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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1958)
IKSw. H) Staltsimn, Salrm, Ore, Thur;., )an, 30, '58 Inside TV Filmmakers Forced To Do Better Work Kids Courting Tragedy With Rocket Craze By EVE STARR HOLLYWOOD, Jan. J9-STARR REPORT: For the past lew years now tht movie industry has been in complete dither over !he box oil ice com petition being offered by free television screamim: like! M manv wound ed eles and claiming that free TV is about to ruin tit mo ies. Nothing could be farther from v trocar I Negroes Gird for Vote Drive MONTGOMERY, Ala . Jan. 29 If With a goal of two million new voters by 1960, Southern Ne groes are getting ready for a aharply intensified registration campaign in 11 Dixie states. The massive drive which would more than double the estimated Dumber of Negroes now eligible to vote in the Deep South will start with a series of Lincoln Day rallies 'in 20 or more Southern cities Feb. 12. Rep. Adam Clayton Powell D-NY is among the Ne gro leaders scheduled to speak The Rev. Ralph D. Abernathy of Montgomery, treasurer of the Southern . Christian Leadership Conference which is sponsoring tht campaign, said his people will be urged to use the new federal civil rights Uw "wherever neces sary to point out discrimination." Abernathy and other members ef the conference executive com mittee will discuss detailed plans for the voter registration effort at a meeting in Atlanta tomor row. The Baptist minister said no state-by-state allocations have beea announced but that the "long-range goal" of the campaign b two million new Negro voters within the next two years. He said the conference has adopted a budget of 1200.000 to spend on the ot drive this year. Aberoathv said an estimated 1.231.000 Negro voters were regis tered in the 11 Southern states in 1936. only about one-fourth xf the 4.980.000 Negores of voting age. Ike Attends Funeral for Elder Brother KANSAS CITY, Jan.' I -President Eisenhower, black garbed and solemn-faced, joined a limited group of friends and relatives today in funeral services for his eldest brother. The chief executive flew from Washington, was forced by fog to bypass Municipal Airport here and landed at nearby Otathe, Kan. Immediately after the brief rites he returned to 0 lathe for the re turn flight to the Capitol. The body of his brother. Arthur Eisenhower. 71. retired banker, was to be flown to New York City late tonight for burial. A second service will be held at 3 p m. to morrow in Westchester County where the body will be entombed. The fog at Kansas City caused the President's plane to circle the area for nearly 25 minutes before arrangements could be hastily re vised to provide for landing at the Olathe Naval Air Statian. Tht President was accompanied here from Washington by his youngest brother. Dr. Milton Ei senhower, president of Johns Hop kins University. They were joined by another brother. Earl,- a news paper publisher of La Grange, 111. the truth. On tht contrary. TV has i been the beat thing that could have happened to tht picture industry, land the industry's own figures j prove tht point beyond all argu jment. ! What TV has done, and thank j Heaven for it, has been to elimi inate the shoddy B pictures with which the movie industry used to flood the theaters. The makers of these B pictures have been hurt in their pocket books and they, natur ally, have been doing most, of the screaming. One can sympathize with them as human beings, but one can only applaud, from the public's point of view, their elimi nation from the scene. New let's look at the record, the movies' twa record. Of the IS all time top greasers Le., mooey makers) amoag Hollywood's movies, m fewer thaa It of these first tS were released U the pub lic cftrr 1954, mraaiog after TV got Its very strong foot la the door. This does not meaa that people have beea Ignoring TV aid going to more meviet. II does sot meal that at all. What it meaos Is simply this: that the TV competition has forced Hollywood to make bigger aid bet ter pictures, aad these bigger and better pictures, are drawing people I the theaters. It's as simple as that. Build a1 better mousetrap, the old adage j says, and the world will beat a path to your door. Not included in the top 25 as yet, having been releaf-d too recently for the returns to be in, are such1 outstanding current pictures as , "Sayonara." "Bridge on the River Kwai" and ' Peyton Place." all three of which are almost certain to set box-office records.. Far from being a monster. TV has been a badly needed shot in the arm for , Hollywood. It has producers and directors and writ ers knuckle down and go to work. It has made them think harder. It has whipped them into line, taken off the luxury fat and driven them back to their creative draft ing boards. That they caa create