a I " 4-Sec. I) Stitrsman. Sln. Of , Thur-. An? 15. "57 GRIN AND BEAR IT il Uchry OrffionC$(atf5inan China Tr;ive,ers ...rt . rvv ... . .. Deserve Censure CRVXL1S A SPJUolE Editor 4 Pv,bLVr V e- 0- V l Ta ijMrM r-. Ml sua fVf -v i ttr ejus M . - Wilson Would End Missile Dispute before he t fe ci r. r Vf sr v - (V v a' I" "l V h !e 4 sjiev.a 1' it -re . r (if re ' h4' been e if! f p.. ' TIC A -r tf -ft SL' "as Keen I'Hf " pute 'mh A '"' Tilted "r-f' '(I "l n( 'he ' o fjr' . i- as rfifiifd " .mi t Col Jom C as done tno'f wor N.ie mil i'ij' ' 1 j- fit IS. ' v !n mm 'V deviaasisi of 41 .maricaa pevre '' (o 19 China .a aef.anoe of :v ri il v.' State Vpa", men! a et- 'v, vj- hev an: see Red Ch.ni ra v ao'-d n a n,. h the are liv.rg """-e ha-r' o wf sav the v os.fi nun wants ee 1 -1 ' Tri u brMxjrn.iit t.il iir "iif txn .-'iTior'.r'j for perm is.on vrj -f.r'.fr (."I.aa Sk.! '.tu: u for -' ?w.-p ( J M'turg.R 'fir ri, tj - J vx-t r.j:r rjtKf; .n.'Ytni'.ixi ' 4. it iift !rm MxVoon :o Pr.n( .. if - curH." -. ec mn.n ai r . o , ( in. K! t)t - p 1 jo rto n or ' t)t r K"'m. T' "'0 Tk n "or :rrm (xrhapt " -nr. r- .'t em 'o ip 4 n iVv vf jv n.' fc !frpn 'r" Ji r u n p , . ir. j' ' . f "Jf -"JO 4 v . - r i f i m '1 or 4 I r N , -f m' "ivr1 h.'c t;- t 1 "r . ranked ner" 4 . . . rrifption r - t 'f jrn i of fn?ur SMC fighters for Tax Appeals Board Triumph Under Reorganization of State Commission Pll KAtIT Jt rrtnj' it'rrni"' .rr " r . !r. ' tor f- n ' n- J h! ( 'M Hi (arv WiImip IPfn' of I" For' r H i -I' W -i.n ijn t" r 4 11(1 "1 rcn ' ' r"jv h4 prrvnj fru'j1 up 1 Wt r,ri r i ort H'tf1 !hr n and innirP!r,)tf on prol'n ; on rr of pr'1 p hr iAtn th too ljt; and V' iatr Zoo Comes to Fair ! go Kor c ar ! hr IOC tor 1mur "f'rn n1vK n run ,rwr tmr hut nr rort 'o 'ir v" jnill ipnr 10 (-oo;"" vilKIrt n'rrrtv a(HMi Tj la k P. it ''K. .1 t V t' kd'Ht' i Jtx (I t j Hip nablv frtni oprr. He- pt ii.tr rf t ! I'l'JihjT' . j .'lip; P.. a ' f ' -ir-lv P'r "P ' i- n n r 4 ' ' h 4P intprpnt;p n' ! 11 . m p ; t 4n 'nrrrt p on . 'i r op 4 , Ti r I p f nan. ','J 'r! t 01, -I ' n ' 11 ' ti h a) ' hm c M "1 1 : rt ' i r for ji trm it n fiv park Thai !! ' l! inn n 'hp S' fl'p r ' va 1 1! expcrimfn! Nth for thwf : House Rejects i" Idaho Project Thf Housf knrx'krd out the p' profit of Rn Dworshak o( Idaho from th p'.ihlir wnrlin bill Thr st-njir approved tin tmfndmrnt In add J')IKhmxi for tudif on '. Bruct'l F.rldv prmctt on th 0ariatr ; Rjvr Th Huw rf)frtl thu hy a otf of 3M to 2.1 rhirflv on thf ground that th project hid not evrn hfn authoriird ; Conrvition frtrcn wrf ringed against ; It. with Pr Ira (iibnelson heading the oppo, lition. He siyi (he impounded witen would drovn out feeding ireas of big gime Sen Neuberger u voire in the Senate for the opposition The ringe in Irtiho eem 10 t ; tensive that Im ol this grmng irreige would not appar to be tenou.v bat the protests JuMify delav to mike sure Normal proce ! dure should be followed with suitable in ' vestigatjon ind then luthorijon in the ' ; normal way if the project appears desirable ' Whit may happen i that congressional Inaction will leave the way open for pruate power companies to seek a litense for this 