"City News Briefs DEMONSTRATION PLANNED A demonstration on movie equip ment and techniques is planned t. .w p m. Tuesday lor members of Salem Movie Club at 1141 S. Com mercial SI Ot the jump on competition ad vertise your merchandise or busi ng services in the Classified sec l ,.n Dial KM fefill lor details. iauv.) f i r Outstanding Wallpapers With r'shrics 4 Harmnniung Paints plus 1 pert Decorating Assistance, visit Clarke's, 220 N. Commercial fadv.) i HI Rf'AP STOLKN I'nlice rre called by Armond Let Carrie. RM1 S Cspitnl St , Thursday night, when three boys urre tlioujcht to be stealing hub (jis from an auto parked nearby. I'olice apparently frightened the hoys away. There was one hubcap missing, police said. i nu leel safer k be safer with a Johns Manwlle Scal-O-Matic ' roof Methis Bros KM 4-68,11 for fire Kst. adv Pm shvicnan Kuiuniagc sale. 471 Court 9 A M to 1 P.M. today adv ' A II) MEN TREAT CHILD First aidmen treated Mary Cur tis .V ol 1070 Highland St . at her home Friday morning when she receded a laceration on her arm while helping to wash dishes, they said Yes. we sharpen pinking shears Vnta Saw Shop. KM 2-1217 adv Salem Bank Debits Jump Two Per Cent SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 13 Bank debits (or Salem. Ore , in creased 2 per cent in August 1957 compared with August of last year, the Federal Reserve Bank reported today. The increase for the first eight months of 1957 was 9 per ceni com pared to the same period in 195. Bank debits are considered a cri terion of general business condi tions. Salem's debits for August '57 were 1115.125.000 compared with tl 12.257,000 for August 'SO. The "57 eight month total was m 411 Ono compared to $739,322,000 lor the same period in otv Portland s debits for August '57 were 27 per cent below August list; and 4 per cent ahead for the '57 eight month period compared to last year's. K.ugene't were down I per cent In August and down I per cent for the first eight months. PROBATE fOl'RT Florence Church guardianship es tate Norma Sellers appointed guardian. Kthel K w i n g Billings estate Brook Billings McNeill appointed executrix Simon IVirr Mayherry estate Final account hearing net for Oct 25 Harold ase estate. Order clones estate IRCI IT tot RT Slate William S Mentor and Jesse R Gihson liclendanls lound guilty of furnishing alcnfvol to a minor, sentenced in in ilas each in Marion lotinly jhiI less time served Kcho Wedel v Caul Wrdfl I)i vorce suit charees cruel and in human treatment Married Oct I I'M?, at Salem hathleefi (. U'vin v (, K I e s in Divorce suit harfes cruel and Inhuman treatment asks rustodv n' three minors $120 per month support and M per month alimo ny Mamed June 17 193 at Van comer. Wash t.iles Wagner vs Karnest Kubin and F.d Kubln Case dismissed with prejudice Jacqueline Irene Wilt n Robert Jerome Wilt Suit for separation alleges desertion, asks for custody of four minors. Mamed July 4. 1M2 X Hibbing. Minn I,on Naufhten va Hush K Naugh ten Divorce decree awards plain tiff custody of three minors and $15 per month support for each lister Nelson vs Onl May Net eon Decree of divorce awards custody of minor to defendant plus f-V peT month support DITICT (04 RT Harlis Samuel Rowe Portland tn continued until Sept 17 on fhnrtf of drivirg i i intni caiiwl Hnex-rt Wdiiam '.lie 1 i 411 N W' St ornVr rlismi-4- (hra tit pe1 tT larrrrv Ml NICrPM. (Ol RT Rachetle .lane Still M" H.