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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1958)
Wi ardi Grad i2riiii L P lam Lien t oj- lAJinier Social St Statesman, Salem, Oregon, Monday, Jan. 27, "587 eadon. A iff 1 ITYVJ I V : . a Vrrtftn. tor4 77V.T vvvv vu lib The Roysl Court for the Salem General Hospital Auxiliary's first Mardi Gras Ball held Saturday night at the Armory are pic tured just after Mrs. William C. Crotheri was crowned Queen Nell I. left to right in front are Mrs. George H.' Swift, Mrs. Alfred A. Schramm, Mrs. Harry W. Scott, Queen Nell, Mrs. James T. Brand, Mrs. Maurice Saffron, and Mrs. Theodore Jenny. Escorts in beck, left to right, Richard Raw linson, Or. Morris Crotheri, William L. Phillips, Mayor Robert White, who crowned the queen, Dr. Joseph Moreland, Or. Vern W. Miller and Coburn Grabenhorst. At the far left is A. W. louclcs, master of ceremonies. (All photos by Kennell Ellis Studio). Around Town . . . By JERVME ENGLISH A HUGE SUCCESS that's Dancing by . . . Mrs. A. W. the concensus on the Salem Gen- Leecks level? la a floor length era I Hospital Auxiliary's first white lace gewa . . . Mrs. lUbert Mardi Gras ball staged Saturday j White la a two-teueu blue taffeta nieht at the Armory . . . Cer- gown .... Mrs. Douglas Cham- tainlv. one of the capital city's brra ehaMlag a leaf gawa ef soft most lavish and elegant parties blue aatia with mauve pink trim liven in many years . . . the . .. her slater-la-law, Mrs. Rich- outstanding Mardi Gras decor ... are Chambers la a full leagth the beautifully presented pageant. Ice blue satia gawa . which went oft so smoomiy . . . . Long, evening gawas . . . were the dignity of the royal court and : much in evidence . . . white satin royal guests .... the call dances for Mrs. Werner Brown . . . Mrs. a grand Innovation . . . . the John Crockatt in a black sheath baubles and handsome Mardi Gras calendars given as souvenirs ... the wonderful dance-music or Bill DeSouza . a delicious collation on the buffet tables and the elegantly dressed women all adding up to make the ball the event of the year .... and for such a worthy cause . . . . even before the final count is made the committee is assured there will be over $4,500 turned over to the hospital for physical therapy equipment . . . Gaeats .... began arrlvlag early la be assures ef a seat and the baleaay flHlag an leag before t o'elack . . . Eight young bays, wearlag dark salts and dinner Jackets, din a grass Job af usher lag the patrons end patraaesses te their tables . . . Including Charles McGee. Jim Davenport, RIU Purvlae. John Balder, Steve Epeiela, Fred Cole aad Jeha Sat ire aad Bill Crethers . . . Oa with the pageant .... first came the Salem General Hospital board members as escorts . . . . the men looking handsome in their white dinner jackets with red carnations pinned to their la pels ... and donning Marat ores ties and cummerbunds, which were made special for the occa aion ... The Royal Court . . , . Mrs. George Swift. Mrs. Harry W. Scott, Mrs. James T. Brand. Mrs. Maurice Saffron. Mrs. Theodore Jenny and Mrs. Alfred A. Schramm entering one by one on the arm of an escort ... the women wearing long, black satin gowns with gold satin robes lined In black and white harlequin . . . Queea Netl I . . Mrs. Wil liam Crothers) catering aa the arm af Mayer Robert While, whs crowaed her whea she reached the lege . ... she was staaalag la a long, white satla gewa aad train leagth satla robe edged la mageata marina. .... aad later preeeated aa arm bouquet el red earnatleai . . . Queen Nell aad her court were selected fee their civic aad community service achlevemesU thresgheat the years ... ... Adorable .... were the twin pages. Kathleen and Katharine Loggan, in their gold and black outfits and carrying the queen's train . . . Margaret Lancefield. the court Jester, wearing a color ful outfit ... To be commended for his grand job as master of ceremonies was A. W Uucks. former Salem mayor, who looked distinguished in white tie and tails . . . Delightful the singing of Verne Esch and the1 quartet. Mrs. Peter Gunnar, Mrs. Robert F. Anderson, Ronald Craven and Ervin Potter, who sang selections from "My Fair Lady" ... Outstanding ..... the call daaces. where the hospital neara members escorted the patraaesses te the -stage, te receive their baubles from Queea Nell aad her court . . . they were adorable, gold. Jeweled evealag mirrors . . . Members of the court reeeiviag Jeweled docks ... the queen aad her court, started the evealag's dancing aad galfjy . . . court members the snakiag a harried change Into their evening gewas aad Jotalag their spouses . . . Queen Nell donning a ruby red velvet fun leagth gewa with rases pinned at the walstllae in back ... first to greet her were her husband aad twin daughters, Nlaa and Carolya, who watched the festivities from the balcoay . . . Nell had knew she