14-Sec. II) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Wed., Oct. 2, '57 East, West Pledge ency Backing; Ag Advertising ISK PHOE EM 4-6811 400 Agriculture 400 Agriculture 425 Auction Sales 425 Auction Salts Controversy Seen Dav By ERIC WAHA i I'nited Nation in response to Lines VIENNA, Austria, Oct. 1 President Eisenhowers 1953 The International Atomic Energy ' atoms - for - peace proposal, will Agency opened its(irst conference ' serve as a clearing house for in today with pled giTSnk support formation on the peaceful uses of from the Vmted Stales. Britain atomic energy. nd the Soviet Union, but with an, U.S. Delegate Lewis L. Strauss. East-West controversy just around speaking for Eisenhower, pledged the corner. ithe United States to the contrimi The agency, formed by the.tion of material and information I It already has provided more than LOCAL RATES Statesman-Journal tss n. San Marino Reds Seek Volunteers By RICHARD EHRMAN SAN MARINO, Oct. I i,fv-Com-munist leaders called for armed volunteers tonight to oppose a -provisional anti-Communist gov ernment set up in this tiny moun tain republic. Domenico Morganti, interior minister for the Red government; 1.000 pounds of fissionahle mater ial. A similar, promise came from Britain's Sir Edwin Plowden. Canada and France pledged full support to make the agency a success. , From Soviet Delegate Prof. VS. Emelianov, chief of the Soviet At omic Energy Commission, came an attack on the West for not agreeing to Soviet proposals for outlawing nuclear bombs. He said, however, Russia would participate in the work of the agency. Western delegates expressed dis appointment that the Russians failed to promise specific contri but ions An East-West controversy was shaping up in the organization of the new agency. Russia seeks a which ruled San Marino since World War II, said the volunteers seal for Red phjna and opposes "mitt 1 1 A naJA-ia niikhn npHnr ' ... - ... . . the election ot u s. Hep. w hteri- "would preserve public order and be armed "just like San Marino's military forces." As he spoke before" a news con ference in Government Palace, some, 100 young Communists sporting red handkerchiefts and scarves were being sworn in as the first volunteers. The anti-Communist government was established in an all night meeting last night. Its members set up headquarters in an aban doned steel plant surrounded by their own volunteers armed with . pistols and machine guns. Seated with loaded pistols on tables before them, the members of the new government issued de crees calling for allegiance from the armed forces and government employes and requisitioning the factory. - A showdown possibly by the armed force appeared to be ap- proaching in this ' 38-sq'uare-mile republic of 13,000 persons which is completely surrounded by Italy. But for the moment relative calm reigned. ing Cole i R-NY as the agency's director general. Atornic Weapon Stockpiles Near Cities Reported RICHLAND, Wash., Oct. 1 -Sen. Jackson (D-Wash.i said to day the government is stockpiling atomic warheads near U.S. popu lation centers to supply Nike guid ed missiles and other Air Force weapons. Jackson, a member of the Joint Congressional Commitee on At omic Energy, made the statement without elaboration at a hearing on the proposed release to agricul ture of land across from the Han- A heavy rain helped dampen ford atomic works project here. Newspapers laurra u. WEEKDAYS 1234 S S .40 40 .39 .32', . 30 .29 TOTAL CHARGES (Mia. 2 lines) xU'eekdays iis.ua. per lint 1 llmt .40 .30 per line 3 1 times ft 05 .89 per line S times $1 50 II 40 per line 1 mo. $3.50 (incl. Sun ) LOCALS ' 3V per line per paper. Classified ads will be run In both papera to five adver sers the advantage, ol the tremendous . combined clrcu latiom. When an ad li ordered three or nx times and a Sunday fitue Is included (for example Friday. Saturday. Sunday) the lower Sunday rates apply be cause only The Statesman pub lishes Sundays. Classified ads will start In the morning Oregon Statesman, . conclude In the evening Capi tal Journal but ads will be accepted for Sunday Statesman onl The desdllne for classified ads is i uo p.m. tne day before ' publication except for Sunday when deadline is .awo p.m Friday. Emergency Ads and small line ads received after 1 00 o m. weekdays and until 12 noon Saturday for Sunday may be placed In the "Too Late to Classify column. Ads for Monday papera must be In by 4 p.m. Saturdays The Statesman Journal News papers assume no financial re sponsibility for errors whicn may appear In advertisements published in Its columns and in at fault will reprint that part SUDTELL'S FURNITURE Furniture Thursday, Oct. 3 Misc. Tools Produce 10:30 A.M. Appliances Upholstered Furniture 7:30 fM. We will sell the Gust Sotona Estate and several other lots of good used furniture;' 1-5 pc. Walnut bdrm. set, 2 pc. Maple Bdrm. set, 2 pc. Blond Bdrm. set, Mahog. Poster bed, Kcnmore deluxe elec. k range, 6 ft. Kelvinator refrig. Mate model), Kcnmore washer (like new), Kenmore clothes dryer (near new), Bendix clothes dryer, Chrome dinette set, 20 plate glass mirrors (small to Ige. sizes), 7 glass show cases, Clothes . racks, several chest drawers, Walnut desk 4- chair, 4 rrrt. size Spark Oil circulator (like new). White etiamcl Trash burner, 9x12 Linoleum, Davenos & davenports, twin k full size mattresses, Oak drop leaf desk, radios, Linens, con tour rocker, Many other items of furniture and Misc. For the Best Used Furniture in town attend this Sale. LANE SUDTELL'S AUCTION 450 Merchandise 431 Musical Instrvments ACCORDION INSTRUCTION FREE USE OF ACCORDION Duane Hutuaker EM 2-435S 120 BASS accordion, excel, cond. 4185 N. River Rd. DODGE Piano Service can offer you 'a better buy la a new or used piano. C o m p-a r e our rices, we have the largest and est equipped service shop in Salem. Dodge riano service, 2655 Dallas Rd EM 4-1SM. HADDORFF VERTICHORD 44 Inch piano. Impressive appear ance, tone to suit the connoisaa ur like new condition, bar- Sain priced 1.0S. Open Tii ays until 9. STONE PIANO CO. RESONITE Clarinet. EM 2-3013 450 Merchandise 0 twfldiwB Material BALDWIN SPINET PIANO. Bargain for quick sale. Tall man Piano Warehouse. 