r: t24$tc IV) 5titrnn, Sln. Ore., Thtsrc ., l. 12, "37 Hams Head For .-Million Mark New Attendance Record Viewed By oa MU M U ACtIUS. Drr II - Th U AfrW- Kami si a ln imIwi la Ih National Fatfbali League Itfk ret but ihry af toaded fc M U am al Iranian, a rrturd, nrr end (hfid Br Sunday r ni(V. aflrr thr gam llk IS ftartimar Colt . Ih . uml aiit Ha played briar .aa M a !m (ha an milliee I ana Ihu IbL baid I I TTW ' W Ml. IW (M It I Malting I V p . ! re rUimim h4 II Accuses Group -jfobbitLSeaor-Osevhit fDaunhertv 9 Keeps Job ran Unpat a a a' enwe aad la u4 aa4 eraae. eaeatty aaa daa la II arrtaraaed (ar ar ar. I kraraa ian Thr im Mk Ihr Cull la ef great important- la Lm Angrier Bui N i a crucial ana lor Bahi- M.-TiHT li II ,vTh hra- , Ortm.1 thcr : lis (M watt ant hi Irn.rc Court hpirarr Ml InailM th IntrmalMMUl RoMnt C luh hai Hard all Hi paeer and inlliirnrt ' la keep h,m Irnra lining up Irlr tlunt rwwragr el Ihe Spuarf An hi lloorr uiW ftrhl im Bp,, at la Inr ! tv't nuaater. Ga. fa. Mraara (.Mtfii and Iha Saa Franrtr 4Vrs Inr Ihr Irad la Iha Writer a Coo irrcme fce la laevrdirnta are prrt far aaalkrr bawplag crowd af T6.tt ana) aa. M la wratker kaiat gand. Tar I erti aanal wla. Ik Sanaa raa get rrvreg lar a Mtrklfaa't , eacmiag Irani aaniawrr laa Williaaat ha. anaeay age. aa lata mm Wryard tata lk atrlarr la aa - "","r ! r(n to rvaard IW aMaallaa. I Tka l.rhl i. trhrdulrd h Ulf " "m f da M January la Iha Sal f-airfrouwli hKh U quit unUva, ar CoUaaum la Drtrtlt L al lno- Phoht twodrnl promoicri jur anlaH , Oxwaandt el elbrr rwoplt Xluor. Iha champion, lino org la lainrrra Vlrad ha rhamsioBkhip ta l IV CaaataW laa aart arauau TW tout Soul auainl SpM. ' fraaa a dla 1 Ikaatkl lat tmpctm faart , a. kraka aa Iklt a.taly larr wtaa k aa Tntif. Vt rail laa IRC." Hatoaar'a auw CMcaga Baars. arrraaard. 'II kiaki Mka Ikal So " Jl pourad out le ar th kaark la atraafrr ikaa rrrr. jramalck will! Drtralt. The Kami Thrj'tt Mappri aa Jd aa Iwa jwoa. f aad IrtrvhlM aVala." ' k th Bran ram in and Splrvr Mid two rompanie ho U wunl rnt to M 4.4. Th Kami ponaor Ih rrfular Wrdacaday , ad fenktd miarrahl din a it SI and Friday nicht fifhli wrrc Intrrtatrd in ttlrvminf th SpicrT' loor bout (or rj.ooo. Prrlimin 17 fTancmMt wrrt worked out each tim. h added. "Bat la IBC aa ataad la aad miaad kadi Vato," k uM. "Tkay caairal aactaf, tUr1ala aad arerytklaf. A fwf cait aaaka a aalcaa lk IBC trite k'ra Urh a to fa." In New York. Harry Markaoa. manaxinf director of th IBC, Mid "if anybody wanta to televise th bout, tot them. Wt have Dothlnf to do with It. Wa don't want Uw bout "Tbrre'i no competitioa ia the bout What ha Spirarr don te warrant a crack at the title? Last tim I looked n waa knocked out by (Tonyl Anthony and Anthony waa knocked out by Moore. Chcmawa in 46-36 Win Tba Indiana from Chomawa went oa th warpath last nifht and cam aff with 4aVM non-loop basketball wia over th Washing ton Deal School live on the Che mawa floor. Alfred Nutlouii was the big scalp collector as ha bagged It points for his nights work. Jeff Branom led th losers with . Chcmawa also captured the Jay fee game as the papooses came ip with a C1-2S victory. WASH Duf (Ml . F: Craluua (41! Braaam (. Ci tartoa HI. O: awrwtrb (J): Tkamai (). arrvr arlg: Ntaartrki in; aaarpa (. CHIMAWA (4 r: Mclla (I); artrtrrr (IS). C: KuUaalt (It). Ci Whtt (4); Brtay (4). swim Srartni: VaM 21. Quartarlr Brarati I t I 4 Til ul. Daf . f . I IS II Cbrmawa ... ( IS II orilrlaU: Braa A Maaalas Oa raaa th 4srrs aad alt pra fraalaaal rrrarda wrr krakra wbra