The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 08, 1957, Page 18, Image 18

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    lSScc. II) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Thun., Aug. 8, '57
f. , 1 11
ijce Asks Congress for Money
To Guard Against Flu Epidemic
Transfer ef Faa4s
demies should occur "they could lowing purposes: nounced it expects to begin de
spread Irom San Francisco to 1 To prepare educational mate- livery sometime this month.
Boston in i period as short as rial to encourage people to take Millies Doees
perhaps four weeks." iadantage ol a new commercially
manutacturea vaccine, me guv- a goal m ai irasi uu nuuion
ernment doesn't plan to buy vac- doses by Keb. 1 has been set.
The chief executive also re- cine, except for the armed forces 2. Development of materials
auested aulhoritv to transfer Six commercial manufacturers ; used in detecting the disease
Surscon den l.rrov Biuney of aDoul IW0 million aouars oi puouc nae reported inry nun iu ,u,r .,K. vu ,,,,, mw
the U S Public Health .service ai- nfalln uinos ror use against any atxxii eigni minion uosra ana- uniioinnc. oum
readv has nd I here is a verv large epidemic of the disease. ble by mid September, including materials will be developed at the
specinciaiiy. tne aaaiiionai aooui lour minion mr luum im nuuiiu-
Ihe disease ww.oou wouio De used tor me lui- mimarv. une oi uie urms nas an-i" iauuiiuijr u-
.,.. -J : 'anta.
j mailing m new specialists in
epidemis available to work with
state authorities
The White House also an
nounced that, in the event of an
outbreak which constituted an
I emergency, the secretary of the
WASHINGTON. Aug. 7 i.f - A thought the amount due was down Health and Welfare Department
Oil official of the Roto-Broil Corp. to Itf.OOO now ; would be authorized to use about
of America. New York, testified The union lawyer said the local (wo million dollars to call 100
'..iav that-jt held back $23,000 of had received a number of post- PHS reserve officers to duty and
- employes' union dues and used dated checks fror- Roto-Broil but to prowde supplies.
:he money for company opera- that the bank had refused to cash
:10ns. them, since the firm is being re-
There was testimony, in the organized.
AP Scienre Reporter
President Eisenhower today took
step to buttress the nation's de
feases against any larce -scale out
break of Asiatic flu this fall or
definite prohalnlitv of such
large occurrence o(
whica, as of Aug J
11.0110 persons in the l'nited Slates
and caused throe deaths, presum
ably from complications. The dis
ease is caused b a new strain of
flu rims
President Eisenhower a-led
Congress for SSrni .mm to en.tMe ii
PHS tn ho prepared lor s;i'
demies of the maiadv T.-e
geon general has said that if epi-
Official Says Firm Withheld!
Union Dues for Its Own Use
1 jpf v9o:m
m t nam
Tiny Japanese
Widow Back
With Children
was testimony, in
Senate Rackets Investigating Com
i mittee. that the money supposedly
was diverted through collusion be-lv-
een union and management, but
this was not nailed down
Takei From Pay
Jacobson. the Roto-Broil execu
tive vice president, testified
' We didn't really take the
air was that Bernard Tolkow, bus -iness
manager of the union local
concerned, took the Fifth Amend
KALTH M Mass , Aii. 7 f
A, tiny Japanese wid'w wjj re
united Tii"srl,i with tne tvu ounj
dauehters she hat sent to men-
rm nine months ao in conuliance rneE
tth hr rlvmj hnsharal last he knew about or had
yjg the arrangement
MM. Aiko Aruma Tavlor. of lues Fiftk Amendment
Okinawa, wept uncontrollably as Tolkow also used the Fifth
ikt embraced the girls. Maria . Amendment in refusing to sav
"d Helen, 4. whether he had been a C ommu-
Alko was also greeted by Mrs mst or was one ,
Edith Taylor. Waltham. her hus- The Senate committee dug into
bands former wife, who had been the Roto-Broil situation first with
earing for Ihe children since lat testimony from Irving Jacobson.