5,proiect before the Federal Power Cnmmis 'Itoti hi h might not give wild life ronsera Stion much consideration It us have first a -ftudy of all aspects of the project before any jclion is taken f m who ri.n the ;ihi jnd for ! he putilii Unconfidential The mavaiine Onfidential was a pur exit of -.idnd.il ami how jut it. vurt now teing spilled in cuuit in VnelcN where the publisher Robert Hamsun is being ued for libel Witnesses have testified that Harrison warned stones of illicit sex relations of movie stars and urged persons of loose morals to. go out to indulge in such relations for magitine mitenal That rer tainlv is pushing freedom of the press to its lowest depths The salacious stones miv be pure fahnra tions Surelv those who would collect material in thu way have no claim to crcdibilttv Ho! U wnd h produced minv scandals in true life but it certainly is vile tn frame movie stars so Harrison can perMIe his filth The purpose of Confidential wis wholly unronfi dential :- .: -: This is an off year in politics but New lersev is electing a governor The Republican candidate against the Democratic incumbent Robert Vevner is Stite Sen. Malcolm Forbes of the Forbes Magazine family He offers a lfl point program one of whose points is. "opposition to state sales taxes " maw '" "11 lliMacmillan Regime Sheds Last 1 Trace or Wartime Government II! Br JOF-PH A I. SOP PARIS, Aug 14 In a month m4 half spent shuttling hock and rv. forth acrflss the Knglisti (Tunnel an varimn errand and nerasior this reporter has formed some father vivid ind M alwavs agreeable imprrssKms of ihe Kesent state of the western A ince Before takini tn the rnad again it seems wuirth while tn try tn sort these impressions " ,1 rj, oej inning, men. wun me str . . ? mil I'T iinw I.- striking feature ; I I . -jfTI. of tne new urn Zj U -dWaA wh Government feot nirom mac "4 millan is the 7 completeness n f its break w-im !t h e past In this the Mar millan govern- Uoaaqik AaVf.ment sironjly a resembles the m Eisenhower administration Truman admtnislralions se-m IJ.'"B1r an( mor continua ;r Mini of Ike war period in Ameri iil.tm. The ideas, attitudes allied felationships and standards of na f 'V Ik lional effort established during Ja;4he second World War ronhnued a J 1o dominate the American scene 5 Wule Truman was in the Whrtr rl'i House Many of the same old J lace were seen at the Truman jfc Pdkj tables - There as the MPae continuity of personalnu-s K aW viewpoints in London too. il'l -flaring Britain's Attlee. fhurchill tlioi Eden governments jfr But In Londay today, as in W-WaahiAfton four years a:o the VVSaartim ideas and attitixles. A '""wartime ideal and attitixles. re- iL. latkmahjps and atandards have bel brisUr tettisoned at last ?: z V z I! t m il e Some of the resulting American Brttiah edioes are really iron ically exact. Far eianale, Israwi Mhilater f Pttena AaUay Head was iraf ped (ram Ute Marmlllaa cab bet, m( beeawt d tVies as Is wisely sapwased. fcwt simply ke- aa reraae- la adept the slogan "RaalfH ftrat. tVlfae aerW' wklrk kaa sa Im( beea familiar la Ike Fbeahower dml aMratlaa Rr the same lakes Ike prafram t HeWi sawrreaaar. lXeaa M mister Daaeaa