IttJCt aarkrd MrmaHal Call tram. Coach Sid Gillmaa's heroes, a sasperating as any Ram club in history, rewarded th loyal with s acat 17 24 victory. Th feltowtag work la Grera Bay Ike Raaas ictd a eauir-Iraia-kehiadl aasaltor salrael to wla. kat aacaad la atow th aril two gaaaea away al Clv laad aad Bsltlmars. Wearily, ' lhy eaaaa kiia. Lait plac Grera Bay and next to last Los Angeles met. Th count was 70.572. Last algM aa argaaisaliaa rallrd Y Old Raaas arid Us aaaaal baaajart far tar rlak. Ye Old Rams ar rrf-Raaii, wrk at rUh Walrrflrld aad lar rarrral wrraidral. Dr. Lesll Harvalk. Mora lhaa 1.000 filled the Holly wood nightclub, at lll.il a ticket. Bob Hope, who owns a piece of stock In th chib. kidded th team unmercifully for its M record. Said Hope: "Ertryaw lave yaa. Eyry-f aw aa Ikaa etkrr toasss, Ikal U." As lb playrrs )aiard la tkc laaghier. Hap added: "I'll say this, you guys always give it the old college try. "I csn t wait for you to turn professional. -m w w w f I - x .1 . 1 i i v. & i 'i ! C) . r -' .'v 1 . i - ' I " ! (. ,;. ' j, I ,-jt Puses Up Offer Of Texts AM r jiur win CHICACa Dae II wwraathaS eaach Hugh fJutly 0aughty la- day psnad a reaarted toa asa a yrar cwarkiag paaaiaa at Ttsas AAM kwcaaaa mm hrart brtoagt la Mirhigaa Btata I'Mttvstty. PaagWrlf inlilia la r ataaa al htU oa la big aa a 4k Big Ta aaaail wa4r awaBag t4 aaaarwt with toat- at aa jpuhjhyaA JUaal aJfebsWdlBI baaaw awsajasi wTaajsi awapwj falaaBgi sxaaawaWwaiaaT sjawasvw lar akaatag IM1AI grid arWd- CORVAIJJS, Dec. U Elfin (Rabbit) Baylor, above, fsbu- loai Seattle U eager, goes against Oregon State here Thursday sight. Baylor wis one of the (op srorer and re bounders In (he Ration last season. Red Sox Ink Okie Flash Dave Philley Now Owned by Phillies NORMAN. Okla.. Dec. 11 t I'nlversity of Oklahoma basketball ace Don Schwall said today he has signed s baneball contract with the Boston Red Sox. He signed for a bonus reputedly In excess of 150.000. The lanky fool I, tlt-paundrr null Ihr itoonrr race tram Moa day and at thai time dlsclaaed h iu raasldrring affers from, five malar league baseball clubs. R. B. Rice. Red Sox scout who tagged Schwall. a righthander, would not disclose the amount of the bonus but said: His bonus Is bigger thsn any Yankees Accused of Trying for Monopoly WASHINGTON. Dec. 11 GM-Rcp. Celler D-NY accused the New York Yankees tonight of trying to maintain a baseball monopoly in New York City. Ccllcr, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, conducted an , investigation of baseball and other proiessionai sporis ism summer. Since then the New York Giants have left New York for San Fran cisco and the Brooklyn Dodgers for Los Angeles. Both are National League teams. Ia a alalemeat, feller soled thai the Giants played la New Yerk for more lhaa half a rra-lury. "Unfortunately they have gone to San Francisco." he added. "That void must be filled by an- Dougherty laid rroartars. aftar rejecting Temaa At M s atlre al head fachiag lob and eihkttr as-l rwlarth) by Ug dialaar tea I phone, lhat my rats ar laaf deep at Michigaa Slat.'' . Daaskrety bad eV4lk?aid aa Ik a4tr ator M Sir MM kro k bad Irmd witk Trsa AAM ainrtala eaacnMag Ika paalUaa varatod wkea Baa Rryeat aaM to tiwai kaad raark al Alakaaaa. Daughrrty. 