whea they wait to k amply evidenced by such box-office eaamptoar as 'The Tea Cemmaadmeats." "T k e Robe." "Around the World la M Days." "Greatest Shaw on Earth." "From Here to Eternity," "Cine rama." "White Ckrlitmi ," Giant," "Calne MnUny." "The King aad I." "Mister Roberts." "It.aot Leagues I'ader the Sea," "Trapexe" and a good many oth ers. TV dMa't make those pictures. The movie people made them, aad made them well. So what arc they frying about? (Copyright ISM. General Features Corp ) By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Tow Swift is back. In thousands of backyards and garages kids of the space age are constructing rockets that arch out of sight into tht skies or fizzle of burst with sometimes tragic results. j Adults worry about the Russian .satellites and the military race to ! produce the best missiles. Teen- agers, oblivious to politics and propaganda, blithely plunge into 'their own celebration of tht geo physical year. Tom Swift a fictional inventive genius of this century's boyhood would be proud of them. Their rockets range from bits of pipe packed with Four of July gun power and ingeniously fired with an old car spark coil to aero dynamically designed missiles worthy of engineers. Many Accidrnts But Tom Swift would be sad dened by the dozens of accidents and the two deaths chalked up so far to experiments with amateur rockets. From 17 states come the grim and probably incomplete totals: two killed and St injured in the past few months. A teacher and an 11 year -old boy lie dead, a 15-year-old suffered a brain injury, other boys lost fingers, damaged their eyes, burned and scarred their faces, mangled their arms and hands. The tragic list grows every week. The Army's top missile man. Maj. Gen. H. N. Toftoy, head of the huge Redstone experimental center in Aalbama. 'understands the boys' urge to tinker with the space ship of the future hut fears they'll never live to ride in it. Might Lose Them' "We don't want to lose the next crop of young scientists before they get started." he said. Redstone now issues a lurtof precautions for science teachers. Army experts are preparing a booklet on the art of building safe backyard rockets. Parents, teachers, state and city officials are alarmed. So are the serious amateurs who have never so muck burned a finger. . w' State legislatures art considef ing laws to forbid indiscriminate firings, yet still allow properly supervised experiments. Some po lice officers and town fathers have clamped an outright ban on amateur rockets. Girard, Wife Want Privacy By HARVEY BREL'SCHER OTTAWA, III., Jan. 29 -In i five-room house at the end of a quiet street, William S. Girard and his Japanese bride have found the beginning of an ordinary life in America. For her the surroundings still are -somewhat strange and a bit frightening. For him it is a life filled with problems some of them unforeseen. To most of Ottawa's 20.000 other citizens, however, Girard already has become just an ex-soldier who with a foreign wife moved into his brother's house on the north edge of town. "That's all we want to be known as." the 22-year-old Girard told a visiting newsman. "We just want to be left alone. The neighbors have been good about that. Now I wish everybody else would just forget us too." A year has passed since the fateful day that Girard was cata pulted into the international spot- ! light. ! Girard. then an Army specialist. , was tried by a Japanese court for the Jan. 30, 1957, slaying on Mrs. Naki Sakai, a brass picker who strayed into a U.S. Army gunnery range near Tokyo hunting empty shell casings. OSC to Expand Nuclear Science Training Program CORVALLIS. Jan. 29 Nu clear science training will be ex panded at Oregon State College neat year with a $163,900 grant to be Used for purchase of a nu clear reactor. The college was one of seven in the nation given grants by the Atomic Energy Commission f o r purchase of training reactors. 1 The grant also provides for pur chase of other equipment that will permit specialized training in the fields of physics, chemistry, chem-' ica! engineering and mechanical engineering. i Salem Publisher Speaker at Annual Chamber Meeting PORTLAND. Jan. 29 ( The annual conference of Oregon and Washington Chamber of Com merce managers and officers will be held here Feb. 2-4. Scheduled speakers include Charles A. Spraguc, publisher of toe Salem Oregon Statesman: Robert F. Jackson, an executive of General Electric Co.; and Wy atte F. DeLoache of E. I. DuPont DeNemours & Co. This year's conference is being expanded to include chamber leaders from Idaho. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON TOR THE COUNTY Or MARION IN EQUITY No. 47 THE STATE or OREGON, repre sented and ctlnt by the Director of Veterans' Affairs, PlinUff. vi. EVA M. Lowe and OLIVER LOWE, De fendants. NOTICE or SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue nl an execution, judg ment order, decree and order of aaie issued out of the above) entitled Court in the above entitled cause, to me directed, and dated the Slit day of December. 