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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1958)
I4-(Sec. Ill) Statesman, Salem. Ore., Sun., Jan. 26. '5S' f " 1 Women Are Recruited for Mothers' March Thursday Hundreds of Marion and Polk County women will take part la U annual Moither's March on Polio Thursday night, January 80. Women will ring every door hell in the two counties between 7 and 9 o flock for contribution to the polio fund In the past worker! have only stopped where a porch light was burning, but this year the yhope to rail at every horn Mrs. Donald Merrill is heading th Mother' March with Mrs. Winston Durst the co-chairman Colonel and captains are as follows. South Suburban, colonel, Mrs. Jane Stiff, captains. Mesdamees Daniel J. Fry Jr, Idna Filsinger, George Huggina Jr.. Rollm Haag. Joseph Core land, Philip Hawley. Donald Plummer, John Darst, Wilmer Page, and Henry A. Meyer. Keuer; colonel, Mrs. Robert Kirkpatrick, captain. Mesdames William Wagner, Robert Lnreni. Max Clark. Charles Drees, Boyd Will mac hen,. Lore n Foreman and Gordon Graher: Co-colonels for North City N6rth City; colonel. Mr. J a mri White and Mrs. Forrest Walker, captains. Mesdames Donald Delisle. Leo Roire. Fred Aaunsea Jr.. Douglas Render, E. S. Ritter. Robert Eckley, Harold Pierre and Warren Cooley: South City: colonel. Mrs. Harold Summers, captains. Mes dames Clinton Barnes. ' G G. Markay. Ryntha Sturges. James Hunter. R- L. Robertson. J. J. Gallagher. Francis Allen, R. O. Moen, William Shinn. Ted Cupp, Jerry Jeldness, Clarence Rich ards and Noel Worley. North Suburban: colonel. Mrs Abe Steinbock. captain. Mea ds met Earl Hampton. Clifford Hudson. C. S. Bueller. Bruc Thompson, Emerson Page, Marion J. Mathers, Rac Anderson, Gerald DeSart, Earl Bushnell and J. G. Taylor. Four Corners: colonel, Mrs. Vera Simmons, captains, Mes dames Lester Purcell. C. T. Barton. George Mrofchak, Clair Ridgeway, Gerald DeRerry, Dale Johnson, Richard Eisele. Wil liam Farely, Myra Nncholson, Orlando Da hi and Raymond An derson : Apartments: colonel. Mrs. James C. Stone. After Six Dinner Clothes Delta Zetas To Honor Officer , Delta Zeta alumna have planned ant o'clock covered dish lunch eon for Wednesday, January 2 at th home of Mrs. Virgil B. Sexton. US Waldo Avenue, to honor Mr. Frederick Thorn at Kelleway of Walnut Creek. California, national alumnae director of the Sorority. Mr. Kelleway will be accompa nied to Salem by Mr. Joe Y. Lev etnn of Portland, alumnae- director for this region. Mrs. Kelleway. woo has visited in Salem before, has served as national standard chair-1 man. national field representative, province director and national treasurer of Delta Zeta. She is a' gradual of Howard College. Bir mingham. Alabama. After the luncheon Mr. Kelle way wiO speak to the group on alumnae responsibility with refer-!, encc to philanthropy, scholarship and college chapters. Mrs Kellev way will go on to Corvallis Wed-; nesday evening to visit Chi Chap ter of Delta Zeta. i Salem Delia Zetas planning to attend are asked to contact Mrs. Sexton by Monday evening. Capt. Wharton to Speak Rotarian Women's luncheon will be held in the Gold Room of the, Marion Hotel Monday after noon at 1 o'clock. The guest speaker will be Captain Wallace S- Wharton, directed of Marion County Civil Defense, who will tell of the importance of civil . defense in this communitv. Mrs. William C. Perry will preside at the business session. OES Social Club Parry The Social Club of Chad wick Chapter. Order of the Eastern Star will meet Tuesday. January 21 at the Masonic Temple for 1:15 salad luncheon, followed by a short