City News Briefs M A VTOWEI WIT, VUZ Dr John Rtcbartt, chancellor of ihr Syitom af Hifher Education, i hirlet f rry. State Civil Service dirrrinr, and Gna Huntley, direc tor of penonnel and public rela i oo5 lor the State Highway Depart meni. are leaving today tor Spo kane to attend a northwestern re jmnl meetini of the Columbia i niveraity manpower inquiry com mittce. Studies of the committee rf sponsored by Ford Foundation MI ES RITES WEDNESDAY Funeral service) (or Horace i.ilhent Niles. Portland hardware dsmti who died Sunday in a Mkn hoepital. will be 1 p.m. uMnesday In Finley Mortuary , 'iapel. Portland, the Rev. Donald f Thomas officiating. Burial will r in Rose City Cemetery. Howell i'daards Mortuary is in charge. sinrp for rent Sept 1. State 4 (.nm 1. SU. EM 1-77M, EM J-JOW tedv.) ri.KADS OUILTY James Ocila Shearer, 1M Union Si . pleaded guilty Monday ia Mar on County District Court to a charge of petty larceny involving mrfi of a bottle of wine from a halrm supermarket. Judge E. 0. Siadter Jr.'suepended sentencing. I'aim prices susnev ouripg ir modeiing sale at Clarke s. 00 N. i ommercial iadv.1 KlfKOFF SITE LISTED An August 11 kicked meeting ni Cascade Area Council of Boy .Vouts will be held at the State School for the Blind auditorium, not at Meier and Frank auditorium i previously reported. 1' k surprising the amaxing thingji riasMfied Ads do! To order, dial y.w 4-MU. MTTERY BURNS A car battery la a vehicle ?eg Mrrrd to Earnest H Netter. 1JSI Heather Lane, caught fire around I 20 a.m. Monday la downtown Sa lem, firemen said. Damage was es timated at $25. GARAGE ENTERED An Army cot, two hammers and a carpenter square were stolen sometime the past five days from a garage owned by A. C. Arm strong. 44o Ford St., police said Monday. Value was estimated at $10. Dental plates repaired while you wail at Painless Parker Dentist, IIS N. Liberty, Salem. (adv.) ARTISTS SET MEETING The Salem Creative Art Group will meet Thursday at I p.m. at the Bush House lor a business meeting. A social hour will follow in honor of thj.s month's exhibiting artist Evelyn Benner. Unsightly (acial hair removed safe ly, permanently Price's Beauty Salon. Ph. EM J-MM. idv.) HI BCAP STOLEN Lawrence H. Bodine. MS Mc.Nary St.. notified Salem police Monday a $2 SO hubcap was stolen from his car sometime Sunday evening while it was parked near his home. You can enjoy the best so easy to buy a Johns-Manville neal-o-matic shingle roof 4 Colorbestos side wall shingles Matins Bros. EM 4-413 1, 201 State St. iadv.i PERMIT ISSUED A permit to alter the Northwest Poultry plant at 1505 Front St for 13.400 was issued Monday by Sa lem city engineer's office. TOOLS LIFTED An assortment of loots valued at !2S was recently stolen from the garage of Earl Peter Irwin. 715 Boone Rd . police said Monday. State Officials Studying IBM Machinery Three state officials started a course Monday m New York In preparation for Secretary of State Mark Hatfield's proposed long-" range conversion to more extensive use of automatic business ma chinery. The three, two from the Secre tary of State's office and one from the Finance Dept., bring to six the number who will have been trained in use of the machinery Hatfield hopes to have installed in the next few- years. That's not counting personnel in charge of the Highway Depart ment's data processing unit which was put to work this summer. Attending a free IBM course this week in Endicott. N. Y . are Leon Margosian. assistant budget admin istrator: Elmer Baldwin, manage ment analyst for the Secretary of State, Floyd J. Gould, assistant audits supervisor. Harold F. Phillippe. accounting manager, recently attended course at the same institute. T from the Finance Departmei management research division. Robert K.' Wood, accounting sys tems ekief, and W. V Fisher, accounting procedures supervisor, attended a course at Endicott last fall to prepare them for expert- Promoted Wy. V.j WILLARD M. GLAZE U.S. National Bank Names Supervisor House for Office Use To Be Studied Salem Planning Commission will hold a public hearing