l2-(Sec II)' Statesman, Salem, Ore., Tues., Oct. 1, '57 DAILY CROSSWORD rtot ACROSS l.BeaA towa 7. Seaama 10. DiwimUw 11. Harem room I. Perfect 12. Cooked " .Time 29. AcctM (Turk.) to , .Mr. Spark T T. Theme went S0.WreU 32. Creek HViUlity rM by letter 14. Half an cm 12. Kind of jut 34. Clayey 13. Hebrew ' letter -K. Narrow InleU lT.Morael It. Violent disruption 22. Esker 24. Particle of negation 25 A vial 27. Oil of roae. petals II. Cow parsnip stalk 33. Old times 34. Torment . 3$ . Enclosure It. Metallic rocks 40. Jewish month 42. Public noli:e 43. Letral profession 44. Cultivating implements 47. Devoured 43. Kind of wool ' 49. Man's name (0. Traffic aif n DOWN 1. Polish 2. Biblical name I. Slide 4. Covered a floor 14. Shabby It. Burmese tribes 20. Half an em 21. Snake 23. Garden tools 33. Muse of lyrie poetry 31 American .' admiral r o tit prts ivnfiy f - 26. Monetary 37. Big; unit (Bulir ) 41. Fore. 23. Spinning toy " head YttUreay' Aaw 44. Werrht . (Chin.) 43. Girl's nam 44. Openinf a (anat) m M H p I WX1 I P I" TT " J 17 T f 4- lH 1 1 1 1 1 Soviet Remains Adamant On A-Tests Suspension By MILTON BESSER UNITED NATIONS. N.Y.. Sept. 30 vft-The United Stale today challenged the Soviet Union to ' make concessions so that suspen sion of nuclear tests would be "the lint thine tn haniwn" on the road to world disarmament. But the Soviet Union, charging that the Western Powers were ' ignoring demands of "millions of people throughout the world." re mained adamant op unconditional suspension of tests, as well as other Soviet disarmament pro posals. The exchange came at a meet ing of the 12-nation U.N. Disarma ment Commission. It was the first debate on disarmament at this Assembly session, and there ap peared to be no change in posi tions of the Fast or West since the London talks of the commis sion's subcommittee ended . in deadlock. lap af Ibe Iceberg V. S. Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge called the issue of suspend ing nuclear, testa "the top of the iceberg that bears testimony to the dangerous mass below. To stop testa but to continue production of weapons would make no contribu tion to the solution of the real is , sue that confront us." He added: "To stop nuclear tests alone would not meet the real danger which Come from ever-increasing stockpiles of nu clear weapons in a number of countries." Lodge reiterated the Westera of fer for suspending tests provided that the Soviet Union agree on establishing an effective inspection system, stopping production of fissionable materials for weapons purposes and reducing existing stocks, starting control of outer space- missiles and reducing the numbers of men under arms. "We do not insist that all these things be done at once," Lodge declared. "An agreement that they should be done in acceptable stages is .enough to get this pro gram under way, and suspension of te.stuig would be the first thing to happen." Military Domination He declared that Soviet unwill ingness to accept the Western proposals could only mean that Soviet conduct is explained "by its determination to impose military domination on the world.' "If that be the case, then we and peace-loving humanity every where have no alternative but to concentrate all our efforts on meeting , that . danger. All else fades into insignificance. It is for the Soviet Union to speak ami tell us what we must contemplate." Soviet Delegate Arkady A. Sobo lev accused the Western Powers of wrecking all attempts to reach agreement on suspension of nu clear, tests. He said the West adopted frustrating" methods by tying in all kinds of proposals, both military and political, with the issue. Sobolev made plain the Soviet Union intended to take advantage of the U.N. forum to drum up world support for Soviet arms re duction proposals. He supported an Indian proposal to enlarge the present commission and its subcommitee, in order to give other states an opportunity to take part in the disarmament deliberations. Huge Baby Grows DURBAN. South Africa, Sept. 3C tf Averill Morgan, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Mor gan, has started life in a big way. He weighed 15'i pounds at birth Sept. 1 and now weighs more than 16. Mrs. Morgan, apart from be ing astonished, is well. She has four other children who were of normal weight at birth. Little Rock Case Judge To Move HURON. S.D.. Sept. SO urV-U.S. Dist. Judge Ronald Davies, who ruled in the Little Rock.. Ark. school integration case, will be re lieved in a day or two at his own request. Chief Judge Archibald J. Gard ner of tho U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals aald Davies would be re placed by U.S. Judge Roy W. Har per of St. Louis. Judge Gardner termed 'the shift in judges routine and said it has "no significance." Judge Gardner said Judge Davies could be relieved within the next few days.. He said the judge who ruled in the explosive Little Rock racial integration case had requested to be replaced be cause of othej- duties. Pretty Tough Time "Besides, he's had a pretty tough time, you know, the 90- year-old immediate superior to Judge Davies said. I assure you there Is no sig nificance to the new assignment," Judge Gardner told a reporter. All th judges have calenders of their own and we can't keep them away from them too long. Judge Davies was assigned to Arkansas on a temporary basis from North Dakota where he usu ally presides. Judge Gardner said Judge Har per's assignment also was tempo rary. Judge Gardner was asked if Judge Harper would handle any integration cases. Caa Try Anything "So far as I know, he won't have to." he responded. "However, he can try anything that comes up. Judge Gardner said it was pos sible Judge Davies would go back to Little Rock at a later date. The clerk of Federal Court at Fargo, ' N.D., said a number of cases are pending in court there. but that none-had been definitely scheduled for Davies to handle be cause of his duties at Little Rock. Squirrels Clocked NEW YORK. Sept. SO Dr. Joseph C. Moore of the American Museum of Natural History has spent a lot of time studying squir rels and reports they can run at least 11.9 m.p.h. by stopwatch. