HSec 1) Statesman, Salem, Ore Sun., Au&. 18, '57 ORTORTm 5'!)rejionfjrtate8iaan "h'o Favor SuotJ 1. Xo Fear Shall Aire." Ft first Stalesmaa. March . lsjt CHARLES A. SPRAGUE. Editor 4 Publisher WENDELL WEBB, Managing Kd.tnr ri.uhd rvrt mftmini. B-iinfSi at' ct :) Nor'Jl Churrh St S.gm Ore T! FM Entrd t tn postofftr i Sj'r 0- icvi cam mnr undr ci of Conifv Mj-. " "'J Mrmkr Assort. Prri Tht Asorin1 Pth i p-';1 fri..iv e fnr repr'vluctiw f a iv.-l ne r '" if a ipjpe" Foreign Aid And 'Local Impact' We Can't Expect Perpetual Gains Both gasoline tax receipts and traffic count ers thus far in 1957 indicate t.regcin isn t en uring the toun-l ga.ns to winch it has be come accustomed ;n recent sears But on the basis of lav. revenue :he -tors behind the .ion is thjt mi tar t ms year tourism still appears a!nne what :l was .r. hen re joicing as in order Trat:ic u'un:cr .nd:t.i:e t he: e ha born a sieahle increase .n 'ravel over I S 30 Co l.jm.Na River- and a percept 'Hf :m rt-e over 1 S 5HJ nor'h '"r-Mih e!'. a- on o,r : ' ! $ Central t r. ,. r. ami t " for .!' v ' w . '. ' Santum I! ..-. ..! ' '" v .. Put 'rali.c over v ;!!e-.luncl , n C ' In ta'.k.r.i ' :ei-rter '.at edneviay night, v. . ir a-.-ta '" a'.',ua!f : ' e.gn aid aprr- rr a. on Present Kisenhower prese.1 - cr-Mence '.".a' country 'V pr..iram r..vh had ,n por-Und We o '.arvrtouvv " r.V er-! w r. .lev as ' vie-' ,h '.a.ns .rth .id M '..nn- ,!-o Tl'.ere are- o' '. : m: r isI bu . n e may te ; : -'. . KHludir; a leenc; Otir..,:n: r-eer h.. .-.! a '' ".a! '".ir- om ivVi tc' rooms !v . e vv !iv r , p. , a - la- " .-' ' .- W.T a ' .a' ."'par' nat KKon'wi-- r' .. vat ' -.r tpere n-1 h 'P1'' n p fore;" ad bill notn.n; "o ". m 'r-e "p v '--- -p rt -pe. a a.1'." i" a 'R t "" .;rfd;.ni H 'Pfoju'f S' 1 .; .r..r Ati:oq creek with eorl'-e, P ' Ko a an op-. rr - ,f he fe ! 'r-e K i rp pact wou'd no! affect the vote- xet. ae-s of '"e (.'orere.-s !n tre i ur'rnl nev i -re rep.--' a ' ird n; Srra'or Kllender of 1 ,. - an.i -.. -"a Of 'or t ""a:ica! ovp- -air -'a1 r- " ".5 horre -1 a ' p He recountr I w ' " pr o, : -avfai'.on '"p terro of ap;i.-i" at i .--ad ohta.npd for h.- horre fnx' 'ni -'art of work on Ba'on Route h.rfx r TOO for work on hanks of Red K:.er v : h1' TOO for the Atihatalava Bain e'i The -en a'or wen' on to vav he took a d.r- . ' 'f foreign a.d program and pr- rr. o f ;!- to ' hrmg some de;ree of reali-m n1' it Tho-e,who l.vp ,n n e v cir tv of I'o" , La. will rea':' favnrahlv to tp fnjti'r ;vort that he o' tne Houf 'o a;ree n a ; lane bridge at a crosjinc of ihe interioa'al canal intead of i two-lane bridge Pi.' a.d to Korea or to Jordan or n tie Ph.. pp ne excite? no suih revpon-p Tixt far aa- 'At-v spend all that monev aHrond he" ve !.: makf a star en a dam v M.e Bond' Americans fa' 'o reali;e mat we a-r rvoKpri in a cnid war a test n' end. '.in between two power s,tenu where ''e take mav well be sheer personal as well a- nation survival The foreign ad prn'am ha- in spite of earlv wjstp and blunders aunmp lished vmnders in huildmE up the -trenc'ii n: the non-Communist world If onlv