' 1 SUtnman. SalVin. Orr Turvlty, lVcnu!rf 3!, '37 Wednesday's Television Log HOUI 7 m KM.-TV. t fcbW TV. I: BP1T. U. MIL, TV. U MIS 00 SO 0000 00 41 OaM Preaewle Omit PlMMM 8tii rMwK fx Peas.a P Km Ptieae Ptreat aca tae.ef kl ana 4 i ..a l iMf TWA TtaA tae Pare . Par kVAL fcM Pale Ps.e4 Km Paiea l-eie 9hnift b.a Pei Mm Psi ei.a Vt.rav.MW 'e-e... iipiv ri. k4L kee Pare Peie. I autft Ha pelade Km Psi.fe St. aiiif Ukih M.m fit ) Statesman's HOME yanorama Women . . . Minfc . . . Fashions . . . Fioturis To Livo in Salem Mm fiiM Rax Pe'aae Pea ftae Pee I. t.mm Paled M ... tale Around Town . . . a tri ft rr rt pm r Kur iw-i 5 a, av aa a. a. a aa - a. a ar fVf rjVl ffnf UI rfHf n ifnt It! i JtRVME ENGUsa 1am kPl I kVAL ter RmI kl.a 7 rret4 I II r SV L t4af It. I kIS I f.tt Hot farefSe IV.ial a al.-aa hi ' -f.l It 1 . It. n h.. I h : i .liofi I llliani ,i. r.i t ...! fclttl !l. rlh.,r l,.li. Mil K-r"' I ( " Mfl Mj Ti.i V"w- IiII I U !-. htt fliM ftmt R' Mll I tonm h' I !(. IuhbI Mi ftutk M Rkk nrit Rica laiili ihafti1ai4 kPIV Km Nl R fw.. IAL M Hl KM ll... I Mr Mm lllfn Tm ft.f Riiunduf M Diilinwiff faaw Out tlifn Tlfi Ji.i R"wn4we J MUS I nllon Hoi kl.K I hrt k.l K... RIW ?ia' Tlian krt h -1 n 3klM rr.u - kl.B ' j Lr .n rt M.a two 1 ktC R.a 41 5kllll rniw T.ti iTarlimii Tib jArnwriBir Tfc Armrki ki.M R.n H'k-4 fl'l M'rk.. M.I" M.i Mk krt llfh liiw l'1 lm Ml l"f -!" "fl r ktAL. H ll4imtu It ii. mi u kuirnii kuirw 6 koto ki- Amm kPIV k ki.a kf? kl 91 I ul1i- tiuMi mtai al fwl k.r kl "olltMl Iiwiiii m Imi h" I ft. fitmilf Hull M hi II..W Iv... I ill b ala aitkuaa ailk tHimrfau tfaa in and ttalih parltrt M Ihr r da . Ivak ( tuk mrmbrta U1 hold IVir forma! duiarr daitr la ni(M al Iht Matioa Hol latd Hmn ... A aumbrf al (udl oill ha allmdinf Inrludinf Mrt. .Wintloa Hilliamt o4 l.tcoaxtlda. Calif . h hat ram r I k la ft (r Ad Sea War t H htr moth rr. Mr Thomat Holmaa . . . (urftli of th Wamrt kmilhl 01 hr llwir duklr. Miu Jraa Ntmih. and hrt liamr. Roy Jacob- ton Jr )r and ln M. K OakHir Clrl tit Arntiritir Tfct Armrkair TWa MnM l-rxlop) atrmn itil M.iu I L lurr I lsw Imtj inf4 Iljtlr K. ffVtl Nt. t IWI NIK Km li.u lill.n III IM iN.ftpirlt '1 pmi lift Ttlpk Tim R.f Rcc4 Wis Rnra Rt Rrcora Riff Rriw4 f lMl f (tilt ff.lhU Hn Wravtr V Ituih at Cont ituih fir Cona Tftiii Wataii Tram AL tml IikbmI UHi HonxONwiry rikM IOIX Millmiair Millwnair l it a krr I it a Vtrrtl IWatiltM 1ianilan4 mi.nla4 llian Ian ITTT VI ( Tram Mac Tula Ila4 ka IWil Dafl kao. Hat! I AL .tkliii Miarirr in kii anarirr jmrt irvam Jark lornnni ikoll kiwi Hour .! I Hur ll Hour fiaal Hour Im.w ron'nat'41 rmnnaina a) Harf. Or A Marr. iri Krafl Tar Krart Thttlar krafl THaalar Kraft THaalaf lAL Krtn Tha-r Krafl TMtiar Krafl Tair Krafl Tkiiitr MuHw 17 Mufl mi 17 "il Dk .WMmtima aa k. Dal w AiukU Dal Anfrla iMiahl flaal iraa Plvka. rrif i our La 1 nur inia aa norma nnuaa or nnrrar i Btki. Tour Ufa I Tour uit iNi Buraa ai Aiwa (iilhrrt of Vtai. I or mrt Ka Irm rrtKJn(. una art vmltni Off durinf Itvr (volidayi. ill br fuftti of Mr. and Mrt. Henry A Simmon . . . AmoR olhrr gitmli ml br air. and Mrt. William H Mammond. Mr and Mrt C V. Huki. Mr and Mrt rhrtlrr Frill. Mr and Mrt StdiM-y Hodman, Mr. and Mrt Virrnrt Brottn. Mr. and Mrt Rrynoldt Alien. Miu Kdna Dunbar. Mr and Mrt Gcorfr SYalri and Mr and Mrt. Jamrt Thornptoa kVaad . . . Mraart aad Maaata ( kaaatWr ttaaaoa. Utrrj Jataktati. Jaaa kaka. (iirlii Rarkir. lair MK'aW, Rlrka'd Tacit!. iaka mrkaN. Raaald Ljaiaa. (katira Wr, Kaawld Kraa. WUIUaa karva. Rattrt ktraorj, Jaka M. Jakaaa. aU M. RVkaal. Ikwflaa R'kaWr. lilaat fooa. At- la