The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 19, 1957, Page 4, Image 4

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    iSec D Stafwmim. SaIpbl Ot, Mob, Anf 11 "57
Fan la. V frm SU Awe
CHAXIXS A. SP-IACIX Editor 4 Kbisns-r
TNI-EX TKB Vanagusg !
Waa ("WW Tk KM -
Reuther Urges
Auto Price Cut
ffC'j' e ft
"after Reu'ber head U'rt
Sorter ha t i svm a !' -v
B. Ttiree tutnvei e iranu'esiu"
srwrt He ha wrttsea 'he'
poair. &wri: Ksr F-"-i i"rrs-e'
-vtJuce prices or the r '.9S ! I"1
If '.bs then the i. . moderate '
1954 4m mis TVs mi In'.K' hji1
t KMnt iiikI on mftauoc
The union contrasts (to not etp.'e un' !
June 1 neit ear Reu"er ha
nounced that the unioi ail' seel er n
presejv wage gains ti '.tt mi' ha-ja.n rg
wukw ilfl cr manufacturer P"e k,maht
he is readv to scale down his ai ng ;! "r
emplosert II reduce the prices f !V cr
they sell He rails 'he dea f and
practical propoea. for " fec've
beginning in stopping and -ee's.r; "ve n
r.atKwa- trend
At this writing te MfcuifK of "e Bl
Three have made no answer 'V Rr.the
proposal The mil hrwee and wt I he
' N'o The reason wt!! ikm n.t he 'he
want te hold onto the 1100 wtvir Rr-'rier
ants them to lake off the pjie of
their products Rather :t is the.r fundamerr
al oavectior to having Reuther or an la'r
leader fu their prices or have 'o
do with the management of their bu'ines
None of them Uses to negotiate nh the
I' AW on wages and working ctvnditinn hut
know the must under the law and under
prevailing custom Rut they don t want larxv
assuming other (unctions in the operation (
their business
Reuther on 'he other hand has heen puh
ing (or years to have a hand in managerial
decision Sot long Igo he proposed i joint
meeting to discuss employnent problems in
the industry, and was turned down This
more is an eitensxM ot his pbitoaophy
The employers may rejoin that if labor
wants to halt the inflationary trend It can do
so by offering to scale dowa its present scale
of wages. Or they can accuse Reuther of
grandstanding- knowing his proposal will be
rejected, and then using the rejection as an
added weight in the sock with which to bludg
eon employers next year
As phrased it is hardly possible for fhe
manufacturers to accept the Reuther pro
posal. If it is i form of bargaining, he keeps
the concessions on his side entirely nebulous.
Hardened employer negotiators are not likely
to buy this one.
We would not accuse Reuther of raw in
sincerity, of just cooking up some advance
propaganda for his next year's negotiations,
and making capital of employer rejection of
tui proposal He wants labor to hare a higher
role in industrial relations than just haggling
over wages and working conditions. This
idea is even more revolutionary than just
the single deal which la proposed. Employ
ers, however, are not looking for that kind of
revolutionary ideas.
A news story in the business press says that
makers of Ire skates are worried over how
many skates to make for the winter trade. It
seems that last winter was on the mild side,
so retailers were left with a considerable
stock of unsold skates Businesswise. the
skat makers feel they are skating on thin
Everyone Should
Finish High School
Orefea s law requires srwoeJ a".edce
esrept a'Tr rae t the aje
ml II a kJ Um:ted cwp..
sM does wot e all the problem
Mia a h.gS "oW :,'2e: -ee- ' Ne
Ne . jTsdurrd So Ni"- at 9rrn't,
pf-eoo he na. i e'her '. tie
e- I i..prn iv qw.' 8' i vt
! s -e taJ '(K.' ,n,t i: : i.oer.:s ?.je
eer trtosfig 'he J'ter c.'se
Vre " iV ':f M.t'. f"-ee'f-
s's .s'.jcs .aH i'f st"1.. ri hen : v r
neds ie X ;M J l im-fi
h gf Kff d'o-M,' oir- He vj
' ea '.0 m.i on fiew rer " i'tf
miW of tv" tmt he si ,.sl "tc
pr'vx'ori V eelesf 'I'i- mt
f " fi- Vo he ' "-".-
neecej -rp t rrrer. -r '. . j
et ed v .1 et frvn. ' ji
s ( s ".-, eO-i''or ui yrr.
