"Tomorrow s ' Sunday Nm"bl Satciol Ckarck Activities ia Sclent end tit VtBty Remodel Project Finished 1 Selected Baha'i Conference Pastor lo Talk Will Begin Today At Two Church Kites iunday grata hae beet 4Haaag m Oar Flret CM(Wri CWc tana M tkt Kn lew crttfg MtiaiMe ta r r km rwaaa aad tha It r ta rt- i-daj BaAai FMtk Cee th btii Are Teaching (am .gi aev t) rm at tat Mr int Wiaetieri gjut. wet a ! Marjane aa witk tar Salt 1 Group at Wan ,nrt aWat af lUaua, lut aa Mara Gtaaaty a<atig pre l taat "Let t Mrs. Bt aa eanpatre ai tht . , eei Lakeside Services Planned awaat at t al betweea M rmataa rwora aad lit at TMeTtT-4oid awarv tew ear paitng aaa) the cawattart racial a af the r WMW Bilk Saai - w 1 . . at 13U Up Pacific TeWcVwa, and Telesapa OeraH Amuta d! wart aW JZaJT L-aVZI la. SeocU. ka bm t Ban t turn Suaday he neirvert rJ eZTTl tpvuarr by PiuaiiT ar ai t n s a tlx ata. tht kim at I a at tar his Tran and ba wwrte a Se- cwagrwjerM at Lmmaauei uooai Baa 1 adanuautr alive at CWc. sad lata treat ae M fare a OUmatl (Jl ai at Oka T""'' Lytheraa el 11 m ia the Bah 1 Hauaa at raAta N af tat Re A L Sr-tac h Bo., ai M.nrrr M Partfw " " th " Huaona Car ana Feudr. C. lUatat ha , I,ru"" Uthw "" M Failk UirMfkM th, " ' m O' VhouJ arttert I States end Alaska TV l1 ."' Jn,d" ... ,1 ,. Ljjti 1 - " int inurm lor last Marc Staolr tne bou rff aa tfct trra rommaut at U at twiaj aatcMMrt and iW T riaaixatioa naMiac -fu haa brra tacalwa fur Ilw Sunday H-tiual diiaiaa. f lrSl t hrUlU llkufi-B i.r4. .1 . " !k,T" " ' Lax' tall protrarr. -wnda, will) tht tU-v .1 R CORNERS KH -- M SflmM vjnairt H mambara Tna- HM Coumjr c i rrKY and Dua L.la aUodl Churc 01 tacattaa Suaoaj mornm H II tin cut rwjih diraitor ia chargt at In 7 La bar Day varkaad ai leaot 01 ataruaa Tmt Lib- 1 m arrMcw Tu will bt a Lyda . yrifwdiat Ourc. Siapanar arty at tht laAviauat ' under Ok muwrai. viU his parents Mr and , cms ai Suttk Lakt This laaJrrship al Haad Man aad Rut Mrs T J Lyda and. his anlrr ,n it) tamiN pragram at taUw aafi Naflra at tna arta comrrui Lau all at Aitrravilk and hat . -k k i ! U I Bni Sir HIm Silhi hrMK aim . i . , . t. . b ; aiSpirBUaa I 1 ii ytmm- - r - - " ' win-iw iww ntl a paarl atrrvury m rnt rammtaat as ana sirs rrmury sis tad by Goadia Nrttrt will Itad el Chnat at Dttrar). lonninf thr Tht camraiPw tf arajret caaavstad ai Trrt Vracttry catriaVa Mr Hartad 0 Rjd and Jalta Cnmnar r,-aam Otnrr arajaru camataud r rbf ta tnt tummtr iik kudr thr Jrca raiiea at Huatuvflw. Hait maiaila tasa at ataf draprrtn am tnt trtctiaa af aa artittir VAw hfbtrd si(a 1 tn( int aa tit rfturr Tuui coat at thtt pr avu amoumrd la M )( -a ia itbdmi sum rakimttrtd labor and materia is Ai tht :a a m uriip 'itrfta Dr kriarf iH pf ra ea Tpm makutf Has lu Plact Tht Chufxti Sihool ill rwumt or Stpt I. and at trial timt IV ! Stitesmaa. Salm. Ore, St, Aug. 31, 157 (Sec IVT; a4ccomp5jnenfs Listed by 85th Congresi aat aaa-i I AaWMUfT ! first aaaaaaa taaay PVaaaOtal Caatasana- I rtlaaaiaa af aaruaaa caraarata fSaaara (ammaaaaa dutaai td af jaa&ar mara aaraana tai rwaa aad tairiad to Saan latn Camnuciat Iflaas) eaatrsi OS Ul raua r.WwaM M arraaaa Sraati' aaty aaMaaca ai - -- a ami tmmd Eaanaxaaa araua tan a td at hauat aad Lax far an anas ava aarat aa ara aadeaae pi sail Laasaaaa at UH taaaS aiatai iriatl barraariad pawajr aVttxlH at tirar rar ata t Ttaaatar'i