Kaa4s. la aMNlag teal Ik lamees Raafr plan at Amertraa 4efeat re tra aad aaapsea far Rrillak re Salremea4. Alain with I,ord Salisbury. Sir Anthony F.den and Antony Head, the last men who have tile old wartime feeling about the Anglo-American partnership hae now left Ihe RriUsh Government, ii's' s the lst such men left the American Government in HSJ Today. Trime Minister Mar millan is one real link with the past partnership in London, as is the President in Washington Oa Up M this. Ikere kaa keea Just Ike sort af Iking kere thai aerafrei wkea Deaa G. Aeke saa. wka rared a great deal mare akaal Ike almaspkere la Ike Writera Alliaaee Ikaa Ike almaa phrrr aa f apMal Hill, waa rr piarH ky Jeka Faster Dalles, wka pat Reaatarlal seaslllvlliea sa far akea4 at Allied seasMlvl Ue U Ike Rrtllsk raae. Ike same Farelga Serrelary. delwya Flit kaa remained an Ike Jak, Ihm Ike prlartllea kare beea al trea aaae Ike leas. The new system of priorities was revealed, lor example, in the Vacmillan government's de cision tn defv the State Depart m"pl in the matter of trade with (lima The (iovernroent s own experts were unanimous that Britain would not make any great economic gain by changing the China trade rules But being puhlicly rude to- Secretary of State John Foster Dulles was bound to delight the entire House ol Commons and so the deed was done Al this, aa aatikt, waa laerll aklf. The Amertraa roUc. mak ers, after all. were Ike ft rat la downgrade Ike Angla-AmerWaa partnership aad the Weatera Al- saaee. Tke prareas rearkea Ike esplaataa palal wkea Xerretary Dalles, kavmg klmself preelplUI ea Ike tan ertsla. Ikea Maadlr Irlea la shave kls awa kaastt t warfc aar Ike rag. Tke reaaM as Ihe deapera4a British at tempt ta safegaard Brkah's rllal Middle Eastera InleresU ky taaepaJeadeat aeMaa wHk Ike Freaek. The disastrous conclusion of Ihe Suei crisis m turn produced the present situation The Mar millan government, in a very real sense, is the direct conse quence of the British failure at Suei So is the stormy wave of anti-Americanism which has en gulfed Britain Sues in truth was thr real turning point when the British break with the past oc curred Tke kreak la Saagrraaa. mare aver. at keraaae M kas pra Saeea a leadeary la ke paklk-ly ras la Secretary Dalles akaal sack Matters as Cklaa trade . It Is daaferaw, rather, keraaae past gaea Brtlaia saffera tram a haste ecfclaapkreaia. On the one hand, there is tacit acceptance of the lact that Bn tain cannot afford tn jo on act ing as a really great power which was Ihe real reason why I-ord Salisbury left the govern ment On the other hand there n the determination to be more than ever independent of the I'mted Statesxhrh showed it self so strongly in the unsuccess ful Buraimi nrgmia'inn.s 1'iat led on to the present risky mess in Oman II la easv la see Ikal Ikea Iwa British attHaset are feeeiweat ally eaatradietary aad t arret are likely U lead ta kaa Iraakle la tke rad Rat M la alse clear tkal Ikia Brlllak sektiaahreala will aal ke rare wllkaat aarne klghty rrealive Iktaklag akaal ihe falare at Ike whale Brstera Alliance la Waahiagtaa. oft i-era the urv OKU J. I Kta York f'opvnf' lA7 HaraM- Trth'jna, Inc. I Safety Valve Votes for Elimination?, Tn '0 r n i..r Onr oi.n; iieot.i lin1a 'aie mao 1 no pict tir'ihiem nion hip s. rvm .n'ual .on . - 11 at rn. ilatv iilun nifna;r an1 the rtemiiin hetween coilegr or ' oiling an fniei'iatr 'of1 l're . ,lr i lunhoua lv lnotf pill UMin t'.nlrol. In .it'.rnt! .vlicn'r in a ilrtrre mtans nn.rr iH'li Itr iirxrnl hilihrr i-iiut .