pro gram and cards. Mrs. Charles Fowler will be the chairman, as sisted by Mrs. Eldon Armstrong. Mrs. Harold Phillippi. Mrs. Elmer Dorr. Mrs. John Muir. Mrs. Elmer McKee. Mrs. Ervin Oehler. Mrs. B. F. Schmoker and Mrs. D. X. Beechler. Hostesses Fete Mildred Coe FOl-R CORNERS Mim Mildred Coe was honored when Mrs. Leon Murphy opened her home for a bridal shower. Assisting hostesses were Mrs. Oliver Rickman and Mrs. Lewis Judsna. Miss Coe is the bride-elect of William Stock- hoff. whose marriage will be an eenl of February 14 at the Cal vary Baptist Church. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Coe of Salem and her fiance is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William A Stockhoff of Dayton. The guests included Mesdames Milton Coe. Eldon France. E. F. Hausfeld. Roy Reed. David Crimb. Lee Prock. Donald Jacob. Martin! Langan. Cecil Snook. Orville Reh feld. Frank Ferrin. K. H. Bonney. Harry Hutchinson. Lottie Cable. Laura Chittick. Ella Carsten. the Misses Pamela Prock. Cheryl De Berry. Emma Miller. Roberta Edwards. Jean. Kathy and Carol Jacob. Patty, Barbara and Cathy Murphy. Dauqhters Visit At Long Home SHERIDAN Mrs. Clifford Long of Sheridan is happy to have two of her daughters, each with a new arrival, as guests at her home this week. Mr. and Mrs John E. F.rickson of Ketchikan. Alaska, are the parents of a son. Peter Allvn. born January 12 in McMinnville. Mr. and Mrs. Erickmo have three other sons. Mrs. Erickson with two of her boys came by plane from Ketchikan and will remain several weeks in Sheridan. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Foster of Eusene are the parents of a daughter. Cvrthia June, born January 1 in McMinnville. They have a son. Mitchell. Duane Foster, who was a Sheridan city policeman, is bow on the police force ia Eugene, Salens J alar Wajaaa's CI eh members will meet for a covered dish dinner at the clubhouse Monday night at 7 o'clock. Cards will be in play following the din ner. Mrs. Erie Carlson is beading the committee for the evening. Mr. T. W. rwwraaa will ew tertaia member of her drama elasa at luncheon Tuesdav after noon at her North Summer Street home. . i y",- 4 " ' ' 'i V ' V. i f ' -. v L X - n I ' i X N V f .. ' f A iv - '. " V i I - i ' . V t, V, af I 1 Wedding in Bay City of Interest Painter Guest of Woman's Club Luncheon toi Convention Visitors Attracting a large group to JEFFERSON Melville T. Wir of Salem, Oregon etcher and land scape painter, spoke at the Wed nesday afternoon meeting of the Mr. and Mrs. Francis D. Me- Jefferson Woman's club. He ex- Cormack and son, Michael, are plained and demonstrated the pro- Salem this coming weekend will be entraining for San Francisco cess used In making etchings. Mr. ,k ..., , lh Hon Wednesday to attend the wed , Wire explained thai each print,"" nnual ntu "" HoP ding of their youngest daughter, ! from a plate is held to be an pro'r of America, which will Miss Catherine Ann Met or mack, original work of ark, but that a meet Thursday, Friday and Sat and John Duff McGilvray IV of j good etcher can make no more urday. with headquarters at the San Francisco on Saturday, Feb-1 than IS good prints. H displayed Marion Hotel. Over 330 are ex- ruary 1. The. prospective bride- soma of his work. peeled lo atend the sessions from groom is the ion of Mr. and Mrs. Th.rliih vntl unM all Darts of the Northwest and John Duff McGilvray HI. to district 14CJ school board, rec- California. Festivities will get Colonel and Mrs. Philip Alii-' ommendinf that the swimminc underway with a kick -of I luncheon son are also planning to drive pool being sponsored by the