CaaacaaidJ Mit ttaa la NrU Salsaj ti tW Rr Jaka R Su4tl Hit daUts start Sal i. had nat af art argniauva arafrava aaad final Li' sf a t raaaanabrrad ama hts sary, ( aaay fet hacataat a aas 1' Oaf first Catajraas aiakt int past Oval 1 ar Raraaainanaaa ara la aet a a Ml naws ssil . WIsctlaaT t cavsral a fasal had COnQTCfS TniTIS aadaacra Caara araaada at, . r, Om adasraasan DUQOer fNeQUeSn Caafraat rat artmai at ral dW durtat 4MitTtM. lac - tat aaaaaaa. aa ramaaiad by tha Omcaai tajaraa ' by aha ai attar aiauaa Maaai AjaraaraaiaBaa C af aatvrai las ara dkaitn rrata saderai caatraL AtaJaartxataai tar c aaatnatlaaa af tht Hclla Caayaa Dam, aaaaatl X-va- attty Aathonuooa lur caaaatnsctaaa af tar Frywt faa A-htaaas Radav irvataaa araatct . St. Timothy's Mission to Install Vicar aar church t ciock aorslup till bt h 11 AMID ai tht tampararr at a arfai him! aa thr mr sua at Utt aTmad laws Tkt si AuLhontauaa at W talha-dal- lar aracraflt at rruiitarr caaatrjf- i ' Uaa htrt aad abroad ! pTanawa tar list taduclaaa af aar las tWai yaat shat anrtrs daatnu and ailwd sot- htfaa My I. ' cifeiau lata Uar armrd lama Premiss mm lor tht frawdaat ta prdt nanarmc aad irtilKary atd tar Uat httddat t.ast St Timothy i EptacapaJ Miaswa t-'antinudact af tht mutual as u North SaJtm wiU tratuil lU first araajram n to anara- vicar Stpl I ahra Utt rU Joha 9 n VnarWT assume his dutMs " r r""'"1 aVdV' af tht amarttsauaa ctrfkaua Mr Stan BILU NOT INAiTlD RoaMaa ai status - m af a i ana at ta rtramt armad atr vaa pan atari tram rnm.n. ju- nadxtaaa Mrttta ceuttnea aar Rraaotauad at maumin a Rnstaa at tht Ttatsaaaaa Val- catrad ' AjUtarttt t fttatcias aaaratanj Admasaaaa at Anaa and haa.t st-wtjrt paaatd Staatt aal; la aaiorwm; Vporaai m tattmata eaaapacia asuauary haaRh tnauraaca lor at.if iU ajvaaaid talhl . Rtajmramtat tw ttandiind ir& sjiarao pAsatd Hauaa aary trai bud(c aa aicnafd sprndin rs"ir'ta. lew ta 1 baa ii aaaaad amatt aat Tradt loatwaiMa Rtxiramaai pat and athtr brnt- Homt ru tar tha tNatnet ai fits tar harmar prtatarau paM CalumrMa Staaxt aay Faual nxhis Mr aanaa Rt aata at ttrvtioa ai Leartmn at a ri M a) at It Crtataaa W cammitt it ttu! yv 4 Sis.- tttciian aurrraatnti am) dutMs al sptrt- tht rraaidral and utt net pmt at N sba aid aaaay (sat Ciitm I r I a a 1 4 KJaa.aa aa mat raaaatai avaaaaaaww s rtai sadrsti haat iaaaary. Elara- la M C ata appi artaaiaa wtasta( aaaa. baa ttar. ht acaaad I rbrart daaa by HJaa taa aaa nt(t oa Utt af a budtt wm commit ;r pauatd Vnatr raturad wis! or v.-aja aa tht first jnti and aayi ta tmprovt tht a dtanusraa M k Baha I Group Fuactiona at Baha i Group and EUukhnt ,rt will bt rtfular church Baha i Atatmoiy i.ita at Suttlt Laht thr Tftt rvrnit program at a musK-ai tram a A spwaJ program at tha Tint Christian ill ftt under way an 7 Stpt I whta tht Rtv V L Int A Hartluig prtachiag a c loch win bt a aprciai tall by pawor m int rirst naptist Mrs Virginia Martig former """n -in tpu. int mommy Sht will sprat an ""WtJip dinnrr This is iht fir-i Tht I nloldmeiil at God s Ettmal MTlr t' on J awar-ia-iaw int) Rat f I ' I and Mrs Gkft l.da at tht CWrh f hlirrh I ITP of Clinat at Drtratt larrmnt in. VollUIWII ll I C Institute Due At Lebanon radtacad bnaxKing rVfarmmt af aay-itrnu gut aa tiw ynnun ai tK Rt Great Bntait s ioana rrom tnt Rtt Jamta T Carmaa bishop VnHs-1 SUttt tht Fader al Natioaal