The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 27, 1957, Page 10, Image 10

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    10-(Sec. II) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sun., Oct. 27, '57
Top Teams Have Tough Afternoon
Two Powers Pushed
From Unbeaten List
LSI), Mississippi Take Defeats
Grandma may like to rail H perspiration, but the old gal i wrong
this timf that watt plain old sweat that major powers such a
Oklahoma. Iovta. Notre Dam. M'rhigan Slate and Army wiped off
their brows after another round of college football yesterday
Oklahoma, the nation's No. 1
Bears Fall
To Oregon
Ducks Extend PCC
Margin With Victory
(Caattaaed frtm preceding page I
reaaalHder of ttir third period.
A pan laltrceptioa by Chuck
Oabarae on the fat U gave Ike
WabftMlt good opportunity tale
la Ike period, hut ike- were keld
al Ike oe an a (nrtk dawa
math ky Jim Skanley.
Then early in the fourth quar-
ter. Oie Duck marchwl .19 yards
in eight play with a It-yard stint
by Morris and a .lack c.antrre 'o
WUlie West pat gctlinc in lo
reach the nine. Si, ihe nine
three plav later. Crabtrec pitched
pa to end Hon Stoe- who
made a bell -flop catch in Ihe end
morris nicaea tne point to make back before winning 20-12.
It I7- with 419 of the period gone. Three of Ihe top 10 in this week
Cal fame back, driving I. Ike I Assoc iated Press poll didn't make
Oregaa IS agaiiut Ibe Hrhloo.' '' ""'hough fourth-ranked and un
aecMd anil, but Ihey reie up hfatrn Dllk' weaned with a 14-14
Ihraw the Bean back to ihe U f'n! ,rl;d1Nor,l ('"r
fram Oregea initialed ! ol,n" a". B1 Mississippi was
final TO socked lor its first defea'. 12-tt b
I Arkansas, and Louisiana State lost
Wito Crabtrae mixing up tha
plays and uint Morris as the
werknortc, the Ducks powered to
Cat 11. Morris lost five and an
incamplete pass made it third and
IS on the 1C.
Tkea TaoryUle faded U bis
rifkt aa aa aptiaa, Uaklng far
a receiver. Tie ed soat was j
clogged srllh defenders, hut Utile ,
Skaaley. wka kad cut ta Ike rlgbt
ceraer, raced lateral' alnag Ibe
end stripe behind tke defease.
Taurville spatted kini all alone
and kit him wltk a perfect strike
tar tb Uuchdawn.
Crabtrre kicked the extra point
tor the (inal 244.
After driving to the Cal 11 and
being thrown back to the 17 in
the first period and penetrating to
the Bears' 22 early in the second
chapter, the Ducks sot their first
scoring maneuver underway at
12:15 of the second when Harry
Mondale. the rugged senior guard,
recovered a John Stewart fumble
on the Cal 30.
A Crabtrec ta Btaver pats
gaad far eight, and twa hart
Jabt by Taurville reached Ike II.
Tearvllle got tke call agaia and
rambled off right tackle far 11.
Crabtrec cut off left tackle for
another eight, to tha one. Then on
the last play. Shanley took a pitch
out from Crabtrec at left end and
stumbled over two defenders into
the end tone.
The beams point eame aa aa
naarthadax play. Juat at Crab
tree was abaxil U set Ike ball
dawa far Marrti' kick, huge
rrwvero Jacaoa caargea acroas
the line. The hankies flew ta In
dicate ffatdea aad all player
momentarily baited. But Crab
trre temped up the ball and
legged It around right end to
make it 74 with It: 11 left.
A blocked punt by reserves in
the latleT portion of the second
chapter set up Morris' third field
goal of the season. End Pete
Welch, who had a whale of a
game for himself, crashed through
to smash Roger Ramseier's punt.
Three Ducks tumbled it around on
the eight before Bob Heard, a re
serve center, tucked it in.
Three play later found Oregon
nly a yard nearer Ihe gaal line.
With Crabtrec placing tke ball
oa Ike 14, Morris' goal barely
cleared tke Inside of the right
prighl at the south end.
This made it 10-0 with 3 54 to
Cal made its deepest penetra
tion of the half following the goal.
Starting at the midfield stripe a
pair of passes took the Bears to
the Oregon 24. But a third aerial
was stolen by Morris to end the
ralllarnU II t f
Oreson ... t It t 1424
California arorlns Touchdown:
Roberts (I, plunte).
Oreson tcorlni Tauchdownt:
Shanley I (I, plunie; IS. past from
Tourvlite): Sioser IS. pa from
Crtblreel. nld foal. Morris. Con
versions: Crabtrec. i; Morris.
Milwaukee Drops
Three Coaches
MILWAUKEE. Oct. 26 - The lhL.exl!: , .
World Champion Milwaukee ,LTh' , quarter opened with
Braves tonight dropped three mem- ,h WoIvw dinging desperately to
bers of their coaching stall, Johnny , !hf narrow margin After hold
Riddle. Charley Root and Connie 'nS ,h R'der on the SOCE 35
.... .. ... j .
