The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 31, 1957, Page 5, Image 5

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    City News Briefs
Ira Lniw Derby, prafrtelar af
M. OAS M. Marsst. Slate BL.
eoenpiaiaee Moaday that
had Inserted praates, cut I dime
sue. lo aad MiIm coke ntnchiae
I kit firm recently. ty police
said. Seven multiplaied eeiaa wart
feuad la the machine, officers stal
ed. AFTER Christmas salt at imparted
gifts, tut Broadway. I adv.)
Tucker Dooevsa, II. a transient,
m arrested by Mama Ceualy
sheriffs office Monday m a
charge a( burilary not la a dwtt-
Mr nutate
A nje-7a-asd telesa to m
turned e V I r la Maria Causst
Juvoejle eVpartiawei lar ceuaeelllag
after he was erarihsaAid aa a
charge af aheptiiUag le ctar
eUe lighter from Berg's Marsst.
asanas H. SC. tit police sold
Caorta K. CadawlL JS0 Stale
St.. laid poure that earns sdy has
bara eteallag gaaeliaa tram Uveas
parted as the MM Mark af Rase
Street, Pobco said aa eodiaclased
amount al u bed keea etelea re-
Patient U T I.
Shoe Arches Play Key
Role in Inmates' Flight
(lury tbt aa pe H
Escape af laa Inmates Meadsy
frara laa Mala Heaps! als CTMUaal
aard a as apparaaily weft plaaaed.
auh Matt ahoe arena playing a
try rata. eulhariu aaid.
Oaa af laa pair. Jam Juhsna.
A. G. Cater,
' oreas- watcne )rlry to repair. Ray
rertund mead Linger. Rt. 4. Bai U. Mala
k. r.fc. m i several Pertlaad T. B. Ho.p. Salem, lad
jvaao ninarnn nurn
Howardi Septic Teaks A Scweri
Drains cleaned EM 1117. (adv.)
buyers ahee anoounred ia the
Classified ads! Dial KM Mill (or
helpful ed-wriler's suggestions.
Dental plates repaired while yau
wail at rainless Parker Demist,
1XS N. Uberty. Salem, tadv.l
Order Against
Shoe Company
A complaint was filed Monday
In Marian County Circuit Court
seeking a restraining order against
a shoe company allegedly selling
aboes under another lira's trade
Melvin L. Carrot hers and Enid
Hoge as London Boot Shop, Port
land, filed the suit against Jerome
Blum ol The Shoe Bos la Salem.
The action, which originated In
Portland, charges the defendants
with illegally using the plaintiff's
registered trademark "Churchill."
In addition to the restraining or
der, the suit seeks to declare the
plaintiffs owners of all shoes in
possession of tlx defendant with
the "Churchill" or similar name
Whiskey Taken
From Lounge
An early Monday morninc burs
lary of thl Marion Hotel Lounge,
MO Commercial St. 6E. netted
about $100 in whiskey, city police
' Entranca was gained ta the bar
by forcing a panel door with a
screw driver. Police aet the time
of entrance between 3 a.m. and
7:30 a.m.
. Police said ho entry, into the
lounge was maoe was not Known,
Hotel desk clerk Katherine Ru
berg discovered the theft, officers
Taken were 19 fifths of whiskey,
officers added.
Broadway Business
Jflace Burglarized
, City detectives said the Wooden
Shoe, 11 Broadway, was burglar
lied Monday: morninc and about
$63 in cask and a 14 check were
olen.", It" "'.; :
Police said, the culprit forced a
window to the building to gain en
tranca. Police said the theft occur
red between, 1 a.m. and 1:30 a.m.
A car reported stolen Sunday
from Veraea L. Druog. SIS Winter
Si. SE, was recovered la the 400
block af Cottage SI. SE. about
12 3s am. Monday, city police
You've seen It advertised now the
aeeaalKmal Jacuui HydromaMage
pump la available al Judaea's. ITS
N. Com'L (adv.)
M. Sgt. and Mrs. Harold W
Rrid and sons Gary and Harold
spent the Christmas holidays at
the borne of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. Reid. lot Elm M,
Brush College Crange Ham A Tur
key dinner, 11:30 to 3 p.m. al West
Salem City Hall Jan. 1. (adv.)