Jef- Thursday noon at the hotel, to the bay city for the nuptials, ferson I .ions club, be Included In Opening social event of th con- The bride-elect's brother and his the ichool budget. An invitation vention will be the smorgasbord wife. Mr. and Mrs. James D. Mc- from the Talbot Woman's club to Thursday night at Randall's Chuck Cormack of Richland, Wash., will l p.m. luncheon. March 12, was u.agon Monte Balou and his band also go south for the wedding. accepted. wlu dowi , hom Portland to The ceremony will take place Mrs. Leland Wells was admitted, play for the affair, at Si. Brendan's Catholic Church to membership. Highlight of the convention for at 2 o clock with a reception fo Mrs. E. C. Fisher of Albany will m,- -ill h. .he luncheon ran fashion show on Friday at 12 o'clock on the patio at Meier New Members j For Garden Club' Little Card Cub af Salem Heights was entertained at th home of Mrs. Ian Macdonald w it Mrs. Carl Harm; assisting New members welcomed wera Mr, W. R DiriMM. Mrs. E. F. Falk and Mrs. Jo C. Much. Th clukt" voted to contribute to the Per manent Home, aa cilice (or th . National Council of Garde Club in Si. Louis. Mo. Mrs. John Douglas recently wrote aa article about th club a n a a I rhO'aathemun show, which appeared ia the National Chrysanthemum SodMv magaiine. Mrs. Virgil Seainn and Mrs. A. A. Taylor er chosen rrpresonta lives to the Salem Garden Coun cil. Plans were made for the an nual family dinaer t b held Feb. T. The next an-eing will, be held , at toe home f Mrs. Charles Hage-mam. lowing at me woman Ainieuc ipe,k on "Holiday" at tho Feb. v,uu- 2 meeting of th elub. Mrs. weia wiikie oi Mill vai ley will be her sister's matron of honor and bridesmaids include Mrs. Theodore Zimmerman and Mrs. Harrison Lambert Richard son, both of San Francisco.. Keith Evan Coha will serve as best man for Mrs. McGilvray and ushers will be Theodore Zimmer man, Richard Birthday of Unit Held and Frank's Mrs. Carl Smith of St. Paul and Ms. Home L. Goulet rae in charge of arrangements for the event. A beqaet for all delegates and their wives will be held Friday evening at th Marion Hotel. ... . ' .. . Mrs. Ellis Drake, president, cut iJL. u fT-K " ,mtkeA ""ved a cake, also decorated ., PrMia,B , horn in the bay city and Miss i. hin. nH ..u "residents or McCormack will continue heri , 8 f " .Unit No. . American Lrgi Unit 136, American Legion Aux ill' gat kl j l a.aVuj a Paddock. Joel!""7 "T"1" "ln D!?na". ti'Ti U a Hedgpeth. James Jensen, all of " mrTt """i0 n,m rSSI rreSiaCHIS San Francisco, and James Donald "" A. b r . , i McCormack. 'eme was used in th decor and ArA Entertained Capital Lrzion Aux- Mrs. James A. Garson, District iii.rv met Thuraitav evenine at 2 president, was guest of honor the homo of Mrs. Austin H. Wilson and spoke to the group. Another sr. A dessert supper was served guest was Mrs. Alvah Brown. by Mrs. Wilson. Mrs Helen Mc- Mrs. Don Rasmussen, child wel- Leod. Mrs. I. N. Bacon and Mrs. fare chairman reported on fam- Stanley Krueger. Hies the auxiliary is helpinf, and Special guests were Mrs. Anson Mrs. Reginald Rees spoke on civil ingLs. department president of defense. The group voted to hold tns American Legion Auxiliary, the District 2 Junior conference and Mrs. Jame Garson. district in Salem this spring. president. The sewing group will meet Jan. The dress up prixes went to Mrs. 2 at the horn of Mrs. Charles Axel Donnelly Mrs. Helen Mc- teaching in Oakland until-June. Grand Officer Visits Chapter SHERIDAN Sheridan Chapter. OES was honored for the first time by having an officer, worthy rrand ruth of the Grand Chanter. Mrs. Marjorie