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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1958)
Gadabout lomer Garden, travel By Lime l. maasen Garden Gabbing I tejSOllfatcamail House of the Week- Split Level Has Hospitality Porch HW-W fHE SIMPLICITY AND HARMONIOUS proportions of this fine American house are ihown In this exterior perspective. Lots of Space Provided in Typical Home By JOHN O. B. WALLACE Many a Midwcsterner will find lostalgic satisfaction la 'this fine American house by an eastern irchitect. A split level, ticketed as HW 89 n The House of The Week series, t is reminiscent of the two-story arm homes with one story wings md wide front porches that still lot the plains in that part of the ountry that I come from. Its sim ilicity and hamonioua , proportions idd to one's good feetinf about it. But don't let appearances fool ou. Samuel Paul of Long bland, few York, not only has provided nore room than yon might expect iut has incorporated in his plan i host of ideas that weren't even rild dreams in the long ago days rhen those comfortable, farm iomes of which I spoke were con tracted. ill Over Cm try The split level, actually, is omething that developed in the est, only to make Us .way west nd to nearly every part of the ountry. Just as the ranch house as made triumphant conquest of lie Atlantic seaboard. Both are istinctly American. ,., With its antecedents, therefore, 'aul's pet design can be called wically American indeed. You can count it as nine and half room bouse, if you will, with wo and a. half baths phis recrea ioa a family room. There's lots f space for food big family. ' P atsaooM 4 1: stenooH s rrj or - ft.0 eame aeon uvS3faoon fount TTTTS SE! SE2 y IU. M M 1. , .r: jiL m W m&lFr-i U stoaoo- s L U to UITM aCSnoOS THE FIRST FLOOR PLAN of the house does not show ground level areas. They Include an open cellar, recreation room, two-car garage, lavatory and laundry room. Also, orivacv for the parents from rambunctious children. ' Glide Taw ' , Let's set foot on the hospitable porch, ring the bell and step in side. Hanging our coats in the cloak closetwe find ourselves in a well lighted and ample foyer that leads directly to nearly every part of the house. We turn to the left end find an efficient but gracious kitchen with U-shaped installations,, two sinks, dishwasher, refrigerator, built-in oven, counter top range, an abund ance of natural wood wall cab inets, floor cabinets snd broom closet. There's an eating counter and a space for the woman of the house to do her bookkeeping and phoning. Just beyond is the breakfast room. A right turn from it and we step into a good sized dining room. Large Living Reora Facing to the right once more, we look across iron balustrades to the large living room, 19 feet ( inches by 13 feet 4 .inches. Its rear wall, nearly all glass, gives us a fine view of the garden. " Sunkan a foot below the level of the rest of this wing, it is thus set off very definitely' from dining room snd foyer. The sunken floor costs little because the floor sim ply is jyamed between the steel beams instead of on top of them. Now we turn right to make the circuit of the living room wing, 'step up into the foyer, and then mount five steps to the bedroom wing. Right ahead of us is the door of the powder room, leading to the main bathroom. The master bedroom at the front of the house has another bath, a walk-In closet and a storage wall. Besides three i additional bedrooms there is a storage closet, linen closet and balcony. THE HOUSE of the WEEK Quality Plan Selected r AP Newafeaiuree ..... .Stndrthis coupon for your STUDY PLAN YOU CAN GET a study plan for The House of The Week by filling in the coupon and sending it with S3 cents to this newspaper. This study plan shows' each floor together with each of the our elevations, front, rear and sides f the .wuse It is Mated st ft inch per foot ft includes a guide on "How to Get, Your House Built " You can take this study plan to your bank or other mortgage lender and to your builder and get rough estimates on cost. With this tniormation yuu will know whether you want to proceed with construction by order ing working blueprints direct from the architect and asking for bide The Oregon Statesman Solem, Oregon Building Editor: Enclosed is 33 cents. Please send me s copy of the study plsn lor .The House of the Week. Design HW-S9 NAME . ... (Please Print) STREET .... CITY : STATE By GARDEN GADDER CLOSE TO HOME We didn't gad far this week but we heard and saw a lot. We just walked around the corner to the YMCA and sat in on the Salem Rose Society meeting. There was a good turnout of visitors and members