Dr. K. J. Peterson, stale veter
niarian, will speak an the state's
new meal inspection laws at the
Thursday noon meeting of the
East Salem Lkma Club at Mar
shall's Inn.
Open Tor Business Jan. 2, 1958,
Shall be pleased to see you again
at 1026 N. Commercial, s. at H
Green Stamps. Roy M. Smith Srnr
ice Station. (adv.)
Services for Mrs. Mary Elisabeth
Miller who died Sunday will be
held In Scotland, S. O. The body
will be taken there under the di
rection of the Virgil T. Golden
Mac-Tag s Produce, 333 State St.
Loose bananas 10c lb. Rome ap
ples 10c lb 24 lb. box l.e. Free
delivery any order, Sc or more
(this is not a misprint). 10 dis
count on all phone orders. Satis
faction positively guaranteed on all
items. If we don t have It, we 11 get
Foreman, Dies
Audio Glra Cater. IS. caaslrue-
liea foremaa and Salem re Ideal
for 31 years, died Monday ta a
Salem lioapital. Ha had haea suf
fering from a heart rondiltoo.
Bora Nov. 4. 102. la Carsoa.
Iowa, Cater moved la Salem la
137, Ha was a roost rucUoa f gra
ms a aa many oba la the Salem
and Eugene area. He hard aa
Route 3.
He was a member af the Re
organised Latter Day Saints
Survivors include his widow
Hotel Cater, Salem; one daughter.
Mrs. JoAna Haney. Sprutf field
one son. Jack Cater, Eugene; five
brothers, Fred Cater, Salem
George Cater, Byron Cater, For eat
Cater, and William Cater, aU af
Dee Moines, Iowa; two sisters,
Mrs. Mary Roberta, Salem, and
Mrs. Frances Slater, Des Moines,
t A l,IU '
ivwa, ana uurv BTanocnirara.
Services will be held Thursday
at 1:30 p ro. at the W. T. Rigdon
Funeral Chapel. Elder R. G. Clark
officiating. Interment will be ia
Kestlawn Memorial Gardens.
Man Building
Bridge Files
Damage Suit
A 312.500 damage suit was filed
Monday in Marion County Circuit
Court charging that negligence on
the part of a truck driver and
truck rental firm resulted in dam
age to an overpaas bridge con
struct too on Highway 99.
F. H. McEwen filed the suit
against David Welch and NACO
Truck Rentals Inc. It charges
that on Dec. 2T the truck smashed
Into an overpass bridge being
built by the plaintiff near Jcfr-liuom Checked
33, was akat aad caatarad
ataa aaura afUe the earty inarw-
infl area, uu ramp aiaa. V
SUaat. 3B. rsltd "pataauaty
aaajaraaa.- was Kit base earty
uua mareuag Jntsm oaa
seriously weuadad.
Mate Patratmaa Ueyd RirgaJ
said a,iiaeHaaiag of Jasaisa altar
aa aadtrweat surgery
back aad fef wauada saaVelad tk
escapees had alaaaig la steal a
car aad "Wad seal.
Johaaaa laid officers that as the
laa were flreiag eaat aa Crater
Street alter their 4 33 a m. eeraae.
Street stumbled over something
aad leQ la the street. The asaadii
escapes added that he let hie
rampsaiaa prehably weuld be cap
tured sa fled aa aad basal aero
Street since.
Saasei(k4 Used
The steel shoe arches aero ard
by Ike pair la pry open a window
frame sa their rett. They thro
used a aaab weight la kaack aa
4y-31lnck nolo la the wad near
ban aad aud tram the building.
Waea they escaped Iota the
chilly inarming blackaeaa. the pair
were attired only la T-shirts aad
jockey shorts because of a hos
pital rale which removes all shoes
and other clothing when Inmates
First objective waa the Inetitu-
tioo shoe shop, where Ihe only
pair af snore available was found
to fit himeetf. Johnson related.
Took Seat Frwa
I f I 7T
a 31-37
Sutnnuu. Salnn, Ore, TufuUy, Dcctmbet 31, S7S
After aeparating from Street,
Johnson said he holed up la aa
old bara until about Boon Monday
to escape the chill and searchers.
He added thai be arit sneaked
through an unlocked door into the
John A. J elder kj borne. 3633 D
St. NE. and look a browa suit
and shoes while Ihe family was
absent. He was attired In these
items when cauchl.
