' i-(Sx. P Stirforiin. Silm Ore.. Sat.. Ant; IT. 57 Many Seeking Cures During Oral Roberts Crusade Here Old-Fashion Method Yanks Toofft Bv Tkl LMTNCfl Bur? Wrfr Th Suteasaaa Maty i the t-VKj-xb -a: wi tvangt) Ori! Ranee.. F-1 Bight Salem :' iaea: J-o m arwabry iE peruvn rjrri bv use Named lo'i 'ory and .iJre .m ofl r Tv R Kaber.v 'ee! &v rrif magsT'tve afecfc p-w ft r n Vrrienca i great e' :a:Ji '-eajrr Jr.ic be Stm e:! ? -vet curt I the Lfd 'lat cure- Hjr-: j.' .'! people tMi : 'V ft n.if.' Vianv aefr your body N4 move a: ih iiaptwr he? Bev, a..v ! hroevrd tl inea V a help me Waa- till Noted L'rvefi par surd before fe organ p.jfC a. .-v-e: va.-s :ra.l woman .v f,, V atmarun I ft . rc- . pevtrc loung .T.aa 4 "! I s-CW'.et t.Te- 'crjuar. 1 T-' ;" : ' I e v v turd c :v -' "" " I t ' ' t I K"" ' ' ' . h The Weather Vof IW Killu t mrtl. J. r Salem YMCA Adds Youth Secretary 4 --! f SrTflJ " JT V 4 'n W p "aii'l '!) ) tar F"iu v-rrft bun ' jnnrjnr1 F'dj "n VH rjf? V.Jifi(r. jn) Uw pat' r -. '. i Si Urr '.II mo la .vlfr tg Vpxoitwr oUi hit it and 'r-f 4ufttVrt will uiclud ranrf ru Im ( vouttt aclivil) for nom aidr aiwj nurfr VMCA t rerwll ail! of! ln r )o Irpt t Mner uyt Prior t X rr 'ri Salmi tak H nmd a MCK lummn irhanl in featwck t Hit ilaufhtrrt irr Judy . 4 and Stpi . Manr dfarrihtd ( rnr-ll n Ku bfwn la Slni vmi 'iiwi far tiM annual YM A yautti r latur. M ' aur number one rHntce and Irve type W man e hae neen loobaf for ' SrMty Waahbura, Ml ih Sa.em YM m April u take a anailKii a aduX profTam director a( Ine rrn tral YM m Seattle ! He had bwt on the Salem tfl fHe jreari 4 i r n rim ' 7 ' Nnnii . n - r ;r t irC uun .'ft farr .1 j r M-or ct; up ' br t.r4 s"y.: ijiO ih tv f vr ban? or Vf o w-'a f-rvj(icmaiJv fx- - " ,tr: p "o od rtrf . d- T r - , eOV xv j 3i"- Trr limn d i' 'r?f i.id rfXf 4fpJ JJJ r V! .fwi. U to H'f trwi-. tr. Te 4tt MM T.de Tjblt (Tift, Ore Cewpt 4t . t' t Cmh 4 GaiK Ti- Hiam t'G-T Timo (til 11 1 III (HI I V I R i r. , m ' t9 fr C W p m ft m I 4: ii p in I V p m II I ft m ! Jt p ir 4 1 I I i a 1 1 T I II II I r II II p IB ! V IT 1 fa m II M ft m f oa ir 1 flB p m i M m I H tft i V m I PJ O HI 4 M ft at 4 p m I I I 1 t I I I I - t I I I 1 fc'- ilHifl hot'rr', ;-n -r anti hp, '.ime arfl rt l pnn H jnj oun ;fe f .' ,r- 'im fi.lf hr ,U (f-i ji. h ft-d jt'prini Orie( p i er ' uf ran thit 'rte prwvlr pre4Mt arre j'Nlc i.'i Orinfidoi r4-ie and rnifv tMnr !al 'ar re 'n-d (rorr R Oertj Penletval 'i Ma ftaaftr Wiriae He prranr i baic dutr nr ot 'a.tn in ahtth tieliW alom inuai iuariM oi ultatun He iprftUi of the iIpm! a real indi iMlua! and be rn and hell lo iiim I" mil ftie'f flfurr o( p-i t I' ihj tart lier a. I imir hnr prrwjnalil tm ', Krlp iu If i in ' tw-lieit all iHjr line eilutalMia (aril help mi jid Riit)rfi Kridai Kolk'am tin ma. a trrnior Ki6 eni i a lied for ttvuar raifl tu epi t'hrit to Hrp loraard Njr l did m Folloatne, a nnn praer !he aerr led into a ep araie prater tenl fur a peial erie Rofient aaked the crowd to kneel Si xt did w and pome did not TVfl (he oran plivrd Kt batkground muic he oflrrrd Inn pravn in tirhall cm the thuu tanda ol perpucu prrarnt II Ixard I am a tinner I ran 1 --C4, Ur si J T-.v f . - t. J 1 a'Y I ISetkst "i 'V.; -. - I Ibaua -- "4 .. I nwipi Hal lain . . ... , , e- . a t mi T-J -Jf; IdaAa). Atomic KBerr- Cnmmia- tt' T, V .