-iber Ijine plrartH innmert 'n itm mg whilr mlnxiraie1 tn sel Nn ! y sRRMor. Ll TSW. APPUrTlf 'r'fform lurn ?n Uhori ' Virginia leisado 19 ,0nrr tvi'h of lnopndenr FrankHn O.aoo T'eing I janitor I40S Candiewood " ami Sandra l Maranffer 15 I' home 415 f.arr H hmh nl Salen- lorin Robert Rennie H loff" aVvrtne and Grace Rein har 2 waitrewa. Panlaw' larrr rri RJwmkIs tnirk dr-ict Rt i fVii $1 i"d R III 'hinijan 17 at n ni Mahrl v holll nl SWn AmeiM V r m n Srtifnx 22 farmer S'vrrnr 1 S"', Frnr, IWmke 22 ek" P 4atatr, UM N. 4ta SL. Skm- Publk I Records i ! WOMAN PAINTS 1 Mrs. Elizabeth Case. Ml. of 1555 N th St., fainted it downtown , store Friday and was taken to her residence by Willamette Ambu lance, aidmen said. Mr. Gene Snook has now joined the staff of the Beauty Nook. Ph. 'EM3-63I. tadv) ! Live Fryers. 25c In j Valley Farm Store j i adv i VANDALS BREAK SIGN Roy T Todd 2319 Stale SI told police Friday that vandals broke a neon sign at his real estate office Thursday night. Mike fane Ga'age. 1235 So 121h St., will be closed Sept. t thru I4lhlj i adv. i For your convenience. The Beauty Nook will be open till 9 p m Mon thru Sat. KM 3-sVvIl. (adv Dental plates repaired while you j wait at Painless Parker Dentist. 125 N l iberty. Salftat 'adv. 300 Expected For AFROTC Course at WU I Willamette's Air Tore ROTC department begins its academic year later this month with 2O0 men expected to enroll In the reserve officer plan U Col Kdward M Fritsch, pro fessor of air science, said the pro gram opens officially with the start of classes Sept 24 He said three recent appoint ments to the staff have been an nounced Cap) Douglas Weart. a West Point graduate, and Sgt Les lie Ostlund. recently stationed at the Portland Air Base, were added during the summer, and Capt. Wil- i liam F Wright joined the staff late last spring The AFROTC program, under which students take training in college and become second lieuten ants in the Air Force if ttiejr have completed the (our year plan, has been at Willamette since 1961. The staff includes five officers. Lt. Col. Fritsch. Major Kenneth H. Pennell, Capt. Richard B Jenkins, Capt. Wright and Capt. Weart and four airmen A cadet colonel will be chosen shortly from the 11 seniors in the program. Lt Col Fritsch added. Arsonist, 13, Committed to State School A 13-year-old Salem boy who ad mitted setting a fire in a YMCA restroom Aug. I was committed to MacLaren School for Boys Friday by Marion County juvenile auth orities The boy had been under observa tion at the State Hospital, and ap peared before Circuit Judge Jo soph B Felton Friday on charges of arson and obtaining money hy false pretenses, resulting from an alleged bad check passed in Salem Aug. 12. The hoy also has a previous record of parental discipline difh cullies and charges of destruction of private properly, said juvenile officials Salem Obituaries JuanlU e?lllu. I tp rtrinl ' f 75 Jtidkon St iifT it a Uc nunm home? Sep' 11 Siirviv4td bv ion Ear I ( vMiu S4iMl Wash itflrr Mr J.int I.amh Solent rvlef ilt ha held Mnnd p li at 1 Hi p -r n tht f"hap4pf ol the? Clnnfh-Bflrririt Funral Home In lTTn?nt rVlcri-.t Memorial Peril Sirih rlliakrlk llimt.ll l.lf riMdrot nt Salem at Dal lai l.piUl. XVpl Mlh l 'h a nl Bl vaan Survived hv Bm Riia uani rril Salem hmlhei Anhur X Fd wardR Hlllshoro Ore jrandpon. Harrv 1. Iamrell San rranetac-n ( ihf Me-nher cf tlie Chrunan I. hunh HerMcef will held Stun dav. September IStll at 10 JO m in Ihf Chapel ol the Hnwtll-Idwardi Funeral Home Rev W Mamld Li lian l'l nlfirlale Conrludlnl iarv-M-et at City View Cemeery ; Hear? rVeaee r lte reaKSeiil nf Don s ( nml Sur ! vlved hr wife Marie riejrner, Swlens; daufliteri. Mn Lvirena HlU, fArvaJ I In fe Mn Viola rWk CnrSlalln Ore ann I nren flomer Woodburn i Ore eittera Mn Anna Undhortt. j Line Kan Mrs Herra. Lann, Kan . 