One big reason it was left in the ney om the employes We
just took it out of their pay
The committee recognized
this was verv likely correct.
Aiko also presented Kdith wi'h
a container she said he'd the
asne oi Karl Tavior. hn di
oreed F.dith and married Xiko in
lfSf when he ent to Oxinawa as
a civilian emplne of the I S
'. Taylor died in lVi as he was
pnpanng tn bring ik and the
chfldren to the United Slates.
Edith ent for the children last
year after corresponding wiin
who was finding it difficult
ta aupport them Aiko was
aasieui to fulfill her
that they be educated as
When the mother and children
wia.irri' each other so much. Edith
4acM to brinf Aiko to this coun-
S, Edith volunteered to sponsor
m and interceded with the im
migration department which al
lawed the duninutivt Japanese
Miner to enter the country on an
aaarteacy basis.
and refused to sav whether members pointed out that dues
condoned checked ott Irom wages snouiu
, hae gone to the union
I Data from the company's books
was presented by a committee in
vestigator. Francis K Lloyd
chairman McClellan ' 0 - Ark j
asked Lloyd if the handling of the
dues indicated "a little collusion"
with the local's officers
"I suppose so. sir,'' Lloyd replied.
president of the
evecutive vice
Ne Voik firm
The union in ihe case was Local
TVi of the torinet t'nited Auto
Wmkers H. one o: the locals
idem i tied by the committee as
com rolled by Johnny Dio, a con
victed labor racketeer the com-,
mittee plans to question tomorrow
in its probe of alleged racketeering-Alexander
Eltman of New York. '
Tolkow i attorney, kept volunteer-
,i uig so much while Tolkow
It's a Dog's Life
That's Insured
By New Company
NEW YORK. Aug 7 if - It's a
dog's life, but it could be worth
Formation of the Animal Insur
ance Co. of America, licensed by
New York State to write life ln-
w5 surance on dogs, was announced
husband s Mying mk th,t Eltm : Tuesday The firm has authorized
iinaiiy pui unoer oam as a wn- capjta 0( one million dollars, ol
Beu- which $300,000 is paid in.
Eltman said he never knew Pedigreed dogs aged six months
Roto-Broil was delinquent in dues to nine years will be insured on
check off payments to Local US to an annual term basis. The limit is
the extent of 83,000. He said he tS.000 for each dog.
West Refuses to
Isolate Suspension
Of H-Bomb Tests
LONDON. Aug. 7 lA-The four
Western Powers on the l .N. Dis
armament subcommittee told Rus
sia today suspension of hydrogen
bomb tests cannot be isolated from
other phases of disarmament.
Emphatic statements by the
l'nited States. Britain, Canada and
France followed a question by So
viet delegate Valerian Zorin wheth
er the West has imposed new
conditions for suspendin H-bomb
Tiny British Army Ready
To Seek Out Oman Rebels
MANAMA. Bahrein,
A miniature army
Aug. 7 if , in southeastern Arabia unopposed,
of British So far the war has been (ought
troops and Arab desert warriors
prepared today to move against
forces of the rebellious Imam of
Oman. Threatening in the back
ground of this teacup war was a
new general crisis for
Middle East policy.
A British jeep force, along with
sultanate soldiers and scouts from
the Trucial Omi.n. -moved into the
village of In without opposition.
The enemy is in the Imam's fort
at nearby Nizwa.
Villagers, forewarned of the
British force's approach by leaf
lets distributed from the air,
waved the red flag of the Sultan
of Muscat and Oman, to demon-
by British jet fighters,
chief activity has been !
rebel forts.