Inn, Ra)ay Haraiur. Urn) 4 Crtflttba. OraaJa TUrl. Raa art Morrtaaa. tlarrar CUaarr a ad Maair MmmIi Caaalaf . . . dowa from Poiiland to b furUt of lh Paul A. HaM I Ihr Tillrcum Club daor and brratlaM al lh Armor jr will b Mr. and Mrt. H. Lawrrnra fjtlrr. fwrnrr Salrm rrtidrnlt . . . Thr Carl Jordan! a ill alt bt furttt of lh llalrt . . . K Yaar't (arata ... of Mr. ad Mrt, WUilaaa U raUlia all k laetr M a ad daafkiar-avtaw, Mr. kd Mrs. Do) C fkUllaa of tVallt . . . Uary aid W aaaaaf Ik t-ml-mmm faoata at Um Or fa lab daara taalfkl . . . Eatrrtaiakaf . . . with a New 1 n v-A r J . i 4 I Former Broolw GJrl Weds 4: ' ' i. ,4' i OES Chapter Entertains Guests Ulroa (VtjMr. Otl mrt i(-r- da nrul al Maaaw Trm4 ttartJuofui maalMt M k araaj aad IMrdurd arft LatM af aakrm 41; Paul CUmf at Partfw M J aha MrAUlttar af uta lit. NUUam aaf af KriMT lit. Cxhrr titilort ttt Mr. and Mr. Caarlra Zrmatwk of Naomi Ckaa lar. Dailat; Mr. C-f (letrnrf of Adak Chat. OrnaJta. Nrhrat- ka; Mr. aad Mrt Laa Braaa af CkadaK Ckaptrf. fiairm; Mr. ad Mrt. C4. Potlff af Amtaarlk Chapiar. SaWra; Mr. ktvtt Mrt W it liam Mrdrria af Putt Trr Oaa Irr, keilit PalU. MakJalM: aad Mrt. Joat Payao af Kaaakrt CTiay Irr. McMiaaulk. Propam iacluod a kumoraut rtadiaf by Mr. MabcUa Hutrfar: a duel by Mrt Doa Judaoa aad Mrt Mark Wilbur, acromparued jby Mr. Ted tlUkka; ctlla tum-V -nd uh,6 Soih"J (Carolina AAcNtff) vho war " uawrna. """r" i -....lawf In tha Church of tfva Atcantion In PnH. land. Tha brlda it tha daoghiar of AA. and Mrt. Wayna W. McNoff of Polland. lorrrvar Brook i ratidanii, and Mr. Southard It fha Wfl or Mr. and Mrt. William Southard of Portland. V,- 1 y fry .- i a f -vi I aoit l 1 tntl rviavUfrMi aa t Shawtim m a (Mtlm an Oiowuma na t I kl.ar Oiaa. Plyat Oian t Phha Oia a Plvhaa ia Plvtiaa a KPTT Km el Horror H of Horror !Ht al Horror iHoua al Horror aval, Burnt ai AUta iiba ironiahl iTaniaiil rrattart aatti Tfc lumau aakrtaa la fart Ik avafraata a a uaaaa at ata k? raaia ta TV atalMjaa, kat ktrtat arallana ik araaratat ara rkaat) vMkaal aattrVtattta tklt atataaatf taaaat a raaaaauktt la Ik arraraa ktitla t Wodnttday'i Radio Log KkLM lM BOAT I4M till I4M BOIN t7t KC rCt BOON lilt PM: Mttuyttta COIN 11 Is BuW IMJ H0U 00:00 00: 5 00:30 00:45 HtLkf Valley Parmc'tt Valley ytrmr'al Valkr rarmc'ttlNtat trtii rraat inuar Ltiruu nogrr larrou vimt or cniaa rO-Baur lAI Baurr i Al Raurr IAI Bauar AmrlcaKOIN Kkrk KOIN Klnrk KOIN Klork Mm ak I Dirk Novak NrmNinU Novak Neat kUON Kal VI IKai Yl Kal Yi iKal Vi . M H.AT I trin iVkniT aro- Ikol- heat w ki.w tK-k 7 8 KiLM Haminaaay RllAT Ixral hewe knT RrD Bauer RUIN KOIN Klork IbW Dirk Novak KCON Kal Vl iBrkftt Cane 'Newt Yc 't Kv di rvnrr aod aalrfcl The C I r a a a t Wb'a . . . Nra party lortifht iU ba Mr. and Mr. Vrar't Ete fermal dlaaef daar Frfdrrirk Lamport, aha hat a In-! Ill be held ai Ike Reaaiar HaUl Vllrd guetU la lhir Ba Lomond la.. M,man Carl Phalnt tha frvmer AAarw Jean WalanDaooh bafora har Decembar 27 marriaga at tha Federated Church . .. f . .a. a,. . - i . - , j f . .' , :- "V, ', '. '. yn; v. J 1". . t'a. ' . '. 'I ' iUl -- -a ..... FAl A- J I , .,. i..,. .'- .v ".'. : - . 