5 Men Working Overtime Perish in Cave-in of Clay DRESPtH. Oat.. Aag M Mtm ami to t cava-ai trhut hrr; ea w baned ibv by a'? ciay a iS-iaot Im S)prt Trp , Turns Long For Boater PORT ORrORD Of i H - Cwp MaiTrunaa set out M eirw fool boat u m IX yarda I fishing boat anchored to the harbor brrt Tht CVyear-oU Coos Bay Ore v crewman on it buei Bui ahee he jut out ii the har bur hi paddle brow H tried la row wiU his hands but rowda! get up enouft power nd tht bdt iwn tht butt boa! ut into the Pacific Orwe Far tht next 14 toun (he boat bounced along the Pari fx alwav rthia ii (h of land Several tm.es Uarrtimas tried to land thf boat but failed Ik between hr haiM it out with ane of his shoes The (mat. driven hr a strong i n A ftnafl slipped through be7 breakers nd landed safely en a hear veeterdaT at Ophir The beach la 30 mi In south of here It has ben estimated that there re about 0 ftw species W fishes hi the world Reacts warfcer Mr aaa la W cat three hedwss taatfto aaa atil touff tht i li ii af tht ether Cww. Ocfinaii said tear at mattwr aiada aetaywd rwrnr; a lh bodies Drtwdea 1J mile aorta at Chatham about halfway beraoea Landoa aad lwdsor lest pa C rebec aha tivws Bear the . seat ha bad beta watch ing tht iwi at wart aa th hank at tht Sydmhani Rivar "Suddea- thtrt was a thuadtrwf raar and M torn af etay caved ss," ht seal Tht ant wert pushed ajainst tht ether sxla at tht Mart structure A tht tail aarrtaaad the wert catered Far three mmutn tht mee srreauned Thea thru ctm died a at Tht torrmae rushed duwa and Jumied aa kip at tht earth mtini leverishiy and i uir attFni(Kin( la (tl them eul Tht hrr aarlnita and I at lemixed la clear tht thK-t cUt with thotrit But a far lot heavy Vt had la mt the crane " t onj renuen iahurad e noad- Mjnhole Coen Not Sold for Beer Money mzn rRh mk- m i nr rt1d luptTiirteiMeni ai public iwkv it thu Denit wjrnrrb ia no mairmle r"er arneduM for uae on 'Te pt inf project wet tor beer mone (rodner uid City Councilman tifrmind Ktparto aa mnukrn la I rtpurt Monday night thai arimefi had iprHf jird caM iron coven told them lur nu and tpllt the moneT lur tvrr hgt vta an rhaaii al laniinal aa anamat la aft out Mt rtay Tat nta war iiniaiii la am art at I an hut they iLayad a taaht aa an ana, la baua larul aw mint haat Average Ran Price Higher PtNDLFTON Or, Am u - Tt itratt taw pnct per head at tht Jlat annual Ortfoa ram ta tha "r her rraerijy aaa hi(her thaa laa year lor ail breeds eicept Wtotki ahtrh dropped mart thaa half hetot the lt bt0 RanirwuUlel rarru hmJ fur aa average of lir per Vad com pared It MI m l LifK-uin Ramroiiiet Ooubredn twd fur ll? it per head in l4 aith no aie in l" Hamparum averared hsi thn year rornrred ta l"h m in ! ColumHiaii od lor I'S mmpared lo ax per m )f There a no romparatnt price on CorTeo'ae The drnp in Suffolk ran 'rnm II13W per head m l4 to 'J per head al thi vear i n'e an blamed oa Ihe demand lor while laced ee lamra for replacement purpoMH Jinrenile Crime Wire Brings Pica For More Officers KWTIXNTJ. Aaf M A ' rua ' A- - tar ajart paiara atftrara at Btlfi cart a rauag BixMBie cram aa btra BV aaat thret Btaatha Saa.t Kmi I. aaUct rararaa thn mart thaa Mi arnmlrt kata baea arraaied for enmea rararuut Iran rartr nalataiaa 18 bur (tary Jadrr Vo-rl Laaftry. cluamaa