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Nolle It hereby Riven thai the undersigned has filed his Final Ac count a Executor of the estate of Eugene T. Prescott, deceased. Cause No. 16 014 in the Probate Department of the Circuit Court for Marion Countv, Oregon, and that Monday, the 7th dav of October. 1957, at the hour of IS a.m. of aaid day, in the Circuit Court Boom in the County Court House at Salem, in Marion County. Oregon, hat been set at the time and place for hearing uid Final Account and all objections thereto. Dated and tint published this 3rd nay oi September, iirai. FREDERICK REMINGTON. Executor. Estate of Eugene T. Frescott. Deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER. Attorney, Salem, Oregon. Sept i. 10. 17. . Oct 1 Classified Advertising PHONE EM 4-6811 LOCAL RATES Siatesisia-Jearaal Newspapers . N. I'karrfe SI 300 Penonal 312 Lost and Found LOST: Chart rusa parakeet, vie. N. 18th. banded. Em 1-5354, LOST: Female Collie pup. white a tan. Manbrtn Gardens area. EM 3-7242. after $:J0. WEEKDAYS Day S 3 4 I .41 .39 .32 '4 JO .25 TOTAL CHARGES (Ml. 3 Uaes) sweekdays xxSaa. per line 1 lime . - .40 .31 per line 1 times $1DS .83 oer lino times 31.30 31 40 per lino 1 mo. 19.50 (inci. Sua.) 35c per line per paper. i,iassiiiea aas win no run in both papers to give adver tisers the advantage of the tremendous combined circulations. When an ad is ordered three or six times and Sunday Issue U Included (for example Friday Saturday Sunday) the lower Sunday rates apply be cause only The Statesman, pub lishes Sundays. Classified ads will start la the morning Oregon statesman, conclude In the evening Capi tal Journal but ads will be accepted for Sunday Statesman only. The deadline for classified arts is 1:00 p.m. the day before puDiicaiion except lor sunaay when deadline is- 9:30 Dm. Friday. Emergency ads and amaU line ads received after 1:00 p.m. .weekdays .and until 13 noon Saturday for Sunday may be placed In the "Too Late to Classifv ' column. Ads for Monday papers must be tn bv 4 D.m. Saturday. The Statesman Journal News papers assume no financial re sponsibility for errors which may appear In advertisements fiubliehed in Its columns and n cases where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement In which the typographical mistake oc curs and is responsible for onlv fins Incorrect lnaArtlnn A ;"Bllnd" Ad an ad contain ing a statesman-journal news papers box number for an address is for the protection of the advertisers and must therefore be answered by let ter. The Statesman Journal Newspapers are not at liberty to divulge information as to the identity of an advertiser using a "Blind" ad. Ads In other columns which re quire investment in stocks, samples, equipment or cash bond should he thoroughly in vestigated before paying out any money. Advertisers re quiring a cash investment for samples or merchandise, sales aids, etc., must 6 specify in their ads. THIS NEWSPAPER, STRIVES to protect its readers against fraud, deception, or injuries. Readers are cautioned to make NO PAYMENTS to get a po sition advertised In the help wanted columns. All help wanted ads MUST SPECIFY THE NATURE OF THE WORK. Sales help wanted ads must state if the pay is in the form of salary, commissions, guarantee, or Include firm name. Bona fide offers of em ployment with pay belong to the ."Help Wanted" columns. Kindly report any exception to this rule to the ciassiueo ad vertising manager. 314 TronsportotiorT WANT share exp. and help drive San Francisco. Oct. S or 10. Kefs. EM 3 107 after 3:30. MAN to help drive to Montana a Wisconsin and return. Must have very good references Good car. Eat 3-014. WOULD like to Join ca to Portland, daily. EM r pool 4017. 316 Personal I WILL not be responsible for any deota other man my own Marvin x. Rotn, MADAM Haiel Psychic at Palm 1st. tompieie reading 12. aatn a. Lom L iM -suoa. . PALMIST will tell past, present future. Love, marriage, Dun nes. SI. 3741 Portland Rd. MORI people buy World Book tnaa any otner encyciopeaiei Why EM 3K343 ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. Marlon. EM 4 -0145. . 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock Per Sal rCATTLE horses, at your farm. t. c. Mcuanaiisn. lm j-bibh. Classified Index For your convenience ads are placed under 3 general headings all in numerical order. 2 HORSE tandem EyerJy trailer, umEMims. j FOR sale or trade for beef, good child's horse. EM 44aS6 LIGHT Bay gelding, part iuar ler horse, easv keeper, 7 r i. EM4-2743, EM 2-1763. 3 YR. OLD Pinto Gelding, very gentle. KM 4-7789 iOOTigricultnre 412 Food Column CONCORD grapes V- pick c. Brltl Aspinwau, Broou At. 1. EM 3-3081. COMICE PEARS lor winter catip and Christmas gins. Ready now. 11.71 to $124 bu. EM X-4M1. 450 Merchandijv 433 Appliancat COME ta A shop US. Glen Woodry, IMS N. Summer. ., I CU. FT. MW refng., A l cond. 190. EM 3 5230. A I CANNING beans $3 0080 ix . de""ted, L. B. oirardin EM 410M. CARROTS $1. sack. W. D. Fol liett, Wail Lane, Jefferson. Ph. FA T-3S73. FRESH small eggs. 23c doz. 590 Chomawa Road. Keller pun. U-PICK TOMATOES, $1 BU 3. River Rd , first rd. past Robert s store, joirew sign EM 2-3047 I OF BEEF 35c LB. U. . S. Graded It, Inspected Satisfaction Guaranteed 4 to I mos. to pay FREE LOCKE K KENT MAC'S MEATS at LOCKERS 10 N. Liberty " EM 4-1744 LIVE FRYERS, 25c LB. Valley Farm Stora- KING apples a tomatoes. 