1937. upon a judgment rendered and entered in said Court on the 9lh dav nf December. 1957. In favor of THE STATE OF OREGON, represented and acting by the DI RECTOR OF VETERANS' AFFAIRS, plaintiff, and aeainst EVA M LOWE and OLIVER LOWE, defendants, and upon thia writ, commanding me to make aale of the following described real property situated In Marion County. State of Oregon: Beginning at a point on the South line of Lot Twentv-one (211. of the Amended Plat of Capital Home Ad dition to Salem. Marlon County. Ore gon. (Sec Volume 1, Page II. Record of Town Plata for said County and tate which point la 90 feet West of the Southeast corner of said Lot: thence West along the South line of Lots 31 and 20 in aaid Addition, S3 feel; thence North parallel with the East line of said Lot 21, a distance of M' feet; thence East parallel with the South line of aaid una 30 and 31, a distance of S3 feet; thence South M leet to the point of begin ning. NOW THEREFORE, by virtue of aaid execution, judgment order, de cree aid order (or sale, and in com pliance with the demand of said writ. 1 will on Mnndav. the 10th day ! of February. 1P5C. at 10:00 o'clock , a.m.. at the West door of the County Court House In tne City nf Salem. County of Marlon. State of Oregon, sell at public suction, subject to re demption, to the highest bidder for cash, all of the right, title and inter est which the above named defend ants, and each of them, had in and to the above described real property. Dated thia 7th dav of January, ISM. DENVER YOUNG, Sheriff of Marlon County, Oregon. By: A. I. Malstrom, Deputv. Jan. S. II. 13. 90, 195. Tt Place Oaaaified ds Call EM 4-6J11 Air Station Released MANILA, Jan. ( The United States informed the gov ernment today it will turn over the air station at Manila harbor to the Philippines by July 31. The station is the last American mili tary installation within tht city of Manila. SHERIFF'S NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY On the 10th day of February. 15S. at It o'clock a.m.. at the front and west door of the Count v Court House in Salem. Oregon. I will sell at pub lic auction to the highest bidder, for cash, all the following described real property, to-wit: Loll Four (4). Five it) and Six (S) Block One; snd Lot Three i3i Block Three 3, Piedmont iSubdivision of Fraction of Lots 84. 8 and M of tuaia rruit rarms m Marion Coun ty. Oregon, in Marion County, Ore son. Said sale b held under execution lsued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County to me directed in the case of Invest ment service Co.. an Oregon corpora tion. plaintiff, vs. Gavle Siklnger. de- irnnani, ana oeing ciera register wo. 43033. DENVER YOUNG. Sheriff of Marion County, urriton. By: A. I. Malstrom, Deputy. E. L. CRAWFORD. v Attorney for Plaintiff. 110 Liveslev Building. Salem, Oregon Jan. I. II. 33. 30. IMS Advertising Presidential Disability Formula Claimed Ready IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION Ne. 44553 THE STATE OF OREGON, repre sented and acting by the Director of Veterans' Affairs, Plaintiff, vs. PETER SORENSEN and EDITH L. SORENSEN, husband and wife. E. C. BURNS. MERCHANTS CREDIT BU REAU OF ALKM. INC., and VAL- . I-fiM'tNTi I FastFTftV I t..j:; r ...a TV... h"?. bcavu-i., int, ue- - . - jduunuMj wiiuutiicv hn iircii icnnam. WASHINGTON, Jan. m - Ails no agreement whatsoever." j ' HE",Fr' L legislative formula for a vice ores- However, the preparation of the ; mnt order. cImm-m aiM e,Am ident to serve, in cast of need, draft bill followed meetings of ; issued out of the above entitled court as acting president was reoorted 1 subcommittee members today to have been worked out in 1 House leaders of both parties conferences of House leaders. j The bill would create a Com A draft of a proposed, presiden- j mission on Presidential Inability, tial disability statute was laid be-1 made up mostly of key House and lore m apcvwi nwas aiwuui, ii.tinii. I plaintiff, and against PETEF aubcommittee. which met in strict It would provide that, when a i horensen and edith l. soren LTT' 11 J?-" J" Vresid'nt llis.ilrM hava discussed the draft with Atty. ! pacitated, or when the fbmmis-1 following described real property situ Gen. Rogers and asked him to ex- j sion by a vote of at least six of j ln Marion County, sun of Ore amine it and report back with the ! its seven voting members so ' 0,f lnjnf , point"i,si7 feet views nf President Eisenhower's found, the vice president would 1 North ano North degrees 54' West administration. f take over, the powers and duties j ftth.... S' Chairman Celler D-NY of the of the presidency as acting pres- Range i we-t of ihe Willamette ; - ident. By similar procedure, the ! Merid,"; '? !!Ti? couty. Oregon; . . r . . ' ...thence West 32 5 feft; thence North TIMBER FOB BALE. UNITED ; ;uiiiiiiiivii ivuiu ucuaic i" 112 S feet; thence East 334 S feet; states i department of the president recovered, and he would INTERIOR. BURl.AU OF LAND .,,. .:. -i.. , ui. management, oral auction ! resume active exercise of his of- Kl, In the above entitled cause, to me December, IS57. upon a judgment rendered and entered In aaid Court on the 26th day of December. 