( nihjl iiuiiluiiun.s air ntM able lu m miih the problem of imieasinn rnritillwnl Hilih sihmi. jiiaiirs ax- ilri.niir.v not 'he answer in so, . in this problem I 1st . tanrlardiied tests ran infix air I sj so ran high school grasses imtu ale a stiirtenl ahilnv lo su-reei in college However, and pan u lnar lv in the latter rase the results do not always give a true indication There are too many (actors vshuh may in fluence the 1 Hies achieved Some of these lac tors are immi turilv unahilitv to adiiist to Ihe hitfh school environment, possible ridmilr hy Irllou sturtcnts tl Ion high of grade are achieved, poor honve hie and working ohlia tioas ,s a result ol these many in fluential (actors e must (ind some solution other lhan solclv grades Setting up a standard examination seems to be a better solution Some accumulative grade point average GPV must he determined which would he based upon a thorough study of enrolling Ireshmen students and their corresponding high school grades Anyone whoae CPA falls above this predetermined average would he eligible lor admission without an examination Those whose grades (all below would have In pass ihe examination to he eli gible tor admissnm Many undesirable effects may arise if students realize that grades would he the only pre requisite for admittance to col lege On the other hand, an ex amination would give those stu dents an opportunity who may have fallen along the wayside due to one or more of the above men tioned factors which influence grades. And after all, seeing that everyone has an opportunity for a college education if Ihe ability exists is the purpose of determin ing a solution tn this problem CUFF GIROO Box 4. Gervais, Ore Capitil Punishment To the FMitor The crime of murder was pun ished by death under the statutes of the territory of Oregon The territorial statutes were con tinued in force hy the state con stitution adopted by the people of the territory in 1R57. The legis lature enacted a criminal code in 1M prescribing the death penalty for murder in the first decree The death penalty continued as the punishment (or murder in the first degree until 1I4. then the death penalty was prohibited by adoption of an amendment to the constitution forbidding the death penalty heing imposed When the 1914 amendment went into effect an l-year-old hoy tes tified that ha purchased a gun and waited for the 1914 amend ment to go into effect and then he went to the home of his ex-sweetheart who he claimed had jilted him and shot her dead hefore the eyes of her mother, and now we are told that capital punishment is not a detriment to murder At a special election Mav 21. 