The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 11, 1957, Page 35, Image 35

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    11 It
' , mf is a Bfrgiactfo' NMMMMHt. f - v-
M 1804, two ol America i found
ing fathers paired off in a duel to the
death, and when the smoke cleared
Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamil
ton lay fatally wounded and Vice Presi
dent Aaron Burr stood triumphant.
Many Americans consider Burr a
ruthless villain and Hamilton a truly
great force in shaping the nation. But
you'd never know this by visiting their
old mansions only a few blocks apart
in New York City
Burr's dignified Georgian home has
been completely renovated, refurnished,
and re-landacaped It is as handsome
today as when Burr married its wid
owed owner. Qua Jumel, a century
and a half ago
But Hamilton's mansion, the Grange.
has fared poorly through the years
Unpainted, rotting, shutters askew, the
building is jammed between an apart
ment house and a church. The identify
ing sign outside is so rusted It can
hardly be read, and even the American
flag is torn'
Perhaps recognition will catch up
with history this year, the 200th anni
versary of Hamilton's birth. The Amer
ican Scenic and Historic Preservation
Society, which owns the Grange, hopes
to raise 1350,000 from various bicenten
nial celebrations. The money would be
used to repair the house and move It
to a wooded sit, a token of respect to
s man who. both In life and in death,
lost to one of the most controversial
figures of the Revolution
Inside Hamilton's koma, s crumbCnq ceiling offers
6tti protection to ikibitt of our early history.
TVa home of Aaron lurr it wal maintained vet ka
lied Hamilton, was not as important htttoricaiy.
fiiUi. Amwmm II. ISST