i 1 Many Highlights, Low lights Spotlight Salem and Surrounding Areas' Sports Scene During 1957 t BOB MHWAITI Iuiwh bports MrMf inM: DaflBd elalrlic fired la na- al balea. Tint; ii befare ealdaighl. t. 11. IMl. A a T or (NAB ACT IS: Old Maa IMl; Wa U1 tUf oaraa alia la aid mum sa-aaaioj ta IB boi Hail saw! Mr Um U bo4 M aa end. bo4 joaH hear a rrirria from (kit aMuaM. I e kfl I P4l gawd roraed far )oo aa,airl Ilk aa l band al bm roaiaf ar. Of foar, lew t la reialar reo'drnl. al IB vallr are art aaaaaat ae la i; I treated ibem la pet It Bwoxbt. bat I bra yea tu l at o-e all of Iheav 111 b te lint U admit I f:l da la ao-ta. Bat If I kda . ta Mai ba aa tY la ma far. Ia4 far li record ker are lew af Ida BKHIfBl. that hioa-aard lr tear. Well Mali With Janaery: I bad a little krla from l4, kal 14 kiai do a rlfkl aff ib BL The UrriM but f aalkall loam waUard Ma air tbrawih lk rarlfie I hM Caa Irr rar aod at c k oar a la al. la tk Itw Baal aa Ik nrM da af n at4-ar. Here's abet I IrU dona, at I In Ik Rig I Uam, kit. alk eve ear Eoevers la Ik la af !. Bight aff lk kal voaH i4 a rbaar U better m record. I faratobed aa other Orviaa learn. Iklt tla la I'alvorallv af Orraa, ktM far IB Raae fWi The 11 Btrrl UkM Mala U Ja4 frw kaar. aad I baa yae'r ready Imt Ibem Oa Jaaaary . I kraatkl Ik H.al Koatlai Toaraaaieal far Mra U halrm Bad 11 Ikrai al la Ik berrv Til Baal. 1 Br arrl raa bbIII frbraary !4 sad leraaed I hug re. Oa Jaa. II lh ftalrm Bee Um hired Bill Brraarr la (Bide k Iria Ihraagb Ik HJ7 . Al Ik Haw ttrry aa kiair iik Ik rkalr, kul Iklf a-lda't Utl Uaf. H'tll B -m r. ii i i I ' a i i f u 1 IjOS SM(X;O!UN0. Cl. Dec 30 (Sprx-lilV YoiTve rfd nd hfrd of hl tht "riperti" think of Wednesday 'i grid loerlarlf it rudni But how about the common man on the itrrtt in thii vait land of arroganr and subtrr lugf? SI are arrhal, et made II a p-ll lo talk r"f Bowl and Caatt t'on fwat ilk almitnl aay tal'vf k weald llilra, and llwllrd a r latrr t'rws with the mala aide of Ue tarn lace We rwaaiard wife we would 1 eva tlk la female d'Jiiitf aar Iria . . . And 'are the limn af thotc wH whom we hive rhat M lvf: never will tdoni aaythla( more BraMilneat than grave ilaae, well emit IdeaU ' tin . . . Tha fint eentleman ad mitted to a keen Intereit in TYPICAL LOS SMOCORINO the Roae Bowl and told that he hadn't misled a game since the dayi of the masscres performed by the late Howard Jones Troan Thundering Herds. "And I've cot my ticket for this one too,' he added as he proudly diiplyed a reser vation for one of the high, distant end-none pews. "I wouldn't miu one no matter how one-sided things look." he continued, "as I realize how many million people would like to be at lucky at I am fn having a teat in the stadium." A Br ind TV for This Pirticulir Gent The aext gent wasn't so Impressed by Jaa. 1 festivities - at Pasadena. He assured that he loved sports of all kinds, but eouldat see bouncing f 5.50 for "a ticket to get your self mashed op la a traffic Jam when all I have to do Is And a alee, comfortable bar and see everything free." Native No. S must have been closely related tf one of these sporUwriting charcatcra here. He vowed he'd never go to another Rom Bowl game "until they get a decent Coast team in it" He followed up by getting us a little angry with, 'Those teams from up north are a bunch of bums and shouldn't even be in the league with the California schools. They're