the peo ple understood this achievement u of over whelming local impact The foreign aid program is supported hv most of the forward looking s'atesmrn of both parties It should not he cut off or starved hv diminution to the miurv of the countries to he benefitted and tne risk of our own nation Sen Wayne I. Morse calls the news stones about a ' serious parting of the wavs between him and Sen Neuberger a lot of nonsense H inserts that Dick Neuhrger and I are close personal arfd political friend v We an ticipate that as a result of the story our Wish ington correspondent X Robert Smith will again be put in the doghouse hv the senior senator who onie before accused him of d:s honest reporting Thus far the other nrm cipal Sen Neuherger has issued no rien.al of the accuraev of the Smith report and si i 1 .: !"e No ,i-e pep." . ((''in; t v, pj Statue Moving mm i . i Dtp" MEM 'i European Impressions: U.S. Tourists Said 'Goodwill Envoys' i 1 : e ma r In the i api'ol a dou p' re.t 'it h I ( V utt nirn.r; The putd 44hlKKi :,.., Imng of ir.n s ii j' h w e- t pi ' nionev t"c ti of ,.p i .v ej' i op ' "(tv l .10 It.' t n . .Ill 'i II I into it n h,.' , ttenef ' d. ! I n o i' i i 1 v i s n ' doilnr ti ,-: go to ', -..1 !;, . .4 1'. h "Id IK r pt a i o oi : . d'a 1 ...re .1 . ; ernnieti' p-oie if n' - ' " hi ' r i I i -poti- an It tn ' r i 'in ro ! !''. .- ., do t'.nl k Hi i "v ,,( o, I1 I . 'I 'tat i,.,i,.r i' . iff 'it Neuberger Issues, But I? RTFWSKT SI. M)f ASHINf.THS s,.g :: It he gins to Inok u though an oH prophecy b)r Pruxteni Ki.-ntx.vi er i. hrbirtv cftminf true Backs Ike on Major Still Scathed by GOP 1 In !9Vt tfv P r f ctlrni mrnHt Thai ih f kct ifwi of j Demo r r i ' ConaTr ouM I rrwlt m m ll I rrrtamf t in J I futKn Ax hiht In f t it n HI rather rrn(! the Prtrlnt K llvwl r jf her morf happilv ith the rrno r(K 4h and Wh ronjrpie ihn he riiH th ISe Rejujftljf an Kt i nngrru Rut thai i nn Wingrr ii i th Pretrdenl rtepera'f ihr af rail a "perial imikit w, jlr . fnrr gn a.fl prnfaT k'1' the prrwnf riaiiAntf-ip .tfrn ' onfrea and thr rt H hj tt irvj riri r iin(r'airV f fuiAn anri dtvMH "rwn-.NUm Tr - W nl rrawnt (v th1 But 'h nvi tmfwr,af' rjuir It prknt tryyvl r, lh ffcemorTat " 1 iH-tPti h, and large lhe rr rit jr.t tH fed up fnjitra'. ani n-agM TVee eiampk M t--. rr auggect why rhu :i u, Ta4e. m eiamW MwWr mm. late rae erf Demwrau- Marttv Leader l,r4a ihaa J t ver. Jahain iImmi iBt taretga aM aewgrain Mi ele m Hie Aari 1aiu f e fe IW PrrslaV rfrim a4 iaereeA Umm aaa aawHaJ aaafV u ttMf atee hi K ri rf ;r bkdjr ta 6n the ame thing a tlH OvJ rgh'j Nil pan' r' hi n rt hTf u Vet ' ' a g)wr1 and iar ' H Uelh fn v m r! " M ' '1 aiimatr at ton v '1n)'-- Tatrgv nf proltw . ri ' rf r fhl haMle m r(r'1 - 'm pMthl r a! ha rwit n' r v.,. I'dl In lr t if i -iirmtetn . oor of lMSwn frtrnrt- ;'ii f A h n the (to: il vh.Kai-' ' ' Iti k " Wk (Hit fhf 'xarnplf numrxr hr iafl rate Vn Ruhj ' . h r g ' i if ( t'rgftr f a U -.g )rai'M - - ' mai! R-p-ihlM a" s ' male h; pih' a i an inlprnahnnair' r 0 i mf ent t htjpir ' - K f i1m -tn i(h r'ett i'- j " Iirl ' ipf m a 'r fn'nfmatiori Agir.