780 Hampden Lane. EM 3-9283. APPLES , KINGS. Jonathan. Grimes Gold en si 24 rox. I1, ml. from bridge oh Wallace Rd. Wendt's stand. 403 Livestock Wanted CATTLE Snethen "4105 Silverton Rd. EM 2-1345orEM24380 TOP cash prices at your place. "Rsy Corel, EM 4-3)68. BUYER Claud Edwards. RL 3. Box SME. EM 4-1113. 405 Pats BRITTANY msle, double reg. good bird dog. holds a; re trieves $50. EM 2-4313. FOR SALE, male Siamese. Call evenings. EM 4-8752 CANARIES, parakeets, cocatiels. finch, cavies, km z-im2. PARAKEETS, raised by local breeder, reas. Wallace Rd. Aviaries. 1910 Wallace Rd. EM 4-2783. 3RITTANY Spaniels, 4'a mo. A.K.C. reg. reas. 4187 Macleay Rd. EM 3-4947 after 1 p.m. BRIGHT Angel Collies Eve. or Sat. sr Sun. EM 4-1860 ' 1 PAIR Peacocks. $20 for both. EM 2-1979. CUTE Toy Chihuahua puppies, AKC Keg, f-M x-wui, PUG Puppies, male k female. 4 mos. old, EM 4-8354 or EM 3-5800. 35c PER LB. Financing No down Payment on approved credit. IGLOO FOOD CO. 1750 Fairgrounds Rd. EM 2 9904 PASTEURIZED whole milk. 82c. gal. Homogenized, 88c. ' gal. 44c. Cleary Dairy. EM 2-r,035. CUKES, u-pick or picked. 4725 N. Lancaster. EM 4-9283. CjrUMBERS s tomatoes. EM 2-7187. BARTLETT pears. Ped's pro duce. 5230 Portland Rd. EM 4-4078 TOMATOES 50c bu. Archie Claggett. 2175 Chemawa Rd. CAULIFLOWER for sale, 15c head, EM 4 8018 after 3 p.m. 414 Poultry Rabbits BABY chicks hatched yr. sound New Hamp. White Rock pullets 17c. straight run chicks 16c GOOD electric rsnge $45. Good gas range ,. Days: M 4-3381; Eve. EM 4-OutW. SO. Maytag Washer $75. Others from $12 50. Trades Terms Glen Woodry 1805. N. Summer. 454 Sowing Machinaa MONTGOMERY Ward Portable Electric Sewing. Machine -Good cond. 23. EM 2-8830. 4S6 f.V. A Radio Save Time - Save Money Far tha Beat Prafcaaiaaal Services -CALL AN Make Life Easier - .Read & Use Want Ads Daily! ADUI.NO MACHINES Buy as you- rent All makes Typewriters. 454 court. i-srij. Hnen-T j:mVi 4NTIQ11 ANTIQUE EXPERT ' Expert restoration of all types of antiques, f urniture at old clocks our specialty. TRlnily 3-75K3, silverton. APPLIANCE REPAIR Electric: Gas: Gss Engine Prompt Serv, Call Fix-It Shops west uate center t 4-0M4 Candalaria Dist. EM 1-8791 CONTRACTORS Downtown TV Shop Guar. T V. k Radio Repair. 90 day written guar. AM work done by Licensed Tech. We art also antenna, specialists. THIS WEEK'S "SPECIAL, $2 SERVICE CALL. 24 nr. serv. Open 7 dava wetk. inci. sun. m . nouaavs. nrs. S a.m. to 11 p.m. Call EM 3,2122, 130 N. 17th. , WORLD SERIES SPECIALS! "AWB.JB iuaranteed used TV sets 375 l-on Lorain moto crane sa up. Al's Radio a T 4K4!' lem Sand at Gravel, EM 2-2461 N. Buildings raised it leveled. Houses, barns, garages, ware houses, new or repaired, roofs, doors, metal or wood. Founda tions cement or block. Free termite 81 dry rot inspection Ed Edmond. EM 2-8280. River Rd. EM 2-4372. 45$ Musical Instruments SCANDALLI accordion. 120 hass. 8 switch. Good Cond. Very reas. EM 2-85!J2. ALMOST new 120 bass Settimio Soprani accordion. t price. $270 cash. EM 4-2857. ACCORDION INSTRUCTION FREE USE OF ACCORDION Ouane Hun.sakei EM 2-835S 120 BASS accordion, excel cond. 4i3 n. mver na. GRADING a DOZING Bulldozing. Excavating, trench ing. E. I. Maeri EM 4-3917.' GRADING ft tUEINO Bulldozlng-leveling-clearing. EM 3-87v7 Dean Rob in so Bulldozing Excavating, trench inf. E. I. Maert. EM 4-3517 HEATING OIL BURNER SERVICE EM 3-3501 .j Exp. oil furnace servicing. D. 1 "Bud" Watklns. EM 2-4577. PAINTING ft fAPERHANGINO! Painting ft Paperhangtng, Free Est. CM 3-8813, lieu snipping. ROTO-VATINO ROTO-VATING; garden, lawns. fieio worn, at i-wu. SAND ft GRAVEL WAIXING SAND AND GRAVEL laza McGiichrist Crashed quarry racks and grav el, au size tor roaas, orive wave and parking lots. READY MIXED CONCRETE Garden land, bull dozing, shovel and dragline work EM 3-8248 Top soil, gravel ft Mil material neizer asna at uravei is . t EM 1-1748 AND AND OR A TIL ; SALEMSAND ft-GRAVEL CO. Ready mix concrete, . crushed round gravel, sand ft top soil. 1405 N Front. EM 2-2481 VALLEY SAND ft GRAVEL CO, Crushed ft round gravel Sana ft con. mix EM 2-4002 SEPTIC SERVICE ACE SEPTIC Service. Clean, re pair, derootlng EM 4-3113. MIKE'S Seotic service. Tanks cleaned D'rootei clean sew ers, drains. Phone EM 3-9481. HOWARDS Roto-Rooter sewers, septic tanks cleaned EM 3-I32t SHARPENING ft REPAIRING Ed's Mobile sharpening service em I-U0U2. nnxing sneers. TOOL REPAIRS Electric: Pneumatic HvdauUa Fix-It Wastgste EM 4-0844. UPHOLSTERING Professional upholstering reas. rrtt est. pics. up a aenvert Guaranteed work. EM 1-4280." 450 Merrhaiwiifie 470 Building Materials ' Building-Remodeling? DODGE Piano Service can offer you a better buy in a new or used piano. Compare our Kices. ne have the largest and st equipped service shop in Salem. Dodge Piano Service, 2651 Dallas Rd EM 4-18.58. HADDORFF YERTICHORD? 44 inch piano. Impressive appear ance, tone to auit the connoisse ur like new condition, bar gain priced $1,095. Open Fri days until 9 STONE PIANO CO. RESONITE -Clarinet. EM 2-3013 12-2 Wire roll price 3'c ft 52 gsl water rulers $57.90. Mediilne rahlncU. all styles, Boat Dlvwood. iv1. k". CHEAP Cement, per sack .. $1.45 4" cement- drain tue loe. Red, green, white paint, $1.89 underground Eire. ire, (tzef New 4 sou pipe 77r 11 Septic tanks $.19 50 ."5 SO. 4" black eewet d-d Ijc. ft 38c Galv. pip 1 j i; -, , 17c. Hi zie.. t' t t- 2 49c. Plaftic pipe i 8'ic. 1" lSiic. Toilets 821 ff'l -hln seat $25 30 wa:io:ir.in complete sir. -mi. Steel k:!li tubs complete $59.9$. Steel, cast, stainless sinks Shower cabinet $39.95. Dralnboard covering. 