Any corn flakes are OK ... as long as they're Post Toasties" " ' X1 "" ' "- 1 " - '" - -T , - - -f" - j mm . - i mi I, MAYM THEM'S NO lAHTH-SMAKINO CHFFIHINCI IN CORN PIAKES- but folks keep telling ua Post Toasties taste just a little better than other kinds. Well, they ought to they're toasted a special way that toasts the sweet -corn flavor right in with the cnspness Perhaps that's why o many people don't just get com flakes -they get the box that says Post Toasties L ST CEREAtS HAPN TO BE JUST A unu 8,r 8. V -i TfSsiHA' CORN RAXES rk wmmtnm 'mA ml ti i