News From The Valley ' Stcfttsman Nawt Strvict Srst 14 Judges Are Picked For Polk Fair lutimll Hews lervtee bCKREALL. Aug. t-TtWtMa r . a. - . . n tor uw rw cvukj ikt i HUB navt neea secured He. report Tyrue Brown, fair Ltf secretary. Opca class judges Ldcd ao CeUim, Portland er and flower (rower, who will It all norai exnians. alph Clark, itentioo horticul- tier Molests ig Trout In arion Creek Br MM. KOTT YOUNG Marioa ferae Carraaaaaaaat 1AR10N FORKS, Auf -Elmar lllippi of Mehama nearly leat evening meal to an otter, at st the meat dish. hillippi was angling ia Marion tk when he hooked a 12-inch ut Before be landed it the try otter started lor the dish luting the angler, the animal 'merged and vanished. Htrr sccssionally molest fish fidn at Marioa Forks Salmon itchery and those of Scott Young. Mr Bear is another part of wild much ia evidence He has o his preseoce known at the run trailer honM just below the I hw area if becoming popular twith fishermen. The algae m is about goae la Marios t and fishing is getting better ! slgae provides food for the i causing them to not bite well ile the lake is filled with it Nice catches have been taken am Manoa itosk, ine aanuam er. and from Pamelia. Daisy, Id Parrish lakes turiaf, Oregoa Stat College, will judge apea class fruit sod vege tables. Mrs. Alfred Joiner. it the foods judge aad Mrs. Quentia ZttlinsU is the clothing judge. Both are from CorvsUis. There are tea judges handling the 4-H section. Frvn at the judges are new and five have judged at the lair in previous years. The new livestock judge is R. G. McCarty. Josephine County exten sion agent. McCarty will judge dairy, beef, sheep, and twine. Eddie Ahrens. Tuner, will re turn to judge FFA sheep and also assist McCarty as the second 4-H Judge. Lloyd Baron, Washington county horticultural extension agent, will judge vegetable, flower, woodwork ing and electricity exhibits. Charles Fischer. Poultry Mar keting Specialist at Oregon State College will be judging poultry and egg' exhibits as a new judge. Frits Klauss, Dallas, wtf again handle rabbit showmanship and judging Ralph Yeater. State Department Salem Men to Take Part In Pilgrimage imina News Borvtrs MT. ANGEL, Aug. t-Salern win be wefl represented in the fourth annual Marian Pilgrimage at Creaked Finger oa Thursday, Aug. IS. Frank Lebeld, noted young or ganist will give a hatf-bour organ concert preceding the .1:10 p.m. pilgrimage and will be tfee, or ganist for the congregational sing ing of the People's Mass at the p.m. Candlelight Pilgrimage. Charles Yukl, another Salem musician, is director of the Marion County Citiiens Band which will play for the concert before the night procession and will alas walk the Candlelight Pllgnraagt. Leonid studied liturgical music. Gregorian chant and organ for three yean under Father David Nicholson. OSB. and is presently a pupil of Prof. Josef Schnelker of Willamette University. The Mt. Angel Men's choir will sing, supported by visiting semin arians and choirs from neighbor ing parishes, which will lead the congregational singing of the mass. Mass will be celebrated at the out door altar erected at the entrance Racing Plant " Threatened By Arson Blazes Ittlini News Unit LEBANON. Aug. a-A 40-ecre gTass fire Monday afternoon that early wiped out the TW teat grandstand at Lebanon Meadows and other track facilities, wis def initely set. reported Fire Chief Vera Reeves. Rural Fire Department trucks j stopped flames ae its entrance. I Blues had been started In three widely separated places, noted i Reeves, south, west, and aorta of' the stands. Lebanon Meadows includes buck ing eutes. catch pens', and (racing for rodeos, and has a half mile) dirt auto racing track. Also threatened by fire was caretaker j Ernest 'Cap' Surrey's trailer home ' and persons! belongings. Chief Reeves said he believed children were responsible. j Post Session AtOCEWill