old-fashioned and unpopular down here, and the best thing that ever happened was the league blow-up. Let them play themselves up north. Who cares about them down here." Thii tame fella furthered that he had lost much interest (Caatlaiird pafe I, cat. 1) Wide Open Play Seen In Cotton Bowl Clash DALLAS. Dec. 30 on-The Rice football team arrived today to (ill its Cotton Bowl date with Navy and Coach Jess Neely predicted that "the ball will fly all over the field" when the two schools clash Wednesday." "'l feel they'll throw on us and we're sure going to try to throw." said the Owl headman in forecast ing a wide open, probable high acoring game. Bal Nwljr said he thaurht Navy atill tkaaM ke aecaraed Ik edge thaash U last us frrat klackiag ward, Taajr Stremir, Ihreagk lajary yrtterdav. "W lol a guard, laa." Nwly, irmlndrd awtmea. He was tBrakiag af a are'derl la Jury thai robked Rie af aeeaad striag guard Charley KaJgkl ealy a lew days "Knigiit played 1W minutes for us and did a good Job," .Neely said. "The loss of Slrcmlc will hurt Navy some." Neely admitted. "You can't lose a good man like lllll'Ull- IU9TU KlillUUI It IIUI I-i inc. But Navy has an aggressive mental attitude team.- with good pursuit, and it shouldn't it be Neely was asked wklek team wauld be favored if It rains Wednesday and ke said ke didn't know but be was certala It wauld ke a kandlrap. Hawever, weath er forecasts are thai II will ke cloudy aad eaal wilk aa Indica Uaa af rala allkaagk Ikere may ke skawers tomarrow. The weather bureau added that II might b aulle celd. The Rice coach said he figured it would be "a very interesting game" and when asked if he thought it would be high scoring, replied: "Well, we sure hope we can score a lot." Neely praaoaBced his team la goad ceaditiaa. wilk evea his perpetually Injured quarterback, Frank Ryan, la better skape Ikaa any etker lime during the aeaiaa stretch run. Ryaa kas a bruised kaee that kas troubled him all the campaign. But be kas had a better raa nee for it la keal la the CeUaa Bowl period. talk aar akawl Ikla auller later. Bigkl aaw M's awta aa la frkrwary: larly Ikal eik I braakl la a of Ik allliBM track klart la auk a karal aparar I are. Tkl waa tH. t.Uaa Caw alagkssa, wka kaakrd as laaaik k was Mill tkl la ramp Ikraagk a mllkly tkk II. Oa Ik Iflk we, Taaiaiy Mar, sad myBrlf, alleaiated la aiag kasleg karh U Mtm. Wkal aa aprajag rard W iad up. I ddM Makw, wka Is lat Ik lap naked kesvywvlikl sratiad. auUld af Ik rkaaip. foatkl a fawr-rauad vsklkltiaa wilk rr Biarker. Mala al aa Ik rard was Ik 7 faal lUat fram Haulk Afrka, Caaadlaa siugirr. Dav Bay, IMdat draw a kad crowd. burial Ik awatk, kurrat Motara. aur lap AAt' kaskrl kail auinlH. ropaed Ik City latu kaap rrawa. Yauai Jim Ukold. a Ural leaagrr, u lb B lllevrals llll la Ik fllal Bawllag ke. osu if Favored 21-Pomt Odds On Oregon Win By BOB MYERS PASADENA. Calif.. Dec. 30 -I'nder-dog Oregon and Ohio Slate are Just about ready lo add anoth er chapter lo the history ol Ihe Roue Bowl, a record studded wilh brilliance, excitement and sur prises. Aad If nothing els, (kit 441 h edlllaa coming ap New Year's Day often a sklalag apportually far wkal wauld k aa atloaltkiag upaH. skould Ik Wrbfaats af Orrgoa wla. The smart boys have figured the champions from the Big Ten three- touchdown favorites ever since the match was made and there has been no relaxation of this favor itism. i