41 head MSI' roach sine 1WS4. receiv aa atimaied salary i brtwvea IH.M and IS. am at Michigaa Stai. Th big ofler from Texas AAM reportedly included a TV contract. Duffy's estimated salary at MSU also in cludes extracurrkvlar activity. Deaghrrty. wkea IPM Rpar taaa kad aa S I reeard aad fla- bkrd Ikwd la Ik aalieaal AP al. aaM b did aat aar Ik Trsaa AAM after to kargala far a kigger salary al MRU. "As far as 1 know, my salary Is still the same." said Duffy. He did not disclose the Texas AM terms and chuckled "that's a lot of money" when the WMO figur was mentioned. MSU alklrllc dlrerter Blltl Maaa. akem Daagkrrly aae credrd as krad raark, said k was "very ptrasrd wilk DwfTy's drcistoa to rrmala al MMU. "H kas daac a fla tob aad I baa ke will k wHk as far years to TheyH Do It Every Tune ' By Jimmy Hub 17 KKO UOM CUR I KAAArX-U.T CJT-rrH MC flTTS I 4VT OaHHt! ASi-f-1 V U CUtXl 1W I CO I sVCCAU. TMB I O0aO MCS ON fCX I ALX4VS RtMTxafR I tmfttuKHrti I fiasT cvtr i sct rr terr ah mom I io i 60tt4 I I lOktauW IkWO- Kxrr a4 Out L AM? 4 KALP- A QO WHC D0Oi J ABWry-VV tUOitTQiCXJ Tp- .VV POO HI ACT -V 1 A'O'TOTHiKKV jr"" ,0) rtC trtry close tmc 1 -Nty sr uce HvP t SVt W - V THek'cm Jl CAfMPTvA I m ftePCSOKfiTCYTRy MCfmr46-TrtE CMASCB ' WrOiZSDS THfl SOYS TO Trig OOAKROOM 0m A MTtO Mft Air 7 aw o . rv Oik Brown Still Paces NFL Ground Gainers; 0'ConneII Top Passer PHIUDLLPHU, Dec. II (Spe cial' With ana mora gam" lo play, Jimmy Brewa, of Oavetand, has a lead of 1W yards over his closest competitor. Rick Casares, of th Chicago Bears, In the race for th Individual ball carrying chaireiooahip of the National Foot ball League, according ta latest statistics. Brawa, wka gained M yard laat werh kaa aa rlevra gaaa retard f M4 yards aa in ai Iratpu tor a 4.1 yard averac wku Casares, wk galad ti yard laat week, kaa aasaaaed 44 yards aa 1(1 alleaaato far a l. average. Daa Baaeriee, af Waakiagtoa jamard trm fvarth to laird. Tommy O'ConnelL Cleveland, idle last Sunday, retained -first place ia passing with aa 11.17 av- erage gain In yards on each at-' mm m. , tempt. He has thrown 119 passes. m a pel1 ll HI 1 1 I II lal III last week, la bow tied aith Louiond with am eight yard average. Grata, Cleveland, for scoring hoe- f Joo Arnett, is srtia first la kick ers, each with 17 points. Last week off returns with a 2S yard average Baker was in a thisd place tie. with Don Mcllheany. Green Bay, Fred Cone. Grera Bay, is third second with T7.. MJt Davis, BaJli with aa. I more, moved Into first place ta Daa Chandler. New Ya-k. hi interceptions With ten. lb pwaahr neater af the leagae with a 4S.1 avrrage far each af kla U paaU. Narat Via Brark ha. Laa Aagrles, Is aeeaad wHk 44.1 Bert lagers. Washington, is still lop mas in punt returns with 14 for aa average of IS.t yards. wooniey Leu. cardinals, is sec- Rose Bowl Ducks Hold (Ceatiaeed Iran preecdlag page) rvnhHv uid he nhoned hii completed U for 1.22 vards and decision to Jack Finney, member 'eight touchdowns. Eddie Le Baron, of the Texas AAM governing i Washington, with 128. Johnny Uni- board. "There are no finer people 1 tas. Baltimore. I.Se and Y. A. nuie. aan rrancisco. 7.77 ar in the same positions they occupied a week ago. Billy WUsaa. Saa Fraadaca, defeedlag ehamatoa ia reeeiv lag. eaugkt six pasaes last week la wldra kis Irad avrr Jack Me Clalrra. PIIMbargh. Tke FaHy Mnrr kaa raaxhl 4S la 41 far , Ihr Steeler red. Ray Berry, I Balllmorr. aad Frank GUfard. j Nrw Yark. have rack eaugkt 4 ta (bare third place. Sam Baker, Washington, who kicked six points after touchdown PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 11 The Philadelphia Phillies today announced the purchase of Dave Philley from the Detroit Tigers in a straight cash deal. The price was not disclosed. General manager Roy Harney j Oklahoma boy ever