The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 01, 1957, Page 9, Image 9

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    3ig Ten Ready to
Open Grid Drills
owj Considered Cream of Crop
CHICAGO, Aug j jt-TW affinal opeeing af Tn laatball
actice Meodiv kadini to tie Kim i hrst itm Seat aW-nfl
Ud 70 kusxjet Ma actioa.
Nearly lutf et Uwm wt he lophamoret Another M nil W
holdover lettermea
TV mixture of arw laleot. mom
Rams Have
63-21 Win
Cards Given Pasting
n Portland Battle
Rum' ad mm. aatasret ceo
a acted end lb war in '1 14.
That tu th tecend af thv '.Vr
kucMawM that were scored
of the beat tht Caalnrac Km had.
nil the larg storkpilo at expert
rnced hands, give, prams af an
other exatini Bif Tea campaign.
Wwa hat tl IsMiiaia. aareasV
tog sevee regalar. to a aaaed at
7V MlaaiH to trtechh
kraay Flora bat there to a rase
replaeearto la Ready Daneaa.
A aeiid Ha and Mn kerkfMd
and. raaertaly at a kiln art
apeta. uki the lewaeyas a
daaUan threat to renal
Minnesota has tha lartewt turn
out m shr Confer enr II Thaw
period af only tltfhtty morf iorlud T7 holdeven uiMaflw
11 wunut a( play The third country i fuMt snlil T atuuler-
km whea Jar Marconi ai th backs Boy Cox
ami acramoieo w varoj aa Miciv.aa Siai with v Wir-
hr emeta up tha wuddk and m lnd MiHuiaa vita to thU
lea Ro Witter an ai th Rami be dimerous aad fithtr could
i tcatbecki swept left end lor uk it ail
final U yards. Cathora mad
thai da1 tether la
They raw right bark.
ka "H yards kj It pUn to
taper actag a 1-yard Bal aa
rem afefkaa la to anal Mil
I 11-
Nov ft was th Rams' tun af am
Uus duty clash. They treat il
Urda ai eight play Wilsda (at
la ana kima and teve plays
Iter Marram buOad over Irani th
Cothara kirkfd tm (or a
km toad.
Tha Waaaj, tealeaary Mlat-
M H w lit Carda aai af la
Michigan muat (md replacwmaU
j (or t great ends. Roa Kramer
' and Tom Manxi But th Waiver
ine appear t hav bar bttaac
and what could b th Bif Ta'l
moat rap bit beckfield ouarter
bark Jim Tie PrR halfbarkt Jim
i Par and Bob Ptaevk aad fullback
John Hrnulia
Gradaasfca kB Okl Kat
kard. bal It IHMr a art aa
kaad. Tk aula araklii aa
, aara al faartorhart. Ikkar
1 FraaA KraoaMa ar Aadr Okato-
rlrk vaald aaka th Backaya
mmck omt alraaladad toaa laal
Ifea kalftanM (aa. TVy
kraattd M rardl to arvra ala.Ti.
krU Vaa BrarkJta
I d k
1 -mm
Nov; filarlcs
Dot Opener
$124,243 ef on
1st Djy of Meet
FUCGS DoUCj Sutpsmtn Salem. Ore Sun, Sfpt 1, 1957 (Sc I9
Braves Top Reds
As Yankees Lose
(Cialtoaid rwa aririalaa pacal
a racsaa ap ay jnipu Mice, a j
t-rrar-ald Hack nar awaed and
tratotd by Mr. tad Mn. U 0
. i I .V 'Vi "
SYlACl'SE, N. Y, Aif )1 Qari Baallto, mU Wft to krtif Mm tlM ki hi Sb4.
