The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 08, 1957, Page 10, Image 10

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IfMifr M 'AFiliVlSvV
Well-Tended Filbert Grove
Pays Off in Top Production
Far EdUer. The Sutesraaa
PRATVM. Aug T-ll ou like In
look at a beautiful filbert grme
dme out pat the new tended h
Henry Beuller on Howell Prairie
ear Pralum
Just before ou 'ih the churih
It Pratum if ou are drums out
V Salem - take the turn to the
Int. on a graiel road rr shortly
UMl U reach the old Rentier home
m the lett ot t hi road and just
beyond this i the filbert grme
ruch stopped Farm Pho-
ngraphcr and the (arm editor
5ne day thi wk I
Walter Loth ei'iiee-ing lor the
lakmi Chamber of Commerce tour !
his past eek remarked that if
ou p;an rnw trops. don t grow
seeds like nhiskey and gasoline
the too dn I mu "
e W mil la Sight
We,; Henry was reared with
hai admonition, and it was the
Jieer nearness of the grove which1
u'tnated out to the roadway, and
not a weed in sight Travelers along
Marion County rural roads are
oni lo note a lot of Canada this
t,e as will as wild parsnips and
a wide ariety of othVi weeds.
hich in a farmer s field are term
ed obnoxious ." but which grow
in great abundance along much of
the county righta-of-way
Henry doesn t w this farm
which he lends so well Actually
these 1M acres belong ta his
mother, Mrs. Otto Beutler who
live! around the turn la the road
now. in smaller home The Urge,
attractive colonial house, which
she and her late husband built
number of years ago. is now of
more use to her son and daughter-in-law
and their four boys
Henry does own acres, also
In t h e Pratum area, which he
farms along with his mothers
There are 1 acre in the filbert
grove on the home place which
was planted out first in 1977 by the
elder Beutler, who bought this
farm lo 1111 While some of the
tree were killed in the severe
1SW frost, many of the trees are
now X yean otd and are loaded
with mits this year.
Was TTK Madeat
Young Beutler. a former FFA
student. Seller ea ta diversified
farming. v alternating with grain,
vegetables, fruits Fifty acres en
hit ewn farm are under Irrigation,
although the irricatioa is not used
to full extent each year
"It depend on what we grew
jSome crop we irrigate such as
beans, cauliflower and the like
we hae kept irrigation on the en
tire SO acres for a ohole sum
mer Beutler said
The ater js draon from P-jd
dins R;er which according to
Beutler still seems to have plen ,
ty of water for those wba have
water rights "
From the farmstead lawn, there's
an excellent view out over Howell
Prairie to the Cascades and Ml'
Hood in the background. In the.
right of the foreground is the;
Prairie s lone skyscraper, the Pra-I
bun graii elevator. This, too, is
aa attractive sight to the Beutlen
who have worked- towards its es
tablishment as means of deliver
ing their own grata Bear at home.
Beutler is one of the directors oi
the co-op which is now erecting a
170 000 addition to the elevator.
v -r " --wf' &m. nm i mvm . .. 1 ? wry 9 m wv w-jmm
t ' v , - ? . , ' a
v - I
" V , waawaT V J
, : r - 1
- V lv
f ....
PRATT M One af Uw prettier dgkU m Howef Prairie, near Pratam, Is this attractive (U
bert grevmnifw by Mrs. Otta Beatler ni leaaesl kj ker son, Henry. Its complete
neatness teaapU naay a passiaf motorist to slow up far a better look. (Statesman Far
Berry Folk
Study Union
WillametU Valley berry growers
are apparently getting squarely be
hind the mov of Howard David
son. Amity, who has been pushing
unit growers Into a group to bar
gain with berry buyers.
The move got off to a terion
start a weak ago when aeoaioe to
form the organization was readied
at a meeting in Amity, where
growers representing ninoet every
county in the Willamette Valley
cast a majority vote hi favor
Sinre then. Davidson, who. waa
elected temporary chaarmaa. waa
received a somber af letters from
growers ta various cammunatics.
asking him to meet with thorn to
explaia the purpose of the pro
posed organixatlna
Davidson told The StaUamaa this
week that he will be glad to ae
romedate as many of these aa pos
sible prior to a mans meeting
whtrh wil be called ta late sum
mar or early fal to formally or
Detennlaatioa to form a bar
gaining arganttatioa was sparked
by protests beard throughout the
Valley fsOewing this year s straw
paid I cents a pound for their
crop. The demand far a wmt to
bargah) far the growers again
drew statewide kateraat when it
waa repotted that borers planned
to offer T rents for the 1K7 Mark
1 x''S-vT-V-
I'. I
PIATVM, Aaf. 7 TVere art a ber f goadl ervps m the farai tended by Henry
Beatter, bnt m saore attraetrre "rrew" tbaa the fear sons, whieh Mrs. Res tier has ksd
a big hail la belplag teas). TV Fans Paotofrapber raaght faem belplag Dad Irlghtl
aa tk new farai track, and Uaed tbeas ap left to right: Piwl, Henry Jr , Seal aad
Adult Beetles Pose Threat To Vegetables
The board of directors elected
at the Amity meeting, a now in
vestigating methods af legally cre
ating the aasnriatma with by-tawa
and reaatJtatinn apocaha to aa
wgatutatioa atmng enough to In
sert gin wan aamtanre in getting!