The captured inmate said he
also made a phone cat from the
house to his wife in Portland, ar
ranging to meet her in Brooks.
He was coming out of the Jeld-
erks house, ready lo bead for
Brooks, when Prison Guard J. R.
Johnson chanced to drive by and
recognised him.
Officer Johnson and Harry Shiv-
ely, a resident of the vicinity, shot
and caught the fugitive after a
long chase and a number of warn
ing shots. The chase ended about
two miles northeast of the hos
pital near Swegle Road. In the
Public Records
Churches Schedule
New Year Services
laaary efae aa Page II
real's, raaary aad brardxlloa al
Student Fatally
Stabbed During .
Fight in Store
NEW YORK. Da. 30 A
teea-ngea stiairal waa fatal!
slabbed ladav M a battle pstwaee)
Safer, cburchre are pUnai la'T f ' m M rhmTtl" Hartsaj yeutkt
IM. TtMoa hMuliM , ,u,.k plW iT ! p1'
ajgM aad Wtdnwda, . . a m
oekarae I
wrvti ea lsaM
k.i. lv'. kj, , 1 i ewwauoa w ina cangrrgauaa s
sarvlres at T S pm j M. Via-
galdra aaaivarsary. 9 p ta. at Fwat
( nurrii af Natarrne. IXk and fra
Ire Mrrrls. will highligM Sew
r's eve imlm lor First
Charrk and Keure Church af Nas
ermr. Walrh aighl arrvRet will
a!e be held
Tooighl s aaokra alaa iarludr;
Flrvl Bptu4- 30 am. frkuw-ioiial
ship arrvirea. and eMerUinmrnl j P ultra rounded lap
liU Chrulian in. frllow- .)aulhs for qurtHonuig.
ship and mmnruil service i
trniral iJitnersn is pm Me
la a
Slaia an ths hrW but fwssaj
Afht waa lUbert Craaslsad. H, a
Me aad a group af Haads)
brsoled whk a graup af Pwarsa
Riraa you ha. Pouca could aot ssn
mediately drternwao What pr
voked lha fight.
As Cras ils ad fell martaDf
ounoed. Ihe atom fled. Ha died
3's hours later Ml Harlem Mow
Pair Accused
In Burglaries
Plead Guilty
Guilty pleas aa rkartea af bur-
2 bt m TSs r rs by u,hrrM' siK" New Contract
T " -l. Bu..,i,l " Lu.her.-ver,. .1 7 43 1 7... '
Ups building
Trade Wages
Gladys Shields vs Everett Dale
Shields: Divorce decree swards
plaintiff custody of two sniaar
LUliaa Coughenaower vs Orria
Roy Coughennower: Dit'orce de
cree awards plaintiff custody of
four minor children.
P. H. McEwea vs David Welch
and NACO Truck Rentals. Inc.:
Damage suit seeks 113.309 lor dam
ages allegedly done to bridge in
accident Dec. 37, 1987.
Kenneth W. Salter through
guardian Raymond Salter vs Dar
ren Nicholson: Suit seeks 33. 1U
for damages allegedly received Is
auto-bicyck accident Aug. 4. 19S7,
at- Salem.
Everett A. Faber, administrator
of estate of Beulah T. Faber. vs
John A. Boock, administrator of
estate of EUery C. McCain: Suit
seeks 130.000 for damages alleged
ly received ia accident April 7,
1954, on Salem Bypass near Boone
Mala vs William Marrlssa
Meadows Jr.t Pre sentence Invest!-
gallon ordered by court after plea
ef guilty la charts af burglary aot
ia a dwelling
Stale vs Ralph Kenneth Bales
Pre sentence investigatioa ordered
after guilty plea oa charge
burglary aot la a dwelling.
Slate vs Melvia Leo Kites: Pre
sentence Investigatioa ordered af'
ter guilty plea aa charge af bur
glary aot ia a dwelling
Stats vs Oscar Everett Wood
ard: Case roatiauod for Federal
Bureau of Investigatioa report af'
ter guilty plea aa charge of lar
Stats vs Rodger Henry Boon
Case continued to Jan. 3 at 19
a m. for entry af plea sa charge
of burglary.
Stale vs Nancy Olive Tennes
Thirty-day obaervalloa period at
Oregon Stale Hospital ordered oa
charge af revocation at probation.
