f -. ' preters. 18-(Sec. II) SUtcsman,' Salem, Ore., Thurs , Oct. 3, 16 Yanks Leaving Red China LONDON. Oct. 2 -Sixteen younf American wound up a six week lour of Red China by smok tni a peace pipe at a farewell luncheon today. The British news agency . Reuters reported from Peiping. They left Peiping by train later for Moscow. TiM it ... 4i iwuwi I from bed and board fur an unlim- Tne IS were among 42 Ameri- (tea rlo(, ol tlme. tWMaint to Cam Who trekked to Red China! plaintiff the car and custody and after attrndint? a votith tpstival in!contrl ' ,h minor children of the Z, aHeming .i0". ', , 1 ,n i marriage of you and plaintiff; award MOSCOW. Five 0( the 42 left China , mg to plaintiff ai htr sole and sepa- earlier and the remaining 21 plan i r" property, household furniture - . . . . -.j i. : now in her possession; and award- U return home later this week. iin. to plaintiff such other and Shortly before leaving, the 16 Americans gave a luncheon for j their Chinese guides and inter-1 An American Indian peace' pipe i ,B handed around the tables. commencing with the Issue of said After lunch the Americans sane ' newspaper of 3. October. is7. and :.. i, -. lending with the Issue thereof 24. American lolk songs. October, l!iS7. pursuant to an order The Americans, who defied.?' T" lJono,rJ,blL''0,'ph...L.r"ton. . o ci , r ..I . -j... Judge, of aald above entitled court, t'. S. Stale Department advice not dated 1, October, iss7. to Visit Communist China,, re-j Date of rirst Publication: 1 Oc- ceived top treatment throughout their tour. Food, accommodations and transport were free. Some of the Americans, how ever, have been less impressed than others about what they have seen of Communist rule, Reuters aid. There have been reports of stormy, closed meetings of the group, violent words, and even one outbreak. One enraged American was re ported to have hurled a heavy glass tumbler at another, forcing him to be hurried to a hospital for gashes in his face and arm. The original group of 42 divided Into cliques but in the end virtual ly all were united against three who were termed "rightist reac tionaries," Reuters said Six World War II Collaborators Sentenced to Die BELGRADE, Yugoslavia. Oct. S UPSix men accused of collabo rating with the Germans during the Natl occupation of Yugoslavia in World War II were sentenced to death in a trial at Mostar to day. They were accused of the massacre of 500 persons during the. way. Three other defendants were given life prison terms. Advertising ttatesman-Joaraal Newspapers SSI N. Church SL PHONE EM 4-6811 LOCAL RATES WEEKDAYS Per day 1 Per line 40 1 I 4 S JO .40 M JJ-, TOTAL CHARGES Mbv I ttaes) Weekdays per tine 1 time 40 per Une 2 times tl OS in JO M per Une S time$l 50 1140 line t me. .. SS in Unci in.l Minimum, when charged, 91. uu LOCALS IBs per line per paper Claaslfleo sax will be run ta both papers to give advertisers the so vantages er the tremendous pulling power ox iimh comoinea eircais ttona Whan en ad Is ordered three oi eta times and Sunday laaue la in eluded I for example Friday Satur day Sunday I the lower Sunday rates apply because only The Statesman P'lbtishea Sundays Classified ads wiu start la the tominf Oregon Statesman, conclude as tne evening capital journal out da will be accepted for Sunday S ta teem an only. The deadline for classlflsd ads is 16 pa the day before publication except for Sunday When deadline la f 'JO em Friday. Emergency acta and emau Une ad received after ISO 8 m weekdays and unUI li boon aturday for Sunday may be placed la the Toe Late to Cleaisfy' column Ads tor Monday paper must be ta by I p m Saturday The Statesman Journal Newspa- Bsr reserve the right to re.'ect oues onable advertising: it further re serves the right to place all adver tising under the proper classifies Uon. The Stateamaa Journal Hewspa- rsrs s stums no financial -ejponsl-liity tor error which may appear In adevrttsement published In its eolumns and In esse where thla pa per I at fault will reprint that cart of an advertisement tn which the typographical mistake occur and la responsible for only on Incorrect A "Blind" Ad an ad containing a Statesman-Journal Newspaper box number for an address It for the protection of the advertisers and must therefore be answered Dy tet ter The Statesman-Journal Newspe pers sre nut at liberty o divulge in formation as to the identity of ae advertiser using a 'Blind" ad Ads in other columns which requiri Investment tn stock, sample equipment er cash bond should be thoroughly Investigated b f . paring out any money. Advertisers requiring a ease Investment for ample or merchandise, salsa aids to. most ae specify la their soa fills (TEWSTAPIB aTRIVtS to pro sect lto reader against fraud, de ception, or Injuries Readers sre cautioned to make NO PAY MINTS to get position advertised tn the help wanted column. All help wanted ada MUST SPECIFY THE NATURE Ol THE WORK Sa.t help wanted ads must stale if he pay is In the foim of salary com missions cusrsnte or include firm name Bona fide offers ol employment with oay oelong to the Help Wanted columns Kindly report 'any exception to trua rule to the classified advertising manager. notice: to creditors PIONEER TRUST COMPANY has been appointed by the Circuit Court sat Oregon for Marlon County, execu tor of the will and estate of HARVEY A. aCCHAEUS, Deceased. AU per sons having claims against said state hereby are required to present them, with proper vouchers, within aix months from the date hereof, tn It at 109 North Commercial Street , Salem. Marion Cfuntv Ore-Ton. Dated and first published 13 Sep tember I57 PIONEER TRUST COMPANY . , Executor Aforesaid B X. E. Weneer Vice President and Trust Officer JfETER M. CUNNAR, THOMAS B. BRAND. Attorney for Executor, lam, urafoa. atopt. U. II, M. Oct fix TNI ClaCl'IT COIBT