30c. sq. ft. new isunnry trays S13.0. Valley Farm Store. DANDY grain fed geese, call Neuenschwander. EM 3-8170. LIVE Frvers. 85c. Order at 2410 N. Com'l. EM 4-2334 or EM 2-6731. Custom Dressing of Poultry Wing's, 3985 State EM 4-3918 420 Seeds I Planti 412 Food Column TIME now to plant fall bulbs. Peonys, Clematies. shrubs plants. Low prices st Stein ers. 3180 Mkt. EM 2-1948 I DAFFODIL bulbs 3 dz. $1. Azal- FOR Sale Concord grapes, bring containers. 2255 .0 St. GRAPES 5c U picked. A E. River Bend Rd. COMICF. Pears for winter eat ing. Order now. EM 2-45.1H. BALDWIN SPINET PIANO. ! rlZ. ,.. r.h'u son ft n for quirg- sale. Tall-i.,.P,or nio c-nam.i ! 200 amp. meter bases $19.7$. Bargain for quicl man Piano Warehouse. 3!i3 S. 12lh, near S P. Depot. Open Mon, Fri eves. BRASSClarinet w. case, like new, $45. EM 4-lSfX - Pick. 8c Pelker. 3215 SPINET ORGAN. Floor demon strator. Big reduction. EZ . terms. Taltman Piano Ware house. 305 S. 12th near S P. Depot. Open Mon. Fri eves. USED PIANO BUYS Fine Wurlltzer, slightly used, onlv $465. Provencial walnut Wurlltzer. Save 3123. Practice fiianos rebuilt $135 up, easy erms. Open Frldavs until 9. STONE PIANO CO. t?.8;,;1,! '.orr,rl..!!!'haJn.2rd VSJSZ I TRENCH PROVINCIAL con. Merrills Greenhouse. Brooks. tri, v Sh.hl .c. rf,. 422 Fertiluer Range panels $8.50 to $59.50. B eiec. ceiling tans Painted shakes w-u.c. $10 23. Permanent Asbestos siding $13 93 ualv. iron roofing 811 zo sq. No. 1 cedar shingles $10.50 sq. 3 tab 213 lb. como. roof. $8.15. 8, 9. 10. 13 ft 16 it. garage drs., wnn naroware $39.93 up. Birch, mabog. ft glass doors iso " oak flooring $105 M. Galv. wide bottom gutter 13e. Nails, per keg, $10 95 Figerglass roll msalatlon 4'ie. Plasterboard $1.40 $1.70. $1.93. Joint cement, tape, texture paint 16 x 32 celling tile 10,c. sq. ft. rioor tile. 15 colors. 9c tile Fencing, cedar ft steel posts Barb wire. 80 rds, $8 95 15 lb. felt Bldg. papes $2 45 Large complete stork sashee crystal ft dble wind CHEAP Choice shake mold 10c ft. City Obituaries NOTICE OP SCHOOL BOARD CONVENTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in compliance with Chapter 619, Oregon UWS mouse Dili 1U. lirai Legisla tor I to all members of school boards of districts reporting within Marion County to attend, the School Board Convention at Bush IschooL aaiem llrrfon at 8 00 P.m. on TtlursddV October 10. 1957. for the following purpose: To hear the provisions of lh. act. REORGANIZATION OF SCHOOL DISTRICTS, explained and discussed: to elect nine members to the Reorganization of School Dis tricts Committee and to elect five alternates. Anv legal school voter of tne countv. including a scnooi Dnaro member Is eliaible to serve as a member: except that a person who is emplnved hv any local or county school board Is not eligible to serve. Dated this 16th day of September, 1937. - t AGNES C. BOOTH Superintendent of Schools Marion County, Oregon Sept. 19 ft Oct 1 Jar Selea Baker i Salem, Louis F. Kobow of Lebanon. Lata resident of 3771 State Street. nd grandchildren. Sen-ice will Jalem. Or., at Portland. Ore., Sept. I c held Wednesdsy at 10:30 a.m. at 17. Husband of Catherine Baker of Clough-Barrlcks ChapeL Interment Salem. Brother of Howard ind t City View Cemetery. Perry Bakr of Turner, Ore. OnA nephew and on niece of Turner.Lirlr Orinoco Little Dre.. and several- cousins. Services In Klamath Falls September 26th will be held In Portland. Ore.. Wed- Wife of Willis C. Utile of Klamath needay. Oct. 1. at 1:30 pm. at the I Falls. Mother of Mrs. Melva Marin V J Rose A. Son Mnrtuery. Inter- of Medfnrd. Oregon. Daughter of Ai mer Willamette National Cemetery. I ma McWhorter of Salem. Sister of Portland, Ore. Joy L. Beesoa At Portland. Ore!, 'Sent. 3. Late resident of 1670 Blrrhwood Dr., Sa lem. Survived bv wife Henrietta F. Beeson. Salem. Services sr pending ' at Virgil T. Golden Co. Harry McWhorter of Salem, Mr. R. G. Boyd of Salem, and Mrs. A. L. Gsustad of Portland, Oregon. Grave side Service will be held Tuesdav, October 1st at II a m., Salem Pioneer Cemetery, by direction of W. T. Rlg don Co. Reverend S. Raynor Smith will officiate. Joseph John Pfelfer At the rrsidem-e, 2210 Harel Ave- Bart FlUieraM Late resident of Turner, at a lrw-i n,,pn Knm. n. c..ru,..AJ. Josennine r-tetrer, Mienv, rautcr oi L,I.n.?rin5.',?.?P.,-Si.?u"JTd t. J. Pfeifrr. W Paul Minnesota, Turner-dau.hter Mr. V.xine P.rrv' R,rn"r1 Jn ' Anchorage. Ilaks- .or..' , v.u. , 7i'i,.!?.w T Tn,'A,""- Hn Anchoraee, mook Vernon I F,i,r. rt K -n" Alka. Vincent C. Ilfeifer of Salem. brothir RoT FiteJite1 I- An- ' ,Mn P,"r Prtl'" ' Sin Lui Oo" oroiner. Hoy ritzgerald. Los Anje- r.iirnrr,,. tin I..i w,ll.ti f SUvt'or vsndrdniw't'm, KsnmMrs. Romayoe Ra, LZ; i ,!? H V!.,I Jli -f Atlanta, Georgia. Brother of Matt Services will be held" Wednesday, pf.if n North Dakota. Cart NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVR HANSEN AVENI'B From the East line of Resubdlvl sion of Laurel Springs Addition to Sunridg Drive. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thst the Common CouncU of the City of Salem. Oregon, deems it necessary and expedient and hereby declare its purpose and Intention to improve Hansen Avenue, from the east lu-e of the Resubdivislnn of Laurel Springs Addition tn the east line of Sunrirlge Drive in the City of Salem, Oregon, by bringing said portion of said ave nue to the established grade, provid viding street drainage, constructing cement concrete euros, and paving said portion of said avenue with ' a 3s inch asphaltic concrete pavement 38 feet wide, all in accordance with the plans, specifications, and esti mate therefore hlch were adopted by the Common Council, September . 