Stats vi Jack Lea Oster: Charge
of robbery by force and violence,
Loulee Morn, administratrix of
Olaf Bennett Moen Estate, vs Bee
course of the pursuil. the fleeing ard Schlledler and Leon Joseph
inmate siasnea Nuveiy on me nana Schiiedje,.. Su(t $20,000 for
with s knife.
it for you. Call us and see! EM son. causing $2,500 damage to the
KENNEDY To Mr. and Mrs.
J. D. Kennedy. Rt 4. Box 010, Sa
lem, a dauxh ter. Monday, Dec. 30,
at Salem Memorial Hospital.
hridee. The uit aUo aeeka sio.l Dr. Dean Brooks, hospital super'
000 for alleged delay in compls- Mntenaeot' "id attendant twice
i uon oi mo oriuge. i.iicvcti ujv ww wv .w...
wnen noises were neam prior io
ths escape. But the pair avoued
detection by feigning sleep.
Dr. Brooks said men In another
ward saw the duo drop from the
improvised rope and sounded the
alarm, but the fugitives made
hurried departure.
Johnson, from Lake Grove, was
Wanted Man
A third man wanted in connec-
TATE To Mr. and Mrs. James V. r!W,.l !S ' tor I""
M Tai Lvons a son Monday vri. "T pnson oeioro oeinf transierrea
fll- . i'.m MhJu DH highway gave himseU up to to hospital. He abo has been
Dec 30. at Salem General Hos- d u in DllIu. Mond,v. Palk J" T' "r..? .7."
Dear Ann "Landers
Army Not Blamed
For 'Making Bums'
,, f - By ANN LANDERS .
. "Dear Ann: Your ignorance is showing. The answer you
cava "Worried Parents" was the worst I'vs seen yet Ths
folks who wrote complained because their son was a perfect
; gentleman when he went into the Army, and ho came out
a bum. .. ; "
You gave them bo sympathy. - In fact, you gave ths Army
a nice plug. Sines when docs enforced slavery have a desir
able effect on a free people? The Army, Mrs. Landers, is noth
ing but a giant prison camp. Any psychiatrist will tell yon
that no good can come from forcing a person to associate with
Inferior individuals who are beneath his level,.
Should you or anyone else wish to reply, to the assert
tion that the Army is a corrupting influence and a monstrous
' evil, I shall be very happy to prove j-ou wrong on every count.
-BH- : . : - .-
Since yea feel the Amy Is a "mo as Irons evil and a co
rupting Influence" I must assume you think this country
would be better off with no defeases.
Your reference to a tree people" la interesting. Just how
long do yea think we'd remain a free people if we had no
ArmyT It weuld be wonderful If there were no armies any
where, no weapons ef destractiea . . . if aU men could live
side by side as brothers. But,, unfortunately, there's a strug
gle going oa between the free world and the Soviet forces,
aad we'd jolly weU better not be caught with our plans dowa.
The Army can't be blamed for "making bums out of Bice,
auiet bays."' ths military service can work anly witk the ma
terial It receives. The character af a persea begins in the
cradle aad not ia the barracks. If a boy came heme a "bum
the odds are good that he had a good kit of bam la kiss before
ke ever saw aa M L
Dear Ann: Would you please lend a hand to the hair
dressers of America? We need someone to speak for us in
wmi think it's fair for friends, relatives and neighbors
to impose on us to fix tbeir hair after hours, when we put in
a full day at this work?
I wonder if the women who clean, wash and iron all day
would like it if they were asked to do the same thing in the
home of a friend "as a favor", several evenings a week, please
print this letter as a public service for the most abused group
in the countryPLAIN MAD.
Dear Abased Creep: I can speak far yea, hut ta tke fi
nal shewdowa yea will bare ta speak far yourselves.
Of course It's aa Imposition to expect yea to speed your
t twMia earls aad catting hair after yoa've put la a
full dsy at the shop. Bnt aaless yen speak ap ia clear, pear
leaped teaes. people will eeatiaae to take year time, year ea
ergy sad year taleat. -J
year-olds should NOT be going steady . . . except to school,
to the library, to church etc. Certainly not with each other.