In j- -he sesre'j'-v v. '" t
nodern empis'ser is n(H nijc n'fr'rsi
spend ng ' ue rd mone' "i . r; i M.ri
ter ho has not preparesl h.tre ' for
in-e3 tra n ng s. phssic' i"it a t-i r.jn c
teed d'f'ffr1 iPOv,n' m rM.s'on ,'
neeO "e y.T fvi,v i" v i 'ui
'e . rorpprvnse kv'f 'i
a h gh ss hoi'i (tou4'r r! ivi
nf J .Of fTf 'jn 1 v
a0 ISMlX', rorf 'iii f r"'j
g-0 .i'r
rollee M'jri'"r f h e .r-e
'h.r.g eise aga n e Je..h.f an l iMn
tagei'K.j Bo : i ' recoil "i' i"v".p
cannot he 'idut'M 'or; n ,f(t K-e
one or near, fpr'r.e i.-r-xr' jr
through . gh hoo iTip.-'-' j-. f pj--' r
u'jrl. ; r en ti"' -ikf i
i hone ian ha! 'e oeres rpj'eo
We're Proud of
Road-e-o Winner
Winn n; Te-n ge Roa.fe-o nmrst takes
ni mean hilit hehinrt "he heel s insone
who hi seen one will inest It takes both
jydgment snd sk.ll ind in accompanying
wr'tien exammjiion tjgs well it the intelli
gence So ;. OLPg Noel l-ele of Stavton
won i realls high honor when he toos the
Oregon sweepttikrs
Now Noel has wjlked or drnen. off with
second place in Ihe national finals it Wash
ington DC For hn effort he wins a H5tX)
college scholarship and a tropin Kni the
sincere plaudit! if all his neighbors and
The Road-o is i venture of the Junior
Chamber of fomrrtiTTf and is one of the most
worthwhile actmtie a service club could
have Congratulations are due all the way
Priest Home
After 4 Years
Dulles Returns to Oftice
Silent on Crisis in Syria
!C 1 1 1 1 ssr fcMT vswrn. "T7
. su Sstu rMM
I Urs HmM Hut H ha Mk- f "r"n
r was vttt Imb Saw wwai i PYmwji
1 tUwaa tar a ream wsta waw e1-
TWaAav MMwSwaa
fcstai'J KK.IU jm. i- v. aoe army iWrf sal Cm.
Gik k- - c"ss7.'sjl
W ftau fXAas rw-rwe .7.1. .... v. DeoMtM
- - ik. veins rw - " "
: iHra .wl-scu smjsee tn iUaew ! ceasatat ea
I ! ajtiw
k Im lMM l ill i
te. p.
M is. k . t-.
r k use
wi mm mat I (
.-wntMete ta
aAar a it t"
Tar nam ti TW ptaa U f nHwr I,
M wi tar OwwiUH Mr Mil) was an :ht '
ratker Nmkr laM munis mwniiw Xut J1 Ba a
I awaxd abaMl a nnin-uia cw mm w tkw Sle SPS
' tm i ta tW i'nmnsl rnww pniiaa Cwnmitie ume 'wm ic
MnjMnaksn ' utai k k4 tsw murs am milia taslr rm t
m arVar lilwiH U mm mymm Ik Hcw a r tram Uw rwMi
Haas tar IS maatlw aUawaas-v lar tari(a mmt
TVs laal w f 1 koW 1 caaf yv Ssrvaa f iit-T wag arrw
rl rw IH auwr rraauw m r,, , K,. km
ana mt aaiaw -. fc CHsarad ,mMrr1 .a
rXiitn sub lanaed and rru , ng
TV nan tares a I Km kra arseri kart aat oa earn- trwr
ra ilwnr j.s 1 umo them la if , !tsl ..t, , at ku ruil '.