coadjgtor of Ortgoa Approval of I S parucipatioa Admolatratioa Tht bianop will corxtuct tht strv Um Intaraattonal Alamtc ta AaUaant) rar Iht Traaaury Kt that Sunday at tht ntw virar rC f"7 in -ratal tntcraat parmenu it iMrodurtd St Timothy t con- , savutgs bonds (regatta marts at t3 Hood St Maanwhilt regular 11 i R mrtroa this Sunday at tht mav Miaor iraKhftcatiaa ai tha bnrni grattaa laws rHirmtasMa ta sail ar anal small m NanHorn. as-ittant pastor ,aity Church will conduct the Saiem resident ,rs at Sunday on .01 bt conducted by Dr Dean mmrthlfa tha reo, fWt UIU A Salem Aug Brooks, lay leader Tht Rev Mr Shtdeter tat beta curate af Chnat Churrh. Oswego ta friendly aaltant. ia cempenaauea pay- ta vatarana lor sorvco-coe- aectod dtaabtlitiaa Eltaatiaa af vatarana' horn laaa and ataa guaranty programs Litem wo at tht agnruRural Ksirnaaaa af tht goernmem buuding Mase-purrhaaa program paued Wait ani RedurUaa af rabarat t a I pa aaad House aoly Increase ia poatal rales passed House ottiy Rtvjuirement lor advance notice M at buainaas mergers M Aid tor oaeloprnent of munici pal marfcttt for oertshabte tarm pradurta Aothoruatw lor a munurutlwa First Presbytcrion Church raeaaekrta aaa! W later SERMON "GaW I Waf atatJ Hoar Scaatalala" Dr Paul Paliwaj Taa aariatit AJ aadl 11 AH Ckaira trkaal at 1 41 A.M. Coffee Hour Set Sunday For Students Declaring Utt hap af Congress . . I iter v lliuruiil- a an wu -'-ri iteai - ... , IIUM tmiiTn. VVWnfJ .a. . c .W.Lal a- - A ...U , aj wa-r .w,a-tf-aaara wa.waa aaaa n- lams Plan Thest Committee member. mm oenom.natwn. f ollow, ng woman win ne among group m t tft pUns for him la start here rT? " " "ZL'T TMrmitting disposal ai surplus are residents ot Seattle and vie 'njp Mrs Minnie (amen r-ii.iou, spraa nere , h poatpontd an ." '" cornmodltea a uri in snow HllOrft m rvf rtXrK .V riri i niimin vnuivn mmmh ; tvb ... t.,..4.. trip ta the Holy Land mng and Sunday are pubbc Mon- LV tt Pirst Chn-tun Church as a part of the Institute Broth- Church Lift Development pro-a day t meeting are limited to members ot the Psilh at which lime they will discntt The Baha i Way of Achieving Consultation and consult on currant problems "brth 10-year World Crusade 1 iliated ia 1 rrhood will meet Mondav aifht at I a clock at tha church, to discuss projects for tht winter A i First Presbyterian Church ,-.,. .ill be coffee hour follow r. iht ll a clock service ia honor Saiem Baha i assisting ui con- i, dli am BuUard who hat r- larence arrangementj ar Mrt i ,rned to Ulam oilwiB hi )u Mar)one Thompson, secretary of i .i year ta tha Format Christian the Salem Group. 1M1 Saginaw i illrgr in Lahore. West Pakittaa. 1 Si . assisted by Mrs Evtly Gil and Mus Rrrnary Gilbert who brrt. secretary of the Marion " Film on Wesley JO- I ' Slated Sunday gram Ta speak will be Mis Goldie Ruth Wells lor many years en gaged in missionary wort Also to participate will be Dr George Earl Owen. Oecar Coopei H Addleman. all of Portland speakers will have chargi 2 More Soviet irtorge , -. a Spies txped two-hour Institute on world out reach training, the hour, being WASHINGTON, Aug iff between 1 and 1 n m Dr Owen ChatnruUI Walter (D-Ptl said will also be gurtt speaker at i 30 J " tout ornmitte on ua- nuaUy for postal employee tral p m dinner American ActlvRiea has learned pay raise af 11 per cent for d by Uther actiMties lor