Clearly, of course, the psycho- logical advantage belongs to Coach Len Casanova's lads from the 'pretty little college town of Ku- gene. Ore. Ohio Stale's Pilot, Woody Haves. Is well aware af Ibis. His aim Is la see Ikal Ike Buckeyes Igaore Ihe odds, forget thai Orr goa is smaller' aad last three games In the regular season. Actually, there is a parallel with both teams. Casanova didn't dream his Ducks would wind up in the Rose Bowl when the season got under way. And Ohio Slate was something less than championship caliber when the Bucks bowed to Texas Christian in the opening game last September. Yel each learn and lis Indi vidual players displayed develop ment, game ky game, and here they are, ready for Ike klg kick off, wilk Okie State winner af It last eight straight la the murderous Big Tea Conference. At first 1 thought my kids might not even win a game, but," said Casanova, "we've won some games." What about the 21 points quoted on Ohio State? "Gosh," said Casanova, "I hope no one is Zl points better than we are. No one has been yet. Hayes feels the same way, la effect, about kis team. Eack player kas developed keyond ex pec ta lions, lopped ky Ike come Ikrougk performance of kls sophomore fullback. Bob White. It was White who assumed the run burden when injuries struck the other backs, notably Don Clark. in the Purdue game, with two lie games to go against Iowa and Michigan. Probably the biggest upset in Rose Bowl annals that stands out in the minds of the older histori- (Continued page I, eol. 3) Tto new Bewalar aMwater, Bill Brvaaer, m4 la ftnt af a ttrtra af sp4ni4 UIU. la tkw aaa k laid al a fim la auk BHorr if ik as I drw akawi IM.m lata Ik lilt Writ aaw. Ikat'S a leag sury ikal U rata hark la agaia. M also, aad I Mr as so raa artuatiy M was ItM waa was la klsat far Ikla, last MJM wka w fawlrd ap oa Ik raalrari af aaa t aarh t arftaa. klartb Is ast aJ Hikf art Ik kal ta Ualia (M ) ik Jaaier augk Uakatkak) Sokaay Uwkj was ka his Walk roar as WUUawrU baoa BMBtor aa4 a klg rk Wattaa waa pitrkod la kk baa ar. Btss bays - got bate tka swlag af Uiaga aad dampH Ik PaclfW Bad gar 11 M aa Ik gala aigkt. Oa March t, BaaJk Bairns brark eaatb flaw Caatafoaa waa laiortfcrwod aad as ad a Ua aalaalaklag aia4aral af twar. i.aa saw a was gw. lag ia kav a eiparted ta Hit, wkk a roi la aa ia Ik aUatrfcrl UiW. wkkb a ka. Tb kakras Jaycawa bM a ski arkaak ap al Hoodoo Boat, wilk tarsi palkoasaa nsp Baa. aa Jr. aa kad lBtrwrtor. l a aWsUad ywa kara saotkar arkaal roaUag ap rtgkl aaaa. tawih Saktm High was aa Clark Only Buckeye Question Mark i .'. . . t ,i f J) ".''0tr. , .i i -'. i .in .x f .. . ;,K ' DwaA Zti: t.'H ."'.., -.-.. N;',: - u J ,r rKvif r-- .rt . t t , .iX ,- ..i ....! "'5 1 L" - f Cf ' '- - K- "'' I j K i ft. :r "4 i aw-5 A agaia boot to tka Btaia A I kntkrtksU towrwey, wkick waa Ukra ky fcapsui wkw IWy Irlppod Ik favarod Madraa flo Mil. taark Ward Paldaalat Nank BaWa Vlklags trawtrd la lagraa far la A I awrH aad aarpriard evvryaw ky aakklag a tkird ptara flaUk. Tky wra dukaod tka t1 drrvtta Uaa aad wra pirkrd as Ifca seam la aval la IMA. Ward auirkly eVakta Uia. bag aa far I ra gjvea tkrai a protly fair start. This was Ik asaath BUlra Bvsa apart rdllor Al Ligkiaer apral aaaal af kia Una lrav lag arwaad Ik eaaalry affk-i-atlag al kaUtkslt loaraa asraia. Ma had a frw wards la Dallas, Ts. wilk Ak Usbbb. eaarb af Ik OkUkaasa Oty laivotwHy