The army's object is
the rebel stronghold at N
British desert fortress with walls live
feet thick, 12 miles northwest of
Izz. Between Izz and Nizwa lie
several small villages of doubtful
loyalty and a barrier of high
ridges and bare rock, an ideal de
fensive position for determined
Tourists Win Break
Israel is the latest of 14 countries
agreeing to make things easier for
tourists under two pacts drawn up ' strate their loyalty to him in his
ai a i .v conference In June 1954. battle to quell a rebellion led by
They pledge contracting countries Imam Ghaleb bin Ali.
to waive duty fees on tourists" I I'p to now, the army has not en
personai effects and cars or trail- countered the enemy. It has ad-m-
vanced across 80 miles of desert
MEXICO CITY. Aug. 7 l City
officials are making a second
round of inspection to determine
how many of 21 movie houses
closed since the July 28 earth
quake are in condition to reopen
next week. On the first round they
recommended repairs.
McElroy to Take
Defense Job as
'Public Service'
(Sry also ea aagt eae.)
McElroy, a husky, personable Cin
cinnati business executive, who
plana to give up a 1285,000 a year
job to take one that pays only
$25,000, chuckled today and said.
"Well. I guess you can say it Isn't
for profit."
McElroy, president of Procter k
Gamble Co., met newsmen here
only about an hour after President
Eisenhower had announced his
nomination to be secretary of de
fense. McElroy flew back here earlier
In the afternoon from Washington
where he conferred with the Presi
dent and outgoing Secretary Wil
son. McElroy's comment on his sal
ary cut came as he said:
"I think this (alls In the range
of what a good many people have
done. When it involves personal
sacrifice and serving the country,
they accept the opportunity to
"It falls in the area of being a
good citizen."
Large Stork Heldiags
McElroy was asked whether he
would have to dispose of an esti
mated half-million dollars in hold
ings in PfcG as well as stock in
General Electric and Chrysler.
That, be said, would be decided
by the Senate Armed Services
He explained that his nomina
tion must lay for seven days and
that the matter of his stock hold
ings then would be taken up when
be appears before the committee.
"I am conscious that 1 will be
taking over a very large job,"
McElroy said soberly. "It is one
that will take the best that any
man has. certainly the best that I
have. I am hopeful that the best I
have is enough."
Khrushchev Launches
Attack Upon AHehauer
By brack curry
BERLIN, Aug. 7 tfi - Nikita
Khrushchev began today what
looked like a Russian propaganda
campaign to damage Chancellor
Konrad Adenauer in West Ger
many's crucial Sept. 15 election.
The Soviet party boss flew into
Red East Germany for a one-week
tour of the restive satellite state
and promptly blasted Adenauer's
foreign policy as "a great dan
ger" to world peace.
Khrushchev took only a passing
swipe at the imperialist west
ern powers. He zeroed in on the
Adenauer government for his
sharpest barbs.
His words appeared directed to
the 50 million West Germans who
must choose next month between
the staunchly pro-Western Ade
nauer and his Socialist opposition
favoring a more neutralist Ger
man foreign policy.
Khrushchev, Deputy Premier
Anastas Alikoyan and Foreign
fense Department, the secretary-
nominate said he believed the top
item "is budgetary."
He declined to comment, how
ever, on Secretary Wilson s views
on the budget. His only comment
was: "Mr. Wilson has been a fine
secretary, a man of immense
integrity and confidence and he
has the respect of all of the people
in Washington. And he certainly
has my respect."
McElroy said he had known for
several months that his name was
one of those "in the hopper" for
the appointment.
What does Mrs. McElroy his
childhood sweetheart, the former
Camilla Fry think about the ap
pointment? CeeperaUve Wife
"She is the most cooperative
woman I ever could have mar
ried." said her husband. "She al
ways has been most willing to do
anything that I wanted."
McElroy said that no time has
Minister Andrei Gromyko flew la
a TTJlM Jet airliner bite Scboen
feld Airport and then took a 20
minute train' ride to a masaiva
Communist - staged reception at
the East Berlin Railway station.
The Russians got a cool recep
tion from East Berlin crowds de
spite Khrushchev's glad-handing.