- .V - - 'VWWC t" i f jTt Jd I, ; ; H- Tk rruined by 4l,'f ' ?-.4 J-. , Sl J'tXA ' - "furt doa to MM S --r '-V e" r fj J, I IS prullMa Wl far ntnr " lw n! " " a lion at aa AurrimenUl piutomum " J Z!ai V ': ' ' rrcyck rractar al the Manord i V1. ZA '"! i - P L V 7T I ' ',: a".f ;1 ;rtiad a tin d M m le-aLlw v '.' . 'e, . tV - J . .' -tJ J Throe iuJmi ooilan lor the Senate Puts NW Reactors Back in Bill WASHINGTON An W arV-Tfct laavrM pawed JVMnu- aadWlar aionuc ettrrrj abni- ball after braunt; back ail Mmm erforlJ ta knuvk out arofpTom of pnfrmriiii aiotsac pvacr ptaau.. T akraaw paaexj by mK at after nnr nourt oi debate nov (oca U cipsirvencc aitb the vbart oaMed it a vert af form murti raavf to the rec af rVmciroi t t 1 Drmocrau vert jaard iky a k-urdrul af - Repuolicanj la areeai all ai the aimndrnenti dt ' Hfnid la put the naraaurc into lat taapc octired by the admuna trvtftaa Thcae aere lb key auUaaruoiianj maiord in the atU: I. millioa doalan lor cotv alructMpri of a atural uranium faa cooaid reactor at the Am 'Draftee Bucks Pentagon 'Brass, Makes Progress (.1 K Bl tSVL Md . Ai 1 Oiaae Wllllami. ). rlU ber reaalala te(k la Uaie-aa-orrd fathiva at viMbrr aaibavn aul la ridr aa other ead af ilriaf, e tiair-baa-red aielkod to e it act flrti tvotk Hane eer lasL Oiaae i reaction II aaa at aa oad'". I V Wlrrpholol deaiB aad enfinrorinf on a linpK ar duai-purpoer ractar I produce pUitoeuum at Hanford The lull cant ol ihta u eipocted la be around aiillioa dollar 4 A directive ta A EC ta build reactiWa lor lie municipal power froup and rural electric cooper atives aad malt available to them f'eom baaed oa the use oi con v erKtooai fuels Thin aaa r taraed ta the tx I by a arparatf AI M ott I The Houae bad stripped from the bill bun the 40-million dollar natural uranium reactor and the IVmillioa piutocuum recyvlt reac tor W ASHINGTON draftee bwied the rernafif '"P brau lorta ana rr.a-vr (i.K'e looard itamnciM ena:w " ouic he rr''r '" aillrd mum 'rwr vfv' e Ser k r Jjfin (,.'aJI' n " P' Wr tirat law a Sum- on : V ' oftv a. nrt .v Vrmed irr kt4 i ,mr, Ifre protxcd f irmp .1 ii"' a ccr.ain nia. at .4n ft He mm! l'anre mu 1-on.Mder "the mpa.l on the ra, .Juai n volted" Their lie ouMf tie .damaaed he van! if it became kaova Ihe nad been rer'.e1 a' loo ignorant or foo irreiwnjibrf He com ended that in pea rime the Rinnan lemcen ha t an i lmalwri u help eo j ar men to become jarful citirenj and ii diet i II he art nut fit to Or'roJ Recorder Display To Visit Salem Threr funs of recording ruuip men: rintr. tn pile from a