Whitlow wyatt was named to re-
, n a ., . , ,
place Root as pitching coach and
tJUIIU I ILaVlaU IV W iU -aaiV v V I at
first base for Riddle. The club said !
a successor lor nyan. me tnira
base coach, will be named later.
The announcement said the
enanges - ;
oy manat-r r r no.K-y ju s- .-
eral manager Johr . Qumn. The only
member of the coaching staff re-
tained was Bob Kelly, the bullpen
PORTLAND. Oct. 26 - Emil
Piluso today was named manager
of the Riverside Golf and Country
Club ber.
.team, had to rush from behind on
a last period yard run by ( ten;
don Thomas and a conversion bv
Carl Dodd before gaining it 4lh
cnnseciithe viriory with a 1413
'derision over Colorado
j Sero"dranked Texas A&M'hnd
jit relatively easy, running its win
: ninr strfak t" with a 14 0 iob
on Ravlor But the rest were
! T(ir -A hillers like the Oklaho
ma came
Iowa. No 3. struggled through
mud and snow to slay unbeaten
iwith a G-fl Victory oer winlesa
Northwestern. And Notre Dame,
raiient roughing it. fmellv decked
Pittsburgh 13-7. rolling from be
hird on a 74-yard scorin1: oast
play from sophomore quarterback
r.JinriT Ctartinif niiutnrKanlr
Bob Wlniam, on, of ihr
p!V(.rs hooted for fi-hting a the
ri.h remjnM unbeaten.
Ms'- "unee Rack
Michigan Stale, chopneil down
last week bv Purdue, also had to
WOcp from behind, defeating Ilia-1
nois 19-14 Armv. expected to
march over Virginia, had to hustle
to Florida 22-14. 01' Miss was No
I. I-SU No lo
The second string powers, as
a whole, had it a bit easier. Stan
ford shocked DCI.A 204 and Ohio
State needed a third period field
foal for a 16-13 edge over Wiscon
sin, but Oregon stayed on the
Rose Bowl trail bv defeating Cali
fornia 244. Michigan struck fast
for a 24-7 vic'ory over Minnesota
in a battle between two second-10
remlyra for ihe '.i'l'- rown
Juj. Navy, 'with Tom Korrestal
tossin" frur Tl) passes, walloped
wlnless Penn 35-7.
Freak Play Scores
Iowa had itself a tussle in the
mud at Northwestern before All
America tackle Alex Karras re
covered an NU fumble on the
Wildcat 33 in the final period.
Randy Duncan then get off a pass
(hat bounced off Kevin Furlong's
chest, off a defender and back
' Furl"nR T ho ,00.k " "vrr,
iur a .ii yara piy ana retained
Iowa's Bis 10 lead.
Duke blew a 14-0 lead as NC
Slate moved for the tying touch
down after a 53-yard pass inter
ception return bv center Jim Od
do. The Wolfpack stopped Duke a
foot short of the goal late in the
game, but the Blue Devils still
look like a rrwvt ht foe th !
Orange Bowl.
Sacker Passes Work
A pair of sucker passes, both
by George Walker, caught Mis
sissippi flat-footed, looking for
rushing plays, in Arkansas' upset,
while Walt Kowalczyk tore oft a
36-yard scoring sprint in the final
period to save Michigan State
further embarrassment.
Elsewhere, Penn State knocked
Syracuse from the unbeaten 20
12, and Dartmouth took over as
the East's lone unbeaten, untied
major team with a 2A-0 job on
Raiders Beat
Wolves 2M9
(Cantlaued fram preceding page)
the baU railing.
Then on two straight keeper
plays. Bowlen ran the ball to the
SOCE 33, where he again unlim
bered his pitching arm and hit
Wyman Gernhart for the final
yardage and the score. Jim Atkins'
boot for extra point was no good.
The final OCE TD was set up
when Larry Gewer Intercepted a
past and returned It 17-yardt ta
the Raider Si. Bowlen faded
back aa the first play and
looped aae ta Gernhart for 33
yardt la the SOCE twa yard
tripe. Lumgair then bulled over
tar a 1M OCE lead. Atkint'
attempt for the PAT wat again
aa good.
In (he second half, the superior
i v. eight of SOCE bej;an taking its
toll and the Haiders started a sus
tained drive from their own 4i
that ended with the first SOCK
six-pointer. It was Larry Maurer
on a four-vard plunge who crossed
' into paydirt. Lance Locke kicked
uurr uuuiu, inev nau ine
slippery Maurer pinned for what
,JZ.A ' 0 .V.. . ..... w.
iwncu su w a vuie ius3 w urn tie
fo(jnd day,jght cu, fm ,5
miAA. , B- ,., tB. .
i a s-i v vu a v au w mj , Vvr-
yards, for the winning touchdown.
Locke then kicked the extra point
to make it 21-19 for the Raiders.
The OCE ground game was hurt
tonsjderaby wh Bu,, was nurt
,fave ,n Jame-
OCE 7 It a II
SOCE 14 7 tl
OCE acorini: Touchdowns Russ tl
ran); Gernhart (33 fram
East ten); Luasfair (t run). Canvtr
albn Butt (run i.