'i' 4(- ,' -J aaaaaV . . .I-. . -J. aWaaaatk . aJ-ii. . Tkrre a III k a larft fraap Park horn . of tarala larladiag Mr. aad Mrt.1 Party beeta . . . laaifM a III be Tkat TtradH af tWalU. baUday.Mr. aad Mr. Elatrf J. Srvllan TlaMora ta la raaUal Mia Mary OrUafrr, a a I kat froa Mathlaftaa, D C. far la kalldayt aad kr eacarl. Tata Paalaa . . . Mlaa Sally Vaa Sirel aad Taaa In Training IRrkitt. Can ICood Newt lt.ai.renr Walk Ixral Newt IRFD Bauer I Ray WHkp I Neat Pile Headline Newt Prank Coat I Harry Babbitt Dirk Novak athr-Nel Dirk Novak iKtl Yl IKal Yl Kal Yl KILN Cliff trifle IFtmily Allar I KliAY Loral Neat Larrv Rai 1 KRrr Ntwt Brody Kiev Bmdy I KOIM C ntumer N'wt Vtlli Newt I KI.W Cecil Brant illirk Novak KUOM Kal Vl IKal Yl Bible Intl. Larry Rnea Newi-Wlllet I Bible Intl. . IKGAV Newt IWIIIet Quen'l Hurt shlley Sere. 1'irt novaa Novak Neat Kal Yl IKal Yl IPa.lor a Call A M. Mrlndira IJimmv Pldlar IkGAY Newt IRay Wlllrt Ray Wlllet tMKJmnrn Newt KILM Newt lAdelphUnt . 04 kl.AY Rorer rtrrall iRruier Carroll 1 KRZV Newi-Wlllet IRar Wllln aI KION tvandv w arren Howard Miller I Helen Treat -M HUW Broaklatt rlub IBreekfaM Club Brakfaal Club Braakfatt Club kOOW Nwt-Tru try Ikty True Klory NBC Bandtl'nd NBC Bandtland 1KILM Nwt Tllo Tail I Winn of Ron IVYInii of'Sona" KliAY Roier Carroll iCIarev Dyer I Born Ktrloll IKGAY Neat KR7V Newi-Wlllet (Fay Wlllet Ray Wlllet ISuftr Bowl OKoItt Nortk Drake Ma Perkuii (Oranir Bowl lOranae Bowl KI.W Andarton khow Anderaon khow'Anrterton Show; And rt n-Ntwi BOON Nw-Bndttnd INBC Bandifnd NBC Banrln nd Sugar Bowl for Day Queen for Day noger 1RILM Newt KCAY Dinner Winner KR7Y Suaar Bowl a KOIH Orana Bowl 1 ROW QiMwn'a Matf " KOOW Sufar Bowl Queen for Dty.Qucm Dinner Winner llmmj 1KILM Nwi KdAY Botw Carroll KRZV uar Bowl 2 KOIN Oranjre Bowl RGW Paul Harvey kruiftf IBiiaaa Haa.1 Suiar Bowl Ortntre Bowl Nallvitv Sugar Bowl N W Newt IS -15 Newt Suear Bowl Orange Bowl Hank Henry Sugar Bowl Immv Pldlar I Rater Carroll sugar Bowl sugar Bowl Orane Bowl Orang Bowl Konnie Worth iKonni Worth Sugar Bowl ISugtr Bowl Top Trade noger larrou Sugar Bowl Orang Bowl Hank Henry ISugtr Bowl ry KCAY Neat Suetr Bowl Ortnge Bowl HenrvNewt Sugtr Bowl tiiUea af Uetr frireda wUI gather far a at kat Haaer al Ihelr ratrwaaaf RIB km . . . al-W'Uwa gaeala all! larhada R. W. Rararae of BeaUle, aha la yltlUaf bie aoa aad dtt(hlr-la-laa, Mr. aad Mrt, Raberl Satrafae, aad Jadft RaraM aVb rtaf af 8L PHrrabarf. Flarida In Corvallit. fh bride it tht daughter of Mr. and Mrt. H. N. Weianpaugh of Saigon, Vietnam, formerly of Salem, and Mr. Phelpt it tha ton of Mrt. Donald A. Phelpt of Lebanon. Tha couple will make their home in Salem. (Kennell-Ellit Studio). Engagement naf af 84. Paieraharf, Florida . : n 1 1 ijj'L'ls nevealecl w aa-aw p ana mmw.mv mm , Mrs. Jaaart T. Rraad ... be a) eaa af the law arkool al Jaba R. Sieiaaa talyeraHy . . . Tfce Rraads boraate frteada af lb Searlaft wbra k4k arr la N'araaerf . Cer ataay aerrlaf aa Ike Iribaaalt . . . Jadfe Srbrlag It alee a larater bjatire af tke rtarida 8al So ar at Caari . . . Oa Maaday Mrs. Mr. and Mrt. John Silbrrna.H of Scio. are announcinf the rn jajemrnt of their daughter, Ber tha, to A2C Donald Small, ton of Mr. and Mrs. Oren E. Small of Stanton. No date hat beta art for the wrddinf A Mitt Jotephina K. Gray, daughter of Mrt. Alieda M. Gray of Independence, it completing her air force basic miiltary training at lackland Air Force Base,' San Antonio, Texas. Her training is preparing her f 6r entrance into Air Force technical training or for ail. Air Force duty assign, menf. Mist Silbernagrl it a graduate Srrllart e.trUIrd al a holiday " ' Sboo- laar-keaa aad bridge far larlre '""" la rmltai . . . tonight will be 'UveaU-MI Irr Beauty Sakin Sa- ... ..." .. i lem Her fianre it a erarluale nl Mr! XmTw$V: XhkZ Wi'h P,r:"'S Mr. and. Mr.. Ciena McCoick.j- Tr 'fJrJ .I Iu Mr. Walter Cohin en- wno wiu aitrna me Aero liuo i , . ' lornia. Holiday Guests Entertained AURORA, A number of vititort were here during the holi day