395 S 12th, near S.P. Depot. Open Mon, in eves. BRASS Clarinet w. case, " new, 145. EM 4-189S like cases where this paper Is of an advertisement in which the typographical mistake oc curs and Is responsible for only one incorrect Insertion. A "Blind" Ad an ad contain ing a Statesman. Journal News papers box number far an address Is for. the protection of the adwrttseta and must therefore be answered by let. ter. The Statesman Journal Newspapers are- not at liberty to divulge information as to the identity of an advertiser using a Blind ad. Ads in other columns which re quire' Investment In stocks. samples, equipment or cash bond should be thoroughly in' vestigated before paying out any money. Advertisers quiring a cash Investment for samples or merchandise, sales aids, etc., must so apccily In tneir aas. THIS NEWSPAPER STRIVES to protect its readers against fraud, deception, or Injuries. Readers are cautioned to make NO PAYMENTS to get a po sition advertised In the help wanted columns. All help wanted ads MUST SPECIFY THE NATURE OF .THE WORK. Sales help wanted ads must state If the pay la In the form of ealary, commissions, guarantee, or Include firm name. Bona fide offers of em ployment with pay belong to the "Help Wanted" columns. Kindly report any exception to this rule to the Classified ad. vertising manager. political enthusiasm. Red Cross Declares Bly Disaster Area BLY, Ore., Oct. 1 I The Red Cross today declared this little Klamath County town a disaster area. The 7S-hbuse town was hit by a violent hail storm Sunday. The hail severely damaged 1,500 acres of oats in the area. One grower said he lost his entire 300 acre stand. Every bouse in the town Was damaged. Sheriff's deputy Jess Bryant said 10 per cent of the houses were ruined. The Klamath County Red Cross said it would give those ia urgent need immediate help. The Atomic Energy Commission has closed off 80,000 acres near Hanford on the ground farmers would be endangered by possible accidents at Hanford. The AEC, under pressure from farmers to open the area, sched uled the hearing here, but then said flatly that no more land could : be made available. It re leased R0,ooo acres in the area in 1853. , Jackson testified for release of the land. He suggested that haz ards to farmers on the land would not be out of line with hazards created by the stockpiling of de fense weapons near population centers. ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED .. Too Late to Classify. l"OR sale or trade, Dodge pick up. Want )ate model trailer, will pay cash difference. S38 S. Main Independence. Bonds Sold To Finance Road Projects PORTLAND, Oct. 1 ( -Bonds to finance road projects in Ore gon were sold today by the state Highway Commission. The commission said it sold $20,600,000 of bonds at a 3.17261 pe.- cent interest rate. Successful bidders were the First National Bank of Portland, and the Harris Trust and Savings Bank and the Bankers Trust Co. of Portland. . The bonds will mature between 1960 and 1974. Some 12 million dollars of the issue will finance a Coast Highway project in Curry County. The remainder will be used as matching funds in the fed eral highw ay program. Glendale Man 18th Traffic Fatality In Douglas County ROSEBURG. Oct. 1 UP -A 40-year-old Glendale, Ore., man died yesterday in a Myrtle Creek hos pital several hours after he w as injured in an automobile accident. He was Arthur Henley, who. stale police said, was injured in the head-on collision of his car and truck. It was Douglas Coun ty's 18th traffic fatality of 1957. Jury Bill Clears Man Charged With Homicide KLAMATH FALLS, Oct. 1 t A not-true bill cleared Gerald B. Miller of a negligent homicide charge. County Clerk Charles .F. DeLap said Tuesday. The grand jury's report was on the July automobile death of Ter ry Nelson, 18, Bly. V NOTICB or FINAL HEARING As executrix of the last will and testament and estate of JOSIE RUCH, deceased, the undersigned has filed In Circuit Court of Oregon lor Marion County. In Probate, her final account In estate of said decedent, and October 22. 1957. at 15 o'clock, a m., and the courtroom of aald court have been appointed by said court for hearing of objections to said ac count and settlement thereof. s, ALICE TtUCH VOGT . As Executrix Aforesaid : Carsoa at Carson Attorneys for aald Executrix ept IS, 24, Oct. 1, I 16 Labor Council Opposes Portland Council-Manager PORTLAND, Oct. 1 I The Portland Central Labor Council said last night it opposes the coun cil-manager form of government for this city. ' The council adopted unanimous ly a report which said the best way to keep government close to the people is to have "the voters choosing directly their city offi cials." A group here is sponsoring a drive to have the manager plan replace the city's mayor-commis sion government. 'SS BUCK Century -4 dr. Sta tion Wagon. Full power equip- ?ed, must sell Immediately. JM1-7917. 2739 Alvarado Ter. '31 CMC Suburban, 4 Speed trans, good cond. EM 4-2033. 