teara. Oa Ikiag aaowt Ikal Llgktaer frliew, k makra kkj aaa bows. Tka fear farwrra rift team walked aff wilk ta Nartkwetl tin League rkaapiaaoklpa. Cleaa Caaksaaa, wka kas soaaotaiag ar ataor la da wilk Ik CiaaUl Joowwal wawaaapre, waa tb aawaal Aawrtraa Lf glow Bkartatoa fiM taurwjy M M It UK Oak. Bw4 rs Bo rras) la Ik rtaaU. A roups af aaalkal kaail art, Rark rkaaUers aad Baal Mairy, derided I float t farV bad aa Ik WUIaawrtta River. Cat far as Tlgard, wkkb as M af Ik 11 atrr kaJkw. Mayka I skid say kaata. kal karosw fog Uaa la flgwr M. Oa March tl wa aald. I ta lata. Mot Krsao la tka kagea kaarkail risk. Bare did askM Ikal fUo. Oa Ik Ual day af March, Ik aaaaal WllUaarU RUy was raa aff. Akau MM alkirteo tsaspolsd. BUI Dtllagr aac agaia waa tka fratarod BUtsw awaafMU aad was praaatrd a piaeaaa by Ckarir A. Bpragaa, pakuaker af tka kUUoaua. lartua Cariea. kolder af Ik world diaras racard, alsa ap peared aad gave tuJl aa s kikliMm. Mart as a grappling pro aa aa af ElUa Uvea's fla cards aad took a wia ovor Ua ioaak Ball MaaUBa. Oa Aprs) II Ik tawathwa aad Ugiatalara had wkal ao aupaaood ta b a kaorkosl UM M Water Itrlda. Tb big koa er. fat itrtrr, aa a aawarwa piark kiltrr. Ua Apr U tl Aady Haaaasi, M yar yoaog. a arkd M ft lea s Mr. kUarkaiL Ta aWaatars pad Nartk owl Lasgaa flay Mh a M la awe lb Yakiana kWara aa AarU U. Wkal a start far tka year, kootJng tekarra rkawtag ktak RJittr-a crew. Now far April: Bilvartaa Migk waa Ua ftp IUI tooierrara rrUya to Start aff a aretly fair ateaik. Baaay flarkakyr) llll Btad kis Ural haU deb at ky aaaadly Ikrroklag aaa t keaJer Bkrppard. This flikt drew a tatal af M ar M fans. Boilag wa aaca agaia dead la Baleaa. Tk gals started aa Ik first af Iwa City Bawliag !. Big Jaka Will, Ik AU Aav erkaa Urkle fram Orrgoa BUI, aaad bi first toral IC'aoUaood paf ! cat. T) Webfoots Hold Final Heavy Workout Before Rose Bowl 8-Slatcsman, Salem, Ore, Tuesday, December 31', '57 r m . k 'V ii.tr ri"t U 0 .-'):r -r.4 l rjW; v?! ' f . r.. - ;vt "! I .: i . - r- v. : -r fir AcHdfeJ iA- i: ' . 4 ..' r i A i -t k J ft -1 r , ," Temple Wins Holiday festival; Downs Cal Seattle U. Upset by Dayton, 81-75 NEW YORK. Dec. 30 i Temple's fast-breaking Owls, paced by all-America candidate Guy Rodgers. romped to an easy 69-59 victory over California tonight and walked off with the ECAC Holiday basket ball festival A crowd of 11.851 saw Dayton upset favored Seattle in (overtime 11-75, in the opener of Huh Bowl All-Stars Set Drills Duck Squad Looks Sharp In Hard Drill uv ' W :Y, PASADENA, Califs Dec. 30 ISperi.D Ohl. Slat.' tur lulfback. Do, Oark. If Ihe .0I7 qufsllo. mirk in lb. Buckry. camp. Clark II OSU1 Icadlnf tcorer and ground gainer drtpllc mlislng the last Iwa gamca becanac f a groin Injur'. The Bdckeye flash carried the ball 118 tlmea for a distance of I5S yard. In aeven game.. Boardman In 1(0 Victory NEW YORK, Dec. SO t Larry Boardman, once a high- ranked lightweight froml Marlborough, Conn., got off the! floor tonight to knock out Peter Schmidt of New York in 1:30 of '" c invitational Iowa ii, Syrarmo 52 (chimplonihlp) Cornell 44. CanUlut SS (eonsolation) HOLIDAY FESTIVAL Tempi SS. California SS rtainplonttalrj) Davton SI. SfatU 75 (overtime third piac) BIO S TOl'RNEV Kanta IS, Kaatai Stat SS (chjuaplonfthlp) Iowa SUto SI, Nekratka SI (thlr plarc) Oklahoma S. MUMuri SS Iflflh place) Colorado SO. Princeton S4 (rventh place) the