the day in saemMjt two more mem- utl SarrM empMywa elude a morning session designed " at tn Soviet spy ring ahjvutal Uat KM Extenawa af the operating au- PaaHry raapartlta thonty af In Export - Import Compulaory lederal inapectioa Bank of poultry and poultry products Sua pension at import taxes and entering interstate commerce duties oa scrap metal Permataioa for the Stat af Mew Croat wa af t Civil Rights Com- York U uat tht Niagara River lor mitaioa and protect MB of Um vat power development purposes lug rights af all ciUaana Incraaa la borrowing authority Eatantioa ti the Praatdent i tu- of the St Lawrence Seaway Cora, thortty la raorganta axacutiv Cootinuatioa ai tht fadoral toua- ageatoaa subject ta congreasJonaJ i program. wiU bwar d-ra- . ipayirasnu. Pay rait averaging t an- Eitanaioa af tha proram af 10- I ta Khool dittrtcu affect govefnmenl activHiet. PrsvaMoa for lederal lndernMty First Church of Christ, Scieaeisf CheaaekeU aad Uberty (ta. MMaf QMxJ SfTtitM Naad ll Ma-aa. Baaday BraMaJ tl I It a as. Wedaeaday Evealag Meetlag at IN -it leaie Wedneaday lor rvew loun y (.roup. UW Vtiurman ' . . k . . . . tluo morning session orMgnen " " w - Miaonsnmera at an airways ..,in-t aljimic reactor hatards . ... j i -k. .. . .. . JL . graphical sketch ot the Ira meter i, ,.h.M . k...k l nnxt h. ..ni.r-.w ri. u. i ....i... i i ... tgainat aiormc reactor naiaroa r k to sail tor curm-i ami rir . ir ana airi verne Annur. " '" "nn wii. - - nwucimseuvn uwwv. an. her she will take her Jun 175 w McGilihrist St. Miss Kath " lh 'lytn moiement. will he afternoon meeting on thr uh- Walter named them in a state- navigation problems. i..r rar at the American Inner int (iouiet. ftt 3, Mr and Mr. prenenled during the 4 45 m I'1 01 tunc'iontl nrg-niia!lnn of mcnt as Dr and Mrs Henry iiiuicn ana n ennr union a siHino .iinx. inrmer luiiuraiiixen Amer. Thr Church icans who have now la lien Ana- AulhoritaUaa lor tha Atomic trian ritizenshin Their current ad- Energy Cemmissioa ta ceotiau lis conairucuen prograrna bibb, it of Beirut Thr For run Board of tht church iih headquarters in Nrw York, make travel arrangements and (ieatances each year for an in r'rtmng number of college, stu rtent. to spend Junior year abroad in thr inleresti of International undrrtiaeding aad good will. Or Paul Poling will be back In thr pulpit Sunday morning tt fth Hit 1:4$ and tt Um II o'clock "meet speaking tn "God 1 Wage snd Hour Schedule " Alio Don sid Glecksfr. choir director, will hr hack ti soloist after 1 summer .pent in choral work at Boulder "lo Th first Fall Choir re ! Aaron F. Bowen. Ml Laurel Ave Mrs u I MS V GLmI Lb., .t C W C. Mr. ...b . .. ,l,m suoyen. irm inurcn 01 inr .'vaiarene un vi'nr. Attvnttr Caaatraetlaa Helen C.iUigtn. Rt M Tepper , . . . ,, Lane, and Mrs Vla VanBuakirk " " """ " l 1970 Sunny view Avenue Labor Holiday Services Due Dr W BerUvky Ormond. oastor of Calvary Baptist Church, in hf.rstl wiO b tt ? 