OF TBS stats or origon for rum COUNTY or MARION (Department of Domestic Relations) No U4 SUMMONS JACQUELINE IRENE WITT. Plaintiff v. ROBERT JEROME WITT. Defendant To Robert Jerome Witt, th above named defendant. IN THE NAME or THE STATE Or OREGON: You hereby are re quired to appear and answer the amended complaint filed against you in the above entitled court and cauae on or before the last day,, of the time prescribed by aald above entitled court for the publication of thla lummoni to wit: On or before the' 31st day of October, 1967, and If vou fail ao to amwer for want there of, plaintiff will apply to aaid court for the relief prayed In her amended complaint, herein, namely: For a de cree separating you and plaintiff 'further relief as to this honorable court may aeem just and equitable. n,,, ,Ummons it served on you by pubiicaiton thereof in the Oregon itesman, a dally newspaper general circulation oubllahed at m. Marion county. Oregon, once tooer iss7 HICHARD D. LEE Residence Address: Sslem, Oregon Post Office Address: 129 N Commercisl Street. Salem, Oregon ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF Published October J, 10. 17. 14. 1S37 AOS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED . . Too Late to Classify 24' TRAILER, sleeps 4, A-l cond., fully equipt. 7M. 4270 Mun kers, EM 3-459. 'S3 C A DILLAC roup De VI lleTifLlI power, excellent condition. EM 4-92S2. 1955 IMPERIALTdrThTsve7y thing, very clean, low mileage. EM 3-313S. SELL or trade '52 Olds 98. Excel, cond. Must sell. EM 4-3178. BY OWNER: st appralal7.Sfior S8,4(i0. 2 bdrrn. 4 yrs. old. EM 4-7414. HEY Look-S4..10. S350 downfl acre, am. 2 bdrrn. hse., barn, chicken hse. 2 mach. bldg'e., fruit, Swegle Bch'l 2 blk. Im mcd. possession. Drive bv 18M5 Blrchwood Dr., then cell. EM 3-7731 if interested. TOR RENT: small ' haV.ga'rT nice yd. Nr. Shop. dist. on S. Com'i. bus line. Desirable neighborhood. EM 3-3119 or EM 2-01211 Bachelor Apt. 1)111. pd, EM2-3727. EXP. Comptometer oner, want perm. work. EM 3-0193. RELIABLE elderly " couple will be available Oct. 27th to man age Apt. or rare for home for winter mon. Good refa. EM 4-3803. ' DFNTAL PLATE" REPAIR-" 2-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER. Dentist Adolph Bldg. State Sc Cnm'l Sts. Sslem Ph. EM 3-3311 CHEAP factory aluminum" frame canvas canopy for pick-up, good cond. 41S5 Sunnyvtew EM 4-5761. NICE Raccoon coat 4-5444. 120. EM 25. NEARLY new 2 ' boy's Bike. EM 2-1557. ZIEGLER oil hester. bbls. Be pipes, 79. Rt. I. Box 513. 1 mi. S..jml. W. of Hopewell. GAS range, refrigerator, mat tresses Si chests. Cheap. EM 4-13. U-Pirk peaches. EM 2-4S20. COMICE pears ready now. 1 1.79 to 12 29 bu.. EM 2-4S3S. CHIHUAHUA puppies7m6HofN man Rd. EM 3-7731. PEKINGNESE puppies. Hoffman Rd. EM 3-7731. 1650 .300 Pergonal 3-12 Lost and Found FOUND: Tan white spaniel pup. EM 4-6215. LOST: Small brlndle dog. Hsr ness r Lie. 9173. EM 4-4769. Reward. LOST: Chartruse parakeet, vie. N, ltth, banded. EM 2-5354. 3TTT ronsportotion WANT- (hare exp. and ' help drive San Frsnrlsco, Oct. S or 10. Kefs. EM 3-1070 after S: WOULD' like to loin car pool to Portland, daUy. EM 4-6017. 316 Personal MADAM Haiel Psychic Palm tat. Complete reading 12. 3St' S Com l. EM 4-I26S. PALMIST wtlf tell past, present future Love, marriage, bual ness l. 2741 Portland Rd. MORE people buy World Book than anv other encyclopedia! Why? EM 2-5082. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. too Marlon. EM 4-0941 400 Agriculture 402 Llvostock for Sola SHETLAND PONY. EM 2 23S1 3 SHROPSHIRE ewes St I Shrop shire buck, 1 Columbia ewe. EM3 2032 FOn sale or trade frrbee7, good child's horse. EM 4-4ittQ. LIGHT Bay gelding, part quar ter horse, easv keeper, 1 yr. EM 4-2743. EM 2-17S3. 2 HORSE tandem Eyerly trailer. 1400. EM 2-1171. 403 Livastotk Wantad CATTLE horses, at your farm, E. C. McCandlish. EM 3-61 88. CATTLE Snetden 4105 SUverton Rd. EM 2-1349 or EM 3-430. CATTLE buyer. A. F. Sommer. 9399 Dallas Rd. EM 4-9067. TOP cash prices at your place.' Ray Corel. EM 4-3l6g. BUYER Claud Edwards. Rt 2. Box sE. EM 4-1113 405 Pats BOXER puppy, male. Reg. Ph. Monmouth fK 7-1363. -OR SALE, Alaskan Husky pups, not reg., reaa. price, will make fine pets, EM 2-S1SS. 2395 Market St. S REG. Boston Terrier Box er male Terrier 105. Female 130. Woodburn 6801 after 4pm WALLACE Rd. Aviaries 1910 -Wallace Rd EM '-27S1 Para keetr. Finchet. C.innries. CL'TF '(. tree. EM '-S14S FOR SALE : SiameVe Kittensi EM 44793 alter 9:30. "SIAMESE CAT "SEltVICE" EM 4-S885 RAISE YOUR 0WN1 4 parakeets, breeding cage. Bests, 110, JEM 2-7174. 57 400 Agriculture 405 Pat SELL part miniature black coc ker puppies 1095 Hoffman Rd, IH11 TAN Y Spaniel. 4's mo. A K.C. reg. reaa. 41S7 Macleay Rd. EM 3-4947 after I pjn. CANARIES, parakeets, cocstiels, finch, cavles. EM MM. BRIGHT Angel Collies Ev. or 'Sat. Sun. EM 4-lSM 1 PAIR Peacocks. $ for both. EM S-1K7S. CUTE Tov Chihuahua puppiea. AKC Reg. EM 2-4001. PUG Puppies, male a female, 4 moa. old, EM 4 8364 or EM MOO. 412 Food Column U-Jlck tomstoes. SOc bu. Cummtngs Lane, Keller. S2S KITES U-plrk, blackberries, ov erflowing crate SOc. 450 Ridge Dr. EM 3-0S1 . grspe D St. containers. 2253 GRAPES Sc U Ricked. A. E. iver Bend Rd. - Pick. Sc Pelker. J215 CONCORD grapea U pick Sc. of Britt Aspinwail, Brooks hi. 1. EM S-2US1. Sa - CARROTS II. sack. W. D. Fol- liett. Wall Lane, Jelierson. Ph FA 7 207S. FRESH small egg. 25c dot. 890 Chemawa Hoad, Keiier tint. U-PICK TOMATOES. $1 BU. River Rd., first rd. past Robert s store. Follow sign KM 2 2047 OF BEEF 35c LB. S GrsJed St Inspected Satisfaction uuaranteed 4 to S mos. to osv FREE LOCKER RENT -MAC'S MEATS 4 LOCKERS 10 N. Liberty EM 4-7744 LIVE FRYERS. 25c LB. Valley Farm Store FANCY FEED BEEF "i BEEF 37c lb. HIND QUARTER . 43c lb. FRONT QUARTER . . 