sixth round at St. Nicholas Arena. Boardman weighed 141, Schmidt 142 pounds. Dropped for an automatic eight count in the first minute of the first round, Boardman came back to justify the I to 5 odds in his The Rice roach said hit team' favor. The end came suddenly early j tuarheuer it. Aikioa u "Why was good. he asked. "We in the sixth as both men threw ! aUmoo , Hirm S3 throws and runs well, and in the have been working for this since right hand punches to the chin, kenti-cky all-american overall it's a fine football team last spring.-We have been thinking Boardman's got home first with rrir.t noun, that we'll find tough to deal with." j of Jan. 1 all the time.1 i the most on it. Texas Longhorn Quarterback is Full Fledged Millionaire; Also Grid Star XEW ORLEANS. Dec. Mi buildings to arious Texas col Texas University has a full fledged leges. millionaire as a quarterback lor Bal cats Wedaeaday after its football team. No other univer- ,,e family fartaae wiD aity can make such a claim. . rounl far little, it eawtdal bay Bat caacb Darrcl Rayal af the aaataer ticket far the Sagar Sugar Bawl aoaBo Texas Laag- Bawl game kecaase they al haras aad the ether player aa have keen aM. Am4 al the It the aaaad will a IB first U teU a wi. (PST) klekaff. Faadlrea will yaw that Waller Faadrea Na. he directing Ihe Texan agaiasi (41 e'raett his starting hertk. j Mtttiss pt heraae he haaneas Aad (hat h's tar.-nnte wealth U he the bt anar-erhark aa had nothing ta da with K I the team. 1 Fcndren. a senior and an ex- Wednesday's game til clw out pedant father, is a grandson of , his colleg-iate gnd career. ' Four one of the founders of eoe af the years ago he wa the most sought country's major oil companies, after higtv school athlete ia the The fajiuly has docaled numerous i Looe Star State. His flrat tw years as a Texas regalar were d-aaaed by tajar lei. This year be bad ta make the ehaage from halfback la the single wing formation la a.aar lerbark la the Oklakoma-otyled T attack lasUDed by Royal Foadren. aod Texas, responded ta the change by winning the first two games, going through a mid seasoa sinking spell, then finish ing up with a 9-7 verdict over Tex as A. A M. to gaia the Sisar Bowl spot. Daring the pa at aeasaa, aaea Texas woa nix, loot three aad tied aae. FoMrra gaaed special tCoaUaaed page f, rot. 1) Oklahoma Quarterback Ready for Orange Mix MIAMI, Fla.. Dec. 30 OB Oklahoma quarterback Carl Dodd tested his injured ankle today and found it strong again a cheering bit of news for Sooner fans who want a victory over Duke in tne urange Bowl Wednesday. Dodd, the No. 1 Sooner signal caller, injured an ankle when he stepped into a hole on the practice field during earlier drills. "Dodd looks fine,'' coach Bud Wilkinson reported after the Sooner workeout today. "H I a ankle is strong aad he should be ready to go full steam against Duke." The report was not so glowing on another Oklahoma casualty, tackle Jerry Thompson, who also has a tender ankle. "Thompson's ankle Is not sa, good," Wilkinson said, "bat hem be able to play, although he'll be slowed ap some." Halfback Clendon Thomas, big gun in the snappy split-T .Sooner attack, showed no ill effects from an upset stomach which bothered him yesterday. 