ummer vbitord Ct C7 n A mi ome jrrom jrarruau rlaceS... Til flf1 fj i "k f" - i .... i '- c'Wd .r, -, w' o 0 E lit rfei O O'M) . r' O I " TS Statesman's HOME lanorama Wcmen . . . Music . . . Fashions . . . Features (Sec. 3) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Suinlay, Aug. 18, 1957 Spending the month oi August in Sale e Mrt Chrie Earl Winen nd jonj M.cHel nd Steven hove, wto live m Fiii Chu'ch, V rg n. It C oi W"en ij Hationed m Washing ton, DC a' Headqtiai ten of in US. Manne Corps Tne mar me o't'Cer at -compared h s (amily West retiming to Washington earner in the rn0nth. The Warrenj are vmtmg her niomer, Mr. Bille Herbster. and h,i parents. Mr. and Mrt. Oatlei M Warren The Warretw ire former Salem residents nd graduated from Salem schools (All Photoi by Kennell-EIU Studio). " 1 I ... I ( f 1 - 3lr";v x r I ) III . I 5 II I, n O r V ... , ,yt T 7 h 1 A 1 :;V aV , i . '." r , ; 'J A t.4- From South America have come Mrs. fr Brander irvd daughter, Monice, to spend the summer at the country home of her parents, Mr and Mri. Robert Darrah at Victor Pom! The Branders make their home in Buenoi Aires and come to the states every three yean for an etended visit A round of, both n Salem and the Silverton area, have feted the popular ViS'tOrS. i I I - aT . . . - : . k . - W AM''j r I 114- 4- II . i i ' Jar i f I 4;-, 'f ; ' A 1 ( T tl I k 1 rtvJv , '' "" fc-. I ja' a w.tors m Sa'em a' Mrs Robert V es and sons. L, . J Vl'' ilfcy ' VT? '' '' feK V Dus " and Sans, o' Hayward above, who flew north V ' ff CV ' '' '" iiii"-tL --' i i 'tS M' v ' ' Pn severa1 weeks a' 'Saj home ! 1 J par"1, m, ,nd Mrs Donald C Roberts Mr Miles -earned tV?- C "J f 11 V l .ft,'iifsI ,OL,'h h"' n h4k fp'v h' '"r'1 k 'ff i f i. i l 1 1 T''wV?,!, ' W Vi w" M ,h boyi a-e a so spending so" t "e a- "-e i-ti i i4 if 1 r " k. " JT fc aT I - ' Myxoma W k .W . j- V M WWtk. 1 c' "hi spe Mnn'ana (" 'he ova a' 'he e' ih , a gnes' a' the v c' he- pa-en's Mr and Mrs Waere B-enna Mr S'enbe'Q lOmed h,f hee th, weekend ad tK .ii ( io yijii reia''vet Ah jn) and aMenj t-e Shakespearean Fes''ve be'or 'e'jrnmg to Mon'ana 'he rap ! 'or a 'o'' gh t f i ( r-i-rj f Pearre and le-ighie-s Peggy j- e and 4e! n' Sa- 'e nandn Ca ,( vho e pic' j'd a' gh A ' M' P"e tty ta-e no'h to v t, K ro'he- Mrs j w Ryai- They wl a so venation on the l '"e Niorth fo'k of the Sent t-r whne m Oregon.