33c lb. . Any Weight Desired Financing No down Payment on approved credit IGLOO FOOD CO. 1750 Fairgrounds Rd. EM 2-B904 APPLES VARIETIES, 75c. tn 12, bring containers. Cecil Boyd. EM 26I23.J NUT DRYING ADAMS at SIMMONS Onalitv .Inh ORCHARD HEIGHTS RD. N.E. EM 41963 GRAPES 20 lbs. 11 : bring con tainers. Galle. S690 Van Cleve Rd. l's East of Totem Pole. Ml. South Van Cleve Rd. EM 4-2988. FRESH from the farm, cut Si wrapped frvers, 00c. ea. EM 4-2394 or EM 2-S73I. CONCORD grapes. SI. 50 a bu.. or. ox. Hcicnstein, uayion. Ph. 99x17 U PICK tomatoes SI. good ones. 7 ml W. on Salem-Dallas Rd. st Greenwood Sign. Bring box D. D. Hewitt. PASTEURIZED whole milk. S2c. Jul. Homogenized. SOc. V, gal. 4c. Cleary Dairy. EM j-SfaS, ( "UMBERS It tomatoes. XM 2-7167. 414 Poultry Rabbits BABY chirks hatched yr. round New Hamp. Whit Rock f ullcts 17c. straight run chicks 6c. Valley Farm Store., Custom Dressing of Poultry Wing's, 2985 State EM 4-3918 420 Seeds I Plants Big 10 da. sale on all shrubs trees at Wholesale Ar less. 3910 Brooks Ave. E. of Cherry In Keizer. EM 3-OOZ7. TIME now to plant fall bulba. Peonva, Clematles, shrub plants. Low prices at Stein ers. 3190 MM. EM 2194 DAFFODIL bulbs 3 dx. fl. Azal eas, 2 for II. Mall order too. Merrill' Greenhouse, Brook. 422 Fortiliier RICH, black manure, cam fine quality, always. EM 2-4077. FERTILIZER MULCH Mushroom msnure, no weed. We del. anywhere. Spec, price to farmers. EM 2-0331. FERTILIZER for lawn mul ching. EM 4-0393. EM 4-SM2 424 farm tquipmont FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE ALL TYPES Ph. EM 34143 or EM 2-6808 425 Auction Salos Furniture Auction Tonight 7:30 P.M. SUDTELL'S AUCTION 3915 SILVERTON RD, 450 Merchandise 451 Household Goods USED Sparks Oil Heater 4 tn S room aize 169. HOGG BROS. 248 State St. DAVENO. chair, dinette aet Sr. extra chairs, organ, elec. Iron er. 1SSS S. Liberty. EM 2-9090. USED rurgal Oil heater, 2 to 4 room size only S19.90. HOGG BROS. 248 State St. ' Frlgidaire refrig S7S 9' Firestone refrigerator . MS 7' Frlgidaire refrig 285 6' Kelvinator refrig ISO 6' Montgomery Ward Refrig 270 wards winger wasncr z" Kenmore auto washer S3S Wards auto washer 190 Hotpnlnt deluxe dryer oo Bendix washer t dryer comb. - Noree a ranee 1 SIS Singer aewing machine S2S Sew-Ezy sewing machine S3S Wards upreme sewing mach $90 Wsrd deluxe ell heater S3S Zlgler deluxe oil heater S40 MONTGOMERY WARD 199 N. Liberty EM 3-3191 USED Mahog. corner china can ine' M. HUliU fsnvia. Z.9 StnjeSt. YS. we drv home washings) I You get them back bone dry a neatly folded. Fart k eco nomical. LAUNDERETT. f 12.U Ferrv EM I-45SS Hi Bloclt East Wlllamelte U.) LG. round Oak table, good cond. make offer. EM e-ezsa. USED Duo Therm oil hea with ran 4 to a room size. HOGQ BROS. S4S State 450 Merchandise 451 Household Coexis BLOND Oak dining rnu act w buffet. Hi. S-u. table aaw. tilt ing table, comp. w -stand. 23. 70 Belmonu. 3-pc. black walnut, marble tops bdrrn. suite, pegged. EM4-14U, USED Walnut desk with glsss door bookrsses on sides S3S. HOGG BROS. 24 State St. OIL Clrc. trailer aire Duo- Therm 25.EM 2-S337. ROLLA-WAY bed, coll aprings. full width with mattress fcl EMJ-SM7; MAPLETdtn. rm. act. table. S chairs, buffet S125. EM 4-70S1 . HOSPITAL bed, almost new, S4T 4485 Hazel Green Rd. USED Maple finished bed, full sue ll to. HOGG BROS. 24 State St. $ BE THRIFTY I BUY GOOD USED FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES $30 dn. will buy a complete household of furniture Desks, blonde It walnut ...... FROM $19.95 Cherry wood love seat with matching chair, BOTH $30 Reconditioned Jr. guaranteed ranges tt refrigeirtors. 2, 3 & 4 piece sectionals. FROM $19.93 Portable clothes dryer $29.95 Mattresses, twin & full size. FROM $3.95 Radio k phono combination. $29.95 17001 inrriris? a,lai W)4Bs 515 S. COML PH. EM 4-3T.19 CHEST of drawers, auto, de frost, refrig.clec. range. Ben dlx duo-matic., blond bedrm. aet. platform rocker, coffee table, dining rm. aet, dinette aet. radio-phonograph. 21 TV. aew. mach., daveno. EM 2-60SS USED Walnut vanity and poater bed, only 129 SO. HOGG BROS. 248 state St. IF you have one item or a house of furniture to sell call the Used Merchandise Mart, 270 s. Liberty, cm 4 8371. USED S pc. Chrome dinette, nearly new S49 99. HOGG BROS. 248 State St. 453 Appliartco WINCHESTER 30-30. 30-0. 308 to be given away with freezer purchase at "Your Down Town" Firestone Store. 395 N. Liberty. EM 2-2491. FOR SALE: Westinghouse sealed unit, refrig., 14 .V recond. (i.E. vacuum cleaner, brush type 23. EM 3-8803. UNCLAIMED wringer washer with pump. Save SSSS on this model. 19 down E Z terms at "Your Down Town" Fire atone Store. 399" N. Liberty. EM 2-3491. ELECTRIC blender, reas. price. EM 4-7114. USED refrigerator. 119 29 St up. Al uitt, App., Z3S0 Stale St. GOob electric range 245. Good gas range - SH3- Days: EM 4-3281; Eve. . EM 44089. ELECTRIC range A-l condition. EM 4-747. FRIGIDAIRE Elec. (love, EM 2-8358 after S p.m. DUE to Illness good customer returns iu.j cu. it. reingera tor with full freezer compart ment. New 5 yr. guarantee. 85 down at "Your Down Town" Fireatnne Store. 399 N. Liberty CM Z-2491. 454 Sowing Machines SINGER It. weight portable, like new with attach. S49. EM 3-0904 after 9:30. 456 T V. A Radio USED TV's 3 from which to choose. 17" table model, 21" Jr. 24" consoles. S3 down de livers. Your Down Town" Firestone Store. 393 N. Liberty EM 2-2491. FREE 1958 TV PHILCO S NEW "SLENDEREL LA" MODEL TO BE GIVEN ABSOLUTELY FREE with every washer It dryer pur chase. "YOUR DOWN TOWN" FIRESTONE STORE 29S N. Liberty EM 2-2491 Downtown TV Shop Guar. T V. k Radio Repair. 