&Se& I) Statesman, Salrm, Ore., FrL, Aug. 9, 57 1 To Star in Fair Revue Catholics Bypass Archbishop, Ask Pope to Stop Integration NEW ORLEANS. Aiif. - -Th AttecUtioa of Catholic Ly mrn rrrpaiffllnr its archbishop today asked Pop Piui XII In Room to (top racial integration in tha church. In a letter that challenged the right ef Archbishop Joseph F Rmnroel to defin a matter of requested "to take no further step" toward integration of white and Negro Catholics pending a pa pal pronouncement, and, 1 That the papacy deer that and sinful as th archbishop has said K is. The letter also listed type of lish th validity of th priadpl. nor to demonstrate a bishop's authority to define a matter of morals. Catholics have been ad monished that tbey ar bound in segregation is not morally wrong t"dnc under pain of possible morals, the group of New Orleans in , th M. Catholics asked 1. That Archbishop Rummel be The Weather Max. Mia. Frr. Alton r, n r. Baiter U 43 00 Bnd-Skneni) 7 50 o EugSSM . 14 S M Klamath TtBt ' 43 M Medfard aa se on Newpoet . as st ji North Band Jo Portland 71 to T SaJesa .. IS Si Jl y m assocurcp rKis Mix. MM Prrty as M Anchors Albuquenjue AtluU BolM Boetn Cluctn cvrui4 Denver Detroit Fairbanks Fargo Fort Worth Gsivestoa Helen Honolulu Kiuu City Lot Vegas Las Angeles Miami Mnplf-St. Fiu! Now Orloont New York Omaha Pnoetu Fono otTomonto Salt Loko City San Diego San Franelsee Washington world outside the as to an a M t 17 7J S.1 44 90 U M 96 1"1 1 7 3 M 43 1 70 79 SO TJ 70 (4 71 77 71 tion and th South. RMwfabrd Right Archbishop Rummel issued a statement tonight saying the ac tion was "in accord with the rec ognized right or Derogative of members of the Catholic Church in general. We prefer, as an in terested party and out of defer ence to th Holy See, not to com ment on th manner in which the appeal is couched or en th ac curacy of its contests. Tor over two years now letter to Pop Pius tud. ' con scientious and sincer Catholics in the arcbdraceM of New Orleans hive been confronted with the Strang new doctrine, propounded - by our archbishop, his excellency. 1 Joseph Francis Rummel. that the . segregation of th white and Ne gro races is morally wrong and u sinful ' "Indeed, this concept is both serious sin t accept R. As a result, th letter said. d ucated Catholics have become de moralized and uneducated ones scandalized. Oregon Jobs Approved in Senate Bill .IS (Story alee oa page owe.) WASHINGTON. Aug uF A number of Oregon projects are included in the public works ap- 1 prophation bill approved by t h e senate looaj The measure calls for construc tion of these projects, the first figure is the Senate - approved amount; the second, in paren theses, is th amount voted by the House): Amazon Creek $446,000 l$44o. 000 , Chetco River $300,000 i$200. ooo : Columbia River ' at mouth 11.150.000 (11.150,000 Cougar Res ervoir to.570.000 $.57O.000'. Hills i . , - V V . . .;.'X I. Jtl Ames Brothers, radio, teierriioa and recording personalities, wiU have the stellar roll ia the 1957 Oregoa State Tair "Mht Revue." Aug.. 11 through Sepl. 7. Del Milne, fair commissioner la charge of entertainment, has announced. Special Session 'Possible' To Obtain Civil Rights Bill - new and strange, for een the Creek Reservoir 800 000 i4..! vicuwmv i,,. i R.n u. .nrvke th Senate's his- clergy and the church itself have JOOOOO . Multnomah Drain a g e Martin of Massachusetts. Rpubli-'toric