1 1 frndrhiidrei alas aurvtre Sere- Hxa iii he held Mondav. Sept HNh at mini am In the Chapei of Use : CWnith Rarlcll Funeral Rnme Inler l rnent Finn tjtheran ( emelem at Onrvellit nev Walter Bnaa t nt- fccjale Fleirem-e M I ewe jie resident nf W V Sth St sim at a kiral iMMpilal aep IMh ' 't-e afe nf s.l veara Survived t 1 uf Vii -i Knar Area Istwe Salem I.... M'arel I ywe W,rtliand H ' I F.rn. Mae Ann A.h ' Hit' a-" ithii' Vnrh s.attte Waah Henlanin ... . 't.ii 1T .! rravwtar n ( p lif i' Ietrml Mirh nfl erel riiM t K n n 1 1 1i n . irjrn r,-. ,fl w,, he matte later , m. H .i rdvarda i-h.oel I nrrltia la4e Peeler A' '- reuderM-e. t?l Keel r.rint St I .rvl.t W Sep II 1 tSe ml 'if Motne' "f ,enne f.""' ' f 'i.vB.lit an4 lwls ' ..oi., Si-.-.r Orefnn Stra ff ffnn Randal nt Salens Ka Anna Pn.. -f F.ere't W e.c tnfnr. and I fan-Vh,M tervWe lll he atnn i se. a- 1 Sfl n r 'hnei nf w T S ffinn fn (en i .(t nt aerne fl Snpa f eree'T fret Keeae A rKe einnre Sae S" Mtare S Salens Ser-'efNe' tn al tn aaT nf yeert Kirvivea e,y fcrnsneH We" Wee Knfier W Virginia SerriMi will ha KeMj S fleet U a' IS i e n 'he H,nrl-rare"4a Cn,n Inte-we-' Ctt View Ce ete- f sRD or THANKS On- Heartfelt Thanks tn ll who eilenfleej rnn(nririf fTTTtpethy vf he r n err 'eenf mn-w Fax the heartrttif me) fWl e"pnr;fs en n'oe- kirrlrpesaes we are deep ry grate" ii' Jettie aa Duaea 4 lanuiy U.S. Farm Advisor Says Israel Land of Contrasts By LILLIE L. MAMEN Farm E4IUr. The Statesman "A place of contrasts." I That's now Charles A. Thorn p ,son. I' S. Government advisor on farm problems, described Israel. Thompson, former professor at Rutgers t'niversity. Highland Paek. N J . and Mrs. Thompson have just returned from 3'- years in Israel. They are now guests of their son-io-Uw and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Huggint, 1364 Heather Lane, Salem, t "Strike out ail the pre-conceived Accidents Added to Fire Fight (Fire star? page .) j Three highway accidents involv ling It vehicles and injuring five persons added to Highway 9K con gestion north of Salem Friday afternoon when widespread field (ires blocked the Salem-Portland Freeway. A four-car accident took place on ME on mil south of Brook about t pm , injuring Mrs. George Y. Martin. 57. Corvallis with cuts and a possible ankle fracture, state police reported. Officers said James N. Reynolds. 263 N 13th St . Salem, stopped his car as a vehicle ahead made a left I turn. Vehicles driven by Mrs, Mar gin's husband and by George Safl- ley, Creswell. stopped behind the Reynolds car and a chain of rear end collisions resulted as Earl L Hansen, Portland, drove up from behind, state police added. The latter driver was cited by police on a charge of "following too close " Struck la Rear A vehicle operated by Jack V e a r I e Ledbetter. Woodburn. stopped behind the four-car acci dent later and was hit in the rear by a car driven by Edward Mar ! shall. Salem Rt. 2, Box 134 K. state 'police stated I Several passengers In the Led better car were bruised Leanne Ledbetter 26, John Simmons, 11, and Mrs. John Simmons. 