30 on Thurs LJ " .LTViL:. ' " 7-7 "t church it rtk . ' l- : e. ... ' .0. .. a m. worsn.p Knrirr sun- tncf tht 1.,) , Suppor motion picture will be one of thr church detrgates from Unn and many extra feature in the ob- B"Uon roun"f' servanre of thr third anniversary ol the South Salem church on Sunday Dr. L. T Edward, evangelist. lecturer, and prophetic teacher, of Lowell. Ore . will be the gue-t minister at ll e clock Mr Kd wards has evangelist nation. New members will be received will include dree was lifted as V'Mnna Protection of FBI rile uaed aa tvdenct la courts ILU KILLED Ftderal aid far construction tf acheolt; defeated la House SALIM TWJTM CENTI1 tie cotart bit) w Inn VlMlai tat l-eett Chapel of Tht Woy raotaaatty Ceaaar af Warthlp Taasaartrtly Larated at YMCA CHAPIL Tatuga St, Eatraare 1 II ftaaday Hear Dr. Vk-ter Mag Iwerd SUIJICT: "Whet tardea Da I Cerrrf" Evrryaat Wrleease Adventists to Fight Ban on it u e clock Mr r.o a 14 I iBT.lrP.proit Sunday Work Wtlter said SpKi. t physxitn tkptrtrneatai reactors and native of Austria, was uaed by th Russians in tha atomic vienct field. H entered the United States ia 193t and left lor Vienna ia 1K0 Wtlter made t point of a report that Spilt In I Mi worked in Albu- Brownqll Not Candidate for .on.NM C0M 10 M "Governor WASHINGTON, Au. Iff -Atty Gen. Herbert BrewatU Jr. day evening. Nazarene College Quartet to Visit Church in Salem day will center around the theme; Holy Communion I will be eon sta nation Mn. Spiti, the forrner Beatrice Rabinowttch, wai described as a . ..,... i i j . l UKTLAND, Aug so iff - Th , t Jaaid today he will not bt a candt- ....ia r. a j . . . ti l i ritFT war vrvitan iar w mnruarv . ... ... k.A tk aaka.k . fka iet- , OVWM UMJ AUVmilM V IlUn '"' ; " . ' ' IflT Af NW YOTft. held over the, Labor Dt, weekend iH'r tt 7 The ,id ch1i.n' ST??. '2JPd. ' rurthermore. Brownell aatd. h -w-v.-. th. ih . s.m., lnt rlm 01 " " ttthouc - . I would not "be in i poaltioa to Church U ban Catholict from tung tnt Morrot eapionagt tp- mMtA . nnmin.,u. i- that ai. . b , n.r.ti,. w.ll irf htrf IK... . r- - woraing on sunaay. r " ws But the Advent tat will oppose lornT uld they had no Intention any tttepmti to pass city or state laws forbidding Sunday work. imiA VM. r A CA.I.,U . dent of the AdventisU North Pa 2 NeWS AQenCICS cific Union Conference. j , He mad the statement follow A HHH tn I lt 111 111. " . B. . B. . . BT BMI.W. ins a religious uneny council meeting here -yesterday. Seventh Day Adventists consider Proposed congraasiottal inveatl- latioa af Itatlenal mooetary and credit ttructurt; defeated ia Hauaa. Financing af flood Insurance program authorised Utt year; de feated la House. Authority tor th President lo appoint a national monetary and God Doe Care." Thia It a met- (k. , lk. , eari G4 Wrr art Lrvjp, by pigtor Jirm.E Kr,t, of lev u H J.vc Hi. So. t rtn-lt0 (he tnnivrrury 4ty, torn for mankind. Th metstge will be incorporated Into the moments of Communion. Professor to DAlk Th 7 p m. service will detl r roresjor 10 3P with lives in everyday work Thu p-of. jyniti ScBultie af WiUam ' Th Voctlairet." t ltdlet qutr let Irom Northwett Nutrrne Col message is baited upon II Cnrin- ... ,,...,. M, .,. m, Irgr, wUl bt Itittired la the T.X thitna I I. I'"' U,vw,,tJ' ty ,h morn' Sunday evening service tt First The Laymen s Retreat for all ln t Knight Memorial Church of the Nittren. meg of th church started r riday i Congregttiontl Church Sunday it i Saturday at the Sabbath and hold of returning to the United State. For China Trips This quartet it traveling In the evening it Camp Arrah Wtni t Interest of th Nturene uwegt located at Ntmpt. Idaho. The Rev and Mrs. L Wetley Johnaon. lormerly of Salem, will accompany thr quartet. He it business man grr of the