(s - ,,, appropnaf inn rrrtftaf i ih i naf'sun ,! Qarirl fa t(er a... t.p atrk tW Pftrfii b ' hen a Ma4 TtH M mi ttfKi f'ftri af FrrtVrtial i lb hraaU m4 wtji t s-ihrf iiMa' fnafir)t uuim th t l HrpmM mm Vsl ' kaTirm JafMea Mnrl attar h Krfrr an aaaaihuf 'fi'4 arrfar4 ff Ik 4mn4 of a ' 'n-r MaV ta :nij.,a- ' - -- . prtr- h TrostfVnt t,r . !,, !Wi" tA anl g -kw-kl he Rj-t. - , , s laa m ia' osfftK ' !hr tl raw f W riiftaf a MtMr1 W h Kukf Kf 4t il Ihr - 4 rrpl I' H ' '-UaJ ;1 fc' -v 'i j rl Ci k't T tl r I tlr (r ,.( I t v H ,mitr ( nnffsiu a i ' i - I' ifn ' ' n a t ii -f-pean I'M.r this i riurn t ..S m- m f t' lf r m nn iprnl mip h ft hi hfr n r rtpa M r pr" rt ; in t n'lTp. an I m pff - nn !' Iht a f -nin ' rU HI I. IN VI H P VRKr R . . ' I'.. 1 '.iif? .ttininn .1 ' V1' s - t 'TV ir. : i .f - ' t i nt; .v t' , i) a n pt i ' cm m in fik ' r Ak 'I j v. lor :n l.ir - "r 1 r i ; r : ii'.M k d .triij f.MIs ! .i. h r. s. ,tj. ,a . . , I' ! .' h- ' ,:l.r 1 t n.tt And Ihfn ou rttm .i i' a:in'ii; !hr i u rts and rul! h.t lAjftlv a lonu a ou ;r-tMd of N'ln dragged and hM d4d Uh.i fnr PonuM' ev;1'' in. t-asicr tr Noire Pan.r de Pa n or !h harbor of MHrnllo nr th.- KUnd il ( t,pri - lo the In ' er on ni typt c r;i U ,tt n t Mm" ( l! th.tl thf Si l rnl l" nn ' t ' nul ihf sri nnd ''-ti'N N iimr tr"in t v t th.in ' Mii irHin tuil Ihr Ini ipit s ir d nepat k i)u iiiurr whiV on a '.Atn olj tan aU !;ind up If jitt niif br.ii .nfc brti h and vhi) wanf tci wrt' eveivtri riji ' Safety Valve .-.I" h . . - ' r.it rtarT.n . .c V - it f' i . urn dmh ! i),-r ' . ' ri, rti 1 iti.de ' ' inr i i,. - ; i ,n ' - hnu . v .r ! th nn , l)n I r- -1 : f v ( hat , ' . ' t 'I I'M j Ms .i'ir,,, r 't,u: ii' M i 'Tit.. i I 'hr .w nird f r 1 1 a'i e ,t i t . Mr v4 .ik - i than 'hr K.rii- :h b'll '''' ! - 1 1 el Sl'tld et l.rr ri. , ! -md n ,', ,i'm.,i i it - Nor dor h. . " t' . d M..V. ' , :... . r. of n rdl-fg lie- t i pl m hjlrf r r (all? i in iirr inr hun with grar I ni Irr In nr w p,t pT lirir I tiae ern hui (r mf riram be wrrr nr link In pnhlir ptrr nrn m t'ru Ihnr Hre rspe r Uf thf ilrH hlrt makea ihrm a rr (niahlr a Ih lMk thr mrnlalk but I mu4 ftna" a(htnf biMn(i tn lhal ar rntjtd aa aaiUri horn I latrrvtrwed Tr rea- An itrltrr a nilf i mpatiaard d-Bt ((f(raa hutlct 'h lTr life' nl vft'Ht on ihr 4 ir i 1 hi In 1 4 1 1 In rrlrr a tuhstl (tll.tl prt t im ry( nut iDfrfn lk nif a Uarful E'tlr tlh Ihr ni ftfiail rurilt .miilii Ird Ihr lie hi m tor vn iif n th (rvmm r at W tr In (rl Ihr fir idrnl nheti hr ini-d irl ): f . -n i'f . o'w mint . ' ' ' t ; nt ' ' rt n ' 'inr i-l ;,',. M'a nra.'