tses fcad was ca.erm tuc M resrrai Last twar
.hia(s apoasTatls 1 had hriaaea
- teaarl a t M
4 Teen-Agers Head Home
After Mexico Wedding Trip
V n win ifvan iin.tnw of If mbr
The state n on the prowl for ragweed
Racked with an appropriation the State De
partment of Agriculture has appointed a rag
weed killer The purpose is to present the in
festation of Oregon fields and roadsides with
this prime producer of hay fever In the Mid
west ragweed shares with goldenrod the guilt
of being the worst pest for human nostrils
Anyone identifying the weed should notify
the weed control officer at the State Depart
ment of Agriculture
No news has come in this summer about
the monsters in Lake Okanogan or in Loch
Lomond. Scotland However, a North Caro
lina editor, beating the brush in search of a
reported still, came onto a lS-year-old "nature
girl." a real life Daisy Mae. and she has been
given the full publicity treatment We are
braced though for a confession that she is a
model doing a stunt for an advertising
Russians Go All Out to Establish
Communist Base in Middle East
AP raretfa News Aaatral
The Russians, with spirited help
from their Cassettes iavak allies,
have applied full steam Is their
program ta fash km a Communist
military and political base in the
Middle East.
The recent Syrian-Soviet econom
ic negotiations la Moscow and
events since then point only ia
one direct ton an ever closer re
lationship between Syria pres
ent regime and the Soviet Woe
Syria is in perilous shape ecsv
norrucally The Russians and
Czechoslovaks can offer the re
gime ome relief from the burdens
it brought upon itself by its pas
sion to arm the country to the
teeth. But in accepting this relief,
the regime will he tying Syria
tightly to the Communist - Woe
y and to its politics
' Furthermore the Soviet I nton
should dispatch experts far this
In Syria, as well as equipment
not found in Syria." The experts
will "ga to Syria as soon as pos
sible" to premoU the long-range
technical and at omk coopera
tion This means eventually Syria
will be iwarnvJaf with Communist
bloc technicians In the time-honored
manner of the imperialism
long since cast aside by th West
these technicians will do much to
tura Syria inta a satellite of the
t'.S S R . in reality if not in
The Russians will go a long way
and pay a good price for a reliable
Time Flies:
base of operation in the Middle
Fast It is helping Syria s financial
pinch by example, by buying up
her wheat surplus, paying half in
hard currencies and the ether half
in machinery and tools. II is
easing the terms under which
Syria bought arms from the Soviet
bloc and thus put herself seriously
in hock
There seems to he little hope at
the moment that anybody in Svna
ran do anything about all this.
The Serraj clique appears already
Is have consolidated its authority
and to he in a -position to do just
a it pleases with regard to full
rollahoration with Moneow
from The
Statesman Files
The current Syrian army shake
up ia a portent of things to come
ia Damascus. The pro-Soviet ele
ment, with much the upper hand
over the poorly organized conser
vatives, seems about to undertake
a thorough housecleaning. It will
nail down the power and influence
now exercised in the background
by youthful Col. Abdul Hamid Ser
raj and his Deuxieme Bureau
Syria's military intelligence To
keep that power, it is going to
be beholden to the Russians and
In the Moscow negotiations, the
Syrian delegation got a promise.
from the Russians which they will
be more than willing ta honor. Ac
cording to Pravda, the Russians
"are ready to contribute te Syria's
economic developments in the
fields oi railway and road con
struction, irrigation, amti-uctkn
of hydroelectric stations, industry
And other fields.''