but we thought of a lot of others who might have benefited from it too. HOW TO PRCNE-OlUe HraraaVI. aa ardent rose seclety Member gave a (Md 4emeastratioa aa pruning. He used same f the rase bnahes aa ablrh U Semenstrale, which were later gtvea away as dear prises. Said Ollir: "Same af yaa may he afraid U prune away the alee lash grewta thai is ramlnc. eat now. Bat when pruning time eames errand ia late February ar early March taia eaa Jaat as well he praaed away. It's Just tofts at the tea at Ike basket. It takes arenas M days la develop a skaw rase Irani date ef areaiaf. . . . Pigskin glares are a boat (he best la sac. They staad a M el abase aad yet are pliable. . . . Raspberry ease barer Is working aa raac bushes. I Is wise la paiat aver cats, with any gaad gardea palat ar graftiag material. If yea leave the top eats bare, the, barer will prehablv rater aad later aa yen'll be asking wkal Is wraag with the bashes. ... A carpenter's apraa la one ef the beat te wear far gardea wait. There ia plenty af packet spaee tar teals aad thugs. . . . Leave three ta Ave goad eases. If yawbaah'is prene to crawl, brine It together by leaving Inside bads when praniag. "Daa'l send sway far year raae hashes. They've probably made ane trip arraea the country. Bay them where they are grawa la the first place." THEN CAME MRS. SCHOEN the national vice president of the American Rose Society. She came down from Vancouver, Wash., ta discuss roses and she was entertaining as well as Informative. She is no stranger to Salem as program chairmen like to remark she has entered a number of Salem rose shows and won. She said that the new beginner in rose culture usually started out his collection in one of three ways: He picks them from the beautiful colored pictures in catalogues, without any study of their adaptability to the place they are to'grow; 2, or he picks colors ta blend with color scheme of home: or he tells the fellow that is ' putting in his lawn to "go buy a dozen or so roses and plant over there." ALL WRONG The first method of choosing a rose bush is wrong. ... "I like fairy tales, too. but I don't guide my life by them. was the way Mrs. Schoen put it. The second method is obviously wrong because sometimes roses don't come in those colors or they may not be the roses that are suited to the place.' The third method well. Mrs. Schoen didn't think that this gardener should plant roses or .garden, for that matter in the first place. J - MAKE IP YOL'R MIND WHICH She listed three kinds of rowers and told her listeners to make up their minds to which clan they belonged before they began selecting their roses. There are those who grow for exhibition only and care about no varieties which will not produce exhibition blooms. There are those who don't care whether they ever see a rose show so long as they can pick nice blooms for their own home, their office and their friends. The third class is a combination of the first two. RO.SE8 FOR SALEM'S AREA far tke grower wka bath likes to enter aa aeeaaianal snow and who likes saltc a bit ef blsaaa far heme ase, ta. For tkeae, Mrs. Schoea listed: Eaa Harknets, a good red: McGredy's Yellsw, and Mrs. Sam McGredy, a eeiraj piak. Both af tkese kave lasted far IS years and are sUU gaad. Crimsea Glory (the parent of Eaa Harknets. Harknets alto eomes la as aa excellent climber). Peace, never a failure; Pink Faverite; Bnrnaby, a tight yel low; Satnraia; Joaepkine Brace (deep velvety red): Summertime, a big rase; Lady Elgla, aa eraage tone; Golden MeUdy; Maata inma. ROSES FOR CUTTING AND GARDEN DECORATION Audio Murphy headed this list. Then came Queen Elizabeth, Eclipse, Mojave, Fred Edmunds, Picture, which should be planted with Virgo: Michelle Mignon. THE OH. MY ROSES! There are those varieties which do not produce an abundance of roses, but the blooms that do appear are unusually fine. In this class Mrs. Schoen listed: Sam McGredy, Ulster Monarch, Charles Mallerin, Bristol Robe, Carl Hurst. AND THE FLORIBUND AS which Mrs Schoen said have come to stay and "they have a definite place in the garden." Here she mentioned Moulin Rouge, a vivid red which looses its foliage well in the winter a decided point in its favor, she said). Then Wildfire. Little Darling, China Doll, Baby Alberic, Scarlet, Oregon Centennial. Statesman, Salem. Ore.; Sun, Jan. 28, '58 (Sec IV)-2l Amaryllis in Fourth Year of Bloom " ' 1 1 ' I I I I.I. .., .1 !, . Actually, Ray 1. Bunnell, 411 Eastwood Dr tayi this amaryllis Is ths work sf Mrs. BunneS. She grew It and he admires It, fee said, it is bow 1st its fsvtt Year f bloom, (states man Gardea Photo) - Valley Winters Permit Wandering in Gardens By LILUE L. MADSEN Gardea Editor, The Statesman Calendar Of Events Feb. X Salem Garden Club meeting, 2 p. m., Salem Woman's Club House, Cottage Street. Feb,. 