1957. which are now on file in the office of the City Recorder and uhlch by this reference are made a part of this notice, such imnrove ment to be made at the expense of Oct. 2. at I 3D p ir In Clough-Banck rhapel. the Rev. W. Harold Lyman officiating. Interment, City View Cemetery. 29 Sur- Bessie Gault At s local hospital Sent vived bv one sister. Mrs Kirkpslnck, Crawfnrdsville. and one brother, Lni Srhrader. Wsgner. S I). Services will be Wednesday Oct. 2 1 1:3(1 pm. in the Howell-Edwards Funeral Chapel. Concluding services Mt. Crest Abbey Mausoleum. Charles A. Reaew Late resident of 1728 N. Summer Riedon Chapel. Requiem Mass Wed t., at a local hospital. Sept. 29 . Hun-' nesday, Oct. 2. at 9 30 a m. at St. band of Elsie M. Kobow of Salem. Vincent DePaul Catholic Church F si her of Barbara Sullivan of Sa- Concluding services at Belcrest Mem lem. Ddmar Kobow of California nnal park under the direction of W. Brother -of Mrs. P. E. Sanders of T. Rigdon Co. nue. Salem. Sept. 29 Husband of the abutting a no anjaceni pr.ipeny. loseohine Pfeifer, Salem, Father of except the street and alley intersec tions, tne cost wnercoi h iii nc as sumed hv the Citv of Salem, and except that the City of Salem will assume the expense and cost of that Krtion of the pavement in excess of feet in width. Plans and specifi cation referred to may be examined by anv Interested party. The Common Council hereby declare lis purpose and intention to make the above de scribed improvement by and thrni gh the street Improvement department. The Common Council has declared its Intention of making the above described Improvement even In the face of a remonstrance hut eh-ec-Hons to the making of audi improve ment may. nevertheless, he made In writing or In person to the Common Council In regular meeting assembled at 7:.m o'clock p.m.. October 14. 1957, and the objections will be considered at such meeting. Any Interested prop erty owner mav ascertain his ainiro ximate share of the cost of making the improvement aV-mT"otfice of the citv engineer BY ORDER OF THE COMMON COUNCIL September 9 1037 ' ALFRED MUNDT, City Recorder. Date of final publication Oct- . 1957 Sept. 24. Oct 1. f Pfelfer of Oakes. North Dakota. Hen ry Pfeifer of San Francisco, Califor nia, Lawrence Pfeifer of Wen a tehee, Washington. Frank Pfeifer of Ala mo. Texas. Mr. Ann MueUer of Los Angeles. California. Mrs. Josephine W sod row of Ft. Lauderdale. Florida. pnn, Mrs. Delores Kirk of Calispell. Mon tana. Mrs. biw isurpiir W -mini. Mrs. A lines Phoem of Jacksonville, Florida. Mr. Joseph J. Pfeifer was a mem ber of the St. Vincent DePaul Cath olic Church, the Knights of Colum bus and the Holy Nam Society. Recitation of the Rosary. Tuesday, October 1 at 8 p m. in tne w. r 300 PERSONAL Lost and Found 311 Meeting NoUces .... 310 Personal , ,316 Stamp and Coin a" Transportation .. 314 PHONE, EM 4-6811 TO PLACE AD 400 AGRICULTURE Auction Sale 423 Farm equipment 424 Fertilizer - n ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED . . . Too Late to Classify Lawn & Garden 41 Livestock For Sal 402 Livestock Wanted 403i Market Basket 412 RM. with priv. bath. Gentleman Pets 403' EM 3-4791. Poultry A Rabbits 414 Sea Foods 416 420 RICH, black manure, same fine quality, aiways. EM 2-4077. .FERTILIZER MULCH Mushroom manure, no weeds We del. anywhere. Spec, price to tanners, cm Z-0.J3J. FERTIU7.ER-foriWwnsnsTrnuT chtng. EM 4-0393. EM 4-8991 424 farm Equipment FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE ALL TYPES Ph. EM 3-6143 or EM 2-6808 425 Auction Sales Seed A Plant f50 MERCHANDISE Appliances Micycies SELL part miniature black coc ker puppies. 1095 Hoffman no COZY t bdrm. mod. hse. Stove .431 A refrig. 1846 N. 3th EM 4-9718 Building Material Boating - .466 3 bdrm. furn. hse. $60 mo. 636 470 N. 17th. EM 2-9278. Mrs. Ger- 4631 ard. 476 Do It Yourself Floor Covering 474 Tne Rent Mlaellanenua 41 For Salt Miscellaneous 480 KITES U-Dlck. blackberries, ov Fuel 4S0i erflowing crate 30c. 4380 Ridge 3 rm. hse.k, util A att. gar. EM 2-2363. Household Goods Machinery A Tools Miscellaneous Musical Instrument Plumbing. Heating . Sewing Machine Sport Equipment Dr. EM 3-6319. -JUJ CATTLE buyer. A. F. Summer. -151 1 5395 Dallas "d.EM4-906X .4 72. LOST: Small brindle-dog. Har- .45l ness A Lie. t 5173. EM 4-4 1st. 4R4I Reward. Trade Miscellaneou Jfj wilf furnish comfortable bach- TV and Radio Wanted Household Goods .. Wanted Machinery tools -488 1 eJor Quarters for elderly Chris- tisn man In exchange for yard A Maint. work. EM 4-1071. Wanted Miscellaneous 483: 4 Columbia ewe feeder lambs JWR!!SIrVFSS ANT) EM 3-SB4U. FINANCE Investment Loan Wanted Money to Loan 500 EMPLOYMENT Babysitting (Your Home Child Care .. Day or Contract Education Help Wanted - Help Wanted. Lady. Help Wanted. Man . Job Information -Pickers Wanted Sale Help 81S-A 6131 620 618 6 RM. house In country. 6 mi. xrom aaiem. j. zin s-nrn. . Hiirculrs Filine Cabinet ai",l drawer, fire proof, 4820 Verda Lane. EM a-9233. 1 bdrm. sub. hse., nr. Swegle sen. i A. hdwd floors. Inlaid linoleum. $34. Call Fairfax 7-2548. .802 Craftsman scetylene torch, $50. .606, EM 2-0512 591 Small equity halai III bdrm. 19 N. 24th. AUCTION OF FURNITURE AT SCOTTY'S . TONITE 4840 CENTER SALEM 450 Merchandise 451 Household Goods FOR sale or trade, hunting how with quiver Si - arrows Port able 500 W. light plant.. Old records for collectors. Chrome sets Fruit ladders Rustic Irtun furiture Carpenter tools with chest Box -springs k mattresses, 30-06 hand-' loaded shells , New lamps less than wholesale. Antique picture A frame. Old clocks radio garden tool wood heater oil heaters. Visit our bargain department Barker' Furniture, 3794 Sil verton Rd. Ph. EM 4-0444. Bargain. Tallman Piano Ware house. 