23 torfUaf wttk Mt4dleeif ht Ouapiaa Safar Ut takdaaam, f a( tlx rcaj reniM tea
tardiT wkra k m prYarated priM acrtcr (rati Brae Demtu, N'Uf art Caaatv 4 H
etohtr. at New Yert State Fair. (AF Wlref k4e
Mackaaa far U Tarda aad la
Sophomore ouartcrberkt Chip
Holcomb and Joha Taller bur
to ivt Northwrsteni more punch
Halfbarkx Bob McKciver aad Wilt-
rO. fKkira afala aad eaad mrT ' irvl (uUback Ed QulU
had iha kaiWaa eaaad vaa a !- rt(uUr-rtura
With Bid Oflentifcter prorMIInf
Both teama alowfd don in thr impravemrnt al quarterback. nU-
lird period, but !h Rami man "" " aimln for apatti vttk
krd la acor oar TD Wilson oanneia ipeea
tased ta Mltrbum (or thr vort I rurooa ki as air arm. Lrn
maxmf a Tb-yard dnv in mn Dawi. aad muat rebuild around
toy. Cothara converted lor th aiKonierrnc ruiioaci mi ixnara
Lj bui( NprKMix)ri noM muca we
SiUy Wad took aver at qu.irter ' ,D ' torona
iri kut before th fourth itinia lndl,nl ever to th
directed t mor TD. on Tennesne sliujl wtof with a
ti pan ta Ron Waller (or (iv nourish called the "wd saddle T "
Mi and th other oa a yard i T M, h'd twh f1"' Dick
lop by th sift Wilaoa Cothernl wl" ro:h Hoers
tomaticallv boated both place- Dlc,'n " ,l,tu, "1 Tea
U for th final 4J-21 tall) ! "npoaed tuipmaion far Ulnal re
faa Brocktln completed 11 paaaen cruiUn( tactics
fit tnei for 1M yards and No
pl. Wade threw lor on tourh-
nra. Tne Kama war not (oread
punt a siiujk time la th high
oring contest.
LA now has i 1 1 exhibition r
tird, while Chicago sports ti
Southwest Teams
Gird for Season
DALLAS. Texas. Au )l wV-Southwet Conference loot ball squads
begin thr long march Sunday
Defending cttamptoa Trias AIM, Arkansas and Trias Chrwtiak
hav first practice sruiont
Aa even aaaaey favoris to la
WtUag. litoir Rtofs baftod aal !
af tk (ate. loaateg the Mckry I
rated aprtnsar alias Okrocaar to 1
Ik naa tar tk Ikm bare, aad
Ihea tarnsd aa to gas ta cover V
Ik Ova larseags to W.1 aaraada.
The asd aaark af aa aiHtw flat ,
as snrti kast year by Rare ;
Bisebill Spreehen
MH Knut Terms
Gibson Wins
first Match
r Wimbledon queen A libra
,ibon and three of th I nited
statea' seeded male hopefuls -lie
Setias. Budce Patty and
Herb Flam - slammed through
ripening tests today in the Nation
tl Tennfi rharnptonehipe
They were joined by Ashley
rooper. the top-seeded Australian
rhamptoa. who chopped down
lohn Brownlow af Cleveland, t
number of th Prenbylerun Col
lege team, in t lat stadium debut
!M. M, M
Mist Gibson. In pride of Her
lem, encountered unexpected dif
ficuhy with Kirol rageros of Ml
ami. Fla . more famous lor her
glamor than her tennis, hut man
aged ta survive la two hard
fought sets 4-4
Coeist League
Hot Rodder
Sets Mark
An aircraft mechanic from Lea Aa
rles set a new unofficial hot rod
-cord todiv la ria! Urn runt
at the national drag recti
, (jeee Adama. la his (lose
it OldsaMbll wstk s 17 Old
raglae. reared awwa Ik qaarter
milr strip al let.a allies aa
hrar. Tkr M record la Ik gat
reap aad sedaa class was IN. 11
Adams made another run today
(hit topped the old mark lo become
on of the favorites tat the t-day
national championships that saw
ISO cars rntrred from IS ilates
Aastaer H driven were
kaad. kaplag same ear weald
era aai as lary rwaM get lata l
Ik Hmtted field
Adams' lime was listed as unof
ficial sine il came during the first
two days of time trials Runs are
official on the elimination the last
I wo days of the meet Adams has
uttrn 11177 miles an hour out of
his hot rod.