SOCE econn: Tourhdoons Xaur
er i (4 run. tl run, IS past intercep
tion). Convertloaa Locke I (kirks);
McGIU (kick).
o ' c I;"
.f ,-.,.- i -w t'1. j .
-- -
r i
P. - 1 '
I SEATTLE. Oct. 26 Oregon State's Larry Sanchez, with ball,
Don Milllch, whose hand is shown on Sanchei' knee, right, as the Beavers tried unsuc
cessfully to cross Washington's goal line a few feet away early in their game here today.
Running across In front of
Notre Dame
Spill Pitt,
By JERRY LISKA ter squabble. Iruh halfback Dick
SOUTH BEND, lnd., Oct. 2 ( Lynch was chased for swinging at
A spectacular 74-yard touchdown Panther on halfback Frank Rey
pass play from soph quarterback I "oWs's one-yard touchdown plunge
George Izo to "injured" halfback 'or a 6-0 Notre Dame lead in the
Auhrev Lewis save unbeaten Notre first period.
Dame a 13-7 victory over Pitts-
bursh's Panlht-rs in a bitter, fist
swinsinc foo'.ball halile todav.
Three players, twa from Natre
Dame and an from Pitt, were
elected as the Irtsk won their
fourth retnsreutive triumph t
the thrilling lu-Uwti past, tha
opening play of the fourth quar
ter. bo got his chance because No.
1 Irish quarterback. Bob Wil
liams, was tossed out with Pitt
end Dick Sherer, for a third quar-
NC State Rallies,
Ties Blue Devils
RALEIGH. Nr.. Oct. 26
North Carolina State, behind by
14 noinls refused to rnimhle h-
fore Duke'i vaunted offerise today i
ana roarea naca: rjenina ciutcn
passing to tie the favored Blue
Devils, 14-14, in an Atlantic Coast
Conference football game.
(Continued fram preceding page)
cursing him In Spanish either, for he's a Mexican
himself . . . Also on the baseball side, Fresno (Cal
State League) business manager Dave Steele dropped
In the other day for a hello and to thank the village
Senators for having sent the Fresno club both Gene
Laursen and Teddy Rhodes during the 19S7 campaign.
"They both helped us a lot," Steele related, "and that
Rhodes came along like a whirlwind, hit 14 home runs for
us and made us some money. We sold him to the Amarillo
club for $500 at the finish of the season. Two major league
scouts were interested in him too."
He Wasn't Optioned Out By Senators
Which will come as a surprise to some of the local
folks, for It was believed that Rhodes was sent to
. Fresno on option from the Senators club. Steele tells
he eame to Fresno as Laursen's traveling partner and
as a free agent, worked out with the club because
he had nothing else to do and was eventually signed.
Other baseball briefs: Lefty Jerry Cade, pride of the '58
Senators is now toiling for the Obregon club of the Mex
ican Coast League, and both Ollie Brantley and Zeke King
of last semester's Eugene Ems are in the Colombian
I-eague. Cade could conceivably Ret a fling with the Los
Angeles Dodpcrs come spring . . .
Johrtsrud and New Cad Get the Needle
North Salem assistant grid coach Herb Johnsrud
has been the target for the needle lately, ever since
he came up with swanky, new eanary yellow Cad
illac. But then if you made the cabbage Herb does
during the summertime, working on tugboats, mebbe
you'd have one too . . . Speaking of the North Saiems.
looks much like they'll be sitting idle when the post
season grid playoffs arrive. Twill be a shame, for the
Vlks truly have one of the best ball dubs in the state,
one that is better than some of those getting into the
playoff art. That's how important that 13-4 game with
South Salem was ...
By the way, don't make the mistake of selling Lee Gus
tafson's Southsiders short in those same playoffs. As 8 A-l
champs they'll play the 7 A-L winner (probably Mac Hii
first. After that one it will likely be the winner of last
night's Eugene-Marshfield mix in the semifinals . . .
The District 8 A-2 champ (Serra Catholic's Sabres In
all probability) draws a tough one in its first play
off outing. Vale High's Vikings are to be the op
ponents in the quarterfinals, at Vale. Supposing
of course that Vale, now listed as the foremost in
the state in the Class A-2 whirl, continues on with
out Upset tea
Takes Nose Dive
mwWmaaaaamummX"'1VQtl0il:'rt tiT WP'4P Wa
.. ii !
the play is Mike McCIuskey, No. 10, of Washington. (AP
Comes From Behind to
13 - 7, in Fist-Filled Battle
nut aaariiag raninert
roared 56 arils in II plays for a
second qi'rir'cr Imir-'iriOKn on
quarterback Rill Knlirlen's one
yard sneak. No. 2 Pitt quarter-
Ohio State in
16-13 Victory
MADISON, Wis., Oct. 2
Ohio State continued its march to
ward the Rose Bowl by beating a
stubborn Wisconsin foolball team,
16-13, in a bruising Big 10 game
A 14-yard field goal by Don
Suthcrin in the third quarter
proven me margin aner tne teams i
fought lo a 13-all score in Ibt1
opening period 1 1
! f k. I . . k m i m
wiBrontin n u
Ah Ink sirArlnay TesiiehriakvMa - rtttrti '
, ,ti. 7.7 . is Tu-... V1.1.