received be laid the Phila wanted Philley as fore." a pinch-hitter as well as utility j Lindv and Von McDanicI of Hoi-outfielder-infielder. .lis each received a SM.ooo bonus Philley, who was a .300 bitter with the Philadelphia (now Kan sas City! Athletics, was acquired by Detroit last year from the Chi cago While Sox. He hit .291 with the Tiyers is- a utility role last summer. i when they signed with the St. Louis Cards. Last snrinr Jerry Walker, of Ada, signed with Balti more for a bonus allegedly rang ing between (50.000 and 160.000. A Junior tram Ypailaatl, Mich., Schwall did aal have a speetaea lar basrhall record with OU be ranae he waa held as a relief j barter. Ha was troubled with lark af control kat la seml-pr plav la Nebraska last sanunrr Improved considerably. At OU UI.J Mlw .Iu IhmIm. Im. cHEastv cirr . r m :"' " Iniliutriil Km. lkk, ill IBB an same, airuuu IBM. (I). Unrol. Mrrrury (SI,! aad walklag Bla. 0,k Int. (Ji: Brawat (41, Csom-, hp Hw. (I); suirtmaa . Bark- ... . ..... .,, ..,, U4 Lumkrr (4): Tkt Spa !. Ck- WAKE FOREST IN WIN rwMfL!?,s.f,,(i,!-0iVil-iM WINSTON-SALEM, N.C.. Dec. v."i,'f IZi,. uIVm .rWK: tav-wato Forest College, play-rii;.i?rJ'y!i,Lu,Zkr.,i!-..,Vto' Kra defensive ball, took the tlrav FanBi (4). Hirk Individual . . , ,. :,.- j m: nan nm K Hiik i- lead after two minutes and were 'viaai n: i rarvrr (m. neer headed to defeat Texas AAM Hxk trim tamr: Sawkwrkt (I !. (j,-lf. hrr Innirhl Milk fin urln: Sankwka (Ml). "'48 nere ,onn Wraartaay m.m. Htwl(r: Salrm tiiw l . 14), uveriTi BraulT Io (a): MrKinary LliK-.-Mrr'. ky - ill: ri ;i(t Sh 4i. Aam'i bra-rrv ill: lrt tirr. trlr (. r. I. Mllrnt- (It; I ,4'i Markri l). B-ely Rv J: Bark Ian I.Mnbrr C. (U. Bob-a airs, r.rl IIHIH (1UI llik MlnlMl Sana: Artm Itortrl (H. Hib la iv4al arnra: Arlmr Hrrtrl 4U. Hlfk tram jm: MrKlaarT Ufw. Man. (SMI. Hick Inua arrtca: Mc Kinary UacMrrc. (t,Jl. Narlkwritrra (La ) luit 41, Sla .... r a u.i I. aa n.k (Tan. ) 4!. M.rrii Br.wa oth'r National League team (Oa ) M Ball I la la $2 rartrrn Mlrhliaa SS alnrennea 41, Bantva Harkar 41 Valaaralio J, Wattrra Mlrhlcaa 41 Taxai Aal 11, It. ktary'i (Saa An- tanla. In 12 Lamar Tack 41, Trinity (Saa Aa- lonle. Trs.l it faaa N, SwarUimarr M Crariatawa (Of) J, Maunl St. New rk City IS proof positive Mary's as that Congress must curb the pow- "aaVita m"'" AU) ' "l,ert of these baseball magnates. Navy ii, Daiawan sa Cxar Frick (Ford Frick, commis- l.aKalla S2. Larayttt 14 cinnar nl Kocnhnlll chnnM Inn4 a Hakart 13. I nloa SI (av.rUma) J r " "",h"Z "', " " " Onranta SS, Karhntrr Tark A4 1 deaf Car to the plea. Dalhi Tark I, Mohawl Vallay Tark The Iwa Major Leagues recent- II Is agalnil the public In leresl to have the owners af the Yanks (aa Amerlcaa League team) aegale the entrance of a aaw learn lata New Yark City. "'I heir sell-serving eltorts to maintain a baseball monopoly in anywhere and those people down there (Texas A4M." said Daugb- erty. "That offer was a wonder ful proposition and it offers a great opportunity for somebody. Hewever, I have beea at Michigaa Stale tl years, aa aa slalaat and brad curb. I daa'l krllrvr I eavld leave Mirhigaa Male I ga aaywherr. I guess I kave la murk sralimrat far Mlrklgaa Stale. As the schedule - making pro ceeded, athletic director Frill Crisler of Michigan, scoffed at rumors that he might leave to be come commissioner of the Pacific Coast Conference. "I don't know anything about It, sa there's na basis far die eussioa." said Crisler. "I'm net seeklag aay Job and aa Job la , seeking me." The coaches