1920 the constitution was again amended expressly repealing the amendment, and instituting the penalty for murder in the first de gree punishable by death except when the trial jury in its verdict recommends life imprisonment logically it seems he or she who commits first degree murder sacrifices their own right to live even in prison Dick Turpi n P O Box 14fia. Mill City, Ore. boy s hofty show he had hi nd spot This is ahai luvemia air otteo lontronird uh .v-. rH(irs! ivrw cs r '.1 If- VtH.IHs.t' ,0 s'!'vT MK hr 11 Ji 'IJ . r i 'rJ' i cvMirvjueosr Uul soilir'.Mies hr shriikls this ul' l'hr i ok1 is itlni the vooruistr' v niakeuf 1 'it rn thai void (an I lulec! The .to cs ol m4l r nj mav Oririoc rns tens e a n r',;h' m smri( M 1 ' h II ifrlrrrm 'or 'he i'v .i.'-' tn-. v n..' . i,- r t an.' 'h 00 ..1' a o-av he rnrrve an hafi'tua r'iMi If IS Plo.' I in 1 :t 'or tltosr ( niii f 1 'ii 1 1 h MHi'h li havior to hA.r moves of ies.s or g-ealer oVir rof.-n. h so pianv v oi.ntstpr Tl jl rn. h ier son is at io1i 'il,, 1 ih a ills tioct personalis arni t hat a ter '1 ( li r .11 h o-s 'h'lur.ih Ihe tlimuifc; if protevs I, if n,mselt it. M jiiv miih alas reiea( Ifir Miilako tiunle tiv olh-r. in ''it- look hisiorv ol thr hurtun lacr The (lerceolar ol nwral if (oirrv hourvrr is guile high, r tn h'r(. lapi': ctiirn-s have tarn Kiriiioiltei We have h.id in tiffnon other instances of murder hv tuveniles where the guiltv lad matured into being a responsible member M society One cannot but (eel that thu Klamalh County hov with his intelligence and background ran redeem himself given an npportunitv But present remorse or future redemption will mm restore hie to his elevan vrar old companion That burden he musi carry through his 1 1 hp , iiaaittlSvtKuaaaa . 4i Time Flies rHO4 "TATF.SMA.N Fit .IS Igdsars aha ha teufH 'or years ta hate a sute Board at Tax snpraa hae acluesea nvc4 of ihev afaKtnea thrai f reargaw LKiaa ml ibeStae Tax Carrtmu MS That reargaaiiaMiea kaa here ramawesed as the lap artels at ihe iStraa maa cacnmuMaa hul a . alia caxvg aa at use r ece meat !: pa.1 mi Ihe arw mot f 'he aommrstrac wa aj Lienvo. cra;.c cat hoimeit !' a., started ax jsri! be coseraor aprumed S Horn $mrm ac-rouatani as a slate .41 csornmiwMWr tuwrvslirg Ray vsviiiv Horn iww is i-natrman tseor Hon s bowed up cash at ;V 'hrre i-ernm.scwar'rv rales, a divmon Smi'k waa a charge 0 nrorna taxes Sam Stewaf aw naa sersed uare ts; in :nr rsroprrfs ui maa 1 ar 1 hambe s a memner lor 11 ream as the head ai the jtilits us divuoa Saw ArU M tw Thta div taion of aulhoc tv w a.s aboabed so 'hac the aimnuswiir now acts as a unit and pnn-varvv as a potic- maAtna board t.os Holme neter anlened the reorganitaiion Horn said He usi laid us la use a loot and see tf impress emails err poe sirue The change had heap mn side red hefore heranae ohen I suggested 11 Stewart and ("ham hers agreed auHkly TV ef'ect oi the lormer m em as that we had three separ ale one man lax commissions tt w lr axnvrnlited ilh a a.i tie 1 1 een rav h di i isuin ilucn ackls that when a 'aspjvrr had a protest be vswild tjkr ' Marines to Form Group Sverji Sjlpni trtt Maifnt? r .ara nfftffrv nM jMintrj !n rf nar re'rTva. jnit arf plannini! tr Inr-n n n,mtAr rvjianiTaitunn ii " mrj; nm f or t r a munM fTTTicii n tf ii olun'fer Tram ng I nit wtHid riu.in uch oii-frr 1 ou id ohlam