college , Thr public It invited la thai cdl legr service. '11 o clock Visits Planned By Church Youth With Banners Flying" h ht topic chosen (or Sunday by Dr. Wayne Greene of First Christian Church. "The Lord It My Shep herd" by Uddl It t be tung by Beth Glfford at tha 10 U serv ice AI 1 p.m. church youth will participate In the monthly Com munioa ta Shut-ins service, with th Chi Rha trout) returning to the church lor the mack and study In the Fellowship Hall and the CVF group going to tht home of Gtry Frimt for a I p.m. barbe cue tad study period. Pastors' Column -r t Sitae. BMW! TMt tahuaa wa. eetalaated fa Tkt ttataaaaaa'. aatarday ebartk aas by Ik talma Cammed at chart aad aaaa ta waulkatlta fiasa say ekarth pasta at the arta. Tha lal- Htl ttriet at hrttf, thtagbt-ara-tklag. aaa-daet-taal Mraaaaette la TrlBlty Mtthadlst Chank. His praatrtd by tkt Bt. Jet A. BardMg, ekalraaaa at ta Caanrirt eda- aaaiaa amati aa patter as Triaitr mtwaaitt caartk Itttt will twUttt ttatrlkatad artstlat far lata pakHceUea. Communion Rite Planned Sunday Holy Communion will be con ducted at Central Lutheran Church Sunday tt tod tt ll a.m. Pinter Harald Grlndal will preach on tht tixth BeaUtude and hit ser mnn theme, wUl bt "The Port in Heart." Music for the first service will be by Mitt Marilyn and Ctrtl Bloch. the soloist for tht 11 a.m. service will be Mist Jo Ana Blunt Th Evenlnt Service tt Central Lutheran will be family night Luther League proram tt which time the -mint people who attend ed Bible Camp will bring their report. Special Services Held At Open Bible Church Snaetal aarvieaa are In nrotresi at First Church Open Bible Stand ard. Evangelist Brycc White of Rriggsdilt, Colo.. It conducting the special services. H las a tpecltl ministry ol praying for thr tick. Services start nightly at 7:45 p m. except Monday ind Satur- POUJI YOUR POISON OAK Some time ago I met a man wht had a fascinating hobby, woodworking shop. The tools In hit garage this man hat I that he had in his shop were aa different from those that 1 had seen in many other shop. But there was one thing -that wai different That was the material that be worked with. This man had been polishing poison oak! He showed me pieces of poison oak. Ht had a coffee table with Inlaid blocks of this poisonous pttnt. 1' doet believe I have even teen a more beautiful wood. I found out that he It probably th only man in America who works with this woodland peat. Some time ego some of hit friends, who knew that he liked to work with unusual woods, de cided to play a prank upon thlt man. They found ta unusually large poison oak vine. Very care fully the friends trimmed the vine and then brought It to the worker of woods. Instead of throwing the piece of poison oak away my friend decided he would accept the chal lenge and use the wood. At first he neutralized the wood ia am monia and water. Then he bur ied tt in sawdust for about nine months. When at last he cut tht vine he found t betutiful wood of light and dark brown stripes that looks something like tebrt wood. He then polished and lac quered the poison aak. Sometime la every life a per ton ,is handed t piece of poison aak. It may come In the form of disappointment, failure tor row, or tome handicap. The greatest people ire those who learn how to neutralize and pol ish their poison oak. Paul, the great New Testa