45. Marshall was cited with follow ing too closely, officers said. Stepped for Baa The third accident involved ve hicles operated hy James Allen Johnson. Tacoma. Wash . and Henry I Sears. Gervais. police said, alter Sears stopped for a school bus Johnson was cited with following too closely, police said Mrs Mary A Johnson, a passen ger in her husband's car. sustained leg injuries and lacerations. Mrs. Lowe of Salem Dies I Mrs Florence I-owe. $3 died I Friday in a Salem hospital follow ! ing a heart attack at her home, j IShO N Sth St . earlier in the day She was a native of Nova ! Scotia I Funeral services are being plan ! ned at Howell Edwards Funeral Home Surviving are daughters Uoxy Ann l,owe. Salem. Mrs Krnie Shirley. Woodland Hill. Calif Mis Ted Westman. Ann Arbor. Mich . ' and Mrs Harry Kocher of Salrm, sons. Benjamin Lowe. Detroit. Mich . Wilbur York Lowe. Seattle. Wash . John Walter lxwe and Kenneth George I .owe. both o( San Francisco, and Leonard Keith I owe Detroit Mich 10 grand children and lour great grandchil dren Hatfield Advises County Confabs to Rebuild GOP Party MILTON FRF.FWATKH. Sept 12 Secretary of Stale Mark Ha: held thinks Oregon Republicans should hold county conventions to rebuild our party from the local level " Hatfield addressing the Repub lican Women Feleration here added that we should rebuild our party on the cornerstone of the county unit rather thaa deprndinj oa orders from the high command out of Salem Our actions will determioe whether it la preferable to hair a tightly controlled machine al the tot wtth hand -peeked candidate or a free and open primary with everyone and anyone welcome to try his pollctM-al wings Man-Caused Fires In Forests Total 441 in Oregon Man caused 'nrrol tire rnpuf-d in all (oreel lanris m (ireion o laled 441 iip to Sept 1 lV 'he Ke-p ilregon dr't-n Vsstxiation retwrted here Fridav These Included smokers O lot (ing. 71 tlaavh and aWwis U rtmf mi II incendiary I railroads and lit mifarellanerius Uanc iet inn officials said the Seember fire daafer wis enthral and iried r eutwwi n the part nl prancn en tering th fnreeJ rea CAJID OF THANKS TV kindness and svmrtthv nl neighbors and friends in our recent nrrrrw will 1 1 v a . remain with us a preoesis memory Orr sincere thanks and gratitude for ill uvm rfarnfartiag acts ta "ur t-nnirwr ia the rweial and (ex the o.i nl mar brother and huhrw1 'rxir Mo' her et!VB heartfelt '"-anki tn aD the nenels Sl-oe Ohe-ae , n.-zt-en Mr text Mrs A I T' ee and lamily ! thd m-t VWaM Orver ana aad fanuljr. Meat I had about Israel befor I went out there." Tbomptom said, In referring to an Interview wa had Just before the Ttorcpaom Itft far i his aulgnmeot In the Middle East The assignment covered work In setting up farm agents similar to our own county agents. Growth Dynamic v'The growth of the httle coun try not so largo si my own na tive New Jersey hat been dy namic. What it true today is changed tomorrow," 'Thorn peon explained. "We drove along a high way and taw crews of people treading out grain by the use of oxen Another 44 miles and we came upon a field In which 11 very modern combines were harvesting. Some of the fieldt are so small and on such steep hillsides, that hand and oxen harvesting are the only economical methods until these IsYael people learn that other forms of fanning than grain can be done." j Some day. not far away, Thomp son foresaw the Israelites of this area pasturing these steep hill side? The new Negev desert area is opening up now, with the use of water. But water is the Number 1 problem, Thompson said. Wells are the answer, but wells too close to the ocean result only in. salt water seepage. Rivert are be- ing tapped, but more water is' needed. Pipes which bring in the water are very expensive "We think of the Israelites as a nomadic desert tribe, constantly moving about and so they are But on the other hand there are the Israelites