. a h 'M H - ..in .tun. h. : ' ' . '1 J A f(1 it ' ' rU nf v 'in. a' ' r- I rf -.' i ifl iT4 ! T- ' ' rt I", r - a' "n i,f n lr i , n t ' rw.fi Thl i a . ). . . m .fir f a i n tip . r- i' . S- fcf'h ii. r ' et et ' I ' i 1 .i ' HI '. n,,'' tAhte j- - 'h k h fit Unuajfr s I 'ii ' 'ins etta rt nn h. 14 br rf'lik'IH In i ... u tlf '.nikM Ma rvl Mr 11 d-.r - pr-akinf n( linf uaM ll M hijhl r 4Zf rr alrd In n that rrrthMtt ims e at a; tth ia rurna 1 hrrr i bat la ttih't tamrair iraatMl ba rrw bul mm farr mark kH ir-r if i na r j tpak aaM mull itepul innfur in a4Mitha la f af !k la Prt 'n-h t arh mp-t1tnt bat th ( n4 tr f Ibr rrl r imrf la Hat 'hrr irr mn pnalr tabiai I tftw k as thrir rmm4 laafaafr ihja f nr'uk In U'mi' tb r-aaralra' kiMin r nf llh Hal ih Mtir ai4 ib nit" a mI tb BMrlrr anl ihr i!rrtaf tnr dn nn4 1 ' -.avl at " .,' ,,V ' H t' '-.. a 1U r ci 'tf'tr V i,itnl e-i , r. a" ah ' Tf rT ' ' ' fi rj ,t aa y rir nn -e '.nj rwr ' '-in than a"V" "r h t.r if 'ir"h th i rf THf ii' a - r rk,,,a( , ' h . a . - ' h a! . 1 r hta-. P-a 1 a ' 'i, 'Inf fr.- hal n a a gr ' aK ' " T Hrra h iji Tali am pii il.dilnr nalr Thr tnlaman Ft allot Hn ur rrnl Qii.(tna ma -irrm th pr ? a" ahnHtlnn nf tbr a-ath Vrniltv. m Orr(nn Rviullt nf Ihr tnllnc 'H hr made knnnn Thiirtitsv In thf mrinllmf hr rr rr nmr nf Ihr Irtlrr i ahlrk Bins I h- ticnd m i(h mrnr and full arr - fnr pufeilratlna I nhirh hvr in nmpinlrtf rrfllft Us hnrr all f a ur rr ir ntlnn nf Ihr drain nr n- is Rm ihr iiMIiii Itself hat nl brrn unantmoiai i 'Needed Preventive' Tn 'he I- 1 'or I do ri'ii ia'. or alxl iur Ore iji.n iri'vnl 1 a a ;t r tiling di .rh M'ti'pm It , a n- n- tr pn rntivp dr tnt .'"nr publii ;rrte tmri arwi i.r it hidi'h 1 or Ml Killh SI Si! rrton (rr Fears Crime Wjve 1 1 'm- I Hit or I n.i not Tn laor of ablthinj (rtg n present la perm 1 1 1 r g nrath vrntrrf because I N-el thai it ili invi'e a ar of -norr inlrnt rr imn Fronn ' " rjon ; vt rxprrirne I Ihmk 'n1 la ho, j Id ta in effect Mr a!p I HiV ihili 1 ltM St S,eT Orr 'God Commands It' To 'h f'dttnr The latf of Oregon ho(jid maintain (apital ptinthment ('rod rommand U Whn n thrMdpth man blood bv man ha!l hi blond be nhed 'rn King lame trantlatmn Mr that lUBiteth a man 'hat he rite h a It be Viireiv pti t dea'h F indii 2! 12 F r nther leiti alwi tl bra. thi mjt -maintain kintal punnhrren! r ,.trl .wfvl f api'al pun -hmrnt '.,f f.tr- ukNlnrs Kr lulah t rv fvirn (,rrvrn V anH nan i a s -md Sophia t ' T h-rr , v hifhrr rtampU or author hen 'h W rwrl lv.i vtkinf (Hjnihrn'rit 'ivf nn i '.im fan h f ' api'a punnhmm' ivniid nirnri 11 traHfr a"d hif ime '"' mil air - M an rr in "'i' k.a'U i n I rnard Smith Rout 1 R.i M W -Vwfel Orn Accordino to Bible' da ' - Kditor T,'r nVh rna'T tnflirted m h uimr nt thr h and prottr far nrf wit keM i afrorrfing t the Rihf ahirh i nair infallible K,9 (Hmoa, rnti't I Boi I7 Sa(m V N ' k r r rap par Uad ar t " nVpfaiitaM a farlaern f ta" h vnkaane ervioeia Time Flies FROM STsTK.MsN HI K.S 10 Years Ago .ilom s lirst tfTll otlu :i! Ktpu Idtion esliniale since ration IhkvWs List ut-re rounted shnuv a titv (Hipulalion ol li 4m has-1 on mail carrier slops A VAdilm Sand arwl ilravel Kinipanv in Inn tement m i s r r truck, rtruen hv Walter Mark, collided with the Sonihorn I'a ctfic s t'ascane passeturr '- ain. scat'enn parts ol ihr (1pnin,;stied tt k k alon; the Irai k 25 Years Ago Au IS. HI Thp mar t lane nl li IVi n er to mor l,r! ol i'ui.tlis and Salein a- soleniniiil in Tori land ai Ihe Hover home Ihe enl.ie ool ilip ol lake Counlv wihiI jirnwt'tv amouniing to I il (Kiunils nas old lo a I'ottlanil lirm of unnl mer ihants Ii as announced t h e iflrret deal in northwestern wool traoe t iri ies since I1?.' 