2 BDRM7"hen r'7A S4.S00 La. Lsoun na. inq, at lsz jSHigh. 1 BEDRM. hse. with garage. clean, teas. EM 2-1248. 2 BDR. unfurn. All elect. AduJts only. EM 3-4238 eves. 3 BDRM. house, W. Salem. $89 Refs. req. EM 4-2443 3915 Silverton Rd. EM 3-6098 405 Pats BRITTANY Spaniels. 4',, mo. A.K.C. reg. reas. 4181 Macleay Rd. EM 3-4947 after 1 p.m. FOR SALE, male Siamese. Call evenings, EM 4-8792 CANARIES, parakeets, rocatiels, finch, cavies. EM 2-1842. BRIGHT Angel Collies Eve. or Sat, t Sun. EM 4-1880 1 PAIR Peacocks, 130 for both. EM 2-1879. CUTE Toy Chihuahua puppies, AKC Reg. EM 2-4001. PUG Puppies, male ft female, 4 mos. old, EM 4 8358 or EM 3-S8O0. 412 Food Column KING Apples, 90c. up, boxes. 951 Gaines St. bring U-plck tomatoes. 60c bu. Cummlngs Lane. Keller. 225 KITES U-plck, blackberries, ov erflowing crate 50c. 4580 Ridge Dr. EM 3-8519. . FOR Sale Concord grapes, bring containers. 2255 D St. GRAPES Sc U - Pick. Ac picked. A. E. Pelker. 3215 River Bend Rd. CONCORD grapes Brltt Asplnwall, EM 2-2081. U Dick Sc. Brooks Rt. 1.' COMICE PEARS for winter eatln and Christmas gifts. Ready now. $1.75 to 12.25 bu. EM 2-4538. A-l CANNING lb. delivered. EM 4 1080. beans 83.00 90 Gil L. S. Jlrardin. CARROTS 81. aack. W. D. Fol liett. Wall Lane, Jefferson. Ph. FA 7-2678. FRESH small egga, 25c dor. 590 Chemawa Road. Keirer Dist. iJ-pTcOOMATOES. $1 BU. S River Rd.. first rd. past Robert s store, f ollow sign EM 2-2041 450 Merchandise 451 Household Goods 8' Frtgldalre refrig 9' Firestone refrigerator 7' Frlgidalre refrig 8' Kelvinator refrig 6' Montgomery Ward Refrig Wards winger washer Kenmore auto washer Wards auto washer Hotpoint deluxe dryer Bendix washer A dryer comb -, $195 Norge gas range SIS Singer sewing machine $25 Sew-Ezy sewing machine $35 Wards supreme sewing mach $90 Wards deluxe oil heater $35 Zlgler deluxe oil heater $40 MONTGOMERY WARD 155 N. Liberty EM 3-3191 IF you have one item or a house of furniture to sell call the Used Merchandise Mart, 270 S. Liberty. EM 4-8371. FOLLOW the crowds to Glen Woodry's stock clearance sale starts tomorrow, 1805 N. Summer. Siegler oil stove, good condi tion. Reasonable. EM 4-9748. 3-pc. black walnut, marble tops bdrm. suite, pegged. EM 4-1331. 1 OF BEEF 35c LB. U. S. Graded A Inspected Satisfaction Guaranteed 4 to 8 mos. to pay FREE LOCKER RENT MAC'S MEATS LOCKERS 810 N., Liberty EM 4-7744 LIVE FRYERS, 25c LB. - Valley Farm Store KING apples A tomatoes. 780 Hampden Lane. EM 2-5293. FOR rent 3 bdrm. home in Man brin Gardens, $70. EM 3-9782. between 12-8 p.m. COMF. 2 bdrm. U $50. water turn MfSf 1 duplex 4-9059 APPLES KINGS. Jonathan, Crimea Gold en $1.24 box. l'i mi. from bridge on Wallace Rd. Wendt'a stand. BE THRIFTY s Buy GOOD used furniture. A single Item or a complete) household. Buy bow on our easy terms. Woodry's Thrifty USED FURNITURE 515 S Commercial EM 4 3319 1 Block South of Paper Mill NEW maple coffee tables rnd. 122.95. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. EM 4-8371. Open rri. mgnts in . SPINET ORGAN. Floor demon atrator. Big reduction. EZ term;. Tallman Piano Ware house, 395 S. 12th near S.P Depot. Open Mon, Fri eves. USED PIANO BUYS Fine Wurlitzer, slightly used. only $485. Provencial walnut Wurlitzer, Save $125. Practice "anoa rebuilt $135 up, easy nn?. uoen i riaays until STONE PIANO COJ 4 SIZE violin, excellent condl- tion. EM 3-2883 after 8:30 t2) American Perfection B flat clarinets (45. Excel, cond. (1)" F.A. Reynolds cornet like new $iz. Assorted used console It table radloa $8.99 at up. We will take radio it phonograph trade-Ins. SalemRecordShop 428 COURT ST. SCANDALLI accordion. 120 bass $ switch. Good Cond. Very reas. r.ra Z'OOMZ. FRENCH PROVINCIAL CON SOLE. Slight case damage. Bargain. Tallman Piano Ware- nouse. Jm a. lzth, near s P Depot, pen Mon, Fri eves 460 Office Supplies" Hurcules Filing Cabinet 3 drawer, fire proof, 4820 Verda Lane, em a-gzja. 62 Wanted Hshld Goods FURNITURE, appliances, guns, misc. WANTED. EM 2-8457. WE osv used furniture and appliances. cash for good clean :es. 270 Used Merch endue Mart, a. LtiDeny, Jeaa e-oau. CASH for RANGES REFRIG REFRIGS. mlac. EU S 84MS Glen Woodry. 1808 N. Summer MISC. furniture wanted. Cour teous service. Ph. EM 3-8098. CASH for clean used rURNl- I'URE em. 3-5110. Glen Wood' ry, 1609 N. Summer. 463 Boating CHEST of drawers, auto, de frost, refrig., elec. range, Ben. dix duo-matte blond bedrm, aet. platform rocker, coffee table, dining rm. aet, dinette aet. radio-ohonocranh. 21" TV sew. mach., daveno. EM 2-6088 SAVE I SALE I SAVE) CHALLENGE Sale starts Thurs Glen Woodry, 1805 N. Summer 452 Appliance WINCHESTER 30-30, 30-08, 308 to be given away with freezer purchase at Y our Down Town Firestone Store. 393 N Liberty. EM 2-2491. COZY close in bsm't. Apt. turn. "auit. sz7,5Q. inq. ju Mamet NOTICE OF HEARING ' ON FINAL ACCOl'NT Notice is herebv given that the final account of PIONEER TRUST COMPANY, as administrator of the estate of MARGARET E. MILLARD. deceased, has been filed in the Pro bate Department ot the Circuit Court of Marlon County. Oregon: and that' October 18, 1957. at the hour of 9:15 o clock, a.m.. In the court room of aaid court have been fixed as the time and place for hearing objections to such final account and to the settlement thereof, at which time any person interested in said estate may" appear and file objections thereto in writing and contest the same. Dated and first published Septem ber 18. 