"':ou,hr' Con,,",",",: !
. - - - - -
Wisconsin tcorin. Touchdowns: ,
I Lewlt t, (7, run; t, run). Conver-
1 .1.. I tJI-.-.k
at Goal
4fl-'Wtoi1ft9!6! 'V19V''1lltVfl'Vlr t
h upended by Washington's
back Ivan Toacie booted tht
point lor a 74 half-time lead.
Notre Dame's blocked point try
lnnmerl larp unlit Irn arrhA a
. . . . ..
long pass to uewis. wno iook tne ., Trx Hardm-simmon. it
ball to Notre Dame's 45 at full Trini:y (Te 21, Southwestern Lou
tilt and eiiyilv romped to the , ,',,, T Solllh,rll
p.nmr-dccKiinR touchdown. It was prairie view 2.-,, ';,, iiiiirn 14
the lirs; unit' iraci. far Lewis Te 21. Sam lloysion s:ai
had h's hands on the ball since a,.n (oi!cce tt. nuiard s
he was injured in the Purdue Tulsa 12, Air Force Academy 1
Notre Dama
7 t t 7
Pittsburih arnrlni Touchdown
Kaildea (I, plunge). Conversions:
Notre Dam aeorlna Touchdowns:
Reynolds (1. alums l: Lewis (74. run
past from Ito). Conversions: Stickles.
'Jug' Returns
Mich. Rips
a l
fVl I M 11 eSOld
! MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 2 l -
Swift and riv Mirhiean Wtied
j 4-
by Jim Van Pelt and Jimmy Pace
swept back into Big Ten title con
tention todav by ripping Minneso
ta's collapsing Gophers, 24-7.
The Wolverines reclaimed the
i iui. d ......... i,,4 .. ilk
ICICUI Oiril Willis- UIUY.II ug
first half fire power that flabher-
gasted a Crowd Of 64.680 Idoking
u . r-.u .ki,
llUl"luuy IUI m UUfllCl lUIIICUaLH.
Instead, it saw Van Pelt and
alternate quarterback Stan Noskin
befuddle the slow footed Minneso
tans with aerial strikes while Pace
was leading a ground attack that
piled up a 24-0 Michigan lead at
The Gophers found an answer
for the Wolverine offense in the
second half and shook the cob
webs out of their own, but the big
Michigan lead was unassailable, i
It was the second Big Ten vic
tory for Michigan, a five point :
underdog, against one defeat.
Minnesota, now a two-time loser,
all but waved goodbye to its Rose
Bowl ambitions.
Pioneers in
Close Shave
Pf-IUTt awn ClM (Cn..!H
Lewis Ii Clark College scored 1
three touchdowns in the last p0.
rind one after time had run nut. i
to e'ke nut a 19-14 Northwest Con
ference football win over Pacific
Th. .Isslsc Tn ssm. ts s
time had been called with three-
aeeonds left, although the Umer
had let Ihe clock run out. The
referee gave Lewlt ac Clark one ,
more play from the Pacific J- I
yard line. A double-reverse and
pats Irom Koyce Mcllamel I
Pete Hopkins worked on Ihe "lo-for-broke"
Pacific had scored the first
touchdown of the game in the open
ing quarter on an 18-yard jaunt by-
Bob Burnside. The Pioneers scored
to start the final chapter on a Mc-' By CHABLES CHAMBERLAIN
Danial to Bill Stempel pass. , EVANST0N. III.. Oct. 26 -A
Jack Nehring scored the s final j fluke pass reception by second
Pacific TD on a 73-yard romp (string junior halfback Kevin Fur
around his own left end. Gary Fisk ;ions wjij, 94 minutes left to play
kicked both Pacific extra points.
The other Lewis It Clark tally was
on a 64-yard punt return by Dave
Jeans. Ron Stempel passed to Hop-!
kins for the PAT
Pacific tcorlni
Burnside (is run); Nehrint (73 run).
vonversions r isr 2 (Kirk).
Lewlt Clark arorlns: Touch
downs B Stempel (I paas from Me.
Daniel); Jeans t4 run): Hopkins
(3S pasa-run from MrDanlel). Con
version Hopkins (paaa from .