civil rights measure lay on 10S Congress if necessary to get a sal I participated and are participating District No. 1 SSO0.0O0 i $500,000 in the perpetuation of this type of Pendleton $400,000 M0 000 . The segregation by. among other Dalles $19,000,000 $1 000.000 . things, sanctioning the establish- Willamette River Bank Protection isiMCtory clVu rights bill nrru. niaiiHriioiKT vi srporaic 49u.wu 'sjw.wv', v oiumoia iuv- churches and schools er. Vancouver. Wash , to The v r . ... , Dalles $50 000 'none . Interstate loKieaiTt rrooi i-i,in,hi. Riv.r tin om . auiu. McNarr rioid Saiom Despite the fact that no com- none Partly cloudy today, tooiihi and petrnt attempt has been made to II calls for planning on these owroay a unit warmer Western Solons Seek Relief for Unemployment WASHINGTON. Aug. I lit Four Western Senators called Jo day for legislation, to reduce un- J employment in th West and giv its economy a shot in the arm. Sen. Murray (D Mont) said in a Senate speech that unemploy ment is serious in Montana and a real problem ia other Western states. He asked Congress to approve legislation providing "a just lead and zinc program." and an agri cultural program which, he said, will benefit instead of bankrupt farmers and ranchers. He asked also for a tungsten-purchase pro gram, and construction of Yellow Tail Dam in Montana. His plea was seconded by Sen ators Mansfield iD Mont'. Bible D Nev and Neuberger ID Ore'. Murray said that Montana, Ida ho. Oregon and Washington were among six states with th highest unemployment rates in the nation last winter and that the situation has grown worse in Montana this summer Mine closures and other layoffs have caused Montana's unemploy ment to rise to the highest levels since the depression days of th 1930s. Murray said. Ha added that grain farmers and cattle rancher are suffering from a price-cost squeeze. Mansfield said unemployment 11m 1.809-mfJa loot Orinoco Wtti ia Vaoesuela to tha tfbtfc kssgaatl iu the world. 71 4 c ao a lay near 77. Low tomrM Willamette River -11 Temp 1 01 a m today ifht i Hi1 near M ft U , offer SALIW rmrirtT4Tioi 1 taee start of oeaUier year. Seat. 1 Tw cat Lajt Ttar N'ermaJ 34 at SO r M i a conclusive proof to estab- projects Blue River Reservoir $100 000 call roa bids ! 1 $100,000 I'matilU River lis 000 Marion County Coun aikiruj for Jls.OOO1. Green Peter Reservoir $225000 '$2B.0OO'. Holley Reser- sealod 044e (or one -1 larrvall and nine Crew fr-j 9. Two and Tide Table (Taft, Ore.) dual Hlndahleld (Compiled by V S Coast & Geodetic defroster Bids will bo opened it Survey. Portland. Ore i H:ih Waters Lew Wners AUGUST Time Height Time Helftit S 13 01 pm SI I 24 i m -0 7 1103pm SOspm 1 13 13pm 5 Mlim -07 11.43 p m I J I 10 pm 10 It 103pm ! t 38 m. -O I i I II pm It 11 11 33 m II 7 OS a av -0 1 130pm. IS TM pm IS; 11 1 00 a m It 7 TT m -0 1 ISSpm II 1 pm IS Card Rooms Raided PORTLAND. Aug. I J1 - Port land police today raided lit i four door I cylinoer ,.r. of not I. voir nuu.taju 'jiuu.ww . Lower t.in loo H P equipped witi Lnd- Columbia bank protection $40 000 nield wieners, turn tifnali. ri- , non rlatskame Rivor area rette lifMer sun visors, door arm 1 laiSMme finer area rests, rear view mirror nr trava I19.USJ 'none1, nogue niver nar- wipet. heater and bor $21 000 '$J1 000'. Malheur Rlt- o on a M " BS.OOO 'none1. Tall Creek Monday. Aufuat 1. IS97 Detaila re- $150,000 ' none