rel irrtnrnl rdiU tot ! rtrir n 1 j1'r Hut fio null! at tAiitl Tm rn Mt Srv t n ft M'rif ollVfri r a prrhrnmji fnrtinn. anrnjunt p-J V'ttintMij ih.il a dionrr mrrtniv m i 'MNltjIcd in "p.rni6-r (of din ifTrrfvie-ti n thr progt im A' ihot.jh i a ir I ti,!l nrt -i cjlhli.t'i't! itn '.hr orcein 'rfl c s(ft' htit 1 hr rr mt mi rr k j r, in((w nicii ion stxnit it mav imnrn , through thr Saldfm Na Mann, j Training ( rntrr 1 lawn m an inPCWdB. hMrt TV riaftal Hrm mm tAtf Ukr m.rf Wd k: rUw v k aior.- HaM ffl VgHdin ait-dtusMi 1 le Ldf(:.Mr tv a NaTVhaV aV aiWA tsUdftrd I stvr m (aasidWses ' V ronfrtioa tt it tt aa ampr a j issvPat' '- prUiar! Ut af Kafkaj iXVdtn !a Agriculture Department Picnic Tonight s.;a e t. .-i.'t .re 'let pe'si.n nei siatumei r. Saiesr !' ivi'id :"v-ir itus p(-viV rfs -er 4 nii'ies nir xm n t "ast-r Part SStH;! iSH tesscto? f r ri pec-'ed It I! rsr he ' mnn.r'i.tv Im 'he m ' -M-uir f;IVr Vfttar-I ami his if '11 4 tooc sn I.I .lena-'.' cm '-ns'n.n r'aofliivg the pi, on , He-ri Vl-mrr tgnru It-; rf 1 lSf Kapler presideni jeoe.a coa nrji M(p Tav lor piai' nctu.s'rs In 14100 as s stan' .hief assucam ihaif-nan t-s Jean Hi!1 W M-s H P Smilhsor fPler'a ooeni ! ,rx1sav Ijrin ish.e a-' arerneot aod i Iran H' tare a keanar srhcrr and the a aaae trsnarrax psacad Seart 'ha rat ire camrtimiaa 1 'xpaers geaaKatis hae caaee- ram a hearmp afticerx tnaa ihe mnwaja r'1 hearngs Bv mraung itaeif ia-ge ta -ics -nvaa.nt inactions .he camrrua ww has more lime ar Searings Jfv ihe (-ommtaeioa had kat a.ioraa TV mi.,1 sas Hora w (je he 'asoater juk Sr- and more hor.f v a ifuf) oi Ibeir cam p. a iw-c tHher SI a jar Caaafea re -ew ( so IM' e Iva TsuHed r ra he' a etc , hargrt THe -.is. ...1 Tim fca- aft esec if've sec -eia'v He is Rcha'd Fvrrvann 1 ate ov.ntv 'Vm-'ai Nt served e 'V -es-e egtsaure s 1 Tva n rt sa s Hor 's -ha pin rars and egs d 'he t-oro m .....o He ta m cbarfe M edu .a ..tn h1 nlornnalioii personnel rn ei 4 - . ,ifi .w the commisiiioa t twite 1st hear ftgs e i-stmris.sMW -events ap nt.inieit a oierrvner advisors cancntttam M larwyera accastai. aau aad taparara. ki aaapaaa la ful ta aead iar aackar raaav awianatiaaa haraaaa the Laxparw. aad era aad the 1 ssnaaiaaiaa. t aas as 11 saxa as. aad tha anas is aa snare ertrctrt wui ha tluncs we caal aea ' TV rarraraaaiaa saw m tmag aa aesiae a simraar lam Iar aacaena taxpavars wha fax mi the haraaw ream sa4xrm tmi vajas , Baat Har tana I kaad aut an haps far simparr tarna har ether Lax Dasn hecasase aa raat desaa a s.npie form (or ramp lex laws " Three Maaar D 1 Maa There hew are Ihrae anajar atev siora andrr the rommjuioa each beaded hi 1 direct or TVa xt w sians 4-e as-rounting v aJtiatiaai and incwrir T"h directors da RvsaCk ml tha art that used t be nne hi 'ha commjasionef-t themaetvet The rammisaiaa reahaed It cant mase pamg taxes a paeasure But a hopes la mate ihe taxpayer 1 littw happier bv giving them last er servH-e and giving him a ibancT la air hia gripe Tha Vary Bttt In Clean Soft Economical Gas Heating Special Summer DISCOUNTS an Inttallatient iclwsively al Day Heating Co. EM 1-41? NOW t ree Fstimatei Gladly tiperieared F.agiaeeriag Gaaranteed lastallatlaat Cwaranrswdl far One Ysarl "0LDES JEWELRS IN SALEM INDFB THF BAhie OWNFBSMir" YOUR WATCH llactraeikally Timed and T barred aei TIMI-O-GRAF MACHINE Also Clock lapaieini and Skilled Jewelry Manufacturing OPEN FRIDAYS l aawaaaawr x m awe 44S STATE ST.NsWSALIM. 