What for? , '
(Ann Landers will be glad to help you with your prob
lems. Send them to her in care of this newspaper and enclose
deputies in Dallas Mooday. Polk ta , mental hospital on previous
wuuiy oocriu limy nmciui aaiu. occasions, authorities ssld.
SHAY To Dr. and Mrs. Theo- on Daniel Rasler. Spring- streetf gUU obJect of , March(
dore L. Shay, 975 Fir St. S, a son. field, Ore., was charged with lar- has a lengthy record of crime in
Monday. Dec. 30, at Salem Gen- ceny and will be arraigned Tues- eluding burclary. auto theft and
eral Hospital. i uay morning in a esi oaiem jua-1 larceny. Warden Clarence Glad-
... , . "co coun. weuieiui aiaieu. an fen said. Street was serving five
DIGMAN To Mr. and Mrs. wa. at 32.500. I ..... , k..,t. .t h. .
Maurice Gene Schulx. his bro- when committed to the hospital
uier, nuuam wean ocnuix, ana for treatment. Records show be
Barbara Jaunita Dixon were ar- has toent time in other mental
resiea earner on similar cnarges, hospitals.
oepuiies said.
. The charge involves the assault
and $100 robbery of Louis Nixon
West, Berkeley, Calif., Neufeldt
Clyde Digman, 3370 Fairgrounds
Rd. NE, a son, Monday, uec. w,
at Salem General Hospital.
BROOKS To Mr. and Mrs. J,
, Brooks, Woodburn, a daughter,
Monday, Dec. 30, at Salem Gen
eral Hospital.
Overhulse to Act
Road Gravel
Bids Taken k
Marion County Court received
As Governor While of gravel to be used during next
ii.i . r summer's road building program.
nOimeS al 03 me The bids, submitted by only three
I firms, were taken under advise-
ocuaie uresiueni ouyu tverniuse monl
(D), Madras, will be Oregon's act- rm, -,.p. f,v inr thro na.
ing ; governor until Thursdsy. Gov. rate .tockpUe areas. Gravel in
HOImeS IS in LOt Angeles to at- HHp rvk hw oil rnrV and
1 icnu uie nose nowi louioau game.
road rock
County area B, which is near
Aurora, received a $37,111 bid
from Miller Sand and Gravel Com
pany of Canby for the proposed
25,900 cubic yards of gravel. A
second area near Monitor received
bid of $30,400 from Santlam
Rock Products Inc. of Stayton for
21,000 cubic yards of gravel.
A stockpile area near Macleay
requiring 33,500 .cubic yards of
Anitla O. Cater
Late mldent of Rt. S. Box SB.
Humane, or Haul cater, Salem; ra
ther of JoAnn Hanc. aarincficld.
Ore.. Jack Cater. Xueeno: brother InotiufaI In i i-j;
of rred Cater, Salem; Ton CaUr. 17. 7.. , . -
Byron Cvttr and Georce Cater, all oia suDiruiiea oy oievenson noes
1 (Me MOUMS. Iowa. alrt. Mar Rob PrnHiiMa rnmnin nf KaUm whlph
Mourn, jowi. a aranocniiorcn aiao i - .
i aumva. Barvicea wiu oa neia Tnura
I day, January and at 1 :S pjn. la the I
i i-nauci oi ih w. x. Jura on Lfl witn
I concluding aarvlecs at Xaat laiwn
I Memory baraena.
Mrs. Mary Ulaaketk Miller
Dee. SS, In a Salem nursing home.
Leaves one son. Ramsav aiiller Sr..
Salem, six grandchildren and 12
be m.d. to auind. T Dakou A meeUng of the city council was
Clndv Lea ateahrai
Deputy Mayor
Stabbed in Chair
PESSAC, France, Dec. 30 -L
meeting of the city council was
and intermeiit. under the called recently and Deputy May
or the vir,u ?. coiden co, jcan Thomj. plopped heavily
aieDhrm into hia ttnhobitered chair onlv to
Late resident of Seattle, Washing- iIlrnn ,, ayith a veil A nair of
ton. in lacoma. Dec. 24. at the aae JmP U" wlln eu- Pj"
of S months. Survived by pandpar- sharp SCISSOT blades was Sticking
enta. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Cummins. ut of the UDholsterV. Police SUS-
Ijm hkiii, in i . ana rara. mju nowi, all- . ... r i
verton. Oreeon. Services will be held P a political enemy,
ruaaoay. Llec. SI, at I :jo D.m, in
the Howell-Edwards Chanel. Inter
meat City View Cemetery.