(Ceatiaued fram precedla page)
Akron rr, Smuii 1
S urrka 12. PrlaclBta IS
SUr Ucileyaa It, Calif af Eat-
parla 14
Carlkast T, WaHmar T (Hal
Lakl rami 4S tlmkaril a
llllnali Normai II, NarUtra lUliaolt
DralMa S). Capital 1
HhlDBtniaurs In, scainawa 14
Traalaa 4a, , Chayaay S
Oaytoa 14. Xavlar 13
Bluflia n, r'indlay 11 '
Haihuiftoa (Me) Si, asmk Dakata IS
MacalaMrr f7, Hamluia a
BemMJI rl. Moorhta 14
Kivar FaUi 14. St. Claua 1
CiiisUvaf Atfalphua 3, at. Theaiu
(Mlna.l S
Winona (Mlna.) i, Mankata 1
S. D. Suit 31, S. D Asrlrultural 14
Huron S. p.) SI, Vanktna li
Aufikurs 1), Minnesota (Dnlutn)
Nartkara (S. D.) TC St, S. D. Tack
Iraatiiat It, Maryland t
Watt Vlrslnla Ik. William ana Mary t
Army tt, Virginia It
VMI St. Georst Watnialon M
Nortk Carolina 14. Waka Foratt T
Dukt 14, Nona Carolina tiatr 14 (lit)
Maryiana Stata II, Nortk Carolina
Collrsr 1
Florida 12. LSU 14
Flortaa Siata 20, Vlrslnla Trrk I
Newport Newt 14, Shephtre I
neorsla 31, Krnturky 14
MlitiMlnpl Slat 13, Alabama if,
Shaw f, Jf Smith t "
Urorsatowa (Ky) II, Caraoa-Nawmaa
Hawar 14, Flik I
Middlt Icnnamat It, Morthrat t
Milai SI, Lnt IS
Blurlltld (WVa) Stata V, Knoxvlllt 1
North Carolina A4T 41, Wlntton
Salem t
Morrlt Brown tS, Kentuekv Stale 7
Flortnrt Siata IS, Eattera Tcnnta
taa 11
Wllltabtrf II, Watklnston ant L
Bridftotlrr Zl, Davit Elklnt t
Appalarhlan It. I.mory Henrv 7
Trnn Martin Branch S9, Watt Ocnrita
. . .... ....
Lamar Trch IS, Howard Payne n
Colics or tha Ozarkt ta, Central
Mlttourl I
Hendrrnon (Ark.) tut 14,
Arkanut Stat Trfhrri t
Pitubiirs (Kan.) 21, Whhurn (N)
New Mexico Military 11, Trlnldid
(Colo.) 14
Southern (Ark.) Stale is. I.ouilana
Collese 7
Athland 24, Wllmlnston n
Austin Peay (Tenn.) S3, Troy Stale
(Ala ) t
l.oaiivllle 40. Central Michigan I
Tehneitee Tech 2S, Murray (Ky.) 14
Claflln I. Albany (a.) t
Drake n, Bradley 13
Tenn. Tech 26, Murray State 14
Sterllnt (Kan.) 2. nana (Neb.) 7
Jackson (Miss.) State 33, Xavier
(New Orleans) t
Tnutaloo 14, Bishop 14 (tie)
Mississippi couee zh, ouacnita a
McMurry 7. McNeese
Louisiana tack ts, Arkansas stata
Northwestern (La.) Stat 21, PelU
Stat t
St. AuiutUne 21, rayettevill SUM
Howard Collesa (Ala ) tt. Maryvili
(Tenn ) 1
Arkansas U. Mississippi I
Texas AZM 14. Baylor t
Princeton 47. Cornell 14
Penn Slate tt. Syracuse It
I Yale 21. Collate I
l.ehifh 4 Columbia I
Dartmouth 21. Harvard t
Hrown 21, Rhode Island t
Hoslon University 33, Holy Cross 28
niw iv Penn 1
Rutiert tt. Richmond U
l.aKa.velte 3.1. Hiickneii u
Colby II. Rnwdoin 1.3
Amherst tl, Wesleyan t
Sprlnilicld to, American
llonal t
nraniris 14. Northeastern t
Hamilton IS, Haverford t
Penn Military 21. Drexel I
California (Pa) I, Clarion I
Host ( li.sicr 34. East stroudshuri I
Tufts tt, wmiams ts (tie)
Carnem, Tech tl, Washlnston and
jciietson a
Thiel 20. St. Lawrence t
llofstra IS, Cortland I
" - .'lumri.w , "
tl UnhUnk... B
I Worcester Poiv 3U. t oast t.uaro it
i t,eneva zt, nnppery noca s
V'"'r 2- 'Pf.'T "or?
aiiiniaiM i. n tiiiniiiii.rr j
Norwich IS. Vermont It
Lveomlnj u. WHRes 7
I-ock Haven tS. Indiana (Pa) I
Rochester .10. Kings Point t
Rrockport IS. Ithaca 13
KutzloMii 71. National Aefles It
j Middienury 4i. rpi a
Halnhrtdee 14.
Fort nonmouin i
.. ....... v..-. 91 lIKrl.k, IB
Delaware Stale' tt. Lincoln I
' titao'i i, rurman .s
(Buffalo U IS. Alfred I
Ncwbem to. East Carolina 7
Florida A&.M '5. Rethune Cookman S
Auburn 4S Houston 7
Texat IS, Ri- 14
Texas Tech tt, Arizona t
Pnmona-Claremont II. Redlands It
Abilene Christian 4", SW Tes-at
State t
Stephen T Austin 32. Texas Al I
Eastern New Mexico !S. Austin
Collete 14
Southwestern okla. Slate 7,
Southeastern okla. Slate
Stephen t. Austin 3t, Texat Ail I
Texas Beats
Rice, 19-14
AUSTIN. Oct. 26 ih Texas' Rene
Ramirei churned 80 yards on a
kickoff after Rice had pulled ahead
to give upstart Texas a 19 14
Southwest Conference win over the
Owls here tonight.