4-5 Florist and Nursery man's Short Course, OSC. Feb. S-Mtrcb Camellia Show, Answers to Garden Questions l Azalea snd Phicaen Park 'District, Chicago, 111. April 13 Mt. Angel Primrose Show, Juliana Dehler, chairman. April 15-May 15 Tulip Time in Netherlands. Nov. 21-23 Northwest Home j Builders Association, Marion Ho tel. Salem. April 23-27 Multnomah Coun ty Spring Garden Show, Gre shsm. June C-7 Salem Rose Show. June 71 Vancouver, Wash., Rose Show. June 74 Corvallis Rose Show. June 11-15 Portland Rose Festival. Fireplace in Corner Gives Big Problem A corner fireplace usually pre- others which like to go native. They've had rare success with the ltttU nativa anhU tha tiUxfin Today (Thursday) as Vm putting hearU fernl an(, prjmr0el,i my garden page together, it is mriA nri iuHm ami rainy and chilly and I'm wonder- tongues. Primroses go us ing ii wen Mt wuiici wcira ,ve "beautifully, I was told. alter all. Hardv rvrlamn ar totti natural. Wood Particle Floor Tiling; Under Study Yesterday, the sun was shining and 1 went out to visit a garden where I found some 12 varieties of flowers in bloom outdoors, and I was sure spring was right here and ail danger of frost was overl But that is the beauty of our springs most of our winters, too here in the Willamette Valley. There are days during the so- called winter when we can wander ized among the primroses, shoot- ing-stars and crythroniuma. Before we went Indoors to see the amaryllis, which we actually came out to look at we began counting the flowers already in bloom in the garden: A kit of yellow crocus, violets, Christmas roses, snowdrops, winter iris, sdl- las, yellow Jasmine, wall flowers. primroses, Uuresunus, heather, camellias, daphne, pansies. and Question Received two Afri in Violets for Christmas. These re my first and don't know how i take care of them. Were in ood bloom when I got them, sve stopped blooming now. S.S. Answer African Violets must sve almost constant moisture, r'ater given them should be xm tempersture. If you water lem from a saucer, the wster isy be even warmer. Cold water locks them and frequently ops their blooming.. Let water ak up from bottom until soil irface is damp but not soggy, o not let them atand in water. Rewater when topsoil shows lght dryness, which could be ery other dsy or even every y, depending on many factors ich ss type of soil, type and ze of pot and room conditions. Feed every two or three weeks ith fish emulsion, according to irectlons on the fertiliser pack :. African Violet fertilizer can ; bought in special psckaves, nt any fish emulsion will serve, ive plenty of light ut not di- ct, hot sun. Question When Is best time i transplant and trim roses? 'e bought new place with good we bed (we were told) but it is mess now. Rose bushes tall- and ill of weeds. Would like nice nes for spring shows. G. H. Answer Can transplant any me now that weather is not .too et and soggy. Would not prune itablished rose bed until late ebruary. See rose information i Garden Gadding on this page, ou could pull out weeds any mo you caa get on soil without being too full of moisture so u psck it down. . a e ; , Question We are from Minn esota. Came out to live ia late ?ptember. Hadn't understood it you got through winter with it mm killing frosts and snw. i tt safe to set out geraniums etr Or will there be lata frosts? . C !.'." ;. Answer Wish I could answer this, so fsr as late frosts are con cerned. Certainly wouldn't set out any geraniums or other ten der plants yet. We could still have some pretty severe weath er. Biggest snow storm I ever saw here in the valley, started on Jan. 31 and lasted a couple of weeks. But there have been winters with very little more frost than we had this year so far. Question We are having rela tives visit us in Msy or June. Tbey went to come during the rose show time and possibly dur ing the spring flower season in Victoria,' B. C. Could you give us some of these dates so that we could advise them? They have to plan their vacations quite a while ahead. D. C. Answer The rose show dates are listed in the calendar. We do not have the exact date of the Garden Festival Week in Victoria yet, but nearly always it is dur ing the first week in Msy. Unless they hsve a month's vacation, they couldn't catch both. Question? Have a Chrysanthe mum given me at Christmas. It is beginning to fade now. Should I set it out? L. F. S. Answer No, better place it in a comparatively frost-free spot and water it ocacsionally until mid-Feruary or March. .Then. depending