Simpson of Kelloee Chan ter ia Portland, visit the group. Tr newest in After Six dinner clothes is made of light fabric of melton and lurtx with a measure of silk. Th jacket shows a shawl collar of silk, satin and satin-pipad flap pockets in a singl pleated style. Matching cummerbund and tie set complete the ensembl. Accompanying her was Alice Wor-.Bower- Th un,i nxf board l.eod. Mrs. H. H. Henrv and Mrs. ley. a past worthv matron of Kel- meeting will be Feb S at the j. ii Gordon. Mrs. Ingels an- lor Chapter in Portland. , hm of Mrs. Virgil Derrick. nounced that Capital I nit only Other valors were two teach- needed eleven paid up members ers from Willamina. Inei Bush of ! St. Elisabeth's ' Guild af St. lo reach 'its goal and asked the Lackamas Chapter. Camas, Wash, j Paul's Episcopal Church will past presidents to mak this pos and Mr. Wilcos of Evangeline hold Its monthly meeting. Tues- 'We. Chapter. Euseoe. Initiation was day afternoon in the unoer fire-' Paper flowers were assembled Janet Curry, Mr. Jarboe Engaged Mrs. Pauline M. Curry is an nouncing the engagement of her daughter. Janet Lee. to Jerry Richard Jarboe. son of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Jarboe of Portland. No date has been set for the wed ding. Miss Curry is a graduate of North Salem High School and is employed at the State Farm Mu tual Insurance Co. Mr. Jarboe is a graduate of Franklin High School in Portland and Oregon State College, wbere he was a member of Sigma Nu fraternity. He is presently at Fort Ord. Calif., taking his basic train ing with the l S. Army. j Counselors Meet To Plan Events Junior Catholic Daughter coun selor met at the home of Mrs. George R. Herberger Wednesday evening for the purpose of out lining the activities and events of the Court troops. A Holy hour on Sunday.' Febru ary 2 at 4 p.m. at the St. Vincent Parish was planned with all troops in uniform. The date for Junior Week was set from February U through Feb ruary 22, with Junior Day being reserved tor the 22nd. The pur pose of Junior week is to rededi cate all Juniors to the Sacred Heart. Juniors are requested to appear in uniform at all functions rfurinr Junior week. The rmiD e Trees are in Bloom :Sft.Trt Holy r'lhm Initiation was set for Sunday, Senataires On Club Programs The Senataires, a Salem men's singing group, have scheduled sev eral public appearances in the city in the next month. They will ap pear before the Oregon Education Association at the Marion Hotel on February 13, the Motor Boat As sociation at the Senator Hotel and at Highland School March J. The group of about 35 singers, organized some four years ago, ia Aow under the direction of Richard McClintick, wiih Richard Roth as president and Maynard Nelson, vice-president. The group meets each Monday at ( o'clock in the basement of the Senator Hotel, and any men interested in Barbershop type harmony are welcome to at tend. Last year the red-coated Sena taires won second place in the Northwest district contest of the Society for the Preservation of Barbershop Quartet Singing in America in November in Seattle and the Chordsmen, the group's quartet, also won honors In a con test. The Chordsmen include Mc Clintick. Roth, Bill Hilts and Al smith. JEFFERSON Members f th Town and Country Club enjoyed a covered dish dinner Thursday at the home of Mrs. Frank Grimes. Mrs. Ed Stearns and Mrs. Phoebie Stearns will be co-hostesses for the Feb. I meeting. 