gardtru; specifications and list of the cars to be traded in are avail- i " able at the office of the County Clerk All bida must be accompanied by a certified check or bid bond In trie amount of 10 of the bid price The county reserves the that bid In the beet Interest of Mar Ion County By order of the Sianoo Court 'Aug 40 et 8 Names Cannon Beach :7, :T: Man as Chief Theater Time Table NOT1CB Or BOND SAIB Ketxer Water District. Incorporat- El'CENE. Aug $ r Willis. Cannon Beach, was municipal corporation ijr- leaaer ot me American i f nnnartoH auant to the provtaiona of ctoapier (ion 1 40 et I organization at the 4SlU Wl lllvvlwu iiregon neviveo iv win re- . . . . r.'.e aeaird bide until loo o clock,'1"1 business meeting in Eugene PSf. Psnfic siandsrd Time on the yesterday 30th day of Aueust 1967 and 1m- ur.ti.. s-i rj...i... c. medliuiy Uiereeiter will be public! , """" 'T. . . .. . . rxvDTt nn i... . . prf ! NOTK or Pt'BLlr WtABINO 11 Diirllav Velann eauf th r.,H. opened hy the Board of Commission- lem. as Cnei Oe gare 01 in nonor ' 1 ' ' " " Not lea Is hrrehy given thet the . , , . i in wiu iveixer . er lwu u . "" ana run BOCieiV ifflifu uinm luuai aaiu ' ' itm - . " ..... vwuii.r. rouenrea a iwo-weea intesilgaiion tn. purchese st not less thsn nine-, p. . . u.. taken Into rtuLorlv a lS-vr-old downtown card rooms her, sod later charged five men wtth per mitting gambling in warrants is sued by the municipal court. can leader of the House, loday the speaker s table in the House lncj economic situations in Moo advocated a special session of and party leaders meighed their tana are worse than at any time nent moves in the last 23 years. Martin told reporters that if the NwlD,rgfr ,iid Oregon it suf bill in us final form fails to meet ferlng (rom the p, , whj( President Eisenhower Mfica-, he called the Eisenhower adrninij tions he will personally recom- tration s tight credit policies on mend that Eisenhower veto it and housing He said also that eco recall l ongresi in November to norruc development of th Pacific try again Northwest has been retarded by Sen. Know land of California, the tne (act that " no new major low Senate s GOP leader, said It was cost federal dams have been con too early to say whether a special structed Under the Eisenhower ad civtl rights session might be ministration " called Other senators said Knowland had told the Republican Policy I Committee at a private meeting that a special session is a definite possibility if Eisenhower doesn't' get the legislation he wants ' Two main courses were open to' the House in handling the bill which the Senate approved 77-lt. The House could accept the Sen ate s amended version and risk a preMilenlial velo Eisenhower is i opposed to the jury trial provision inserted by the Senate, consider ing it ' moat damaging to the en tire federal judiciary " Or the House could send th bill lo a Senate House t'onlerenc Committee for attempted adjust ment of the differences between it I and a much broader measure I passed by the House June 18. ILSINOBI AS ATr AIR TO REMEM BER I U 'BREAK 174 THE OBClE". 7 10. 