Idaho Has Best Hoopl Squad in Four Yearsl Already Pressing Last Year's Mirk Thcyli Do It Every Time . By I"1"11 Ilido M at etna aa Pe-atM Com f i if i -im 1tl et.j,eil MOSCOW. UoW. U Mif. TW lai.mui, uM Uukl teem M a-roaay acany a May lau as a a4 la ail f mm 4 cwaud IWt. u h-a m iM'i ta Um im Fatiiw t Cta-errate fact JIM LIf MOHXac Fccra coo oe n aVU( M P?3d. MMr RSC ceo M) t4 TMjutrr n So v- i.. Ml (1f-BATM Ttm ckmo tSAM k. rm etrU. CHMWWMF AT cm t Locccf mi op tzs px rm B&ucf TMI WtHK TOP PCX THH VINNfS AMP LoawwTvr to n eTOvrN AND U4 IN . p?-f3ca Awofzsw Hoop Scores fCeallaaed treat precedlag Mf it. wtra'ni invitation ai. Tot bmamint at. HKIHI IT, Aaeusai tl I.1 taleaa I' t Witieakerf I. Loai llak II. UrMW un Mmum It. luun waehiagioa M Pa'rletgk blekiasoa IV, Meatrlair luti Tntlwn as Ceerfeteoa (By.) Itt, Letkeeora AIB at TriMaM M. William aad Mary MiuhhU IS, Vat S3 Ankara I at, Mootr T TW Vttditj eemrd la naata pOra a a a W ntsa--tea lua a year ae boa art taao- O tmpte a ate) Wtaaatj tror ee Cart bimmni amd fa b Maria Itoalgrt ta h a IW boa Met a baa bed la Some atai Wee. TW V aUti rode a aaa (ax I area la e 1 1 aorUrar atari I ad eara IW PCC seaa-m her fn- oar f aia Stealer TWy are II la th cetVcrtar Uat leaf, ta ll er all M leeW eooo a I lea I Sot aiaar aaafe aWa ad. aaikw al larai aa aa aali raaa. Jiai Iriam, ta talWat Vaadal M alartT. t4 ratnt) waa gtatara aa Uri )iar aa4 aH i PTC at W Bafaaaal louU Tail a aM(ivr4 la call ( I !, bava ntuit aaly 1 1 fault per gama tad amt la taaatiaf brllar. I'aa atalaf tala( aal IWra i." a aaai. naal I afr aa Ij.rJ ajaQ TKTS THC TOP sZr tmp PdPCR-HC WWTS OKt HOW DOTS, HE L C&VE IT FPQ THE RtST OF THE FAMILV ? ( OH, VWVC GOT ONE LIKE HIM riOMCTOO, CM ? ) Webfoots Hold Final Heavy Practice Before Rose Bowl Game; Look Sharp Big 8 Meet Won by ICU Sttf .nun. SaW-m. Ore, Totuhy, DrcnnlfT 31. 57-9 Carjr llrEaaa. Iha taam'i brat book aSeottr aad Rraaom i uaorr atudy. aad Iroubk kiitiAi tram tlaat Uat araaea. aaJ dartdH ta rr iUm Uiii year aad aa ahaa martH Imaravamral. Bal taa raal lj la aarnai la fapC ! a, taa a-ll Waarr af taa faal kraaa aad laa ItaaVa Wat ararrr W iliard katf af laat araaaa Ha a aj aakW. Kav va arraaaad. W aa Waa twit ta( Wttar laaa II pitaU a laaar. Ba aat laa FCC rararato laat yrar-M tm larava UWal a adaa. a M l laat Ka aarraa. Ufa. Hal DamlaM. a H1 juaiar. aad aophomort Joha Uvtou, a a-4 ophomort fram Lauuviiw. Ky.. ara at fonrard; Whayloa Colcmaa. a clrvar t-J junior Irom Oweasbo- ra, Ky U at gum with Stmmoot. lrlr ; 72-70 Count (Caatlaaxd fraaa araraalaf aafa) in college tamei ince profeuional football got to be the major feature it ia here . . . This Guy Hid His Bowls Mixed a Bit Our neit victim obvloutly kid kla bewla anhed. Whee ajked what be tboofh ef the Rote Bowl, ntrreit ttatai, be aerioaily queried of w, "What flower ahew woeJd that be In, air?" . . . That ended ear Interview with him . . . i Next in Lne waa a man who had a mind of nla own ana wasn't afraid to put ita content! into words. "I m originally from the Northwest (Cle Elum, Wash.) and I've been down here for eight yean. Yes, I'm a sports fan and I like foot ball. I can't co to the game because I can't afford it. I've been reading this rot these writers have been putting out in their so-called newspapers, and it is disgusting. Their frus trations have made them so unreasonable they re ridiculous down here. I hone the Oreeon team reads all the papers That junk oughta make them so mad they'll tear Ohio State up." As for the Coast Conference in general, the man of fered, "I was hoping they'd kick these schools out down he-e before they quit like they did." (We had no ceremonial or badge to offer, but this par ticular gent was elected captain of those we buzzed with.) . . , Getting Man Offered Us 20 Points Two of the next three we talked with were anti-social. When we told them