90 day written guar. All work done by Licensed Tech. We are also antenna specialists. THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL, ' 2 SERVICE CALL. 24 hr. serv. Open 7 days week, tncl Sun. A Holidays. Hrs 9 a m. to 11 p.m. Call EM 2 2122, 130 N. 17th. 45S Musical Instrumonts ACCORDION INSTRUCTION TREE USE OF ACCORDION Duana Hunsaker EM 2-8355 DODGE Piano Service can offer you a better buy In a new or used piano. Compare our prices, we have the largest and best equipped service shop In Salem Dodge Piano Service. 2656 Dallas Rd EMJM6&6 BALDWIN SP'lNET PIANO Bargain for quick sale. Tall man Piano Warehouse. 2!i3 S. 12th, near S P. Depot. Open Mon. Frt eves. BRASS Clarinet w. case, new, $45. EM 4-189 like SPINET ORGAN. Floor demon trator. Big reduction. EZ term. Tallman Piano Ware house, 399 S. 12th near S.P. Depot. Open Mon, Fri eves. 4 SIZE vtonn, excellent condi tion. EM 2-2683 after 6 30. (2) American Perfection B flat clarinets 142- Excel, cond. (1) F.A. Reynolds cornet like new $129. Assorted used console k table radloa $6.95 k up. We will take radio Si phonograph trade-Ins. 42S COURT ST. SCANDALLI accordion, 120 base. S switch. Good Cond. Very reas. EM 3-SS92. FRENCH PROVINCIAL CON SOLE. Slight case damage. Bargain. TaUman Piano Ware house.. 393 S. 12th. near S P. Deoot. pen Mon. Fri eves. NEW Thomas orean onlv $72S.i Free lessons with Instrument. 1 Wiltsey-Weather Music. Cap. Shop. Center. Ph. EM 2-8708. ALMOST new 120 baa Settimio Soprani accordion, (a price. $270 cash. EM 4-2827. PIANO k violin leeaon. State accredited. Sirs. KawUna. Ejf S-8013. , , , dShop 450 Merchandise 40 Offico Swppti Hurcules Filing Cabinet J drawer, fire proof, 4S2S Vcrda Lane. EM 4-S23S. Ui Wantod Mshld GooaH FURNITURE, appliances, gun. misc. WANTED. EM 2-S497. WE pay cash lor good clean used furniture and appliances. Used Merchandise Mart. 270 S. Liberty. EM 4-4371. CASH for RANGES REFRIG REFRICS. misc. EM 2-MS Glen Woodry. 1609 N Summer MISC. furniture wanted. Cour teous service Ph. EM 2-S09S. CASH for dean used FURN1 rURE EM 2-9110 Glen Wood ry. 1602 N Summer 4t3 Boating ALL size New Johnsons 26 pet off, vnu have a choice now SAlEM BOAT HOUSE 100 Chcmcketa EM 2-9303 20 FT. TOLLYCRAFT OUTBOARD cruiser complete with 40 HP. Scott-Atwater motor Sc trailer. Many eatraa. Boat was new March 1967. Call SUverton TR 1-9014. REASONABLE boat storage for rent EM 4-S741. 64 Sports Equipwifrt IS GAUGE Remington pump gun, model 31, with Weaver choke, 3 tube, EM 4-0871 after S. FOR SALE: New Remington Bolt-action 30-0. 300 HAH. 2 : 38 cal. revolvers. EM 4-2911 after S p.m. or Saturdays. 12 WILL buy SIO.OOO Accident insurance, si.ow Meaicai for 3-day bunting trip. 7 days 84. Covers any type accident, AvaUable Immediately to in sure all members of your party. Muggins Insurance. 373 inurcn at. N.E. e.m 3-su. CASH lor Uaed Guns, and old coma, au type, cascaa Merc 1230 Broadway. DUCK Pond for Rent or Lease In Turner Flat In Fly Way. Accommodates S hunter. WA. S-S66S Albany, eves. DEER rifles for rent. N. White head. Turner, ml. E. on ..the Aumsville rd. Ph. 92. HUNTERS! , Model SI Rem. 39 Cal. 888 Custom SDrmefield "04" 872 USED RIFLES $30 UP GRABERS' SPORTING GOODS : sai rerry FOR sale, used '97 model 12x14 . ft -9 ft. WaU tent, with floor, screened windows Si telescope poles. $80. EM 2-844. REM. 30.06 semi-auto. mdl. 20. with case Sr shells, 100. 2210 Hazel. EM 2-8424. 66 Bicyclas GOOD English bike. $20. EM 3-S331. after S. 470 Building Matoriais KEITH BROWN SPECIALS and close outs Open all day Saturdays. Fir Plywood -'while they last. 100 pes. 4x8xs Sanded Blows sz.oo ea. 80 pes. 4x8x1a. Sheath Blowa . 81.92 ea. 100 pea. 4x8xi, CD. Shop sa zo ea. 49 pes. 30"xS0"x, Sanded Blows 81.90 ea. 100 pea. 4x8x (heath Blows ... $3.84 ea. Fall Specials 49 lb. Smooth Roofing $2 45 roll styie a. uai cave Trough .13 fin Plain Roof Coating Is $1.20 gal ss 11.10 gal lx $1.44 gal i.s .SS xal Plastic Cement Zonalite Insulation 11.45 bag Aluminum Storm Door complete w-hardware k closure $49 50 ea. Close Outs Regular Sale Z'i ovalo casg Fir or Hem .08 lin .04 lin ovalo Base Fir or Hem .10 lin 08 lin shake mldg .12 lin .08 lin base shoe .029 lin .015 lin 1 sash 6-0x4-0 S lite 17.25 12.99 1 sash 5-0x4-0 12 lite 19 S4 14 73 2 sash 9-0x4-0 6 lite 19.49 11.80 1 sash 4-0x4-0 12 lite 15 15 11J 3 sliding glass units S-0 x i t TIM 20.25 S complete Interior Mahog door units S only 2-0x6-8 17 61 1 only 2 4x6-8 18.3S 1311 13.77 2 doors 2 4x8-8 xl, S lite French $9.00 ea. 1 door I t X I t I 1, Flush Birch . $9.00 ea. 12 doors 2-4 X 6 8 x 1, Flush Birch $9.00 ea. 2 doors 2-8 x 6 8 x 1. Flush Birch $5.00 ea. LUMBER YARD 23S North Front EM 3-9111 We Give S at H Green Stamps PLYWOOD SPECIALTIES 4x8 H" R-C Magh 4x8 !," V-groove Magh 14c ft. 16c ft. ALSO, KNOTTY PINE STRIATED PRE-FINISHED J. LUMBERYARDS M9 S. 12th St EM 3-9606 WHY GO TO PORTLAND 3 pc bath set wflttlng 89 M 00 Amp mtet bai "j 1-2 wire In coils 3', fi u coumei aisnwasnvr . I is m Galv gutter O G. 13c ft 8 celling fan ... 13 5 Am pipe " 13e V 17 li" . : Se 52 Cat elec wtr. htr. $97 So 14-2 wire In eoils 2". ft Am. 4" eaU oroa T7c ft. Built In even as 4 burner$17t 4" Fiber pipe 38c ft Electric heater Jteduced Wall Baseboard Portable APEX ELECTRIC &PLBG. 141 Broadway Ph EM 2-IS6S Open Friday Evening 6". ". 10" siding good stuff. very low price. Also good sup ply vertical sitting. For Sale BATH ROOMS We sell toilet, wall hung k built-in wash basin, shower cabinets, steel cast Iron bath tubs. 4' , S' Si corner tubs: complete stock galv. pipe Si fittings, cast-iron sol pipe St fittings. Orangeburg pipe Si mimes, cement drain fields. . all sires steel seotic tanks, table top water henters. built in water he.iters. fat rerov-c-v-.tfmrieht he"ters. Alo floor tile'lnr vour bath rocm. C. G. LONG & SONS' 1 Mi. N. of Kei2er EM 4-5051 TO PLACE AD P.H0NE EM 4-gSll. 450 Aletndise 470 sUiBtflwo; Matoriais USED BUILDING SPEt. Roof trusses. 20 to 40 ft. $4 .90 UedUfiimber $35 to S99 per M (2x4. 2x4. 2x2, 2x10, 2x121 2x2 Wall stud 19c. ea. 2x4 Wall atuda : 22c. ea. 2" Impregnated' wall bd. lnaul. 