pound pm Art rfMri3-T to a mam nnMn .4 lout unit ahnh opYf'r !4 huurs aiiloui itoppiruf i:: hr displayed TjcmIo and Wednesday at the Malum Huirl Open tu the public frum II im ta I p fti each do uhr n : pvoorrd b fhr Iiutapni'nr tor poraiion and in pa o 'he om pan t NftjKWj. Trae linj Prod ucts aN TV l.ipji .nclude romtMe prarr equipment 'e.ephnnr dictatin i trm,i and tranpcnh in ma hinen nconl nj to l,eirr Madden Sairm PiCafhiine hranrh manager thnr count ry. ar they fit la loa m he i-0ut iclew Departawat aaadart ate piuuM nv blU pecmittlTi wra I art htftMr njaMtal tautsV ards lor ten premen They uw 'V Armv a astm( auQaMa try. n."o Ira n imiucteea aba raaaat .im to ota-rat moderi veapoaa. Pc Lraram a ho apoeared al - . on truue-t Matt h was prao it. a h I N York City Mr. ahen V aaj draiund about a rar o He nov ataxmied at rl Mer a t,rara:r vaid the Army i ban d. i ot manpoaer baa flaai but nr na- r. nimpiaiM about kit p-...rj lot He laid the Army u ktv htm to nrfp ' proMt 'rrr rill ad ice " and he i happy or : re DANCE TONITE! CRYSTAL GARDEN BIG CASH nll A i For Yaar Fr Tkka Ground Oregon Broken for New Mental Hospital one) Stair Mirk Hatfield and Stat Trmjrrr Sif I nander i Picture aa page W1L.miN:i;K 'Ire Auj : p i. ,nd ft hniken here r ri di fut 4 11 m 1 1 1ki dollar 4ite mental hpiti! that i the coalh el building project eer under Uken b the Snie ul lren Si pertMint fa h manning a h.irl turned ner Ihe lirrt dirt (uf .n hu,,, twmooy on th MMIairr utr l. aleo ZD rnnea n.th o Salem Three ol them aere membcM ol the faeiili ol the late hr H Hammaarh. Portland iegulator ho itruggled lor 23 teart to am approval of I Slate Hnapital lor the Portland area The hoapital n named for bim b toe 1997 legulatur Mr DammjHh and her tvo daughiert Mr Donald Sirgmund and Mi Mil t arman all of Portland joined vith the three ( aeapletioa In IM The l VWbed hoapital n h bed uled lot completion in 1WU but ihe firtt unit in1 bedi a ill he opened in llebu About ZSu peiauoj turned out Hallield and that the people ol Oregon have recognized men tai illneu (or vhat it is by voting approval isf tbri hospital " Hatfield said the proof that mental illness has lost murk of its stigma be in th (art that last year lor the first time th majority of admuawas to the two state hospitals la Salem and Pendleton vert by voluntary commitment Theater Time Table ii sinoni rniNri a smovcih: thi amctjva i e 'rariToi I is is u ( v.nlinuool frm p m ' OHM KM V AM 1 JS I U IS Di rt AT 4 P Ac HK WDI1 i an i if 1 m in vi I.IIVD TIN rOMMAND I IM 1 THI MINTI VOSTS S4IIX DniM ((ft iifMrn C1AIT I 7 I t a is aa Rorfe H i4l BOI.1 T VOOO hi txrr REMIND "AMAZON TBADta t B Finaer Smashed Shelley t.rsbenhorst. about (. of :iS t'ulver Lane luslaiaed a ma-riel finger F r I d a ' evening a hen it aa raiigM in a rar door nty first aidmen said Tie young iter aas treated by aidmea and taken t a doctor EAGLES DANCE Sat. Nite 10 P.M-1 A.M. tag! Membort an) TKair