35 S. 12th. near S P Depot, pen Mon. Fri eves.lGarage dr. hdware $16 50. PIANO k violin lesson. StatelChimney blocks. 83c ea. accredited. Mrs. Rawlins. EM i P'.v.wo"V' '"VrV.n'.' 2-6013. ADD YEARS " . TO YOUR LIFE! Lesrn to play the Hammond organ. It s easy and a barrel of fun. Stone's Special lesson-learn plan, only $2 per week. Come In now! Open Fridays until 9 STONE PIANO CO. i Birch olvwood CHEAP. Grade A fir flush doors. $3. Fireplace Heatforms CHEAP C. G. long & Sons 1 Ml. N. of Kelzer - EM 4-5031 USED Lester Betsy Ross spinet. Mahoganv, Reg. $895, spec. $595. E Terms. EM 4-8252, Zobel's 498 N. Church St. 462 vVanrad Hshld Goods FURNITURE, appliances, guns, misc. WANTED. EM 2-6457. IIII BUILDING SPEC. pa.T casn lor goon citinin . trusses JO to 40 ft 84 50 . used furniture nd appliances. IKI,1"U,," z0 lo 40 " 30 Used Merchandise Mart. 270 ,p.,k., ,,., 3 I ihertv t'M a um Used lumber $35 to $53 per M . Lioerty tM 4-tcm. , . , . ... - CASH for RANGES REFRIG- 2x3 Wall stud 1 lc: ea. REFR1GS. misc. EM 3-9813 2x4 Wall atuds . 22c. ea 450 Merrhaiulifte 480 For Sala Miscall riaous MRS. HOMEMAKER it your time worth 43c per hour, we guarantee to save you at least one full hour of time per dav with KITCHENA1D DISHWASHER nd it costs only '3c per dav to rent it. Call Mr. Miller at JUDSON'S now for rental info. EM 14141. C" 10UND onyx table top. are. beautiful. 541 Court. FOR SALE, used outside toys, make offer. EM 29685. .00 Employment 602 K.lp Wonted PAGENSTECHER'S COMMERCIAL Placement Agency Since 1948-speclailsts in office placement 411 Oreenn BulMin F-Exsk Comptometer, Operator 19-3T ..' $171 r-Asslstlng Doctor, Part-Tun. Some Lab. Work Opea F.Gen Ofee rieal h OkKIim 1 26" JIG saw, I garden trac- Persbnalitv. neaL voune i tor with 30" sickle bar. 1 A B da ' $223 apt. atze fange. AumsvllU 528. E . Supervisor. Shrthnd. Typlnf HERE'S A WILD ONE I C?K!- ood peller- '". Republic Steel 21 inch cabinet F-Supt. of Nurses, out of Sa- .... vFtf... tm, miiu.i iem t Open to choose from at Sueci3l;M-Field Bep. 2 yrs. college ad prices. See them at JUDSON'S v.ncement. single pVe" $??$ tday or call EM 3-4141, 279: M Janitor-5', da k 40 50 $"23 ,NiV?mJ: M-Bkpr. Part-time, bougie En- 2-WHEELED titUity trailer, $100 ' tr-v , . Open EM 2-1979 LRG. Antique Marble Top Lamp taoie 123. in z-twsf alter 5. VYPEWRITERA adding ma chine, cssh registers, duph catora. desks chairs, file, sup plies. Boon's, 458 Court ' 42 Trad Miscollanacua SELL or Trade oil floor furnace. trade for good used washing mach. EM 3-8597 after 1 p.m. M or F Reg. lab. tech. or re. med tech Opea Best Way to the Best Jobs 494 State Street-411 Oregon Bldg. EM 4-3351 606 Help Wonted, Lody PART-TIME cook for sorority nuuM. r.m .i-bhou. BUTCHER shop meat wrapper, apply in person. 9 a m. ta 11 a.m. Sloppy Joe's Drive-in, 12th k Center. 483 Wanted Miscellaneous ER,LT.J h.u"ke!Pr '?! wetui'n is va t au VUtaUi M v, Xm WANTED Junk cars, scrap iron, metal. Pick up aavtime F r1:5!' "Sunday, EM 3-1 783. CASH FOR SCRAP IRON Metals, Cars 4-2093 Salem. WANTED 1 women to do tele phone aurvev work, paid on hourly basis depending on ability, call between 9 A It Bonne Road at! So. Pac. R.R. oil .Turner d. EM 2-9872 Bill Harris! A-Mj-..??9 J)!JL5!di. 486 Machinery t Tools SEVERAL used welders. See at 790 Stewart St. Ph. 4-7544. 490 Fuel SPLIT Oak wood-IS" Seasoned, delivery. EM 4-6158. DRY and green It" wood. EM J-B2M. PRUNE wood It or 24 Inc. Del. EM 4-3954. Glen Woodry. 1603 N Summer MISC. furniture wanted. Cour teous service. Ph. EM 3 6098 :ASH for clean used FURNI TURE. EM 3-5110. Glen Wood ry, 1605 N. Summer. 463 Boating 6T8 .610 BE THRIFTY : Buy GOOD used furniture. A single item or e ' complete household. Buy now on our easy term. Woodry's Thrifty USED FURNITURE nee i'-r. 2 515 S Commercial EM 4-3318 EM 3-4603, I Block South of Paper Mill Work Winted, Ldy 614!Big 10 da. sale on all shrubs A Work Wanted. Man 612; trees at Wholesale A les. 3910 700 RENTALS A v. Eof Cherry In Apartments For Rnt705 2Si5ii"!L-rr ' Business Rentals ,.71S 5'i tons of hay, $13 per ton. EM Convalescent Homes 718 3-4706. k erorlT.'rVt ZSllTGal'. Propane gas tank with FhJd " 707-aI regulator. Approx. full. :i0 Hr.r-Rentl'. 70A '?L Av. .EM 4-4256. Moving and Storage 780 For lease service station, excel- Resort Rentals 716 lent location, good lube A oil Sleeping Rooms. Board 702; sales. Investment required Wanted To Rent 709! EM 4-9990. . ' "'Box stall 35 mo., free water. . I lirhts A- heddine: Sell I'm ouar- WOOL rug 12 X 13. like new, Reaionable. EM 1-2871. COLEMAN oil tOve. Good shape, tubing, 2 oil bbls. A 40 gals, oil, $28. 763 N. Winter.1 1 DLX. Sparks oil heater, used 3 mos. $100. 250 gal. drums k fixtures. EM 2-101$ a.m. only. ter horse, 6 yrs., Pinto 6 yrs Let right partv ride for feed bill $25 mo. 3376 Silverton Rd MAPLE din. rm. set, table. 6 chairs, buffet $125. EM 4-7681. NEW bun'k beds, $55. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty EM 4-8371, Open Fri nights in . ' - ALL sizes New, Johnsons 20 pet. otr. you nave a cnoice now SALEM BOAT HOUSE 100 Chemeketa EM 3-0303 20 FT. TOLLYCRAFT OUTBOARD cruiser complete i.with 40 HP. Scott-Atwater motor- A trailer. Many extras. Boat was new March 1957. Call Silverton TR 3-5014. REASONABLE boat storage for reni. Mm -e4i. 464 Sports Equipment 300 Magnum. Ilk new . $79 50 8 MM Mauser sporter $89.50 excel. 