where we were from and whit we were getting at, they looked at us as if we were respon sible for lofting the first Sputnik. Consequently we can give you no famous words by them . . . The third wanted to make a bet with as. He liked Ohio Satte, natch, and fig ured that since we were from Oregon he might have a pigeon near at hand. But when we wouldn't go for even 20 points he apparently realized we weren't as patriotic as we looked. Then about all he did was moan over how tough It waa to get a bet on the game and how ridiculously mismatched It was . . . . Our next target was a college boy who was wearing a UCLA jacket. He's a senior at Westwood, and although not an athlete manages "to see most of the big games around here." But as for the Rose Bowl, he's not Interested, "until the Coast gets around to putting a decent representative in it." fCaatlaaad fraa arraUa aafa) Will rarra. art vary doubtfuL Taia aa tha aard from traiar Bob Offtrar. faa aa4 alaff raat ftaarat al Ika aky ail eariaf IW rttl arrW. It Wgaa to rlaae' aa aaaaaarraat aaa laa lalaat tarv raat Mtt Ur It a aiarai fraai IW raaaS Uat aaay awta la raaaa a aVUxttaf rata WraV aaaa'ay. Tbe Durk mentor bat bra tt praaainf hif h boors that II doesn't ran aa tha fan, for ft fU hit tram alll luffar greatly by any etneu and that tha burly Buck' eyat will brtkffit by if. Aa far laa Barker, warilaf arraaa laaa at Eaat Laa Aafele ar CaUeft, eaaeb Waady Rayea bat beat Ulan aa IW atcrttlra aM alaa. Far ather U " lap ararrr aad graaad gataer, lfl-paoad Jaalar Daa Clark, IW Barkryrt are rr- artr0y la taa Wb. TW fit at af Clarfc'i racarery fraaa grala hOary laat raally fcaan, at W. baa brra aalag aaraty af ei- carrlralar naaiaf aai aaa- aaamlag aaj IW lava aear tW Bar try Waaaarteri la Pat- araa. Maat abarneta far! Clark Id W a atartrr frrdarieay. Orrgoa it to be (he "visiting" team for the classic. And this could metn aomething. Not once during the aeaion did the Ducks Iota oa the road, you 11 recall. Their three loaaas came in "home" game ia Portland and Eugene. Ia tW saaaa ttfht, aatber aaa alatlUy far eaeMeraUea if tW gaad lark charm Caaaaera waa glraa befere eaaaa BM raUylaU dartag Uat algbt'i Caeaaaat Crava aarty. It aeemi that when Len wis coaching at Santa Clan, and just prior to his Bronco team's 21-13 upset victory over highly favored Kentucky in the Orange Bowl eight yean ago he wit given i pair of red and white Santa Clara colors) knited socks. He wore them during the game and has always felt they brought him luck. 8a Utt light he waa presented wlta aaether pair af knitted aarkt, these daae ia greea lad ytllew aad apartiag evea aortr abeea aad fear-leaf eleven! He'll wear tWm Wednesday. Ohio State remains a solid 19'i points favorite, according to thej local "books." but undaunted by such odds, L. H. Gregory of the calvary lupuit Oregoman and both Oeorge Pasara and Hal Lehman of the Oregon Journal picked Oregon to win to day when polled by LA Times writer Al Wolf. Dkk Strife af the Eugene Register-Guard picked the outran at a 14-14 He. Doa Fair of IW neighboring Capital Journal forecast a 14-7 Ohio Stat victory and your truly called tt 21-7, Ohio State. TW traly great Ray Beiger rli aaaird bit terrific bear Uag thaw laat algM wtta a tribal U bath echeelt aad Ueir Seaait, aad re ealaeed all areeeal Uat aaee apea-a-tlase IWr was David aad a GeilaU. "Aad I War Ueae flaa Oregaa falW bar already brra aver la Fasaara aaaklag allagsbatt. W eaarlaaed. This got a tremendous roar Irom the hundreds of Oregon rooters In the place. Tb hotel manager, assistant Utah Nips Wisconsin SALT LAKE CITY, Dec. 30 UP Utah's Redskins, at timet thaky, flipped back into their winning wayt tonight with a 72-70 pre-sea- soo victory over the Wisconsin Badgers of the Big Ten basketball conference. Wleeeaala aim aat bad IW vl lary la Iba Wg with lest Uaa IS teteada la