Earl a. Steabeas
Lt resident or Seattle, washlne-
I ton. ia Tacoma. Dec. 2S. at the ae
of XI years. Survived by parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rowe. Silverton,
Oregon. Services wtll be held Tues
day, Dec. .31, at 1JO pjn. in the
Howell-Edwards Chanel. Interment
City View Cemetery.
damages allegedly received la
accident June 3, 1357,
Georce E. Waters, Inc., vs Sam
Buschke and Vernon O. Tracy,
formerly doing business ts Name-
leu Food Markets, and John W.
Smith: Suit seeks $4,331 Judgment
for 10 checks allegedly written
since Aug. 17, 13S7.
Melvin L. Carrothers and Enid
Hoge vs Jerome Blum: Complaint
seeks restrsinlng order enjoining
defendant from selling or dispos
ing of shoes with trade name
"Churchill" or similar name, and
decree declaring plaintiff owners
of all shoes in po session or con
trol of defendant witk "Churchill"
trade name.
1956 Accident
Results in
$20,000 Suit
A $20,000 damage suit was filed
Monday in Marlon County Circuit
Court by the estate of a woman
killed in a flaming auto accident
April 7, 1956, on Salem Bypass
near Boone Road south of the
Everett A. Faber, administrator
of the estate of Beulah T. Faber,
brought the action against John
A. Broock. administrator of the
EUery C. McCain-estate. McClain
died two days after the accident,
which the suit charges was the
result of negligence.
The complaint alleged that Mc
Clain smashed into the Faber car
while passing a line of cars. Judg
ments sre sought for $1,162 funeral
and burial expenses and $13,138
general damages.
Widow Files
$20,000 Suit
A $20,000 damage suit was filed
Monday in Marion County Circuit
Court by the widow of a man killed
in an auto accident at the inter
section of Meridian and Dominie
Roads on June 2.
Louise Moen filed the action as
administratrix of the Olaf Bennett
Moen estate. It is against Bernard
Schiedler, owner, and Leon Jo
seph Schiedler, driver, of a car
which allegedly smashed into the
Moen car. The suit charges negli
gence because of excessive speed.
not stopping for a posted stop sign
and operating a car with defective
There are mors than 3.740 acres
parks In Kansas City, connected
by a ISO-mile park drive.
Highway Commission
To Open January Bids
Mrs. lisle Cnaaaaias Steahe
Late resident of Seattle.
The State Highway Commission
baa announced it will open bids
a stomped self-addressed envelope.)
a delaval pending negotiation of
new labor contracts.
The contractors advised that
tbeir present contracts with Allied
Hesvy Construction ana tiignway
Wash in
m7T r p,.rXfVrn $4 million in highway construe-
ana Mrs. D. L. Cummins. Salem. Ore- I tioo on Jan.
Salem; David cummms. Lebanon, the month of February is s bid; Crafts expire Dec. 31, 15. Tney
S:c.Vmm.-.s,wV," onenins considerably hieher than 'said any substantial increase in
i e-Uf . 1 -' t III'-, fieirin, x. Ill M ' . ,
Hill. Sprtnefield; three sisters, Mrs. 1 the January figure.
nuoy urvnnan, saiem; Mrs uiara
sweet Home. Grand Da rents. Mr. and ' to proceed with the January bid , work
M rs. axiear irter. urius, Minn.
Several aunts and uncles. Sei sues
will be held Tuesday. Dee. 31. at
l'SS ajn. In the HoweU-Edwards
Chapel. Interment City View Ceme
tery. Rev. uon naie. omciaona.
labor costs would reflect in in-
Tbe commission said it decided creased cost of contract highway
opening dispite a request that it
defer openings. The request came
from the Associated General Con
tractors, who said they would like
The commission said it felt that
going ahead with the bid openings
would be in the best public in-
not being armed with a danger
ous weapon, reduced to setting a
motor vehicle in motion without
the consent of the person lawfully
in charge; defendant fined $30 or
10 days ia Jail after plea of guilty.
Slate vs William Raymond New:
Case continued to Jan. 6 at 10:30
pjn. oa charge of statutory rape.