a fair price far their annual berry
Farm Equipment
Firms to Exhibit
farm equipment enrnpe-
niea nave promised that they will
exhaM at the Oregon Stat Fsir
this yoor. Howard Maple . fan- man
agr. aaid Tneaday
Maple bated A. C Raag Tractors
VaBey Traetort, J. A Freeman
Sea. Kittaa W. Smith fanplomewt
Ca . Wiaanfek Tractor Ca . Farm
kand Ca, O 1 gaatoaiinl Ca
Among the aassni aaspawnent deal
er havtoj i saw i s apace for n
and ill i aaali allsiia are How
ie Rrna TilHsr Raao and Velaan
f qiripiTnt Ca.
Frwigs and spotted cucumber
beetles are on the increase this
time of the year. Likely, say en
tomologists, they wiH continue to
mcreaae for the next few weeks
The spotted cucumber beetle is a
yellowish green Insert and has II
black spots an Us back It a verv
common in gardens where the
adult beetle will damage moat gar
dea vegetables as wed aa rata the
appearances of many flowers
beetles do most of their damage
by feeding oa the (phage and flow
ers Several Insecticides win control
this pest Among these art DDT.
methosychlnr or malathmn These
dusts must he used several days
in advanre of picking vegrtahtes
for use Rntonnne sn old standby
diisi ran he used up very rinse
t harvest and while it gives con-J
Jersey Cow Sets Good Production
James ft Dougherty, Weodhurn.
has the high record Jersey cow
this week according to the report
f the Amertran Jersey Cattle
Club The regMiored Jersey Glow s
Patty produced II It) pounds of
milk with .U pounds of kwtiertal
in MS dart at 1 years and II
f.ight other rows in the Dougher
One Signal; Several flurt
ss PF.DRO. Ueiicw, Aug 7
, versl partaaa warn tajured
tha week wbaa a kraek aal
eyeie eaJudstl M fst atasj'g
Slappy-Hal Havtn
and Golden Jubilw
Rtody for Canning
II stiles north of
Whesllaad Ferry U. Take
left hsad rd. I ssile aortb of
Ie far tka t4gna
TmA lrmmmi OrtWtJ
ty Jersey herd have been cited hy
the national breed nrgamtation for
meritorwwis prMiirt ina rictrf i
completed srmg the past five
trol H is not ai good control as
the ethers
Earwigs rsn also be controlled
by DDT or malathton dust applied
around the edges of building, eld
wood piles or sny r'her spot where
earwigs are seen ta be In hiding
during the day I'sualry many are
It work around tree trunks, and
tha prom s goad spot to place
controls This pest it a tight work
A. 4 R. Equipment Co.
at ' '
sir in
Oil Burrxrt
Ftaerienred fa ft nee ring
ftanerviva' Ixtartotlins
t.oerswteed QwsMte
FilsvelT at
Day Heating Co.
ft 14122
Aag. I fifth annual OSC Live
stock Sale, Judging pavilion. OSC,
1 p.m.
Aag. I-It Newberg Berrien
Aag. 11-11 Annual Oregon Ram
show and Salem Beodletoa, It a m
Aag. 14-11 Clackamas- County
Fair, Canby. '
Aag. 14-ll-Naiianal lam Sale,
Ogdea, lah. .
Aag. M Oregon Statt Farmert
111100 Picnic, Champorg.
Aag. l-n- Marion County 4-H
Show. Statt Fairgrounds, Salem.
Aag. O-H-Yamhill County Fair.
Aag. D Southern Oregon Ram
Sale. Lakeview
Aag. 0-14 Nut Growers Society
of Oregon and Washington, annual
Aag. n-M Polk County fair.
Aag. M-tJ - Old lime Threshing
Bee. Parade Saturday, threshing
Aag. 11-SeeC T Oregon State
Sept 1 1-14 Pendleton Roundup
Sept. 1J-I4 Fall meeting North
west Christmas Tree Association
Aag. it Cascade Highway meet
ing. Stayton
Seal. lt-!l-North Marion Countv
Fair. Woodburn
Seat !t Annua! meeting Oregon
Turkey Improvement Association.
Withycombe. OSC
Sent tt-ll 4 H and FFA Live-
stork show and sale. Pendleton
Oct 1J-I7 Oregon Town and
Country Churc Conference. OSC.
