman of, pro
grams for Delta Zeta's "Garden
ef Enchantment." which she and
Jeannette SirWall will attend. Kap
pa Alpha Tbeta presents "La
Mer" in honor of initiates. Glenda
McCarmick and Julie Anne Smith
Alto prasnt will be Barbara Ger-
linger. Anne neiuei. oreicnen ionic bells for the school has been where I happen to be going. Some
Kikmiller. Marion Baum. Sylvia matter of major concern oa the tlm1 on ver tonf
Kawlinaon. and Elisabeth Walton. ! campus this month. Dave Socolof 7u,n' 00 ve "
Gamma Phi Beta will present 1 iky, chairman of the bell commit- 1 il o"" to take both
tneir annual "Pink Carnation tee. has announced that all -school 1 winter and summer attire."
Ball." with Carol Hoffman. Jan voting will be held this week to Usually, she takes a series of
Hall. Karlene Qwstad. Sandi Pear- decide the issue, and the results j : containins a few (owns
aoa. Phoebe Lou Braun. and Rose- r will be announced early aext i , bags containing s few gowns
mary Rhoten attending. Guests
tadude Ward Barbee. Gene Cam-
r"' "nun' na nun
Tiier attesting.
roun lureiu Garst apeak-
Z!T. .:bwIUr?'r;.W0mn'!
the Communiiv hall will h. Mr.
L .. " '
bu.j ci.,.. ZZ ui L
Sif.?- Wh ,p,'k "
Pirliament Pay Up
BEIRUT. Jul 30 -Lebanon'i
M Parliament members, now paid
me equivalent of wno a month,
art getting a pay bike. The
erament derided to raue the sal-
ary to gam.
a l,' j . v i lav
t J T J Jl Henr PeU"- Mr- Mrs. Henry
Ilftw!? "'iTate. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Krenz.
a child: Han, V"L 1
3a the nursery. Pattern s75:
BmmI Tklrlr-flva '-CrMj (colni) tor
this patter add S cnt lor tark
NSM for ln-fliu malunf. him to
ktkmi Oreaea Stiuwman, N1lecritt
FO. Box las. O'd ClMlMa
aiation. New York II. N Y. Print
pltwilr Pattern Maaalwr, Ma A.
4rM and Zrat.
4 a tmmift. two complala pallarna
ar printed rlfht In our Laura Wheal
r Jlaadiecran Book. Doin of other
daslant you'll want to order
faacinatlnf hindwork for yourself,
Sm home, fifu, bazaar llemt. Bend
centa to yeur cops' of Ihia book
.When Tense
I end Edgy Use
It kelp yea fed calm and re
laxed, seethes aerveus teasiea
. U . restless at night It
ttlaxe yea aad lets yea sleep
ka a aersaal war.
S 1SS V Ceaaaserelal
fpea Dalfy7:St aja. ta I p.BL
sgaaday i a, aa. te I p. at.
SaTem, Ore., Fri., Jan. 31, '53
Beach Fashions Go Daring for 1958
ll'iJ 1 (F
i i a r.vsri. m :t i av a :
ft r 1 i i m mi i aal "aw .T--aiB
Itrztn ' at the beach . . .
leopard print pinwale cor-
d m4kes Jwim trunkj
' , , ,
a"d top d e s i g n e d by
a, or9o State
Mortar Board
Bali, tvent
Of Year
Statesman Carrespaweeat
rORVALLIS Whether or not
the college should purchase caril-
q. headline news this week,nin 'unctions. For the NATO con-j
was the announcement of thirty-
lour studenU who have been
awarded partial tuition ""-
hi , ,in(-r -n(1 ,rin!, ,. ,
T -. ' - .
limited number of outstanding stu-
." " "u" " """T'"? ...
denu at ust- eacn year, were
ceived by Carol McFarland. !
lAiina Seal, and Kathy Deeney of
j saum I
KhipSed to .venin, gown km,.
uTJLS "taSfc to her world-girdling
revealed last Saturday, converted,. . ttlM .. jA...Ji
the M U. concourse and ballroom I ' ' ' . , fcrtr dedfd
into a setting of exotic Persian
temples and waUed cities for this
gov-jyear's Mortar Board Ball.
... .
Maay Attead Daace
Among the 1.500 students af-'
tending tile dance were Sally;
Keubler. Pat Sexton. Pat MyhreJ
Vicki Ward. Elaine Morrow, Joyce ,
Johnston. Marjorie Olson. JoAnnj
Boyer, Judy Bale, Karea Helton, 1
and Shirley Ezell. Seen wearing
the elaborate corsages, made ea-
pecially for them by their dates,
were Lee Rosen. Dave Socolofsky,
Bruce Michels.- Brad Kreuger,
i Bruce Howe, and Tom Pickens,
one of the six king finalists for
the ball. The affair, which was
lauded as a "huge success,"
seems to be only the beginning
of big weekends planned for this
Many Salem fathers will be via-".
