.3-WSec IV) Statt-smin, Salmi, Ore., Fri., Nov. 8. '57 Satellite Launchings Spur Interest in Study of Solar System, Space Trave lice's New Science Aide to Act 'As Fast as Possible' Bdttari NM-NoiatTi, people , rinc around her middle. treat wandering ukrlhrt well ever tear the elaaeta. Today's ejuettiaa la: Wtien? nam tt a good Unit t ik u Mr system In wktrk e live. , Itf JOHN A. BARrMHR f1 AP Seltmrr Reporter NEW YORK. Nov. 7 JP What iF.arth. Here, in 23 hours and 5S and other necessities to support (Story alM page 1.) CAMBRIDGE. Mass., Nov. 7 Of James It. Killian Jr.. S3, presi dent of Massachusetts Institute of Technology. . took his new appoint ment as special scientific assist ant to President Eisenhower right in stride tonight. He issued a brief statement in which he said he will "move as The la.st olanet discovered, and minutes, man rotates with the man in the manner to which he the farthest away, is Pluto. Little Earth around its axis, thus enioy- has become accustomed. In fact is known of it yet hut its sire inR night and day. The Sun gives Earth has been a good home for contrasts snarpiy wiin us larger , i.Km uy any ami mc mwn. i imn; ycais. Iraoidiv as Dossible" to set up an neighbors. It is perhaps the sire 23II.0W) miles away, gives a more But lately, perhaps because he t 1- of the earth. discrete light at night. yearns for his more adventurous Through them all wander the The Earth s axis is tilted, so childhood, man has grown rest Vh BM.i.'. t niv. Z he thousands of tiny planets, called that the year long travel around less. He has added small artificial With, RUSSia S Sputniks, and the .. Ith- .. Hr. oVf-cnl nnrtinnt .alollitM in hi imml..l. family Of all the planets coty and comfortable dir as gaudv possibilities of interplane tary travel to come, our solar ys- Earth Most Orey tern seems to he shrinking some what like the earth did when air planes came into use. Fortunately, the solar system, being our celestial habitat, has been closely enough .studied to provide effective bases for cal culations fundamental to the (pace travelers of the future. Let's look at some of these fundamentals. Gravity is one of them. It is the sun gravity that controls the course of the planets. The Earth is one of nine planets and puny one at that. Jvpif-r Biggest Jupiter, the biggest, has a meter 10 times as large Earths. In fact two W Jupiter's moons re bigger than Mercury, the smallest of the planets. To get an idea of the neighbor hood that these planets patrol, let's suppose that the Earth and the Sun, would he just S inches from its searing surface. Pluto, the farthest, would be almost 40 feet away. Venus would be little more than I inches from the sun: Mars would be 14 feet, Jupiter S feet, Saturn I't feet, t'ranus more than 19 feet and Neptune about 30 feet. In space. Pluto's most distant orbit is 3.70.onn.ono miles from the sun. Strung out in an uneven and changing parade in their own orbits are the other planets. But there is only one boss over all of this area. If you lumped all j the bodies in the planetary sys tem together, you would still have . to magnify, them 600 times to ap proach - the "tree- of the Sunr - riaaets Different the Sun offers different portions satellites to his immediate family of Earth's body to be warmed at and is eyeing covetously the real different times. Man calls this the rstato on Moon and even Venus none is as seasons. and Mars, his two nearest neigh- as the i Earth has ample water, oxygen bars in space. 'Road Map' for Future Travelers 0 ' Alike as they are in their obei ence to the Sun. the planets are very different in other ways. In fact they hardlv seem to belong to the same family Jupiter for instance has moons. Mercury and Venus none. Mercury takes just about M days to set around the Sun. Pluto takes 24 years to do the same thing. Mercury, because it orbits to close to the Sun, travels only a small fraction of the distance Pluto must travel. Venus, like the Earth, has an at mospher. Astronomers don't know how deep it is or whether it will support life, but there has been speculation in science as well 1--.:! ... t rtm . V l-V v " Af If si - 'zJZf'Bt0' 4 l f stars. (THE -SOLAR SYSTEM H tw LOO0s K$OC 1,000 MOO OfSTANCfS Of THf rVANtTS ntOM TNI $UN miUlQKi O MlltS President Speaks to Calm U.S. organization of scientific and en gineering talent for development of the nation's defenses. But he flatly declined to com ment to reporters' questions on whether he intended to set up any "crash programs" for satellites, rockets or even expansion of edu cation in