10c. aq. ft. lx Rustic Siding 260 per M Clear select gr'd. Oak Flooring, 1100 per M. Windows k frames S4 .90 k up. Doors with hardware 24 50 k up. Uaed leg tub 19 ALSO Plumbing It Electrical Supplies. E. S. RinER & CO. Onen all day Saturday 9590 Portland Road EM 4-0191 LUMBER 200.000 ft. new economy and am ity irade old growth fir lum ber. Specified lengths to 24 ft. Delivered Salem area by thou sand, truck or unit loads. Ted at Lea Mulicr. Ph. t-M 44)923. 472 Plumbing 4 Heating SPARK oil heater 235. EM 3 0471 474 Floor Covorlng Wholesale Prices ASPHALT TILE B color 9x9xs 4c tile 7 -mlors Sx9xit Sc tile LINEOLEUa TILE All color: - x 10c a til VINYL UNO $ widths .... $1.4 yd. 5 J O. UUAtil INLAW UNO. Cu' vardage $1 79 a yd. Full rnlif SI OS a yd SAUER PAINT CO. r70 N. Front EM 4-0212 4S0 For Salo Miscellaneous 2' LEG bath tub. $19. Excel. cond. 190 So. Elma. Mlsche. FOR SALE or trade V drive socket set, sm. air compressor Dr. locks Sr hinges, navy spy Biass, 10 power, jlm e-jvia. SPARK Oil Circulator, 1 yr. old. EM 4-5328 after S. HERE'S A WILD ONE Republic Steel 21 inch cabinet for only $39.00. Several other to choose from at Special prices. See them at JUDSON'S today or i call EM 3-4141, 279 ri cal. Vali no. torn LOVELY vtalnut Welch cup board (hutch) EM 3-1863 afr 5 BABY scales, good cond. SS. i-wii9, 172 uerry st. L. C. SMITH typewriter Si stand $60. Woman' winter coat size 40. $15. EM 3-9900 after 4:30 1 WHEEL trailer, factorv built. All metal $00. EM 3-0904 after F.A. FURNACE with thermostat BTU 89.000 Coleman. Used 2 years. $75. EM 3-7349. YR. CRIB. Folda rolla stroller, on nr. lurnace. English idovsi bicycle. Platform rocker. EM 4-3728. VIOLIN $29. Typewriter, lino type Kcynoara. cm x-3400. Used trailer, trunk, moving jacxs, misc. tool, em 2-7317, 30W noerty ltd. PIT RUN GRAVEL Clean Top Soil. EM 4-4747. VIRGIN TOP SOIL , EM 2-1575 1 24" JIG saw. 1 garden trac tor with 30" sickle bar, 1 A-B apt, aixe range. Aumsville 828. 2-WHEELED utility trailer, $100. EM 2-1979. LRG. Antique Marble Top Lamp table $129. EM 2-8787 after i. TYPEWRITERS adding ma chines, cash registers, dupli cator, desk, chairs, file, sup plies Rnen'a. 48 Court MRS. H0MEMAKER is your time worth 43c per hour. We guarantee to aave you at least one full hour of time per dav with a KITCHENAID DISHWASHER and It cost only 43c per day to rent it. CaU Mr. Miller at JUDSON'S now for rental Info. EM 3-4141. 483 Wanted Miscellaneous CASH FOR SCRAP IRON Metals, Cars ... Bill Harris Boone Road nt So. Pae. R.R. Off Turner Hd. EM 2-9872 486 Machinery Tools FOR SALE: Shopsmith $125. EM 2-4991. UL pi tras, 1175 Dearborn. Keizer. Craftsman . acetylene torch, $50. XJW Z-U31Z. SEVERAL used welder. See at 790 Stewart St Ph. 4-7944. 490 Fuel SPLIT Oak wood-16" Seasoned, delivery. EM 4-8158. DRY and green IS" 3-8254. wood. EM Capitol City Fuel PLYWOOD CORES T to 10" tn diameter, cut to length. Heavy block Sr slab. Heavy planer. EM 4-5832. Geo. E. Barza (new manager) CAPITOL FUEL CO., INC. Sawdust. Chip mix Slab wood Shavings MILL wood, plywood cores, a. sorted hardwoods, planer ends. Em 2-7721 EM 2 8024 1420 -Broadway HIGHWAY FUEL CO. SAWDUST k WOOD EM 2-S444 DRY HARDWOOD IS In or 24 In. length $1$ St SIS per cord In t cord loads. EM 4-3247. FERN FUEL MS E. Salem Rd., Dallas 2 UNIT load alab wood $1$: also dry slab 2 units $20. M 3 2449 MA 3-2293 collect. ASH wood decayed sawdust, and top soil EM 2-0949. ANDERSON'S slab wood over 2 cords only $20. EM 2-77.91- OREGON FUEL CO. Old Growth Fir $12 Cord DRY AND GREEN WOOD Sawdust, Blower or Push oft. S & H GREEN STAMPS EM 2-5932 308T Broadway 500 Biik & Finance 510 Money to RAWLINS Realty. Real property loans. contract purchased Builders welcome. SOS Chem. keta EM 4-8H75 ' - LOANS $50 tn Sl.Sia) Buv What You Need Consolidate Your Bills Finance through WILLAMETTE CREDIT COMPANY 183 8. Church St EM 2-2437 PETER Geiser Mortgage Loans. EM 2-S96S, PRIVATE money to loan, f pet interest, ra, m s-vr. mm CALLIH-EXP Make Life Easier - Read & Use Want Ads Daily! ADDING MACHINES Buy as you rent. All make Roen-Typewrtter. 49 Court EM 24772. ANTIQUE EXPERT Expert restoration of all types , of antiques. Furniture old clock our specialty. TRInity 2-7902, SUverton. . APPLIANCE REPAIR Electric: Gas: Gas Engine Prompt Serv. Call Fix-It Shops West Gate Center EM 4-0944 Candalaria Diat. EM 2 791 BULLDOZING Bulldozing. clearing, ro ponds. D-4, D-S Carryall. Huskey Ph. EM 3-3146. CONTRACTORS Buildings raised leveled. Houses, barns, garages, ware house, new or repaired, roofs, doors, metal or wood. Founda tions cement or block. Free termite Si dry rot inspection. Ed Edmond. EM 2-S280. CRANE WORE 25-ton Lorain moto crane Sa lem Sand It Gravel. EM 2-2481. 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money to Loo) UP TO $2,500 Pick Your Payments Amt. of 24 mo. Amt. of 142.50 8 8108.31 190.92 $17 i.114.1 .08 ' $33 $609.84 7 $693.73 $41 $70.76 PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL LOANS 11 S. Liberty EM 4-2203 COLONIAL Investment -Co. Real Property Loans. Contract Pur- cnaseo. oev court, cat e-soie. 12 Loons Wonted $13,000 LOAN: 1st mortgage, 7 pet. int., siau mo. paymcnis, mortaace insurance. On out- lying business property. EM 4-7897. 600 Employment 602 Help Wonrtd NOTICE TO JOB APPLICANTS The Statesman-Journal New. lapers do not knowingly , cept help wanted advertisements from firms covered bv the Fed era! Wage-Hour Law if they offer less man tne legal mmimtun wage. If you are offered less by covered firm, or If yoa have questions concerning tni law or other Wage-Hour activities of the u.o. uepsnment 01 Laoor. cau or write the Department' local office at 317 Old U.S. Court House. 