Guost Air-Cnditixid aall room d-fiat Orthtra Police Get Building not .av, m.,ll Theretore I a.k ' ,h b-rd f control turning over rn iirai nni Tbe a a a State May Get Jury Awards WaUUU in Damage Suit Flu Vaccine In September PORTLAND. Aug Is l - Ore goa araiMbfy will rscaiv as ami Astatic inWnia vaccine net ore tarry aaUrnbor acting s t a t kcaJta arTirar Dr Gordon Kd varaa aaad today Kdvarda mm! tat.iat shots af th raccm vac rriiaasd Ian vaak tar aatlasial stribifBm but aaa aptMarvatly wiU b aaat la Oivfaai - Tas ataU arabaMy ffl fat ka gbt you to ave me I repent of me sin I receive vimj .lei I i l V)m im.l m. k..ri a. i . the state help I a ill livr a Christian lid and he a better pervxi Amen gaiasprtag korrbe Ministers of sponsoring Pente coaial churches sat oa Ihe draped platform "An Ame-r air Oregon flag flanked the Tvo bouquet i af pink yellov and vhite fWraeri added rnlor The audiewe aaa quiet al first board member who run nilution. ar dov ftoert I) Holmes Secretary of MKXICO CITY Aug It uf A He said th nev hospital is tbe , Wory police aalquarlers will b inaugurated bee Sept I aa th moal inodora la Latia Amenta result of the "leadership and tenacity ' af Ih- Hsmmasrh Keizer Water -.nd Supply Issue ie sfage ' Unsettled Nana. Couaty Circuit Court ?r"t ..U"'"! a viiii Til ev-ti ajrsaj ftrat tnlliea atkar shall ar raad avaitaM tarty at fteptsarihar b lury af lour men and eight vomea lata Frvdav evening avarded a U1M judgment It a pedeatriaii strurk by a tar near Brooks al moat Ihre years ag Th judgment oa th largest avardvd her ta roceeil month , vent ta Alfred T Heorell. H Trad St ta th second day af she danuvg suit trial t Judas uoorga i Duncan s cwurtraom The swrdict Hallelujah al freouenl inler vals Manv sungi vere sung The evangelist showed he know bow Is laugh - Hello everyone A two and s half hour ateet ing f'ndav evening between mem bers of the Kelier water board snd Salem citv officials concluded with no decision forthcoming on negotiation lor keite valer I m glad la be la a count rv where supplv (Wd does th air condiHoning Board member agreed to study This bis opening remark tot a Ine sltuslion with the possibility iia big laugh from the crowd Police Decide 7 Pounds of Bird fnjeaaa. Tha) aaa mtM. fswar days at agataat James Raipt Burtoa of Newparl. driver of th rar A - AmlmmAm Sia Pv4laad 1 I C I T- - ii..L (Vtco. aaw """" "; . . JCU I QO mUCH j a. . ' utt trial vnm junge iwvaa at said wer t lowed a naotion lor ta involua- JF.ATTl.! Aug 1 P Th n oVwat tad I"? sssel polic department cvutria t aurt to lift Hearatl bad filed a peraaaal kv aasau, m nnnur r. rent i I jury ssist tawking some ISt PM dam- nptsvnativa today that th seres Tht acia b MM duanaVl.ae hawed ta as tender June IMuatoa at sees it ku car vrt rasnslar tonmit-rrUI mm ta Highway f im i" aa rirsvrn, first Edwtrda taal Truck Flees Crash Scene . Clr rtaty ar looking far aacksaw tpsalisw a I sit im Breaks H sustained