10 41 CAPITOI. ' Continuous from 1 pml U5VIMG YOU" 1 S 111 l II WAY TO THE COLD . ill. I 03 I 41 GRAND THE TEN COMMAND MENTS 1 30 and 7 M north iai.im naivi iN (Gates open at 7 00 Show at dusk' TRUE STORY Or JESSE JAMES Robert Wagner THE TALL T Randolph Scott 01 LYWOOD ' rLYINci TIGXRS 7 31. II 00 ' T1GHT1NG SEABEM I 30 On Stag 1 ' Hw "' CkiM Se . Al 9 SCAtl - we DAM vow to $ir TNw IT All IF T04i DO- 2 KM I MUCtf S Portland Girl, 15, With Burglaries CALL FOB BIDS Ttte atanoo County Court la aefc value and the entire amount of ac- Hubbard Portland. At chef de high school girl in connection rrued interest of the following de-c.eoree W.rnm.rk The. With a strmS of bumlaries hre scribed AM Sr sealed bids on furnishing I bond of said Keiier Water District Halle, as commisaire Intend ant. ane) sealhng aa addition es air roa dlUOSDng equipment for System SU 10 and kU-ll in the Marlon County Courthouse. Salem Oewgon Bios wiU be opened al 10 30 A M en Mnday August 11. 197 All bids imaes ) aceompasued) by a certified chock or bid bond in trio amount of 10- of the bid price apoclflcattons may be ebtamed from the office of the Courthouse aVUldln aupertntendenl. Room 31 Courthouse. Salem 7he County reaei voa the right to reject any end all bida. or accept that hid in the best Interest of Mar- t mjnty MARION COUKTY COURT A I 13 m THE C7RCUTT COURT Of THE STATE Of OREGON FOR TM COUNTY Of MARION IN EQUITY NO. 7SS) la the Matter of trie Adopt loe of BERYL JEAN KE'SCHER by NNETH WAYNE CECIL crraTioN IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON Te CALVIN KEITH KEt'SCHER Yen are hereby required to appeer before tills court within II days from the date el aerrtre of Oils aaoa yon tf served n Msrion County Oregon, or tf served wrthm any other In the total amount of ISSO OOO 00 dated Ju'v I. 100. in denominations of 1 Olio 00 each and maturing eerlaily in numerical order aa follows IIIOOOOO on January 1. ISO tMOWOO on January I 1W1 14 000 00 on January I lots $11 000 00 on January 1. IMS 13 000 00 on January 1. 194 IIS mo on on January I less 1 5 IIO0 Ml on January I. IMS I HOW 00 on January 1 IM7 IllOOOm on January 1 10 SlIOOOOO on January 1, ! Ill 000 00 on January 1. I7 llirnom rm Jenuery I 171 II ore) 00 on January 1 17 SllOnOOO on January 1 1173 S23 0rM on Janusry I. 1F4 SJ 0M 00 on Janusry I 1F7S til 000 00 on January I. IF7a a moos on Jenuery I 177 SO a OS on January I. 117 I JS canoe on Jenuery I l7 Its mo re on Jsnusrv t lean SJIonOOO on Jenuery I 1 01 IU mot on Janusry I IWT3 lllonnoo on January 1 tia.1 S30 000 00 on January 1 1 s4 137 000 00 on January 1 IMS The said hoode shall beer intr Marcus Roescn. U tiranrte. at grande ronducteur Elton P Mickelson. Klamath Falls as frande garde de la porte Verne Stulkens. Salem, as commit boy ageur Karl I. Wagner. Eucene grande advocate and Charles Whipps Cottage drove, grand amonier The group held its annual stale Oregon wUI hold a heering on the 15th day of August 137 St the hour of 10 JO A M of eaid day in the County Courtroom of the Mar lon County Court House et Salem Police said the girl acted as a 'Oregon for the purpose of heering lookout in several of th robberies 1 ?.""n', I' AH '-h..prrpS aad holdups conducted by a gang Three men already have been indicted b a county grand jury on charges of robbery and bur glary, police said Ijcense to August V and Betty L. Harrta on the premises locsted at Route I Bov let Brooks Oregon BY ORDER OF THE MARION CTJUTtTY COURT A t il eel at the ret. of not lo e.ce! five prwaident Mrs Betty tl ,i per cent per snnum ss shsll w . . EST4TS OF C4BI tl.l.SWORTB Mil I IR NOTICE or FINAL ACCOl NT convention in conjunction with the or,.,n for visnon Cmntj m th. state department American Le Matter of