the sciences. In a 15-minute press conference. Dr. Killian parried most of the newsmen questions by referring thorn either to the statement he issued or a copy of the text of the President s speech. President Eisenhower an nounced the appointment of Dr Killian to a nationwide television and radio audience from the White House. Knrw of Appointment Dr. Killian said he knew of his appointment about 10 days ago. But it was a well-kept secret at MIT, A crowd of 100 of the faculty heard the speech in the lounge of (Story also on Pane 1.) WASHINGTON, Nov. 7 (--rres-ident Eisenhower, speaking to the nation tonight as the Russians dis- ' played new military might in Mos-. the Faculty Club and the first jcow, declared: 'mention of Dr. Killian's name j 1. He has ordered Secretary of touched off a round of cheers in , Defense McKlroy to make certain that group that the Pentason s guided mis- Dr. Killian did say that he plans sile director "is clothed with all , j0 'laper ff nere anrt taper jn the authority that the secretary , to (he new job" in Washington. himself possesses in this field, so that no administrative or inter service block can occur." By missile director, Eisenhower was referring to William M. Hola dav. McElrov's assistant for guid- !ed missiles. Holariay has been a coordinating agent and Mctlroy or -full-time himself has taken' a hand in the periods, missile competition situation. ! Dr. Killian, in 2. Any new program involving statement, said: missiles will, whenever possible. "I shall move as rapidly as pos "be put under a single manaKer sihlc to marshal the best scientific and administered without regard ; and engineering judgment and He said he will go to Washington next week. He said he expects to set up a small staff of full-time aides and to call upon scientists and engi neers from all parts of the coun try to assist him on a pa t -time basis for varying his prepared to the separate services." 3. Congress will be asked to re move legal barriers to "the ex change of appropriate technologi cal information with friendly coun tries." This apparently meant the law makers will be asked to amend the atomic energy law so that this country can give more atonic data to Great Britain and other allies. NEW YORK, Nov. 7 This may look like road map from your old geography book, but now it may be something of a road map of the future. Here's a three-way look at the olir system: at top, the relative lizei of the planets; renter, a general picture of plan ets' rotation around the sun; at bottom, comparative distances from the sun. (AP) -" Ike Outlines New Details Missile Czar Of U.S. Missile Projects perience 1 Termed High (Story alto oa page 1.) imuch valuable information about. .Research MUM'JZZZZIZZI-i 4. If Congress does this, the WASHINGTON Nov 7 iPres- outer space." Here the President ident Eisenhower told the nation WM discussing the Air Force's tonight there were some top se- Project Ear Side. That experiment cm (Slorv aid picture oa page 1.) CAMBRIDGE. Mass.. Nov. 7 tV .fir .lamot R Viv-na V ill ion 1r facts about weapons he : naticteo: irom fcniwctoK Atoll in President Eisenhower's choice to: President said, he will support along the lines of an agreement recently reached with British Prime Minister Macmillan a sci entific committee to carry out an enlarged research effort within the North Atlantic Treaty Organ ization. Eisenhower said "similar ac tion will be studied for the! A , p k i , FmuheaM Asia Treaty Organiza- rAriTi IVleet lion and "comparable organiza- l'0-1-" EUCF.NE. Nov. 7 ii The To help carry out these meas- Oregon Farm Bureau Federation, ures, he said. Secretary of State holding its annual convention creative talent in the United States and to make it available to the President for the formulation of national policy which involves science and technology. Means to Integrate "The President has provided a means to integrate American science in every proper way with national policymaking and I shall seek to facilitate this by every means at my disposal. AiSaryaiRmf- t'cint'8fit'ad- T visory group is an essential part of the plan and the recruiting of this group will proceed with the utmost dispatch." . Action on Rail Rates Sought Dulles will appoint a science ad viser to himself and science at taches in appropriate plac es abroad. here, divided itself into study groups for today's session. "Marketing and Promoting Our Products" was the theme of the couldn't discuss, but he did dis ijoe Central Pacific, called for ; direct ,nc nation's scientific de- i Eisenhower spoke out against a i study groups for dairy, livestock. Close some new details about mis- launcning oi rrsearcn rocneis irom (fnse pr0ram is rfCognized as a i D1-.