teason. Mr. and Mrt. Leo Keil were guests in the home of their ton and wile, Mr. and Mrt. Marvin Keil in Eugene. Gary and David Van de Mortelle tons of Mr. and Mrt. Raymond Vaa de Mortelle of Milwaukie. stayed with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrt. Louit Van de Mortelle while their parents were on a two weekt holiday trip. Mr. and Mrt. Carl Hoffman and by kit mathrf, Mrt. Harvey Gib keee; a akd by Mrt. Jtf llarrel tofl, Mrt. Laraa Spuidi. Mrt. Roy MtTTtfafld. Mrs. Jack MiUer, Mrt. aU-IUy Wadtaorta. Mrt. George Thorn atoa. Mrt. Glroa llorbatelW, Mrs. Waytw Xuhl and Mut Karea Michaltoa. lavilatioaj were received from Wulametla Chaptrr at Sbedd for Jaa. 1 and Acacia Chapter al Suytaa aa Jaa. 7 for fVirwUhip Rifhlt. Tbe eVcoralkng rommillee in cluded aire. George Thomaton, Mrt. Laraa Spaulding. and Mrt. Praneet Ughlarr. Tbe rrfrrth- rrterit rimmittre included Mrt. Notlit Ramtdcn, Mrt. Howard Church of I he Atcrnsian with the Robert Southard aa hit bruth. Caroline McNef f IsMafried' Mr. and Mrt. Wayne W. Mc.Velf book with a peart rotary and a of PetrUand. former Brookt area ... .t. l - i p- tuiaiiii rtCl ma. MMCT M rettdealt are annouacing the rnar- Iroom lh( Hage of their daughlrr, Caroline. jtc aad MUi jaB UcNelf. la Richard W. Southard of Port-1 cousin, and Mrt. Doa Whirl arte land, aoa of Mr. and Mrt. William the bridesmaids. Judy Rrutka of Southard of Portland. Brooks a at hrf cotuia t floaer The crrcmooy look place at I he girl 1 n 3 4 5 6 KtLM P.M. Melodies IP.M KCAY Rolll omith KRZV Sugar Bowl KOI Orang Bowl KW Hank Henry KGON Sugtr Bowl KILM P.M. Melodlet Kl.AY Rolll Smilh RRZY Boat Bowl OIN Cotton Bowl KGW Barkut Show aVOOFt Rot Bowl KtLM "P.M. Relodiea KGAY Rolll SmllB KBZV Rot Bowl KOIN Cotton Bowl KGW Dirk Novak KGOV Rot Bowl Sugar Bowl Cotton Bowl Melodlt IRoiiM smith Sugtr Bowl Cotton Bowl Hank Henry I Hank Henry Sugar Bowl ISugtr Bowl IPTm. Melodiri IP M. Melodlet Rolll Smith Rollie Smith I Rose Bowl I Rote Bowl Cotton Bowl I Tot Inn Bowl Rirkut Show iRarkut Show Rot Bowl IRote Bowl P.M. Melodic IP.M. Melodlet Jimmy Ftdltr IKGAY Newt IRote Bowl Cotton Bowl I Henry-New t IRote Bowl IP M. Mriodlrt IKGAY Newt IRoae Bowl (Cotton Bowl Rarkui-Newt IRote Bowl KtLM Newt KGAY Rolli Smith KB7Y Rote Bowl KOIN C o: ton Bowl 1 KGW Newt-Novak KGON Rot Bowl . KkLM rrolii'i I rollra KGAY Rolll Smith KGAY Newt i KBZY Newi-Pollrc II P.M. HUM I KOIN Fd. R. Murrow IJtrobtnn KGW Dirk Novak Dirk Novak KGON Inbound Unbound P M. Melodiri IP M. Melodlet P M. Melodlet Rollie Smith jJimmv Fuller IKGAY Newa Rote Bowl i Rote Bowl IRoae Bowl Cotton Bowl ICotlon Bowl ICotton Bowl Dirk Nov ak IDirk Novtk I Dirk Novak Rote Bowl IRote Bowl Rnae Bowl Hemingway ITello Tttt ISam llavei Rolli Smith I Rolll Smith IKGAY Newa IRose Bowl 'Steve Brodv Steve Brodv ICotton Bowl lArthur GoHfrev Arthur Godfrey r,'k Novak 'Dirk Novak I Dirk Novak Rote Bowl IRoae Bowl IRoae Bowl Newt Report Sign Off I 1 P M. Ruth I Newt File Tom Harmon I Frank Gott lohn Daly I Anderson Unbound Unbound INewt formal dinner dance and New Year't Eve festivities Preeedlag ... tbe Rainbow Glrli faratal dance tealgbi al Ike YWCA will be Miss Barbara Hea- kea, wko bat laylled aeveaty ker friends la a pre-daaee party al Ike koine of ker aartatt, , Mr, aaa Mrs. Urarf Heakea, aa Lay alter Drive . a . Plaaalag ... an informal gath ering for New Year't Dy are Mr. and Mrt. Robert Drager, who have invited a few of their friends lo come by their Shipping Street home and watch the Rose Bowl game . . . luncheon will be served al half time . . , Holiday boala . . . oa Sunday ere