A oatamuniqua on the talks said:
10 Years Ago
Aee. U. 147
William Detail became new
sergeant-al arms oi ( apttal Post
t. American Legion, following an
election at the post meeting si
Legion Hall He is to succeed
Charles F Dorrwslla who re
cently resigned
Ll. Oomdr John Lindbeck has
heen ascigned as second in com
mand of the destroyer lSS Ro
gers in China, according to word
received by his parents. Mr and
Mrs Al Lindbeck
i 13 rears aqo
Aef. II. Ill)
S. R. Stevenson of Kugene. took
over the old Salem Brewery pro
perty al Trade and Commercial
Streets, at the sheriff! sale. Ste
venson paid the taxej on tne pro
perty, which had been allowed ta
become delinquent for several
Northwestern College of Ijiw
commences its iMh college year
this fall The co leee is the out
growth of the t niversity of Ore
gon, which was founded in Port
land in 1M4.
40 Years Ago
Aag It. 117
Mi" (isvnell Ralrlwin was the
inspiration ot a number of in
formal (atherings during her
visit with former Salem friends
She has heen studying music in
fiermany arwJ is now living al
Pendleton A few of her friends
are Mrs Clifford Farmer. Miss
Aria Miller. Miss .Iran Belle and
Miss Genevieve Frailer.
Carl C.abrielsoii said goodbye
to a numher of friends who gath
ered at the Oregon Klectric de
pot to see him off lor San Fran
cisco, where he will enter the of
ficers' training camp at the Pre-
Expansion Authority
Said Near for TVA
Billy Graham
Approves Of
'Using Rod'
He had si a.i ' mi
ihe Mnan crisis He reV1 that
ne had to caicft up mi a. I onajo
at ' V situation w hicfi oeeiov)ed
i hut a was at kii uit'ha.
K.r '.era air's "w
aaai- ia Ne e rrw
up bnng mi-' "'
er f na. V ni i.-f"""
La"0 Br-jen a-v v
Immrr VMkS.a Rjt " "
:aiA a N. mnri t tnf
M M '.M '"' r m V- '
Sum Cur j w n.4 : " -tank!
use lofnrr ttiar 'e '
taut IS " o u-t a
piaar ta New Jecse
sfler errndtng iUt a
Ptanfetd N J the i njp, J
aaaresalaaal teaanertr
w sHt ViTov a il i v -
TSf Sjtrr Urges! ptmrf pftv
(St;cef twn rrij hr the i
i a tl reela 'u iers
i'. iitmrv tnni and a second
-.m rw-r & lis ard lo mke rts
ys iiinrnmrnl rw ard Tra
m vmt iW sthorit sa .is
taiilit.r i-r inadeyua'e -y krep
pa r i'h th increasing rle
trK rru'rrmrot oi toe srea il
nrr It aked ( onnrr I r
authority te hnaoce rsw pewrr
fai-ilities b issuing hoods t
mild ha'k hv its own rr enus
( urrrn(l smh rtm-Slru tion must
he financed through dirr-t ip
propr'alions The Nenaif Aug t -ed a
rU financing hill hfigoir-ning
the chance the Houe ma do o
this year Hsnise Speaker Sam
Rarbura 'D Trta had said
the house would rmt consider ihe
bill until the Senate approved it.