-- m tnarges uy uemo-1 f,eid cropSi poultry, fruit and vege ai in fiction that thera is life on nd their records. "al!nR. " 8 !"u ap,!man who has a wealth of admin-;cra,,c congressional leaaers. ana tables and service-to-members. In his television-radio talk to the - about 100,000 feet. Of the six l.,hinnil ., some Kepublicans, that the ad- At a mornins oanel discussio.i Heai-y cloud layers and the In- country on ,he state of new wean-Jests three f produced success or ience. j ',fn TPifffPl i effect of freight rates on the ability to see permanent markings ons and defenses. Eisenhower v" T !,u-,"', """'"'I At 53, he has been president of . T BBle" ,c -"'ate s agricultural economy was iaia: f .-.-- one of tne country s leading en-; uisimwo, t-un reinusun. nean m 1. "Faur battalions of Corporal rocknt so lar nas aisciosea inior-1 sjnporjnf! scnools Massachtis-; "elD- n ,en,e invesiiRaiion oi me j the rail rates division of the Pub- missiles alone are equivalent in "' v .... :et(s institute of Technology for ! 7 .c ,..u.a, MC uuuues commission at aaiem fire power to all the artillery used V00 milM- Sorn Air Force scien- njnp years. Ihas bren ordercd said that organized groups could en Venus have prevented scien tist! from learning even how fast the planet rotates. We do know that Earth and' Venus are almost the same sie-!'n World War II." Eisenhower ob-;''st have expressed belief that js associate!i know njm as .( During the day Eisenhower held; help change rates by appearing viousiy was talking about tne --r' methodical planner, but also as . " f .' "KXl'"r "w oeiore fuu ana imersiaie i;om- differinf only a couple of hundred miles. Mars 'Has IMt' vi. ..i;t. v.... k.. .. ni, uiiiiRV . , i u , nam .w,- ------ -- - r :. ; . . ' vi uiavn..m;i j, . moons, canal-like patterns on its ons. The power of warheads Pre-;"'"" """ ' " """" V. :"nn Dr Killian worked his way up Free World Stronger surface, and a popular reputation sumawy could range upward irom "TV"", v 7 from undergraduate to president ., ie li. ... .L:i. . !.,. i. kiininn i. mile level. Even 2,O00-mile alti- . uit i..' .L. It is U..Vrr.-ii:rilfe"l he eou.v.leni of 1.5 tona of W i beyond the highest t "" Zl'tT ""'P call, for reminding Gov. Rob- will tr.v,r r,..nrv i TNT to 30 nr more kilotons. ,P?'n- rpachp'1 Russia s Snul-;.,: in-tvin9 srKftni n mic and miliary advisers, rt D.Holmes of what the com- .. .. l. i.! -n,,, h.iii.iir ml.il. niks or American ballistic missiles. ,1,. v..,,. , ,u. u.i d.-.. ,tnat. alltiougn the .Soviets tl C aVilUW 9 ClllllUPlMlvri V so i " - - - 1 1 ui mc v iiai lira ii l"l , mile-range Corporal ballistic mis- took a rocket up to an alti- one wno wj slash tnrouh ; National Security Council, calling i m e r ce sile fitted with an atomic war- ' perhaps exceeding 4.0O0 miles ' ,ape (o handle an emergency ; in a total of 45 advisers from mil-1 -you mu ers in a battalion of these weap-inRs s,udied nave not produced! A naIi f Blacksty, - sc mobilization fields. a Art 1 1 nl f ai infnrmalinn ai rwa.iKlak ' ' ' . my conviction," Eisenhow- Commission hearings - - ...... .. .- , - j , m .... v ail ciiici Kriij 1 .. , .. ,' -o- head. The Army use four launch-!-"-- so lar ine eiecironic record- wnpn ,nc KCMim demands. iIlar::. "'P'omanC' scieniuic ana ization-mass protest can accom pnsn your ends, ne said. A resolution, prepared bv the taxation committee, will go before the house of delegates Saturdav remarkably clear, but our own (have had successful flights to as . s.ooo-Mtle Missile shimmers, hampering our vision, mucn as s.mhi mues. i nis M-l I'll . 1 annaawl (a pnfnr Ia Alia nl tht mere are Eome snpni ciouas. "i'H ,,v n,nllv TAn.Mr.ii m . .rAii.i nt ntripl tests in the Armv's inter- . "The air-breathing Snark re- traveled over a guided AI MIT Since ir n, viiii.. ik. it ...! obviously ahead of us in satellite - ' .r... k;. : . development, as of today, the over- m u . CT mTJt gr""y iT meHiat, rnre hk iis 5. miles and was "Z h. iyi ih 77., rnililarv strength of the free Mars, but many astronomers be-1 med ate range hall sitic rnjssile-l , and has been with it ever since. .. ,. nic,ir, ,u, is an Air Force guided missile, i nL'!.ra!. f.xpt";!that of theCommunistcountr.es. In .rTcontrast to Venus cilM tt 1 ""' h j vice oTes dnc;' i7 .nd he' e must see to it that what- lMarTIre'thos, reached a distance of ,.500 statute -UUh .U r. - Iltirin0 hie mna vnarc .1 Ik. ' 1 ....,, arc mittee said was his inaumiral art quite likely ahead in some mis-jdress promise to surbey the agri sue and special areas, and are cultural tax program and do Earth farther out in space and little miles (Atmosphere Re-Entry of this missile, like ballistic weap-1. nT:,,". k L7 W The President said "it is en an. mnA alhar hie ...Irfarf mic.il-. I hplm' Dr. Killian has kept MIT: .