PORTLAND. Aug Jl -Port
land dampened second plan Van
couver i pennant hope, scoring
on an error In the tenth Inning
OMAR A. Aag. II w-T. B. Air
Fare reeaiaeeasva recently eoas
aned aa KagtUQ Ctiaiaa gtee
sary af saeliar lena that
ftord a racket aagta aa a "fir-
ist taaakea aad arkasr
A aarlrar warkead was
aa "das fargearbpelwea
Baylor. Trias. Rjc tnd South-1
mn UmIvw4ib1 ib t until MamIbw Ia
start popping the leather although I
all will assemble Sunday U get try
Tk Akr Fare arlert praaapted
WaRy Fiaiasi. ay arts adstor af
Ike Omaha Wertd feerald. aad
prellminanea out of thr way
Two-a-day practice will go oa
for two weeks, then they taper off
for th opening af th campaign
with til trams having (antes Sept
At tk alaaaol tat (rledrrt ar
rive la ramp Iker vW Had
favarllet far Ike ckaatgleaoaap
already aoltdly esUatlsbed. It 'a
... ... r.., ......... . . m.ri M,k k...'i
to te.tVC.att League ww 7 tk.
ert. Bal M woo'l be ky BHara.
Hat Nleiaea.
et tor lb aaas paper, la devla
similar glaaaary tor kaarkaB.
Saate af taetr aaggetrlaas are:
Swlagtag strike eat keener
katekeo kstlerfaier: aaspsrs das
takefe geaweda; atslra kaao das
fight daa kot-
aea wards wist arbwtogoaarsaa.
Th victory brok I lour game
losing streak (or last pier Port
land .
The annual
first plic
points over Texas AM
to . i ... 1 1 1
Preston Ward s three-run hemer i ' oner-new is
! th fifth ..v. u. DU.. . 1 PAltto wide Tnere will be tiire
woo l be ky mark. 14 l fc,aSl7tj),l
il poll brought Baylor VYgllKCr LUD - (''"i ' e
bv a martin of IOU r -tlde (rttri) SS
Dy a margin oi , , , (jii. n M
YYon Dy leOA
Stansry McDeweO. wb rod
three watoare yesterday ta get aa
earty jump ca th other Jociryt
for the meet's ndmg banors.
steered Setper Ridge to its easy
victory. Mat Director was second.
D Pat Uitrd aad Cartaa Bit
(eurUL 3 far off th pace
McDowell t ether tw win were
abaard the veteran Sua Boy a the
feurth aad laew Pnnce la th fifth
Aether reeerd Ikat brwagkt
sswars ta laaas to ekarfe af the
atret waa la day's saataal
h rat I1MJ41 tar a
day kigk. aarpaeasag
at year reeard IttlJtl.
Attendance was astanaled at
ararty I OX. aad the who went
tor uV ksncshoti were pleasantry
rewarded occasionally
TWia-rac program got off with
t bang aa Mosuci Scott, a T year
aad mar driven by A Haeoerle.
outdistanced th field to win the
karoaas race and pay tn 1. Ill M
tnd M 10 across the board Coupled
widj sec end placer Marietta Ceua
tai. dnvwa by J MacDoaald. Mea-K-t
Scott paid aumella hoidert t
rousing fan M.
Wfld Daddy, t IM aeastder
wta la rsral raaslsg race at la
day aad paid Pt-tt. M-M V artery TrU waa tatsad
tad the tore paid I1ITJI ta the
Jmmatt9mmw CSt W lmt taar4ammtVAeM
Ikat woat aaov lat Hat kreal
tar laa aeVaraaaa. Vletary Matt
aad Beat least (at lagatker to
Ik sixth rare for a UU aatarfla.
Victory Mat paid US et for t M
wia ticket, the beet tuck payofl
of th day
There will b to racing today
but the 7-day meet will reaum
Monday with toother 10-race card
Irtturing the Labor Day Handicap
Ytrday't retulta:
nm lm: I alt, karww I
m trwtt llultrki IU It,
HIM, MS I MarMsat twwaial
ItxDwaM), II as scaral
t, aerfi tttt. TWaw. I IM
iab asi at.
! d lm I pJw. htraM I
oitii a iajn in tt, tstt it st
t-Barwara's IHuDwmMI St St,
flit, j Prlwn Oark iatTlkaa
Ht TtoM. Ml OauaNa 111 Jl
Tklrd aaaa: IS luMaii. I WIM
lDMr (Dawcaal fit St. tl S. tilt
t-VMtwry Trwll (Bmsi IIS a, tt n
i ta awry ifanaarl tttl.