40 Years Ago Aui is isi: H la secrelarv of the Stale Kair Board li'poileit tnat Ihe hoard has de ided to t emodel Ihe sranrisland and thai work men are iMiMint in a new 'm.'i dalion The hoses a.so to he rr modeled and a telephone installed lor Ihe convenience of newspaer men Krortl The Haue t inie the news thai the tomm ..mn ft om The Ne'het lands in ihr I nited Sla'es 'n di'.cilvi. emlialo ipii'S- ttons tonrerninc thiv ninir has lelt a h uroean jmr' lur New nrk (fMUaoea" rraai W I rsfss bul actually vsorships it . . . Hf in an enemy became ol the proximity of helplessness to hix les.snsj. . . "The enemy isa nun viho has a total, willingness to delesate the vsornea about the vtorM to offi cialdom . . He is ah enenn be causa government by its nature, is unable to deal effectively to day with matters concerned with human survival ' The enemy is any m.ia n governmenl, hijfh or low who keeps wailing for a pub;" tah dale N'fore he can develop ideas of his own. but who does little ot nothing to bring atvut ui ti a mandate . . 'The enemy is a sucniist who makes his calling more mvMeri ous than it is. and who .illuws this mvsterv lo inletlere with puttlic partuipation :ti ileii-iuits involving Hieiue of the piwlm's of science Mr fousins resell e- !m ihe ciergv a sweeping ml i.stn in r -catalog a lnllow - The enrmv iv anv man n ' pulpit who h hi words and a. -eniourages h s ( tingregat.on lehee thai Ihe main purpose i the rhuuh or ihe snagog'if is to provide social re-rectahilitv tor its members He talks alxuit the sacredness of life, but he never relates that comept to Ihe real and specitic threats that exist to day to suh sa redness He iden lilies himsell as a man 01 Cxi but (eels no uige to sH'ak out a. ens' a vttiat'on in wh.ch tf e p r . r . !;.,. U in ! a! leieil aim i iie..n'ne' tin genet ic integrtty ol man v imateti and dis tant generations ( -ondcnincd to a lower vecie He is a dispenser ol balm rather than awakener of conscience Ml these are " enemies ;,nd eat h ,v an enemy "because he is a i hroriu atiseni i e 1 1 mn n mam ioh " And thai )oh to become supremely aware ol and intimalelv involved in the great issues ol his time " II each mart doe these things ' he mav help to i reale a design of aii'ty and samlv inr a world in need of both ' Statesman Sunday Quiz , p.lUlral leud.. a aew ewnel aid aaajw aparta artaU fifaret ia Ik .fH ' "h- " ,""fr .? ""'httawhii II uetb.H ) keM up with lhif " taa ,wef ,U i well, tt miKhl happei hyl t ftr many ti M. 1. What name was Kiven newest comet discovery? 2. When will Oregon s new withholding tax take effect 3. Who won "world" golf championship at Chicago? 