ga. Taa Badgers (railed. BMI, whea Wlteaaaia'a Ray Greea pat bU teammate aWad with a faacj Skat fraaa But the visitor lost control of the ball. Utah slipped it into. 6-5 Jim Thomas in the pivot slot and he canned one. At the teams bat tled for the ball with time run- nig out, Utah's Dick Shores wai fouled and sank one of two gift tosses for the 72-70 margin. It wat Ue aiath triumph far tW Rratkiat, wW Satarday col lected their aaly defeat, ti-tt. fram Oregoa State la the eham plaashlp raaad af the Far West classic at Cervallii, Ore. manager and assistant to the as- sant manager had tome tall talk' ing to do at one point Ust night when a group of Oregon men, cip- Ulned by Webfoot trick coach Bill Bowerman. decided more empha sis hid been plicad on a Urge red and gray "O" than on a picture of Oregon t famous righting Duck. When the group decided to hang the Duck over tW "O", thingt got a little exciting. Regaraieea ef haw thlagt tare aal Weaaeaaay, Uere wlU W aa tneaaber af Ue Okie (Mate greap waa wlB W aasared thai all tt aal rates la tali part af IW wartd. He's a little gay wW play U IW BaeWy atareblag baad. Kansas Stitc 5 Downed 79-65 KANSAS CITY. Dae. M Jt-Fab- ulout WiH Cbamberlaia scored M patnls ind boated both backboards at IW Kaaaat Jayhaakt driealed Kansas State's Wildcat 14i lor tW Big Eight Canfrreac basket ball touraarneet championship la- light. TW T-faat jaalar aat a taaraa af I M potatt far Urea g a at I fTaaaaBartala'l great partarsaaae settigi waa aa4Wr racord. at field gaast for aa Ira t teat It Wat IW record af 17 aal by Clyde Lavee hrtle la I Sid. TW aid petal record far Urea gaataa waa Bt patata. art by CbaatWrUla laat year. TW victory wit tha lath for Um undefeated Kansas team, ranked Ke. I la Iha aitioa. Kansas State, which had won aloe garnet, suf fered in first defeat, htate la tW set ton's third ranking team. TW Jaybaatt weal lata IW flaalt wtth Kaaaaa Btata played erf are a Batty capacity erewd ef ll.tte faferrd by aaly l' patata. It wat appareal sa IW early aataatrt af IW gaaaa Uat WUt aad alt males weakl wta gatag away. Chamberlain grabbed, a total af II rebounds for the game, and blocked nine Kansas Stat shots. Wilt mad It of his M field goal attempts but scored oa only ef 17 shots from IW tree throw line. TW Kaaaat' big dipper ecered II pataU la each period, bat W damlaaled IW ceelett after IW latersaltslea by repealtdly tmeartag Kaaaat Stale's laat breaklag pUys. Iowa State won third place in the tournament, defeaUng Nebras ka SI-SI in the first game tonight. In afternoon garnet. Oklahoma defeated Missouri 1041 and Colo- Many Highlights During 1957 rtrLa AnwnA PrinrMnn Ihm mtai Upon completion of yesterday's t,.m ao-M nkiahoma won firth concert, the kids in the band went place ind Colorado took aeventh. sight arcing in the hotel curio shop. This particular youngster spotted 1 1 i i p i a wee bottle of perfume and de-nOuiy teSllVdl vtaa nv as mrmr aa. av a ap-ai ivt tsaai gel friend or mother. When the salea girl approached him, the glanced at the bottle, did some quick figuring and told the boy, "with tax that will be $32 50." After regaJalag IW eelar la Ml face, aad hit baUaee, the kid pat IW perfame back aa IW eeaater aad left, Cal Beaten By Temple (Caatfaeed fraaa precedlag page) More and more. Oregon PlZTSfJ-J0 Church Loop Standings are pouring in for the game, which could be a sellout. The folks are marking time by visiting Disney' land, Santa Anita and the movie and TV studios. Some of we more fortunate visitors tonight got in on the exclusive LA Times sports championt banquet which waa loaded with celebs and featured Liberie. WHOOPS!! 