18-(Sec ITT) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sun., Aug. 11, "57 August Brides-elect Tell Plans for Church Nuptials August promises to be a busy a bridal month as June. with sum Crous weddings scheduled Several bnde-s-e eci are announcing plans for their church ceremonies this eekend ami dsclovins members of thtr wedding parties Miss Joan Hamman. daughter of the Flovd Hamrruns mil be mar ried to James A Mason on ot Mr James f Mason nt U-rvanon. on Saturday, August 34 The o cl.u k To Live in Corvallis Jfiw't . . at the hv nr'O fievt 'nc and Mr Jack R ceremony will take plao Englesvood Evangelical I n Brethren Oiurrh ith the IJoyd I'eckeT offis- V:r; s -eo-T tion will tol.ovv n the cnurrh pj Icr M:ss Ree';. H.aTn- n w her s:5ter s maid e: tjfocr ') hrdemaid h V v Vnna Ham-ran also a sister Mr i...n Samuelaon of F.ug-'ne vff fi Mr M?nn a M:s Ph". Cre.-.- w T'.t) Ljghtmj Ihe la-nlc be Miv Barbara Pfunct v-t. a lid M'M (Severn noer n i a -r 1 1 1 am Strand ".'-i a rv.' man 'or M Mann aid ,;-,e-. rktde John yearn" '':' .s Jsme Carrier 0! '.'..n- - ,.n,: Rienard ru Mls Taggart ame tllrndjan Miss Card s.-.n I.,-- ' ha- jrrnfj :n :V , .: .1. n Nan Irani irc ' ' " ' ' '"f her vieJCsr, K V--.T' Sacchet!: . ' S..- F r - " ' Vr j?d v- v ' " "" a v. n( -e has r ' y st- J '-- the a'-r-da-s V- V' V .g-:v X wedding The daughter of Mr Taggart The cere.-nonv be performed at St Joseph s Ca'hok Cmir- h t alio clock n'pia ma th 3 reception (nHowng a! tee k"i;'" of rnlumhus Hal! Mrs Ros Chn.tian.sep " ne. lirer 1 -natron if hncv an.- v Jnan Srroef,i of sjn Krn. i." ill come norm u he the rt-a d n honor !nr hrr ' : . Br'dema'rl I rv M r-Thomp-on ma'd .t He- and M.- ivi..re Roe' W M.-' "'1 ' fri" tnr '' v: ino '.w-" P-en inr de "hu- Ft re fh.ar. Ijnyen 'M" ! rr j' ' ".n Frthci o and R"ht r Tjj" brother o' the hrtde ' Jtllle Aalratn Reieala Pljna The K.rt f'reb t. m t hor. h ill be the sfinj !. the Auiut 24 rr.arr'.aif of Miss Julie AjTup daughter of Mr ajwi Mrs Mark M Aitrjp and Brfe A Borrtvik Jr son of Mr and Mr Berje A Bor reik of Reedsoort The orlok me? iU be perfrpTo-d n i- P.ai. Netofl Pohng W.'l'am tlev ill i:ng a-d Mm Ri p" !vfM ': -v LV nrjans' Ughtmg the rand e re 'j and Carolyn Oothera daughters of Pr and Mrs William C ("rothera rrol Ann Nelaon. daughter nt the Carroll Roger Nelsons, will be the flower girl. Miss Marlene Emmett of Rot burg will be the maid of honor and bratmaKte include Miss Darryhi Dtxon of Honolulu. T H . Miss li nor Dtxon of Redport. and Mn Corral Gray 1 Susan Youngquist of Seattle Donald Stn of South Burnby British Columbia will stand with Mr Borrerik as beat man I'shera Include Jean Bowles of Pendleton Donald McNeill and Thomas Har ney of Portland. Gary Clayton Voadia Miller and Dav Hicki of Reeds port The waxMing reception will fol low at the American Legion Hub Biggs-Baatttai Nwptiah Mils Betty Lou Boenm. whose mamag to U Barry Biggs of Portland will be an event of Sun day August IS. n announcing her wedding plans this weekend The nndi'-cUYt - the djjhtor of Mr and M- Ruhen rVvhtrt and her 'i.srvp :s the -.on M and Vn H'lj" 1 Bif m Portland T c-Tmom will h eld a' 1. -ace 1 Lifvran Church th the Rf loe" Hoi'f nfficia'ins a' thp 1 n clock nten f Bcrr! Roe H o i! - .r t h rnr attend T-t ard i - lo-io.od .', he lis Pt-rerli l.vvard M ,v5 Bsh ! r sifv M -- hc-an Haf .n P'-rland and M-- Kwr W .Pf .ir Rai . ain!r 01 I'ori.and t ,, - rp a- hel nan 'r" Mr R ' sner- n j1e 'jr I'lnianch l.. ! ,:i: i jr: lianiLvon a'id IV 'or lifjvh. - .i.i ol i'jri ij.iv: The "HMlir .1 I ' H inv; rr t jUvi I 1 lurh.i I . X OSC Mothers Picnic kwt ... I'm thinking strongly of giving tp my prsnt occupation and gang into th cov ered dun (what fastidiOvl nv.5paprs Mi woulo.n t b cagrit dead xitn 'pot luck in the.r coi-uf-ins tJ.l em 1 d'one' busi ness Ca'ne Ov' qui'e hjoo some:y at'er ooe Tn.