even though it has been ap
proved by a House committee
hill onuld place ne kmit m the
aivHinf ni hnods TA A cwjiC is
u-e and would not require Con
grrvMHal author ui ma for all
nr no er prx) led s
sack fcstai ral lar havereal par
mrmt aa la ti aliat" la
trstiweat a TM TW arsariaal
r aid mr rraaul aa asaaef
sailaMr I arreallv Tt A asaal
aaMrtlar aaver alaasa altkla SS
? ran frwm lae dale Ikes Wfla
Seithrr hill is t-wnpieMs at
re;aible to ihe Fisenhower Ad
mimstraliuo The Rudget Rur
eau nrigiruils aSH a r4 mil
Ihio bond (eiling lones later
avkrd thai it be reduced ON
millma The Jnaes letter aisa
said T A aoauld kot use Ms pow
rr revenues ta expand enstlng
plants without Coofressiooal ap
proval and should repay the Gav
rrnmenl s appropnatioa invest
mrnt ss well as making iatreat
NFW ORk Aug IS J" Billy
(Iranam twd parents iaiglM Utew
shauid discipline their rtuldrea
and apprased with Scriptural
auotatioa la tuppart him use at
the rod and oodhd
Craham hoding special mrr
i ngs lor leea agers ia lua Madison he rrugnt nmier with ti:
Vjnare Garden crusade alas told on Svra ar send a trcwblewsnoting
the teen agers present thev rouid aide to cuosult ith Syrian Prei
gat lower beaut v and outward deal kjwatlv
charm from Chrul thai would Stale liepartmeol effu isIs said
Ail he wauld sa srwsul the r
(rTianai cut is lornc aid at
thai he had been studying daa
oa this topK tfunng hia flight bai l
ta waahingtoa
IXiiles w as me( bv I nderses re
tary Chnsiiaa Hener The two
mea iefl Sadarui Airport together
auk Hener bringing Duties up lo
dale no department prohlems
IXiiles deilined to sav whether
lasi n osi a!l oi viwir hie
In his admonitioos to parrnM
he said disoplinr must or av
rompanied bv loe and unsler
standing setting a good eiample
and regular religious leashing
earlier nu such niu .s contem
piaird Hu( thrv rnntronl Ihilles
mighi hae other idea
From t airo P i m a c u s and
Reirut i aiiir rrpof'.s ol act:ltir
thai are nut likrl to ear the
He choe as his lest a pavsage t u r d r n ( Arrericsn ottH-ials
from Ijike describing how t hrist.
as a teea-ager grew ia stature
sod ia fsver with (od
An audience of It AM heard thr
message and vol rsme forward
la man ' rtermoos for Christ
Eaacsaaeat al ta
iarrtaaa Use raaaees af fteaalo
raaflrwsatlaa af Acting
Dtrartar Araatd R
TV A Baard (laaasfeUaaa U Ja
kad aeea kalVeiag ap aaaaag T
VA araaaaeala aeraaa at a set
ter a seat a Vaale raaaaastlaa
aaklag reatrtrtleas aa Use sell
flaaartag plaa.
But Ihe death of TVA Director
Raymond R Pat a Truman ap
pointee, left the three mas TVA
Board with one member The
law requires a quorum of two
before the Board ran act
Jones wss named July 1 bv
President Eisenhower to replace
Dr Harry A Curtis a Truman
appointee who retired in May
Dr Paty and Dr Curtis had op
posed Brig rn Herbert D
Vogel. another F.isenhowr-r ap
pointee, in many questions of
TV A policy
Vogel. for instance, had agreed
with a Budget Bureau self fi
nancing plan advocated bv Jones
while Dr Paty and Curtis want
ed a plan evea more liberal thaa
that passed by the Senate
TVA advaeates kave km
la In ag aa Janes' aiilaatWa la
the konef laal he weaM Na a
wtta Vefei agahaat aaaay prop a
al they want. Tb adverate
plaaaed la kaw la seW-naaae-Msg
plaa well aa la way la ra
artwirat betar givlag J ansa a
rkaara la get an Da Baarw.
Maw, wMh Mw BaaraT aa ajaa
shy at a aaaraaa. ewaWrajaUaa
af Jawes will kav ta be spudtd
ap. wbleh la tatra wW speed ap
proval at la oetf-Awaarteg lag
Itlatlaa. Meanwhile TVA says H is
fared with a rapidly shrinking
margin between its rapacity ta
produce power and its custom
era demand for power. For four
yean Congress has provided
funds to build new generating
capacity for TVA, yet during
that period Ihe electric require
ments af the TVA area bava
heen increasing at a rate of near
ly it percent a year. TVA says
it must spend $15 million an
nually to provide capacity ta
meet this increased demand
TVA Is th sal aa palter al
pewer ta aa K,tM ea ware-mil
area covering aaeet at Tennessee
sad pan af AJabaasa. Mhwlaalp
pi. KewUsrby, Georgia. Nsrlk
( arailaa aad Vk-ghsU. Ms big
gest, nasltr la lie Federal
Gaveraaaral, whsrb esee 17 per
cent ml TVA's paver sales. Maeh
at this pewer gee la tb bag
atamic energy plant al Oak
Ridge. Teaa. Neil Mggeat earn
at TVA power ar It aaaalet
palllies aad eaaperatlvea ha tb
aevea-etat area.