1 Oklahoma, a ID-point favorite to whip the Blue Devils, spent most af Its time an defense and general review work. From the Duke Camp came word that the Blue Devils are eager for action. "I've aever sera aur spirit sa high as it's been out here the last few days," said halfback John Lee, No. Z anaa behind George Dutrew. Lee said the 14-14 tie with North Carolina State, after Duke had built up a 14-0 lead, "took the heart out of us and we never seem ed to recover" during the regular season. GATOR BOWL (Flrit Round) Florida 7. Clemton (4 Georgia II, South Carolina St 1 KALAMAZOO INVITATIONAL HONOLULU. Dec. 30 OfCoach Buck Shaw greeted Heisman trophy winner John Crow and teammate Charles Krueger of Texas A. f M. today and immedi ately set a practice session with his College All-Stars for next Sun day's Hula Bowl football game. The Air Farce Academy coach has a sqaad studded wilb mare stars thaa aay ever before as sembled far the Hawaiian past season show, aaw ta Its twelfth year. They will compete against the Hawaii All-Stars, a combination I of 12 pros and 10 Hawaii-based military service players. They in clude Detroit Lions quarterback Tobin Rote, star of Sunday's Bob Lemon Inks ii'., - . world professional football champ inuian OniraCI, fonship slaughter of the Cleveland Has Salary Cut CLEVELAND, Dee. M If) Pitcher Bob Lemon returned his signed contract ta the Cleveland Indians today. His salary was ast announced, bat the veteran righthander re ceived a pay cut with the nnder staadiag that If be Is able ta regain his previous skill the salary will be adjusted to match that af 1957, whea he was site of the highest paid players aa the tribe roster. Lemon, who was out much of last season with aa ailing arm, Is recuperating from aa opera tion aa his right elbow. The 37-year-eld hurler, was a Zt-game wiaoer la sevea af tha last aloe seasons prior to last year, bat slumped ta a (-11 re card ia 1SS7. Browns Rote aad Elroy (Crazy Legs) nirsch af the Los Angeles Rama fly la today fram Las Angeles. Hlrseh will coach the Hawaii All-Stars. Coach Shaw and nine college players arrived yesterday. With him were Jim Gibbons, Iowa; Jim Phillips, Auburn; Alex Karras, Iowa; Lou Michaels, Kentucky; Charles Breuckman, Pittsburgh; Bob Stransky, Colorado; Jim Ni nowski and Don Currie, Michigan State; and Don Stephenson, Georg ia Tech. They all played in the (Continued page I, col. 5) the doubleheader to capture third place. In an afternoon consolation dou bleheader, Connecticut defeated Pittsburgh 6W0 for fifth place and Manhattan overwhelmed New York University 10M1 for seventh. Rodgers, a maglciaa with a basketball, who has beea liken ed ta the Bostoa Celtics' Bob Cousy as a ball handler, eon found rd the Goldea Bears with his feinting, scaring, behtnd-the-back-dribbltag aad signal-calling as the Owls battt ap a 41-8 half time lead ea route ta their third straight triamph la the tonrney. During those 20 minutes, Rod gers scored 16 of his 21 points, and assisted In other scores with his spectacular feeds to teammates. Temple was in command all the way as all five starters scored in double figures. Jay Norman, who did a tremendous rebounding job, scored 12 points. Bill Kennedy, the jump-shooting sophomore, had 13 as did Tint Van Patton. Mel Brod sky scored 10. California's top scorer was Buch, who aetted 14 points. Earl RablBsoa. looking better thaa at aay time la the tournameat, cored 11 points aad Doa Mcin tosh had It. ' Temple was simply too fast and too good for the Goldea Bears, who rallied gamely in the second half