-sja. Waking up O'l Fr,aav mom. mg I tosjnd mysei' rher Dv 0' c vaonde'tui oea fa ' a can of cottee -d a K.'ge por'wi ai'eacy "-acie "-;h 'f fruaal emoo- 1 :j- -k for the net wee, tnre serv ng srocos j t'SCiack turner (v.eil hrn and spoc nq "-e 8ref A'ber'? 'a'f ir pf fTftt,' usn of pear ar-r-a !Sre joe pck'ed re' a sc. og c soKed Cys'ers, ce ' 'f raTkerch e a p ece c' e-'no pe a-d a o. - e s go- , l se t c"ee ''i e ,Ke rxx" c. -g recesj O'-s' Ckkhen f.-'-or - o e t - :a ' o' because ,he'e ds a c Otd '-e sv "e o's c' peoc e Kae bee - oo--j " s t -vt e ea"i?' V' -eJ c' c.e a-d a c' of tM' P. 1 SSKKSfl 0o"l' "10 e i . 0. '"ev e see e"i A-.J "oik vJu' tr ere as a rnooo, frarttf Wan will met abotUy LEBANON - Lebanon - Sweet mght at tht VTW Ral far bust Home Oregon Slate Colic re Moth- Bess meeting at I a.m. WkkR aH nmm4t . . . That thingi eattrtained at Booth fart seemed prttty worvdeHul but queer o ra.n TWaday evemog with their aa- Lebanoa Vakw Higa SdMal gradt lover l,k myself wheo ,n. Norway and ,t auaJ summer p.cruc A large group J" g ,.,ned every day. to be .mong Engl.th lour student, and parent, from both ZfiLmt fc u's who never batted an eye t the inoen reas participated Mra C C Mc- p,,., the tw snataar'l We sat out on deck of the fOfd steamers Bnde of lbaaoa and current pres- rroup ta provide tTsairatia aa w "i coat? pyi'ed up eniOymg the ran m Our ideal of the group, announced 10 both hweet Home aad fsces and the eah.larefmo. everyone car r es a raincoat and or umbrella frown aooears or a picnic it cancelled o mj s'ure having been bom v--o i'ked ''" and having inner Ke- Oregon s mis's can dampen oothes but "o' ip r t I wsh the local otizer-s could take n $'r oe I ke 'he Scandmaviaos Did I tell yw m le"e's l-c Demak f t wes ametr-j 55.00 Danes ano Camiv Aer cans m Reb'ld. amending n Oc'CtOOr 4th c Ju' ce ebra'ion in ram id 'ft(n "5 'i - a id that preC'celly evervooe s'vck ci' -'ogn 'o noes 0 sneechmak "g t o' 1 we nd a -eg. c oudbo's' to eeryc-ie h-' i0 "-e btses 'rv'ud ng 'ne speake't' We 1 od i"j e.ervooe too t as a iOk P.'-ig coa's ever heads aid r-mng ot ccer a-"'d io's o' ;Ok-ng a id c'-a"e' "g Enough of ram S-.i day i" ' we e r.(lng ' js V p sed to sav' y the way . . . Wha'e-er ban.ame 0' y mPy " Wa , B-eo -t - The Story of Contact Lenses "Wkf Witt f? I LA In It75r A recent colored film made by representatives of Americs 1 out standing industries told of the world we would have in 175 The airtnfl Industry envisioned atomic powered planes that would fly 290 persons from New York to Part la three aostrs The automobile industry told of XI font, atomic powered cars that would follow a beam at unheard of speeds on our highways while the driver turned his swivel seat nd sat chatting and facing the people In the hack seat in perfect safety' Modern homes that com bined Indoor and outdoor living in super electronic houses he ynnd our fondest dreams: These and tnaay other marvels that we rant even imagine now will be come commonplace in a few years Aad what will happen to the Optical world in V Well, for one thing, you wont e e- many fine tonkins inunj men n1 women weerini thick unaifht lease in groeque frames 1' wool he necewtaiT In fwi 1 tsnt werear-v now imot -rv known optical defect can evea new, be corrected hv a co nesl lena so small that it defiet dection, eorrecta s person v, loa much more perfectlv anr" completely ellmtnatea the need for wearing glasses At the pre. eat time JO. 000 Americana pe month are diarardmi their lse for theaw new, tiny lenses And this number Is Incressing