who have produced beautiful agriculture lor cen turies," Thompson continued, as he spoke of the very fine citrus crop 1 You've never tasted such citrus fruit'" he said, remarking that Kurope is the big market for the Israel fruit. I Farmers Build la Village Farmers are now building their homes in small villages,'' with the houses ' sort ot lacing each other in a little group, and the I land stretching out back of these' like a skirt." Thompson said Some of the land is very hilly and some of it is very flat ! "And the people re Just as dif ferent There are many of the t Moroccan Jews who have never I slept in a bed or sat in a chair ! before. And there are the bell boys in the hotels who speak of iMoiart and Bach as if they had been neighbors. The Israelites those who do know know good music." Thompson said in trying to paint the picture of the country of contrasts During the past nine years, the Thompsons said, the country had increased from 700 000 people to two million It is the homeland ol i the Jews who have suffered op pression elsewhere They are com ing home " In addition to citrus fruits, lots of grains, many vegetables and peanuts are alsa grown in abund ance. The Thompsons spoke of the dairies now coming in with mostly llolslein cattle, or crosses of Hoi steins snd Syrian breeds . "These Israelites are good dairy men too Many of the herds we visited were averaging around 1 4. Win pounds of milk per cow an nuallv fmt Talis latereitlag Thin ton Ihcie is the milk from the lat tailed sheep Thompson said These sheep, he added he had lound quite interesting with their tails which alone weigh 40 ptHinds rach Housekeeping according to Mrs Thompson, had it problems The commissaries have supplies although much ol the lood is very expensive Rut we have not yet taken up the native hahit n! eslmj a v ar iclv ol icge-tablcs particularlv their delicious in utnhers. and s dinev lor breakfast Mrs Thompson said In answer In what ap(icaled lo them most in the MiJdle Fast Thompson said the ' feeling of the Holy I .and did The beauty of the wild flowers on the hflsides after the rainy sea son Driving over Ihe hills of Judea slopping at the place where John the Baptist ws born the Sea nl Galilee, visiting ifiaiareth. at Capernaum - names once familiar to us onlv through readme Ihe Rihle. and now become real place" I can't oVscrthe it It s something you have In feel Thompson concluded The Thompsons will leave here Sundav lor the east where thev will fly tn Israel again for an other year HI RLrir.N - To Mr and Mrs Raymond BurkMgh MM la Vona St. t naiiihter Fridav Sep II at Salem Memorial Hmpttal FnCVTAIN Tn Mr and Mrs I f Fountain It Rontw Rd t 'i.iiifhtrt rrtdav S-pt It St v,a irm Memorial Hosptljl (ft A. IT AN - To Mr and Vli Waller (Irsilan 03 N tlrtj Si a nn Friday Sept 13. at Vilem Mcmftnal Hospilal (.ArtDM.lt - To Mr ararl Mrs Ijwrenre (fardnrr IrtriefrfWrere a son. Friday Sept 11 at Salem Memorial Hospital FettK To Mr and Mrs r of etve Tree Msg Williams St a on Thin-Ada v Sept 1 t sjilem Gen eral Hnapitt' anROT-Tft Mr and Mn Don Id W Robot ?fl Highway Ave a daughter. Friday Sept U at Salem General Hmpttal .rrKMA - Tt Mr and Mrs Dartwl Rlrtmss Tee) Morgan St fin u fetter FrvtT Sepf ' t at Saiem 'reneral 1-tne.pita KIpLWH In Mr am) Mrs le e r s, si Mrer S son f-.