King their sons and daughters to
day and Saturday for the college'
Dad's Week end. This" year's
k4,il. Ka. K..M .rranrftri nr-
in.uiirijr wiui uic iiicii imciuw
in mind. Instead of the usual
plays, song tests, and so forth,
wreatling matches and swimming
exhibitions will be on the agenda.
There will also be an all-school
talent show, a dad'a meeting, and
a box luncheon in the coliseum.
Dinners will ' be served in the
various living groups before the
Saturday night basketball game.
UNION HILL Mr. aad Mrs.
Henry Hansen invited friends to
their home on Sunday evening to
'see pictures they had taken while
'on a vacation trip into California.
After seeing the pictures, the
group enjoyed playing cards. Pres-
r. u..h..i tk. tt.
Apple-kraut atuffad iporenba,
tangy Bruaaala aprouta,
a vocado-piocapple aalad
thaaa and other kitches.
taated apeciala are ia
the food aectioa of
. Family
Bareback look . . . knit ela$
ticized orlon swim suit in
red and black coin dots,
designed by Grace Arcuri.
Mrs. Dulles Travels Light,
Uses Popular
! By. jane eads Bethel Meeting
WASHINTJON - "I usually (Tsvel light and it's no effort at all ,
when I get Ule go signal." says Mrs. John Foster Dulles, wife of Ine Bethel 59. Job's Daughters, con
n.tmn'. ht known official alobe-trotter. ducted iU first meeting with the
The official estimate is that the
i man wo.oov air mues. inciuaing
States. Mrs. Dulles has accompanied
Tne clothes I take with me.
she says, "depends on the season
,or '"""eons, 'orm' ve"
ference last December in Pans,
:he tote) , woo suit, wool dress . ,
. ... ft . . .
several sua anernoon trocas, ana
lua kvM iii ffirami lut. 1am nni
While her huihanH i, hm with!
- I j .
conferencea and meetings, she gett
" ." wvn-mmut. .moping
and visits with wives of diplomats
!w" P"" a greai ai oi mtie-
"V '" -- " r
resenting her basy husband a
numerous uipiomauc ana oiuciai
late-day functions. Sometimes she
attends three or four of these in a
day. ..
She's also one of the capital's
busiest hostesses. She entertains
wives of visiting dignitaries and
diplomats and assists her husband
at formal dinners and receptions
Save as
Much as
Our Polity!
Small Profits'
Stripes star . . . turquoise and
wiite striped maillot, de
signed by Sprite, has pop
ular deep plunge baofc.
Zipper Bags
secretary of state has logged more ,
speaning trips arouna ine unura
him on most- of them.
for the world's most celebrated
Mrs. Dulles prefers giving small
er dinners at their French provin
cial borne- overlooking Reck Creek
Park, enriched with rare antiques
and art objects collected during 46
years of marriage aid travels.
These include items brought from
the Orient by Dulles' maternal
grandfather, the late Johff W. Fos-i
ter. secretary of state under Presi-
d"' Benjamin Harrison, and a
two - low Dronre Dear given nis mo-
.. . . . .. ambasaa-1
' - -
- "" '''!,
n .... iu.
ly lo tneir oeioveo nangri-ia.
M iBuke
Ontario. Here they fish, rest and!
read. Mrs. Dulles does the cooking.
The secretary help with the dish- i
ea, a chore he once admitted on I
TV he enjoyed. I
i Friday
Salem Woman's Chib annual covered dish dinner, clubhouse.
6:30 p.m.
Chemeketa Chapter, DAR. 1130 luncheon, Meier and Frank's
auditorium. ' ,
A New Look
For Swim
AiMK-iaira Press Wnmea's Editor honor of their 23th wadding anni
.... . . veraary. Those attending the party
H,en-a a new look on th J, Ru,n Mary,
beaches as well as in the ball- , , D ... , ....
rooms this year.
Mudcnts of the genus bathing
bcauty will find plenty to look at
as American baach belles appear
?! vJ'".ll,P01 wear,n
thAir IBM uim mill
their 19.V! swim suits.
And girls who admire male
muscle can feast their eyes this
year on real Tarzans, complete
with leopard skins.
Knitted one-piece bathing suits
are the big news on the feminine
(ashion front this season. They fit
like a second skin, have backs
slashed to the waist and are made
of either wool knit or quick-drying
orlon or nylon knit, blended with
lastex for added stretch.