the Eitste of carl klls fion conclave worth miller deceased gion COCK ia if NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Dial the undersigned as administrator of r'UiENE All! If Mm h shove entitled ettete has filed , , . ,r , . '. his Fmal Account In the above en Gail Jones of Albany as elected mujd court and that Monday. August president of the Eight and Forty '7 at in o clock am m the n . i . i Court Room American legion meeting Others elected by th women's group were Mrs Jack (.arson of Springfield first vice president Mn Harold Larson of Portland. eltsbosi i specified by the surressful bid- ith.r, so f T"r service " , eowntr of Oils stats, then ..ni. s b. rv ,k. A.,. Janusrv l l7 ma the first publtcaiuwi of this mation. redeemed upon t. p. .... . ..w. face value thereof wi auviiat t IHl tn thnw ra.iM It anv there be etr Ike prooeed aits tntereet paying date toere.f i Reuse her bv Ken irrmcipei " sno Moore Roaehurg. historian. Mrs Noel Frost Portland, chaplain Mrt Jones appointed Mrs A us-! rue maturing m.i tin Wilaoo of Salem her secre- s led snd gry peyahie semi-annually r 1st days of January and July in earn ded however thet the the above entitled C"urt hat been appointed bv the Court as the time and place for hear log of nhtsctlons thereto and the settlement thereof Dated and first published July 13 IM7 Date W lest publtcatloo August I ItST ALBERT R MIIXER. Administrator Kenneth E Brown, Stlverton Oregiai Attorney J II II M Aug II th accrued m 71 sr. Met Hot" Iim nl Clunl ! . an K n.uk.l h Im net wame tern enosiid nm ne -r- - ranted and for want of such ap- B'r m Saiem Or.jor u. he later peeranco the court win enter such designated order la Oveee tdotyttn peoroedwigs 1 Thr """ w,n he sold tr.e -,m. aa this court may doom Just and bidder hut the Roerd of ion. t, rruttea Is laowsd pumam to Jort sny or all bids InleM sll btds OregO ABterlcaa LeglOO COO- eders of me Honors hie Joseph B ere reierted the bonde will he ventlntl here lortat Felton Judge of Ike Circuit Court, ew.ro.fl io the Mode' rorr.piying made and entered the 3tb day of 1 '" 'arm. e the notice o sole no survriiiunf ine nie Hi.EN'E. Aug I r - Th alorrur or hydrogen horror of to morrow ran only be prevented by an intelligert application of broth erhood today ." Secretary of Stale Mart HatrVeld told the opening of July 1M7 Datod out stth tar -t H C BLATTSOI July SON Citation isll Marlon Coanty Clerk By M OUDfcNBURO. Dvirtetje1 11 S3 Hatfield waa one f several state officials attending th opening of the rrjciventifln. being atleitrled hy about I not deter: ales and guests Cotfonwoods Dance SAT., AUG. 10 Spade Cooley r i mm Witb Tony Khzieii West Coast RamUtn km $1 SO Smx Hou$ Okehs A-Agency W-.SHTGTOV. A ne I -Hem ptWAf by vort vot mt to th Viut today rilttoo proMdinf for 1'nitH SlatM par itriMtKMi in th? liMernstwna) hi"h prrt- torh hid must h 'irtrvm4i(iorva! rtvswh or rfani4T t rhKk m ftvew rrf US wmr rlirtrsrl nr virn hmnk doinf tnxmnmm in m tut of Or fnn i ft tK srum of ll urtf) no and mutet hat pnrtm4 in swiH n-r ni mi'kf e,n tb sstjtild P'-vCsea J ffr Bon). No tnUr1 will rat ,ltwwei nn th 49tnm wtth th $J hait tK r4-n rf th mrmtil l tte ., raa) rvtallnt M B)r1 pJT WMXmr dtarfrprt M.llw my tfm AlWmC iH uttinf f"wr ftrjr at th bMlcWr to mi" tK tarm rf hti (M1 rr S'414f 11 tfVluel 'r fc,t r.id rrnt nt .h intai mie4- re-rl in 'r wtr dial nn if ht hid h aVr ep'swel T I'K' arftj