upon the weather set it out where it is to bloom. You will have to teed it quite heavily during the summer to get good bloom this fall. . a Question Have a little tree I started from a seed. It was doing well and now all of a sudden it began to turn brown around the edges. I lifted It out carefully and there seemed to be a lot of tiny little worms around the roots. Could this be the csuse? I re planted it and am awaiting your reply. J. M. Answer Very probably the roots are being eaten off. You may not be able to save it but try either baking new soil or treating with a soil disinfectant Very carefully waah old soil from roots and replant. Soils in which RENT-A-TOOL Do It Yourself. It's Cheaper - Serving Knlew Slnre '41 . HOVVSER IROS. 111! Math 12th St. Installation of Garden Group Officers Due Mrs. Lue A. Lucas win be in stalled as president of the Salem Camellia and Rhododendron society Tuesday night at the Janu ary meeting of the group. Other new officers to be in stalled are Mrs. E. L. Herrell, vice president; Mrs. E. K. Powell, secretary; Mrs. Carl Miller, trea surer, and Harold deVries, director. A question-answer night will be featured with deVries and Walter Barkus on the answering side. For special entertainment there is a colored movie "A Trip Around the World" featuring a boat visit to every foreign country. Visitors are welcome, according to E. C. McElroy, chairman. seeds sre started should be test ed for best results. ' n i .l : . I feiua ia uiere any uuiei ence between Swedish and Dan ish modern furniture. We never know what to call which? Is there any distinguishing features? We like to know these things. H. M. Answer Just say "Scandinavi an" if you are not sure. This term includes importations from Swe den, Denmark, Norway and even Finland, all of which are similar in principal of design. Originally most of it came from Sweden, since this was the first country to design modern furni ture to be widely accepted in the States. It developed from furni ture styles popular in Sweden over a century ago but which had been adapted to living require ments as iney changed, it em erged in present day aa a blond lurnuure distinguished for its ut ter simplicity. Just now mors furniture is be ing imported from Denmark than from Sweden, with some coming in irom norway ana r inland. The Danish furniture is dark mahog any, oak, walnut and teakwood. But all Scandinavian - designed furniture has been subject to quite similar influences, and it is not easily distinguishable from which country it comes. Also fur niture dealers tell us that most Scandinavian furniture is shipped direct to the Pacific Coast where it aeems to fit n well with the casual style of living. SOIL SAMPLING- And Laboratory Work New Underway for Spring FERTILIZERS (Spreaders Available) Get Your Orders in Early Phone EM 2-0737 Now OREGON SOIL CLINIC 231 8. Church St, Salem East Considers Giving Rebirth To Erie Canal Those to whom Erie Canal sounds like a page out of an old history book will be glad to know that the New York State Legisla ture is now struggling with a pro posal to make a living museum and tourist attraction of a two mile strip along the old historic canal. Thd historians and their allies want to see part of the old aban doned Erie Canal restored to its condition of more than a century ago, with wooden barges towed by mules plodding along the cowpath, hand-operated locks and bargemen in the garden enjoying the early iiowersw iney come on. na wo .ye,, XM garden carnations. wet to oo sny digging, ana Desioej blooming on a rather scrsggr you know you might have quite a over-wintering plant against a tew r eoruary irosts so you are not touth wsH. tempted to set out spring plants. In the mid-west where it is winter B,a" AaaarylBs right up to the very door of spring. We went indoors to admire the you have tune for nothing when huse snow white amaryllis. with sents problems in arranging fur. , that door flnaUy opens-hut digging ju four large white blooms and niture. If one does not esre whe- j r"y'n. weeoing ana Dauns two other stems witn lour buds on h.r h. .... ,iM in !nd Pltin .each. The plant was growing in .. . . . .. 