a remawosvd ' owugm mrw oiroa frartur af th left leg a broken rij la Yskahama at t ares arm and mukipW bruise, vkea ' "-tar. aad btught atmck by Burtoa i tar , JrM ... la food tat birds in ca vim re in jury m ( wm s pa aad Vliberauows rwatiautd loaf -f , It was said th detectivoa vht vat retwrved booted tern ta tt apea charge. tuppoaid ta bt of presenting s new proposal la tbe nlv rounril Aug 26 but no further meetings vere scheduled. John Oren nty water mansgsw said Th ntv council originally sgreed tn sell nty wsler to Kfiarr lor their uiusl rate to outaid districts vhtrk ram a IS par cent premium aver normal rates in the ntv Sentiment of the water board vas that rales wer loo high aad well water vmild have tn be used in tbe nev Ketitr distributing ivttem Monday niiht'tb board asked for i connection with th ot water system so that eitrs wstr would be available la emergencies TV mavor'i special water com mittee met with th board Friday eveautf tn diwusa sjonsBrssnis posairM titles Kslure Bright Hatfield sddrd that th hospi (al i future la bright bees use w have got away from lb concept that treament of mental illness is just a matter of custody ' Mr Margaret M Sharp Port land, representing th Ortgoa Mental Health Aaan said the hospital is a tribute to th people of Oregon, and is proof that when the people ar informed, they respond to th needs of lb slst and aatioa " Th original idea was that ta hospital should be for sged mea ts I patients only It wss oa that basis that th people noted for U in lJ2 But in lM. th people voted t make it for all type of mental illness Th first contract is for IM7,(W0 ta prepare th ait Bids aa th first buildings unit will a tpeaed aait spring Woodbtira Drive-ln Opes 7 Atari tl Dwsk ENDS SATURDAY Trw Diary sf Ja Jaasrt" Plat "Blackboard Jaagke" JIT AITS SINOAY "Tbe laiassaker" Plaa "Saawdtwa al AMI" awihsaaa. J Rd Mm wi ltartt K. ; Meet to Study Freight Rate Mike kg) wwaa Hat fja kw vaftteit swtsf drwet S17t WalUca far t rod I . ..... . rnllHied with ists anU mast a Portland Moa- wr thrs u u U r"'"r ' U,n apaareatry i hear MSI er ear l sa vtrw a we re- nmii rramng a Jump to Avoid Car Hurts Girl A 17 year aid rafiferma girl iut Cevlon has a papulation af I.- 34 ant This it sn island SI mils of I the southern tip of India. Mat truck, off iceri minor tn juries van she leaped Child Injured Jay Aaa Wtwdt, I of 2470 Altudi tt, austamsd t larwrt tloa avwr Wr left ry Friday tfltratta wWt sa fell oa s fir aiara, rtty first atdatta said Tbe fjrfg sawsrad rst dnssil ay aid asasi aad aa was tat) ta t ,rent 11 per rent freight rtt its- J oXf th rtwd la she J biork of rrassr which she latersiat Com- Suulk Laarttter Drive ts avoid an mere CstneTMsaiaa gr anted ta snrtsminf Tehirle. state police ' r silraads 1 said Th rrveeting was called by Otf i Takea ta Salem Oeneral Hospital I lord W rerguaos auperi isar sf B, ,Uaanetl Ambulame Servpi rail trtnapunslios under Public I