1937. in favor of THE STATE OF OREGON, represented and acting by the DI RECTOR OF VETERANS' AFFAIRS, plaintiff, and against PETER BIDS wlU be received by the Distuct Manager, Bureau of Land Manage ment, 21S North Front Street, Selem, Oregon, beginning at t:30 a.m.. Pa cific Standard Time, on February II. 1850. for all timber designated for cutting. Before bids are submitted, fuU information concerning the tim ber, the conditions of sale and sub mission of bids should be obtained from the above District Manager. The right Is hereby reserved to waive technical defects ia this advertise ment and to reject ny or til bids. The United Steles reserves the right to waive any Informality ln bids re ceived whenever such waiver ia In the interest of the,Urttd State-. IN MARION COUNTY, OREGON: OeVC: ORAL AUCTION: SALVAGE: All timber designated for cutting on NEV.SE, Sec. 7: SE'SE'i Sec. I; 8W,, WiiSE'i. SE',iSE', Sec. ft T I 8.. R I E.i Wll. Mer , estimated for the purpose of this aale to be 123 M b. f. Douglas-fir, No bid for less than SUf per M b. . for the Doug-laa-flr, or a total purrhre nrlce of 11.419. IS. will be considered. Mini mum depseit with bid 1290.00. Jaa. !, fice. NOTICE TO CREDITORS thence South 13.1 1 feet to the place ef n'nn". ALSO: Beginning at a point I.SMS feet North and North S degrees 64' Wet S3!) I feet from the Southwest corner of Section 34. in Township I uin. nange i wei oi .tne wiiiam NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN. theTCette Meridian, thence ' South 246 1 by order of tht Circuit Court of the-! feet: thence West 324 4 feet: thence State of Oregon for the County of Marian, In Probate, duly made and entered on the 2Sth day of January, 1M, the U.S. National Bank of Port land, Oregon, a corporation, has been duly appointed as Executor of the Last Will and Testament and estate of IVY ELLEN WELCH, deceased, and has qualified as such otecutor. All persons having claims agalnit aid estate hereby are required to present them, with proper vouchers, to said Executor at 3"! State Street, Salem, Oregon, within six months after date of first publication of this notice. . Dated and first published the Jflth day of January. 19SS U.S. NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, OREGON, Executor aforesaid. . PEERY T. BUR EN, ' Attomev lor Executor. ?ll Pioneer Trust Building Salem, Oregon. . Jan. 30, Feb. I, 13, 20, Hit. North 2.2 feet: thence South S de frees 54' Eat along the center of the County Road to the place of be- ginnn. NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of said execution, judgment oraer, de cree and order for aale. and In com pliance with the demands of said writ, I will on Monday, the loth day of February. 19M. at 1W o'clock a.m., at the west front door of the County Court House hi Salem. Marion County. Oregon, sell at public auc tion, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder for cash, all of the right, title snd Interest which the within named defendants, and each of them, had In and to the above described rel properly. Dated thl oOnury, list. DENVER YOUNG, nenv of MvM County, Orn Byr A I. Malstrom, Deputy' Jan. . 11, 23, 20, 1M. 1 Statesman - Journal Nswtpaperi 24 Church St. NE. PHONE EM 4-6811 LOCAL RATES WEEKDAYS Dos 1 3 3 4 5 Lines 40 .40 M J2'i JO 3i TOTAL CHARGES per line I time .40 .30 per line 3 times SI 0J S5 per line times SI. 50 11.40 per line I mo. 13 50 Unci. Sun.) - (Mia. t lines) iWeekdays lxSaa. LOCALS tSr per line per paper. Classified ads will be run In both papers to five advertis ers the advantage of the tre mendous combined circula tion. "When an ad Is ordered three or six times and a Sunday Issue is included ifor example Friday, Saturday, Sundavi the lower Sundsy rates apply be cause only The Statesman pub lishes Sundays. Classified ads will start In the morning Oregon Statesman, conclude ln the evening Capi tal Journal but ada will be accepted for Sunday States man only. The deadline for classified ada is 1:00 p.m. the day before publication except for Sunday when deadline ia 1:30 put. Friday. Emergency ads and mall line ads received after 1 00 p.m. weekdaya and until 12 noon Saturday for Sunday may be placed In the "Too Late to Classify" column. Ads for Monday papers must be in by 4 p.m. Saturday. The Statesmin Journal News psers