Ramirei, a whirling ramrod for
the Steers, intercepted a pass to
start Texas on its first scoring
drive and then scored the next two
A fired up Owl team trailing
miaway in me miru penoa
nreS 'wo, ,o';down!, wi,h
n.s-fiAxknnLf Ii'initt alnrvsminrt
h"" " "'"'"'V"'
over ,rnnl ,np one ana snl"V MOW"
arn "wtstner going jj yarns "r
Rice t u t-ii
Te ... a 13 1 t-ia
Texas a i 13 a-is
tail-. i t a . . aat II it
run, Hoei,-her tn. run). Conver-
tinns hiii t.
J'" acorlns-Touchdownt- Tack
ey (3. run). Ramirei (I, run) Ram
, (li, run). Conversion: Lackey.
Fluke Gives
Hawks Win
today broke up a scoreless battle
in the mud and snow and gave
unbeaten Iowa a 6-0 victory over
Iowa . ill t
Northwestern t I ai
7 I t 714 Iowa srorlnf Touchdown: rur
I t I Is 1 long (31, past from Duncan).
M i Oregon Tech moved on
the ground for all its touchdowns
tonight in defeating Dixie Junior
College, 25-12.
UW Team
Clips OSC
Beavers Handed
Second Beating
(Coaliaued fram preceding page)
A preview of the sad day to
come for the defending Pacific
Coast Conference champions de
veloped off the opening kickoff
when the Beavers drove 61 yards
and failed to score. They had four
cracks at the line from the Wash
ington three and were forced to
give up the ball on downs on the
Aside from the touchdown strike,
iha Ctair iwvw sot rinse alain
"v, ::v rrj "
,he ? '??!.,-he.r
KJSSi I. beforn
and three play was smashed dead
Washinglaa also had a long
drive checked but this third
quarter threat flailed an a
fumble that was recovered by
Oregaa Stale's Bob McKiltrlck at
tke Beaver 11.
The game was punctuated by fis
tic flurries at the middle point and
after the final gun. Oregon State s
center, Buzz Randall, was thumbed
to the sidelines for roughness late
in the first half. After the game
had ended, students trom ooin
schools swarmed onto,
numerous isolated fiehts broke out
nd one Oregon Ste band.m.
I in the melee.
Washington slacked up IS first
dowat to OSC't 13 aad had only
a three-yard edge in passing
97 yardt to 94. Washington had
tlx eampletiont in eight pastel
aad Oregon Stale hit five oul of
ten without aa interception oa
either side.
The real difference between the
teams was in Washington's ability
to sustain its attack and contain
all the Beaver mreai.
McKlttrick, at left guard, was
Oregon Slate's defensive stand
out. He turned in It tackles, re
covered the Washington fumble
and aace smothered Fergus for
a nine-yard loss.
Jones was the day's hardest
working back on offense as well
as defense. He carried the ball 15
times for a 64-yard average. Ore
gon State's John Horillo on eight
carries just over five yards.
t t t t i
t it 7 t is
OSC rcorln- Toucnnonn: tuin-m-elt
('4. pa-a fin. Iron Sn-her).
Ws'iinrloti fcorins ToiirhHnsyns:
MIHir'i (I... pass-run from Frt" n:
Pa- scno (4. run); Jonet (53, run).
Conversion llltnn.
12th Straight
Aggies Win
Baylor Tilt
26 'P Texas A&M. with Jack in
the-Box Roddy Osborne at the
'.r(l lohn Trcw
us-hu. onu Hv,-w -
running like a truck and turning in
... .. , . st.slor iiji
( 1 1 1 1 1 1 M t t K SC .1. IIIOl IIU . I "I V
' .... ,
todav for Its lZtn Siraigm iriumpn.
. , ,,
ik-. -k I.. in a, -oa- i
seculive game without defeat
and wat staying an lop af the
wild Southwest Conferenee race.
A crowd of 42.000 watched the
Aggies score in the first six min
utes, then beat off the rugged
Bears wi'h killing bis defensive
plays until the last six minutes.
ill .L" . nlj u ,...u !
wnen tuey runeu tu annum iwus-n-1 - , : - . .. j .
down. In the final seconds tht;lckle nd race(J 36 yards for a
Aggies smashed to the Baylor two.
. . . ... ,
. lj I
after the mighty Crow had rammed
mo mBA, Rsdnr line fnr m
touencown wiui a i-ytuu um.
.. . ..a a,., Th.!ll1f second period after a fumble
yards in a 4-jard drue. and 0nce more in the fourth on a ! KOIN-TV will telecast 2! con
second A&M score came after pass play from quarter. sccutive S a t u r d a y professional
Larry Hickman baymr tuimacK. ; back Hou8rd Winjs t0 Bnh Den). hockey conlesU direct from ihe
kicking into a strong north wind.", w Mm Budo rinks nf ,hc National "ockey
got the ball out only 34 yards 'rom Cali(orrja o move League starlinf, Sa,urday. Novem
Crow again led the charge and. Quarterback Jim Kuhn ber 2 ami continuinc through to
made the touchdown with an - for 4, ygrds rgn (of anJ tnenthe en( of ,he sea!lon on March
Jard rl,n' 'scored from the four in a 75-yard 22.