I ormiani coion are ine ururr in
ine day. particularly important
are deep vivid orange tones, ofien
teamed with lemon and aqua. Also
liable are knit suits in mason-1
scarlet, turquoise, royal blue, !
all the pastels, sand and sun-tan
lories, wnue ana DiacK.
The classic maillot is back in
the running, along with the kio-
Uui sneain. wnn narroac siyies
l0ManyofetShe new knits come In
nattM-ruwl larnliard and hold
r J
stripes Most effective is an elas- aroic Anne Lanipocu or-
ticized knit orlon suit In red and""1 tn or'de F''nk w- Crail
black polka dots, with deep plunge j ' 4U ceremony on January j
back. Another important suit of 1? " Mrst Christian Church
the season is knitted In horizontal 1
bands of turquoise and white.
As o male beach fashions, most
spectacular of the year is a leop-
ard print swim suit worn over one
shoulder, caveman fashion.
Reports Given at
new group of officers Tuesday eve-
" v .
Miss Edith Brown, honored queen,
pre? raea.
the installation of Bethel 34 at In
dependence Monmouth Saturday
evening. Miss Sharon Forrest, Jun
ior past quean of Bethel J9 served
as installing marshal for the rites.
A report on Bethel 48't installa
tion was given by Miss Marilyn
Pinson and on the robing cere
mony for Willamette Chapter. Or
der of DeMolay for Boys by Miss
Baroar, Brooks.
The light bulb sale project of the
bethel la continuing, with Mis Sue
Morri,ifl chirM Mint ptiJy
1 ..... . . VLji
wuvw. vcmui pi'n, uiiwiin.m
a spudnut sale on Feb. IS aa her
senior princess preset.
. .
LYONS Mr. and Mrs. Alvla
Garrison and children have moved
Into the former Daisy Johnston
house, which they recently pur
chased. They have been living in
the Bob Draper house at Mehama
See Senaetleiiel New '51
Hi Fi ,Sereephenic Sound
end World Fame-. ESTEY
ORGANS with Prismatic
Tone! AJse meay,Hie1 erf an
Mon. & Fri.
Kergils Feted on
Silver Wedding
-Friends surprised Mr. and Mrs.
Peter Kergil in their home, 1523
Bellevue Street. Saturday night in
ismum fliinj egg, mi. .iu .
Henry Bastian and Betty, Mr. and
,u r. . DUklI. ...
'ck Holobo,( Mr ftd Mri wil.
jitm Holmquis, Mr tnA Mri. ;
j Henry Meyhoff. Mr. and Mrs. Nedi
... ... ... ... 1
Aiaiaam, Mr. ana Mrs. uuo Mar-
The couple was married Jan. 23. ( planning to attend the dance in
1933 at Tappen. N.D. They came the spacious lounge of Piatt is
to the Willamette Valley In 1934 1 freshman Sidney Weeks,
and were engaged In farming un- Sophomore Lin Hunt is busy
til 1933. There are two sons Peter ; workis on th, plana for the Alpha
J. in Los Angeles and William V..;G,mm,.$ rush tM u neW M
married and a student at Oregon
Technical Institute at Klamath
Palls. There is one grandson. Wil
liam J. Kergil.
The evening was spent playing
progressive whiat. and concluded
bv a refreshment hour, whea a
ca,ti brought by the guests, was
.-.V. T3 1 1
1 UI Kl 1
Unite Couple
f- I. A r L- 1 1
parlor. The bride- is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Campbell
of Bnd and Mr. Crail is the son
ef Mr. and Mrs Kugene F. Crail
i !aiem.
The Rev . Donald Ross performed
the ceremony at 2:30 o'clock be
fore members of the immediate
family and a wedding dinner fol
lowed at the home of the bride
groom's parents on Lana Avenue.
Miss Nancy Campbell was the
bride's only attendant and Jack
Amen of Redmond wu best man.
The bride chose a two-nitre
jacket suit tor, wadding to which
she pinned an orchid corsage.
couple wm spend tneir
honeymoon along the coast. On
Feb. 13he bridegroom will be in
ducted into the service and his
bride will continue her auraea
training in Portland.
Shop Monday and Friday 9:30
Ull p.m.
Other day t;30 till 5:30 a.m.
1 ' - . , ' -t ' ' ' . ' !" ' I VT
washer features
revolving agitator:
, e washes your clothes cleaner
rinses better, dirty water drains
away .
entirely self -cleaning
reg. sold for 299.95
automatic washer
wenhei a big 9-lb. load
and with handy weigh-to-save-door, you
can weigh clothes to be sure
laundry wattr-say control
automatically adjusts both wash and rinse
- water levels to size of each wash load.