- . .(-,... ,u : (Vw, ..., IIIU Uill- I'l ft KjUIlt-l llll.-.-.ll(.-3, - rt u.ltk Ik. rnnil U 1 C lH'tC llldl III IIIC C.l S l ilUlUllOll. IfieV SBIU 18(1101101 S. The problem of re-entry of a;was made from the Missile Test . u. i .j::' ahead this country could fall be- from nuclear tests endanger man missile into the atmosphere, after Tenter at Cape Canaveral, , Fla. ,',: ' ''LZn;. kL 71 hind Russia in defense strength. I kind. Mercury which skitters along too Bear the Sun for comfort. For Mercury, a peculiar bit of . . , TmT. viv i, , w..' 'lowing a trajectory Into virtual-! That test, made in recent da s. "tZ ? w..i. r J I But lhis wi" not "" he de' 5 . T , . ' a Z. Iv rles space, has been solved, is understood to have been over lrJ Jli t dared' people in this country Mercury M days to go around the. prob)(,m WM 0 prfven, cosod c0llrs., wnioh took thc ",'0,1' research and Pl,b,,c serV'will close ranks as Americans J ,1 ",V. u? rhead of a missile burning up Snark out over the Atlantic, turned , v"e . and get on w ith the job to be amount of time for the planet to from a.ro(vnamjc frjcljon a, ,i(t by mtan' o its gllidance m.! During World War II when the done.- route once on us axis. meteor does when it reaches the tern, then brought it back to the scientific and engineering re-( At almost the very start of his Same Ride u Sua ! atmosphere. jarea of Cape Canaveral an 1 sources of MIT were mobilized for speech, Eisenhower declared he Said the President: "This object jOver ail distance oi bdoui a.uuu ' -- .-.--.: v.. ; was golng i0 speaK plainly in Radiation Meet Asked UNITED NATIONS, N.Y.. Nov 7 t.f Czechoslovakia and the So viet Union urged today that the U.N. hold a scientific conference in 1 059 on the effects of atomic tircly possible" that in the years radiation. They said radiation something about it. This leaves poor Mercurv with the same side of its face turned here in my office is an expen to the Sun almost all the time. , mental missile a nose cone. It At the onnnsite end of the nlan- has been hundreds of miles to miles. 6. "The Navy has in Dr. Killian shared the adminis-, this and other sneeches to follow k-ii, uvr rrsponsiuiiiiy wiin men: He said' oceans submarines which can rUe Carl on. outer space and back. Here it is. 'to the surface and launch, in a "I am going to lay the facts before you the rough with the smooth. Some of these security facts are reassuring: others are eUrv laHrier arp the hitr nlant Jupiter. Saturn. I'ranus and Neo- completelv intact " He appeared matter of minutes, a missile carry-1 a .j j ij nr;v ,,.. T.. ...,.n ik.r.ii. In he talkinr nf thp nnse rone nf ine a nuclear warhead" This is'MU- 1 '- tIITC ku' .-A i. . i.,..,.. an Armv .Inniler lltRM firt last the fteculus. another lorm of Pilot-i XKW YORK "prnHr-r navirl not they are sternly demandinc tures might range to JOO degrees August to an altitude above 500 less bomber, of subsonic speed, Merrick is enforcing promptness 50010 require that we resolutely below rero on Neptune lor exam-'miles and over a distance of! with a range of up to about 700 j0n first-nighters, a notoriously tar-;00" ln"e the j?"fs of act!on now pie j about 1.2(10 miles. The cone of miles. Seek Out Enemy 7. Some missiles have their own If this won't dissuade visitors, "be missile, which hit the target, the planets are also blanketed was recovered In it was a letter iih nni.nnnn. o d.oi rrwtt Iv a from terhnicians at the Armv's fog of ammonia crystals and me- Redstone. Ala ,' Arsenal, to Maj. : built-in mechanisms (or seeking thane cas This lies across huee G"1 ,ohn B. Medaris, chief of out and destroying a target many ice caps on the planetary surfaces. tnf Army ballistic missle project. Saturn carries a whole barraee nf t 4,fto Miles small satellites in the torm of dy group of funs. well begun. Others require new Committees Draft Wool Resolutions PORTLAND, Nov. 7 - Five committees met here todav to draft resolutions for presentation at the 62nd annual Oregon woo! miles away. "Thus, the other day, a Bomarc missile, by itself, sought a... I . fa.l ntmilMtf I. n m a ... ..I air. 4..... . . , , . Ulll a lfll -llivi. ill., uiiiiiai.n u .it- We have fired three rockets , ., . . ,, to heights between 2.000 and 4.000 P'ne 5 miles at sea and actually miles, and have received back met it head on." 1,000 Jam Russian Embassy for 40th Anniversary of Revolution (Starr alw oa page 1.) lard comment. WASHisriTov Va.