Baylor t t t
Osborne i
texts Ac. iconns aoucn.owns.
p I u n t ). Crow (S,
plunte). Conversions: Taylor, Conrad.
Navy Defeats
Penn, 35-7
Tom Korrestal pitched four touch
' riow n passes for Navy, two in the
first 6', minutes, and the Mid-
I . . v . ... .
shipmen marked up a decisive 35-7
victorv over an outclassed Penn
tearn todav
six gamer this season and Pcnn's
fifth straight defeat.
fifth straight defeat.
Navy scorifis -Touchdowns: Hurst
J (It pass-run from Korrestal: ir i
fass from Forrestal: S3, past-run from
orreslah: W ellborn 144. pass-run j
from t'orrestal): Zemhrrnski f ?-'
plunse). Conversions: Oldham 4. :
Penn tcorins Tnnrhdown: MrKIn
nev (I, plunse). Conversion Oak
LA GRANDE, Oct. 26 Two
intercepted passes led to the
game's only touchdowns as Port
land State defeated Eastern Ore
gon 13-0 in an Oregon Collegiate
Conference football game here to
night. Center Herb Harms intercepted
a pass and ran it back 21 yards
Ift ,h, vrr nine-vard line in the
second period. Moments later.
Ward Sayles passed to Sam Rob-
erts for the touchdown
Later in the period. LeRoy Gar
land ran back an intercepted pass
41 yards to the four-yard line.
Chuck Withers carried it over
from there.
WSC Squeezes
By USC 13-12
Bad Kicking Makes the Difference
LOS ANGELES, Oct. 2 t - Two missed tries for extra points,
a riUmal fir-lrf voal try in the last 20 seconds and an 89-yard touch
down run by right end Don Ellingsen of Washington State killed the
University of Southern California today. ...
Owens Sets
Mat Card
Taggers to Meet
In Main Eventer
in mam cvenier
Matchmaker Elton Owen yeater -
o.V -ounced h . . completed
re""n " . " "I I
.Tuesday night, a pair of
nrelim scuffles along with the Tito
Carreon-Johnny James vs. Karl1
von Himmler-DUrango Duran team
la the 1:34 o'clock opener It's
to be head-butting Don Kindred,
the kefty Negro villain against
George Coleman, former ama
teur star from Portland. Then
la the aemlwlndup the young ana
effective Nick Kozak Vancou
ver, B.C., tries the grizzled vet-
eraa Bob CummingS.
i the
I Xiw Cariws " v mmrnler
explosive Larreon von mmrnier
Won uproar
Moa Atanl acl M:nrtlt nna inai
when sornnHs James and Duran
i joined in the mid-ring free-for-all.
Rslaru rnuhnv Pflrlsnn trier! In
restore order, couldn't do it. called
ih mair-h nff and ihpn ininpH in
the melee himself.
Owea watted na time ordering
up Tuesday's tag malner be
tween the participant! 1 the big
row, anticipating a routing ex
cursion. Carlson is to do the arbiting
cnores agajn
Tough Win
Vols Down
Terps, 16-0
Tennessee poured through
wr-ryianos worn down giants lor
two last quarter touchdowns today
and a 16-0 football victory.
Tiie trim, ha"d-Mtting Vohin-
leers nursed a first quarter
safety seored an a bloeked kick
until eonttant banging paid off
for their fourth ttraight triumph.
Tennessee's only defeat this sea
son was a 7-4 loss to Auburn.
Fullback Tommy Brorson scored
Tennessee's first touchdown on a
one-yard plunge to cap a 54-yard
drive led by tailback Obby Gordon.
Bronson set up the nest touch
dnwa by tearing SI yardt ta Ihe
Maryland 29. Coach Bowdra
Wyatt lei hit freth second tiring
rrs lake It the rest of the wav,
with Cail Smith skirting Mary
land's right end for the last nine
..ttt it is
It a I .
. . v I- .
. . iniT,irr nuimi fturiiofi wns :
nronson (1. plunje): Smith (S. run).
Conversions: Rurklow. Gent Safety:
Idaho Whips
Bulldog '11'
MOSCOW, Idaho, Oct. 26
Fullback Ken Hall hnnnei.H nff
'' quarter oucnoown mat start-
ed Idaho off to a 20-6 football vic-
. ea laano ott to a zn-e lootnall vie-
Mz5tory toiay vm" FrMn state in
Dlasl th. ,.i '
(h. w . ...
wl , t. .oi-
. Vandals scoring again in
r resno marcn in tne nnai ouarter. !
.. . . .
rresae aiaie a a
rretno tcorlni Touchdown: Kuhn '
7 7 1 tl
(4. run).
Idaho acorlns Touchdowns: Hall
(31, rim); Willis (1, plunte); Dehlln
(er (13. pasa-mn from Willis).