and directors are not expected to complete drafting the slates until tomorrow, if then. Tomorrow, also, the policy-making faculty representatives begin their sessions. Prime items on their agenda are Indiana's peti tion for reinstatement of suspend ed football coach Phil Dickens and EUGENE. Ore . Dec. 11 Of The University of Oregon Rase Bowl football squad resumed practice today after a 17-day layoff and turned promptly to pass plays. The 45-man squad was In warm- up clothes and displayed consid-l The BarUrner Colts ranlina to ekew lb way na the beat teaaa la total yards galaed with 1.717 yard, bill ta La Aagrle Ram are snakiag a great rffart to Basra to Ika (mat aad are now only t yards heklad wtth each leant-ha vlag oa gaaa to Hay. Baltimore has gained l,in yards rushing and 2,11 passing while the Rams have gained I,l rush ing and 1.707 passing. Last week Loa Angeles made the biggest single game gain of the season. 59 yards to Jump from a tie for third into second place. Detroit dropped from second ta third with 3.511 oo 1.S3T rushing and 1.174 passing. La Aagelea stretched Ma lead aa the tons as rniaiag with 1 J$U Waakiagtoa 1 sacaad wtth 1.7M. felJewed by Cleveland l.ft. De trait 1,1)7 aad th CbJcage Bear Baltimore has a comfortable Tittle: May IVliss Game Brodie Likely to Draw '-Assignment SAN FRANCISCO, Dee. II I. Rookie narterhark John Bradi. ke threw the last mtaul Wucft- dowa waa thai put laa Fraactece Iters lata a top spat kaat Sunday, may draw full duty Uua warkaad. IT aJJ drproda aa the condHioa af regular V. A. TMti who right aew hot aa a pair af gimpy legs. "W whs ptaa la start TMile, said eaavh Fraaai AJkwrt. -hot by rrtday hf he's aat able ta ga, w1 have to aaaka athar ar raageaarnia." Thoa "other arrangerneats for the fiaale against Creea Bay ta the National Football League's Western Cerderenc would be Mr, Brodks. . Ih . taers graMed the Stanford star aa their No. 1 draft choice laat fall. And they kept him wbra they traded Earl Mar rail ta Pittsburgh this aeaaaa. TUUe patted a saaacse ks kia Hgkl Irg Iwa weeks age la the victory aver Ike New Yerk Glaata aad h saffrred a eaaarl saasaa la his left Irg that torced bias ta bebkte oat af Ik BalU aaare battle laat laaday aftar paaktes) k the flaal ttorwmi! Albert probably wont want ta take chance on further aggrava tion ta his ace. since a victory over Green Bay would put the tsrrs into playoff competition, where he'd be needed more. SU1L Y. A . a tremendous competitor, wants to start this one. Aa of new, Albert aad Dr. Jim O'Caaaar. Iraas physician, say TUUr will be akay la aaa. Tke attest laa la whether belt b able to snav fast eawogh to rlade Creea Bay tacklers. erable lip. It was ragged, though, i led in Ps'ng yardage with 2.189 apparently the result of the lay-1 10 , 883 '"' San Francisco in see off. !ond place. Detroit has rolled up mil. ia h.nL. ..a ..j. . ... ''4' yards. New ork l.dll and working oa pasirs. linemra de- I " "" .'' proposals to revise the Big Ten'i controversial financial aid plan. si ly appointed a committee of four, two from each loop, ta settle Ihe questloa af who gets Ihe territory vacated by the Giants. Up to lhat lime the American League sought to establish exclusive rights to the New York area with Ihe exception of Brooklyn. raar SI, PaUnaa Srton Hall Si nioomllald S. Newark Bulftri 71 mrr 71, Brld,,iMrt 44 Manhattan II, Watnrr 14 Harvarl SS, Wralayan 41 Balra II, Nrw Hampahlrt S3 Ccay IS. Duecni (NY) 51 Uaorfla Taarkart St. Pikevllle (ky ) to Marakra (Ky) SI, Brllarmlnc (Ky.) 