at araf; tormd cttiaeat cora nutlet la ttudy aneaiie aecia aueary uid mart afiran ahauM he auijed la ttw arxroik? ttrv uaa la try to curt tht crime create Statesman. Salem. Ore, Tnun, Auj. 15. "37 (Sec 13 38-Year-OId Woman Found Dead on Peak COLORADO SmPIGi Cato. Kl H -Vcsaa "aht rauidal a a mailt aa aaat to rUma Mr laaaWa) Raaartt arad Tat BVeear-aM i mm i Baa a at haa) lasay kick ta fiat i FWa IClto-toat nan aht had rhmbad M Umea hthati She aeoaetaxl) had tailea Mai died af Mr. .aalrtal at aat araax la can " Sa a aatt Mrv liBim lual Baa Bar aa her 1M hit a haaat k Hit Faid.aihn al P t TW aad kt aaat aa Vatarday aa la tht laa hart Sv aaa A Kant9 I niverrl prolewvr pay hll-rn( rack lor lite fire fli- (o be ueii in experiment Federal Reserve Bank in Bay Area Hps Discount Rate i i VSH1JTV Au H -Th! r'nlerai Reienr Board UMl u ; n (M tht diMMuat raw at tht Fed , erai Reneoe Bank ta Saa Fraa ceo has been raowd from ) Wj IS per rent effertjvt tomorrow i i-ct mrruUr actioa a taken w T al the tther II federal reene haniu Slill rharfinf tht 1 per rem rale are New or (lev eland Richmond and SI l4uu They art eipeced ta Wloa uil Mna TV rliv-ourK rale 'he imereal Inch Ihe federal reserve char tee Hj mtmher hankt o tut i owed money Rinn Ibe nicounl rale tend lo diacourate bant borrow inj und in turn rtei-reae Ihe amount ru h the member banks ran lend Tht Federal Reaerve Board consideri an increa.se la Ihe dinuunt rait as I means lo com bat loo estensive rredit and in flat iwi tar tram where aha aaa taat aaaa Auf Tht trad wt-haired Wra Ranpru rwaquerad many af tht narna s latitat mountains She cauklBl U still" said Mrs Marftry Fedirrhner ant af Twist of Hand Ends Landmark E-AiTIIaHRX. Aa( 14 Jt-lth af tat aideat secuaaa at tht nly ( Nra i hat kaaal Mayar Thomas had aat i threw tram tht D Ataaadra today aauaoasbed a r BaAon-w basdrwt Ht rat afl ;,.S' three mlltoa oollan ta rhanct tfe cary-a toat (aa street hfto aad nty r mi (as M streets aastod 14i war t ywilew fbctar ta awrtranly It has htea a (rad M at whrtt steoa oal rtuuigeever ta tvtwd Btaas u The last h(M ta fa tut aaa cwnxeaieare apprapnaiery Llttto tvaly aat Taday tht aat est went toat aaaa T aaathtr ays Iatar. aa her way dawa. car ry auj small sart al hsad The bad aaa touad t rul y e- . at Tunberhae cabsa. a ram tHacll laaornart Caroaer Ii haai Jwsa sasd tat awniaa aiay hat haaa arad tor weea A (reel raadmather it timaa. Mrs Roams was aativw at Srnethpart Pa and a member at aumeraut ctimtxnj and kiausnrai (roups She was 'he soieat mem ber at tht Pram Mounuia Due af Oiirar Survnaaj beside Mrs Feld kwrtaier art three other daugh ters Mrs He lea GrttMk at lm Aaceita. Mrs Florence Toraer af Casraia aad Mrs Ulliaa Sharp af Tar saa. Ant : rwa aaaa. Edjar Rohtrts af Graad Rafads, Mr aad Kerbert Hairuitsa. Saa Checa. Call! Wwef eaparvrs rorwri a rwwtaj nvartet a) srawted meai tor hu aanai aad kumaa rwa-sumpooa Woman Tortured On Main Street Wt aVrl a to MAN -dJr-. aaaa mumtmm W W av HIM aajjaj TwiH -y WW WW mi Woodry's ... So. Com'l. St. Eastern Maple Authentic Colonial Charm by the ROOMFULS w $99 Your Choice . . . This Week Only! For Your "2-ln-l" Room! Two Twin Beds and Spacious 8-Drawer Chest $99 Furnish your daughter's room in per fect taste at n amazing lale