920 S W. Morrison Street, Portland 4. Telephone Capital 8-8171. extension 724. COMMERCIAL Placement Agency Since 1948 Specialists In Office Placements 4S4 State St. (411 Ore. Bldg.) Phone EM 4-3331 APPLICATIONS are now being taken lor statesman bicycle route Several route will be open. Applicant must be ac companied by their parent or have their written permis sion. Apply at the Circulation Department of the Statesman Journal. CAPITOL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Specialists in office personnel 354 N. Winter EM 2-063 604 Help Wonted, Mew Will furnish comfortable bach elor quarters for elderly Chris tian man in exchange for yard Sc Malnt work. EM 4 1071. 606 Help Wonted, Lody WANTED: Experienced payroll at counter cierx. Apply person nel dept. City HaU, City of Salem. PLEASANT home Sc small sal ary for someone to look after 1st grader of working family. EM 3-3741 after 6:30. REGISTERED Laboratory tech nician wanted in doctor of fice. Good hour, exceptional salary. Apply to Box 997, Statesman-Journal, giving ex perience and references. WANTED 2 women to do tele phone survey , work, paid on hourly basis depending on ability, call between 9 Ac 11 A.M.. 320 Oregon Bldg. CAR HOP wanted. Fireside AAW. 12th St State. BEAUTICIAN wanted, exp., in rapidly growing community, Star, k comm. Phone Toledo, re. 3-2377. WANTED woman wool or silk presser full time, contact John Alloway, Hollywood Cleaners, 2044 N. Capitol. 608 Picktrs Wontod 4- FTLBERT pickers wanted. 3999 n. uincaster ur. oc. id. witn He. bonua for ataylng thru. FILBERT Pickers wanted Sun- Mine Farm, at Robert. Rt. 3 Box 917 A, Salem. 409 Commission Work MAN to service established local sales route. Car nec. Full or part-time. We train you in field. Age no handicao. if able bodied, apply 1137 So. Com l. S to 10 a.ni; MAKE Xmaa money easy, sell Xmas cards, it's fun. EM 4-8181. ATTENTION Women: Would you like to earn $3S to $50 month part time work, no selllag ex perience necessary. EM 3-7397. olO Soles Htlp Wonted1 1 AVON CALLING To Women who need extra mon ey for Christmas. Be .the Avon Representative in your neigh borhood. Christmas selling starts early with Avon Cos metics; sell Avon's beautiful Christmas line. For Interview, rione Salem EM 4-2248 or EM 9133 or write Avon, P.O. Box 3761. Portland 8. Ore. EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY Salesman needed for Salem ter ritory to sell all-electric "THERMO-FAX" copying ma chine produced by Minnesot Mining St Mfg. Co. Distributed - by local dealer. Beginning on salary k then to commission basis. 1822 State SL EM 4-9524. SALESMAN wanted Restlawn Memorv Garden T7 N. Cot tage. EM 4-4823. EXPERIENCED Appliance salesman for Mavtag. west Injmouse. k Ftiridaire Sile Anply Hogg Bros., 200 State St Sirs) WEEKLY guar to start. Tuller Brush Co EM 2-K.197 612 Work Wonted. Men MAN Wife want work dairy farm. EM 2-S09T WANT lurht haulma with 4 too 18 mo $ l - $4 4L Pickup, Cat S-UOl. . Save lime;-Save Far ta Best Pretessieaal Money GRADING k D4JZINO Bulldozing. Excavating, trench ing. E. I. Maori EM 4-2917. Bulldozlng-leveling-clearing. EM 2-8797. Dean Robinson Bulldozing Excavating, trench ing. E. I. Maerx. EM 4-3517 OIL BURNER SERVICE EM 3-3501. Exp. oil furnace servicing. D. M. "Bud" Watkins. EM 2-4977. PAINTING FAPEBEANGINe) Painting k Panerhanging, Free Est. EM 2-9513, 1180 Shipping. ROTO-VATTNQ ROTO-VATING; garden, la field work. EM 2-211 SAND fl RAVEL WALLING SAND AND GRAVEL 1625 McGllchrist Crushed quarry rocks and grav el. All size for roads, drive ways and parking lots. READY MIXED CONCRETE Garden sand, bull-dozing, shovel and dragline work. EM 2-9249. Top sou, gravel k fill material. Keizer Sand Sr Gravel Co. EM 2-174 600 Employment. 612 Work Wonted, Men DEPENDABLE high school boy. IS, needs work, cafe, store exp. ? Good worker. EM 4-0803 LAWNS renairad k seeded. Weed nrylng. lawn mowing. Odd lob Calf EM J-VS82. PAINTING, waterproofing, de cor., paper-hanging. Free esL terms. Nelson. EM 2-8493. CAUDLE-TREE topping, remov al, weed spraying. tM s-iwi ENGINE overhaul, all work guaranteed. Reas. 1M 3-8804 PLOWING k DISCING Ford equipment. EM 3-3219 PAINTING Interior Si Exterior. Free estimates. EM 4-9384. LOU'S tree service, removal, topping, prune. EM 4-6501. SMALL carpenter Jobs, g 0 i work, Tttt. EM 4 1424. CLERK Office Warehouse Si inventory, gen. records re port. EM 4-9894- PAINTING Reas. Very Clean. EM 3-8830, EXP. driver of trucks, forkllft, scoopmobile, lumber carrier, wheelbarrow A Mexican drag line. EM 3-2121. ROTOVATING, plowing, mowing 3999 McCain. EM 2-8682. REPAIR, remodel, paint. Cab inet wk. EM 3-3934. EM 3-3935 GENERAL farm work wanted. experienced. Ph. 2 44 no wooa burn. CARPENTER work Si painting. New or repair, em x-iiwi. BUILDING, Remodeling, Roof ing. EM 48340. CEMENT Finishing Any kind. EM 3-0373 eves alter PAINTING, Homes, dirt cheap prices, 30 yrs. in saiem, cut 3-7992. CUSTOM tractor work Rotavat- tag Si Blade work, no joo coo big or too small. EM 4-8359. HOWARD Rotovatlng-EM 4-2823 or EM 2-3933. no cans oat please. Wayne Sturgess. 614 Work Wonted, Lody WILL do typing my home. EM 3-2881. IRONING SI hr. Morningside dist. EM 4-84S3. WANTED: Housekeeping by the hr. EM 3-3380. IRONING in my home, 835 N. Liberty. EM 4-Q44M. GIRL wants housework, baby sitting Sat., exp. r.M s-iioM, Howards Mystic Re-Weavers 2430 S. Summer. EM 2-3408 WILL do Ironing In my home, Hollywood uist. e.m a-ajoo. MIMEOGRAPHING typing Mrs. Poe. sea n. mm, aviu i-m. 615 Child Caro State Lie. Child Care Center. "WEE FOLKS HAVEN 1184 S. 12th EM 2 5836 6 15-A Babysitting BABY lifting anytime. Refer ence. EM 3-Z174. RELIABLE Baby aitter by" hr aav or niie, jiij oums. 3-8896. WARM play room, fenced yd. supervises piay. uy 23 yr. prof. EM 4-5508. CHILD car my home, play equip close supervision, fenced yd. loss Electric, a-m t-jiuj. BABYSITTING my home. E. Keizer, EM 4-3973. CHILD care- my home, days. Englewooa atst., ens a-oooo. 61 1 Education TUTORING Exp. tutoring in elementary Sch. eUDjeClS, specializing in irauc, 4 thru 8. Fully certified accredited In Ore. Schs. EM 3-0043 or EM 2-9208 for app't. Melville W. Sands. KINDERGARTEN, 3 days wk. Enrollment open, em s-wito. HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION At home. Free Booklet. AMERICAN SCHOOL SS43 N. Interstate Ave. Portland. 