'I Miami (Kla.) II, Laulalana SUU 4J Burkarll M, nattyakari SS Muklankarg S. Moravian ST Srranton S3, I.rkanon Vallay Tl Alkrlikt IS, Satan Ball SS St. Vfnrrnl (Til IT, l.anrva 12 Wasklnston I'nlvrralty (81. I.ouli) SI. Inlvrrilly a( Arlinna 12 St. Franrli (Pi.) SI, St. Joirphi (Pa ) M Wait Vlrtinla Waalryaa S4, Marl- atu IS Miami (Ohio) II. Daytan 1 W'lkr rami SI, Taxal AAM 4 Adlan IS, Alkloa JS Vaunfitown Unlvpralty St, Alllanra (Pa ) Callrt U , i . a... 4 . navlna 47, raliwka 41 Ynhlva TI. I.em I, land 4) Naw Vark AsilH , Wakk Initl-! ST-pouna-loka Branta (O pinna tula II I Rra Turnrr (SS); ID-pounds Mlka Syraruia M, Tolumkla 5 Brrmar (C) won ky forfait; I li st. Mlrkarla (VI) S4. Adrlpkl TS noupdi Hayna Bursar (CI c. Wait Vlriinia S4. Pana SUta S kalph Morgan (SS); m-poundi llllnoli SI. Bollfr I nous Caliwortk (C) plnnad Dan Slrufcaavlll JS, Watt I.lkrHy , Klawarlk (SS): 129-naundi Chuck Central Downs Saxon Mat Men INDEPENDENCE, Dec. 11 (Spe cial i Central High played host to the South Salem wrestling team tonight and came off with a 31-22 win in varsity competition. Cen tral also won the jaycee match by a 15-13 count. Here are the results of the var- Isity matches: . r W'Val SS W. Va. SUtr Tl. Wllkarforrr 44 Msrrla Harvry 12, Alda raon-Braad ana SI Rhodes (C plnnad Gary Mahanry (SS); llt-pounds Bok Kaaklcr (SS) plnnad Tom Muellar (C); MO-poundi rrad Murllrr . (C) dac. Praakla rroiaurc iai. i, towk " Franklin (SS); 14T-poundi Art (W'Val St ; Kruacer (SS) plnnad Tom Hardlnt Rlrhmand Profriliaaal Initltuta 71, (C). us-paunda CUuda HllUrkranS BridiawaUr SS rri ui. rrv Pavaa ( Bampton Initltuta tl, Howard tn.,nnaG.ry Ballry (SS) plnnad (DCl II jjim Arnaur (C); 177-pounda Baa naiy traaa aa, aa I Grakam (CI r. Gall Wriakt (SS) Narwlrk 71. varmant u I Baary wrltkt Bak BallaliU (SS) woa , i av rarrait. Central Tips Bulldog Five W1LLAMINA, Dec. 11 (Special) The powerful Central High Pan triers, led by Vera Lovelace, pour ed in 22 points in the last quarter tonight to take a 57-47 hard fought. non-counter hoop battle from Wil lamina's Bulldogs. The Panthers held a 35-32 ad vantage before they broke things wide open to win in the last stan za. Lovelace led all scorers with 16 points,- while teammate Darryl Brandt was gathering 13. Bob Nokleby had 14 for the losers. Willamina was victorious in the jayvee mix. , CENTRAL (57) F: Hanoi (2): Martin (1). C: Lava- lac (11). O: Brandt (13); Cummlni (7). Ratcrvei acarini: Marr (I); Wll an (). WILLAMINA (47) r: Noklaky U4); Scknkar (II, C: Hamilton (i) G: Vaat (2); Mc Millan (S). Reaervaa Scarinc: Nlccol toa (I); LltUeJohn (I); Pcaraaa (t). ?uartcrly Scarai! I t 1 4 Ttl antral II 14 I tl 5T Willamina .... II It t IS 47 Offlclala: Donavan A Bales. Carter Tops Pin Tourney CHICAGO, Dec. 11 ti-Don Car ter, and Phyllis Notaro held on to first place in the World Invita tional match game bowling tourna ment today, at the end of six of 16 rounds in the four-day finals. Carter, at St. Leuis, moved 4.44 Petersen points ahead af Ed Lubaaskl, Detrslt. The veteraa Carter posted aa U4 series while winning Iwa ef four games from Sieve Nagy, Si. Uuls. Nagy had (36. Carter's poial lead was the equlvaleat ef 244 pins. Carter accumulated 18.36 points during the match to run his over all Petersen total to 121.32. Mlis Notaro. 