tonight at City Hall on Oregon State Employ es Association's request for per mission ta convert a house at Court and 13th streets to office use. Application is from C. G. and Emily Coe. The former Steusloff home involved ia at the northwest corner of Court and 13th. The as sociation is proposing it for its ad ministrative offices.' Another hearing at the 7.30 p m. City Hall meeting will involve J. P. Aspinwall's request to remodel a garage at 1571 Ferry St This proj ect would violate established side yard setback law. A cornmittne study of the recent Saiem Chamber of Commerce fringe area report has not been completed, according to I'. S. Page, chairman'f the Planning Commis sion's plats and subdivisions com mitiae .No report will be made to night although the commission s printed agenda listed this matter as pending business. Statesman, Salem, Ore., Tues., Aug. 13, '57 (Sec. I)-5 Pen Terms Meted to Florence, Salem Men Judge George R. Duncan meted out two-year prisoa terms to Flor ence and Salem men Monday when the two appeared in Marion County Circuit Court on separate criminal charges. Donald William Schnee. MO Marion St., was sentenced on a charge of passing a forged check Lotrtmotives Sold BUENOS AIRES. Aug. 11 (AV Argentiaa is taking delivery this week at the first of S diesel loco motive bought from France for the Argentine state railways. The other 14 are to be delivered before the year's end. Public Records CIRCUIT COURT James E Friese vs. Jean A Friese: Decree of divorce award ed to plaintiff with restoration of defendant's former name of Luke 1xiise Leona Young vs. John r.i-irr Ymins Decree of divorce awarded to plaintiff i Dupree roe t ( larence T (, lad den, warden of Oregon State f'eni lentiary: Order dismissing habeas corpus proceedings and remand lng plaintiff to custody of the warden. Naomi Ruth Hutchinson vs Raymond Hutchimon : Decree of divorce awarded to plaintiff. Josephine Ellis Service vs Dav id Everett Service Decree of di vorce awarded to plaintiff with restoration of her former nam of Ellis I.eslie Eitelgeorge vs. Beverly Esther Eitelgeorge: Decree of di inree awarded to plaintiff with custody of two. minor children Lawrence Frederick Wargnier v Gertrude Agnes Wargnier: Do nee of divorce awarded to plain tiff and custody of two minor chil dren to defendant, with 135 month lv support: custody of two addi tional minors still pending Slate, vs Norman Rsohard Wag ner Case continued lor plea on charge of rape: defendant ordered it Oregon State Hospital fbr M Havs observation. State vs Patrick Roden: Case continued until Sept. I for sentenc ing on charge of aiding in obtain ing .llegal public assists nr Stat vs Donald William Schnee Defendant sentenced ta two years m Oregon State Penitentiary on charge of a forged chock. Slate vs. LeRey J. Farnham Defendant sentenced to Oregor Siate Penitentiary for two years nn charge of obtaining property by fale pretenses. Stat vs. Walter ConacQy: De 'endaat pieoed aa two years pro battoa a charge af contributing i the delinquency of a miner Stat vs EUaabeU darke: De fendant placed on three pro hation on rharge of nntaininf money and properly hy false pre tnse Slate v Wyatt Gilmore Hicks Ind James Ralph MrCormerk Defendants motion foe continuance no rharge af burglary not in a -Welling allowed, set for Aug II State vs Hareid J Bacon Order fl'iunissing charge of non-support ep mntwri from district attorney's p'fic Harry Fugene Rhish .lacquel " Blush Decree of divorre arnVd In plaintiff phwute rot T rrr C Eastman eiai ' ctrt estate nicrasrT rotT Umef faVs TwrrrW AlhtKir T V Vi fined t nn rhire of trunk m a public k ghwav lone Burnire MrCord. Santa Monica ralrf fined tJ en charfe Iving drunk en a puMte high lame HuOaa Rauram 1 Mar - St fined fMi an rharte ei he i dnank aa a pobbr kighvay iHm Jeanaoa. 