19S7 PIONEER TRUST COMPANY As surh Administrator JOHN A. HELTZEL Attornev for Administrator Salem, Oregon ' ) . in. DEVEREAUX ants., nice Dull man. urn., 1488 State, EM 2-2534. RELIABLE elderly couple will be available Oct. 27th to man age Apt. or care for home for winter mon. Good ' refs. EM 4-3803. PLEASANT home St small sal ary for someone to look after 1st grader of working family. EM 3-3741 after 8:30. L. C. SMITH typewriter A stand $80. Woman's winter coat eize ' 40. $19. EM 3-9580 after 4:30 Sept. Oct J. 300 Personal 312 Lost ond found LOST: Small brindle dog. Har ness A- Lie. 5173 EM 4-4789. Reward. LOST: Chartruse parakeet, vie. N 18th, banded. EM 2-9354. 314 Tronsportotion WANT ahare exp. and help drive San Francisco. Oct 9 or 10. Refs. EM 2 1010 after 3'30. WOULD like to ioi to Portland, dally. car pool EM 4 8017. 316 Personal I WILL not be responsible for any debts other than my own. Marvin E. Roth MADAMHazefPsychlc at""Palm 1st. Complete reading $2. 3$u5 S Cum 1. EM 4-9269. PALMIST wilfull past, present. future Love, marriage, bust ness. $1. 3743 Portland Rd. MORE people buy World Book than anv other encyclopedia I Whyt S?M 2-882. ALCOHOLICS Anonvmoua. $60 Marlon. EM 4-0545. 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock for Solo FOR sale or trade for beef, goodjchtlda horse. EM 4-4856. LIGHT Bay, gelding, part quar ter horse 1 easv keener, 7 rs. EM4 2743; EM 2-1763 1 YR. OLD Pinto Gelding, very gentle. EM 4-7785. LOVELY walnut Welch cup board (hutch) EM 3 1883 air 3 BABY scales, good cond. $6. EM 3-9815, 1872 Berry St. ELECTRIC range A-l condition. EM 47476 FRIGIDAIRE Elec. atove, EM 2-8358 after 6 p.m. OIL. Clrc. trailer sTze Duo Therm $29. EM 3-8337. ROLLA WAY bed, coU springs. full width with msttress $25 EM 8337. LADY'S desk or vanity, dark finish nice hardware, $10 00. 2 pr. red sailboat print drapes nice lmpshds. 1840 S. Liberty. U PICK tomafbes $1. good ones. 7 mi. W. on Salem-Dallas Rd. at Greenwood Sign. Bring box D. D. Hewitt. $1 90 a bu.. eichstein, Dayton, CONCOHD grapes tr. tx. K Ph. 9xW 2 REG. Boston Terrier k Box er male Terrier $69. Female $30. Woodburn 8801after 4pm UNITSUAL 1 BDRM. HSE. Attach, gar., country living, 9 , minutes from Court house. EM 2-8581. 400 Agriculture 402 livestock For Salo 5' 3 tons of hay. $13 per ton. EM 2-4706. t" Columbia ewe feeder, lambs. EM 3-5840. J-HORSE tandem Eyerly trailer, $600. EM 2 1979. 403 livestock Wanted CATTLE horses, at your farm. E. C. McCandlish. EM 3-6189. CATTLE Snethen 4103 Silverton .Rd. EM 2-1349 or EM 2-4380. CATTLE buyer. A. F. Sommer. 9399 Dallas Rd. EM 4-9067. TOP cash prices at your place. Ray Cozel, EM 4-3168 BUYER Claud Edwards. RL 1. BOX.S99E. EM 4-1113. 405 Pots WALLACE Rd. Aviaries, 1910 Wallace Rd. EM 4-2783. Para keets. Finches. Canaries. CUTE kittens, free. EM 4 8143 FOR SALE: Siamese Kittens, :EM4 0753 after 9:30. , SIAMESE CAT SERVICE ' - EM 4-5885 RAISE YOUR OWN! 4 parakeets, breeding cage, nests. $10. EM 2-7874. SELL part miniature black coc ker puppies. 1099 Hoffman Rd. GL 35c PEIMI' Financing No down Payment on approved credit. .IGL00 FOOD CO. 1790 Fairgrounds Rd. EM 2-9904 PASTEURIZED whole milk, 82c. Jal. Homogenized, 86c. li gal. 4c. Cleary Dairy, EM 2-3038. t UPUMBERS is tomatoes. IM 2-7167. Ped's pro duce. 9230 PorUand Rd. EM BARTLETT pears. duce. 4-4078 414 Poult Itrx A Rabbits BABY chicks hatched yr. round New Hamp. White Rock fullets 17c. straight run chicks Sc. Valley Farm Store. Custom Dressing of Poultry Wing's, 3989 State ' EM 4-3918 420 Seeds I Plants Big 10 da. sale on all shrubs & trees at Wholesale At less. 3910 Brooks Ave. E. of Cherry in Keizer. EM 3-6027. KING Alfred Daffodil bulbs. 49c doz. Also Tulips, Hyacinths St Crocus bulbs. Middlegrove Nursery, EM 4-4632. TIME now to plant fall bulbs. Peonys, Clematies, -shrubs plants. Low prices at Stein ers 3 1 60 Mkt. EM 2-1946 DAFFODIL bulbs 3 dz. $1. Azal eas, 3 for $1. Mail orders too. Merrill's Greenhouse, Brooks. 422 t-ertilixor RICH, black manure, same fine qullty, always. EM 2-4077. FERTILIZER - MULCH Mushroom manure, no weeds. We del. anywhere. Spe. price to farmers. EM 2-0331. FERTILIZER for lawns mul ching. EM 4-0393. EM 4-8992 424' Farm Equipment FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE ALL TYPES , Ph. EM 3-6143 or EM 245808 FOR SALE: Westinghouse sealed unit, reirig., S40. recond. u E vacuum cleaner, brush type S. EM 3-BHW, UNCLAIMED wringer washer with pump. Save $$$$ on this model. $9 down E Z terms at "Your Down Town" Fire atone Store. 399 N. Liberty. HAMILTON dryer good cond. $60. EM 2-8278. 1S57 COMBINATION freezer ft refrigerator $319.99, Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty EM 4-6371. Open Fri. night til ELECTRIC blender, reas. price. EM 4-7114. 4 FT. Apt. refrigerator. A-l. $34.90. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. EM 4-6371. Open rl.night til 9. USED refrigerators. $18.29 it up. Al Laue. App.. 2350 State St APARTMENT range A-l. $30. used niase. Mart. Z7U Lib erty. EM 4-8371. Open Fri. night til 9. 9 CU. FT. MW refrig., A-l cond. 3U. tM 3-5280. GOOD electric range $45. Good !as range Ss. Uavs: EM 3381; Eve.' EM 4-0069. DUE to illness good customer returns iu.-;i cu. it. refrigera tor with full freezer compart ment. New 5 yr. guarantee. 89 down at "Your Down Town" Firestone Store. 393 N. Liberty EM 2-2491. 454 Sewing Machines SINGER It. weight portable, like new wun attacn. 843. fcM 3-9904 after 9:30. MONTGOMERY Ward Portable Electric Sewing Machine Good cond. $29. EM 2-8830. 456 T V. ft Radio USED TV 13 from which to choose. 17 table model, 21 at 24". consoles. $3 down de livers. "Your Down Town" Firestone Store. 399 N. Liberty EM 2-2491. 