Oct. lt-17-Pacific International
Junior Livestock Marketing Pro
gram, open to 4-H and FFA exhi
bitors, Portland
Nev 71 Oregon Farm Bureau
Federation annual meeting. Salem
Nov. 7-1 Oregon wool Growers
annual convention. Imperial Hotel.
Nov. 14-1 - Western Vegetable
Growers Association. 32nd annual
convention. Hotel del Coronado.
Coronado, Calif.
Nov. 1 4-1-Oregon Weed Confer
ence. OSC. Corvallia.
Nev. ll-lt Oregon Horseman's
Association light h t r s t judging
school. Withycombe Hall. Corvallis
Dec. 1-7 17th annual meeting of
Oregon Seed Grtxri League.
Multnomah Hotel. Portland.
Ranch Ramblings
Bee Colonies On Increase
Bl'ST WEEK We've certainly been getting around this past
week what with the Chamber of Commerce annual farm tour . . .
the first meeting af the new state board of agriculture plans for a
farmert bargaining union underway out at Amity . . . things hap
pening out at the State Fairground ... the Clackamas County
fair just about to go at Canby ... and the Multnomah County Fair
going at Gresham . . . you still have a couple of days left to make
the Multnomah event ... the Oregon Turkey Growers annual meet...
NO MORE BOPS ON HOP RANCH If there were we didn't
see them" on the Salem Chamber of Commerce tour. . . . are
referring to the Horst Hop Ranch once designated as the largest
single hop ranch in the world. One thing we did see oa this hop
ranch was a lot of asparagus. One of the members of the tour said
there were approximately too acres of asparagus now under con
tract to Pauluj Bros.. Salem But tome of the asparagus we saw
hadn't got off to a good start. . . There were other parts of the
huge planting doing nicely Some, however, had to be transplanted.
It takes three-four jearj to make I crop for harvest ui as
paragus BREAKING I P HOPS - Is ae easy mailer. Oa the MrLaaga
ba Hep Ranch, aae Held had to be worked ap I 11 met te break
ap the M-year-oM hep reots befsre another crop roaisT be planted.
This particular nM was plaated lata potatoes about tot acres
. . . aad the farmer was relliveUag the petalees ea oae sMc hy
the lime ae finished ptaetiag aa the ether.
Oa the C et C tour we admired the Hardmaa Bras. Saaset
Fsrms Mack of the raark was very free ef weeds. .. . Vet hist
raa't farm sarressfally aaless yea keep ywar weeds ewwa, Wal
ler I.rta. rhalrmaa ef the Uor told as larwgk his megapkeae.
Sancrt Farms was one tf first farms la the Willamette Valley
t tse pipe Irrigation. Walter also said.
THIS IS FARMING TOO - We gathered that Alderman Frmj
soulh o( layton. another stop on the C of C tour, was rather t rev
elation to omr of the dav visitors TVy weren t in the habit
of thinking of farm bookkeeping in t e r m j of an office personnel
nimbering 12 or of addrcvsoKrapris. teletypes, leased wires . . .
and mi on But lhat s rat they found at the Aldermans in
addition to a larce freezing plant a farm cafeteria, some 4 buses
to hul employes an air crop dusting demonstration . .
In speaking hnefly in the cafeteria Stanley drove, manager
of the C of C. told Die group that they should learn all they can
about agriculture as it returns more dollars to the state than any
one other business . it is now Oregon s biggest business With
out our farms we wouldn't have our processing plants our grain
elevators our big wheat export business to the Orient. ... We
don t need to go on . . . we think you have the picture.
THWKS FOR THE TREATS - Members of I he Orrgoa heard
f AfricwMarr aad a lew addMleaal folk iacladliig aa eajeyrd a
special treat at the beard i fvrtl htacheea a few tavs age. Rabert
Pierre brwagkl teas a sack ( rwastlag ears frwm lhat graad ag
rirallaral area la the casters Orrgoa roeelry arwaad Oatarie. aad
Del Milne's gaag at the Mariaa Hotel made a special )ee ef rusl
lI then ... at aar sMe ef the table we w ate bet Praa Earl Price,
bead ef OSC riteaslea. aad Jraa McNally. field rdll.r far the
Oregea Farmer, stage a Itltle rera rating realesl. Wkea we step
ped the eaualia Deaa Earl had stared away sli ears aad Jean was
leading hy eae. . . . Taea later ea Rabert Pierre preseated Ike
press each with a sack af those delightfal Kasleri Oregaa pota
toes ... We talak wt are getag la like this board . . .
ROBERTS ALL OVER THE PLACE - It's s nice name - we
Orrgoa beet are tmpreving ta
numbers this year over last, but
are still below the past five-year
average, according to Cecil C
Smith, agricultural ttatistician, t'S
More bees have been needed in
many areas to help in polmation.
farmers slate.