after falling behind by 20 points during intermission. Paced by Buch and Robinson, the Pacific (Continued page t, eoL I) Kentucky Hnleyu SI, Southern llllnnl, j Ohio I'nlrenlty SS, Wuhlafton at I r M FORT MATS INVITATIONAL South wrMtru Oklahoma 14, Southwestern (Kantat) SS EaKtera New Mexico V li. Fort Maya Slat ST arrc&B mnf tnrivir Memphli State 41. Maryland 4 (Mire Trtlme rhtuolomhlp) Lovolo of New Orleam S4. . . Vaaderhilt S (third ploce) COLLEGES 0 Wakhlnrtoo 11. Mk-hiran Stat SS Stanford IS. Arisen Slat Imp II PortteBd V SS. ForUaad (lata It W'eetera Moauu 14, Eastern W'aihinstoa SS Mirhiraa St. I'alTrrtlty af Arrioaa ;t H-a1le TS. CHiielfmaH 11 St MartiB-i twaih.i SI. Wester Wa-hiattoo t: . I. ia-ola (Mat SS, ra CUIre SS St-r- rant tl Winoaa S Cotn-nk'a . Vr'pireiaa 4 .UaTa nrirKim YeuBf 14 Cei.tr-1 ilaoa, i. Calvin (V f .llrail if trv( 11 y.rth Texaa Stale St fCawtiaeed page f, eaL 1) St Michael's Takes Own Invitational Meet BURLINGTON, VTM Dec. 30 t St. Michael's, playing a deliberate game, won its own invitational Tournament Championship tonight by defeating Adelphi College at Garden City, N. Y., 77-S7. Vermont's balanced attack carried the Catamounts to an 84-74 triumph over American Inter national for third place, honos, St. Anselm's beat Massachusetts at the foul line. 73-71, for fifth place and Bowdoin nipped Williams 74-73 for consolation honors. Duck Band Bowl Bound PORTLAND. Dec. 3d (1 The University of Oregon band and its two drum majorettes left for Pasa dena today for the Rose Bowl foot ball game. The majorettes are Doreen Mor ash, Camas, Wash., and Mary Jane Wait, Salem. The Rose Bowl Assn. is picking up the tab for the 105 persons making the trip. Director Ira Lee said the half' time entertainment of the band will include a sequence on "enter tainment of the past," including Showboat, a soft shoe dance, Two Top Hats," "Me and My Shadow" and a salute to the Ore gon centennial celebration of 1959. Freeman Planning to Force von Himmler Into Title Go Statesman at Bowl Al Lightnar, travellin; via plane with (he Univer tlty of O r e g e football party, will be right there In the press box whea Oregon squares off with Ohio State in the Rose Bowl at Pasa dena Jan. 1. His en-the-spot eyewitness account of the game will be in your Statesman Thursday. Hefty, Herby Freeman . doesn't get a chance at Karl von Himm ler's Northwest heavyweight championship in their Armory mat brawl Wednesday night. But the Bronx block-buster has plans. "If I clobber that big lug." told sun-tanned Herbie in a brief visit while passing through town yes terday, "then he's gotta give me a title match or face suspension and huts of the title b-lt by de fault. This I'm told by ma'ch maker Owen." Wednesday, leaving no doubt as to the immediate future. Big Herbie, one of the most pow erful gents in the mat game, now sports a beard himself. He claims that "if they get close enough to me to jerk on it during my match es, I II be close enougn to gran 'em with my full nelson." Free man's full nelson is a punisher. Wednesday's prelims, first of ; which starts at t:30 o'clock, have ; Ne?ro villain Don Kindred against ! Irish Danny O'Rourke. and young j Huskies Trip MSU, 71-69 SEATTLE, Dec. 30 The up start young Huskies of Washington stopped the all-winning surge of Michigan State, 71-69, tonight as hookshot artist Doug Smart poured in 28 points in an intersectional