Mr. aad Mrs. George Prier, wko ealerlaiaed wllk aa al boose at Ibefr Waodarre Drive retideaee la Hilleadale . . . Members of Married Dec. 20 WS-lUnM during the Jke."". ' f.mUlet viii lamiaia ituiiuayt were mrt. Marie Conner and Arthur Schmidt, who exchanged vows Dec. 20, at informal rites performed by the Rev. L. 0. White, pastor of the First Christian church. Mrs. Schmidt it well-known over the state having had numerous state offices with the American Legion and for her social work as Polly Potter. Mr. Schmidt it employed with the Bonneville Power Admin istration. Following their return from Cal ifornia, the couple will live at present at the Park Street home of the bride. Americas Gold Star M a i b e r t have tcheduled a meeting for Wed nesday night at the VFW Hall at oclock. few Meads called belweea :M aad o'clock . . . Assliliag tke koala were Mrt. Prier't titter, Kalkrya Lombard, her brother-la-law aad tiller, Mr. aad Mrs. Hea ry Holland of Sublimity, aad Mr. aad Mrt. Geae Balet of Partlaad . . a la Portland ... for the weekend was Miss Beth Horn, who was the guest of her University of Wash ington classmate, Miss Hazel Campbell ... the coeds attended the Christmas Cotillion at the Wav- erly Country Club Saturday night Visiting . . . at Ike borne of Mr. and Mrs. Jaka Emlra are ker coaiiat, Mrs. H. W. Gas Id aad daughter, .Jaaei, of Barliigarae, CaUf., wko came aortk for the holi days a a a Lodge Plans for Convention Salem Rebekah Lodge met Mon day evening with Mrt. Cecil Flet cher, noble grand presiding. Final plant were made to attend District 4 convention in Silverton on Jan. at the 100F Temple new officer! for Odd Fellows and Rebekaht will be installed at a Joint installation. Klagwood Celt. American Legion Auxiliary will meet Thursday, Jan. 1 at I p.m. at Kingwood Hall for a business meeting. Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE Q. I have accepted a fraternity pin from a boy who is away at college, and my friends tell me I am now engaged and not free to accept other engagements. Is this true? A. Just the acceptance of the pin is not a marriage engagement, unless you and the man have def initely made it so. Q. Would it be all right to have a record player provide the music at a home wedding, or is it abso lutely necessary to have "live music"? A. A record player is quite all right and. in fact, is proving very popular these days at home wed' dings. Q. Is the dessert at a dinner considered a separate course? A. Yes. KtLM Newt-Inbound IFirmrait iPlnklev 'Sam Havea KBZY Newt Sportt Alex Dreier Morgan Beatty I Min t Famllv I KOIN Ctrpenter 'Lowell Thomn Amos V Andy A mot 'n' Andy tvtaW ra. r. Mnnan nrnn.'oporu ..irrr null Lite a worm ' KGON Newt-Mutic IMumc IMorgan Beatty Starr-Newt KtLM Gabriel Heater ISilvrr Serenade Gold Med. Doc Rind Concert KBZY Newt Shown Showrat IShswc IShowcas KOIN Newt-Melody iMelody IRobt. Q. LewU Robt. o. Lewit KGW Starr Tim IStarr Time Starr Time IStarr-New KGON People Funny (People Funny(Nlghtllne INightline . KSLM Day Drrtmt IDtv Dreamt Iw'hHtlin Tune. iWhlstlm Tunet I KBZY Newt-Link lUnMetter INightline INightline I KOIN Rutty Draper IRuily Draper 'World Tonight INewt-Wrtther I KGW Starr .TTIma Starr Tim IStarr Tim IStarr-Newt Sightllne INightline tNignlline INightline KSLM New t IFulton Lewlj Sweet Swing Sweet A Swing KBZY Nightline Nirthl!nr ISrrenade 'Serenade KOIN Dance Orrh. 