- i ist Zarubin. resplendent in a gold iinJ. i.J ik. a . action, and still others new dimes ly as the curtain went up at the "$ ' e',ort' Af,er pu llnR ',)we opening performances of "Look "s ..T. JrZ Rack in Anger " and "Romanoff XJkJ JE j ,,. , ., L., , of action a program that will de- , ' i 1 , 1 ? d !mand ,he energetic support of not wait in the lobby until intermis- just tne Rovernment hut every '0,n . , , . , . . . lAroerican, if we are to make it Merrick explained that he does successful " not want to haVe "the critics dis- turbed" at his shows. Glaring Deficiency He said his ''scientific friends" tell him that one of the nation's most glaring deficiencies "is the failure ' of us in this country to give high enough priority to scien tific education and to the place Of science in Our national life." These advisers, Eisenhower went on, believe a second critical itiating with Zarubin for expanded need is to give higher priontv to blue . Soviet - American cultural ex- basic research both in sovernment Itta. Orvyl anniin flratDAfl HM ...v-aw-., -n- ( ..... ... . l r. L.. a..: ;...a.,: 'hh About l.ooo persons crowded the military-like uniform wiin an em- cnange yisus and private industn' r,v""" ."-".'. 'Russian Emhav innirhi in h-ln b r 0 i d e r e d gold oraid collar. ine wnue nouse was noi rep- The opens lomorrow. .iu.. .u. .u 'r,"' . " S. President said he wnulri ntrne-A in hirh cood humor as he resented. have moire in &av ah if th . , . . ,. . . vv..'i.iv um- tiii aiiiu ci nail j vi : " , , ... . , , , . - t rresioem junan Arnrn ra 'rthe Bolshevik Revolution at a bic greeted guests at the head oi tne nooeson, many pounos neavier long - range requirements next 300 fVrwnnal 312 Lost and Found LOST flown town Wednesday BATON. EM 2-38f3 LOST: Ladies white plaitic bin fold, in Ebner's parking lot. or vie. of 797 S 2Sth. Monv ie-peratelv nftried, reward, Call EM 3-0135. LOST: Brown Isdie bUlimd! downtown. need paper, a money. Peward. EM 3-0407 ( ler S LOST: Male Siamese iat. "Ren ny."EM 4-7343. Child'apet. IX1ST Blue Parakeet "Blue Boy" vie. 17th a Center, EM 3-7071 316 fersonol NOT responsible (or any billi other than my own. Irene B. Holzworth. 'Gifts Fine Glass & China jahvs flowers a gifts Cupllol Shop. Clr. EM 4-3391 MORI oeopl- buy World Booi than anv other encvclnpedia 1 Whv EM 2-9fi AtTOHOLirs Anonvmoui. Marion EM 4-OMS son 400 Agrirnllurt 402 livestock fot Sala yon SvLE: Real claarv'Amer n an-Saddle. 6 yr. old in are. Good poe prosoect. G. S. Pulver. Albany. Ore ASK those who deal with u; 15 . 'ri tame location boardinj buymf. tellinf a exrhangins horse., a sadtfles, .137S Silver ton Rd. EM 4-S7M will open tomorrow's session with ! djplorrlAc reception given by Am- big stairway leading from the em-. than when he was a jpidiron All- week, presumably in his Nov. 13 the un his annual report. Reports on the ;k...j1, r.A..i i.-.k;. ih.v inhhv I American at Rutgers I'niversity.'sneech at (Ulahnma ritv Thi. i. !bv th National Wool Growers Assn. and ( .neats included Supreme Court! One hour after the reception bc-''o!d a reporter that he wou'd soon one of several addresses he 'has ;SrJSMr?hnC,T,''; "f'rV.'nl, Vourr To rnvnrro.i NOTICE IS HKREBY GIVEN that nornifned baa been appointed vircim ourt oi me state of the national budget will follow. Iju.tic- Wii.m n. nmirl.-i. sinew -an n manv euests had iammed b'" recording again after years scheduled to reassure the Ameri- F yvarner. dertased. and h. ouai Scheduled speakers -include G.Jpau Robeson. I-p I ndersecre- around the banquet table which not rrr.ng in demand, partlv be- can people about the nation's ?tfmSlZtM h"eK, m. winner, presiaem oi ine rtmrr- 8ry ot ftiate Kobert Mt ican Sheep Producers Council, doicns of Western and and C. W. Fox. associate proles- ni.t-b oc ambassadors sor at Oregon State College. ! Sov ;the In the, past five years the French ; newsmen cotton industry has increased its ; er the productivity in spinning snd weav in by slightly more than 50 per tat. Murphv and included sturgeon and a doren dif- usp . Wt-wing connections, scientific, military and economic 1 notified to nrcsent ind tommu- ferert kinds of meats, that iTwas said he felt confident that he welfare. ' '-d to ,,- ur i .iv,u I. thro,.-h would win a court battle with the He sa d the I nited StntM k S,."