-a- S-rv : - af Salern r.enera Hspi'a l m T- V- anrl if 'le rttish A tmaville a nn "f 1a) sept l a' .salern frrnes' j Uotptiai. Births Appointed i i I - "'O : "V 1 H X c 1 1 . l;i.;-ei t I in iiiiiinf - " 1 ; Dr. S. K. Davit, new tUff j pttbologitt it Salem Gen eral Hospital j City Hospital ' Names Staff Pathologist A University of Oregon graduate. Dr. S. K. Davis, was named Fri day to be staff pathologist at Sa lem General Hospital. Hospital administrator Anthony C. Branson said the full time post is a new position in connection witn recent development of a path ological laboratory in the hospital Dr Devis wat formerly an as sociate in pathology at Salrm Me dical Laboratory from 1952 lo 195J He completed his undergraduate courses at the I'nlversity of Wash ington and studied for his master s at Oregon He received his internship at Iowa Methodist Hospital and serv ed in the Army from 1946-47. I Dr. Davis is a member of the American Medical Asx latton and a fellow in the College of American Pathologist. Dr. Davis resides at 4375 McKay Drith his wile. Phyllis, and children. Terry. , and Keith. 10. 1 Sheep Disease Indemnity Paid More than tlOO.ono was paid in indemnities to 50 Oregon Sheep owners affected by the recent drive to eradicate the threat of scrapie in Oregon, the State Ag ricultural Department announced Friday. The department has closed its book oa this operation. The state condemned 1.713 sheep in the control program. Chester Lietchv said. He handled the ap praisal records for the department. I This is the highest Indemnity figure ever paid in Oregon to live stock owners for the fast control of an animal disease The indem nity claims were I100.&4 Hall the money was paid hy the Slate Agricultural Department through funds appropriated hy the lgis laturc The other half was match ing lunds from the I' S Depart mi nt ol Agriculture Appraiser representing either Ihe state or the owners on the pro gram were three well-known Wil lamette Valley sheep breeders Ku gene D McCarthy, Ronald Hogg and F.ldon Riddcll Water Unit Gets $20,000 For Snake River Probe iSUrv alse e r(r II Orci;on ot water resources tioard received a 120 Orm einer gency appropriation Kndav In in vestlgatr the Middle Snake Hiwr where two power, companies want state licenses to build five dams Unanimous vote of the stale emergency hoard decided the ap propria! ion at a meeting in the ( apitnl The water board plans k make the studv and then appear on the stair s hehall tielore Ihe Federal Tower Commission Idaho Tower I o has applied tor a stale licenx lo huild three dams ( onttruction ai two ot them Brownlee and Oxbow- alrnadv has started under a Federtl Power Commission permit The third dam. Hell s Canyon, hasn t heen started, but the company has a FPC permit for it. too Pacific Northwest Power to hat applied for a ttate license to build Mountain Sbessp and Pleasant Val ley dams but an eiamlner for the FP has recommended that a Fed eral license he granter House Speaker Pat Donley )i, Portland said the private power company dams don t provide rnoufh water for upasrram alnr aff and this money mtisi he pro- off! sn thai the taster motirees ttoarrl tan speak lor ihe sijie nl NOW MAT TH! MASON FURNACES OH, Ot OAS Pill". - Terms U fit Testr KwdgH Free fttttwatn tat) larwstta r.eerteteesl lnuntiaxa CALL tM 1ISSS .f rs t itta f f. Salem Heating H0 SHUT MtTA.L CO ItU Kreyar School North Salem High Spirit Lively at First Pep Rally By MARILYN SPARKS North Salem High's football sea son opened Friday afternoon with a lively show of school spirit even befxt the actual ktckoff last night. In the school's first pep rally of the year rally girls Saridle John son, Sandy Stenhjem. Diane Coo ley, Judy Query, Ladell Anderson and Judy Reimann performed sev eral of their new dances as the