'Dance Orrh. leading Ouest. I.rarlmr Ourat. KGW Starr Time fterr Time Dance Time Dance Time KGON Mottlr Mu.ir 'Moillv Mutlr Moatlv Mutir IMottly Mutlr a KKLM Munc IMunc INewt 'Muair I KBZY Richfielrl Rptr iLife World Late Show Late Show 7 8 9 ISportt Detk KI.W Tom McCtll IDinre Time KGOV Newt Flathea 'Mostly Mu.tc Uavcee Reports Javre Reoortt 'Dance Time Dance Time Mostly Music Mostly Musie IKiiLM GangrHi;ten KBZY News-Show KOIN NewsSJ-ow 1Kb Dtnre Time KGON Mostly Music iGtngbuttert IMusic Music ILaie Show ILate Show Itr Show 'Late Show ILate Show Newt-hhow tDtnr Tim 'Dan- Time Dane Tim Muillr Music Moatlv Music iMnatly Music R.dio Station KOAC, 550 kilocycles BOAC (Wednesday): II: t tat The Krat an 4 WeaUer; lt:lS espec ially for Women Dr. Charlotte Meller; II Tke Caacert Hall; II aa the Neat and Weather; 12:1 J s a-Heliaty Music; 1:10 Meledy Lane; 1:3 -Country ttyte, VIA: Gilbert Mlikrt Shew :t Eipeclaily far Rtraen "Prokletat al Growlni l.- Dr. Creek aad Mrt. Vaa La; !: Meatary Beak af Mutir; l:0t Oregon Reporter; J:1S Music af tke Mat ten; : Geerirtawa raraaa; 4:3 O a tbt I'pkett; 1:00 Chlldrea't Thea ter; S:4 Look t the Sketi; t:IS Pep Caacrrt; : The Newt aad Weath er; t:IS Var Serial Serarity; las Acratt tke Desk: t:M Gatae Ceaaaais tlaa Balletia: t:ti fMaaer M t ladles; T:tt The Merles: T:IS Kaliday Music; l:tt Keyboard Clasatrt; 1:41 Rassaa Faraai; t: Matte That la lam; t U Evealag Mediuuaaa Re. Perry D. Avery, Federated Cksrrrbea; list aiga Off. Wednesday Television Highlights K0IN.TV(Channel 6): l:J a.m. Totiraameal of Roses Edcar Bergen, his wife Frances Bergen and their friends Char lie McCarthy and Mortimer Snerd will again Emcee CBS Television's broadcast. ll:J a.m. range Bowl Oklahoma vs. Duke, in the annual Orange Bowl Game at Miami, Fla. 1!;4S p.m. Cottea Bowl Nav7 meets Rice in the annual. Cotton Bowl game at Dallas, Texas. J: 3a p.m. Armchair Theatre William Bake well. Eve McVeagh in "The Insufferable woman. Trying to produce an amateur play, an adver tising executive finds himself saddled with the wife of an important client, who insists on hav ing the leading role. 7:t p.m. Tbe Big Rrcard-Wilh Patti Page are: Eartha Kitt. Lois Prima, Keely Smith, Jan Peerce, Johnny Mathis. Don Cornell, and Matt Dennis. I:M p.m Steel Hour "The Charmer," starring Gypsy Rose Lee and Rip Torn. A glamorous career woman who runs a theatrical agency becomes attracted to a talented and ambitious young actor. ll:H p.m. Studl 57 Dane Clark and Arthur Franx co-star in No Sentiment. Drama built around a physician's unshakeable belief that there is tome good in every human being. It: ft p.m. Slttwtime aa Six "Spitfire" starring Leslie Howard and David Niven. A young girl -falls in love with a married engineer. 1:3 p.m. Favorite Story Adolphe Menjou takes us to the incorruptible town of Hadleyburg in the mid-1800 s. :J p.m. Mickey Mouse Club "Shoe Song," a musical treat brought back by popular request. 7:M p.m.-Wednesday Night Fighlt Zora Folley vs. Garvin Sawyer in a 10-round heavyweight bout. I:N p.m. Ditarylaad Complete showing of "Siam," covering the workaday tasks and cere monial traditions. l:4t .m. "Dramatic School"-Paulette Goddard and Louise Rainer. A impoverished dramatic school student builds a dream world, complete with a dream lover. KPTV (Channel 12): The Oregon SUtesrmn Srvea Sara a week: tl 71 t ttantk ky carrier By Mali (la Ore.): ti ll at.; IIJI ai ate.: i) at year. Please start my Sitiestata ky carrier Itatai limly. I eratiasa I far BaaM aajaecrtpttaa. ead U: Tke Oregea autvtataa Kaat Ma M. Ckartk St. ASatresa KGW-TV (Channel 8): lt:M a.m. "Earl of Cktraf' Starring Robert Mortgorriery and Edward Arnold in tbe ttory of a Chicago gangster who. as the only living rela tive of a deceased British noblemaa