620 Day and Contract HAVE; gutters cleaned Si re paired now ! nooiing repairs, free estimate. EM 3-8011 after 4. s. Is yd hovel crane hoe drg line za-ton mooue cranes D-4 D-7 cats carry all clear ing, blade. Rental contract or unit nrices SALEM SAND k GRAVEL 1409 N. Front SL EM 2-2461 700 Rentals 702 Sleep. Rooms, Board MXN, no drinkers, down town comfy rm. . water neat, re frig., hot piste. TV. 8M Union. BOARD A room, men. 1290 Che- meketa St. LG. front room, nicely furn.. close in. 839 rl. winter. RM. with priv. bath. Gentleman. EM 3-4VSI1. FURN. sleeping rm. for lady, 3-8157 eves. Close tn cm NICELY furn., lg. sleeping room with it. nouseKeeping lor i or 3. $1S. mo. 899 S. 18th. . HOME away from home, men. Sacked luncn, a. v. iim n. th. CLEAN warm rma., TV. close In lis s winter, aria s-iiza ROOM A Board for elderly ladies. EM S-13HZ. ti) warxei. SLEEPING rm. for 1 ' or 2, 790 N. Church, em -4JJ. TV. CLEAN, nice furn. sleeping I. S4.75 . Mtn. IMt irai pooMS Coolrlng priv for ladles nr Capitol EM 2-698i. 705 Apardments for Rent FURN. Sc unfurn. nr. Sta bldg. 290 S. 14th. EM 2-9912. n.FAV lleht furn. 4 rm. Some utU. Auto, washer, gar., quiet area, bu 1 block. $40. CM S-647S. 1TF SAND AND GRAVEL KAI.FM SAND A GRAVEL CO. Ready mix concrete, crushed . round gravel, sand k top soil . 1405 N Front. EM 2-2461. VALLEY HAND A GRAVEL CO Crushed k ro-ind gravel sand k con mix EM 2-MHZ. ROOF REPAIR ROOF repair ft cave trough cleaned. EM 3-4823. SEPTIC SERVICE ACE SEPTIC Service. Clean, re pair, derootlng. E 4-sux. MIKE'S Septic service. Tanks cleaned D'rootet clean sew ers, drains. Phone EM l-w HOWARDS Roto-Rooter ewers. septic tanks cieaneq r-w mmi SHARPENING REPAIRING Ed's Mobi sharpening service EM 2-O80K. Pinking sneers. TOOL REPAIRS Electric: Pneumatic Hydraulic Fix-It Weatgate EM4-W44. UPHOLSTERING Professional upholstering reas. Free est. pick-up k deliver, Guaranteed- work. EM 2-4290, 700 Rentals 70S Apartrrjonts for Kent SMALL 1 rm. furn. apt., ground fir., newly decorated. Priv. bath Sc entr., $30 mo. incl. utilities. S blks MAT EM 2-7830 3 RM. furn. Apt., priv. bath, util. pd. close in. EM 4-8931. COZY Furn. UtU. lnclud., or 2 nice rms.. Close in. 940 Leslie. 1 BEDRM. furn. Apt., water garbage, $40. Adulta EM 3-9367 1ST fir. furn., pvt. ent., $35. person. $30. EM 3-9839. VERY attractive 3 rm. furn. apt. TV ant., 3 blocks to shopping center and State bldgs. EM 2-7830. AMBASSADOR Nicely furn. Apts. 550 N. Summer EM 2-9208 CLOSE in. Clean 1-bdrm. furn. apt. $38.50. 379 Market CLEAN, warm, close in 1 rm. apt. for Lady 849 Ferry. SMALL clean furn apt $.19 841 N Liberty EM 3-2850. EM 3-3000 FURN. apta. close to Univ. A State bldgs. 668 S. Summer. MOD. apt. upstairs, turn., Priv. bath. $35. 1342 N. Capitol St. EM 4-5288. Lady preferred. FURN. 1 rm. apt. for man. clean. UtU. pd. $30. 340 E. Wash. FURN. apt., lg. Ic cheery, l'i bdrms.. near Cap., $92. 348 N. 12th St. 2 RMS. furn. priv. bath, ent., Util. pd. $28. 1830 Ferry. EM 4-8197. CLEAN 2 & 2 rm. furn. apts. 1939 Center. EM 3-8114. DESIRABLE furn. apt Holly wood dist. Heat tc not water furn. EM 4-9488. EXCEPTIONALLY nice unfurn. apt, close In. EM 3-9475. NEWLY finished apt. Nicely furn. Forest Lane Motel. 9520 Portland Rd. 2 BDRM. furn. apt. Heat, water, furn. Adults. $99. 991 Mill. Call EM 4-4351. 3 RM. Apt. for rent, 740 Uni versity. EM 2-480L; 1 BDRM. furn. Apt. $40. gentle men pref. 1370 Chcmcketa. 3 RMS., util. pd. except gaa, elderly people. 314 Water. THE CENTURY , NEW Luxurious Salem's finest. 3 Bedrm. Apts. 1961 Center St. Apt. 104. EM 2-7901. FURN. apt. for rent. West Sa lem, bus line, util. pd, $49 mo, EM 4-9072. FURN. 2 rooms, priv. bath, util. paid. $10. wk. 729 S. 13. CYPRESS COURT, EM 4-8690. 1 bdrrn. unfurn. apt. $ao. FURN. 2 bdrrn. apt, close to Sr. Si Jr. High School. EM 2-8434. EXCEPTIONALLY nice 1 bdrrn. furn. apt. Gar. Lge. laundry, TV, West Salem. EM 3-8347. FURN. X bdrrn., priv. entrance. Adults. 771 a. zisi. us HJX. 3 ROOM mod. apt. nicely furn. EM 3-7148 or EM 3-Q444. LGE. quiet, 1 Ic 2 bdrrn. un furn. apts. i;iose in. e. i-osi FURN. 3 rm., shower, garage. $39 mo. to right party, cm 2-0988. ALL UTIL. INCL. 2 rm furn. $40. 1399 State. CLOSE, nice clean bsm't. rm. $23.90. 658 Center. 3 RM. Sc 2 rm. furn. apts. priv. bath ac ent. t7V union. 2 RM. furn. apt. Priv. bath Sc entrance. . iii itn. COZY close in bsm't. Apt. furn. Adult. S2T.su. inq. 379 Market DEVEREAUX apts., nice pull- msn. turn., iso state, cm 2-2534. 2 BDRM.. bath, furn., gar., gar bage aer. ai water inc. aa. 1105 N. Liberty. Ph. EM 2-8477 or Mr. Young EM 4-4401 ext No. 31. 706 Duplexes KEIZER dist. Small 1 bdrrn. du plex apt., partly luraac au eiec. on bus line. Close to business dist. No yard work. Suitable for I person or couple. $33 per month. Ph. EM 3-9994, 720 Chemawa Rd. COMF. 2 bdrrn. upper duplex $50. water turn. a.m e-wiw 3 BDRM. ground fir unfurn apt. 860 Ferry, em a-tgi eves. CLEAN 1 bdrrn. turn, garage. Adults only. iu n. Commercial. EM 4-2783. 2 BEDRM. Duplex In country. hardwood firs., draw drapes. J 57. 90. 3860 Center or EM -6691. 3 RM. furn. duplex, par. Adulta. 1855 N. Capitol. REDEC. clean, mod. furn. elec trically heated, 1 bdrrn., pvt. garage, plenty of storage, util. . rm. Adulta only, ref. required. EM 4-7194. 1 RM. furn. duplex. 1932 Chemeketa. em s-etoa. 3 BDRM. almost new, all elec.. ndwa. sir., urepi., no ya. c Adult, no pet or ' drinkers. 1460 Trade. W. SALEM, nearly new 3 bdrrn. all elec. Court range, refrig., quiet toe. Adults. EM 3-7212. 