Begin Monday IUHmh News Service MONMOUTH. Aug. - Oregoa College of Education's 157 two-: week post session will begin Mon- I day. Feature of the session will be , a three-hour workshop ia "Public and Professional Relations." of fered in conjunction with the Ore con Education Associatioa. of Farestry. Salem, win return to la Holy Rosary Chapel after the ! The first two days of the work conduct the forestry identification thousands taking part in the 'shop will be an OEA leadership contest. Candlelight Pilerunace reach the I trainini conference under the di- xmity Seeks Curbing Bid SUUuia Kw srvtt KMITY. Aug. I The city has Joe Capiizi, State Department of . church grounds Agriculture entomologist has a- greed ta judge the bug catchers" exhibits. Capiizi has visited each of the Polk county entomology clubs. Recently Capixzi conducted a field day at Marys Peak to help entomology dub members catch specimens for their collections. Mary Brumbaugh. Toledo, Is the veteran contest judge for home economics Mrs. Brumbaugh will again judge the dollar dinner, cake baking, bread baking and canning contests. The foods and clothing judges sre new Mrs. Thomas Pomaroy, Salem la assigned foods and will judge cookies, muffins, cakes, bread, and the canning and frosen food classes. Mrs. Barbara Pitney. Aurora, has the clothing and style revue assignment. The club members sre required to day afternoon and evening. 1 to 9 Brooks Girl Key Officer in FHA ButMmsa Mtwt Service BROOKS, Aug 6 Juaniti Haw ley of Brooks returned this week from Delake where she attended the annual summer retreat of ex ecutive council of the Oregon As sociation of Future Homemakers of America. Miss Hswley. a sen ior this fill at Gervsis High School, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo R. Hawiey. She is also editor of the association's state publication. Won aandratesr taraiai Men stnai A bring ia their exhibits Thurs- committee dmcussions and deci ded for bids to install four P starts out on Friday kcks of street curbing this sum-,". "g n. with livestock. The frr. The streets are Sherman? Irl GatcheU. fie date wit set at Monday Vat's couaeil meeting to opes lis. or dosing data for receiving nut Waif, water superintendent. Ld cesspool facilities ia the city rk art new installed and ready operate wtnta a lew nays. iuumi service tens facuiue nataueo. ny ua LEBANON. Aiu i a. kllsr Woman's CJob have been pioneer of Una Countv. Mr. i..du rwcoaw as saw arwtm vmm saonuuv vus ana an a Bar . -"v lumuj, airs, j asanas JHo alas reported grading and image finished for GetcheU oet, preparatory to paving. Pav- V anaf wait antil next summer I Hiring the couacfl session mem- Vt adjourned ia lbs Odd Fellows II where they met with county fare department members ia toning civil defense requiro ota far this area. jrden Clubbers Reefing Aug. 13 oaSaowaa Hoi WRING VALLEY. Aug. -The luntrv Gardes Ch wffl moot thai asday. Aug. II at it a m. at tne iwers Caroms oa the Dayton lghway. U tack lunch and meeting will be Id at Maude WUhamsoa Park st Ion. Marooers should bring silver- hro with their sack lunehaa. rsr the aftaraaaa tour of gardens p Eruat Salle farm will be visit- first aad the Uoyd Hoxie and ffca Peteraoa gardeaa last rrXN GIRL'I CAMP IBROOKS. Aug t Attending the nier liiat Girls Camp Uus week North hirer FsUs Youth Camp e Carolyn J" f Eldriedge KGarUad PorUch at Breaks, camp Is sponsored by the Maervative Baptist Associatioa Oregon. aairy. vegetables, and cookmi. clothing, and canning judging coo- msu. 90th Birthday Will Be Quiet is lite daughter of Blufotd end Emeline Moss. She was bora Aug. t, 17. at Harriaaurg. aad spent be. entire life at Sweet Home and HoBey. Mrs. Thomas is the mother of R. Wayne Green of Portland and Mrs Chris Wetle of Walla Walla. Wash. The birth date will be observed quietly because of Mrs. Thomas' advanced age. A niece. Mrs. Clif ford Harold, lives