was the queen since mora lag, but had carefully kept the exciting news treat her family . . with white satin stole . . . Pretty, blonde Mrs. Roger Schnell. who was busy checking guests as they arrived, wearing a champagne net gown with gold sequin trim . . Emerald green taffeta and tulle for Mrs. Philip Hawley . . . White net for brunette Mrs. Harold Schick .... pink tulle the choice of Mrs. Douglas Hay .... Mrs. Charles Lee in a white brocade . . . a pretty bronze and beige lace for Mrs. Maynard Shifter . . . Am oaf ethers .. . . Mrs. Ranald Janes Jr., wearlag a haadsame antique geld satin gown with stole, at lovely with her tltiaa hair ... a full, leagth while satla dress fen Mrs. Sidney Schlesiager . . . Mrs. Doaald Wells a stand out In her white tulle gown with harem skirt . . . Mrs. Dale Park er ataaalag la red velvet . . . Mrs. Otto Skepil Jr. striking In n white tiered, lace gewa . . . . Mrs. Horace McGee, who bended the patrons committee, lovely la a sapphire blue ehlffeu aad satla gawn . Mrs. Ted Morris ear ning a smart ruby red satin eve ning cast ever her gown . . . Dick Cooler receiving mnny eeen menta ea his claret wine dinner Jacket . . . Bouquet ... aad art aids to Mrs. Jeha H. Jehasea. who was chairmaa at the successful event . . . she didat overtook a detal lor this first big undertaking . . . even remembering nil her chair men with hunches ef violets, which they Biased ta their gawas for the ban ... far the occasion Jey were a beaatlful, white satin full - leagth gowa with Jeweled bodice .... her sister, Jena, (Mrs. James Phillips), who Is president af the hospital aaxlliary, wearlag a stunning gawa af moon blue taffeta with floating panel end jeweled halter style bed Ice . . . Yea ... it was a wonderful evening full of fun and gaiety an elegant party long to be re membered by everyone attending . . . and one we hope will be re peated for years to come . . and more bouquets to alt. the hard working committee members, who spent hours making this first ball a huge success . ... I X I I TT V-71 ' , . ' j e K "A : v rT - , , . , : . t. -i. vt- -t ,r. w i, 1 -". v-- '-- If) Statesman's HOME ranorama Women . . . Music . . . Fashions . . Features ) ' r '' ' 3 The buffet table was a popular gathering spot during the ball, left to right are Mrs. I K, Lawrence, Mrs. Estill Brunk, Mr. Lawrence and Dr. Brunk. . Two of the patronesses, Mrs. Charles W. Mills and Mrs. Rey nolds Allen, looking at the baubles they received during the call dances. The baubles were tiny gold, jeweled mirrors. ' , . : ' .4 ....ii.WWi. Mi ."or Mrs. John H. Johnson, charman of the ball, pins carnation boutonniere on Justice James T. Brand while Harry W. Scott looks on. Their wives were members of the Royal Court. PEDEE Mr. aad Mrs. William Present were Mr. and Mrs. Har- Pease were hosts to a family din- ris. Philomath, Mr. and Mrs. Ver iter Sunday honoring her father, non Harris and children, Corval- John Harris, on his birthday. 1 lis, Billy, Jerry and Beth Pease. Lyons Folk , on Various Trips LYONS Mrs. Carrie Savage of Forest Grove spent Saturday, Sun day and Monday at the home of her son. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Sav age and family. Bill Kimery and Claire Shelton left Tuesday morning for Eastern Oregon. They plan to be gone a week. They will visit in Pendle ton. Hermiston and Hcppner, Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Brassfield and son Bob, and his sister, Mrs. Vic Madill of Salem, left Wednes day morning for Las Vegas, Ne vada, where they expect to visit relatives for the next two months Mr. and Mrs. Harold Avers re turned to Lyons Tuesday evening after spending the past two months at Hermiston. They also visited at Heppner. Portland to Get Carnegie Slides Portland Public Schools are one of the IS educational institutions who will receive sets of hundreds of color slides depictisg the arts of the United States, according to announcement being made Mon day, January 27 by the Carnegie Corporation. These are going as gifts, but the philanthropic foundation- will also assist other selected organizations in purchasing sets hitherto unavailable. A special feature of the collec tion is varied arts of Indians from New Mexico to Alaska. The main object of the projects was to pro vide materials for teaching art ami American social and cultural history. Portland will receive 1,500 slides. Dayton Mothers March DAYTON Mothers' March on Polio for the Dayton area has been set for Thursday. Jan. 30. Mrs. Robert Stilwell, wife of Day ton's mayor, will lead the moth ers' drive. J. S. Imlah is Dayton chairman for the March of Dimes drive and has assisted the moth ers in organizing their march. LYONS - Members ef Faith Rebekah lodge held their meeting Wednesday evening with Zona Sischo noble grand, Jackie Harper vice-grand, Florence Branch sec retary and Lou Meyers treasurer in the chairs. The Three Links club will hold a covered dish dinner at noon at the home of Helen Johnston on Feb. 14. At the social hour, re freshments were served by Jackie Harper, Zona Sischo and' Lois Meyers. RiiiiiiMjji. i..i,i Jim umii win vim.., urn t'l! j,i w". 