411 Bliler . ' Mag a charge ef artvwi tle iaaaxJcated. fined lie arge af drtvtag wttll a suapended "reratar'i Icoaee lamaa MeridRh Hatfield Perl 'and. Baad M ea charge ef hetng "jnk aa a pubac highway rwtae Jeaea TWwenll fUa 'w CaHf . fhtsd flf a rharge n i mt while aMwikrated ItciM La Mar Rer Inannn ' IIV aa rharge drKmf Siie wttenrsted nwn Batinre. Wwieans1 a eon wMil Aug It t itss 'kargM f aVtvwtg wtwle intnural t and dr-tink m a aaMic WfWt St . pleaded guilty to charge of petty larceny; sentence suspended Anthony Robert Cardiello, 1575 Marshall Dr . (20 fine suspended on charge of angling in closed por Hon of a stream. MARRIAGE APPLICATIONS Rex I-rslir Rrown. I. student SilveHon. and lean Frances Mc Killop. 1. student. 325 S. Winter St . Salem John Floyd McDonald. 22. aerv ice station attendant. 130 N. 14th St . and Sharon Nolan. 11. legal stenographer, 322 S. 90th St., both of Salem Arnold Mason, 24. student-salesman, Lebanon, and Joan Isabellr Hamman. 23, teacher. 1035 Garnet St . Salem Hugh D Raker. 34. sheet metal worker. HI S 13th St , Salem, and Joaephtnt C. Roae. . nurse. Portland Guy Cable Spills; Power Interrupted Electricity in some sections of West Salem was shut olf about two hours Monday afternoon when a fork lift backed into a power pole near the railroad tracks on Wallace Road and shook loose a guy cable Jack A. Frisbie. manager of Salem Electric, said one wire bounced against another when the pole was hit and created a short circuit. Also affected was a Port land General Electric cable which snapped in half Salem firemen ere called when the live T.2O0 voll wires started grass fires where they landed and begaj melting rpeks No water as used on the live wires snd firemen had to wait until power The I'nion Service Station at as shut off before they could 101 Edgewater St. was robbed extinguish the small fires of a $221.34 check and 3137 in The outage was reported about out on the truck tire, which burned credit card slips after a man asked 115 p'm PGE service was re-, some stubble in a nearby field be-; to use the phone Monday morning, , stored in about an hour and Salem i fore it was extinguished j city police said. j electric users had power restored ! Other Dallas calls included a Marvin Murray, station ownefj about 3 pm, Frisbie said, small grass (ire at the Forrest I and operator, said the check and 1 Wlllard M Glaze, native of Sa lem and a 17-year veteran of the staff of the I' S National Bank. Ladd and Rush branch, will be- ! come director of personnel and nirtinna innArriM. trr II Kranh. mentation with Highway Dept. ma-! , , ,rcl AuJ u The announcement was made by E. C. Sammoas. I S. National pres ident i Glare will hofd the title of assist tant cashier His headquarters will be Salem. Currently he is assistant manager and operators supervisor of the Ladd and Rush branch. His successor will be Robert Schmder Maze, an Army veteran of World War II is now president of the Marion Polk Rankers' Association and formerly was president of the Marion Co u n t y chapter of the American Institu'e of Ranking chine Hatfield said others will be sent to the IBM school as well as free courses offered by Remington Rand in Boise. He said funds will be asked in the Legislature for extensive conversion to ma chine accounting Dallas Area Fires Quelled City Worker Outside Job Requests at 88 The number of city employes asking permission to hold outside jobs has risen to M. City Person nel Officer Don Hulchman report ed Monday. About half of the applicants are policemen and firemen iw are subject to City Civil Service Com mission rules affecting outside work The commission has decreed no outside jobs except in general emergencies, but the city adminis tration otherwise has just adopted rules that permit extra jobs that don't interfere with city work or seriously compete with other job seekers. A committee comprising five de partment heads at City Hall will continue the initial screening of applications (or outside work af a meeting this morning Water Man ager John Geren is chairman. for 337 in Salem ia June. Judge Duncan also revoked In earlier probation on a similar charge and sentenced Schnee to an additional two years to run concurrently at Oregon State Penitentiary. The Florence man. LeRoy J Farnham. also received his sent ence on a check charge. Farnham earlier had pleaded guilty to a rharge of obtaining property by j false pretense involving a $6fl0 i check cashed at a Salem auto ! agency in April. city police cracked their check scheme of obtainin; a prescription for Clarke nerves and wnlinj bad checks for doctor s fees and prescriptions Waller D Connelly. 