450 Merchandise 451 Household Goods HUGE Sale Starts Tomorrow. Open 9 til 9, Sat. til 6 p.m. Glen Woodry, 1609. N. Summer MAPLE din. rm.' setTTaftie. 6 chairs, buffet $129. EM 4-7881. IF you have one item or a house of furniture to sell call the Used Merchandise Mart, 270 S. Liberty. EM 4-6371, SHOP during the evening dur ing Glen Woodry's challenge sale, open til 9. 1809 N. .Sum mer. WOOL rug 12 X 19. Ilk new J Reasonable. EM 2-2671. ' I FREE 1958 TV PHILCO'S NEW "SLENDEREL- LA MODEL TO BE GIVEN ABSOLUTELY FREE with every washer at dryer pur- l"Y0UR DOWN TOWN" ' FIRESTONE STORE . 393 N. Liberty EM 3-2491 Downtown TV Shop Guar. T V. & Radio Repair. 90 day written guar. All work done by Licensed Tech. We are also antenna specialists. THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL, -$2 SERVICE CALL. 24 hr. aerv. .Open 7 days week, incl. Sun. A Holidays. Hrs. 9 a m. to 11 p.m. Cell EM 3-2122, 13 N. 17th. Musical Instruments ALMOST new 120 bass Settlmio Soprani accordion. price. $270 cash. EM 4-2657. PIANO St violin lesson, State accredited. Mrs. Rawlins, EM 2-8013. BLOND Oak dining rm. set w buffet. $45. 8 in table saw, tilt ing table, comp". w-stand. $29 790 Belmonte.! ,'. iiO,0(iB SALrTstarts Thurs. Open S til 9. Sat. til 8 p.m.. Glen Woodry, 1809 N.J Summer. DAVENOi chair, dinette aet A extra cnairs, organ, eiec. imn-i -'1-'-? "' 1"Tr'y'.:---:- fTO YOUR LIFE! Learn to play HUAKllAL oen. almost new, ssa. 4495 Hazel Green Rd. NO Item held back during Glen WoodryVtreat challenge Sale . Open til1 to t. Sat. til 8. 1809 N. Summer. ADD YEARS the Hammond Organ. It's easy and a barrel pf fun. Stone's Special lesson-leam plan, onlv $2 per w eek. Come in now I Open Fridays until e STONE PIANO CO. ALL sizes New Johnsons 20 pet on. ou nave a choice now. SALEM BOAT HOUSE 100 Chemeketa EM 3-9303 20 FT. T0LLYCRAFT OUTBOARD cruiser complete with 40 H.P. Scott-Atwater motor & trailer. Many extras Boat was new March 1937 Cell Silverton TR 3-8014. REASONABLE boat storage for rent, m -s;i. 464 Sports Equipmont nrti gun, model 31, with Weaver choke, 3 tubes, EM 4-0871 after 6. FOR SALE: New Remington oojt-acuon du-uo. jw natn. 2 38 cal. revolvers. EM 4-3311 after 8 p.m. or Saturdays. 300 Magnum, like new $79.90 S MM Mauser sporter, $88.90 excel. 30-08 Enfield, excel, cond. $84.95 a mm Leoei. good. fza.ao . win iraae. EM 2-0084 3789 Harvey Ave. $2 WILL buy 810,000 Accident insurance, ii.uuu Medical lor 3-day hunting trio. 7 days 84. Covers any type accident. Available immediately to In sure sll members of your party. Huggins Insursnce, 373 unurcn St. n.t. km 3-9119. CASH for Used Guns, and old coins, all types. Cascade Mere. 1230 Broadway. DUCK Pond for Rent or Lease In Turner Flats in Fly Way. Accommodates S hunters. Wa. 8-8668 Albany, eves. SEVERAL deer rifles for sale or trade-for 39 mm. slide cam. era & projector. EM 4-7944. DEER rifles lor rent. N. White head. Tumor, , mi. E. on the Aurnsvllle rd. Ph. 926. HUNTERS! Model 81 Rem, 33 Cal. $88 Custom Springfield "06" 87S USED RIFLES $30 & UP GRABERS SPORTING GOODS 433 Ferry MOD. 10 Remington 12 ga. pump., like new., EM 2-0064. FOR sale, used '97 model 12x14 ft.-S ft. Wall tent, with floor, screened windows at telescope poles. $80. EM 2-8464. REM. 30.08 semi-suto. rfldl. 20, with case at shells, $100. 2210 Hazel. EM 2-8424. CAR TOP Sleeper, for station wagon or pickup, comp. weather proof. EM 4-1180. 470 Building Matorials 3-TAB ROOFING Reg. & Sealdown 1875 & UP I LUMBER YARDS 349 S. 12th St. EM 3-9606 WHY GO TO PORTLAND fc bath set wftttlng 89 99 Amp meter base IS 78 l-2.wire In coils 3" ft U counter dishwasher 118 CS G-slv f utter O C .. 13c ft 8' ceiling fan , 13-88 Am pipe t,"-13e K" "e I'V sua 52 Gal elec wtr htr. $57 St. 14-2 wire tn eoils 3"4 ft Am 4". sail pipe - TTe ft Built tn oven It 4 burners. $178 4" Fiber pipe r JSe ft. uecine nester neaucea- Wall Baseboard Portable APEX ELECTRIC & PLBG. 1410 Broadway Ph EM 1-tSM open rrida Evenings LUMBER . 800.000 ft. new economy andiitll uy graae 01a growin ur lum ber Specified lengths to 24 ft Delivered Salem area bv thou sand truck or unit toads Ted A Leo Muller Ph EM 4-0523 To Place Classified AdsJ " a"-ll Tlf a fAK VU1 Din VOOll USD - BUILDING SPEC. Roof trusses, 28 to 40 ft $4 9 St Up. Used lumber $39 to 893 par M (2x4. 2x8. 2x8, 2x10. 2x12) 2x3 Wall studs . lc. .as. 2x4 WaU atuds . 22c. ea. 2" Impregnated wall bd. insul 10c sq. ft. 1" Thermex Accoustlcal ceiling, 10c sq. ft. ' 1x6 Rustic Siding $89 per M Clear select gr d. Oak Flooring, $100 per M. Windows It frames $4.90 at up. Doors with hardware $4.90 81 uo. Used leg tubs ... $19 ALSO Plumbing sc Electrical Supplies. E.S.KITTER&CO. Open all day Saturday 9990 Portl'd Road EM 4-0191 C'A Save lime - Save Money the, Best Pn AN Far the, Best Prafessieaal Services mi Make Life Easier Read & Use Want Ads Daily! " s S" stuff, 10" lap siding good verv low price. Also good supply vertical siding. NEED ROOF No. 1 cedsr shlnrlas 810.80 set. No. 1 . US lb. 3 tab comp. roof. Choice of 10 .colors 88.18 sq. Corrugated galvanized iron roof. T , S'. 10-, 12- sheets. Very Irg. stock 49, 59. 69, SO it 109 id. roll roofing. C. C. LONG & SONS 1 Mi. N. o( Ktoer. EM 4-5051 $49.50 $39 90 Steel Garage Doors. with hardware Installed 2x6 A wider, carrier load lots 824.90 oer M. Galv. Eaves trough 13c. Insulation $1.20 bag inauiation mower ror rem E Z Monthly Terms EPPING 3740 Silverton Rd. EM 4-6123 (OVERHEAD) gar. doors. 