Conversions: Kramer t.
Georgia Tech Eases
By Fighting Tulane
sbs.,i,ute fullback Lester Simer-
ail Ha 01 .ltoe1 IminhHAtllrl ft, aaittk
' '
wr sccona nan kickoii pusnerj
vimrgid ircit to a iidru-pressea
Simery.lle. a 20-year-old sopho-
more from Atlanta squirmed
a" ay uiiiii a iiui uc tu uihiic iiLr.
4 7 7 7 .73 In r c anA f ,1 ! 1 mi aH lu'A Inammatnc
down the sidelines for the touch-
down Hjs jaun, brok. a 7.7 an(j
. ... .
roused a sputtering Tech offense
into hich gear
. '
No Kidding II 11
Now It die lima la make yaur selection of imprinted busi
ness or peetonel tarda, lottert or carol kVeekt.
Why not mako year choice In tha privacy of your own
offko or homo at your aonvanioncaT
A phono call will brlno yea tha lerfest ant) matt die
tmctive collection to bo toon m the City af Salem, ranfinf
from the vary modett to the most elaborate,
Phono MAR ft! PR Fir LIT Salom.
imaroi nunm
Mamkan Salam Chansbor of Commorco Ml i
:ttry-si,taa. sJ!?aSK1f '
B - e. i ... .iT?
The cougars won mc necuc af-
fair, 13-12. kept alive their Rose
Bowl hopes ard gave the Cougars
their first victory over USC since
The battle developed from a
slow-moving affair to a thriller as
the Trojans almost won the came
in the final twn minutes before a
crowd of 24,902. The defeat was
It ?l
. ISt 231
t ins
1-17 ' 13-25
J-ll I )-JJ
J t
ts sa
! rA".
rumhir. to.
Vlra, p,.
(he fifth in succession and the
longest losing streak in the Ion?
and brilliant football history of
The run by Ellingsen, a 5-10,
159-pound junior from Spokane,
came in the third quarter of this
Pacific Coast Conference game on
a kickoff after the Trojans had
erect up to a S-7 score. Ellingsen
took the kickoff. hit a wedge of
players on about his 35-yard line.
' exploded throuRh and kept going
i untouched the rest of the wav.
oia i i i i v n uua mv nu -
no" Trojans fumbled the hall
. mm Wasninzion Mates eager
! hands ' m whatever chance
i nafl to Win.
1 'railing. 13-6. quarterback
Willie Wood, assisted by a fumble
bv the fouears' great ouarlerbrck
Bobby Newman, led the Trojans
64 yards in 12 plays, with the half
back Rx Johnston plunjjing the
final four yards.
Rut the tying conversion sailed
wide to the left as the dock
showed less than two minutes to
I'SC got the ball on an on-side
kick and passed its wav to 'He
enemy 11. But on third down
Coach Don Clark decided on a
field goal try. With the ball held
on the 18, and Cougars smrmrv;
in from all angles, the attempt
bv Ed Isherwood barely got over
the line of scrimmage.
The crowd expressed vocal as
tonishment when the Trojans, on
third down with one yard to go.
tried for the field goal Instead of
enntinuin" tn p sgipst the
nanickv visiters, rsr had run a-d
: rar-d the h'l f-on te ",
j Ins; ine tn the sHo'I-m w i'h tho
cnrb''- t"nn ig out of bounds to
stop the clock.
war .... Til i U
isc til t it
WSC tcorint: Tourhdownt Gray
11. pass from Newman: Ellinfsen. S3,
kickoff return Conversion Brovell.
USC tcorlni; Touchdowns. Wood
1, plunge; Johnston 4, plume.
Army Whips
Va. 20-12
26 ijfv-N'i nth-ranked Army hitched
its offense to the flying feet of Bob
' Anderson and the passing arm of
Dave Bourland in a supercharged
fourth npriod hprr tnriav and cania
, . . . . , .
uniiuu tu rue o.iuiii3iiimB
Virginia. 20-12.
. yj jma , tWO-t0UChdown Ul
derdog in this battle before 25.000,
led 12-6 when the Black Knights
finally got moving.
Army til 14 7
i Vlrslnla t I e It
( Army scoring: Touchdowns An
. drrson t (13. run: 1', pass from Bour
' landl: Hawkins I3.V nass from Bour-
land). Conversions: Walters clerk.
."""' '?""! Tou!:.h.0.nwl,r
Kneian (17, paaa from wnittcyi,
Bakhtiar (i, piunt,).
ill tt I l
Mockev I elccats
i-iTft ifarf KftV 7
10 0X311 rXOV. L
me nrst tciccasi. rsov. i. wm
feature the Boston Bruins and the
Vnrk Panror. al Msriitnn
Snuare Garden in New York
(12:00-2:00 p.m. PST. Channel .
Jim Moore. San Jose State end,
scored on a pass play covering 75
yards while playing for Fullerton
Junior College.
Qunliti at its besi
High at Court
Senator Hotel
arciuni 0r.,.. y.
- ':"?vr"'.n. - " c ...a.