iTMm I II I OalBflla till J
raafta SUm: Sh tartest i. I taa
as, at ? . I
at ss I
CaUllaa G tar f a Drake,
tWrt, facet Dwag Doaa
vaa ta tk special eveal
al tha Aratarr Taeedty
Bight, Aa rltminaUoa tag
trramal area pi a t k
mala eveal tpat aa th
Armory Mat Way
Teams Eye
Title Mix
I iCianasil from pi i n Itog pane) , Maaulla got bu the act waa ant
CutcMtnati Rods, winmag 14-4. The lod mr tw runt to th eifhU
victory achieved with the Braves Don Hoak. wb two. and Itk
kituag ova homers, kept MHwau- TiWrAanjotned th barrtrn
kwe s toad at aevea garmt ever " ""ndn for Circtnaati.
the Brooklya Dodgers, wh de- Gus Tnaadot' inside tht part
feated tht New York Giaati 74 ta homer w the fifth brok I scorw-
aa afterneoa gam St. Louis Ins deadlock la the BaJttirart-
etayed 7S behind witt t de- Bostoa game and seat the "no1-!
ctssoa ever tV Chtcaga Cubs as a t lead mat they enlvged witk
the Cards soureaad out a math three met it the eigh
katang rut ta a haaet loaded Tne Wlut Sox plied ap 'I hat
walk off starter Tom Gormaa and three
Philadelphia, on rookie right relief pnch-? Ne1! Fox had
futnder Dot Cardweil t pstchmg three, inc'uding a tn aiV
and hMurg Masted PirMwirgti 7-1
Jat Philadelphia
' Ovarii MaxweQ and Al Ktlin
hit homen n Irading Drtror la
aa 1-7 victary er Ce eland ra
; It Hknirp 4 tacnf'c fly b Har
vev Koran scored th winning
rua Maxwell t ninth larant hom-
1 er ka ON af tht season, sent the
I gacne lata txtra inmngi
i Jampil la wSrt Lrad
double tad Larrv lr he rww-
run homer and t siagie.
American Leaquc
it- Prow art
tuart I' an
ana eat tot
tn t
L9 ar t it t
N Yt
Kmjr-wr H
Kmttm I' Sto-t
m tnt sat t U I
in an m i I
3 lw- 't.
-1 r-,r
Ty Vfiahri kimM mil la a
j 4-t IttAl Art Dumar wh. (tiled tjj- "rt-St
Th Cewtoy Carlaoa Lea Gari
baldi and hart vea Hunmler Htm
at th Donovan Brothers and then- "" ,t
th Mtk Um this season ta
hntth what h ttartad Tw of the
Washington runt came ta Steven
third-tnmng hnmer
WhHey Fard checked them on
r hits and struct out ritht
Ukrough lour iHwrgji after rehev
lag Cttmar la the fourth I I
ins-tan tlevwrw
Narthweat tag cfiampaoeavhip. col
lide Tueaday eight at the Armory
it matchmaker Eltoa Owea t tbnv
uiatioa main rveal
The wuaung combe defiitoely r
goes against tat Donovans T k n
weea lotwwiag. a ttua teres
Both Donovtra wiD be aa Tvita
day't card tlse, preiut) relet.
Th elder of tht two. Duty Doug,
wh alse holds th Narthweat
heavy till bell, facet th oft
wee left Gwrwao Atar I' Pwrlwr
aicoai n.ati ai awe anuia
" puCVivao
asrked Lawea
ad ffc V 1 ' ni la tht flrat mn
appearanct of the
a pinchhrtter the
hack ta work They
up tw tt th expense af Bab
Gnm ia the ainfli and then
raUed an Chuck Stabbs. last tt
ve pitchers, t get tht last twa
auu attracoetafaneruaiath
Home runs accounted far It af
th Brevet run Haak Aaron i
lath bemtr produced two runt and
wea Cevingtaa t cimat waitoe J
DV . WwrtltllKtMI.
i tta ll lt ! I
t nt att ait t-t It t
karr Int I tlvuna I
II Maat it' an Hn
VtiwnnwMti I and Baaaa
rm Dttr-n Kthaa. HaawrwU.