8' x 7', comp. See at 2210 Chem eketa, eves. 474 Floor Covering" ASPHALT TILE B colors Sxtbt't Se tile C colors bt9x", Sc a tile UNEOLEUV TILE All color " x9 10c tile VIVYL LINO 8 wldth $1.49 yd. STD. GUAGE INLAID LINO, u' vardsie SI 79 a yd. foil rolls 81 89 a yd SAUER PAINT CO. 70 N. Front EM 4-0913 ADDING MACHINES GRADING DOZING SARD AND ORAT1X Buy as you rent All makes Bulldosing. Excavating, trench- SALEM SAND hMRAVXV. CO. Roen-Typewrtters. 49$ Court ing, E. I.. Maerx EM 4-8917. Ready mix concrete crushed M -Bulldorlng-leveling-clearing. , V'rtEM.-!.! ANTIQUE EXPERT EM 1-8781 Dean Robinson " Jj & rr: Bulldozing Excavating, trench- 'ffiVpiSa S22Z&&&& m.. E.'l. Maera. EM -4-3917 .Vtg clocks our . specialty. TRihity HEATING, r- ROOF REPAIR 3-7993. Silverton. ; 0IL BURNER SERVICE H0OF repair It eaves trough. APPLIANCE REPAIR LM J-"- cleaned. EM 2-4823. ; ' Exp. oil furnace aervlclng. D. M, lcm. at-stvirft Electric: Gas: Gas Engine "Bud" Watkins. EM 2-4577. SEPTIC SERVICE . Prompt Serv. Call Fix-It Shops pA,MT,KnAPAPrHANr.lN ACE SEPTIC Service. Clean, to West Gate Center EM 4 0844 PAINTING FAPERBAHPlwss derootillI EM mij. Candalari. Di.t. EM 2-8791 P.lntin, A .Jj"- " MIKE'S Septic service. Tank. BULLDOZING JjjtjM 3-9813. 1180 Shipping. Drooter cleans, sew- "j"r i T- ROTO-VATINO era. drains. Phone EM 3-9488. Bulldosing, clearing, roads, ---.- . z : ponds. D-4. D-S Carryall. V. ROTO-VATING; Srde"s, lama. HOWARDS Roto-Rooter "were, Huskey Ph. EM 2-3148. field work. EM 2-2811. septic tanks cleaned. EM 3-9327 CONTRACTORS SAND A GRAVEL SHARPENING A REPAIRING Buildings raised A leveled. WALLING SAND AND GRAVEL Ed's Mobile ,ton,lc" Houses, barns, garages, ware ' .1829 McGllchrist EM 2-0808. Plnklnf sheers, houses, new or repeired. roofs, Crushed quarry rocks and grav- ., doors, metsl or wood. Founds- el. All size for roads, drive- TOOL REPAIRS !e.C2ro,bl!r:s RDVUfCONCRETE WgA Ed Edmond, EM 2-828 JSLSTSU S fjpluLSTERiNG CRANE WORE Top soil, gravel A fill material. Professional P'1fini., 15-ton Lorain moto crane 8a- Keirer Sand A Gravel Co. Free est pick-up fl"YS lem Sand A Gravel. EM 3-2481. EM 1-1748 Guaranteed work. EM 1-42SQ. 500 Bus. A Finance S10 Money to Lout E via UP TO $2,500 Pick Your Payments IS mo. Amt. of 24 mo. Amt. of $ S $142.90 3 S 3I88.32 $17 $150.92 $17 $314.18 $33 $487.08 $33 $609.84 $47 $883.72 $41 1780.7$ PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL LOANS 11S S. Liberty EM 4-2203 COLONIAL Investment Co. Real property ixans. contract rur chased. 887 Court. EM 4-2288. . LOANS $50 to $1,900 Buy What You Need Consolidate Your Bills Finance through WILLAMETTE CREDIT COMPANY 183 S. Church St. EM 2-2457 RAWLINS Realty. Real property loans. contract purcnaaea. Builders welcome. 809 Cheme keta. EM 4-8879. PETER Geiser Mortgage Loans, im 3-we. PRIVATE money to loan. pet Interest Ph. EM 2-0794. 600 Employment 602 Help Wonted 480 For Salo Miscellaneous 1 WHEEL trailer, factory built All metal $80. EM 3-0904 after 8:90. CHALLENGE Sale Starts Thurs Open S til S Sat. til S p.m. Glen wooary, iws n. summer. F.A. FURNACE with thermostat BTU 89.000 Coleman. Used years. $79. EM 3-7343. YR. CRIB. Folds-rolls stroller. on nr. iurnsce, jsngnsn (bovsi bicycle. Platform rocker. EM bicycle, 4-3728. VIOLIN $23. Typewriter, lino type keyboard. EM 2-9400. JUDSON'S SPECIAL Built-in oven cabinet. This has 2 door storage compartment, white porcelain finish. Call or see at 279 No. Com 1. Used trailer, trunk, moving lacks, misc. tools. ! 2-731 3840 Liberty Rd. EVERY item discounted durin Glen woodry's $50, 800 chal lenge Sale. Open 9 to 9, Sat. 8 p.m. 1805 N. Summer. BED SPRING It mattress for sale $1$. Large Dog hse., $9. EM 3-8801 after I p.m, STAUFFER Home reducing tame, line new. m 4-nip READ tomorrows ad SAVE Glen Woodry, 1809 N. Summer PIT RUN GRAVEL Clesn Top Soil. EM 4-4747. VIRGIN TOP SOIL EM 2-1575 28" JIG saw. 1 garden trac tor with 30" sickle bar. 1 A-B apt, sue range. Aurnsvllle 928 WHEELED utility trailer, $100. cm z-iuiK. NO ONE competes during Glen wooarys nuge utauenge aaie Starts tomorrow, 1809 N. Summer. LRG. Antique Marble Top Lamp table $125. M 1-8787 after 5. YPI WRITERS adding ma. cnines, easn registers, eupu caters, desks chairs, files, aup plies. Roen's. 498 Court. OPEN 9 to 9 Sat. t durinf Glen woodry s rest challenge sale 1UU3 H. summer. 4S3 Wanted Mlscotlaneoos WANTED Junk cars, scrsp iron, metal, ricx up anytime Fri. Sat. Sunday, EM 3-1783. CASH FOR SCRAP IRON Metals, Cars . . . Bill Harris Boone Road at So. Pac. R.R. Off Turner Rd. EM 2-9872 486 Machinery Tools Craftsman acetylene' torch. 1M 2-0312. $90. SEVERAL used welders. See at 790 Stewart St Ph. 4-7944. 490 Fuel SPLIT Oak wood-18" Seasoned, delivery. EM 4-8198. DRY and green 18" wood. EM 3-8294. . PRUNE wood 18 or 14 inc. Del. EM 4-3994. PLYWOOD CORES to 10" tn diameter, cut to length. Heavy block A alab. EM 4-5833. Heavy planer. CAPITOL FUEL CO.. INC. Sawdust. Chip mix , Slab wood Shavinsa MILL wood, plywood cores, as sorted hardwoods, nlaner ends. Em 3-7721 or EM 3-8024 1420 Broadway HIGHWAY FUEL CO. SAWDUST A WOOD EM 3-8444 DRY HARDWOOD v 16 In or 24 tn. length SIS A JIB rtr cora in 2 cora loaas. em 5247. , FERN FUEL 203 E. Salem Rd., Dallas UNIT load slab wood $18; also dry slab 2 units $20. Ma 3-2448 MA 3-2233 collect. ASH wood decayed sawdust, and up SOU EM 2-0949. ANDERSON'S slab wood over 2 cords only $20. EM 3-7791. OREGON FUEL CO. Old Growth Fir 112 Cord DRV.ANTJ GREEN WOOD Sawdust. Blower 01 Push oft S k H GREEN STAMPS EM 3 9533 son Broadway NOTICE TO JOB APPLICANTS: The statesman-Journal News- lanera do not knowingly sc cept help wanted advertisements rrom firms covereo oy me sea era) Wage-Hour Law if they offer less than the legal minimum wage. If you are offered leaa by covered firms, or if you have questions concerning this