'in,, ruw c.uka an attractive pot on a low oriental ignore it, decorators tell us. ir 1, in front , window. It WM one does want a grouping ini The garden we visited was ,bout the most healthy amaryllis front of the fire, use two comfor- j 1 "f Rav ,and '.rma Znntti l I had ever seen. This was the iV uwui iyiivc. iiu. fourUl year n nad bloomed and aound like a city garden-and in .ome of the flowers were inches some ways it is out mucn more. Mrs. Bunnell was a Salem girl- table chairs on esch side facing it, or a curved sofa or sectionals. But if one prefers s view win dow or television to be the cen ter of interest rather than the fireplace, place the comfortable furniture elsewhere. Or perhaps the room ia actually large en ough to have two groupings? One of the greatest problems with a corner fireplace is the car peting. A regulation large rec ' across by actual measurement. After blooming, the flower stalks lrma Keefer from out beyond Kei- ' ' "'7 '."J? ter. So when the Bunnell, were . & leVj! 5L!f f ready to return to the States after f"," ,' 28 years in Gatlen. in the Panama 1 JJlSt Canal Zone, they chose Salem. "It seemed town when we returned summer the plant is placed outside uka a nice auiet ! ,nd ta earl tM- wben cookr day etu Jd he I? L2 late forties. It's amazing how it "Ki"V! "nu " """" """"" tangular rug will be impossible ' nf a Jjto city ta these paurt m,rens. , nlM , for . 7r t it will r. nine years," Ray told us as we T1 amaryllis. s genus of South ....w. ji.. . a .u- V' 11 stood on their hack ranctktvne African bulbous plants. Is i.k.iiui; iuwwu uie ncaria. , . . .,i,.,- Such a room usually requires an Prcl lxg out toward a grove tremely easy of culture all-over carpeting or a large oval j f evergreens, rug. If the flooring is attractive waat ta Save Trees and the furniture grouping per- mits it, sn area rug in the center The Bunnells bought 10 acres of of the room could be a good car- found out on Eastwood Drive, pet solution. and tbey still own all of them. Between me irom lawn ana cast in period costumes manning the!wood Driv 1"n"aTaia barges creage which they also still own The proposed reconstruction of! bu'rnt out- K keeD W frovra the 19th century canal town would buildln ,root "nd P0lllB emulate those of the old Yankee j Vlew- In lh" b,ck' u,w nd village of Sturbridge, Mass.. orirden bout ' ol ha,f the sailing ship seaport at, Mustic, I city block tretcn toward the Conn. "woods." There are three acres in A group of upstate historians this woodlot, which "everyone al and the joint legislative commit-1 ways wants to cut down. It's funny tee on Preservation of Historic i how many people can only see There are a few varieties which will thrive outdoors here, but most of the better ones do best as pot plants. The amaryllis likes a soil of loam, lesfmold and sand. Floor tiles made from wood sad cork particles are being studied by Oregon's Forest Products Research Center in CorvsUis. C. H. Burrows, wood technologist in the manufactured products de partment at the state-owned ra ses rch agency, reports considera ble progress ia developing service able floor coverings from mill real-' dues. Ponder osa pine hammer-milled planer shavings are raw material for the wood particle tiles. Wsys af attaining good water resistivity and smooth surface quality are being checked. The Uses have aa attrac tive color and a pleasing particle pattern. Indications from pre li mi nary tests are that the wood tiles could be a successful flooring ma terial. Floor tiles also are being made from Douglas fir bark cork. Vari ous binders, cork fractions snd pressing conditions hsve bees tried. Phvnical Drooertiea of ths cork tile compare favorably with cork floor tile already ea the roar ket A complete report will be available soon frem the Forest Products Research Center. Psrticle boards offer aa advan tageous outlet for mill residues la Osegon, Eight plants now are pro ducing, and another will be ia pro duction i soon. Mm Sites have already inspected the entire length of the canal's 350 miles from the Hudson River to Lake Erie. board feet and dollars in a tree, Ray explained. He and lrma have been planting all kinds of flowers in these woods native ones, and No with Oil-Tempered Fibre Finish PRICED TO CUT YOUR BUILDING COSTS Here's a new and bettor building auterial that sells at here tofon unheard ef low prices. See this smooth, bard, waiaf rtiiitaat panel at your dealers Soday he perfect aaaterial for Wilding, home improvement, or do-it-yourself protects. jd- a 4' aaM " a H " iMAneia mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmim n v i in and ak far a ftae I I have Mueller (Kmatrel Automatic Cos Heating War a anartif wtatar ef wairtiliitiw, Wah faal as, aad S CMafertt Install fuel-tarifry Mmlir CSnlral fas iila aa Vwr kaetiae warriai. Cm iwclif Ym'V be tMiM wrarlMe' at haw laaaaemlat realty it end la aer wen Nmm eee. Ym ewe le yeeneK te eel Ike fetH tedey. Colt M feeeltne twrvey end tee far yevrtelf. Yetl te sere ef eeeielete MnafecMea Jer yeert la AAwellef CSeietfel aes dentins And Clean-Safe-Low Cost Natural Gat D. E. COOPER & SON 540 Hood St. fh. EM 3-3603