pncel All piexej mod to fine crafting jtan dardt Other Piacat at Sale Savings The Choice of Any Studentl $99 Relaxing Early American-styled bed. chett and desk to inspire study Hours I Solid construction In iturdy maplel Shop Daily 9:30 to 6 Friday and Monday 9:30 to 9 Put Charming Colonial In Your Own Room $99 Handsome . . . sturdy timeless This sale-priced "roomful" includes full size bed, double dresser, framed mirror No Money Down! Long, Easy Terms Come to Woodry'i for tht Largest, Most Complete Selection In Town I of The Exchmve-Feature-P ached a i WAS PEP n n s i n n i i seen irMo)Wiio)(?n -With Dispenser Wheel That Auto matically Adds Rinse Conditioner to Remot e Lint, Gets Clothes Up to 38 Cleaner! -. -- - . . 1 ? .yaaBwaaawawwjj- jaswwwP' ' " ' ' ' - " aw an 100 Flexibility! 1st lay rosnbiaatlta af wash speeds, spin speeds, lime cycles, water temperature! Na limitations, aa rettiictleat, aa prrdrtermlaed "rules": 2 Waih Speeds . . . Automatically! 2 Spin Speed . . . Automatically! 2 Different Time Cycles . . . Automatically! Cold, Warm, or Hot Wash . . . Automatically! Round-The-Clock Timer Starts Washer Anytime Automatically! Cold or Warm Rinse . . . Automatically! -With 'Automatic Wrinkle-Out' that EiSDS Ironing of the iYeic 'Wash 'n Wear' Clothes! FOW Heat Levels cith 'DIAL-A-HEAT! V r 3 " ' ' wwsssswsssssw u MadeJ ED 31 F.iclasivt S-Wir Vcatlai Five built-ra proviikins lor venting eliminsta all installation problem. Dryer may be vented from left to right tide, from rear or bottom of cabinet, or direct exhaust with baa paael tipped to open position. All installations are fluab-to-wall Glaat-Ase Lial Scree a Larger screen (14"ill") Increase efficiency, reduces frequency of cleaning. Located behind base panel, slides out for cleaning. Exclusive New -DUI-a-beat" Wrlakle-Oat DrylBg New Heat Selection affords 4 heat levels "ROOM TEMPERATURE." "LO." "MED," and "SUPER FAST". Modern "wash 'n wear" fabrics can be dried wrinkle free with little or no need fnf pressing. Eirlaslve 4 Way 4 Te mperatare Relertive Drying Only Norge offer four different drying methods in one dryer to provide the finest care for every washable fabric F.irlasive Hamper Dear Full width horizontal loading door opens at the touch of a push-button and is adjustable to 3 positions. 1 Clothes Chut Position for Loading Clothes directly from washer into the dryer. 2 Sort 'N Stack Shelf Position provides handy shelf for sorting and folding dried clothes. 3 Clothe Basket Position allows basket to be placed flush against dryer for caay loading or unloading. Exclusive Ttme-Uae Caatrel Simply select desired drying time oa measured straight line panel up to 120 minutes without resetting for heaviest loads and drying starts. Entire back panel is lighted during operation; can be turned on and off with switch located on top of panel. Exclnslve Super-Capacity Dryer Cylinder cu ft. capacity allows frei1 tumbling action of clothes for wrinkle-free drying. Smooth unperforated surface can't snag clothes, reduces linting. Double Epon Resin coated. Tremendous Price Package! Closeout! 1957 Washer-Dryers 292T AL LAUI Good Housekeeping YIATIE REFRIGERATION I 2350 State Ph. EM 2-4195 I 467 Court INC. I APPLIANCE CO. Ph. EM 3-9611 I 375 Chemeketa Ph. EM 4-6835