assume no financial re sponsibility for errors which may appear In advertisements published In Its columns and in cases where thia osper is at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement In which the typographical mlitske oc curs and Is responsible for e only one Incorrect Insertion. A "Blind" Ad an ad contain ins a Statesman - Journal Newspapers box number for an address Is for (he pro tection of the advertisers and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman Journal Newspapers are not at liberty to divulge informa tion as to the Identity of an advertiser using a "Blind" ad. Ads In other columns which re quire Investment In stocks, samples, equipment or cssh bond should be thoroughly investigated before paying out any money. Advertisers re quiring a cash Investment for samples or merchandise, sates aids, etc, must so specify In their ads. THIS NEWSPAPER STRIVES to protect Its readers againat fraud, deception, or Injuries. Readers are cauUoned to make NO PAYMENTS to get a po sition advertised in the help wanted - columns. All help wanted ad MUST SPECIFY THE NATURE OF THE WORK. Sales hale- wanted ada must state if the pav Is In the form nf salary, c-ommls'lone, guarantee, or Include firm name. Ads requiring appll- , rant to buy merchandise from company and re-sell should annear under "Dealers Agents Wanted" classification, Bong fltJe nlfert nf employ ment with psy helrmg to the "Help Wanted" columns. v T P YOUR Mi ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED Too Late to Classify ATTENTION:, Contractors, Builders Trailer-van, 7'xl0', SI50. 3240 Lancaster Dr. ATTENTION HUNTERS G I. Jeep- cabs. All aluminum. $.w EM 4-1711 or McMlnnvllle S741. A FURNISHED small 1 imt. and bath on acre, paved street. South. Only 11.690 00. IDW OO down and 125 CO per month, Inc. int. Olaf Thonstad, Realtor MI Capitol St. Nl EM 1-7S03 FOR SA1X: Feed mill V seed cleaning warehouse, food val ley town, good Business. Warehouse on priv. property with RR siding. Good equip, also top line feeds Sc fertil izer. Write box 151, Gervals, Oregon. CLEAN 2 bdrm. hse. T gar! SSi: 2725 Silverton Rd. Uniurn. l BDRM hue unfurn. Bush Park. 150. EM 2-7554, LOt t BDRM hse. In Wood burn. Bath Ar oil stove up stairs and down. $J mo. EM 4-231SL WHY pay rentt For" 175. mo own a nice 3 bdrm. home. Highland DIM. Nr stores, school, bus. EM 2-371S. 2 BDRM. I.t45 Cross tMj-m COMPLFTELY turn. I bdrm". Glassed porch, shady lot. laundrv facilities, bus close. Rent ISO. 271 Magnolia Court. W. Salem. orcallEM 2-S309. 1 RM. furn. apt. utll. incl. clean, close ln.EM 2-1171. MOD furn. 2 rm. court. $42.50. 10S5 Madlson. WANTED housekeeper for an elderly gentleman. Live In. Light work and small wages. All modern elec. home. TV and csr. Write Box 175 Statesman-Journal. MARRIED man to do morn. & ve mllkine. Small dairy. Wages, hse. & utll. EM 2-S396. 1 SACRIFICE Slgler heater, new 1283. sell S85 Men's suits $3 ej. 38-40. Wool rug . pad 115. FOR SALE Peacock hens S10 ea. Route 1, Box 710, EM 2-2797 GRASS HAY, Sue per bale. 2240 Lancaster Dr. ANY witness or early arrival to i accident botween Lincoln ft I truck at Portland Rd A- Pine ; on Janv 29, 1MI. please call I EM 4-aaoi. 1 FOUND Chocolate Brown and white dog. spaniel type. About 3 vrs. old. Klamath Co. '37 license. 7S. EM 4-5091. SAVE TAX m Tax forms pre pared to pay only the lowest possible tax. EM 2-3401. 400 Agriculture 413 Food Column APPLES. Splta. Tie to 11 M. A II wurm tree. IV K8 Center St. POTATOES, good grade Bur bank. 13 50 per 100. EM 4-3U35 PASTEURIZED whole milk. Sl'c at. Homogenized, Sec U gal 40. Cleary Dairy. EM imt SPITZ apples ft .50 bu. delivered. Worm free. KM S71- DELICIOUS apples. O. D, Nnren 2KI0Blossoninr.EM 4JW12. BURBANK potatoes 5c "lb. W. M. Murphy. 1 ml. W. Kelzer Schl. HOOD RIVER Delicious Apples, wrapped k packed, line bu Peda Produce. 5230 Portland RdT SORTED walnuts, 2clb. Ph. EM 4-4.135. 414 Poultry t Rabbits GM COMPLETE egg ration SO lbs. U 33. I7( per Ton bulk de livered. All Poultry feeders, fountains, brooders 40 pet. off. Larro Feed Store 430 Front St. NE. BABY chirks hatched' yr, round. Special Parmenter roosters Ie . each. Valley Farm Store. 