students were entering the gym. Boy members of the rally squad Ed Middlestedt. Dennis Brown and Larry Dent, led the students in yells. Coach Mel Tot introduced the football tquad. The assembly end ed with the singing of the alma mater' and the pep song "Oskie" led by the entire rally crew. i The "Viks," a new pep organ ization for all North High girls, made their first appearance at the rally. Their uniforms consist of a dark skirt and a red bulky knit sweater. Girls Singing Unit Meets First Time At Sacred Heart By LOUSE 8CHR0CDER The Cecilians, a special girl s singing group at Sacred Heart Academy, met for the first time Thursday night for a practice ses sion and were given a brief out line of coming events. Members of this group include In the soprano section Audrey Carey, Judy Boetticher. Oovalea Ruhr. Marry Jo Rohland. Dorothy Hartman. Mary Alice VAeissbeck. Salem School Enrollment At 13,294 Enrollment at Salem public schools was up only slightly at the weekend from Wednesday's report st the total reached U 294 Wed nesday's total was 13 225 School officials said the biggest jump in the two-dav period came in high school with 2 59(1 registereri Fridav against 2 534 Wednesday At the lime last year the tigurc was 2 3O0 Grade schools reported a two day gain from 7 0g to 7.613 anil Junior high enrollment was up from 1 OBJ on Wednesday to 3.091 Fn day Last year i figure for the district on Friday was 12.(195 Area Girls High Among Dollmakers Three area girls were among regional award winners in a na tional doilmaking contest, accord ing to Meier and Frank, one of the sponsors Jean I'rideaui. Lyons, qualilied lor national competition hy lakine lirsl place Rrverlv Stein and La vonne Pitaccialn. both Salem also received awards The dolls to to needv Kuropean cbildren (rf(on before the Power Commis sion (rov Hobert I) Holmes has pro tested lo the KPC against granting ol the license lo I'acific Northwest Power ( o and the commission has granted an estenaion of lime so that the state can give its argu ment for upstream storage In other action, the F.mergency Hoard Gave HiHcresl School 'or tiirls l'M7 lo pav employes lor over i and holidav work Voted ion lo ionlruct an emergency exit at Ihe Stale Print ing Plan! Provided lit) mm for preliminary einse ol Ihe pe tal legislative se.-ion lo start Oct U '.ranted ft ono to the Innersity Stale Hospital in Portland lo per mil construction of s root deck and assemly room for patienti . .ysrvs .1 v ai.ii ' .'1st Proper Installation Is Vital to GOOD Heating A heettnf plant will porete at tsvp Ttony only rf H hi awevparry Inttalted Ou men are qualified by rrairHn and s axyrte n f make your Iren fHreman hoatinf system ftve ywsf maaimwm return en yeur fuel devflart Easy Tirms C.J. Hansen Co. Reporter Sheila Caldwell, Paula Hayes. Kathrjm Burke and Anne Meutey Second sopranos Mary Bendon Mary Jo Meutey. Dorothy Hittner. Evelyn Fischer, Jeannette Ed ward. Sherrttl Amort. Derma Shepherd and Maunne Copple. Alto Janice Suing. Louise Schroeder. Margie O'Connor, Dar lene Mlchels. Mary Jo O'Brien. Dixie Shepherd. Shirley Weiaabeck and Pat I'nrein Accompanist Judy Neilson. Missionary Hpeaks In conjunction with the parish mission being held at St. Joseph i Church this past week, one of the missionaries. Father Hayden OFM. spoke to Sacred Heart students during an assembly Friday morn ing. Quail Hunting Season Put Off The mountain quail hunting va son. due lo open Saturday west v the Cascades, was postponed untl Sept 21 by Gov. Robert D Holmei Friday because of forest fire dan