1 1 Longhorn QB Is Millionaire SENIOR A W L ... -It Knlfood E.U.B. 1 in Chrl.tlaa at Sllvcrtea I I lit Niurinl I t lit BapUit t I lit Christian t 1 tENIOI B Mennonlte .. Grarr Luthrran ... Trinity MrUiodltt Kelter Nasarrnr ... Turner Mrthoditt K.w ... Free Mtthoditl tit W I, INTERMEDIATE A W t Prrtkytrrian Calvary Raptlit Gardrn Road Christian L. D. I UCLA Student Gets Into Act Also We reminded him thit UCLA had laid a few eggs in the Bowl over the years, and elaborated on the 45-14 win by Illinois over the Bruins just 10 years ago. But he .had a comeback. 'Things like that won't happen any more now that we're out from under all that conference baloney and Sanders (Red) will be able to operate like he wants to." . Fimrintt we mieht lust as well talk to the nearest fire plug as continue with this particular gem of the future, we passed on . . . We trapped our final guest star la the men's powder room of the Ambassador Hotel. Although native born and raised, and a top sports enthusiast, he openly admit ted an allegiance to the Coast Conference before the blow up and offered, "It's a shame these guys down here got too big for thir britches." And though hoping hard for an Oregon upset Wedensday, he'll not make the game. He's going to the hoss races at Santa Anita ... INTERMEDIATE B W L Trinity Mrthadlit 3 I Hifhland Avr. Frlrnda '. 3 I Sooth Salem Nararena 2 1 Clear Lake E.U.B. I I St. John's Lutheran 1 2 Frultltna E.U.B. 1 ) Mlddletrove E.U.B. . I 1 JUNIOR A OSU Picked Over Oregon (Ceitiaued fram precedlag page) ana nf Ihn name it th rnlnmhia Court St. ChriiUaa , ct.r.j m- i-uuirraa l-V 111111 VVCI tlUSIIIUlU 111 J3d. Actually, the wli waa not real ly at tremeidom upset at hat been pictured, aa Maxwell Stile palatt aut la hi beak, "The Rose Bowl." Columbia li eight games had laat aaly to a geod and aa- Walea Priacetei team, while Stanford had lost to a 4-tlme Walea Washington team, beei , tied M by Northweatera, aad ! barely Wat a weak and tnea Immature UCLA eutfit, M. But this 1933 Stanford Indian. first af the "Vow Boys," possessed great talent and the West couldn't 1 possibly see how it could lose to ' the Ivy League invader. But the great Stanford! went dawa aa a simple biddea-ball pUy, IW stare hltterie KF-71 devied by Laa UUIe. aad Uat wis Uat far aae af Ue ntaddiest ef ill Rate Bawl engagemeats. UpseU? Didn't Tennessee upset Texas A k M and the West whip the East just two daya ago. And who would hive thought the De troit Lions would massacre the Cleveland Browns, 59-14, yesterday? Pet. t aa I. ana Ml .13 .t7 .331 .1.11 1 t (Ceatiaued fram precedlag page) recegaUlea because af hi paat lag. HI M boots averaged 4J yard with 11 af tWm relliag dead ar aut af baaad wllhia the 11-yard line. It wa hi 11 yard quick kick la the Texas A. M. 2 that set ap the Leag hera tally la Ue seatea's flaal. ' He't almost at proficient as a passer, completing 33 of 49 flips for 428 yards and five touchdowns. Rayal, wha say W doubts there U a better panter la col lege football, alaa I pleased with Fandrea's field dlrectlea. TW caach stresses "posiUea aad paa tetsiea" as twa af the trag petal ia hi attack, la these phaaes W rale Faadrea mare thai adequate. Oaly the yaaug maa' slight atalure he's J-ll ad weighs 171 pound ba kept him frm greatness. Fondren and the other Texas I I players romped through light Prt drills today at Biloxi, Miss., while Uie Mississippi team was prepar JJJ I ing to break camp at Oxford, '.in 'Miss. The Texas team will not "J reach the Sugar Bowl site until i just before the game. Ole Miss will drill briefly in the bowl late tomorrow. Prt l.te .ue .C47 .ill .113 .jsa .2S w Oregon Deaf School - HI Baptlit tt. Mark'i Lutheran ... Prlnde Frtendt lit ContreiaUonal 1st Preahyteriaa . JUNIOR B Salem Heights Baptiit 1 I Trinity Methodist t I E. U. B. . 2 I Oregon Deaf 8-noel 1 2 Calvarv Baptist I 2 St. Mark s Luthtraa . . 