la aa eflert la star art hw
medlal ahartages. TVA bas
keen as lag Ms power reveaae
U balM adeHamial eatts at eiM
lag plants. Rat M says thai rev
eaaes alaae will eat lake rare af
its needs aad paints eat that M
takes abort Ibree years I bold
new generating rapacity.
T w e financing proposals cur
rently are before Congress The
Senate-passed bill limits TVA
bond issues to 1750 million s n d
gives Congress veto power over
construction of additional power
The House Public Works Com
mittee ha approved a hill em
bodying IMS recommendations of
the three-man TVA Board. That
aid awaaajajajajswaawi
'( lalsaaig hrwai peg II
to the writings of Prof White
head He quotes a few sentences
from Whitehead's "Process and
Reality." which starts out
Relevance mast express
some real fact af togetherness
among forms. The aotolofxal
principal ran bo expressed thus:
All real log etheVnesa ia togeth
erness ia the formal constitution
of sn actuality . . . Suck a pri
mordial subject of creativity . .
is the ultimate basic adjustment
of the togetherness. . .
King trsils MeCsll "Iwelve
letler phenomenon'' which
Macy s other advertisers ar try
ing to latch onto, back te around
lass, citing at bis authority the
unimpeachable Oxford Fjiglisn
Dictionary. But the quote from
Whitehead aught te be enough ta
puncture McCaU's ballooning of
As for King, one can under
stand why after immersing him
self thoroughly ia Whitehead he
has come up for air ia the oc
cupation of public relations coun
sellor It is pleasing also to note
that he is "cashing ia" on Al
fred North Whitehead.
Walter's Bill
Would Cancel
Court Rulings
Chairman Wslter 'D-Ps oi the plot
House Committee on t American
Activities announced todav he has
introduced aa omnibus bill on in
temal security
Walter said It contains broad
new powers for fighting the Com
snunut conspiracy ia th Cnited
Among its previsions, he said
is on t protect the integrity of
FBI and ether government Mrs
te overcome a recent decision on
the Supreme Court
Another provision he said
would permit enforcement of stale
antisedition statutes ta overcome
another Supreme Court decision.
Walter said he realised the bill
could not be acted on ia this
skxi of Congress
t dim irpiM-ted the unexpected ar
rual there oi Syria President
Shukn huwallv reportedly In con
fer wilh Fgvpl i Ifesident sief
shout the Syrian American crisis
This huheiled over last wee with
'he etpulSMin Irom Damaacua of
'hrre American officials and C S
retaliation with the ouster from
Washington of Syrian Ambassador
find Zeineddin and a lesser
embassy official.
t S Plat UaleMd
In Damascus the Syrian news
paper Al Nasr hit the atreets with
the purported disclosure of a I' S
to overthrow Kuwatly I re-
Stronger Bi
Sought For
Civil Rights
WASHlM.TtA V I I e Krr
Keating tN ai1 tooigi he ,
trying to get together an niorma.