There were M.000 colonies of bees
on hand this past month in Ore
gon. Smith said This is I per cent
above the number reported a year
ago. but 5 per cent below the five
year average
Colony losses last winter and this
spring were only 15 per cent of
colonies compared with 21 pet rent
a year ago.
About one-third of the letitt
were due to starvation wtiile win
ter killing, queen lesness. and foul
brood w e r t also important lota
Temple Unearthed
BAGHDAD. Aug. 7 I - The
Iraqi Antiquities Department re
ports workmen paving a road
near Mosul unearthed a beautiful
2.700-year-old temple to an Assyr
ian god It will be restored and
opened to the public and tourists.
like it too, what with t favorite nephew carrying it around but it
almost got confusing at the ag board meeting . Robert J. Stew
ard says "just call me Bob ... and to does Robert Pierce .
then when the group met in the governor s office here was anoth
er Bob-to those who knew him way back when-anyway, there
was sure a lot of Bobbing around that day. x
CONSl MER GETS IT Forty per cent of the U million dollar
budget (or the board ol agriculture goes directly for consumer
protection, according la 0. K. Beals. head of the Foods and Dairy
division of me OSDA
0 K has had that job the past 13 years and certainly knowi
what it is all about The only division of the department,' which,
isn't directly concerned with regulatory matters ' mostly for pro
tection of consumers i is the marketing division and its udget it
only 129,000. We are hoping this is upped some It's an important
division and under good management in Paul Rowrll. . Beabl re
ported at the board meeting that in gasoline pumps the state found
just as many delivering big gallons as little gallons, but tiij( are
all condemned when they are wrong either way.
.... s -
TIRKEY MEETING GOOD AIM so was the turkey dinner
which is preceded it We were served tried turkey and we Boo t
understand why we aren t served this more often We were interested
to hear that the Oregon Turkey Growers plant 'we are now at tha
Oregon Turkey Growers annual meeting held during the week at
Marion Hotel in West Salem is now valued at I2M.0OO . just
another little item dependent upon (arming We do hope that
Salem businessmen realize that if all farm allied businesses were
removed from Salem, it would be an empty little towncanneries,
turkey plant, poultry and egg plant, seed plants, fertiliter compan
ies, milk distributing plants, nut plants, cherry processors, farm
machine companies 'Silverton road would be quite empty for the
first half mile', woolen mills . . .
WHICH REMINDS LS Farmers are going to have U la
tere! themselves la beats this year lor aaderstaad fane a am
ber already have). White saoapiag arwaad at the State Fair
graaads Ike ether day we learned that the WWamette Valley Im
plement Dealer Association a kirk kas had sack I big diaeUr
dariag Ike fan to rectal years, tsa'l capiat ia at a grea tait
rear ... a few are eamlag la as ladiTtdaals. . . . However, the
spare Isa't galag begglag. says Haward Maple, fair laaaager. Ore
gaa 's aeaeat babby boat a is earning la streag, eery Strang.
Where we asetT to see another farm Implenaeat. aaw wt'H tee an
other aoaL Haward says he aeUrves thai the tarsaera wis) wet
rente the change themselves.
IN CONfl.1 SION - Peach crop is poor in F.astem Oregon, but
good in the Willamette Valley-Rartlett pear crop is good In the
Valley but small In the Medford tret, where the Anjou pear la
very heavy . .
Plymouth sales are snowballing! Big volume
means you get terrific savings in
a m s m tea' mm m m m m v. - . fc .
t I
30 days of ssvings
on the one new car
that's going to STAY new!
Nw ;' v - -y
IT nj
ftr ysw TV satwtaaaasaat twwasrb arasaatt Ikrst graat aaws i
"Data wet thi tataH.' namaf ltty tnutt Lewsacs et I It Tanst
sat new Tstoat" aad "Oaaat r las TV sattaa to haw sad ststaa.
The terrific wtxatsi of nynwuth eeUti fjurtar by far Lhatj the
"other two" meauat ytyur FTrmrnith dealer can fiVa you tha paateat
deal of your life on a 3 ynert-ariead nyrnouLh RrowT Nowt
See him and nave' He wanta to keep the big bxraaatj rollinfl
Pricet are low . . . tradaa hurh!
Learn bow little it cnata to own the moat advanced car of the
year . . . only car in the low-phrw 3 to bring you the temik exdiianree
of luxurioue, floatirur Torntm-Airt Rvi . . . yeesTMbheavd FlifM-Swep
Styling . . . Putk-BuOon TorqxuFlit trtnamitsjioej (orHitxa!) for the
worid'i easrieart dririnf . . . rmrty other vital adraneaa that awaa your
new nytnouth will tay new!
You're years ahead... Mm ahesd with