3 Prt. 1 tot I too .OS7 Hula Bowlers Set Up Drills (Cantiaued fram precedlag page) East-West Shrine Game at San taa Francisco last Saturday. j Already here were Jae Fraa- I. Pet rit, Oregaa State fullback, wba flew la yesterday and Beaver captaia Ted Searle. Professional griddcrs who ar rived earlier include Bob St. Clair, nine in the first 10 minutes of the second half to narrow the Owls margin to 52-43. Tcatple, however, recovered. aad palled away agate, 4-4i. eeerlig U petals la Ue next live miaatat while Cal'i aaly palate came aa a Jamp that by Mela-teah. Seattle, playing the Ust I min utes of regulation Urn without star scorer Elgin Baylor, who fouled out, surged from behind for a - CO lead with 4 minutes ta play. Daytaa tbea drew evea aa a pair af Jamp ska Is by Arlea Beck-era, bat the Chleftalat re tailed Ue lead. 44-44. aa Tbara Humphries' taa-U. Each team , added a free threw befara Mc Carthy seat fW gam lata aver. Um. The victory wat the aecond against one defeat in the festival for the Flyert, wW hive won eight of 10 for the season Bockhom paced Dayton with 23 kpoints, one more than teammate and co-captain Don Lane. Bock horn ilso led both clubs with 22 rebounds. Baylor scored 24 for three- game total of 76. California (J) (tt) Temple OPPT OFPT Grout a I I I S 1 1 Oalloa 4 11 t Norman t 4 12 Mrlntssh I t It VnPatta 1 1 11 Roklnsea I I I II Rodgert I I til BurK t 2 1 14 Kenedy 4 I t II Sterling t I I Fleming t t FlUDtrck I t I Frankla I t Kaaa t t Gldnbrf 4 t I Irhneldr 113 Doaghy 2 I tCtatltard Irom ptiiithag past) TW aula raring taatua apeaed aa IW 24th it ttoilywaad Bawl aad Jack Duacaa raced home with IW a ta la hit Mark hard top On April W. Paul Barker ! crawaed kituj af tW city durk' Oregaa t o4Wt af tdaraUaa. la aearby bSaamaatb. woo IW Oregaa Cattegtata t aat or tare bite til eaamatoaohip. aUh pair her Dwala BraaaM laadiag IW way. Brajsat aaa Utrr a at IW Waaler tar a abrl a tit. Dea't ruth me. ton. knew Um t getting short, but I mil b a few thingt ta lath about If I remember right. May aat the aexl month la roll arauad. May I found Richie Lamb af North Marlon High sprinting la three new District IA I trac k marks at W led hit trhaol la IW lap. Alt aa th tarn day SaalUm High from up Mill CHy way, won Iha District I B log Nest day It wat Sherwood High that romped horn aWad of . Iha Yawama League iUH pack, and oa May II. Cut' Saxons took the District IA I title. Pat Miklia was IW Elba' golf winner, while Mrs. Tom Hin cap tured tW Salem Woman's Golf As- sociatioa Spring Handicap, May 2S faa ad a aew apart briar tatraductd to Uua aortor. Crew rare aa IW WUIaatetsa. TW l' IrersUy af British Ceraabta aad Oregaa Stale taagted la a aalghly flaa rare ar Iwa, Rape yea eaa taut IW Wy lata a BUIe af Ua la 1IU. Now June was a real month. Just listen to all that went oa: The Shriners held their annual golf meet at SaUm Golf Club and tha Salem team of Boh Prall. Chuck Huggina. Pat Miklia and CUff Ellis grabbed the marbles. Young Prall took elf tW next day I June J) for the Royal Oiks Coun try Club in Vancouver wher W carded Ss-hole. 131 to win berth ia the National Open. Prall spent most of th month seeing a lot of country and playing a lot of golf, at he hit tha Sunnehanna Invitational In Johnstown, Pa., the National Open, the Trans-Miasissip- pian and the NCAA tourney. TW Jayceea act play aad Bill JacaWaa aad Mary CatapWII were IW wiaaer. Vera Nash waa tW Oak Kaetl Bpriig Handicap galf ga, aad aitiag qaeea Pal McCenalck ata4 aa appearaaee to Wlp IW YMCA la Ma drive far a aew twlmaalag la Aagwat. W Baiaa BatrhtB ltit glmd aal a aa aearal aeana. Trsa 0) waa IW rreae, watt Jarbaaa' Jeorr look baawa UM C IMS. Oa IW tin Tarry Madd-s. wW m. h.-l k ., i k . - k m mAk m tt ttrvdr. was dratted by lack Bam "sj Army. TW Wrteohoert af Oft faa Wid thru atai mart ta Buth Park aad sea won M NCMiaavui waa tnj Frty ta IW i.