basketball game. A team that had won only two games thus far into the season, Washington took charge in the last four minutes and held off the des peration rally by the Spartans. This was Michigan State's first defeat in eight starts. For Wash ington it waa only the third victory in a long preseason schedule mar red by seven defeats. John Green, Michigan States jumping jack center, gathered 21 points to lead his team. Mirhlfaa State (tS) (II) Waihlnctaa- r I- l urrx Redden S 1 tltlrvla 4 1 ABdereii 1 i 14 Murohr 1 S X 14 fireen S 3 1 21 Smart 14 S 1 2 Oulril 4 2 21 StadY 4 1 t S Srott 4 S 1 11 Crew I 2 1 I Olaon eel SCoastaa SSI Beaecl 1 2 Oram 114 1 Greer S 1 S Tuft 1 Total! M l4 Ttola 11 114 11 Shot attempted Mlchlna Stat 7, atuuiin in MIC By AL LICHTNER fUatesaua Sparts Editor LOS ANGELES. Calif . Dec. M (Special) Their final, heavy pro- game practices aver, and if tha contents of (his afternoon's one-and-a-half -hour drill on Bovard Field is any indication, the Ducks will be higher than a twin-tailed kite and will throw mora passe than a champion crap shooter coma Wednesday in Pasadena. Caacb Lea Casaaava aad bis surf, highly pleased with the sip aad sharpness sbawa by tbelr determined athletes today, alas aa mare thaa a Zf-mlnnte raa. Blag drill tomorrow. "We've looked much mora like we've wanted to look in our last' two practices." Casanova conclud ed today, adding "the kids have been sharp and full of hustle." Mast af today's walk was doa behind larked gates, and roai rat ed al paasiag, aaaslag and snare passiag, with awarterbaehs aad' halfbacks alike taking laras at the Ihrewiag. Tbe first aad sec aad aaKs worked both aa effeaae aad defensive patleras as tha third leans tried Ohio Stale plays against them. Even though the "keep-out" sign was on the fence surrounding tha enclosed portion of the field, well over 100 spectators watched pro ceedings after their identities were checked by Webfoot officials at the gate. One af tbe Interested specta tors was Mel Allen, Ike fatnsas sportseaster wba will work the game Wednesday. He was get ting acqaainted with Orrgoa per sonnel and Jersey numbers. Most af tbe others allowed tbe privi lege af watching the practice were well-wishing Webfoot alams and Oregon newspaper mea. As reported yesterday, center Norm Chapman definitely won't play Wednesday and end Peta Welch and guard Joe Schaffeld, (Coatiaaed page I, eol. I) irhifan Stato Vtashlnitoa .... .1 J .4 3111 Fddie Sullivan oooosite von Himm- So Freeman will be out to dob-. tag team partner. Juan Oin ber tha bearded and bald German J ainda. J SURGICAL SUPPORTS Of AH Kinds. Trasses, Abdesalnal 8apparts, Flattie Battery Expert Fitters Private- Fitting teems . "Ask Yew Doctor" Ccpitnl Drug Store ' 4U Stale Street Ceraer el Liberty 3T Green Stamps mm a $19.00 value f.r rz9s only 4 Brakt Aftuttmtat We carefully Inspect, ad. just ana test Drakes to give -you "new car" perform ance, we also repack front .wneet Dealings. iwnei Steering Adjtntntetrt We inspect, tiehten and ad just steering mechanism to assure your safety and a .uriYing coroioru Wkeel Alignmefit Wheel caster, camber in and toe-out are rnrieci4 en manufacturers' soeeificatinn rjn tarL I na 1 , irs naeei DaiaRCMtJ r- . - , .riuni wnecis are put Into precision dynamic and static balance for Hire-saving operation. limited Offer... DRIVE IN TODAY! . . . JBT Year Dowatawn Stare. Center aad Liberf (a