C ivim4 W vadium
Crura) U KSI M I tl I
Kim Cik tti tw ana-1 tt
Wilms tmll i
National League
t Vmm taa lit ttl I T I
, OKaaw eat tat taa 1 1 1
I wvhwwar Muftatt aad Ci mr
(lem. twww l UttMvaid iti and
iw-amt, aa-
! iakirk
RauehhouM Had tnea Mat hamnrw
Duranga Duraa tht I It t clock Mataewt Hits Bwawer jJ
. ! Eddte Mathewa hd t rrua 1
UntoRelere. horrw la the aarand. D.I ll.ltt-a-
trwca aoot mat a t securer t swot tare runs acraat with aa- red. ttua
1 1
let ta tis-t It t
Cnasiia li. MUlav
MaitM KawTti ii.
and Bflaetwrt. Wilher
Hew Vara Jateaa-
other la th seventk and Fatu
longtime and capable favarltt ta
refere th card, th vetertt Har
ry Elliott
Carlaoa woa last week . Ruattaa Phil Mover Will
hartl royal here, aad orj, .nvp " mu7cr TT,,,
make up a (ormidabJa team tl Uaaf DjVe Nriljrl
the dashing GtrttvaMl aa hit par . nneer tJYC MOIjn
tner Th bald tnd boarded Ger- pnon m ..- ., . .,,
v., nmtw, nu w r 111!
aw ttoi t I
rtaa-( It I
Bautt ill.
I. and rwua. land ill:
Care-all aad Lawata. Mama '
THanvat Pmiadtiaato.
Portland ante-1 wrwuin. Mai
tn tit tas-M II t
tsa lit an ttl
Wiaarrw ill and Bi-e.
Niukall. Act- Mi 'anVwat tti.
tanrHat if. and Bauer lm tuna
-MiNraukaa A a r a a CeviMaa.
fathawt In MmUlU; ClatMuvaB. w humtki, ana vn swear- imoyf former
mg Jap Sasaki are unqueaionibly .... ,
Z J-LZrr ""i1" "' appaaraae her AMITY BET FOR ITAP.T
now operating ia thit aactor
I DtMv Dwtk: WIM BaeaV la Iklr
rart aad Bwa Bay ai fwwrtk raaa
aai fit 3
rina naca l-iit mw. i im
ictory over Pacific Cttost League I nientt-B.ylor .nd A4M at lhe,(fd Ire. preeeedlM JJ
lading Sao Francisco today I rn"- R,f T ndlof Philadelphia, ahead all tht tim tirt. (iiiilit.V tt n f-..,
It was Wards Itth homer af the! """"t Wi n4d won ,
setson and cam aff reliefer Bill J1? I mn4 " h . . . w
Ahnathu. a.v.n. tha Pt. . 1 Methodist th overwhelming choice I Ci-etell Craa. Fwar fttr.KM
11 edge in the verms
I til OniMlla 111 H
llvtk Bar I I II Blln I Vlrlary
Milt Itlftll U1M lilts, lit at I
Saw Janm iBaat) MIS. IIS I
lo finnh last ... . j- wiMirk ratal iDtiti it at tim
I Campbell, even with Ireland M, i q.imiu 1141 tt
While Baylor has morr veteran Jo Cirr In (he morning, won four Ba ri larmit 1 -strength,
the v iew is bhat A4M has .triight holes on the back nine ft? TrmJ.0cU,lVltZ
rtvw 'asrnwwaii)
I. Oalattla. 11 yt
Hollywood defeated Sacramento. 1 lhf ,OD rnB lu'Cli uVy are this afternoon and closed out his it. to, M It l -I
to t in 10 innings before 1.S15 ,rww mitch with Alan Thirlwell. fired tt J11
Coast League baeebaH A4M returns from an unbeaten,! 11 on tht front mnt in the after ,,
McGowjn Slated
In Portland Bee
I PORTLAND Aug II 'Special'
Frankie McGewaa af Salem, th
tut racing vateree wha hay re
cently returned from engagements
in the east, will bt among tht
piloti here Sundty tfWrnnon In the
Pacific Coast "big car" rhtmplen
nhtp card al Partland Speedway
The field e( entries for the event
will b on of tht lartwat In hit
lory in Portland, and all will ilirt
in th laa-laa main vent
Time trials start at I M p m
Among the favorite In tht "lorr
a Eroi Koch. Vancouver w h
won In 1)64 tHk and wht rur
rentlv leant thr driving ptltt
standings lor those v-rtirtm 1
aapt It, hit unci, promottr Tom- AMITY. Aug II 'IpecUH
my Mover, slid today Evening football practice at tmfry
The aider Mrvwr said that Phil. Inm High School will commence
who weighed IM pouad what he September L according to
won hu fl ret pre fight hare earlier ; Ray Shepaeat. With tryeutt
this month, would meet Dare No- to aD high achoal preapectiv
laa of Saa Franciac ia aa eight playen should com act fkephent to
round bout obtaia exact practice Khedulat.