inherit! a large estate in England. lz:M b.bs. Watvaa Wants Story of The Brave Little Tailor." I: at p.m. Teterama Movie Two talented young sters of vaudeville performers catch tbe eye of the public and tome big-time producer i. SUrrung Mickey Roortry and Judy Cartaad. I:M a.m. lKt Tournament af Rates Parade (la Ceier) The annual New Year't Day presenta tion of the Tournament of Roses in Pasadena. "Daydreams in Flowers" is the theme for the sixty flower-bedecked floats. lt:4i aja. Sagar Bowl Football Game Mississippi vs. Texas in New Orleans. i.ti p.m. Rose Bowl Football Game Ohio Slate will eoaete Ualversfty of Oregoa at Pasadeaa. i California. k:3t p.n. "Laiurtoat Ladles" Starring Stephen Bekassv and Hillary Brooke. A resplendent ho tel for the aged rich Is in an uproar when the enraged manager quits on the eve ot a uan- ouet. takinc rut stall witn mm. 7: J .na. Wages - Tram "The . Luke 0'Malley Story,' with Ward Bond. Robert Morton, Keenan Wyna and Mary Murphy. A gambler poses as a parsoa to protect himself and two children from a or tout Mexican oanau. I:M B.BL Kraft TelevlskM Taeater (la Color) The Battle for Wednesday Night." starring Jack Oakie. Rudy Valley, Virginia Gibson and Earl Holliman. A leading TV pcronality and a popular young singer become involved is a dis pute ever audience ratings. II: p. at. Pease of llorrar "Frankenstein." etairiivj Bona aUrioS. i tertained their children and grand children during the holidays. Gueitt of the Claude Shaffers were hit two sisters and their families, a nephew and wife and the Shaffer's ton and family. Pre sent were Mr. and Mrt. John Tyomas, Mr. and Mrt. Harley Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Don Shaffer. Mrt. Pearl Decker, and Mr. and Mrt. Andrew Anderson and daughter. Betty. Guests at the Robert Beiser home included Mr. and Mrt. Harold Beiser and family, Mr. and Mrt. Dale Hoosier and children of Seattle and Mr. and Mrs. Hoosier of Grants Pass, also Mr. and Mrs. Keith Beiser from Portland. Addi tional guests in the Beiser home have been her brother and wife and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Reaim and Helen of blkhart, Kansas, and Mr. and Mrs. Rex Moore and children. Guests in the C. G. Pursley home were Mr. and Mrs. John Pursley and children. LINCOLN Mist Alpha Logsdea will open her home at Lincoln for a 1:30 dessert luncheon for the meet ing of Spring Valley Home Mis sionary Society on Thursday. Jan. 2. Co-hostesses for the afternoon will be Mrs. Harold D. Burns and Mrt. Freda Brog. Nwholt aad Mrs. Jeff Harrrltoa. Anniversary Party for Freemans Mr. and Mrs. Gerald C. Free man were honored at a reception on Sunday afternoon at the Oak Grove G r b a g e hall celebrating their 1Mb wedding anniversary. The affair wai arranged by their three eldest children. Mary and Gerald Freeman Jr. and Mrt. Hugh Jackson of Portland. Tbe Freemans have two other children. Patsy and Gene. Tbe Freemans were married In Salem and have lived in their Rickreall area since then Over 123 relatives, friends and neighbors attended the anniversary party, including Mr. Freeman t eight brothers and sisters, and Mrs. Freeman's 12 brothers and sisters. Carol Marx and Mariann Neufeldt provided violin and piano numbers during the afternoon. Weekly Tourney Winners Named Rev. Father Bennett officiating er a best man and ushers acre The bride wore a walls gowa of Don Whirl and William Petersen, white embroidered organdy and A recrptioa followed at the net over taffeta. A pearl croaa bride t borne. Tke couple ail held in place her fingertip veil and make Iheir home at a E. she