19 Salem. Rt 4. was placed on pronation for two years on a charce of con tnhuting to the delinquency of a minor Connelly had pleaded guilty to a charge involving keeping a vouns cirl away from her home until late hours DALLAS. Aug 12 Dallas fire trucks answered calls here this aft ernoon on two grass blazes and one ' lire of undetermined origin which destroyed a truck and a load of wheat at the Case Barendrecht larm l', miles east of Rickreall. I A truck from Rickreall also went Phone Call Proves Xlostly Postal Schedules, Rates Summarized In New Brochure Salem Post Office has published a five - page mimeographed bro chure summarising postal rates, schedules and instructions Postmaster Albert ('. Gragg said copies had been mailed to many of the city i heavy mailers and are now available to the public on request Aim of the publication is to help Salem postal patrons ' make the most advantageous use of the Pos tal Service." Gragg said Mrs Elizabeth Clarke, wife of a nervous" New Mexico man who had supported his family on bad checks for several months, was placed on three years probation after having pleaded guilty to ob taining money and property by false pretense Her husband. Ralph Peter Clarke of Deming. N M . was sentenced to three years in prison on a similar charge last month The pair were arrested in Salem after False Alarms 'Heat' Firemen flitimaai Newi aWrrtr FOl R CORNERS, Aug 12-Four Corners firemen were all fired up today after answering three calls m 1, hours with two false alarms ' al the same location I First alarm at I p m involved a short circuit in a washing machine motor at the H R Randall resi dence IKVi Monroe Ave The machine was insured and damage , was not estimated Firemen were then twice alerted in rapid Succession to the W R. Raker farm on route 5 two miles east of here when passersby mis took farmer Raker's efforts to burn a stubble field for a raging grass fire. No damage, outside of a few overheated firemen, was reported. Night's Haul Frustrating For Thieves Burglars who hit three Salem business establrshmrnls sometime between Sunday night and Mon day morning had little to show (or their efforts, city police said yes terday Reported missing was SI 50 from a dfsk in the Marion County wel tare office. 432 S. Church St . and some dairy products from Andre sen s Creamery . "2 Mill St Police said a rear window in the welfare ofliee was broken to reach in and unlock the door Besides the tl .10. an undetermined amount of change was stolen from a soil drink machine which was broken into, officers stated Andresen's Creamery was en tered hy breaking the front door and an unsuccessful attempt was made to open the safe The burg lars apparently dr:ink two quarts of milk and a pint of cream and ate a half pound of cheese, police said A hoard was used to hatter a window at Seamsters Nu Way Cleaners at Mill and Church streets but it did not appear the window was opened, police st.iied Noth ing was reported missing from the (irm Judge Duncan ordered Norman Richard Wagner. 17-year-old Salem jnuth charted with rape, to Ore gon State Hospital for 30 days ob servation Hearings also continued for two youthful transients. Wyatt (. 