4. What prue docs blest house bill set for one-ounce first class letter- 5. Is Oregon hrjrhw.iv travel more or less than in 1956' i. What two legislators are reportedly feuding via mail' 7. Whai will stale pav (or Oregon governor's home? g. When will Oregon Stan- Fair open' 9. What Nobel prize-winning scientist died? 10. Where wa.s newest Mate hospital started (Answers nn Page 5). High Costs, Falling Income Cramp Highway Program VASHIi;Ti Aug 1" -r - roadbuilding activity In the last Construct 'on ol a 41 (Mmi.le net- year or so of the program. woik oi s.iK'rhichavs ii:- Original estimates put the net i rossing ll"' n.i'ii n h.i- Un the vast road-building pro'irt i.i ight a -v.! il Kesii - '' a! . tiiiion aouars ihe p-i). t'.n government picks up K) : .w not tent ol the tab and states pav 'V w 1 ,i h Pai.mt e " K.-.iig cst have knocked thj' :!)'. !- "i ' - -" m.t!.- into a cocked hat ne i '.ma'e now being completed ,, l .(.,! ,c, ' o' l'nf i on i sin'i'd to add a minimum . .,'..i t . n . i i n of ihe mii i ihut u.llion dollars lo the bill arrf .Pi .'tl.' (,'Hh -i.t l1, ' f',.11 .-,,', . -','!. '1 '1 I"' V. . I l I h , - nl I'll' Is .III i ol P'lb ll. .ail- r. m lalK.r in Ir' ,.t veais a n.' osihl lot'.- . rp In i ntni'iele ll 'n It. ' w il i .ill !i' a man .mot h hm ' th s a'c.i 1 ... k n. "'im.!' - i' t.n ' .it-it a-sm al on ' prop!' s 'i 'nr t iiii'f 1 I ,1 ' let . ' rpoi ' I t'e h nr .. ., hit ". n P.- r.. u.,'. ! '.." ' "oe m.i dismiss Mr as a man with a stnt!. mind u.uht with an I'i: lir i an lul. I p enl v ol parv in other i m lex ins i t n i: s i i,.in ,. ,. , ( 0( n !'' in tirgins nti;ens generally and ,i aili r s m v ai imis w alk i' i m ns ri at k iihvesMnn com .iding ol r'e to Lcturne aware ol out piolv leo - and to vhare respon'ulit y for iheir solut im ' i However working up a lalher tl' s necevsanlv mean pio grrss Taintinc a picture nl a po. sihle hell ahead does not , hait ine paih lor avoiding u V'ra.'v there is agreement that ir , , walare must not Im- Imi,,,,,.,. but the latest disarm.v. " , ,,n 1 lerence drags on anil .... .mo n w ith m ant prospei I ol an a.-tee menl on even Ihe movi rr-K-j, terms lor lending ott the i , ol wai WhHe t ous ns ti. governments being .mi-i .pi... are impotent to reso.ve 'is, , 1 s ies governments are !,, ... ' the only vehicles Ihro.gl. w f , h eoples mav speak In '...ts and reav h mutual agreement nilr, lorees. how ever can Mip, v ;.i,.s ' sures one active lwt!v i. i h lefet rel In rei enl 1 v . 'in . mission on Internal mr.i V",i-, ol Ihe VS r Id I ouncil ot i h i', hi -Other bodies with mtei national connection also ate woikmk n them in; I'liimnn deirnsr .u.. r-' wal llse.' ll ix vv, ' (,. M' l i 1 . - ' -ollieis w ilti .;i' .1: v ewx i.i Mnuiil a. nit, - and w.i.pins pL.t we ntust nni he. ume nppii ssed with the hoiM'leness wh..h s h alarms propagate Vit r a, . twelve v eai s have pas i t s , atomic Immlis weie dioptn't in warlare Spite ol numetoi;- .' -( in those vears n.. nation 'a reav hed lor the iiltm.a'e we.iHa though several have Ik-i r I niamilacturing it Past snur.'v ... no guarantee fnr the ln'uie Im.: fears as well as hoes mav pio.e laKe None wanN to In- sin- ... .,' enemv ol mankind H ii ' . i Iv lair to hrand a an . . n .. 