htrM4T h fjf nisttwd tlh writ taw npimem m wVinfT MK uilnrh HH.jiaw 0 mr tW Pes ft unrl Oroffon t- th tmri tKalt K rwtfwli ntitjt vtjMsl lt MiTtdlAf mi finrm rsf fgh Mtd trtarr diartrr- Th hBM wiU hj rj.Mfd rw plto withrjt utVtvo 4tX, gf th Mrrrf rrf th Wwtawr i irtret t wurh ri t it r vr-mgrm m Vh 9m tul mMw Kil Mrt ;ack a rftusn V-TB7tfT M KsTiWsrT Wayttyr THwr A44rwaa 1 il Grmwmi Drtv Daw frf f'H j,nmttm Art ! ef ajSe-e.e id imt Woodburn Drive-In Opea riJ Atarti al Data Wed. Than. frt. HaL "NT M i NtMar Alaa U ( lift Webh Plat 1IYI M0 WBT Joka LaaeJ Dr4by Males Dance Instructors Ballroom veerings, Part-tint Wanted, teversl pe'tonabl young ladies lid men of 21 yar of ag or over to teach ballroom dancing evenings, 6 p rn to 10 pm No -pnnc requited with good diic'ionl background or quivalnt. Fill TRAINING PROGRAM (all for Aapeiatateat, Pleas DON ALLEN STUDIOS IM J 7323 W'GDEflD WjHyi'ifj SiBtiiyojw Opea 7 PJI. aw al Dask Childre (Uaaer 12) Frte! TONITE ONLY . . . 'AiKtieti Nite "Cartoon Carnrval Tarry th Clown Ceerfsr ThjTrus Story of Jr JAMZS tio coHn s. Oaea 11:4. S l w , I ' . gaaii MTss I oaiAf rantHrtnirn VlifoVMtMs waaaast k) saat. sVaaai 1 0 C-Hlt TMI WAY IO THE GCH.D" Cinemascope Jeffrey Sheree Barry Hunter North Sullivan YOU U LOVE Through wU Ik l-USC i every moment of ! I r I HwwNv S I 4 41 I w CO-IWT tr -1RIAK IN THI CIRCir Prret Tatker En Bartek r.niiceti'Mi Augjsi MOTOR-VU-OAILAS Osea 7 PM. It hew at !wk Walt Disney i -CINOIIIUA" falor SECOND BKi FEATIRE TW Bei OfTVe tie taVkea Award ariaaer- fee Paaiirf EaterUtasaetrt start Iwseter Kirk Dowglat In -OUNPrOMT AT TMI CKt CORIAl' Itery of Wyttt F.arf Cnlnr Wed la It Per far T nu'.'i'i-: sb te t 3 Aawlta t CkUeV-ee Ie Been 0a I 41 I RH. AtTIOf PT.ATV1UI' -nTINO TIR$ J nan Warn Jnka Carmtl TMI PIOMTIMO MAIIII ioaa a ime Sots a Harvard Dennis O'Xeeft WiHiara Prtwtey olnr Aeontore Tour 'gPOtTfW AMI MOl.rDA T" KIDS IATURDAY PUNMOUtl Faa m era ftwe II kew ItUrU I at I FREE CANDY 1 rartney Camietl 2 Cosweejy SJtow t Tee-wfiK-olof Fietur Ilaf" wrtk Dean Storkwel 170 kfiaetei of fl1! 0 r TheTen C0MMANDMEKT5 (' "ie (DteaJCG esOsj: ort 1L5T0N BiPrNStiR BWTtR- IOBIM50M Ot CARLO- PAGO rrnfi ve aoe v try mai . - . fi- mcr st ,nm 0 kaaw'W Haj Bjasaat mf s. . .-w. J CXJR FAMIIY PLAN CHUDIIN AT Ail TlMfS 7U PVfNINOS t SUMO AT -A)wi (mam fleee) AoTwrt (balceery) MATfNfES MON -SAT AstwHs (mam lr AoytrN rlcy) $1 SO SI IS $1 IS Of Hoof Owl Specials Friday Night 7 PM. to 10 PM. Only Fresh Corn Local Dot. Ear. ' f GIANT SI2I IOX While King Soap 53' FLUFFO SUGAR Lime limit 3 lb. CI9 HO Local Celortd Pan Ready FRYERS V Eoik W leseree ftve Rifjpe I Ueeset N tele H Deetee PrWet GeaseJ Prtsiry, Svsi7 aetsj SweWry $AVIG(j:ETR Portlortej Read SALEM Edgtwottr St. WEST SALEM Don't forget to get your entry blank for the Free Morse Setting Machine to he given axcay Sat-, Aug. 17th KITCHEN QUEEN FLOUR 5-lb: Bag 10-lb. Bag AS AH Pur ar Caaetal MOO Canned Milk 8 r 'I CHAMPION Salad Dressing c 39' SUNSHINI CRISPY CRACKERS 21M MELLORINE ,29' UKI Ki CRIAM PRISM LOCAL CORN Per Ear 3 GRAPES 2 lb. 39' lb. ToEiiiS)toes $11 69 1 0-lb. Lug Potatoes 10 a, 2' SMOKID HAM HOCKS ,25' IY RIPIAT DIMANO Slewing Hens ,,99' FANCY IIH SWISS STEAKS , 59' HAN TfNOER Round Steaks ToV 69' FANCY 1EEF Pot Roast lb. 39' W latere Ms liJ le Itntej-N Sale fa Dsxrlar Prka Oaasl Prteiay, Se4vray ami leeway $AVIHG(j;ETER Portland Read SALEM Edgtwattr St. WEST SALEM