State vs Ethel Mae Back: Case
connauoo; to Jan. 6 at 1:30 p.m.
for entry of plea ea charge of un
lawfully obtaining public assist
Thomas Bernard Heinzle. 443
Capitol St. NE, fined $23 after
guilty plea oa charge of reckless
Fred James McKinney, 1433 Cen
ter St. NE, case continued for
sentencing to Dec. 31 at 3:30 a.m,
alter guilty plea oa charge
possessing and displaying a fic
titious motor vehicle driver's 11
cense and chauffeur's license.
Esrl Kennedy Jr., 3307 Fair
grounds Rd. NE, fined $50 after
guilty plea oa charge of driving
with operator s license suspended,
Raymond Charles Helmig, Ger-
vals, fined $250 after guilty plea
on charge of driving while intoxi
cated; case continued for sentenc
ing on guilty pies on charge
driving while operator's license
John Boyd Sanders, Hubbard.
trial set for Dec. 31 at 3:30 a.m.
after innocent plea on charge of
misuse of operator s license
Paul White, Brooks, fined $200
sfter guilty pies on charge of
driving while intoxicated. .
Kenneth Albert Tracey, Glad
stone, jury trial to be set after in
nocent plea on charge of driving
while intoxicated
William James Davis, Baker,
case dismissed on charge of draw
ing a bank check with insufficient
Benjamin Oscar Kerlee Estate
Order appoints Bill 0. Kerlee ad
Henry Bauder Estate: Order
sets Jsn. 28 at 9:15 a.m. for final
account bearing.
Arthur Frantx Estate: Order
closes estate.
Virginia E. Thompson Estate:
Order appoints W. W. McKinney
Stanley Eugene Davis, 20, print
er, Lewiston, Ida., Beverly Joyce
Downer, 17, at home, 5005 Ridge
Dr. NE, Salem
Roy F. Jacobson, Jr., 25, ra
dio salesmsn. 501 Winter St. NE,
and Jean Elizabeth Smith, 23. sec
retary. M3 High St. SE, both of
John W. Black, 35, electrical in
staller, 1340 Capitol SU NE, and
Paula A. Black. 33, layout operat
or, 1940 Capitol St. NE, both of
Salem. .
Stanley H. Davis, 19. service
man, Stayton, and Patricia Louise
Rogers, 16, 564 17tb St. SE. Salem.
aad Ralph Kenneth Bears. Port
land. Monday la Martoa County
ClrruM Court.
The pair was aeruard eaorera-
iag a series ef four Salem-area
hreak-iaa earlier ia lha month
Twe ether men iavolved pleaded
guilty la sum lar charges last
week. Pre-ernteare investigations
have been ordered by Ihe court
before saateaces are levied.
Oscar Everett Woodard pleaded
fumy Monday la Martoa County
Circuit Court to a charge of lar
ceny Involving aa alleged Scot em
ber theft of three sample cases
and two upper bags of women's
clothing. The case was continued
pending a Federal Bureau of la
vestlgatloa report.
Woodard against whom the
grand Jury returned a secret In
dictmeix Dec. 10. Is presently
serving two separate three-year
terms at the Oregon Stale Peni
tentiary ea larceny and burglary
charges from Multnomah Coanty
Nancy Olive Tennes. 19. 1430'a
Uberty St. NE, was ordered to
the Oregon State Hospital for a
30-day obeervatioa period Monday
ia Martoa County Circuit Court.
Miae Tennes was la court oa a
charge ef revocation ef probation
concerning a charge ef forgery
orougni against her last March.
The revocation charge concerned
a recent city police charge of be
ing orunit ea a public street.
Jack Lee Oster. Salem, was
fined $50 or 10 dsys la the Marlon
County Jail In Marion County Cir
cuit Court action Monday. Oster
pleaded guilty lo a charge of set
ting a motor vehicle in motion
without the consent of the person
lawfully In charge.
The charge against him had
been reduced from robbery bv
force and violence, not beine
armed with a dangerous weapon.
It concerned the alleged theft of
a billfold and car from a Salem
man last September.
Melvin Lee Kites, 1$, 4580 Ridge
Dr. NE, pleaded guilty Monday in
Marion County Circuit Court to n
charge of burglary not in a dwell
ing. The charge involved theft of
guns and tools from four Salem
businesses earlier in Ihe month.