."k?'c.,.Bl"i,'2fL. , iet Kmhassv diplomats, at the newly decorated embassy sal- -", ulT"-" "" "' " ,u naa tor some years enough strik. , '"eor party, Jokingly turned asid on grant h.m a passport for overseas jng power bring near annihila- ,,"' g$ men's questions as to wheth-i Murphv. top-ranking American travel. tion" to any aggressor. i Beauian i w Russians were sending a official at the reception, stayed) Showing up at the r e ce p t i o ni He reviewed the country's rnis- ,osrpH prir rocket to the moon. annul M minutes and then left 'were ambassadors from 'You seem to know more about alone with American Ambassador (Turkey. Poland. BeHfm this than t da," was the stand-' William Lacy who has beet nego- i Chechoslovakia and Pakistan. the same, dulv ndersined al 20 Salem. Oeeon. ha Irom the date puhllihed this 11th P57. E Warr.er r-tnx Italy.sile program, saying 38 different 'Attorney tor Admi'nittr.tn hana 'types now are either in operation Mar-me Ruiid'n l . . . i N a 1 aW tm ff i af at or uiiuer OHCiupmenu 0cl j. Kov- S.I o p o E-' M 6 8 0 W I 0 B 0 y s E o R 0 R E N 1 ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED .. Too Late to Classify '4t CMC Panel, excel, eond. 7 IS Thompion Ave. NE. eve k wk enda. MPLY. V4 eng. lF"mlSI7S" va iierra. km 3 1574. 414 foultry I tabbing SO . PONT. dn. radio, heater, hydra. Leather aeata. rlean very good Urea. tM 4-S4M. VOLKSWAGEN aedanT radio. veryfood.Sl.3iO. EM l-W. S ACRES NEAR Aumaville. 3 bdrm. hae., lie. chicken hae., 1 A. ot Baip berrlea. Price cut from l5no to SU00. All kinds of fruit. Don't mlaa aeein thla! C. W. Reeve, Rltr. 1SA0 Mimion. EM 3-4MO eve. EM J-S3f EM 1-oaus KEIZER dial, clean 1 bdrm. ja. 7 lnq. 1030 Harel CLEAN. S bdrm. Leslie Diat. S6S avail. 11-n em 4-Sti.li. NEW. mod. 3 Igc. rma. k bath. "an ii , mag. tm i-Mw. BACHELOR COttBT-APT- MIRN.. tier. heat, bua k ilore. .o-.a. uui pa. em 3-owh. FURN. apt. I3S. utilTlnc. Single peraon. EM 4-15S7. F . O t- w I. n a w. ... .i. --ic.,n urrvniunil I WE have need of I men for oaiem area, worn nn a pro (reaalve growing Insurance company. Salary k Com m la aion. ror further info. Call EM 3-O.TM. S-7 p m. USED Wood furnace, 810. EM j-jtiuo or en e-Mwj eves. USED Coleman T A oil fired urnaca, comp. uitn tanK, con trol!, thermoetat t.TS. EM 1-3803 or EM 4-5873 eves. Heavy Hens, tl Each ' EM 2-5939 CAPON FRYERS'-1 EM J-1573 BABY chlcka hatched yr. reaal Valley Farm Store. 420 Saads ft Plants PEIT7.ER k Tarn Juniperi. Buy I nianta get 1 free; Soeclal th a week end only. Middle- grove Nuraery, 4830 Silverton Hd. ruH uuallty plant! for leaa at Middle Grove Nuraerv. 4920 Silv Rd We Give SAH Green Stampi KING Alfred Daffodil bulba. 48c riot Alao Tulipi, Hyacintha k Croeua bulba. Middlegrove Nuraery. t-M 4-403. FOR SALE: Cheat teed, cleaned, .V ton. Brltt Aipinwall. Rt. 1, Box 31, Brookl, EM I-2UB1. 472 Fartilixor FERTILIZER - MULCH MUSHROOM manure, no weeda. We del. anywhere Spec, price to larmera. EM 3 0331. PEAT Mots' from Chick trayt 75c. tack. Valley farm Store. FERTILIZER teveral kinds by tack, yd or truck load 8 '0 del EM 4-03S3 or EM 4-8392. ROTTED manure by aack or eu yd alwaya good measure a Jond Quality PhlMtn Broa. Rt Box 80. EM 4-3081. RICH, black manure, tame fine quality tlwava EM S-4077 NEARLY new gat rtnge, lota of uva'c. iuii oven, grinaie, eic. ISO. . tM J-3S03 or EM 4-8871 evet. 30 Inch range, very nice, late moaei, fw. em 4-8837. FR1DGIDAIRK 7' refrlvS40. Ex cellent cona. em 2-8004 artre 8 p.m. k Sat Sun. MAYTAG wringer, round tub. 129 KM 4-983S. APT. Sire elec. range 823. Kir ov vacuum cleaner with attach 818. EM 3-4383. 424 farm Equipmant T-33. INT. crawler, hvdr. blade, good cond. 8883- EM 4-6028. 450 MprrhanfUwe 451 Hausahoid Ceedt r.OATS wanted. EM 4-1333. SPECIAL HIM CHEV. 4-dr. Relalre, 1 own er, Z7.IXI0 mi. Radio, neater, pw. ateerinf. brakea. aeata. windows. 81.39S. EM 4-7741 or EM 4-0.132. 4-00 Acrirulture 402 Livestock For Sale FOR SALE 23 head of Ewea. Salem. Ph. 2-6F3 after 8 p.m. FOR RENT: Box alalia for horact, close in. EM 4-1074. . CfcOVER-or-grewtiar:" 3e SI. t-arro r tea store, aza rerry. 403 Livestock W anted HORSES boarded 813 month. EM 2-S170. BUYER Claud Edwardt, Rt. 3, COX 89HE. EM 4-1113. fOH cash pricea at your ulace Ray CozeT EM 4-3168 collect CATTLE -Snethen 4103 Silverton Kd EM 2-1.143 or EM 2-4380 CATTLE horses, at your form t L McCandllth FM 3-8I8S CATTLE huvrr A F Snmmer "93 Dallas Rd EM 4-XM7 GOOD uted tnnersprtng mat treaaet from 812.83. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. EM 4-8.171. Open Trl. nighU til 8. EVERYONE SAYS: dTeWooJ ry'a furniture prices are the lowest in Oregon. New round extension S pc. Maple Dining tela eke 8119 09. 