450 Merchandise 451 HousoholtJ Goods $ BE THRIFTY $ BUY GOOD USED FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES $30 Dn. will buy a complete .household of furniture. e Daveno 917.50 Walnut desk with file drawers $29.95 S piece bedroom set . . $49.50 36" round table, solid maple $49.50 450 Merchandise 450 Merchandise " I0 For Sale Mlocallanaowa 410 For Solo Mlse.llar.ooiw PAINT SPECIALS Dec O Wall INTERIOR LATEX I Roof leaks? Patch ft rain ar 12 beautiful colon white1 ahlne. Wet surface mastle KM !. . - S1.M gaL Pan at ml'er comb . . IMS j BASEMENT 'LEAK? Suit clear plastle drop cloth ' Norwal Primer Surfarer SO the, Wc ea. . covers to 3M sq. ft. 17. IS M lb. Repel-clear exterior water repel. Gel Ready For Spring, treat lent. Stop leaks on chimneys. fenci pasts, garden elakee masonry walls, etc water etc. Tox Seal clear wood type $3 33 gal. I preservative ll.OI ejt HEADQUARTERS FOR BINK8 SPRAY EQUIPMENT LINOLEUM SPECIALS Inlaid linoleum tile. Colors Reg. lie 4 New llll I inlaid Vinyl Tile. Needs no wag. 10c ea. Reg. 2e 15c ea. Sparks oil circulator $10 411 Lawn & Garden LAWN seed, garden supplies, values to 12.50, now your choice $1. Larro Feed Store, 430 Front St. NE. 430 Seeds Plants OAT A Vetch Ray. 120 ton. Rye grass nay, sio ton, nicnoia a Haln. EM 4-1071. DWARF k Flowering trees, shrubs, bulbs. EM 1-1S44. TREES plant now while selec tion is complete. Middle Grove Nursery 4K20 Silverton Rd. We give SH Green 8tamps. Good selection of recondi tioned It guaranteed ranges refrigerators. Cork tile, random ton. Uxir' Drop p.,,., ,, Unoleum. j. Values to 13 43 u se aq. yd. Cnngowall vinyl wall covering I., "71 ZT" ... .. ,. lor kitchen - bath M" wide ' ",l,e .w" .'! D 49c lln. ft. 472 Fertiliser RICH fertilizer with shavings, U-haul. Lees Hatchery, RICH poultry fertilizer- with shavings, U-haul, Lee's Hatchery. HUTTED manure oy cu. vd. alwava good good quality. PhilHna Bros. hi. a box sou. gas 4-evai, 424 Farm Equipment 20fl ttAL. trailer type, orchard spraveiv complete, 948- EM 2-S342 afer S P M. 425 Auction Sales Furniture 300 Personal 312 Lost and Found LOST: White cat from 2025 Cen ter St. Reward. EM 4-MSI. LOST: Part aheep. k part collie dog, shaggy fur. collie color ing. Answers to name "Mike." Children's pet. Reward. EM 4-S137. LOST: On SUverton Rd. 2S00 Block. I red hand truck with Pneumatic tries, will finder please caU EM 3 105. EM 4-4521. 316 Personal M.R)ON County Welfare Comm. rteres home In the country for 1? vr. old high school boy. Will pav rm. k board to quali fied family. Write Miss Mary Squier. P.O. Box 811, Salem. TONIGHT 7:30 P.M SUDTELL'S AUCTION J915 SILVERTON RD. 450 Merchandise 451 Household Goods Springs k mattresses, twin or full size. 515 S. COM'L PH. EM 4-33 9 USED t-iole !rrm 2.9S and S3.M. HOGG Bi.OS. 241 Slate St. Linoleum remenanta frr haths amall rooms. All at fleet savings. 14 colors I'.r 44c aq. ft SANDRAN Vinyl Linoleum. Never needs scrubbing.- N0RR1S PAINTS 1710 FRONT ST. r 456 T V. Radio SALKM. OREGON KM 4 2271 DUNCAN Phvle Mahogany drop leaf extensioo dinette set, $S5. Glen Woodry. 1S0 N. Summer. IF you have one item or n house of furniture t p tit Bob's Merc.) dl . r.n, 270 8. Libert,-. M 4 TARLE Radio-phono 12? 50. Glen j Woodry. 1I0S NSummer. WESTINCHOUSE TV 21" con rile. S9.00 Woodry, 1605. N. Summer. 1 OR the beat guaranteed TV or Radio aervlce on any make call Holder's, EM 4-2271. CALL anytime for TV or radio aerv.Fre tube checker. Curtis Radio TV Sen. EM 4-.UI1. T" MS Each with eld TV K9. .i 3-3484. 4 r.OOn bl'is 115 In S25. Clai Woodry. 1003 N. Summer. Flat Top Office" Desk KM 4-0201 or EM 2-3709 LOUNGE, bdr set. d ictte set, t sc. rang ., refrlg , cjsv chair, Mnvtau vv h- Hollywood bed !. machine. EM g-ll;. fignra Rd. 452 Appliancos 45B Musical Instruments RECOND. pianos, 175 up. Dodge Piano Service, EM 4-1C5I. SEVERAL used electronic or gans. from $405. Wlltsev Weathers Music, 470 N. Capitol. 30" RANGES. Just like new from 1124 5. Bob s Mrtse Mart. 270 S. Liberty. KM 4371. Open Frl. nighls til 9 GOOD Sewing Machines. 114 50. oien woodry, 1105 N Summer. REPOSSESSED 14 cu. ft. freezer hold 580 lbs. All steel con struction, copper tubing 5-yr. guarantee at "Your Down Town" Firestone Store. 395 N. Liberty. EM 2-2491. A LUCKY Lady I ! Will get this amazing Bargain mas ueiuxe Kelvlnator auto washer at dry er, like new. People paid 1597. yours for $299 cah. or terms can be arranged. Clen Woodry 1603 N. Summer. - USED refrigerators. 119 25 k up. Ai Laue, App.. 2.130 state St. REPOSSESSED G. E. Auto. washer k dryer, like new. Buy the pair for $14. mo. S. k H. Green Stamps. Mas ter Service Buttons. 365 N. Commercial. 462 Wanted Hshld Goods MISC. Furniture wanted. Cotir i teou serine. Ph. EM S-):. 1 CASH for RANGES. REFRIG ERATORS, Misc. EM 3S62I C,len Woodry 1603 N. Summer. CASH for clean used FURNI TURE. EM 3 5110. Glen Wood ry, IMS N. Summer. APARTMENT ranges from 30. boo a mosc. Mart, 27 u s. Lib erty. EM 4371. Open Fri. nights til I. SONG WRITER'S REVIEW Especially tor the Amateur $2 SO per vr. EM 3-M10 eves. Too Many BiHs? Orm't let your bills get you tfl trouble. If, you're behind B Rsyments. we caa help you. o security or co-signers need ed. One place to pay all bills. Pay only what you can af ford! i Bonded and licensed for your protection! I CREDIT CONSULTANTS Dial itaiem EM 2-WM4 for infor matlon Need Help? Income tax returns, and part time bookkeeping. John W. Bollinger. MKtaJCH 2-3425. AIXfOHOLICS Anonymous. US S. Commercial. EM 4-1802. ANTIQUE marble top table. EM 4-16 