law oi other Wage-Hour activities cat the U.S. Department of Labor, call or write the Department's local office at 317 Old U.S. Court House, 920 S.W. Morrison Street. Portland 4, Telephone Capital 8-8171. extension 714. APPLICATIONS are now being taken for Statesman bicycle routes. Several routes will be open. ADDliesnts must be ac companied by their parents or nave tneir written permis sion. Apply at the Circulation Department or me statesman' journal. CAPITOL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Specialists In 394 N. Winter Sneelslists In office personnel EM 3-0838 CAPITOL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 354 N. Winter F., -reg. lab. tech, college de' ree in science 2va up. sewing - mach. opr. Si or. B7. (leather garments) PAGENSTECHER'S COMMERCIAL Placement Agency Since 1948-speciaiists in office placements 411 Oregon Building F-Exo. Comptometer. Operator 19-35 $175 F-Assistlnf Doctor, Part-Time. Some Lab. Work Open F-Gen. Ofce. Deal w. Public, Personality, neat young 9 da ... $225 F Supervisor, Shrthnd, Typing clssses, good speller, respon sibility $225 F-Supt. of Nurses, out of Sa lem Open M-Field Rep. 2 yrs. college, ad vancement, single pref . $275 M-Janitor-9i da. wk. 40-90 $229 M-Bkpr. art-time, uougie en try .... Open M or F Reg. lab. tech," or reg. med. - teen . ... . open Best Wav to the Best Jobs 494 State Street-411 Oregon Bldg. EM 4-3391 604 Htlp Wonted, Mow Will furnish comfortable bach elor Quarters for elderly Chris tlan man in exchange for yard A Maint. work. EM 4' 1071. 606 Help Wonted, Lody REGISTERED Laboratory tech. nlclan wanted In doctor s or fice. Good hours, exceptional salary. Apply to box mi, Statesman-Journal, giving ex periences and references. PART-TIME cook for sorority house. EM 3-8980. ELDERLY housekeeper for widow lady in country. EM 4-2093 Salem. WANTED 2 women to do tele phone survey work, palJ on hourly basis depending on ability, call between 9 A 11 A.M., 320 Oregon Bldg. CAR - HOP wanted. Fireside A A W. 12th A State. LIGHT houae work A baby sitter wanted, day weeic. tM 4-1BZ7 STEADY, reliable baby - sitter wsnted, my noma or live-in, ref. EM 3-0S35. EXPERIENCED housekeeper care of 3 children, live in, age 18-25. EM 4-0811. 10 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. v BEAUTICIAN wanted, exp.. In rapidly growing community, Siar. A comm. Phone Toledo, re. 3-2377. WANTED woman wool or silk presser full time, contact John Alloway, Hollywood Cleaners, 2844 N. Capitol. BABYSITTER, my home, full time. Trans, a ret. required. N.E. EM 4-4881 eves. A wk. ends. . 608- Pickers Wonted FILBERT pickers wanted. 3999 J, jjancasicr ur. JC. id. wun ac. bonus .for staying thru. FJLPERT Pickers wanted Sun- snme r arm, at noDens. ni. 3 Box 917 A. Salem. 609 Commission Work MAN to service established local aalea route. Car hec. Full or part-time. We train you in field. Age no handicap, If able bodied, apply 1137 So. Cora'l. S to 10 a.m. i 600 Employment 609 Commission Work MAKE Xmas money easy, sell Xmss cards, its fun. EM 4-8181. ATTENTION Women: Would you like to earn $39 to $90 month part time work, no selling ex perience neeessary. EM 3-7397. 610 Solos Help Wonted WANTED: Salesmen la work out of one ot Salem's finer Real Estate offices. Must be ambitious and aeeking a goal of $10,000.00 or more vear. Experience helpful not a necessity. Good appear ance ana natural selling anil ity preferred. Call EM 4-8873 or appiy ttawuns neany oi- tice 809 Chemeketa St out SALESMAN wanted ResUawn Memory Gardens 877 N. Cot- tage. EM 4-4823. EXPERIENCED Appliance salesman lor Mavtae. west- inehouse. A Frieidaire Sales. Apply Hogg Bros., 280 State St. $100 WEEKLY guar, to start. ruuer atrusn co. caa a-tuoi 612 Work Wonted, Mom ROTOVATING, plowing, mowing 3999 MCtaia. EM Z-MHK. REPAIR, remodel, paint. Cab inet wk. cm i-ran, m s-inua GENERAL farm work wanted, experienced. Ph. 2-4488 Wood' burn. DEPENDABLE high school boy. is, needs worn, cate, store exp. ? Good worker. EM 4-0803 LAWNS repaired A aeeded. Weed praying, lawn mowing, una lobs Call EM 2-9862. WANT light hauling with picxup, EH 2-1JU1. CAUDLE-TREE topping, remov al, weed spraying. EM 4-1481. ENGINE overhaul, all work guaranteed. Reas. EM i-ssoe. PLOWING it DISCING Ford equipment EM 3-3319 PAINTING Interior A Exterior. Free estimates. EM 4-8384. LOU'S tree service, removal. topping, prune. EM 4-8901. SMALL carpenter jobs, good work, reas. cm -i4Z4. - CLERK Office Warehouse A inventory, gen. records A re port. EM 4-989t MAN A Wife want work dairy farm. EM 3-9097 on PAINTING, waterproofing, de cor., paper-hanging. Free est. terms. Nelson. EM 3-8493. CARPENTER work A painting. new or repair, cm z-imz. BUILDING, Remodeling, Roof ing. EM 4-8340. CEMENT Finishing Any kind: tn 3-0373 eves alter e:w. LAWNS repaired A aeeded; ro- tOvating, CM 2-0789, CM 3-03B3 PAINTING. Homes, dirt cheap r rices, 30 yrs. in Salem, CM 7552. CUSTOM tractor work Rotavat- ing A Blade work. No job too big or too small. EM 4-8389. 4-2823 HOWARD Rotovatine El or em 2-3535. no cans bat. please. Wayne Sturgess. 614 Work Wonted, Lody IRONING $1 hr. dist. EM 4-8483. Morningside 700 Rentals 702 Sloop. Rooms, I ports LO. front room, nicely fun close in. 839 N. Winter. RM. with priv. bath. Gentleman. EM 3-4791. . FURN. sleeping rm. for lady. Close In EM S-S1S7 eves. viriri.Y rum.. 1. aleeoing l . with It housekeeping for I or 3. $18. mo. 898 S. 18th. HOME sway from home, men, packed lunch. T.V. 1098 N. 3th CLEAN warm ' rms., TV. close In 115 S , Winter. EM 1-1713, ROOM A Board for elderly ladies. EM 3-1981. 