carried a lace covered prayer i Divuioa. Portland. CENTRAL HOWELL Mrs. J. 8. Kaufman and Miss Janice Kauf man have entrained for Fairbury, III., where they will visit Mrs. J. N. Bach, mother of Mrt. Kaufman, for a few weeks. The travelers are planning to go on to Florida be fore returning West. Winners In the weekly tourna ment of the Elks Duplicate Bridge club were Mr. and Mrt. Roy Law- sing, and Mrt. Lucetta McCoskrie of Corvallit and Walter M. Chne Othert awarded points were Mrt. Edward E. Boring and Howard Young of Portland, Mrt. Mildred Neuens and Ellis H. Jones, Mrt R. I. McKesson and Mrs. William Kennedy. Mrs. C. B. Bentson and Mrs. P. F. Burris. Mrs. Jose Mor- iti and Glenn Hall, both of Corval- lis, and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kim- ley. In the earlier tournament at the Elks club rooms,' high scores went to Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Hutchinson, and Mrt. Jose Moriti and Mrt. L. McCoskrie, all of Corvallis, while leser awards were taken by Mrt. Mildred Neuens and L. W. Miles, Mrs. E. P. Stewart and Mri. W. Kennedy, Mrs. C. C. Gabriel and Mrs. W. A. Barsch, Mrs. C. B Bentson and Mrs. W. M. Cline, and Mrs. P. F. Burris and E: H. Jones. The first January master point of the Elks Duplicate group will be held at 7:30 Friday evening. Club Calendar Wedsesday American Gold Star Mothers. VFW HaD, I p ro. Thartday Kingwood Unit, American Legion Auxiliary, Kingwood Hall, I p.m. Mother'! Club of Bethel 43, Job'i Daughters, Masonic Temple, noon luncheon. Saturday Friendship Shrine, White Shrine of Jerusalem, Scottish Rile Temple, no-bost dinner, 1:30 p.m. teal 4P1 m 2: J.' : On mi rrl r&at74ii MS TAR GAZEP? vS?MAV 21 30-34-501 Hyj4-7saaoi, MAY B IJMtB El.t 43H? IUMZ) RAVX) MaiJ-15-351 7tsl tJ 4 V" 5L,auJ M v 3- 4-1 a iyj4?vl? AUtV u uri ti By CLAY 1 POLLAS JK Yaur Dwly Achvwy CWe H ' 4rcard I rfc Start. ' To develop messog for Tuesday, reod words corresponding to ntenbect ol your .todioc birth lgr MOV 9 YWH d Vou'S Year te 7 Toleras To 10 Dsn 'I tl The 12 Get 3 Ta . 14 Aod 15 OH a Srm 17 Ot a SW r The 30 Obwi 21 Money 71 life 23 Day 24 Of 25 Nee 2a Sut 27 Your 2t Dotft 2 A 30 For Good ()AJvcrte rer OCT. 1)3-14-47. jtaf b 70-74 31 Don't ' 37 Party S2 33 Unr S3 .14 StttleaaaMt 04 Some 35 Oa 3 The 37 The 3! Tote 3 Day 40 Vour 41 lor 47 tfMwja ajaN '44 Scenat 45 Yea 44 Cajdrl 47 Give 4t Th 4 A Tadoy 51 And 52 Ownot 53 Of 54 Seek 55 Heart 56 Dreom 57 You 5S Vour 5 Maid 60 You 45 M A 7 M SuMer , Foakth 70 Netdtd 71 It 77 TWO) 71 likely 74 Delay 75 easw 7 lov 77 GH 71 7 ' 0 T I Trwnf 12 SoandMia 43 M 14 Or a 15 Chonctt M Gam 17 r4oturlly II &tt I Spree VO Preblem 1231 Neutral OCT. 4.II.14.17TJ M.wlw SAOITTAaiUt lf 5j4tn 7173-73 fj JAN 30 V-LS $- 7 2SCH bfc41-J VS'I Ahf II "K, 3o404Vel 74 Vgl fltCJt m v?v MAitt Call CADWELL OIL CO. Stove Dietel Oils We Deliver Today Phone EM S-7431 249 State St -V1 w llirkp"-N "MTI 'Mr iAJ v hi I I u IP 5 TUESDAY, DEC. 31 FASHION MODELING OlfeON ROOM, STREET FLOOR 12:13.1:30 P.M. I t- yj OV:v.'V,'.;;:;C :v lkt 'WAT! You haven't joined (. S. National's Christmas Savings Club yetl" Juit JOC a a . tl.00 '. . . $2.00 saved weekly, plut 2i interest. addt up to a sizable sum by next November. Mop in at U. S. NATIONAL and joia tbe 1958 Christmas Savings Club now. tiHlIt tartlet Weaklf twit 0mm M LOO 50 2.00 . 100 1.00 10 1040 tOO Plot I 4 Convenient Branches in Salem LADD I IUSH-SALEM BRANCH Stale and Commercial NORTH SALEM BRANCH 1990 Fairgrounds Rd. a The Itaatd Kates Natitaal tea af fsrSasg UNtVERSiTY BRANCH -1310 Stat St. WEST SALEM BRANCH 1117 Edeewater