1603 N. Summer. 450 MercbinrJlje S1 Howsohott) GtaeaaH ALMOST new hospital bed It maltreat. S6S.89. Uaed Md.e. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. EM 4-8371. Open Frl. nighta 111 8. UNIVERSAL Wringer Washer. wood circulator 4 other lurni tureEMJ478. riRDAY SATURDAY SPE CIALI S x 12 Chenille rugs made In Belgium. Reg. price 848.30 only (29 90. Bradley rum. 1978 N. Capitol. NEW 4 pc. Daveno Set. SIMM uaveno, ciuo cnair, ciud rocx er, Ottoman eke 8221 S3. Terma. Glen Woodry 1608 M. Summer. NEW Lg. 4 pc. 80' sectional. azsnau catc izzf.N Terma. Glen Woodry 1805 N. Summer. IF you have one iitm pi a ie of furniture io teM call me Used Merchandise Mart "8 S Liberty. EM Kill NEW garbage cans. 84 S3. Vsti Mate. Mart, liu s Llhertv. EM 4-8371. Open Fri. nighta til 8. 452 Appliances WESTINGHOUSE dryer. S2S Hawthorne Ave. EM 4-7001. MUST tell Mtytag wrineer wamir a eiec. range. Doth ia goodj;ond. EM 3-44JS. IftS7 22 CU FT. uorlght freezer. was ii9D.S.. NOW ONLY 8378 at "Your Down Town" Fire atone Slore. 395 N. Liberty. EMJ-S4B1. WILL give away to needy fam ily a used wrinfer washer. "Your Down Town" Firestone Store. 393 N. Liberty. EM 2-2491 GE wringer washer, excellent condition. EM 4-4211. ANTIQUE furniture: Rote wood chaira, am. blk. walnut tables. Misc. china. EM 2-8002 for app't. Sun. or eves FOSTJORIA: S aherbeta. S goS leu. Meadow Roae. EM, 31-9371. NEW Modern Deska ccS23.83. Glen Woodry 1809 N. Summer. MAPLE rocker with pillowiT 817.50. Used Mdse. Mart. 370 S. Liberty. EM 4 8371. Open Frl. nights til 9. NEW S pc. Daveno Group 8139S0 Daveno w. chair 2 tables. 2 lamps. Glen Woodry ISO N. Sammec; : GOOD eaty spin wishing math. u. ijio b. zutn, cm 2-gaza. REPOSSESSED dryer. 1957 mod el, new guarantee. 83 down tl "Your Down Town" Firestone Store. 393 N. Liberty. EM 2-2491. 1 DAMAGED IN SHIPMENT. brand new 30' electric rang with glasa door. 8 tpsedt, elec. timing clock. Thermal Eye control. 83 down will handle. 'Your Down Town" Firettnne Store. 393 N. Liberty. EM 2-2491. REPOSSESSED lutomatkT wash er. New gutrtntee. Astuma low balance. "Your Dowa Town" Flreatone Store. 38 M. Liberty. EM 2-K1I. WOOD circ. irg. lizt Montag 828 EM 4-8042. USED refrigerators, 118 2sVup. Al Laue, App., 2330 State St. 455 Clothino. REFRIG., Bed ir mattress, Din. set. Daveno. EM 3-9343. SAVE! New Modern Mr. k Mrs. Bedroom seti, tilting mir ror, book ctte bed cc 889.66. Glen Woodry 1603 N. Summer. SPARKS Oil heaters. Durham's used Furniture, Independence, Ore. NO ONE competes on Dinettes, enrome, wr. iron. Broun tone. Glen Woodry IMS N. Summer. NORTHERN Muskrtt coat, six 16-18 Good Cmd. Beat. EM 4-8880. BROWN squirrel cpe. long. e - corrd: 'EM - SOBSO ttter S. SIZE 41 man's blue suit, new. EM 3-S283. Ilk 45ft TV. ft Radio & $ 405 Pots PEAl'TTFUL beagle pups 820 k up. F.M 2-iO. GERMAN Shepherd-pup7 Rin Tin Tin blood line. 2846 Fisher Rd. FREE Kittens, to give away. EM 2-3884 ttter 3:30. GOLDEN Retriever puppies, 6 ks. old. 813. EM 4 0770. GIVE to good home-. ' Ma"le klllen. Makt nice hie. pet. EM 2-4404. 4 CUTE kittens! To give awty. 4795 Swegle Rd. MOORE PETS Ret. Pugs a other good pupa. Squirrel monkey. Birdi hoard eri.Open eves. 4005 State St. PA RAKEETSi tli colors.' 1498 Marion. EM 2-7874 3 MOS. old Siamese Kltfens7810". EM 3 B861 or EM 2-6937. PEKINESE puppies. AKC reg. Black ft white male for atud serv. MA 3-3708 Dallas. BOSTON Terrier puppies. Swka. old Beautifully marked. Reaa. EM -24R9. HOME for nice male 1 yr. old doe. Good as watch dog k with children. EM 4-4117. THREE choice Germtn Shep"- nern puppies. 3 mo AKC ret. Shots. Reasonable, EM 2-3033. EM 3-SB9S after 4 give 1L AKC Reg. beagle punt, 6 weeks om. (.ail CM 2-4SW. DOG OWNERS: ATTENTION! Learn how to train your dot. Next obedience class starts Nov 13. For Info. Call Ray Hoff- man r.ivt Z.UOU4. BIRDS. CAV1E9, CHIPMUNKS. eira faradise, em 3-1428. 412 Food Column LOCKFR BEEFr Grain fed di rect irom f armer. EM 2-8206 em, APPLES It WALNUTS '80 Hampton Lane EM 2-5293 150 LB. FED BEEF HIND 15 LB. PORK SHOULDERS 10 LB. PORK CHOPS 10 LB. FANCY FRYERS $79.95 Only 83 85 per wk. 6 mos, to pay igloo ronn rn 17Vi Fairgrounds Rd. EM 2-9904 Giiaranteed"quaiity Walnuts. EM 4-1127 k EM 2-4272 GRAPHS At anIe pm " 505" Joe Lucas Orchard Helghti Rd. i YOUNG BEEF WH1TFFACE HEIFER from EASTERN ORE. 150-200 lbs EZ TERMS. 43c Lb. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED MAC'S MEATS k LOCKERS 810 N. Liberty EM 4 7744 APPLES. SnitzT Delicious Worm free. 81. St SO hu Windfall 30c 5799 Center. EM 2-7153 PASTEL RIZED whole milk. 82c Iai Homogenued 86c S gal 4c Cleary Dairy EM 2-V)38 APPLES, different kinds & pears. will deliver Ptul Schatd. EM 4-1313. BUY GOOD USED FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES $30 dn. will buy a complete household of furniture DOUBLE dresser base, book case, headboard, 1 drawer junior chest $49,501 2 PIECE sectional love seat ... $29.50 THERMALxTrE3,000 watt heater, portable $39.95 BEAUTYREST "mattress & box spring used less than 11 yr. costs new $159 $99 GOOD coil springs - your choice u-haul $3 ea. DAVENPORT-T club chair, u-haul $15 ELECTRIC clothes dryer. Whirlpool" $99 RADIO-phono combination . $29.95 NOW available all models of Phllco't 1958 T.V. at "You Down Town" Firestone Store. 393 N. Liberty. EM 2-2491. 17" TABLE mod. TV 850. EM 3-6S10. WF RENT TV tets, 810 per mi Marrt. 2140 s commercial. EM 3-8201. Downtown TV Cof Guar. TV k radio k HI-FI re pair, 80 day written guar. 24 nr. serv. Hrt. 8 a.m. to 11 Em. Open 7 days week Inc. olldtyt. Serv. Call $2 Min. We alao repair tape recorder and mike. We alio have motto "If we can't fix it. It can't be fixed." EM 3-0444 OR EM 3-2121 142S FAIRGROUNDS RD. FULL size maple poster bed $17.50 i: VLJ-M.-". f '-9a-lVala 515 S; C0ML. PH. EM 4-3319 WALNtTT bedroom set 8 pieces. SftU 5. Used Mdae. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. EM 4 8.171. Open Frl. nighta til 9. NEW Overnlte Sleeper Sofas w. maltreat 3179.80 cie 8181 S3. Glen Woodry 1603 N Summer. OPEN TONITE! 10 PER CENT Discount cash carry, furniture appliances Misc. Glen Woodry 1603 N. Summer. NO ONE competes! New 2 pc. Maple Daveno Sets 809 50 cash carry 889.95. Also terms. Glen Woodry 1805 N. Summer. j MutKat InitrumonrS PIANO BARGAINS, Kimball 81X5; Decker 875; Baumeister 8145; Kohler Ji Campbell 8250. EE terms. T t I I m I n Plana Warehouse. 393 S. 12th, nr. SP Depot, open Mon., Frl. evet. SMALL Grand, good cond. SUeC Dodge Piano Service. ACCORDION, almost new. , price eV leas. Stone Piano Co. SPINET Planoi Ai Organs, trade int on Hammonds. Clearance tale priced, terms. Stone Plana Co. SPINET PIANO BUY I Beaut, mahog. finish, 119 mo. will handle. Tillman Piano Ware house, 308 S. 12th, nr 8 P. De pot, open Mon.. Frl. evet. PIANO Violin Lessons, begin nert advanced State ac credited. Mr. Rtwllnt. Eat 2-8013 LIGHT blue 8c white DenelU. ll dlet' full bate accordltn. Like new I Cott over 8400. Will tell JM0. TR 3-8413. Silverton after p.m. 120 BASS Accordion, 1179. Excel, cond. 4198 N. River Rd. USED SPINET ORGAN. Bargain for quirk sale. Tallman Piano Warehouse, 35 S. 12th, nr. SP Depot. A MUe From Hig Prices. 460 Office) S upplias I used 4 drawer letter file 849 50 2 used office desks; 4 tmall uwd office tablet 812SO; 1 used swivel chair 110.00; It used aide chairs 14 HI; 1 used t,pevriter 8;i4.50 LEEPER'S OFFICE EQUIP. CO. 265 N. High St. EM 3-1444 400 Agricultiire -KM. Agriculture 435 Auction Salei 4.5 Auction Salt BIG COMMUNITY Eli AT SCOTTY'S AUCTION HOUSE 4840 CENTER ST., SALEM ON SAT.. NOV. 9, 10:00 A.M. & 7:00 P.M. Applet 73c 82.00 Cecif Boyd. EM 2-813S. WALN1TS for aalt. next Rd. to Kelrer Sand k Gravel. 2nd house down. J, H. Baldwin, EM 41910. 100 Disploy Clossified ; Eave Troughs f CLEANED I & REPAIRED I EM 3-4823 I We are selling out seven! homes of very high gride household furnishings. With no reserves. Be here At get In on thrae Bargains. Look 1951 Gibann elec. range. 1D52-G E. elec. rtnge. 18ft Bendix elec. dryer. Easy spin Dry washer. S pc. Western living rin. suite with daveno & swing rocker. 3 chests drawers type writer. 2 green matching wool ruga. 3 9x12 ruga, Spark Oil circulator. Ashley Thero. c. wood circulator, 3 4-pc. bdrm. seta, i Walnut l . 3 tets full size box spring i- matts . 155 Hoffman Easy Vision TV. 21" console Mshot finish, Several large mirrors. 4-po. Maple bdrm. set. 30" Rollaway bed St matt.. 8 yr baby crib ti matt., Mahog. drop leaf tablt. i awing rockers, floor- & table lamps, step-end 4i coffee tables, chil I dren rockers. Hassocks. 2-pc. Rose sect, set all foam. S pc. Wrought Iron dinette set. 2 dinette set, Green daveno ichtir, sever H Ironical Picture mirron.. misc. new tools, elee. cooking kettles, fry pint, drop cords, garden tools, shrubs, epuds, apples, onions, fruits k vegetables. Special to be told it tl noon about 30.000 ft. of used lumber in groups. This it a big suction ill day, be here It get the bargaint. ni.n imuirmcni 11. nr-r. FREE DRAWING FOR MERCHANDISE GIFTS. TUES NITE. k SAT. MTE. Everybody Welcome AUCTIONEER COL ERNEST E. SCOTT . if