41S Market SLEEPING rms. for I or J, 798 n. Church, cm a-ejjo. TV. CEEAN, nice turn, sleeping rm. $4.78 wk. Men, caa -iimu. ROOMS. Cooking priv. for ladles nr. capitoL am z-eyes. 705 Apartments for Kent SMALL 1 rm. turn. pt, ground fir., newly decoratea. rriv. bath A entr., $30 mo. incl. utilitiea. 1 blks MAF EM 1-7830 J RM. furn utll. pd priv. bath. close' In. EM 4-831. Apt., COZY Furn. Utll. includ., or a nice rms.. Close in. 40 Leslie. 1 BEDRM. furn. Apt., water A garbage, Aouits cm s-djbi 1ST fir. furn., pvt. ent., $39. person, $30. cm VERY attractive 3 rm. turn, apt TV ant. 3 blocks to snooping center and State bldgs. EM 1-7830. . AMBASSADOR Nicely furn. Apts. 590 N. Summer EM 2 9208 CLOSE in. Clean 1-bdrm. furn. apt. $38.90. 379 Market CLEAN, warm, close In 1 rm. apt for Lady 845 Terry. FURN. apts. close to Univ. A State bldgs. 8 a. summer. MOD. apt. upstairs, turn., Priv. Datn. $39. 134Z n. uapnoi as. EM 4-9288. Lady Capitol 51 preferred. NICE 3 rm. turn. apt. Priv. ent. A bath, zoo B. zzna. ONE of Salem's newest and beet furn. I bdrm. court apt Close in, really nice $89 mo. ESI 4-1720. FURN. 1 rm. apt. for man. clean, utll. pd. S3". 4o c. Wssh. FURN. apt. lg. A cheery. IMs bdrms , near Cap., $99. 341 . 12th St. RM. furn. Apt $40 mo. 991 N. Cottage, EM. 2-4828. Adults RMS. furn. priv. bath. ent. uti. pd. $2$. 1820 Ferry. EM 4-8157. - CLEAN 2 A 3 rm. turn. apta. 1939 Center. EM 3-8114. apt. Holly. wood dist Heat ex hot DESIRABLE furn. furn. EM 4-9488. water EXCEPTIONALLY nice unfurn. apt. close In, EM 3-9479. NEWLY finished apt. furn. Forest Lane Motel Portland Rd. Nicely .- 8520 1 BDRM. turn. apt. Heat, water. furn. Adults, S33. nu nut. Call EM 4-4391. 3 RM. Apt. for rent 740 Unt verstty. cm moi. 1 BDRM. furn. Apt. $40. gentle- men prei. 1J7 cnemeneta. WANTED: Housekeeping by the hr. CM 3-3388. GIRL wants housework, baby sitting sets., exp. cm 4-ze. IRONING in my home. Reason able. CM 2-7498. RMS., utll. pd. except fas, elderly people. 314 Water. FURN. bsm't. apt, lights, wst. er. garbage, TV, $90 Adults. 1819 N. 9th EM 2-2559. 3 RM. FURN. apt, all utll pd. 997 N. Liberty. EM 3-7895. WANTED kindly care tor elder ly lady in private home. Not an Invalid. Write Box 999 Statesman-Journal. MATURE Medical Secretary clerk-typist wishes position In Medical or general omce. cm 4-9281. Howards Mystic Re-Weavers 2430 S. Summer. EM 2-340S IRONING In my home, $39 N. 1.1 Deny cm e-usea WILL do Ironing In my home. noiiywooa uist. cas z-jojo. MIMEOGRAPHING typing Mrs. Foe, 889 li. ldtn, CM Z-W43, 615 Child Caro State Lie. Child Care Center. WEE FOLKS HAVEN 1184 S. 12th EM 1-9838 615-A Babysitting BABY sitting anytime. Refer ence. 4 CM 3-2174. RELIABLE Baby sitter by hr. day or nite, my nome. cm 3-8858. .WARM play room,' fenced yd. supervised piay. oay or nr. 2 A 3 yrs. pref. EM 4-5508. HILD care my home, play equip close supervision, fenced yd. 1099 Electric. EM 4-3703. BABYSITTING my home." Keirer, EM 4-3973. E. CHILD cere, my home dsy or night, boutn ssiem cm z-ijui CHILD cere my home, days. cngiewooa out, cm z-bom. 618 Education TUTORING Exp. tutoring In elementary Sch. auniects, specializing in graaes 4 thru 8. Fully certified A accredited in Ore. Schs. EM 3-0049 or EM 1-9208 for app't Melville W. Sands. , KINDERGARTEN, J 'days wk. Enrollment open. EM 3-9789. HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION At home. Free Booklet. AMERICAN SCHOOL 8543, N. Interstate Ave. Portland. 620 Doy ond Contract HAVE gutters cleaned A re paired now! Hooting repairs, free estimate. EM 3-8011 after "... 'i. yd shovel crane noe org line zs-ton mooue cranes D-4 D-7 cats carry all clear ing blade. Rental contract "or unit prices. SALEM SAND It GRAVEL 1409 N. Front St EM 11481 THE CENTURY NEW Luxurious Salem's finest, 1 Bedrm. Apts. 1981 Center St. Apt. 104. EM 2-7909. FURN. apt for rent. West Sa lem. bus line, utll. pd., $48 mo. CM 4-007Z. FURN. 2 rooms, priv. bath,' utll. paid. $10. wk. 729 S. 13. CYPRESS COURT. EM 4-S690, 1 bdrm. unfurn. apt. $90. FURN. 3 bdrm. apt, close to Sr. A Jr. High School. EM 1-8434. EXCEPTIONALLY nice 1 bdrm. furn. apt Gar. Lge. laundry, TV. West Salem. EM 3-8347. FURN. 1 bdrm.. priv. entrance. Adults. 771 S. list EM 3-8359. 1 ROOM mod. apt. nicely turn. EM 3-7148 or EM 3-8444. LGE. quiet, 1 A 1 bdrm. un furn. apts. Close In. EM 4-8227 FURN. 3 $.19 n , 2-0988. rm.. shower, garage, mo. to right party. EM CLEAN light furn. 4 rms. Some util. Auto, washer, far., quiet area, bus 1 block. $40. EM 2-9478. FURN. & unfurn. nr. State bldgs. 290 S, 14th. EM 2-5913. SMALL clean furn apt $39 841 N Liberty EM 1-2850. EM 3-3000 THE LEE Salem's Most Distinguished Ad dress. One 1-Bdrm unit $89. Unfurn. except elect, range A refrig. Inspection invited. Wsitinf list accepted on all other size units. 989 N. Winter. 1 BDRM.. bsth. furn.. gar.. bage aer. A water inc. tins M T.IKwrtv Ph. 3-8477 or Mr. Young EM 4-4401 ext No. 31. er., gar. nc. 4S. h. EM FURN., 2 A 3 rm.. apts... priv. sjf at e-w. bath., all utll. pd.. EM 2-7819 or EM 2-4439. UO Dupl exes 2 BDRM. ground fir unfurn apt ' 880 Ferry. EM 3-8275 eves. CLEAN 1 bdrm. furn. garage. Adults only. $35. 1443, N. Commercial. EM 4-2783. 1 BEDRM. Duplex In country, hardwood firs., draw drapes. $57.90. 3880 Center or EM 2-8631. 3 RM. furn. duplex. Gar. Adults, lSSfe-N. Capitol. 3 BDRM., Liberty. frol.. garage. EM 3-7378 eves. 1074 S. REDEC. clean, mod. furn. elec- 1 trically heated, 1 bdrm., pyt garage, plenty 01 storage, vi. rm. Adults EM 4-7194. - onlyref. required. CLEAN nicely furn. 1 bdrm. duplex, TV ant. ,EM 4-8310. 3 RM. furn. duplex. 19321k Chemeketa. EM 3 6833.