26, of Brandt, N.Y., Inched ahead af the closely bunched field by dividing twe games with Marloa Ladewlg, Grand Rapids, Mich. Miss Notaro potted 202-160 against Mrs. Ladewig. Mrs. Ladewig, in second, trails by 0.29 points 29 pins 56.11 to 55.32. Dolores Wroblewski, Detroit, it third with 55,18. vatrd Ihrir altrnlie to Individ aal blacking la a dummy scrimmage. The swift Oregon backs also got a workout on returning punts and KICKOIIS. Norm Chapnua, . the crater whose loss with a dislocated ankle la the aeasaa's fifth game was a severe blow, warked eat briefly snapping the ball. He wasn't able to run. though. and it remained a question wheth er twice-daily sessions with train er Bob Officer will get him in shape for the JanrVry 1 game against Ohio State in Pasadena. MITCHELL ON SHRINE '11' SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 11 'jIV- Bob Mitchell, University, of Illinois halfback, was named today to re place ailing Aubrey Lewis, Notre Dame halfback, on the east squad for the east-west Shrine football game here Dec. 28. Lewis has not recovered from late season injuries. Saa Fraarlaca'i paeslag per- eratage drapaed from (3.1 to 13.1 but tbe Ferly Niaert still have the best record. Los Angeles cut down Bait! more'i lead in the scoring race by scoring 42 points last week. The Rams have 270 points to 282 for the Colts. Washington, which also registered 42 last week is third with 241. New Yark which has beea leading far weeks Is the best punting learn witk aa average of 45.1 yards aa each af Its U puata. The race for the honor of being the best team defensively against rushing is close between the Colts who have allowed 3.1 and the! Boat who have permitted 3.2. Pittsburgh has a 3.5 mark, New i York 3.7 and Cleveland 3.8. Cleveland, for tbe second week la a row, Is the best team de fensively against passlag having permitted 41.9 , percent af the 216 passes thrown by Its opponent. Bums Try to Line Up Bowl tCanltnned freea precediaf page) splendid ceeperattoa froaa th caliaeaaa camajiawlia la Laa Aagelea. O'Malley submitted three pos sible layouts for a baseball field in th Rose Bowl. In two of tbe plana th foul Una would be ade quate with minor alterations and a third would have a short right field foul Une of 265 feet, which could be corrected by erecting screen of 50 or (0 feet. He said that Kbbetta Field In Brooklyn has a similar screen. O'Malley estimate' lhat ana rrvislea weald rest a beat tel. tot, aaatber t4S,ftOt and a third HS.Ooe to SM.M. The Rose Bowl can accommo date some 13,000 cars. The Dodgers would assume all costs of construction and of re turning the bowl to its original form. Tbe Dodger weald gaaraatee that the bowl weald be la Ha Ideatlcal farm between baaebaU seasaa far the aaaaal faetball game New Year's Day. The city board wil bold an open hearing next Tuesday before de ciding whether it will continue Into formal negotiations on all other matters with the Dodgers. For More Sports See Page 24 Tippy Dye Considered For Iowa State Post AMES. Iowa. Dec. 11 W)-Prof. . S. Haber, chairman of the Iowa State College Athletic Council, said today that Tippy Dye of Seattle is one of several persons being studied as possible athletic direc tor at the college. Dye, basketball coach at the University of Washington, dis closed yesterday that be was in terviewed at Ames recently about the position. Dye said he was not giving the job serious thought "at the moment." save NOW on new 1957 Johnson outboard motors ain Trackers S4 Baa fna) tnlra rally etta 4 47, Maaaarka- 1 Court Jesters Roster Set for Local Spree CMTOL AIXBTf Capital Malar: Salem Rika (St. Traax OO Ca. (4): Marian Batrl A Car Park (1). Rarri J): Jayaaa'a C -tkJ-ra (71. Wrat Salem Marhiaery ?. Barrerl tpartli- Oa4i 1). B-rtoy'i Brailer (3). Hlfk IraiHdaal