-mth IN. 4) tbo winner. Baleen (aatart relaaatd snatagar In September Tarn Head mid hU.Bdl Br earner after rntjra rwatite R 4 B Bawbaj Alley la Tm aaa) aUanataiag Tha imra a4 Rarest Lata. aW Vart Martam llaah, aamal Barve VaW SStl. TW Bataaa raat 4 ta rt. alar a ita wttb a nrat piar la IW prep aoB. fcerib I Ita raotd MaWb. Jam aWwtaa art- a4 Ot K aat a ftataj 4 aew rorormt was) bt p t aad rat ill afawal Uwer faatmbl JC. ha ba4 a total of ill lav da. laratdlaf US Ibewaik IW air. Ra 14 ad IB Sumnwrt. Laa Oab Trarb al IW Mate Falrgraaada bad Rt big grot aad en4j74- fl4abSjy4j fBdj) (aaK,9 V 4Taal 4tttJslaP4gf Ibraagh IW botliag wiadaw. Mar Qattlad took W tl.m Ittf rtwb ehampltaihwj aad IW Wleaa Beaalar flaatly eatted IW King footbaD rolled around ind both North and South SaUm wen their lira game. North aptat Mad- ford 74. a nil South rambled aver PrineviUe 20-4 A Coups af works UJer South edged past North by a 114 count. I aetata really took aver la eareoot Oariag OrUWr. Wuiaatv 4U aaraveevd a Bae team aad eva weal aver to HawaH to play a gaat. OCK raaso ap with a flaa rrookanaa ajaarttrbatb la aa J taa Bowlea. aad WU Nartb aad BoaU Balesa rotSH paat all apptalllaa. TW huaters acre first unhappy and the evea more unhappy is the Goveraor closed the niton ind the epened It aa the spur ef the moment, ughtaar went bunting la IdaW and came back wttb a big elk. He also got bit by bis hora. Mr. Ralph Stearns wan the Sa lem Women 'a Golf Club champion ship, and Paul Carmicbael took the Oak Knoll title. Keveaaber H waa atill taoatly Bisebill Site June was also a big month (or (he Senators. On the 4tb we took a double header from Yakima. Andy George hurled and hit his way to a 1-4 win ia the opener, while Vera Pappy Kindsfither shut the Bears out oa one measly hit to Uk the second gime I-f The Bth aaw the Solons take their eighth straight win, and en the 10th Terry Maddox, the University of Oregoa flash, wss signed to a contract. June Uth waa a banner day in tha life of "Pappy' Kinds father. He tosed a perfect T-innlng no-hit. no-run gam at the Eu gene Emeralds. On the 20th Salem came up with five new players in a deal with Wenatchee, Clovla, N. M., and Seattle. The fiver were Chuck Lybeck. Jim Jones, Tom Gibson, Cal Bauer and Larry Segovia. Oa Juae 21, Salem bar player Red Smith picked IW deaMe deuble al Partlaad Meadew far a pal af S1.7JS. TW first part ef July saw Ue Willamette River Day WM all art af tpertiag eveats. On July 2, S.074 fans packed Waters Field to watch Salem down Eugene S-2 on Capitol Shopping Center Night, Billy Welu came to town and gave the bowlers a lesson in how to do it. The kids raced their quarter-midgets at the new Para' dise Island Amusement Park, and the Salem Scrimbles, with John the State Scrambles, with oJhn Taylor taking first place. June Vote To Decide LOS ANGELES; Dec. 20 UrWAp proval of the Los Angeles Dodgers' contract with tha city ef Los An geles, involving a playing field ta Chaves Ravine, will ga before vot ers In the June I primary election TW city eaaacU'a cammlUe aa IW charter aad admlalatra- lira cade vated aaaalmaasly day la bald IW refereadaat ta IW primary elects Wcaeee Ue reel ta tW eMy wit W aaly U4V eat. A prtrlaa prapaaal that a apaelil elecUea W Wid far tW parpaa weald bare eaat Ue la payer aa aatlmated $344,44. The action was taken without dissent. C. A. Owen, chairman of the citizen's committee to aave Chaves Ravine for the people, told Ransom M . Calllcott, chairman of the coun cil committee, that the people who signed the referendum petition "did so because they wanted the right for themselves and all citizens of the city to vote oa the attempt to transfer city property to private interests and spend millions of tax dollars for a commercial baseball club." Totals 2t lilt Totals S tilt California 21 3 5S . Temple . 41 244 ttaUl (IS) (SI) ntyUn orrT urrT Hmphrlei I 3 2 A.Bekha tit 4 23 Otorek 2 S 12 Case t I 4 11 nayior i i :i neiiny i i in Brown 4 t I It Lane t 3 22 Harney 2 4 T.Bekha 2 2 1 Platerkl 3 1 3 I AUea t 1 taundert t 2 I 14 KeaeUy 1 Frluell I Keutakff 1 2 Totals Seattle Daytoa 31 II 22 71 Totals II . 