Sv Maaey Only 30 par L1m
Let's Bowl Wat
AAaa-Waaaaa-Taaa Afar
Uwfw hay Per Ivory
Ja4a Team Naw for rhd Wltitar
Alleyt Reserved far the Witter
It Alleyt
EM !4Ut teal Fertiaad Rd.
(lM Baca: fl.i lartowaa. I
vlaar Blda 'MtDawtlll HIS. lilt.
mi r.iinuH ri.Lt ii uiu mum f h.M tfuiHh. nl itm noon artn worn, four and thrnr till. I atta
Ml ttta IMrtrlar (Laahrvl
tin Ilea 1 ai rat isiarnti ssia
Candini threw eight caoatcutive ' btcifield. featuring tht vera 1 Hyndman. one of the oldest of :att (sww watt raMt ant
halls to force ia the winntni run ' Ule John Crow tnd very strong the American pltyers j u 1 1 .lit. to tt
u W... . ,k , k.. hHiiMl I. . T In I vuHatv Avr ItlWIB
1 . n t - r -r 1 1 1 ,1 n u..ui.n . i rw - - . " . u - . - '
mioai 01 in line rrana iiritmon m ,-vroiiana ttvi
' " '
V,-x-ogxn sno tit tit S III
r.mi.nd nne ei tit 1 1 1 1
Pallri Trftul ii tn Atw Kal
trt rn M Mtrlm. Botllar nil.
ix rtiwtnto Itn IW aw -I II I
Hniwnod ana mi aai . ) 1 1
H.rrut Candini il in Nl
watt. Ourn 1I1 Garfear ill and
e all
Baaa : laaat aral aanWa
iy rartaa. I levt Bar taadrl-
aa, at ta, tt m. a mm i.ip
The last three matches
tan Diatfi
hat, PTaiU-iar
Grant and Jf
'.auiw 'li Kialy
ant ta tos-t
mo 101 not 4
at. smith. Ahar
1i Thlal ill and
ICealtaaed from piweedtag page)
Ingly told tome of the Solon playen. "Gee. we hate to tee
you fuy go I tin tell you now that we've beeo itetlinf
your pitching signtlt al leatofi, and knew what your pitch
rt ware throwing " . Ylpa! . . .
Staa Matial'i Iroa ata record af IM giatet may aae
ty ae arekra by tome ragged Nttiaaal Leaga lidlvta
ai Bat wltk thlagi going tad way they tr la tk aelga
kotlag Catst Letgae. H i aoabtfal tktt tayaae will cm
ratrk ap witkrUe Hngk Laky'i PCX keep-going record
af M ran sera tlv roatetU. . . Laky aaly gTiat wkea
tkat Item it aroaghl ap. tad tkea tfgat. "I'd ke lucky to
latt tlx a 1 raw thee days." ... 9a It goet with tke grtv
keardi, af which we are fatt becoming member. We
till feel tke maaraltr rfferti af knocking all tke air oat
af the ball park la tktt Oldtimert' gtmc latt week. . . .
Chitf Thompson's Kid Now Promising End
Tommy Prothro tnd hu OSC itaff hiv to much hope for
the turceit of tophomorr George Thompson and 195)
ti in end that they've assigned x-Bivr wingmtn Norm
Thiel to practically live with the kid while teaching him the
art af playing end Thirl it finithed with hit eligibility
thit year, but It returning to school for more rltsi work.
Thompton it the former Silett High whit who played
loti of halfback at a prep He 1 big. fatt ami nigged, and
whea moved to tha wing potition during ipring drtlli looked
vary good tt the new tpot He could my well develop
into aomething the Beaven haven't had recently a tall
pan receiver who can run with tha ball after catching it.
Beaver endt have been noted moatly for their deTentTv
Tke Tbomptati kid b the to af memaraM CawalOa
-fCWef) TaoaVpoeti, tke Beaver ttiadeot of many yeart
ago aad eae af the top ladlta athlete, af all time hi the
Narthwett Tha Chief ca ached at aetrby Ckemawi aa
aa MMjg aga, ywaU raeatl, aad pradweed tkaaa crack Ip
ilia toami that did ta well m tke ttate'a Clem R area) -tawebdawa
whirl Latt we beard. Fop TVamptoa wti la
the VegglBl baetaeM at Silett. ...