ment missionary, was thrown Into prison. Other men would have given up, but Paul knew how to polish hit poison oak In prison Paul preached to other prisoners tnd jailor. He wrote letter to churches that make up a great part of the New Testa ment. Ptul give yi the secret of handling the worst tlTat life can bring to us. Don't concentrate on the bad things that have hap pened to you. Lift up your eyes to One who hit power to chtngt defeat into victory. their religious services on t h a t day. Elder Scriven said hit church "stands for the complete separa tion of church and state and maintains that It It not tht tight of any group or church to influ ence the state ta pass lawt which will infringe upon tht Gad-given right of man to worship tr not to worship according to the dictates of his own conscience." Earlier this week, Archbishop Edward D. Howard of the Port land Roman Catholic Archdiocese banned Catholics from performing all but essential work on Sunday. Church Building Eight Room Unit ttattaaaen Newt ttrvkt CLEAR LAKE, Aug. - Con struction of in educational unit on the Evangelical United Brethren Church here hat begun. It will eventually consist of eight class rooms, tn assembly room, kitchen, rettrooms, and furnace room. Work will progress is funds ire obtained. Much of the work is be ing done by volunteer labor. On the building committee art Archie Gallihugh, chairman: Mrs. W. R. Missey, secretary: W E. Savage, T. C. Mason, and Louis Adams. WASHINGTON. Aug. 10 Iff-Sec- retary of Stat Dulles today add ed two more organizations to th list of newt agtnckat autharited to send newsmen Into Red China North Amrlcan Newspaper Al liance and th Wall Street Jour Ml. This brings to th number of reporters who will go to Red China if that Communist country will permit them to enter. Each agency it permitted one representitlvt, but Scripps How ard and NEA have designated th same man, Fred Sparks. State Department press chief Lincoln White told his news con ference thlt NANA and tht Wall Street Journal were added be cause they informed Dulles they wanted to send representatives to Red China for tix months ar longer. flee.' Brownell set out his posit Ion In a letter to Joha L. Casey Jr , New York attorney. Casey had advised Browntu of the organization of t commit! to work for hit nomination at governor. BrowneU't letter said: "I deeply appreciate your confi dence and that af your associates oa th committee, but la all can dor must advise you that' I will not be a candidate for tht gov ernorship nor would I at hi i pe tition ta accept a aomlaatloa for that office." The U. S. Army Air Defense School it Fort Bliss, Texts, first hid the long handle name of the U. S Army Antiaircraft Artillery tnd Guided Missile School. Alliance Church N. M at aaaa tiaaaaiaiat evtv erweertatesw 41 SUNDAY KMOM 11 :tt -TMt BltSSINOt Of TNI ItOKIN IODY Of CHtltr I M -OlVlttO WITH BIVII I. K. ttxhalw, rtrlw WltCOMII BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH N. Cottage tad D It. Rev. Everett A. Barker ' MS l.m.-libl School 11K)0t.m. Worship Com. 7t30 p.m.