fame: Taaa Pradenta (74). Wl-k nrtdnal aartra: Taajr Praaantr (ar). Mirk team aanaa- Traaa Off Co (It:). Mick fa) arrtra: Karr'i Cl'4- J Aussies Watch Davis Cuppers The roster for both the Court Jesters comic basketball team and their "Harlem Jau Show" at half time was yesterday announced by Damiea Rocha. secretary of the barnstorming troupe which is to appear at South Salem High gym Friday night. Tbe Jesters, a colored outfit which puts much comedy into its regular basketball routine, are to play the local Valley Motors AAL' club which is expected ta be an area this season : On the Jesters playing roster are JVa tl- Johnny James, -4 forme All-City MELBOURNE. Australia, Dec. II or Australia's David Cup selec tors watched today's semi-final doubles matches in the Victorian championships and they could not Walter Coleman. 5-10 set shot and . have been impressed. v dribbling whix from Seattle; Jim I Mai Anderson and Mervyn Rose, Williams, H veteran from Cush- who probably will be the doubles inr. Okla.: Allan - Benjamin. 6-1, team in the cup matches, defeated regular from Arkansas AMAN: Rod Laver and Bob Howe on their Bruce James. -3 ball handling art-! opponents' errors. The scores were iat from St. Louis V. and Booker ,6-3. -. 6-4. Wlxe Oaaklra: Pta !acrra f 11. Tka raw Bparra (J); Happy rr a. Tkarapera (4); Do ar Darn (T. - Mart Bra. Weaa Green lithkM ti Braa Peaa a ft). Laarmaa Sojr (It: Wraar irM Ta e-"-aall ra: a-rrre Mrrrt raar (1 Pt,r Srarra (It. Bl Z',m .re ??. mill Vyer rrilns't Benson High j Lipman s. Wickluad Sporting Goods Eta Duld'g and Elizabeth Court of ine-Tiaui "a-rieV- e- r- ' mt I and row one of the top pcrfirmers Store and Meier A Frank's. The ! Australia. In,, the-finals they meet arrra-kaito wrk jnt- rth the Jesters; Eddie WriEht.jshow i sponsored by the Junior i Mary Carter and Mrs. Joyce Col- -;l Stewart, 5-6 scooter and jump-shot specialist from Los Angeles. Joel Cowan and Sir Robin Clarke, musical entertainers with a color ful background are to supply the halftime jazt show with their guit ar, saxophone and piano. They also feature vocals and comedy. , Tickets for tbe game and show. at popular prices, are available at The selectors left while Ashley Cooper and Neaie Fraser were playing Roy Emerson and Bob Mark. Emerson and Mark, wba are not even on the cup squad, won the match 64. 19-17. 1-10. 6-2. Angela Mortimer of Great Brit aia and Mrs. Mary Hawtoa of Australia reached the women's finals with an t-a. 6-1 ifctory ever i.r, oai). - "iM from Langstoa College, Okla.; I Chamber ef Commerce. lier of AustrallA. RECAP TIRES 2 6.70x15 hit Coppable Casings For THIS WEEK ONLY TV Scottie Dog Ottomaa Site ....... 199 t if if s r I r f r NO DOWN PAYMENT ON APPROVFD IH EDIT 1120 S. 12H Phone EM 3 3341 r i: 1- IT t Limited number of new 1 957 models of the most dependable motor ever built. reg. $238 . . . 5H H.P 189.50 ONLY 49 A MONTH no down payment on approved credit 209.50 ONLY $10 A MONTH no down payment on approved credit '484.50 ONLY $18 A MONTH no down payment on approved credit Meier & Frank's is headquarters for gifts for th beater reg. $268 Th H.P. .. reg. $608 . . . 35 H.P., electric starting salt and pepper shakers, shaped as buoys, pir $2 nautical design table lamps for boat or boat bouse, $21 Ship mate stainless steel ke pick and sheath, $2 Butt-Buoy ash tray, red or black, S3.75 Mail and phone or den. Plus shipping cost to areas outside our regular truck delivery routes. SPOUTS HEADQUARTERS STIEfT FIOOI saWTalBtaaaaaa - ' t.3 A JL iM rj. . s (" VUJ