One of tht new looki at the village i Lone Oak race track
thit ae matter It tht absence of the treer surrounding the
aoutk tun of the court. They were taken out at a man
ure af taiety. The (had from tbera uted to keep tha tharp
tan coatinuaHy damp and allppary after tha rttiU by Um
vator wtf-. . .
Crowley Leading
Insurance Open
WEThTCrlSFIfXD, Cana , Aug
11 i - Bob Crawley of Weston,
aa . . , . 1 laaertiptpuimi taTt. axlinM VkliilUf Dial aai
1"L ,Trel"iBerk,ley. T.xa. 'christian enter
Open 71 hole goaf uxinuunaat at
the halfway mart Hit t-andr-par
in was on strwkt batter lhaa
anybody rise t. but aobody would
concede tnything.
Right behind Crawley were
Gardner Dickineoa of Panama
City Fla . and Ed Whalwy Jr .
of Salem. Matt . wha had shared
thr opening day lead with Crow
Baylor bat II letlrraiea. with
trraaadaat Bae praaanrta bat
wlthsol the barkfWId area of
Texw Terk, a aaeaikrr f the
reafereare hat aat r lift hi la
ct i trie far the rkamaieaahlp.
alas krgiat practle Maaday.
Wlafc BeToTJ ltjt)4e?efgsyitj, fdjaatPsk
De Will Dearer eiaeela ta area
aeavirr aa lautiar rat kit uieat up In a match that looketl
k. a.. . . I lik 1 runaway ia th early ataget
11 Ml
Britain (ained iU (int singles MtHhrri ra. n 1 - ka
point when JO-yrar-old Alan Ru rMOT fM lku atatana a
sell turned back low headed Jor kiif-nil irarki eniana. trsa
Ctmpbell of Knotvtll, two and ' JmMH.
M It ? 1 A W (I4r1ai 1 MM.
ram tt It I - Jwllaa iltSryl MM
out (hit way
Dr Frank Bud 1 Taylor of Po :
mona. Calif., outlasted Artisan 1 a f CI A
golfer Douglas Sewell and on giypf C
match that looked
d ri
First game. Sept 11 .,11 have from OarUvllle Ten. defeated ! ' W " "
L,hS7B.ip, Sc,,,0,, ,hrf ,nd ,w0 I nmycrsco. Aug 11 -
H IL 12 Jn. m1. UT "Mn Ent Co,ch Frankie Albert continue, t.
a Wko. Rice 1 and Louiinni SU , Air r-T Lml HlU. frincisco lineup m
clashing at Batoa Rougr. Southara I Rahnini M,mDn ... .-d ...lT LP"
Methodist tackling California at:, ilnc . ? ,i " .
Ulning Kanaaa al Forth Worth.
Artamat plaving Oklahoma State
at LRU Rock. Texts and Georgia
getting together at Atlanta and
Tern Tech playing Texas
State at Lubbock
Seattle, Vancouver
Win, in Softball Play
tiontl football Irai " pre season
victory tomorrow
Faring the Cleveland Browns in
1 (tme atarting at I M p m ia
Knar Stadium, thr aWi are sche
duled to open with rookie John
" - BrSar at erterl-ck
yZJllL 'a,JTl feaeb AkVeri aaad II
Sit aarigriaj nma m wm iwur
it MHl't Softftnall ToUriTaaUTMIlt
, , w trad Its second day af play
uar wywninx umj iraa wiia vrew- . f . 1 j.
ley. and young veteran Boh Wall Plan Ana 111 Set I Rica Parentl and Duane Bawer
nf Prav-MWk U nnr P. mh witk v
each with
Major League
hurled Seattle ta t 44 victory aver
i The innu.l Willimettr I niverJ f f"u; M 6ey
ty "Family Plan lor seaaon "',,yJn n" Umm
athletic aciivitie. will t(.in be in, ZL7 a,.,
lelfect dunn, the cam- J?
paigns. it ... announced yeeter rf
y Icy, wh fanned II before leaving
I The All Sport Special ticket, for the (am after tht tilth Innlai
til home football, basketball, nose
national uagii til home tootnaii. pastetnaii. naa hi another game today.