ger. Earlier, the governor had post poned the grouse season in West ern Oregon and the special elk sea son al Loon Lake in Western Dou glas County These seasons also were scheduled to open Saturday and were delayed until Sept 21 Jury Indicts On Weapon, Arson Counts Two charges of assault with deadly weapons and one of arson brought indictments from Marion County Grand Jury Friday John II Copeland of Silverton was indicted on a charge of as sault with a deadly weapon The charge involves an incident w'ler. Silverton Chief of Police R R Mam had hit gun snatched away and wat threatened during an arrest Another indictment on assault with a deadly weapon involves. Kenneth Edward PickersgiU. 410 S Cottage St PickersgiU was ar rested after a domestic quarrel in which hit wile was shot in the leg Kerwin Frederick Williams. .t lem. is charged with arson result ing trum a lire July 30 in a rentd house at 340 S W inter St . owned by William Bliven Arraignments for the three wi'l be Monday in district court. Eight Million Tree Seedlings to Be Ready by Dec. 1st Eight million forest tree seed ling will he ready for distribution from the Oregon Forest Vursery near Corvallis by Dec i lor tree planting projects throughout the stale This was word released Fri day hy State Forester Dwight L I'hipps He indicated that live million of the trees will go into the state multi-million dollar tores! p-hahili laflon program larelv :n the Til Umonk Rurn and ihe ha aoi-e will he available for the tree (?rni. other pnvale land planting and for Ihe farm woodland owner CRI OF TH A KS Our heartfelt thanks to all who eslended combining sympathy and help in our recent sorrow For the hcaimful .sen " r floral offerings and lards and memorials we are truly grateful Charles It Pierce a Families Troys-Trays-Troys TDC TRAYS 3 - MOO Supply Limited Kid sic Photo 1 14 Center-4 Stete taflXD r - if VU rVtesd It (M JOi; Statesman, Salem. Ore., Sat., Sept. 14, '57 (Sec I)-5 for the finest in cosmetics it's 'Futurama Shining example of your taste for elegance Futursma"! The lipstick rase nf lasting luxury, designed for Revlo.i by ftmous jewelers Vtn Cleef Arpels Voir can change lipstick colors at will with the ingenious Rev Ion refill for a mere 90c. ( 's4st sst 'i ' t ljs-l.-jVft'f'i hi lilisfc ?tf tvwrtts) tour kafe-nl 'clean and Uncovers A Purer, Finer, Brighter Skin ( reams tnd soaps reach only the top cell layer of your skin - rant get down deep enough to clean out em bedded dirt that enlarges noae and chin pores! But Revlon t new 'clean and clear with Cat l-on-lc attraction liftt out dirt and makeup from S ccll ltyert of your tkin - removes dirt that petty rreami tnd drying inapt leave behind Start tesdey the 'Clean anet "I 25 Clear Way' Af Owl A tvtryon t toying: MAKE MINE f i .1 ! All THI NIW SHADIS AT OWl 'f&ufotv 'LOVE . . Th one compact make-up tkat never takes, never urns orangey ltvr I'll a presAfl powder plus foundation with lannfite tWIsf ana1 Tertotse Shell 1 y Tone Cate SHOP &kn n j I XVyi II I CAffTOl M I AT CINTH i Ve.lAAfljj priced from $135 x At Owl NAIL ENAMEL - f s 'jr: V "1 jt s sf ' fr' i s f-S .1 t)lr t-ttmt -r-J.e. STAYS ON SO IONOI NOW THIirS NO IXCUSI FOR GOINO WITHOUT NAK INAMfl . . FVIRI Ask any womsn who worn It ask any man who s seen it You 11 hear nothing but ravrj atvtut this new Revlon nail enamel that looks like liquid pearls on your nails! This amanng fronted formula ran really take it almost refuses tn rhip end H'l so easy to put on. so simple tn "touch up' 75' Lanolite - PAT' R aa eUs tea KITB TILL 10 SUKDAYS 9 TO 4