0L - .e; 1 zr z x j -- v 1 . J.e. ." t f. 10 Years Ago Ai IS. 147 of Dr S B I.aughlin, member lamelle 1 niversily facul ty from lH until his retirement ' a few months ago. died The veteran educator was horn at; New Providence. Iowa. Oct 11. 1 1MI Salem s approximately 54 union meat cutters voted tn lrie' against local retailers if the uns ion seeks a M a week pay scale 25 Years Ago Aag. IS. ItU Mrs Harry Pollard, known here as Marguerlta Fisher, erst while motion picture star. and. her sister Dotty rishor. who have! been visiting Silverton and Sa lem, left for Hollywood Fire routed several dozen le gionnaires of Capital Post No. I at their meeting in Fraternal -Temple and as they marched hurriedly from the building to the music of the junior legion 1 hand Ihe flames roared in the attic and roof. 40 Years Ago Aag. IS. 117 K.ditorially - Six hundred and forty million dollars for an air fleet In addition lo the millions already expended and appropria ted. And as much more if necea-. sary Only Ihe I nited States Is rapahle of letting so much mon ey go up in the air Feliritations are being show ered on Mr and Mrs Sylvester M Doerfler after the arrival o a daughter Mrs. Doerfler as , Miss Alice Skiff before her mar riage and the daughter of Dr and Mrs. Will Skiff. 'irf.qonO?.(atfiai Phone r.M l-M it net union aarti By rarrler la rttlei Daily .no aunflai II IS per 010 Dail oni i jo aei ma friodav rtntr IS waal By aiail Only aad laaday 'in advtncwi In Orffon la per ma 4 nr three ma 1 SO 111 ma IS fo eear In tl S nutr-de OfI nn t m a1 $U OJid uoa! T1i POWER of thst Cfptl ef OsHst il Roberts Or ti pies MllUON sou- CRUSADE in 11 mi a a fill, ii 1 a a wjss -aaC.V:,' , II STArtTING Tomorrow Night 7:30 P.M. August 16-25 IJ annual w ainfaaaaaaioaj ' V"--' f a', -i 1 - By mall Saadai aaly (in advance I a e ISIS vaat AadN Baraaa al ClrralaMaa Baraaa at Adeertlttai 4veA Orefaa Slawaaaaet aaallabert Aasaetatlaa Advertlllsi aep'reseauneeat waan i.KirriTH in San ypaarltra lletratt wist aoi.iiiitt ro Nea tark Chtrafa tate mimm is SILVERTON ROAD Services Nightly at 7:30 P.M.-Final Service Sun., Aug. 25 at 2:00 P.M. All Prayer Cards Are Frea-Praysr Cards Oiven Out al Aftsrnaon Services ONIY. Beginning Tomerraw a JiOOfJn. Rabt. . DsWaata Aftam n paaksr But SchtduU to Ttnt - Ltavt tnd of lint to L ibtrty & State, thtn by transfer to Ttnt. Itelier Highland J7ta a Market . Cbemeketa Mat SL Mm St. Re. Commercial IS P.M. 45 P.M. i P.M. .1:45 P.M. 1:43 P.M. 1:45 P.M. sa p.m. ta Liberty aV State, thea ky transfer ta Oral Rsaerts Teal sTtJm "a.??'-8- VUlt" Ht Caaasrelal ta Teat-Laa-e ws, TIMiSJ W.9V r.nia Kappaka. Id. aad Hlgkway H Narth-4-M f ,M. directly la teal s wlU leave aver fallewlng routes: . l sas. a hi.li.i After sanieas Eases Sa. Commercial . 12th St. Highland x aesaeseia itib at Market Nd. PartUad Id. Kelser Par farther Infarmaliea esll City Traaalt Officaa EM HI 44 NO SERVICES HELD ON MON., AUG. 19