ui tt ,?, in? it r!2. bu lni lrck rvrn, "'" lllor beatea Motcow. Idaho, potted t
MtrTNtw tavk it in it im JM tch lor adults Special seaaon 4.1 victory ta drop Tacoma from
Baktaaaa, riarnaa itt mi ii ia w rites on bckett lot other mem- the aVwbat-euivBwrtita Unaraey.
sVkeM. mil m tri n in j 'm,1' ,n "ratAn
orwat, nttaawrtk itt M a) in lit A. adult iraean footbtl ticket will
XXWSSSR .5 Z r, Hi f '-' ' hth in
riaaaa. BnaOIra 111 111 II 117 Ja) bt M
neaaat, pmakek lit Ml a Itt tot Orders lor thee Ucketi can )
a."JT "'arr'c": ; "
tata, to; Maatai, at Lwata, to; Crewa, 1
Clwrlwaatl, tt: tutkawa, tlllwawkea,
to; Mara. Mt Terk, M P.jaf.-v firour, 0
Bwat kaaad to; Aarea, Mllwaakaa.i ---r--
IM HaaUl. at
la eeteraa
eearterhaeft T. A. THtto mwat of
tke way aa tke ttrra beat the
New York Glaato. M-IS aad lb
Waablagtaa Redsklm n-.
Cleveland ' Brewaa. embarked
aa a rbHdU( aretraiai, wpea
vMk a aaehfteM kwhstaog Tea
0 ( aearn. Itcaii flHwat ewar
lerbaek, Ryvaeaae AB-Aaaertraa
Jim Brewa at fallkark aad vet
rraaa Ray Reafrt tad Freetea
Carpeater al tk kalrVaea apata.
San Fraaciaca wiU use rookie R
C Owen from Little College of
laaha at th flanker beer and will
try Bill Bowman, eccr-r1rd 'rem
Detroit in a trade, at fullback
Lrnta, tl; aada.
ra, paw xarx
Hold Field Trail
Tht Oregon Brittany Club it ta
Braaklya, at; Hart,
Craw 4 Ctntlnmaav tt
laiurn i.BAavtTa
e ab a iM hold Hi Fall r ieid trial on ocp-
"u? is s 's is sr,rr ? Tr'
w-aiia. cieveM in im m it trJiHart' Ranch, eouth of St. Paul,
v. BaNhwart in ii n jii by Wtrrea V.. Smith, chairman,
SSL..T.r.i5S! 2!ilie1".
Miaaaa. rktaara in tit to III ,"t event. exoectetl from III over
limn. Waakewa im tit a iti jet the Narthweat.
aaaee. naw vera in JJl il a xm 1,-1.-. -,n k. a. r.tra ml Writ
Hats met! Mawtte. nw Tart. M: i Jwlt will be Bee Fury et urn-
tttrtrt, WMhlattaa. M! TTIHIaaai 1
Btitaa. II; Catovlta, CMvelaad, U;
Maawtfl. Ptlrett, U.
Bant kattad to: tWvan, Waak
katua. tl; Man Itt. Naw Tark. tt:
a: mneea. castaae.
Mew tark, tt.
ask Columbia.- Deal Allen. Rica
hmd. Wash.. Phil Unt. McNary.
Or., and Lou Tippet. Portland
Trial headquarters wiU be m the
alarms Beta here.
1R011 mum
Immediate laatillitioa
tutiKts o rsmm o iotas
Proper Instillation
Is Villi to
GOOD Heating
A beatiag plttt will aper
tte at tap cfflcwacy ealy
if at to property laaUIlati
Oar aaea are aaalified by
trtiaiag aad experience
ta Brake year Iraa Flre
aia knHttiag tyttea give
yea ataxlaaa retara ea
fee)! nm flwtaVv
l'3 :ii ifi.M ttititl
a aitui
M 241X2
Ore ruttat loath, etclwtivo
with lad Win,. Meat wetee
repallent leather known.
9 Wde-rypa cwtkiea crape tola
with nail-lets caneeructlon.
d) "Sweat - Proof" laatkar
insoles, waa't erack ae
hs Meuisian's
179 N. Commorcial
Opn Monday and Friday Till 9 P.M.
34 Yfrari Serving th SaUm and Surrounding Aroa