Don't Scratch That ITCH! New Aatiiiptic Crtam RiUms latins Iten ii Seconds Fights Furtnir Infection! To OAAjCU ! tr vara UfUl With mntfptic NcMtin you can now rtlttvt mad daning ttch in J tacotvdv and thus fight that dangerous urga to cratch' Noiain graaaa taw fur mula diroard by Notivma skin spactahsts works 3 way at one to raltava itchy tormants 1 . H't Mttwafic I Naw Nmm raliavat pain of itch Endi miaary in sacond1 1. If s nMm I Fights rmi Halps pravant agotnixing itch from spraading fasf Reief MOM (MSCOMFOITS OF HAY FEVER AND UONCMIAl ASTHMA X W saaatitwSadl Soothat ir ntation Spaadi bawling So tafa it naads no praacripttun Idaal lot culi, burnt, irrapav a vara sunburn, too. Graat (or chil dran Only 73- and $1 25 a tuba Oat raltaJ or rat urn unutad portion and gat your monty back 1 t MaaaaaM A whale ran hold its brrath (or on houi or longer Seaweed is used in making icf cream as well as iodine Four out of five lob sters are left-handed The United States exports about six billion baby bees a ai in pound packages of 3.500 insevls each Some packages, however contain only a single bee the queen Bowling originated as a religious ceremon in lathedral cloisters where if a parish lot hm bowled over his pin. he was believed to he leading a clean life A postage stamp issued by St Kitts. British West Indies show? Christ opher Columbus looking through a telescope although this instrument hadn t even been invented in his time In Venezuela, love letters ma be dispatched at half the usual postage rate, provided they are placed in special bright red envelopes The smallest flowenng plant m the woild is the wateimeal. measuring only one thirty -second of an inch in diameter The average convent loncrr is 40 wars old .ind a light tipper despite his expense account. He car lies Iwo pieces of Itaggage not counting the wife, leaves a call for 7 am. and attends business sevsions until 3 pm ti$scM V9 a Mi tt SOU) AttX -i - tai IBM UA nmm I t ' MTUHC I 'h m I Hnlisp Ctacap I. Mkaaa I h the unmarried woman someone to be pitied? Sot on your life! Head A Bachelor Girl Talks Back next week in Family Weekly S) n everY W ng -Size ' ' ""U V Wrfi TJ1 i i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 I n (VC , I BR2E is hps & W (VA