'Pictures Will iBe Shown at Luncheon Chemeketa Chapter, Daughters ' of the American Revlution will meet for a 12:30 no-host luncheon on Saturday, Feb. 1 at Meier and Frank's auditorium. Miss Mildred Christenson, regent, will preside at the meeting following. The chapter will observe Inter national Fellowship Day and the guest speaker will be Miss Maxine Euren, women's editor of the Ore gon Statesman, who show colored slides and tell of her recent trip to the Scandinavian countries. The hostess committee for the day includes Miss Edna Mingus, Miss Nell McCue, Miss Elizabeth Russum, Mrs. Herbert J. Ostlind, Mrs. Clair L. Brown, Mrs. Quintia Estell, Mrs. Carey F. Martin, Mrs. C. J. Mulcahy and Mrs. W. A. Parish. Col. William C. Ryaa, secretary of the State Board of Control, will speak to the Soroptimist Club at its noon luncheon meM ing on Wednesday, January 29, at the Golden Pheassnt. His sub ject will be "Stats Institutions.' Knights af Pythias aad Pythias Sisters and friends will meet Wed nesday at the Beaver Hall at I p.m. for a joint social evening. All Pythian are welcome to attend. held during th meeting. FOUR CORNERS New officers for the King's Daughters of th Baptist Church art president, Cathy Murphy; vice president; Pamela Prock: secretary, Cheryl De Berry ; treasurer. Jean Jacohe: song leader, Barbara Hutchinson: place room at the church at 2 for the Portland Vetecans Hospital o'clock. A tea hour will follow Wheel Chair parade which is held with Mrs. H. A. McCoy, Mrs. on, the grounds of the hospital dur Robert Brooks and Mrs. Allan ing the Rose Festival in Portland. Carson th hostesses. I The next meeting will be Feb ruary 27 at the Legion Club. Mrs. 0. E. Palmateer chairman. Mrs. Charles Feike will enter tain members of Chapter BC, ! PEO. Tuesday nieht at her home. Marina Auxiliary Veterans of social committee, Sharon O'Brien 2655 High St. SE, at 7:30 o'clock. Foreign Wars will meet Monday and Kathy Jacobe; sunshine friend. Miss Vesta Mulligan will be the evening at the Veterans of For Barbara Murphy. ; co-hostess. eign Wars hall at 8 p m. (jive Jjour photograph Your photograph it such a precious gift . . . sure to be welcomed by your Valentine! So appointment nrretwry (Vtt Yaw AiW Charge Account) Jpstpit'Miller Studio Miller's Department Store Cherry Festival Is Early, Hop By JUNE EADS WASHTNGT05- Keeping their fingers crossed, Washington's city fathers are hoping to be ia the pink early this year. Gambling on the weather and Mother Nature, they've set the date for .the town's famous Cher ry Blossom Festival two weeks earlier than ia previous seasons March 2S through March 30. - Reason for th change, accord ing to th Greater National Capital Committee which underwrites the elaborate program, if that Easter week falls on the customary festi val date. April through April 13. and the hotels are "already locked up." A committee spokesman figures the possibilities that the trees will be ia bloom during festival week are fair. ' "Tbey have been in blossom around that data m 11 of the last 32 years," be told me. "That evens up to about one in three chances. The, odd are even ia more favor for 1KI since in the last three year they haven't been in bloom." Optimistically, the committee ia expecting an all-time record num ber of visitors to what has come to be the capital's greatest tour ist attraction. Last 'year it drew more than 700,oo spectators from all parts of the country 'and broad. Festival General Chairman Hen ry F. Burroughs said the March j 25 formal opening ceremonies, at! th tile of the Japanese Stone Lantern in the Tidal Basin, will be preceded the day before by aa Informal get-together for the S3 National Cherry Blossom Festival princesses by the Conference of Stat Societies hare- The annual ceremony, a much part of the local aeene aa poli