FREEZER, chest, good eond. I90.M 4-M1I GOOD used davenosS25.00 up. Woodry'a, 1603 N. Summer. ELECTROLUX cleaner, guaran teed, I14.W. Tt II. EM 3-707. YR. crib it mattress, phone EM 4-85S0. COMPLETE furnishings foe S bdrm. home to trad for small trailer house. Eat 4-SS2S. UNFINISHED cheats, 16 aires to select from 87 95 and up. HOGG BROS. 24S StateJM READ This I I New Mr. k Mrs. Bdrm. suite, inc. mirror k bookcase bed. nice quality k only 879 50. Glen Woodry, 1105 N. Summer. AIXOHOUCS Annnvmous. MO Marion EM 4-0548 40Q Agriculture 402 livestock For Salo 1ST CUTTING alfalfa or clover hav. Reas. Independence Box 255. Salem Rd. I9W2. CLOVER hay. good quality. Will deliver EM 2-6149. GOOD clover hay. 820. Del'. Straw 25 bale. EM-2990 GOOD clover hav 20t. All 12 T. for 8200 U-Haul. EM 4 1349. GRASS hay 65c. bale, straw 45c. Larro reed Store 430 Front St. EASTERN Ore Alfalfa. 1st and 2nd cutting. EM 4-6432 dsys EM 2-27RS eve. GOOD quality grsn hay 120 ton. can deliver liM 8-4437 GREEN Clover Jc grass hay 820. T. Dei. Straw 30c. EM 2-2923. 403 Livestock Wantod CATTLE Snethea 4105 Silverton Rd. EM 2-1343 or EM 2-4380. CATTLE horses, at your farm. E. C. McCandliah. EM 2-4119. CATTLE buyer A. F. Sommor 5395 Dallas Rd. EM 4-9047. BUYrR-Claud Edwards. Rt 1 Bn SSftE EM 4-1113 TOP cash prices at your place. Ray duel, EM 4-3168 Collect. 405 Pets FOR aale house full of furni ture. Sat. k Sun. 8-3 163 Plymouth Dr. EM 4-9519. USED twin size cabinet bed 819.50. HOGG BROS. 248 State St. WOOD cTrciu'atoflleater 820. 891 Rosemont. EM 2-9910. GOOD davenos 825 to 879 50. Glen Woodry. 105 N. Summer. USED daveno bed and rocker 839. HOGG BROS. 248 State St. Duomat. Reg. ns. 1957 BFNDIX 8.138.95. NOW ONLY 8.1.V).!!! No dealers. Your Down Town" Firestone Store. 395 N. Liberty. EM 2-2491. 1 CU. FT. freezer almost new. Only 1.9S. Bob's Mdse. Mart. 27 S. Liberty. EM 4 6371. Open Frl. nights til . EASY Spinner Washer 845. Glen Woodry, 105 N. Summer. USED "Easy" washer. 89 89. U haul. "Your Down Town" Firestone Store. 2SS N. Liber ty. EM 2-241. LATE model Gibson double-oven electric range, good condition only 888.95, eaay term. Good Housekeeping Inc. 41 Court St. WOOD trash burner. 830. Bob's Mde. Mart. 270 S Liberty. EM 4-8371. Open Frl. nights til 9. A Complete Selection of Used Appliances' RANGES REFRIGERATORS WASHERS SEWING MACHINES . TELEVISION pew Ward 8 PC. Walnut bed suite. Very good condition 875. Glen Wood ry. 108 N. Summer. TJfED floor lamps 85 98. HOGG Bnos- 248 sut st NEW End Tables. Sale 85 88. Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. USED cribs, goodo n dl t Con 811.50. HOGG BROS. 248 State St. CAN U upholster? Simmons Hldeabed 86. Shop Glen Wood ry'a. 1608 N. Summer. USED Hoover vacuum cleaners 89 98 to 819 99- HOGG BROS. 241 State St. DESKS 817 93 - 830 828.88. Glen Woodry. 108 N. Summer. USED chest of drawers 8.95. HOGG BROS. 24 Stale St. SHOP our new mattress deal! I Glen Woodry. 108 N. Summer. USED dining room sets 129 50 HOGG BROS. 24 State St. UNFINISHED bunk bed. 824.80. Glen Woodry, 108 N. Summer LARGE chests odrawers St7S Glen Woodry. jeos N. Summer. 7 PC. Bleach Oak dining set, 85 oodrylWSJ. Summer. DELUXE Play PeiTsia HI Chair 880 yr. Deluxe Crib with Babv Beautyrest mattress 824.80. Glen Woodry, 1608 N. Summer. 155 N. Liberty EM 3 .1191 USED Whirlpool Automatic washer onfy 839 93. Good Housekeeping Inc. 467 Court St EENDIX Economat automatic washer. Good cond. 850. EM 3-9345. WASHER, wringer type, good cond. 830.EM4-S3441 KENMORE automatic washer 8 months old. SPECIAL PRICE 81995. Bob's Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. EM 4-71. Open frl. nights til 9. ONE 1958 Philco Bendix dryer, 8159.95. And one 40" Philco range. 81893. First come, first served at "Your Down Town" Firestone Store. 395 N. Lib erty. EM 2-241. 454 Sowing Machines WHITE sewing machine In ma hogany cabinet. Excellent cond. 078. Call Wood burn 841. 455 Clothing I LADIES suits size 14 A 12. 18. 4 88. EM 3 (33. 456 t1 V. Radio USED television reconditioned k fully guar. Bom new picture tube. Low prices easy terms. SA-H green! stamps. Master Serv. Sta 365 N. Com'L 464 Sport tquipmom SPORT liner pick-up cover for 1957 Ford styleside deluxe model, all aluminum, venti lating windows & doors. 8128. 1385 N. Church. EM 2-8620. CASH tor Used Guns and old coins, all types. Cascade Merc 1230 Broadway. 472 Plumbing A Heating SMALL Duo Therm 824.30. Glen Woodry, 108 N. Summer. SPARK Oil Clrc. 859. Glen Woodry, 108 N. Summer. CinCULATOR nil heater, uC Phone EM 3-7331. TYPEWRITERS; Adders, Safes, Desk-, Chairs. Files. Duphca, tors k Supplies. Expert repair service. Roen. 45 Court. EM 3 773. PARAKEET for saleTlMTTV ant. 198 S. Commercial. CIRL'S Bicycle U5 Student "viei tin 128. KM 2-5400. USED toilet. 310. Used wash bowls. 