Kites wss apprehended with an
other youth. Delbert Lavern Platz,
17, 3040 Edwards Dr. SE, Is a
downtown Salem shoe store earlier
in the month. They later were Im
plicated In the burglaries. Platx
was scheduled to appear before
county juvenile officials st 11 a m.
Lutheran vespers
p in
Four Corners Rapt isl annual
rhurvfc meeting and natch Bik'ht
amiree 9 pm. I
Pet he I Baptist-candlelight com-
niiinllat a sirs irsi II m I
t ree Metnadial-watrh night ser-1 PORTLAND. Dec. 39 - A
vk-e at 10 30 pm " contract for Oregon buildiag
South Katarene - sermon end, '' lbore". providing far a
aervice al 9 p m i J0wl1 n"1' Increase, goes
St. John s Lutheraa - sermon. ;stoeflect wedneedav.
prayer and meditation al 7 30 p m. ' cootract. aliening aornsi
al SawlaSi " - - - aJ ifehaw,
Grace Lutheran-covenant ser- T . , , V ",.TT
m I lew U I sag siaw, y vnusw
general rate af $3 33 aa hour for
tke at II p m.
First Method! at dinner, games,
entertainment, aatcti night ser
Vice, 6:30 p.m.
Search Party
Finds No Sign
Of Farmer, 67
trace was found yesterday ef a
missing 67-year-old farmer la the
final organised search ia the Hel
vetia area, 10 miles north of here.
Sheriffs Deputy N. R. Bar. ley
of Washington County said a
search parly of 70. including 33
Explorer Scouts from A I a h a.
combed an area within a radius of
two miles of the farm home ef
Chris Ritter, who disappeared
Dec. 21.
Earlier bloodhounds had failed
lo pick up Ritter's trail and mem
bers of the sherUTs reserve bad
checked every farm bouse in the
When Ritter disappeared he did
not have a hat or coat, Bagley
aaid. It snowed in the area the
night he vanished and a 50-mi le
an hour wind blew, Bagley added.
so-called rornmoo labor.
Signing Ihe arreernaot were the
Oreeoa State District Council ef
Uborers. the Associated General
Contractors. Portland Home Build
ers Assa. and the Concrete Cew
traders Aaaa.
la addition to Ihe hourly he
a provision adopted ear
tier provides a le-cent hourly per
rnent to Ihe union's baalta aad
welfare fund. G. W. Rover. seere
Ury of the council of laborers,
Nursery Warehouse
Damaged by Blaze !
Fbre caused aa estimated $3oJ0f
damage at the Caiitoa Nursery Ca.
warehouse oast ef hare yesterday.
The loss Included aa estimated
$23,003 worth of plants and cata
logs valued at $3,000.
uT6 u, 39
, Wish Aa as Nuksis .
Fcrta Sf:!!:ns
' Ceater at Chunk
Accident Suit .
Seeks $3,142
Alleged Injuries from an auto-
bicycle accident In the Salem area
on Aug. 4 resulted in a 33.142
damage suit being filed Monday
in tuarion i-ounty circuit Court.
The action was brought In the
name of Kenneth W. Salter by his
guardian Raymond Salter against
Darrell Nicholson. It charges
Nicholson with negligence when
making a turn In the parking lot
of Erickson's Market, 3820 State
St. The plaintiff allegedly recieved
facial and dental injuries when
thrown from his bicycle.
Ttrm Classes in
o I.B.M.
Beginning Jsn. 6. Enroll now.
Merritt Davis
151 8. Liberty, Salem, Oregon
EM 214 15
on Savings
Twice a year dividends can either be added to yew ac
count and compounded or sent directly to you fcy check.
Save now for six full months of returns next Juno JOrh.
Higher Rate in '58 - 3V4
Insured Savings
Ho Low
Salem Federal
Savings & Loan
560 Stale
B ;
Brf I Baawawaa-awaMSSSSaataaSaWtMa
Git View GtvxiUv
390 W. Hovt St. ti a-eoa
In 189J
Grave Spaces From $50 to $100
Bert SU ea
the eretl of the hills
eveilookiaf Salem.
7f Pays to Be
Perwetaal care, M
vesrs e4 proven da
seadabllitv. easy a
reach has service.
M W'