ties, parades and partying, has uutaa oa increasing iS7uitrnr , -1 AL. l I ' ,1 I surce in ona-uuu pianung m urn trees, t gift from Japan, back tai I event is always aa outstanding so cial affair of the season. This year it will be held a the aight of March 2t when the Cherry Blos som queen of 1931 will be chosen. I The crowning of the queen along with the traditional pag eantry will take place in a fairy like setting near the Jefferson Me morial. Her crown, estimated ia value all the ay from lit 900 to I10O 000, will be the same one worn for the first time by last year's queen.' It was donated for the an nual ceremony by Yoshito Miki-j moto. ''the pearl king of Japaa."i Made of gold, it lavishly en riched with blossoms of real' pearls. Feb. IS. beginning with an I a m' mass, followed by a breakfast at St. Joseph for ail Junior Catholic Daughter, with initiation immedi ately following breakfast in the auditorium at St. Joseph's. A skate party at Skateland was planned for Monday, February '" The party will be sponsored bv the Junior. C D A. and guests will be permitted. The Juniors pledged to assist with the Heart Fund drive oa Heart Sunday, February 23. Bethel 42. Job's Daughter will hold a regular meeting at the Scottish Rite Tempi on Monday at 7:30 P. M. Charm House and Maple Shop r j Willi 'P u" "in J-sfw.snsa ii ..ii , Jl iiir.l OregeaV eah dcl hoes firaisbed la Early Assericaa uaie I eatanag etciattve re pretests Ua ef sack) line ss: 17111 uia 9U10E i CAHTM ij a Free Decorating W Consultant Service cotiiiourNournT Budget Ttfivts Good Housekeeping Inc. 447 Crt K rhf IM -Mil i U.1 WWW M tlhrk i i t- ' ? tokevolbng Fabtrgi to go where shs got match-mated perfume end cologne in a stunning new black faille travel case lined with colo such a chorming gift FaberfjeHe Intwmble 3.75 pkx tin MrSlral (nlr Bl. 44 nrr ra. f.m -iitt Cart mi rssretal m r-kMt KM l-MIS U Sitt Ukrty Si laM IM 4-I1M roxsi Shop Vernier's Baby World 'Store Hours: Monday's and Friday's :30 A.M. to :00 P.M. Other Days :30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. a. " J 1 V i v- t Air flews thru 'n thru ' Ptniwy'i cotton knit sleOpors Very special valu at this price. Snuggablc soft 2 piece cotton knits plussed with" soles thst won't skid when he walks . . will let healthv air circulate through. Machine II $100 washsble pastels. Fabulous buy! SECOND FLOOR sites 1 fe 4 T)RIP DRY COTTONS?) $150 JL CALLING ALL MOMS, AUNTS, GKANNim PENNETS COTTON DOLLED-UP SHOWOFFSI six 1 to 9 Took Penney's months te snake 'ess com tree at this price! .Dresses dry smooth needs little er aw ironing, resist mildew, needs ao starch ever. Fast colors. SECOND FLOOR Penney's 'soft knit P a a e y ' s short Penney's ti side combed coltoa lay sleeved shirt. Lap shirt Tapes pin to ett gwa. Draw should tr, sewn diaper, avoid rlpsl string bottom pin tap. Soft cot- Soft combed cot- Machine washes, ton. tferQgCton. 1 fee ffc fjgj A rese-drlft kisMaa style! Bsby's first wrap . . . snow-light cotton petalled with roses. Machine washable . . . Sani- 1.29 Doable wevea game diaper . . . 2Ii40 inch siie! Double woven for mort'tb sorbency! Piaked edgea resist ravel ! 1 M a,. ww Crib kwigbtawr ceay aailt! Baby's cozy quilt, our , acetate comforter plumply, ayloa filled! Nyloa bound. Cift boxed! Hand washable. 3.SS SPECIAL FEATURE CRIB BLANKETS e rail Ii5 six ' e. Satin sound e Maehlas washable ooo SECOND FLOOR , SPECIAL FEATUREI CORDUROY CRAWLABOUTS e Snap crotch e Machine washable e Sites 8, M, L SECOND FLOOR $100 SPECIAL FEATURE RECEIVING BLANKETS TaB rise ' 9-X2. S I 00 Markla a l. I SECOND FLOOR in, nt hu Bigtmtntan ms ? . I)