daiis ta the point where the Ishnra tones are having difficultv ' fUUng the demand What a woe eerful future we have to look forward ta aad how wonderful It is to be able tn realry see this changing world of ours with these Miracles in Sight T. W. Sahljtrom, O.D. Roy B. dunes, O.D. 0ytHwtHU VtotWa friU frvHW AmH4 to f yt ftawiMtto ncHf vW Cm tort Ul Um)f7 Wit., fUVr. OrffM flM tMfiri tmi Parhr W elk n H 1 '0 n rr'jirrted on Fri1 Aug j ' .10 'p Ri-wvr Nlnhrl Kipper T ct hl hop ' n in n pf "tn,; ' n' Pj i! Kp,rafei! "urt h w - - R 1 .eir;ri H va Oi' 11 nS M jra 'train a -h i' v V 'it'nfor a'f-1i' Rr rrawTanT -Vll' e- ) s tU iff ct 'it- rir ' arc! M.v Jatirf- K.r;,r i" "it vttH ir , i' , l .me I .1 r 1 .a . 'Ins t a ri be your family'i barber with Vr and Mrs Jonn Rossw-fil Ci wo were mjrr.ed Ajgus1 3 of f-e Nazs'ene The br'Ce Beads i"3 'no cieg-oc C"o" ngs 7,,e coup e w a lO'C a' O'egc S'a'e jir- og5 nj f-aye Rearf) a' "-e joo'n Saem Church s tie aagf'er of tne Haro d s -re so- 0 M-s F-aok e -e - Co-. a 1 where he s ege V:tti Stod o ! Coffee it Herncks 1 .c'c t of 'he VS omen S.xiet of I'h'istian Service of the FirM telhiivt Church mill hoid a bene- f I loftee on Wedrvesdav mormnj; in :he garden of the home of Mrs Riron Hernck. 130 Rxlimond Aie in'tn hours are trom 10 to i: 0 clock Proceeds will be used to apply on the missionary pledge Co-hostess is Mrs Steart Miner and all women of Ihe church are invited ta attend Birt batons lopai. of November is the Cham JeuJe and Maple kcp CVegon enlv model house furaished in Earlv Amencaa Maple Featuring etclusist representation of luch lines as. ITHAN AUIN it NfW INCLAN0 SHOP! SPIA0UI I CAIIT0N COL0-AIO UPHOISTIRT Frt Dtcorating Consultant Strvict Budget Ttrmi Open Monday a no! Friday Evenings Or Any Evening by Appeintrneeit GOOD HOUSEKEEPING INC. 447 Cewrl Si. P Hawse M 3-N11 ne 1 sndles ill !-he. a Conk'in Wame Rker 1 T Mr h ppci hrni llor Cll .1I.1 R .iki' M ... vr k he lighted hv M,s. M- aid Mr. Vt, ;', I V clk and V- h oper is the ton of Mr snd Mrs M rhael (upper, all of Sal. m Tne reo'piion will lollow in the he (liithler nf parivh hall ; he heN' n'an I vhers '; he Mhler and lVn RA11INE ... ..... i -r - -n AvkN?Tf toiow .,-.Jt..on r,.-,. 'Va.VFf IlKTIKAU-lKOND F10OH sunbeam wmwm automatic saucepan r.rrrQ Hat no Hmtn payment im apyrcxnl 1 mitt f ' 7 .J"" TJ Three-quart sire with exclusive s er- af - 4 . "-il safe controlled heat Holds nyii.i.on n I f ' "f " , ' 1 foods, reduces roast shrinkage up 'o I "e ?3 With cover. I v- J 5 qt i re $23.95 I I H it'is. -11 11 11 I G.E. Dteam or lr liasrl irtin Yrx;' Heal travelog co"-o' part1 vVeighs rsnt 1 V, fw. . W.ll pay for itself eve' ad - np 'a. nn AC DC SSv -vg 0" P'SS ng h I'S 9.95 spni l(iini and lr iron Ciange 'C"i t'ea" $ 19.95 r'i .h.'ri r nff fn arrn iittnti in- 'i uIat tnirt drill mtfri HECTtrCAll-SKONO r00 S'Otl HOUtS momos no ssiaavi tseiK Toaaat 0"s oas Man toiMeaa mu lJHli'l''1,f-MI,TTrrry'rr7P 'TT-'TWj PAY LESS DRUG DAILY HOURS 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. SUNDAYS 1 1 A.M. TIL 8 P.M. SAVE OVER MOO00 PAY LESS GIANT 1957 mm NOW ON SALE DUE TO THE TERRIFIC RESPONSE ON OUR LAST YEARS COUPON BOOK, PAY LESS DRUG AGAIN OFFERS ANOTHER OF FABULOUS SAVINGS TO YOU . . . ED EE mm E1TEIS OVER 70 ITEMS EVERY ONE A TREMENDOUS BARGAIN this! great values selected from every department throughout our modern drug store . . . cosmetics candy sundries housiwares appliances photo supplies luggage vitamins sporting goods glassware dry goods etc. FOUR GIFT COUPONS WORTH MORE THAN THE PRICE OF THE SOOK BUY PAY LESS COUPON BOOK FROM ANY SALES-PERSON IN THE STORE FOR JUST 10c .. . tel ml ' tr!Fw fej ' II jNv yf'-'u-'' III II rtfTKlll L I