Voate House ronierernr o
out a stronger fiui rtghia torn
promise bill the adm.n,ira'iHi
cml rights leader in tn House
said he hopes to eliminate thr mrv
trial pro i.siue from thr hl. rt r
changr tor House att-eptancr nf
other Vnate changrs n the nwa
In a CHSrsslieTV inlrr,ir
In the Nation the New
ofller said Rep teller N
who would head the Democratic
conferees Irom the House and
Sea Koowiand H ettf ine Sea
ate Republican leader have
agreed lo get logether healing
said Sen 1 niton P lohmon
'Tex1, th Senate IVmocratir lead
er hut I replied ta his proposa.
but probably will do so tomorrow
.. Hied ta dn la Maryuuad iv
jet nar-ied When they rauioe ;
' ss' anvone ia Marylaad la mar-y
ei they decided t ga ta hies,-
'-vJai ai-er twa aera.g
..H ihev reached th bamer
V r and wee mamed ta a Nj. ,
.e rov Mesic coll court
'Nr.r p.aa u ins back bor
-pMt 'eierday anea tnrv
too a sifhuseeuh lour as Sue t
s. ea and another rar kmane!
.110 the vide of Ukctr
Mritfaa police Seat that tlw
Sonev moaner s car raa a slap sigt
iv that ihe car would b krj damage claim sr settled
fer heing t reeled at a Nje
A roo t rsl aid SlalKXI th lour
Naitrrt it ha. lo Ihe I S aid af
nHrv with iheir perionai b
org ngs id up ia a blanket
The uungslers wha telepnonrd
thrr 'a mi lies Friday and toid
he'r of the marriages recenrd mterday lor th horn
' p
Resident Dies
In California
Better English
'Among aO mi his friends.
he was accredited with great
J What is the correct pronun
ciation of "synod"?
i Which one of these words la
misspelled' Defautcatioa, de
fault pauperism, raucous.
4 What does the word "pre
sentiment" mean''
1. Omit "of." and say, "was
CREDITED with great honesty."
I. Pronounce sin-nodd, and not
sign-nod 1. Defalcation. 4. A feel
ing that somethine win hanoen
"She had ne presentiment that'
ouch a thing would take place." I
3 Brothers
Drowned In
Maine River
tli Three young brothers who
couldn't swim were swept te death
by a Strang thsdercurrent today at
the mouth of Morse River while
wading with their older brother off
Popham Beach.
State pouee Set. Jerome Clifford
identified the boys ss John. II.
Erwtn, I. and Edwin. I. sons of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thibodeau of
The fourth brother, Arlington.
13. was reported in a state of
shock after he swam ashore.
He said the four were caught
In aa undertow on a sandbar be
tween the beach and Fox Island.
The body af one of the boys was
found by the Coast Guard conduct
ing grappling operational In the
Suieaswaa Wtws Srrtr
WOODBl'RN. Aug H Oliver 0
McClurc, . a former Woodburn
resident who was a veteraa of the
Spanish Americas War. died Fri
day ia Stocktoa, Calif , where he
was living with a soa.
He was bora April IS. in in
Shannon, 111 . and came ta Wood-
Ibura in ltV where he was em-
ployed by th Southern Pacific
Railroad as a warehouse agent
McClure had lived in Stockton
about a year He was a member
of St. Luke's Catholic Church ia
: ; . 1 i 11-
I surviving ar sons, nosjen asc-
Ckire. Stockton; reward McClure.
Salem; Oliver i Mickey I McClure.
Woodbura; sister. Mrs Mildred
Andorfer, Michigan, half-brothers,
Daniel Cram. Illinois:, Wslter
Cram, Wisconsin, and seven grand
children and six great grandchild
ren. Recitation of the Rosary will be
Monday at 7 M pjn in the Ringo
Cornwell Chapel Requiem Mast
will be Tuesday at I a m. in St
Luke's Catholic Church Interment
will be in St Luke s rtrmetery.
Long Illness
Takes Life Of
Salem Man
Nils P Jorgenson. II of IMT
Psrk Ave . died Sunday ai his
home after an illness lasting about
two yeara. H was a farmer
He was born March l. ls7. in
Norway, coming to America with
his parenla when a boy Jorgenson
larmed in Minoesot. befor mov
ing to Salem in 128.
He ass a member of the Kvan
gelistic Temple
Jorgenson leaves hit widow.