14 27 2 I tl M t 75 II 14 SI ,t7 .fr7 .331 .131 Iowa Wins Queen City BUFFALO. N.Y.. Dec. 30 OP Simerson Iowa won the fourth annual Queen City Invitational basketball tourna ment tonight, sneaking by fired-up Syracuse 58-52 in a hair-raising final before 4,889 tans in Memorial Auditorium. OSC-UCLA Hoop Telecast Off CORVALLIS. Dec. 30 t - There will be no telecast of the UCLA Oregon State basketball game Sat urday as originally planned. Athletic Director R. S. Keen of fW.n..i C, n, . ...-I , -rf n . n. wi . lit ... v "--..0, . (ouni for tne proposed regional Mocgle Laverne Torgeson. Kyle ukctst. So the game wiU be pUy Rote. Herman CUrk and John .w ., m anrt i 5 m a. first scheduled. UTTU ANN1I IOONEY By DARREU McClURI 1 ' er iNStcer the caucx amme-vduu n oar AMO SAfB SM TW0UXaMO WE CAN TALK I lll-af I -7 r " -T fi rM TreRtacF happy to hear " J6mn siilvb amnie. tvEM tmoo6i rxi webs clcd or- 1 V tour tmi intnsrr am' EVEtrYSOoy I captain xhm TuaT Pmonv roiscrv cwABGe;Triti Suekifp I I ye-u I KNOWIM I AINTAOaBCAI TOV0U JL TW WOUt.0 At.rT a n M JWA r!,sTTXJ '"L'TZrr, j'.ij'i fu. man 1 " " : t . 111 v- s -a mlCrf M ' veWWWrrMf SWi ?, I I h 'U.. ' y 1 . mm mmmiM : r.'r' Jfifirv-v rv r " ir.fJiav.Nffl . . tirAi It , '- . rriri iv n t,' Corvallis Dumps Grizzlies, 67-51 rnnuimt ru. ic.n The Corvallis Spartans got s 2S- bi" ame point effort from center Bruce Fleming end rolled to 27-51 win over the McMinnville Grizzles to night on the Spartan floor. Don Carlson hemped 14 to lead the losers, while Bob Morrow hit 16 for the winners. McMinnville captured the jayvee tilt 41-38. MrMlMNVIIXE (SI) T: Petrrsoa (111: Safler rt. C: PfctUle (): G: Durham (11; Carl taa (U) Resrerrt Searing: Stmt CI: RKrhie (2). CORVALLIS (ST) T: N'laraia (t): eelemaa mi. t: Fleming CD:, ft: Morrow ltl: Tkamasoa (2). B -series Searing: Ml.hler 4. MrMinntUI . II II It IS SI Corralllt IT I S II at Ollkialai Aalertaa aad aeUkarg. i Pilots Whip Vikings PORTLAND. Dec. 30 OP Port land University rolled over Port land State 56-39 in tonight's basket- Indians Take 78-71 Win PALO ALTO. Calif.. Dec. 30 UP Sophomore forward Mike Tipton made three free throwt and a field goal in the final minute and 12 seconds to help Stanford defeat Arizona State of Tempe tonight, 71-71. The victory gave the Indians a 5-4 exhibition record. After a dull firtt half, la which Ue ladlaas railed ap a eeavlae lag 44-34 lead. tW Tempe Sua Devil came back la cut Ue mar (la la 4741 with aae mlaute aad 45 eeeaad la play. Royci Youree and Al Ncaly par ed the isitort. each with 17 points The Sun Devils were hurt in the Ust minute ind a half when You ree fouled out. TWa Tiplea, a Caspar, Wya. tap Wan are, calmly a a h both free threw la make it 7J-4S Staafard eapt. Paul Neumaua la tercepted a desperattea Tempe pa aad saab a !5-feet jump t hot at Ue tiaal bezxer. High for Stanford was forward Dick Haga with IS points. Stanford hit 31 out of 66 for 47 per cent from the floor and Tempe 26 of 44 for 32 per cent. .. . eeiAli rrtMPIITBTlflM tl X ft VOW iRIVW V"." -tuV rj I tif etawT.c Owea said that Ue Chaves Ra vine eemmitlce It aat dUturbed a boat Ue eeteeme af U electlea aad aald "if Ue people ar glvea the facta, aad we latead ta are that Uey are glvea all IW facto, we bare Bat the lighlet deabt but that Ue ceatract will W to-validated." The council committee had three issues to be decided: whether the Dodgers' contract should be can celled; whether the special election should be called or whether it should be placed on the primary ballot. Dodger president Walter O'Mil ley declined comment on the coun cil decision. He said there has been no change in hia thinking about using Pasadena's Rose Bowl for the Dodgers' games since he flew East Dec. II. city meat af tW year, aad tha Basaaa edged by srwgfld to the Stat A