1 w ho ate ma t at rv ing I'.e u a partuular v rusade Thi .v,.i,.' . wotk must U- done and i-uns bilittes lor Ihe grea' dt "i;s still must rest pnmanlv i p pn-e in and out of office whn a', trie leaders in thought and a ' ...n iti.r. tie more 'I.i make Ihe pinch more bind . mi ome irom Ihe special ri -e laves on gasoline, tires e ' 1 ra'I.ng lehind schedule Thrs ''' h grwjy users taa.es go inio a -iM-i a. highway trust fund I nor n pav as sou go legislation, fed tc it.u al'Kaiions to the stales for I ... 'pe p'l.-'.i'e vwem caiinot ...' i r. d Hi. amount in the fund 'n I'-.a1 I'l.S" which ended 'a-' " ' "r .to i 'iisi lund income fell M ..n dollars helow the l1! hn -s !;.', was fofcasl Southwest Oregon Surveys Approved U Mllt,T"N Auc 17 ir -Kep 1'i.itei 'D-Ore1 said today thai I i-.ls have been made avail atie tentatively (or surveys for siv areas ol Southwest Oregon it a i ost nl ahout $105,400. Ihe pioiHised surveys and amnimis are Rogue River and ti tularies J40 0PO. I'rnpqua Hiv er and haihor $7 OOfl Coquili '' I'br.c north jetty r v .n-...p ir.; .ti'eien.hg channel en mi" v. .iki I mpqua River ''.m1 ...p J.'T I mi Mood control .." ' hi ulie Kivi-r and tributaries J.' . mi' and 1 mpqua River at W nt he. lei Bav tl m Tl'r Irniaii.e allinations are tn i .detl in the putvltc wnrks appro priation bill now awaiting Trest U nt 1 i.senhnwer s signature of il'tlmi) . designed to use (imIiM different asoys (eight showni The base. stem, top and three-light branch are detachable so that it can be converted into tiao urei of comoli nicks. tx lizrt of cemilesticka, a lout, medium, medium high and high cundeiabre. The brooch of on can be combine1 with the etbat tsv make a ftosf -light condelopriwn In our heights. Hearing Planned In Power Jump i Plea by KSLM ! v vsiiiViToy ug t: i -T it i-rder' i ommumcat inns I ommistion indtraled today i' w.i.ilo hold a hrannc on Ihe ap- at on ..' lUdm Statinn KSI.M Sa.em ore lor an irkerease in k.m - ' '-of onr tn five kilo-walts The KM' granted the increase u.v wuho.il a hearing How fvpt ipieslmns of inlerlererx e i . Ik.) - .a. et hv another Ore gnn radio dation KBCH, at tx-eanlaki 'he In ijurf Students Ask Probe In Buildings Coll ipse Mf Xiro rm fug I" vsiu dent group t the National Tnlv lehnir Instilulr here demanded an inveMigalion of persons repon tihle tm design inc two institute hculdinc that rnllaped m the lulv 2S ilh)uali InveslnalKm ihow ed Ihes were desifrspd h m siiiuie ffa1uates nt -he . a.cula t onj nf itr.Mtiirai ti-rnfh were made hs institute 'ea'tter. eox OFFICE NOW ON SALt NOW ON SALt M'.HW.l...yni Ptsrw.aj I VI -ai ) i nrirTn i4Tfl firtfr t rftieaa rr ? tw . '"''' -'' ' f mmt lf ia t i inr . 1" Ofae ' Tl rtf efl 4 X 9 1 Mm r ir ej g rmmf m4m mi f Wmjnmm wrmmm ml A4wmrmmimi 414 mm nmmmmmf r mmm Hytrin tt? tuii ? ri Tart (M ICA V1CT0I AITIST Dynomif S'or of Television lodio leordt 11 n o And Hm All Sla' Shw Mn . Scat! lisd. I JO s m M.I. ..., W.a mM4 1 50 J SO J SO c.a jswsiits ta vsesanTMS m, s SS $J pair iaelwtiinf la a Prrr.. r,, NOTHlisjO DOWN Wlv- Yrsu Say "CKorg, It" At Stevem & Sen NFVfh VTiMTO CAllVINf, (H.Ct I I I IWi ( 1 j 1 Vp-, JO lvry Day I" 1 rui rai 4 ma rrtTirirn f.ramiK.ur or ntr atarnrAO ce-.w aonrTY