The Russian leader planted vig
orous, noisy kisses on East Ger
man leaders and repeatedly
flashed his gold-toothed grin. "
clowned during the welcoming
cererftpnies, whooping in delight
at the sight of a young Russian
girl. He stopped, swept his right
hand high in the form of a saluta
and then gravely shook ber hand.
Spiritless Applaase
But Khrushchev received only
sporadic, spiritless applause dur
ing a 15-minute speech from the
some 50,000- East Germans sum
moned to the railway station by
Communist functionaries.
Despite constant radio and
newspaper appeals to East Ber
liners to "welcome our Soviet
friends," only a thin line of spec
tators gathered on Stalin Alice
the main thoroughfare to watch
quietly as Khrushchev drove past
in an open-top black auto.
Children's Hospital
School Director
Resigns Position
EUGENE, Aug. 7 I - William
A. Roecker has resigned as man
aging director of the Children'!
Hospital School in Eugene.
James Torson. executive direc
tor of the Oregon Society for
Croppled Children and Adults,
said Roecker s resignation was
requested as the result of "as ad
ministrative problem." He said
"we want to make a change."
Torson said applicants are be
ing interviewed for the position.
Roecker served for three years
been set for him to take over the; as director of the hospital school,
iob. If his aDDOintment is con-! which is owned and administered
Mchlroy called national defense firmed by the Senate but he add-, by the Oregon Society for Crip
the "No. 1 concern of the country 1 ed that it probably would be a pled Children and Adults
whether you call K national de- couple of rponths. Roecker recently was made an
fense or world peace." Then he grinned broadly and international honorary member of
They re one and the same," he said: "Of course, if the Senate Epsiton Sigma Alpha, in recogni-
throws rocks at me, I'll be back tion of his work at the hospital
as to me proDiems of the De-1 selling soap again." school.
So. Com'l. St.
IQ) fl
Fighter Pilot
Hero Losing
Disease Fight
WARWICK. R I , Aug I il -Ml
T Godfrey. 15, World War
O fighter pilot who destroyed 36
Natl planes, is losing his battle
against amyotrophic lateral scler
sn tn Germany, his mother said
Mb Reginald Godfrey, home
fcaT a month visit with her son,
said he has deteriorated consider
ably since he arrived in Schwer
ingen, Germanv a little more
than a month ago lo receive treat
ment from a medical specialist,
Dr Arthur Bo.i.
"John has deteriorated quite a
bit." his moiher said "He can
barely talk He rannot walk Both
his arms and legs are paralysed.
He has now inut all sense of bal
ance He has lost weight. He's
lost llmont eerything "
Mrs Godfrey said the only rea
ieft she discussed her son's con
dition is to end false hopes raised
at sufferers all over Ihe world by
reports the said have given "er
raneeus impress ions" about the
treatment her son is receiving
Godfrey went to Germany in
search of a cure after doctors in
(bis country gave him only two
years ta live
Godfrey's wife is In Germany
Kb him. Their two
sons are in
Congressman Not
Aware of Jayne
WASHINGTON. Aug 7 -Jayat
Mansfield is a Texan, so
taVat she visned the office of
Ipaaker Rayburn D Tex1 Tuesday
ssjstjsasje sent out word for all
Texas congressmen U come la
IsW meet her
'JCep Posse ' D' of Waco, railed
without explanation off the House
(Use Me the ream, found himself
Suddenly in a group pno(oraph
Sft-ap with the actress
With a blank expression he
tuned te a friend when the flash
, bafhj had reaswd popping off and
; asfcad: Whe ta the workd is
Hot Mattress
'Shoots' Sleeper
Br Kday sent Jsme
U. the nnaprtaJ wfh a -
Pui said Ran fell er
uie Tyw a cigarette aeuwg
the rere afire The ht
fWie1 eartrMfes te a 31 raliher
rnKer he kupt wilder his pillew
TV fcin ewteewd k upper right
Consult. Opntd
. JfA", KOW.. Aug 7 u-d
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