1 1 more Hicks of California and James Ralph McCormack. both charged wiih burglary Date for entering pleas was set for Aug. 18. Sentencing of Patrick Roden, former operator of Cottage Con valescent Home on North Cottage Street, was continued until Sept. 3 on a charge o( aiding an aged patient at the home to illegally obtain public welfare assistance. Roden. who was convicted by a circuit court jury last week, had been scheduled (or sentencing Moor dav. Th Very Batt In Clean Scjfe Economical Gas Heating Special Summer DISCOUNTS an Installations Exclusively at Day Heating Co. EM 3-4121 NOW Free Estimates Gladly Experienced Eagiaeeriag Guaranteed Installations Martin residence on Ellendale Ave-1 credit slips were kept in two enve nue which apparently started from . lopes missing after the stranger a fire in a trash barrel, and second grass blaze along the highway four miles out of Dallas on Falls City Highway apparently ignited hy a cigarette thrown from a car. left Murray said payment on the check has been stopped and the credit slips had no rash value. Birtfil I i li LAWSON-To Mr. and Mrs. Har ry Laweon III. 1757 Portland Rd . a daughter. Monday. Aug. 13, at Salem General Hospital SHl'HOLM To Mr and Mrs Ed ward Shuholas, MIS Park Ave . a son. Monday. Aug. U, at Salem General Hospital. Torch-Carrying Juveniles Cited Two six-year-old Salem boys car rying torches made out of wads of newspapers were stopped by a res ident Monday after they reportedly said they were going to set a house afire in the 1300 block of Elm Street, city police said An informant gave police the names of the two boys The parents ' were notified to see the city juve i nile officer today with the children A. T. Shanks, j 74. Succumbs ! i Aimer Thomas Shanks, Silverton area native and former Scio resi-' dent died Monday in a Salem nurs ing home at the age of 74. I Shanks was born Nov 1. 1M1, In ! Howell Valley, near Silverton. He came to Salem from Scio about j four months ago to enter a hospital for an operation and moved about j two months ago to the nursing home He leaves his widow In Salem 1 and a stepdaughter. Mrs. Harold Pangle, Albany Arrangements are pending at W T Rigdon mortuary. 800 Algerians Killed ALGIERS, Aug 13 uH French officials tonight claimed ago Al gerian nationalist rebels have been killed in the past week. In formation from various parts of Algeria indicated M had been killed in the past 24 hours Man Breaks Hip in Moving Park Bench John G Mumm. 13. of 13tt N. . 4i h St . sustained a fractured hip 1 Monday afternoon when he fell as he was moving a bench in Marion ' Park to a sunny spot, city first aid-' men said He was taken to Salem General Hospital hy Willamette Ambulance Service A hospital attendant said his condition was "good." , : yawnWR wmm.y miss wn,.l i iuiiiim,sWiM iujj)ihp,-wh 1 DR. ESTILL L. BRUNK ANNOUNCES THE ASSOCIATION OF HIS SON DR. RONALD E. BRUNK SALEM. OREGON IN THE GENERAL PRACTICE Of DENTISTRY AND THE REMOVAL OF THEIR OFFICES TO SUITE 3 -MEDICAL DENTAL BUILDING 1280 CENTER STREET Telephone F.MpIre 3 5431 saw"""-'" t.- m.wmmmmuimmw'iw'fmm vgrww 351 Stat EM 3-4988 r ajajft 1 f f X tF V dF aT tH gal Your Authorized Oldsmomie ueaier has It! Ask him to show you why the budget-priced "88" Is the value-car of the year. More car for your money! Greater luxury! True big-car ride and handling ease. Top resale value! Get the facts and figures . . . you'll see that an Olds "88" Is Just the cai for you . . . that now'slths time to buy! trt m vr sKXl ISO CIS rv Check It-Then Come in and Shop With Uf. lieve Here Are the Greatest Meat Values in ful Supply of the Cuts We Advertise. We Honestly Be Oregon. A Plenti- PtV? r7Cri any m V ja y h ear - m av ar w - bf nrrr nAC-rr I SWISS STEAK I t BEEF ROASTS eo S,rlom Stcak u. 45c ib. u 89c Individuals BonoUtt 100 Pur Lan T Bone Steaks BEEF CUBES Ground Beef u. 69c u 59c u 43c Over 42 Years in the Same Location Selling More Meat Than Ever-There's A Reason! MBMHaaaMiaMBaaBBeaaBHBMaaiHaaBBBaaHaaBMaaMBaBaBaaBBBBBaBMaaBaaaMa Fancy MilkUd Fancy Milkftd Fricasi or VEAL CHOPS VEAL STEAK VEAL STEW u 79c u. 65c u 35c Delicious Hommad Old-Fashiond Jumbo Chipped Beef SMALL WIENERS FRANKS Vi Lk 49c 43c u. 5 u,s2.00 35c u 3 u. $1.00 An Unlimited Supply of Cuts from the Finest Small Corn Fed Porkers. They Have That Light Color; Tender Texture and De licious Flavor. SKouldor Small-Tender Center Cutt Pork Roasts Pork Steak Pork Chops 39 t 59 ,, 79 ,t Inch Thick A Real Breakfait Treat Loin-3-3 Poundl YANKEE SMOKED n n , SPARE RIBS PORK LINKS vmK KUd5IJ 55' a. 59' ib. 59' it. No Prepackaged Meats-Fresh Cuts Hourly PRICES EFFECTIVE ENTIRE WEEK!