I toetiitutal aa total yard g after tW team bad battled la a 4-0 lie Lee Muna wa aautber YMCA bandbaO laurary aad dtdat ha la buy a Ttunfctgivtng tarhry. Oa Vov. M La CaaUfaatj took bit Basaaa to Partlaanl to pUy Jetleraaa bar IW atato Utto. Jeff, true eaaaa aal aa lap W Ue aaa. 13-1. Baeva Hlfb bad) waa, IW Dtttrlrl U4 Wetb to lba Stat A I pUterta. bal tlrappitC a aourtrrflaai giaah to Vale, aba errata afl aaa IW ereaa. -Int DManvber and baakethaS took ever IW sports light. . Nartb Balem eatne a Utile re veng for a loatbaQ laae a thef Uk South lata ramp twice. Pint Um It wa 45-47. aad th aeeoad ! contest ended 11-44. North owned 1 1 k. .uk f i at i n. it . . . M wt . . . J t h y LewW WIBaaaelle Baarrata aarartatd try aaa by lalumg IW Nortbwvot Caaeattac Tlpaff Taavaey aad rwaalag ap aevea atralgM wtaa b4ere being edged by Whittle-' la tha Far Weal Ceefereeee lavhallaaal. TW Baareat toafe absrd plare t)tgr flt4Rf f)w BtBgaWaaa . oa)B ataaU's atai with a B-t Baarh. TW Senator bald their botUMti meeting and tW bad aews. aa the rnrra af a fil.S4I.S3 toss, waa told. Mr. Brenner'! promise ef a profit waa renwntbeied by Bitty, but Wed aaa. there yea have M. ro kaat aklpaod avar eoaw af Ue BlgbBghi ef aid IM7. Of aaart a Ut af gaad tiit-a wore Haaed. bal IWa ttote It iwatwag tWrt I hear the beDa starting U ring in downtowa Sakro, ae muat be fetting oa my way. Good luck and hooe roe have a good rear. Doa I forget to help those Ducks down ia Pasadena today. See; yea around . Oh. by the way. bUPPT 1VXV , YEAR!!! Burdette Is . i Given Award LOS ANGELES. Dec 20 ! The Lot Angelas Times Issued 2 awards tonight at ita 15th annual Sports Awards dinner, wtth pitcher Lev Bunlette of the Milwaukee Braves cited for the out standing performanc this year ta baaebt, -three victories ta the World Seriea over the New York Yan kees. ,.- Th awards were announced by a special election committee that polled a group of sports writers ta many section af the country. Other awards were: Lea Hosea- blutb. University ot North Cara. lina. In College Basketball: Roe Tomstc, U. S. Air Force, la ama teur basketball; Walt Kowalczyk. Michigan Stat. College back: Aureliua Thomas, Ohio State, Col lege lineman: Y. A. Tittle, Saa Francisco '49ers. pro football back; Bob Gain. CleveUnd Browns, pro football lineman; Col lege coach of the year. Henry (Redl Sanders. UCLA: pro coach of the year, Frankie Albert, Saa Francisco '49era: pro golf, Dick Mayer; amateur golf, Fillmaa Robbins; women's pro golf, Betsy Raw Is; women's amateur golf. Joanne Gunderson: meo's aqua tics, George Breen; women's aqua tics, Sylvia Ruuska; men's tennis. Pane ho Gonzales; women's tennis, Althea Gibson; track and field. Bob Gutowski, Occidental College; automobile racing, Sam Hanks) boxing. Carmen Basilio. DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 2. Signal tyttem 8. Footway B. Unit of time 10. Region 11. Baker' IX Ot ancient Carthage 14. Spawn of flab . 13. Photo graphic apparatus 11 Uk 17. Priaon 0 B ) IB. Letter (Heb ) 20 Corporation regulation 31 Civ over 23. Native of Nome 29. Crown of tha head ST. Large heart arte ilea B0. Crampu SI. Land measure 32. Greek Utter S3. Panic (8. Afr.) IS Biblical name 34. Moalent Judge ST. City (Mais.) 3. Tak out (print) 40. Fencing eword 41. Looked it 4 X Garden nuitance DOWN 1. Finical (s-uujl 2. Percolate 3. Owing 4. Sea eagle 8. Of the Pop 4. Cuckoo. pint genu T. Apartment buUdlng I Having hair 11. Dull IS. Approached 18. Ruaaian horaeman 17. Strong- wind II. MUkflah 21. rront-door key 22. Anxiety 24 He. ure fcfvii4. 28. Luxur. toM-JiirSf, t aiu5 n lous TT TtrTTTI . . WW k (Brit. 24. Covarad TOlfe'imt'' way B tl tt !ch Lj) T Ia Ip TeI bo- a-aa tween ahopa ' 2s. Vetch. like herb 21. King. dom (Asia) 31 Potnted Ytaloraar'a Aaawa 34. Vex 38. Toward the hel. tered aid 3T. Stitch 38. Mimic 33- ST TZlx pi:"!::pp 1 w I w 1