in Salem Births At Vallt y Hospitals ANTUM MEMORIAL BOtPfTAL STATION To Mr. and Mrs. Mm Mender scheid. Mill CHy. s boy, oa Aug I. Te Mr and Mrs Howsrd Whit tier, Staytoa, a boy. on Aug J To Mr and Mrs Robert I. Wit eon. Gates, o girl, on Aug 4 To Mr and Mrs Robert L Pow era. Idanhs. a boy. on Aug 4 sions for the coming year. The Brooks girl i duty included chair manship of the publication's com mittee and bring a member of the projects committee There were 10 high school girls there representing all sections of Oregoa. The group worked oa a budget for the coming year, plans to im prove their public relations, laid bask plans for annual state meet ing, and discussed chanter and State records. rectioa of Dr. Cecil Posey. During the remaining eight days the course will deal with public and professional relations. Dr James Lylrs. of Willamette Iniverirty, will be ia charge. Dr. Lylrs has participated in workshop activities at OCE dur ing the past year. Four other courses listed far the post session Include "School Law and Organization," "Teaching of Reading in the Elementary School." "Methods of Technique in the Elementary School primary" and "Methods of Technique In the Elementary School upper." Church Families Picnic at Brooks Eight 4-H Club Members Showing At County Fair Stoteoua Ntwt Serrkt SPRING VALLEY. Aug -Happy Livestock members showing animals st the Polk County fsir will be: Donald Tremam, Shirley Thede. Karen and Kirk Gresham, Marsha and Kenny Keiger, Larry Purvine and Bobby Washburn All members attended a practice showing and judging seasioa st Dallas Tuesday night. Last meeting of the clubs will be held at the Gresham residence Saturday Aug. 17 at 1 p n. MIhmi Newt Strrk BROOKS. Aug i Seventy five residents of Bethel Gospel Psrk held fellowship picnic it the play grounds last Thursday even ing. They were staff members and families of the office and head quarters of Oregon Assembly of God Churches Special guests were Oregon Dis trict Superintendent Rev N. D. Davidson and his wife, and As sistant Superintendent Rev. George Davis and his wife, all of Salem. The group played several in nings of baseball before darkness baited the game. Ranger Transferred PORTLAND, Aug I tr George W Churchill district ranger of the Little River District ia the Umpqua National Forest, has been transferred to the regional Forest Service office here. Regional For ester J Herbert Stone innounced today Churchill will he assistant head of the section of recreation here. WORD OF DEATH PEDEE. Aug I - Word has been received here this week of the death of William Stone hoc ker. Portland, a former resident, at a nursing heme In Portland ia Jury Burial was at Boeoa vista lery. Weather Cold For Collecting Bugs luuau Sorvfcr PERRYDALE. Aug i-Parry-dale 4 H Bug Catchers Dub held its picnic in BuefJ Park last week. Meat of the day was spent swim ming, but some work was done oa bug collecting It was the last meeting of the year for the dub. Each member will enter his collection and record hook st the county fair iheck Cache Found Sunday At Hopville PicnicGrounds -limn - wows Oorvtoe INDEPENDENCE. Aug -ev- si hands full of suspected spur ia payroll checks were found in okmc (rounds Sunday. Inde- Mn Pahre Chief George vx said Forest Evei sta discovered them at !le ptcme ares sear here. Evans brought sis them kalmg tt.atia W Itsey. saying at was ear a sqjaJi pan si usa haay he notirod. An six were Irawa en the First National Bank Nevada at Las Vega. Charbat W. Painipa Jr . and afl ore dated May it. MT A chock bretactar bad boon waeo- to im pein awt. The repwtsd firm paying checks Ihey ware srgwad by F and R. N McNeil Five were for Identical amouats at I1Z1M. while the sixth was for l.2M Utley said the six checks will be turned over the state poftrr. along with all the ethers which Evans nromised ta bring te the lnn or IX ei Beuaa the Hop- peodewce