13 At 89. EM 3-603. t CHOtCE BfcreVf lnta"for" sale. JfolnfOTmatlon EM 3913. EM 4747 PIT-RUN GRAVEL 470 Building Matortals USED BUILDING MATERIALS OF ALL KINDS CALL E. S.RIHER&C0. 1350 Fortune Rd. EM 4-4181 Open All Day Saturday 474 floor Covering LOVELY x II wool Chinee hooked rut. Like new 53. New wall to wall carpet 84.80 sq. yd.. I x 12 rug pads 8 Si. Glen Woodry, 108 M. Summer 483 Wantod MiKoIUnooiis 470 Building Matorial PLUMBING??' Pip fittings, seeato tanks, drain tile, kitchen sinks, toilets, wall hung at counter type wash basins, ehower cabinets, bath tube and laundry traya. Priced at lowest prices. WATER HEATERS Largs stock Weslinghouse fast recovery elec. water heaters with new type alternating ele ments. Bargain prices. C.G.L 1 ml. N. of Kelzer EM 4-5091 CERTAINTEED 3-TAB ROOFING Reg. & Sealdown $875 & UP LUMBER YARDS S49 S. 12th St. EM 3-9608 82 gal. elec. water heater, 89.80 12-2 Lomex m rolls .Tic. " Vent fan .......... 113.50 4" solid fiber pips 36c. ft. Lighting fixtures reduced 209 amp. meter naae IIM 21x32 stainless sseel Sink 837.50 Elect. Heaters, all makes cheap 4" cast Iron Pipe 77c. ft. Wall thermostat, 220 volt 810 14-2 Lomex in rolls . . 2'ic. ft. Galv. Gutter . 13c. ft Complete line of elec. heating. house wiring, plumbing sup plies It fixtures. APEX ELECTRIC & PLUMBING 1410 BROADWAY EM MDM rOR SALE: Reg. Male Weimar- aner 3 vrs. old, reas. offer considered. Ph. 2-5226, Wood' bur. COCKER puppies, 88 each." EM e-ew. , BOSTON terrier bull dog pup pies. M 1-os.w. FOR aale part Chow k terrier puppies. Ph. EM 3 50 FOR salt: Male Siamese cat mo. old with papers. Lyons. Ph. Ulrlck 9 2444. PEKINGESE puppies. AKC, reg stud service, MA 2-370. PUPPY LAND Variety 81 . up. EM 3 114" SVRKHCAMP dog food; SO lbs. 25 lbs. 12 w. Larro reed Store,J30 N. Front. Birds, Cavies, Chipmunks. 3190 Livingston. EM 3-142. 412 Food Column BABY beef for your lockers, all weights. EM 2-6403. ' APPLES Kings, Baldwins, spies spits. E.M g-KIVZ. washingtonTpples Golden Delicious k Roman Beauty. 8008 Portland Rd. 100 Display Classified Cyclo Massage Welcomes you to our store for free demon. , atratlon or rsll our store ' for a tree horn demon- It LtMtlnfl. f NIAGARA Or SALKM 1121 C-nter St. EM 4 9 9:30 a.m. - 8 p.m. 100 Display Clossified 100 Display Clossifiod 1 00 Disploy Clossifiod SINGER iXaPTIONAUY FINE MACHINES m wvt AT BARGAIN PRICES I mi SU NEW PORTABLES $ 94.50 $45.00 NEW CONSOLES ..$189.50 $50.00 SLANT NEEDLE CONSOLE $297.50 $37.50 " SLANT NEEDLE PORTABLE ..$199,75 $30.00 " 'All Of?r Svbfocf To Mof Salt-for lorgirt Variety, , Mako raur Chofco Nawf SINGER SEWING CENTER (lists to yew 8M 8 set mujw 81018 SIWIM MACK IMC C0J vtaXkMO TneaMfe er rm suraca trr. co. 130 N. COMMERCIAL PHONE EM t-3311 WANTED: Small used office sale. Ph. EM 10434 between 8 kV , CSED filing cahlet. Must be cheap. Days EM 4-331. WANTED lady's antique wrttinfl desk. Write Box 173) States-maa-Jeurnal. 414 MiKolloneous S3 VOLT elec. heater, garde Tractor, eiec. enicaen oroooer. Ph. MA 3-3QM Dallas. m DENTXL PLATE REPAIR 2-HR. SERVICE IN MOST , CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER, Dentist, Adolph Bid. Stste Com'L Sts. Salem. Ph. EM 3-3311. SINGLE garage for aale, EM j-4431 arter p.m. 44 fVUchiwory Tool SEVERAL used welders. See tt 790 steward St. Ph. 4-7544. USED Welders. sU makes, est Illinois.- SM 2-9. 490 Fuel DRY osk any length, 817. SO cord del. EM 4-1933. E. Simmons. WEST SALEM FUEL Old Growth Fir $11 Cord Choice BJock k Siabwood SAWDOST k SHAVINGS PH. EM J-40S1. HIGHWAY FUEL CO. SAWDUST k WOOD. EM 1 4U CAPITOL FUEL CO.. INC. Sawdust, Chip mix Slab Wood MILL wood, plywood cores, as sorted hardwoods, planer-ends. EM 3-7771 or EM 1-SOM 142 BROADWAY OAK stumpage Ervin Simmon Hi. 1, BOX SOS, S.M . PROMPT del. Plywd. cores. Heavy planer ends. Heavy slabs. Old fir. Shavings. EM 4-5633 OREGON FUEL CO. Old Growth Fir $12 Cord DRV ANO GREEN WOOD SltH GREEN STAMPS EM 3-8333 3081 Broadway DRY old growth slab. Lge. or am. sis pair corn. ur.v Maple slab 114 cord. Dry Oak wood lga. or am. 8)17 cord. EM 3-7804. ASH or Maple wood 814 50 rortf also Oak 817.50. EM 4-3383. ANDERSON'S Slab Wood, t cords dry. S2S dtL EM 1-7731. PLYWOOD cores. Old fir woodl .1310 Garden Rd. EM 3-B3S4. SHAVINGS del. Mulching k bed ding. SKyllne 71723 Monmouta FERN FUEL 203 E. Salem Rd.. Dallas t Unit kid slab wood 1; alae dry slaw 1 units szo. jaa i-me MA 3-22S3 collect. 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Monay to Loon COLONIAL Investment Co. Real Property Loam, contract Pur chased. 87 Court. EM 4-233. CONSOLIDATE Your Bills $30 $3,000 PACiriC INDUSTRIAL, LOANS II S. Liberty EM 4-2203 RESIDENTIAL) - Commercial loans, 8.s pci Interest. XII 4-374. , PETER CEISER. fHA and eea venUonal loans. EM 4-4701. Ildtoyiitj GUNS CAMERAS DIAMONDS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS And all articles of value, no signature required, cash la M seconds. Star Exchange Loan 311 N. Commercial.