11 i ! 4 I., "' ' Arriving at the Salem Armory for the Mardi Grass ball are I Mr. and Mrs. Werner Brown, left, and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel t Haley. Mr. Brown was one of the escorts. GERVAIS-Mr. aad Mrs. C. W. Libel and their seven children are newcomers to Gervais from Wash ington. Four of the younger chil dren attend Parkersville elemen tary school The oldest, Barbara, is a junior at Gervais Union High School. Libel is a truck driver. I MONDAY'S 5 BAKE SHOP SPECIAL wmm Mrs. Horace McGee, who headed the patron and patroness committee, escorts Maurice Safron, left, and Dr. William Crothers, whose wife was chosen the first Mardi Gras queen, to their table. Salem Girl Wed At Navy Station Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Sherfield are announcing the marriage of their daughter, Gladys Ann Sher field to Eldon Janzen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Janzen, of Little Fork, Minn., at Pensacola, Florida Naval Air Station. The wedding was solemnized January 4. Both are in the navy, stationed at Pensacola, and both are pho tographers. Mrs. Janzen is a grad uate of South Salem High School. Jaycettes Sponsors DALLAS Jaycettes will sponsor their fifth annual Mothers' March on Polio Thursday evening, Jan uary 30 from 7 p.m. to I p.m., according to Mrs. Vic Bender, chairman. Some 25 women will take part in the March. Seven section leaders chosen to lead the canvass of the city are: Mrs. Frank Sciaccoti, Mrs. Archie M or ison. Mrs. Tom Newton, Mrs. Bob Woodman, Mrs. Leo Morris, Mrs. Jim McCulley and Mrs. Bud Seib-I ert. Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee' Q. Should a hostess rise when greeting a guest who. has just ar rived, and other guests are already present? A. Yes, always. A hostess is very discourteous who does not rise to greet every guest, and also when taking leave of each departing guest. : CINNAMON STICKS 39 rg. 55c Pan IAKI SHOP STREET FLOOR CHARLIE CHAN CHINESE MEDICINE . AND HEM CO. NEW LOCATION 80. 12th AND LESLIE 1195 LESLIE Office Hours Tees, sad Sat. Only a.M-4 P.m. Ph. EM MSJt EUiUlES mW FEET AS i 1 Vi I if s V A'i J , f y V aaaaBannunnannannsunn .- ;. a . ... 1. AND REMOVES PAINFUL CORNS AND CALLUSES Him MV fCf GUff IS W0NDIRFUL fOR 3. ICE CAKE Is a creamy white. greaseless Foot Lotion that instant ly t cools and soothes sore, tired, burning and aching feet IT softens your feel as nothing else will do, and within minutes yen will feel like you're walking en air. Stop complaining about your feet and do something about it Just one application af ICE CAKE Feet Lotion will prove to you that the answer te Foot Comfort Is here. ICE CAKE Foot Lotion lmmrdi dry skin from those painful corns and calluses. This new Wonder Lotion gets out all (round In dirt that nothing else will remove, and gives your feet the wonderful lift that you want ... at once. So for Fast Fast Relief of Sore Feet Get ICE CAKE today. Just massage a few drops of ICE CAKE Foot Lotion' Into skin, and at once your feet will look sleek and smooth, soft and soothed. Yes, your legs and feet, all the way down te your toes will take on a new look, radiant and alive, You'll love the way your feel feel after just one application ef ICE CAKE .FoeULoClon. For sood measure there's a magical ingredient In ICK CAKE Foot Lotion that kills fungus, there by actually stopping athlete's foot from starting. It's s fact Men and Women all over America are now walking on clouds . . . Because of the new amazing ICE CAKE Foot Lotion. Try it today You'll love it. tern. FOOT LOTION J25 Ne Federal tax. I I ' ypitistif ALWAYS PLENTY OF FREE PARKING IN THE CAPITOL SHOPPING CENTER -tif V-Mt.03k J;W-Mv.. niuuamnj.unnntlunsnnnsn.n t driest V-K.S mmmmmmmmmtmammm '!;fi.(f..sN5 :4-WWeV:ft aonnunaonsnsunnnnTntonsnnan 1 i m ni 11 ivrn mmt iff , , m l ' I r Itrom our own big successes three little gamins Our head-hugging hairdos go everywhere with evT ery curl in place! Just a bit shorter, just a bit curlier, and so much prettier, these 'Gamins' are pure flattery for every female from 15 to 50. Weill adopt one just for you with the perfect permanent. Gamin restyle cut from $1.50 .1 . . 1 . permanent ThlS IS .What conditioning shampoo vou act " ifyle consu,,a,ion glaniour rinse J ' We wejeome you with or without appointment. You may use your charge account. We feature the most popular haircoloring Miss Clairol Hair Color Bath. We use Ogilvie Sisters' preparations to help give your hair health; Revlon's new "Red Caviar" for beautiful -manicures. . (C) 1958. . "V ' STOKE HOURS: MONDAY AND FRIDAY: 9:311 A. M. TO 9 P. M. OTHER DAYS 9:39 A. M. TO 5:3t P. M. I. B. rONG, HERBIST