30-08 Enfield, excel, cond. $64 95 8 MM Lend. good. . $23 50 will rraoe. EM 2-0084 3785 Harvey Ave $2 WILL bur 810.000 Accident insurance, si.ouu Medical for 3-day hunting trip. 7 days $4. Covers any type accident. Available Immediately to In sure all members of your party. Huggim Insurance. 373 Church St. N.E. EM 3-91 19 NO One Competes New Used Furniture Bargains. . Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. GAS water heater, almost new. MS 95. used Mdse. Mart, z.o S Liberty. EM 4-6371. Open Fri. night til 9. SPC. Cash, Carry Discounts. Glen Woodry 1605 N. Summer Wanted To Rent Houses 71.0 Wanted Rooms. Board -703 800 REAI, ESTATE Business Opportunitie. 801 .""" .im,MTi37, Business Property Snl ."Iff- 'J0.1'- EM 2 7317 Cot Property 6)3 -14 Uberty Rd. Exchange Real Estate. 811 Nicely furn. sm. l'j bdrm. tn Earms . For Sale - 810 quiet location. Westwond His Houses For Sale 806 perfect for 2, good TV. EM 4- Insurance " 1580. . SZ?r.Ji D,ilr,; 7,, 1956 Tr.nsa home, travel trailer !J?K.?OP'r,T 5A5 wtthiitoilet Ar shower, just Sl.-I Frir nights til 9. Wanted Real Estate..818 5nAI!TninTIVF. I Aircraft a -wc :"m".,r": Auto Miscellaneous m .SEPJ"'.'?!- Aiito Parts A Repair .853 3 bdrm.. 4376 Glenwood Dr. 14 HeaVy Equipment 864 A. 3 blocks to 4 Corners House Trailers . 862 School. $6 000. Terms. EM 4- Motorcvcles S-SSj 7193 after 8 p.m. New 'Cars 851 .- ..rr--,...r.v. .rrj.r jr Trucks. Trailers For !""'" SZr. Sale . 854 HOSPITAL bed almost new $79.95. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. EM 4-8371, Open ithatoile 5 Earl Malm Trailer Stales 11.10. DN. 815. per mo. buys coin piete household of furniture no appliances, uien woodry, 1605 N. Summer. 695 4030 Silverton Rd. . EM 4-7127. 225 Used Car For Sale . Wanted Cars. Trucks-. limi ANNIE ROONEY By DARREll MtClURE IF vou have one item or a house of furniture to sell call tne Used Merchandise Mart, 170 S. Liberty, EM 4-6371. . -rWIKT hal. OS. ITarf u.i.. n'n G r v si tionv neaeoiwoie.,s.i. , 4-6371. Open Vri nights til 9. 85? 3-pc. hlark wslnut. marble tops ExTRA long maltressea A B56j bdrm. suite, peggea. tM 4-ij.u.; boxes ON SALE'?'???, ajfjsed Mdse. Mart. 270 S Libeftv. FM 4-8371. Open Fri. nights til 9.. lmiiiiii niunitvtnmu jf -r.,cv Tuctr awuav Tur win, p sctts- ru,. . PRESENT COMPANV f -' 'my 6ooone! rmsij q voire smtuM-pe mtsixtsr If cJ soil wweMAPe'THf5rtTvf act I ekceptfo. e ri a nry. OLO-Ttety ' cab eve a $mjht. touma I ANcmecf 0301.0 TpuotrriTis n -i uNOEusrano -' JfT-t- CAh! ooESrrsna i . - k laoyI irsrtypoirjc A cs ppi tooav. not . -ftf 1 jgjT cSr fpp DIAL EM 4-6811 TO PLACE AD- DAVF.NO. chair, dinette set A extra chairs, organ, elec. iron er. 1685 S. Liberty. EM 3-90SO. HOSPITAL bed. ajoiost new, ti 4495 Hazel Green Rd CASH for Used Guns, and old coins, all types. Cascade Merc l230 Broadway DUCK Pond for Rent or Lease In Turner Flat In, FJy Way. Accommodates 6 hunters. WA. 8-8608 Albany, eves. SEVERAL deer rifles for ssle or trade for 33 mm. slide ram era A projector. v EM 4-7544. R PRICES R HOT! It! Woodry' Furniture, 1603 N Summer. DEER rifle for rent. N. White- head. Turner, 'a mi. E. on the Aumsvllle rd. Ph. 926. HUNTERS! Model s) Rem. 35 Cal $88 Custom Sorinrfield "06" $75 USED RIFLES $30 It VP GRABERS SPORTING GOODS 433 Ferry MOD. 10 Remington 12 ga pump., like new., EM 2-0064 FOR sale, used '57 model 12x14 ft. -3 ft. Wall tent, with floor. screened winHows k telescope poles. SOU. E.M Z-B4IH. REM. 30.06 semi-auto. mdl. '20. with case k shells, $100. 2210 Hazel. EM Z-8424. CAR TOP Sleeper, for station .wagon or pickup, comp Heather proof. EM 4-1180. 12 GAUGE Remington Tim Grade pump A-l 1st $75. woodry s, ieua m. summer. 470 Buildinc Materials EXCELLENT Kenmore wringer washer, auto, pump k primer, Ph. 75-W Independence. PLYWOOD SPECIALTIES 4x8 ; R-C Magh 4x8 Vt" V-groove Magh IF you have one item or house : t r on or rumiture to sell ealj' the ALnDW - Used Merchandise Mart, 270 ' ,m,, S Liberty. EMh6371. KNOTTY PINE - STRIATED 14c ft. ISC ft. Aooliances PRE-FIN1SHED 2" Impregnated wall bd. insul 10c sq. ft. 1" Thermex Accoustical ceiling, 10c sq. ft. 1x6 Rustic Siding $60 per M Clear select gr'd. Oak Flooring, $100 per M. Windows A frames $4 50 A up. Doors with hardware $4.50 A up Used leg tubs $15 ALSO Plumbing A Electrical Supplies. E.S. Open all day Saturday 5550 Pnrtl'd Road EM 4-0151 WHY GOTO PORTLAND PLYWOOD CORES f to 10" In diameter, cut to length. Heavv block A slab. IM 4-5833. Heavy planer. CAPITOL FUELlroTTlNCT Sawdust. Chip mix Slab wood Shavings MILL wood, plywood cores, as sorted hardwoods, planer ends Em 3-7721 or EM 3-6024 1420 Broadway HIGHWAY FUELTciJ SAWDUST k WOOD EM 3 6444 DRY HARDWOOD WANTED young woman 18 .73 years, part time work, may develop to full time, applv In person only, Launderelte, 1255 Ferry St. CAR HOP wanted. Fires id wl!!L 8""- LIGHT house work A baby sitter wanted. dy week. EM4-183T STEADY, reliable baby sitter wanted, my home or live-in, ref. EM 3-0923. EXPERIENCED housekeeper care of 1 children, live in. age 18-25. EM 4-0511. 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.- BEAUTICIAN wanted, exp., is rapidly growing community, guar. A comm. Phone Toledo, Ore. 3-2377. EXP drapery seamstress. Apply 1083 N. Coml. EM 4-160$. WANTED women wool presser full time, contact John Alio May. Hollywood Cleaners. 