Christina two aons. Anton J of
Salem and Norman J of Good
rich. Minn . and three daughters,
Mrs Mae Williams and Mrs Olga
Rains, both of Salem, and Mrs
Bertha Roemhildt of Durkee A
daughtrr. Mrs. Hilda Dahl of Minn
esota, preceded him in death
Announcement of services will
he made la'er by the Howell
Kdwards Funeral Home
Hm Tiirhiiiti
fitctric Jlifir
A V Ltuua
Leek For This Freoesst
Regular Service at . . .
Drug Store
40S Store St.
We filv XfC Greet SUaips
Long Tow Ends
ers of the Dutch tugs Clyde and
Ocean report the old 27,70t)-ton
Argentine battleship Moreno has
reached Japan for scrapping after
the longest overseas tow job in
history. It took M days from Ar
gentina via the Panama Canal.
Rare Lethal Dagger Stolen
From Indonesian Official
Anniversary Of
Gold Discovery
Observed in Yukon
Nearly I. MM visitors whooped it
up with this Yukon town's sso
residents during the weekend to
relehrate the (1st anniversary of
the discovery of gold oo the Klnn-'
The anniversary party opened
Friday night with the "Days of
'M" pioneer ball in which MO
persons filled the community hall
that haa been the scene of gala
nights since 1MB.
Included in the opening parade
were II Sourdoughs who came
over the trail of 'ag.
The celebration ended Saturday
night when a ISM poke of gold
was riffled at a second dance.
NEW YORK, Aug. II liPA rare
ornate dagger, Ms Wade coated
with poison, was reported stolen
today from the Riverdale apart
ment of an Indonesian official.
Padl- Immediately warned that
a cut from the it-inch blade might
prove fatal.
The dagger and fts scaboara. a
seventh-century creatiuo valued at
ti nm and a In coins were taken
from the home of Koesmartono
Prawotoadikoesoemo. He is dep
uty chief of the supply mission
attached to the Indonesian general
consul's office here. The theft oc
curred last night while the family
was. away.
The dagger, a kris. has heen in
the possession of the rrawotoadik
oeaoemo family for generations,
paased down from father to son.
"It is very had luck to steal
e of them," the owner said. He
added that the dagger is consid
ered sacred and capable of want
ing off evil spirits from the
rightful owner's family.
Each year the kris is supposed
to be sent to a Hindu monk who
bathes the blade in a solution
made from poisonous herbs, roots
and sulphur. However, the last
bath the miasiivz dagger received
was three years ago when the
Indonesian official arrived here.
Tb missiik scabbard la made
I of teakwood covered with gold
iptate and embossed with a floral
and forest scene. The dagger han
dle is of teakwood and ivory, on
which are carved figures of ani-
jmals and flowers.
A lion's head is carved in gold
; at the tip of the blade.
Phea CM S-Mll
earrtar ta aMMt
DiiIt and Sunday II II prr me.
Dally onlr tl SS per me.
oUnday enly IS wes
y aiati Dairy aad laeday
'In advamwi
In Orfoa It IS per me.
4 on thrr
T SS sis ma.
12 00 rear.
In V nuUtda
11 It ma
y null Sai aaly. IS wrrk
(In advance I SSM vvar
AaStt aarrsa af Circa latlaa
araaa af SSstrtlslai ANFA
Oresaa Mtwsaaaar
pwkiitaers a
AarertiatBf atarsataayai
WABD-oairrirn co
aaa rraarlM DarraM
wtar aoixinsy co.
Maw Tarl Ca
a SP .
4 mm d
Great Dodi Coichei ei tit
rail riwl Woatl V
r RtfasaoJ Park! h
satalert ea mbl Av
VA Paat BWe
Save With
2 Family Plan Fares
U See more (or loss whan you go eosf. Co Monday through sps
Bogh we
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U for rest ot tomsry. trmoy great scenery from Groat aw
n Dome seats on the bicensporabia Empire twtMor ... J
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CArtrot t-rrn
tm tw. w.anuM ft.
NrHawS S. Oraaaa