At Lewis and Clirk
Many Events
For Spring
Statesman Correspesdeol
PORTLAND Monday began
resistration for the spring aemes-
ter and ushered la the start of aa
activity-packed four months.
This Saturday ia the house dance
. . .. t .. v. . ,. !.
01 riati nan men a oormnory, wnn
a theme of the Gay Twenties.
February 9. along with the teas
flven by the other two sororities,
beta Kappa and Delta Phi Gam
ma. Spring rush la open to all girls
receiving a 2.S CPA and express
ing a desire la belong to a social
group. Formal teas are given by
the sororities on February t. fol
lowed by costume parties by the
respective clubs.
Ckir lo Begia Tr
Tuesday. February 4 brings Oc
cidental's college choir to the cam
pus for a concert of religious
music. Lewis and Clark's choir
will begia their annual concert
I -
lour reoruary a am cvnunin
through March 13. Their tour will
include Utah. Nevada, Idaho and
eastern Oregon.
Ana wiu noia ineir rncries
Possessions" sale February S in
the lounge of the new Odell Hall.
Funds received will help send
delegatea to the AWS state and
jrei0Ml fe f
this summer. Entertainment and
refreshments will be presented
during the sale hours of 11:15 'te
4 p.m.
. Dr. William Stafford, English
professor, will read his poetry to
interested friends, faculty and stu
denU today in the new dining hall.
Stafford was the first place win
ner this year in the Oregon Poet
ry Contest sponsored by the Ore
gon Poetry Association and has
had several works published In re
cent years.
Spices, such aa pepper, ginger
and cloves, are a ISO millin-dol-
lar-a-year buiinesa in the U.S.
mi sses. steV
Llpmtirii Appliance, third floor
New Line
The color of this new spring
coat is called "water
sprite", a shade of pa la
turquoise. Straight in line,
it has dolman sleeves with
width springing from tha
waistline and buttons
down tha front with targa,
white pearl buttons follow-'
ing a gradually tapered
line. The roynd cellar
stands away from the
neckline slightly-.
Store-side parking free with
validation ef ticket
laundry twins
, dryer has direct-air-flow
very economical; safer on
your clothes
blows warm air directly into
tumbling clothes
reg. gold for 229.95
automatic dryer
hai thro-way dial
settings for: complete drying, damp-dryingj
safely dries synthetics ,
dry clothes when you with
no more worry about rainy days, this dryer
makes you independent of weather.
Spring Term
For Theater
Will Begin .
The Creative Theater for Chit-'
dren will begin Ha spring term
Saturday, February I. according
to the director, Mrs. Murco Ring
nalda. As usual, the groups will
meet in the recreation room of tha
Firat Congregational Church. The
Creative Theater has ka session
iHim in-an to il on Saturdays, and
the theater for high school aga
irotn I 10 p.m. ine oiurr
group has taken the name Experi
mental Theater to indicate the
type of work It la doing with ea-..
lablished playa, rather than Inv
praviaing and acting out eld stor
Those Interested In either morn
Ing or afternoon session should see
Mrs. Ringnalda Saturday . from
in. t to 11 A'rlnrk. ar fet ia touch
Vith her by telephone. Tha E-
pertmental Theater Is already ai
work, but can use several new.
nemhera In its DroiecU. accord.'
ing te Mrs. Ringnalda.
Th Creative Theater has been
In existence since 1953 under the !
iponaorship of the American As
sociation of University Women,
but it is financially aa inde pend
ant enterprise, supported by feea
and the director's supplies, cos
tumes, stsges, puppets and make
up. The large stage of the recrea
tion room wHh curtains, spotlights
and extra outlets for lighting
makes the location at the First
Congregational Church an especi
ally good meeting place. Pre-
far narenta and faiends CSa
easily be handled ia the hall.
TV theater ia not a mere activ
ity, but a learning situation wita
. -,...u..l rflrcrtnr Mrs. Rln-
1 - .
aalda has experience, training and
national recognition in ine general
field of theater as well as In crea
i.,. Unm in the latter, she has
given teacher-training courses at
the University of California txien.
Ion Division, Willamette Univer
uuuinii and Oregon
BIIJ - - "
College of Education summer ses
sion. ,
LYONS VIrgU Treat ef Lyeee,
grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Felix
Lucier. and Miss Joyce Minnick of
Vancouver. Wash., were recently
married at that city, and now are
living at Lyons. He is employed
at the plywood plant.
395 S. 12th SALEM : Near S.P. Depot