-Wriat Prayer Can Do" FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Marion tnd Cottage Sta. 1:30 ant) 1M5 "With Baiaeri' Flyiag 7:90, Worshltt "Christ Aad Tt Ead Of The World" MINISTERS Way Grace Daa Boat FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Dawatawa ta Tall Whit Spire 9.30 aiWlltOOt m. Uva Wlthovt Stralnr Soloist, Ptul G. True blood Broadcast 11 90-11 00 KSLM BROOKS H. MOORI Mlaltter SAINT PAW'S EPISCOPAL 1444 S. UbortySt. sunoayTirvkis l ie Helv CenMeniee : fatal! Servke 11; Holy rattiuiaalea Miasma, VFW Hall Bead t it KM. Rev. Ge. H. Swift, Rector A Cardial larhattoa la Exteaaed to Toa to Attend . . CHURCH SCHOOL f :4S MORNING WORSHIP TtaJtfTlcai 4:11 T4TKdttfeMrtt4 aad let. L Writ Jteawa Mltaa)taV tjf eataltl First Church a the Kizirent Center . at Uth 1 EVANGELISTIC TEMPLE Mertet St. and) Park Ave. I. A. Urton, Ptsror MS AJM.-A firiendly Sundty School for til th family 11:00 Ai.-intpirlnfl Worship Service tV.30 PJW-Youth Fallowthip ( 7J0 P.M.-Old-fthiontd Rtvivtl AAeeting Thurtdty-Prtytf for Hi Skk-MO P.M. Wa eilead to all t. aetrty trekoast to Ikes ftltklatptrlag aarvlcet Tht Christian Churches Invite You COUtl Slim OttBTUR 17th and ( eart Worship l:W s.aa, l:U a. a. 7:11 p. at. Ckartb Bcboel t it Vaatk aad Adult Ftllewshlp t it ran cttii.ii Marlon and CetUga Cbarcb School 1:45 Worship aad Ununaalea 1:1 tJau t il a.atM VM toa. Votrtb Fellawship Begia (tN n. ax. laaoi IuaS oiinui itU Mtrk ttrMt Chnreb School 1.41 Meralag Worship 11:14) Taath Fellowship :N Wershlp t:N p.ts uian (Ruirj n mm (Ckrtstlia) 4Uf Skyfla Read Chnreb Bekaol 145 Morning Worship U H Taatk Fellowship 1:11 Warship ItM P-av The Lutheran Church of Severn ( WELCOME YOU ST. MARK'S (1) L C S41 North Charrh Servicri l:N t. m. aad U H a. as. Bnndty School t:M SJa. Joha L Cookie. Pasiar ST. JOHXt u c-sre.) Uth aad Cant Sta. Servke 1:M a. as. Sunday fteheal 1:11 a. aa. Walter 0. Raw. Patter GRACE (E. L C.) UM Staaayvteer Area Snnttt rVhaal at I 45 a. BL Sorvleet l:le-ll:H ia. Uwell Hell. Patter GOOD SHEPHERD (LLC.) I7t Saath Carcial Servtcet tt t it rax. tnd 11 i.bl Sanday School B:U a. ax. O. W. Ebrigbt, D. D, Paatof FAmi (U. L C) 455 North Rim Real tervicei I H a. aa. tad llta Bnadav rVbeol l-.U a. m. Wtrrea W Ptehataa, Paster CHRIST (A. U C) Slate at lath Street Services t:SI liM a. m. Sanday School, f :U a. au T. M. Gekkard. Patter CENTRAL (L. F. C.) Narth Capitol at Caiaot Services t:lt tjau 11 i.a. and 7:11 a.ta. Saadty School 1:45 a. av Hart Id Griaaal Pastor 1ST CMURCH OPEN BIBLE STANDARD FULL OOSPIl USt N. Commercial Special Servke Nightly Except Man. k Sit. 7:45 Evangelist Bryee White Prayer fag the Sick Clifford E. Bar. Patter WORSHIP WITH THI LORD AND US AT FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Marion and liberty, Silent Rev. Bn Owen, Spoaking at Both Services 11:00 t.m.-"But Cod . . . Much Mora" 7:30 n.m.-"Come anal Sea" Attend Our Christ-centered and progres siva Sunday School for all tgat-MS a.m. Youth Meetlnejt tnd activities 4:1 S p.m. HEAR MAX WYATT'S FAREWELL MESSAGE SUNDAY MORNING 11 A.M. REV. WYATT LEAVES SOON ON A RETURN TRIP TO INDIA . I ' , .! I. I Rally Service Sot. Nite Sunday School 9:45 A.M. - Hear Rev. D. C. Hale - Faith Tabernacle's New Pastor Sun. Nite 8 P.M. No. 5th tit Golntt St. Salem't Only Intjapandont Church af -a 'aaMaaaMav Freed from Earthly Burdens . . . At the tpirit wings its wy homeward, fim ily tnd friends find deep solace in t funeral service thtt reverently, beautifully exprast tt the intpiring promise of eterml life. CLQUGH 205 S. Church tt Ferry : : : 24 Hr. Phone: IM 3-9139 "Every Servke is a Perfect Trilmle"