police station. Departing Minister Feted at Willamira SSjUao Wewi Scrvtrs WILLAMINA. Aug S-The Rev and Mrs LeRoy Zook of the Free Methodist church wore given s farewell party recently by the congregation. Rev Zook will he the new pastor at the Wood burn Free Methodist church The new pastor of the WHIamtna Free Methodist church will he Rev Holland Stewart of Grants Pass His lemily will move into the par ooaff hi the nrar future FFA EVENT SET AMITY. Aug ( - The annual summer coofhis of the Amity' Chapter of Future Farmers of America is slated August T at Amity I'nion high school. Preceded by a "watermelon feed," the meet ing will include discussions of chapter entries for county and state fairs, and appointment of livestock and crop judging teams. mm LUIU atiiabiiftw Heating Poses Big Mf. Angel Problem llllm - News torrlee I the city effioats the caucus, MT ANGEL. Aug a-iig nroe mot had now used m naming offl- medequate and outmoded tnf is being installed on V ropwtod firm nan tbecks "Z "H rang Camnaiiy of that er is bow u boat the cny iwi , Oellnqoeoty It Ilka tha wooihor. Iverybedy talks out H, but In Now York State many communities dually do temotkinf fcevt M. Thoy depots Ikof fimo, they moke a tmafl emeol loeiMbweion, and m return may roeeive hole) from the Now York Store Yevrh Commission. The sys tem works, smd H cowle) work as wot In wry itato. load abowt this vniqee neofram which pays off in rich dividends of top-feode vvtwre ciMsoos. njured Resident Out of Hospital OtoSMOMO Wewt OvrvW-e EENA, Aug s-Mrs Fred Mul t wno fefl two weens aeo ono mrf4n( r,IM hrwke her foot, aas Ih. the council wit! rem the boopslal , BTflod ardinanre mn She ia staying with her suler. mnhmw ei iMmmeiasf eKy Mrs Alma eager, end will wot re- officials lorn banan sar nether woak. i has already boon decided ay aaoortment. At a pretongoo session this week, occasioned by many kerns of business, council men were advised by one heating firm r.prnantntrea to niaa for two units The emaOer wejoid bent the fire drrortmeat. a Hrfwr ena tv maw wait M the ety nnB firures an one and price will h. mate k-r use ritv ensmeer at a Cherry and Sheridan streets, and other streets are ie ta receive sooJer coats ta Mil cracks in exist ing aeons t. the man wore told Agitation was sxprsaasd at the rapid removal of trees from riaro- Img areas thron the city Counriimea noted all future work involving tr in c-urh areas mini firvt r referred to the city roonrilmee slv ud rnmptsints hv ritisem of reckless driving ohnvt the ritv uW he erted upna reuwrilmen referred ta a predict called squirreling . sail Statesman Saltm, Ore., Wed.,Aur, 7, o? (Sec. TV9. f. : aaaajja- TIT m 11 ins JJJJLl HAMILTON'S AGAIN PRESENTS AN AUGUST FURNITURE CLEARANCE SALE OF QUALITY HOME FURNISHINGS. WE SET FORTH HERE ONLY A FEW OF THE VAST NUMBER OF OFFERINGS, BUY NOW AND SAVE! See Our Slock of BOOK CASES open or glass nclostxi I' Reduced Reduced Reduced Rea. 99.9S WroMfht Iron BEDS SnsKlnl Coenplore It-. m m at a. n ' film IP' W Vo.s con,: m ;?.., w... V Only $', ou0 ICE CREAM SCOOPS . . 39c DINING ROOM & DINETTE SETS Woosl andl KAatal Many SryUs k Finishes ALL REDUCED FOR CLEARANCE SPECIAL S Pc. Hack Moral Dinette Set - '49.95 24"x60" Folding Matal Picnic Table Only 25 ft. Lawn Soaker 7W Vacation Travel Time Famous Brand Luqqage Reduced 2H Broadloom Carpet Roll Ends Long twloction of colors, trylts and tizt SPECIAL 18x36 Braid Oval Rug Only 6 e barbtcu lftf tool ttt XrintmOsV -00 3 PC. CURVED SECTIONAL R.knwr Uaetoloterod OQO K( te,. 2M.S0 atearT asfW Entirt Showing of LAWN FURNITURE at Clearance Prices SPECIAL flostk a no Stool ARM CHAIR re, 24.9S Speciil Speciil Speciil Strifo-Reiler LOUNGE CHAIR re,. It 9S Special $69'5 BUDGET TERMS SPECIAL 36 inch round Venetian Minor ... 19 95 E IK 1 HAMILTON FURNITURE CO. lJO CMIMIHITA S A I f M. OBfGOw SINCf 1IM Open Friday Til 9 P.M. Park Free and Shop Our Store