WM Kaoaooa (tai She oss later I tilil its t aarimissioaer Hltirf relrnaed aa ttlendant said Mori an j The irtewting viR begin at I M I m ta rwam 7 sf the State Of Jfire RVtg tiff icw Ioaard McHargn said the girl is I magaune taleamaa Gttonwoods Ballroom Done Evtry Sat. Nitt Tommy Kiixioh and Hps Wtst Coost Ramblers DsbcIbi I ta It M Adas. 11 M. Tai la. Hlwty tt Alaaay. Oregat U V saar a ws saw . , MOTOR-VU DALLAS Open 1 PM Shaw al Omtk FD TOSH.HT "FOR WHOM THI MIL TOllS THI NAKIO OAWrT BTAITS TOMORROW: Dwbortk Km. Robert Mitrbum in "HIAVfN KNOWS, Ml. AUKON Cinemaacna SECOND FEATURE Anthonv Perkins in "TIAI ITIkYIS OUT tMhUKh urt.f ix sa est. , fai Uaj .. Tag Laaai... li TvfMr.!Swf I Mm I Wt'ily l i hnsavii kssss jj (OHIT "ooti ii amok waun Anna Man AlberghetU 1ATUR0AT 10 AX. ONLY KARTOONASCOPI AU TIC KITS IS AdaMa Me iluMrtsj tat EMS' raw Baaw Start st I N Oaww far Est. Baaw al 14! ENDS TONIC.Hr -OIRl HI LIFT IMIND " AMAZON TtAOft BUrta Tiaitrrswa Cmi. MS THf IAD SlfO Naary Kelly. Patty MeCarsaark Caior Ca-SlfH DAKOTA INCIOfNT Data Raatrttaa. Uada Dsrwetl Part land Sat. Nitts with Larry Cascade Range Riders AMISY1UI PAVILION EVERY SAT. NITl Twefe Mil Eaat af BtkMa sa Highway tt Frwwi Tirketa Ctaes aa ECAE Osrtt Frt I Mi ll A Bat. 1 Help Your Policemen Jxf PHI If FMFfJ's RAM r Vbl wailliajii tar arrisjti a ae-a I Aaastf irnila la Nd Cweeatsnas latkat Frasjrasnj TraHk Safety Frwf rasa ATTEND THI ANNUAL FRIDAY, AUGUST 23 Mild It FIANK ROOF CHAMPIONSHIP 100 LAP MAIN EVENT 'EARLY MODEL' S"LTgCI 5AH AUTO RACES - OVER 20 CARS - SAT.-AUG. 17 TIME TRIALS 7:30 RACES 1:30 ADULTS $1.50 -KIDS 50c HOLLYWOOD BOWL H-1:1.H HELD tZm SND OVlR r WIIK !Hi;il.,lj(i!iil3t f:i:iri,'i ISi'iii'iMiWiLit'ia s rwano iu HC5T0N -LUIYNNEX-BNOQ llmmd rvOaat R0BJK50N DE CARLO HARCKr-fOCM-SCOTT .k-e-tl taTMPaa) sWwJ JkTTaT t Uw M -tf0f mm? mm . i. sa fSlisTKWICCIjStf Q fM'R FAMILY PLAN Childrea tt All Tim TSt rVE a SUN AdulU IBilroay) SI 23 (Maia Fhrnr) SI SO afatinees Una. Thru Sal. Adults I Balcony Kk (Mala Floor I SI 23 DtiW g, Bun Hat 1X Ml. E Pertari-aat T JB P.M. DANCE TONIGHT jakS DAYTON Musk by I r. i o ITU 1 k. ' I' i 4 r LEGION HALL k ) WISTfRNAIIIS Sat.. Asg. 17 , AaW I tt fiftft . I WITH Dtl MILNI Ivthg lia ra ttMW " ' t1' Ma) waM'i a4liB ftYadi avettyefeTta1 ptHrwarwl iaptj 4 mH Iwa few P4dJ fMi t '' m4 Marion Hotel low Tanight "OIANT" Rack Hostsoa Opes 7 M P.M. Skav at Dusk Chilstret Prat LjIID it STARTS TOMORROW tsct. jn inoii I l.ttStlBtt ' ..-4jU.it. n-affWwirM & r MlkWaritiat . V)' U kww rait! rem la. A rtlMW, sTtafl k rlBTllM ti at Calar Cartooa ala aasaaaaftaTswa'stataaa End Tsalgkt! -Prince Baaw "The Bsrglar "r'u- M"1lll'lilf Totnorrow A MILLION WOMEN CLAMORED FOR HIM! An fucrtino Nw Fact i vy pi 'rorn Stgrmalttr, BUOd bchulbsyrg g i I eW PW.a. I, I ANDY GRIFFITH PATRK3A NEAIQ (QUIT Tha Bttt Aclren o Any Ytar . . n Pn . . In Lov . . . m Har Nvt Pictvjrel INGRID BERGMAN TtCHNICOlOl i fcw-. MEL FERRER LI