2044 N Capitol. BASITTER mv home, full time. Trans, k ref. required. N E. EM 4-4681 eves. A wk. ends. 608 Picker Wonted "JH V j4.ln- lenh1' $16 FILEERT Pickers wanted Sun. v' w, .ii shine Farm, at Roberts. Rt. 4-5247. FERN FUEL 203 E. Salem Rd.. Dallas 2 UNIT load slah wood $16: also dry slab 2 unils $20. Ma 3-2445 MA3-2253collect. ASH wood decayed sawdust, and top SOU. KM 2-U34H. ANDERSON'S slab wood over 1 cords only $20. EM 1-7751. OREGON FUEL CO. Old Growth Fir $12 Cord DRY AND GREEN WOOD Sawdust, Blower or Push off S & H ViKEEN STAMPS CM 1-3333 1087 Brosdway ! bath set wnttlng MM Amn wnmiv Kn aa 1 0 7ft U-l wire bi coils V, ftrSiNI Rna. KiniitiM U counter dishwsther 178C61 Galv gutter O.G. 13c ft 77 8" ceiling Ua UAt.SlO Monty Id Loon Am. pip ', 13 "i 17 i ' .. COLONIAL Investment Co Real i2 Gl ' eleo wtr htr. y--- $57 si 14-1 wire tn coils 2', ft Am. 4" Mil pip , - T7e ft Built in oven A 4 burner $178 4" Fiber pip : . .38c ft Electrie heater , Reduced Wall Baseboard Portable APEX ELECTRIC &PLBG. 1410 Broadway Ph. EM 1-1888 Open Friday Evening LUMBER 500 000 ft. new economy and util ity grade old growth fir lum ber. Specified length to 24 ft Delivered Salem area by thou sand truck or unit loads. Ted k Leo Muller Mi. EM 44)523 2 I OVERHEAD! gar. doors. 8' x 7 . comp. See at 2210 Chem eketa, eves. 474 Floor Covering Wholesale Prices ASPHALT TILE B colors 9x9x1, . c a tile lolors 9x9xl,L 9e a tile UNEOLEUM TILE All color: t9 10c a tile VINYL LINO $ widths .... $1.49 yd. STD. GUAGE (NLA IP LINO. Cu yrde:r $1 79' a yd. iu mils $1 69 a yd SAUER PAINT C0.- J70 N. Front EM 4-0512 Property Loans. Contract Pur- chased. 887 Court EM 4-2288 LOANS $50 to $1,500 Buy What You Need Consolidate Your BUI Finance through . WILLAMETTE CREDIT COMPANY 181 8. Church St. - EM 12457 hawlins Realty. Real property loans. contract purchased Builders welcome. 803 Cheme keta EM 4-6873. ' PETER Geiser Mortgage Loans EM 3-9968. PRIVATE money to loan. ( pet interest. Phf EM 3-0794 CONFIDENTIAL financial asslt ance available to successful businesses in need of money to increase sales. Inventories or services. Box 874, States man-Journal. . 600 Employment 602 Halp Wonted NOTICE TO JOB APPLICANTS The Statesman-Journal News aper du not knowingly ac cept help wanted advertisements rrom rrrms covered by the Fed eral Wags-Hour Law If they offei less than the legal minimum wage. If vou are offered lass bv covered firm, or If you have queauons concerning tnis law or other Wage-Hour activities of the U S. Department of Labor, call or write the Department' local office at 317 Old US. Court House. 320 S W Morrison Street, 480 for Salo Miscellaneous ism. extension 724. 9 X- 12 Lino.' Rugs $5.88. Glen Woodry, 1803 N. Summer. FOR QUALITY USED MER CHANDISE SEE JUDSON'S USED DEPT. AT 279 NO. COM'L. EM 3-4141. . JUST FOR YOU ! 1 1 ! Salem's Best Furniture Buys. Glen Woodry 180$ N. Summer. 1 BED SPRING A nut tress for sale $15. Large Dog hc, $5. EM 3-8601 after 1 p.m. rOR SALE: Westinghous sealed unit, rririg., 645. recond. G E. vacuum cleaner, brush type 123. EM 3-86;r. J. W. COPELAND LUMiSER YARDS ELECTPIC Nervier, reas. price. EM 4 7114 -' , rSTO'fuS u6pu'49 s. 12th st :em 3-960.' PHONE EM 4-SSU STAUFFER Heme- reducing table, like new. EM 4-7783 PIT "RUN GRAVEL Clean Top Soil. EM 4-474T. VIRGIN TOP SOIL EM 2-1575 TO PLACE-AD APPLICATIONS are now being taken for Statesman bicycle routes Several routes will be open. Applicant must be ac companied by their parents or have their written permission.- Apply at the Circulation Department of th Statesman Journal. PAGENSTECHER'S COMMERCIAL Placement Agency Since 1848 Specialists In Office Placements 4M State St. HI 1 Ore. Bldg.) Phone EM 4-S331 3 Box 917 A, Salem. 409 Commission Work t MAN to service established local sales route. Car nec. Full or part-time. We train you In field. Age no handicao. if able bodied, apply 1137 So. Com'l. 8 to 10 a.m. SALESMAN Wanted. Must have car k good clothes. No exp. nec, we train you. We fur nish capitol. Commission. Aa high as $550 per mo. possible. EM 3-7087. MAKE Xma money easy, sell Xmas cards. It's tun. EM 4-8Ul. ATTENTION Women: Would you like to earn $3 to $50 month part time work, no selling ex perience necessary. EM 1-7307. 610 Soles Halp Wontad SALES CAREER OPPORTUNITY Tin position open for ambi tious man Interested in sell-. Ing office systems and bus Iness nfachtne. STARTING (alary $4,200 00 plus commission. Local and Na tional Sales Training, Institute Programs. Retirement, hospi talization and Insurance bene fits. Age requirements 23 32 years. Two years college or previous selling experience de airable. Apply Remington Rand, Salem. Oregon, EM 2-3837. WANTED: Salesmen to work out of one of Salem's finer Real Estate offices. Must be ambitious and seeking, a goal of $10,000.00 or more per year. Experience helpful , out not a necessity. Good appear ance and natural selling abil ity preferred. Call EM 4-8875 or apply Rawlins Realty of. fice 803 Chcmckefa St. SALESMAN wanted Reatlawa Memory Gardens 877 N. Cot tage. EM 4-4823. . '. EXPERIENCED Appliance aaiesman tor Mavtag, west inghouse. A Frigidalre Sales. Apply Hogg Bros., 280 Stat St. $100 WEEKLY guar, to tart, r uiitr orusn vo. A a-aaa. 612 Work Wontad, Man ROTOVATTNG, plowing, mowing jsso Mcvain. t.M -tac. REPAIR, remodel, paint, Cab- iiici n a. r.ivi, j-jajs. r-w -a-jma YOUNG married- - man need part time work. EM 3-3501. LAWNS repaired k seeded. Weed- spraying, laws mowing. Odd robs Call EM 2-5e83. CARPENTER and repair work waniea. la 2-143. WANT light hauling with A ton picaup. EM 1-1301. t'AUD LI-TREK topping, remov al, weed spraying, em 4-14si. CAPITOL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY i Specialists In office personnel 254 N. W Intel EM 2-03 ENGINE overhaul, all work guaranteed. Rea EM 1-8804. PLOWING I DISCING Ford equipment. EM 3-32 H PAINTING Interior Exterior! Free estimates EM 4 $384 LOU'S tree service removal, topping.' prune. EM 8501. SMALL csrpenter nbr. g e a t or, rea. M 4-lta. ,