707 Houses for Rent 1 BEDRM. cottage, hdwd. firs., auto, heat. $40 mo. EM 3-8471. 2BEDRM. unfurn. bsm't, water Ac garbage. $55. EM 3-3367, 2 bdrrn. sub. hae, nr. Swegle sch. hi A. nawa floors, inlaid linoleum. $99. CaU Fairfax 7 2948. COZY 1 bdrrn. mod. bse. Stove Sc refrig. io4 w. put em 4-9718 CLEAN 2 -bedrm. house, 2250 Chemeketa, adults. EM 2-1775. LEASE new brick 2 bdrrn. home, close In. $90. EM 4-3497. 2 BDRM. he.. $40 per mo. Inq. line s. i.tth. i 2' BDRM. home," Keizer Dist, ref. requl. EM 3-0143. BLR 1m court stove. refrigT, gar inq 1420 Market. SOUTH, close in. 2 rms. range. $32.90. EM 3-9968. " SUBURBAN clean 2 bedrm. home, oil heat, garage. EM 700 Rental 707 Houses for Rent 3 BDRM. clean, far.' attch.. forced air furnace. Englewood Dist 7S. EM 2-7102 er EM 4-148- , 1-BDBM. In cU rang Sc refrig. Inqf Archers. 1B3S Lee. EM 4-1129 after S P-m. 1-BDRM.. oil circulator, elec. rang, clue to atate bldg. As ur.iv., bus by door. Furn or un furn. EM 4-9070. CLEAN 2-bdrm. home north. Gar., adults, no pets. iter. s.sa 4-S19S. 1912 Hlway Ave. 2 BDRM. hse., $80. 1 yr. lease. 3J79 Hollywood Ave. a.aa i wu I BDRM. unfurn. hae. Close to schl., bu at town. m.m win. FOR rent, 1 bdrrn. house, gar age as snop. rem. sjs 3-7323. , HOUSE for rent or will sell for smalt an. pymi. e rms. as bath, garage. EM 2-8113. CLEAN 2 bdrrn. home. 2290 Chemeketa, aauica. . j ina. 2 BDRM., gar. attach., oil circ. furnace, ciose ocnis. 7 M 18th EM 4-8766. UNFURN. 1 bdrrn. house on bus line. Norm. . a-wo! HIGHLAND Schl. Dist. 2 bdrrn. mod. hse. Low rent EM 4-S04S 3 BDRM. hse. nr. State Hospital $69. Ph. th 3-073 auvenosi after 4 p.m. 1 BDRM.. large yard, garden spot. EM 4-QM- DOWNTOWN, beautiful S rm. his. carpeted wan-wan, ara perles. i baths, firepl., ell heat, EM 2-6811. 4 BDRMS. PLUS 2 rm. apt. in 9 rm. hse. close in. we N. Cottage St. Older type home but the rent is only $75. Mo. Oil furnace, some furniture, dble. gar. Lge. lot, cherry trees. EM 3-6893. Would lease lor a years. SMALL, unfurn. comfortable 4 rm. country nouae. nice yarn. Desirable surroundings. Elec stove Sc refrig. EM 2-8124. 1 BDRM. house, oilstove A gas range, 1U3S sra nt, w. saw EM 3-4026. 2 VERY nice redecorated house 1 bdrrn. $40, 2 bdrrn. SC5. suD. Refrig. Si range, water turn. EM I-UtM. 1 BDRM. hse. nr. Salem Mem onai xiosp. sao. uniurn. a-arn 3-4200. LEASE new 3 Bdrrn., l'i baths. family rm. $100. EM 2-1104 eves. 1 BDRM.. $37 .90. 2 bdrrn. $90., 3 bdrrn. ., I Darm. serf. 4 bdrrn. 3-story older house, $59. Olaf Thonstad, Realtor, 941 N. Capitol. EM 3-7903. 2 BEDRM. home. 1184 37th SL $50 mo. EM 4-8ZS3. FOR LEASE, newer modern t bdrrn. on 1 nr., att. gar., $70. Olas Thonstad. Realtor, 941 N. Capitol. ' 2 BDRM., 1 blk. MScF. TV ant.. $30. I Ddrm., w. saiem. ig. yd.. $34. EM 4-5490. EM 2-8518. RENT reduced, 1 bdrrn., gar. 947 Mill, EM 4-40U9. 3 Bdrrn.. 1 yr. old home, opea beam ceiling, very moa. fiuu. 2 Bdrrn. on Vs Acre, 860. Abrams & Skinner 411 Masonic Building S.H 4-VZ17 eves: cat J-1 Joo or cm i FOR RENT 2 bdrrn. hse. with utU. Si gar, att EM 2-2363. 1 Bdrrn. furn. duplex $69 2 Bdrrn. furn. duplex S6S 1 Bdrrn. furn. Apt. .... $53 4 Bdrrn. home, heat Incl. $100 Ph. EM 2-6286. F. L. Knapp, broker. CLEAN N.E. ub., 3 bdrrn.. elec. heat thruout, wired for range Sc dryer, $65. EM 34064. NICE, clean 1 bdrrn. $48. Inq. I9K S. 13tn. BDR. unfurn. All elect, Adult only. EM 3-4258 eve. 2 BDRM. house. W. Salem. $62, nets, req. em 4-1443 FOR renUS bdrrn. home In Man- brln Gardens, $70. em 3-9763, between 12-6 p.m. MODERN 2 rm. cottage, on Creisan Creek, pleaaant sur roundings. EM 3-4391. RM. house In country. S mi. irom saiem, f. ua -jvii. 707-a Furnished Houses 1 BDRM. house, adults only. cat l il. Nicely furn. sm. l'i bdrrn. 1ft J met location, westwood Hta. erfeet for 2. good TV. EM 4- 1980. bdrrn. furn. hae. $60 mo. 83S N. 17th. EM 3-937S. Mrs. Ger ard. BEDRM. furn. adults. EM 3-7S41. reference till noon. BDRM. hse. clean, near State k Gen. Hospital, for cpl. No pets, water Sc garage furn. 1002 Park Ave. FURN. 2 bdrrn. home, near Bush School, store Si Bus. $63. EM 4-7499 after S pjn. COZY 1 bdrrn. cottage, near State bldgs. Inq. 1765, State SL 2 RM. furn. garage house, water turn, aauits, no dogs. $zs. .M 2-3938. SM. cln. plant 1 bdrrn. Enrelw. un. pus, inq. 1310 n litis. SMALL furn., clean, 2 adulta. 102a 3rd St BDRM. frpla. garage, all util. Included $60. 4010 S. Paeifia Hwy. EM 2-6890 after 1 p.m. REDECORATED 1 bdrrn. house. uarage. aouiis, no pets, soa. EM 4-5153, 1919 Highway Ave. BDRM. aU elec.. $90. bus Una, nice. EM 4-246 after 1 p.m. COTTAGE furn., washer, dryer. ctl n . com ac CLEAN, 1 bdrrn., ldry., garage. Inq. 3S4S Portland Rd. SMALL clean furn. 1 bdrrn. hse. Adulta. em 3-9613 eves. FURN. a bdrrn. house, oil fur nace. South. Ph. EM 2-7440. FURN. 1 bdrrn. house, fireplace. isunarv trays, gar., close in, $45. EM 4-1631. 1 BEDRM. hse. with garage. clean, reas. em 2-1249. . 708 Forms For Rent WANTED to rent atockeri Sc equipped farm, share basis or run farm for wages. EM 4-4323 LARGE House A 20 Acres. year around creek, EM 4-2743, EM 2-1763. 714 Business Rentals WAREHOUSE, 40x260 with full length dock Aplenty of land for parking. Would be ideal for auction or machinery sales, close In on Mission. Lease all or part. $200.00. Call Roy Todd Real Estate, Off. Ph: EM 2-8391. 2 ROOMS ground floor $90. 1427 Fairgrounds Rd. EM 2-8049. DOWNTOWN office space for rent. EM 4-6741. STORE bid's. 32x34 la West Gate Shopping Center, i EM $-7422. FOR RENT building. 24 x 60 on alley. 854 B. Commercial. EM 2-7165 or 3-6631. 755" Moviwej 6V Storage LESTER DeLAPP LYON VAN LINES LOCAL OR NATION WIDE Moving & Storage PH. EM 2-1750 OR EM S-496C Larmer Transfer; Storage Complete moving service. Also agents tor BEKIN9 Natlna Wale Movers. Pa- EM H1ML II lV m i 4 J