The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 07, 1957, Page 11, Image 11

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    1 raves
Boots Give
Braves Win
'Killer Kyle' Set tor Tilt
Porter His Winner;
Gibson Goes Route
KENNEW1CK, Wash.. Aug. -(
Special' The Salem Senators
gave away 54 Northwest League
baseball gunr to ihe to ly Trf
City Braves tonight, m the ninth
Inning after haunt; the series open
er woo by a 4 3 score.
Rookie Turn (jibaoc, who weot
the route tor the Solon. was put in
the bind when third baseman Bob
Campbell nude hu second error
at the claah. on leadoif batter Lou
Hague s grounder Stan Hubert
s next up poped out to Gibson
while atteinpung to bunt, but the
big righthander walked Dun Mc
Donald arid then gae both base
runners an extra sack with a wild
First baseman Joe Porter tben
won the game with a single to
renter, scoring both Hague and
A t wally .Setback
The less was a rotly one to the
Senator, who are trying to oxer
take both Wrnaicbre and Spokane
In the race lor the second hall
Alter the eighth inning it looked
a il the V.ialois oil 1J win this
important ir.:x Thcv broke a J-3
tie in int- eighth when Jack Dunn
and Lairy Vnmia engineered a
double steal iih two out Dunn
sliding in with the tally He had
walked and Segovia had tingled
him to third
The Senators, who git 10 hits,
i i bases on bally five stolen
basis aci one Tn City error, man
aged to leave I J runners stranded
4 pair of bum hits by Segnwa
and Karl Kurhl. followed by a
Ueatlaara page II. rat. Il
I t , J I
r - & a
W r
at f ., - Wl
aV U' , M
at VI
ML lead
Lose 5-4
Yanks Now
Lead by 7
Cubs Clip Cardinals;
Chisox Lose to A's
The a mailed Press
Milwaukee'! Braves, held to
only five hits, climbed back into
the National League lead with a
S-4 victory over Cincinnati I a 1 1
night while the seventh place
V. a m S Vm t
m. . i-m
tuqene, t-i i , vvitV nn
M.NATt MKK Wash Aug 0 n VftV
- Kenau-hee ...nofnlrald all ,1, Wt "CSV C Vl '"- Vr I
runs in the third inning tonight lor ( I -'t t f f . 4 J 1
a 4 1 victors' over Kugene in a I " a .skaa. ''v
Northwest League baseball con-1 1 t t ' O -
tet. i . " ' . :
t ' v?' rv it -
It wan mainly a battle between
two of the league top pitchers,
Kugene Ollia Brantley and We-
natchee s Jim Bailey but Brant
ley bad an had rnfimg
An infwlH cinfflp a aratk aiwt a
double bv (Tiico AKar trored CHICAGO. Ao. Tk WteTM KyW ot, ibV. farmer
the first two runs for the Chiefs I Sowthern Methodist freat wb has beea malattav with
Roy Parker hit a two-run homer the New Vark PraMslnaal GlaaU both Si hairbork aat
end. h set for action it Friday night's game with the
College All Start here The nationally televised clash will
he showi In the Salem iret it J:H p.m.
lor the others
Bailey pitched hit less hall until
the fifth Then in the seventh Pan-j
ny Holden doubled and Brantley
singled him in lor Eugene s only
Bailey struck out 12 batten
Bin w orw imv l T
Wenatctiaa 004 not) raw - 4 7 0
Rrnllv tnA Rftkltn Baikv snd
LKWISTON. Idaho, Aug yn-A
three run homer by la-wistnn s
(teorge Huffman helped the Rroms
to a last f the ninth 74 win over
the Y akima Bears tonight
The Broncs were down S3 when f-,, FTlfay
iney wem mio ineir nan oi ine
last frame Tony Santino led off
with a single Singles by Bruce Mr
Intosri and Ron ( arlon scored San
lino and left two men on for Huff
man s base clearing blow '
It was the llth win against
losses for Lewiston s Kip Kipper
who fanned II batters and gave up
no walks ! R NO. Aug 1 m Jory (iismbrs.
A two-run double by Ken Mevers i Jrd ranking middleweight, tonight
Wod , Aug. 7, '57 (Sec. Il)-ll
DSirifllT LIACl'l
w l rri. trim
Chicago Cubs socked St Lotus to '' Taaiswa ana
Z ... . . , U;i i n 1 JS4 Lawutw II O JS
secood with an t-I dectaion Mil- a is ars Trt-cwv n ts jsi
aukee now leads by a half game. Taj maiu at TH-rsty s.
Young Curt BarcUy five-Jut ! "tT.i tTVaaT-Ts
Brooklyn lor his lint Major ' '
League shutout in a M victory j 'ric coast lsaoub
lor the New York GunU t h a t s. rr. iistass Smu. mhjk
dropped the third place Dodgers vasxwvr si i mi lmAm mini
k H .k- D.. H.Uy SSMUS Pwrthasl 44 74.141
i 4 oit SS SI .SSI Sacrwa 44 77 344
burgh rapped Philadelphia 5-3. Taa? si At sa rrsartor
skiddini the fifth place Phils , mT ZL''TL'?.
t. k "1. A J - - -. - - .
aaiim wi hit oiks niuni 4saca 1
their losing streak at eight games
with their first victory under new assbrican igacil
SIM f tW
Nrwtrk HUM Ham SI SJ 4SS
Loa Bou&esu Fired by Kansas &;
Marry (rah Becomes A s fAanager
CHICAGO. Aug. laV-Loa Botv
droaa. aa Amencaa League mas
agar rvery year except one sine
la today was fired by the laa
saa City Athletics and replaced by
one of has coaches. Harry Craft.
It's up ta the 40-year-ald Boa
droau to determine whether bt
waoU to be "kicked upstairs" by
Um crub he managed sine the A's
fraacfciM was shifted from Phtlav
deiprua to Kansas City for the IKS
Eaudreau was offered 'certain
responsibilities and duties in the
Athletics' front office "
Keleaae Nat taexaecicd
Thu city is becomine a r.v
yard of big league manuera
Bobby Bragan of the Pituburgk
Piratea being fired here Saturday
New A'l Maaagrr
and also bring displaced by one
of his coaches. Danny M una ugh
As tn Bragan s rase. Boudreau's
release was not expected It came
ta a a-word announcement by Ar
Isold Johnson. A s president, from
his executise at the Automatic
Canteen Co . of America in the
sprawling Merchandise Man.
Johnson s prepared statement
"Aa of todays game. Harry
Craft b manacer of the Kansas
I City Athletics for the balance of
the season
Dtsappstated ta flat
"I.ou Boudreau has been of
fered certain responsibilities and
duties in the Athletics front of
We are disappointed in the
snowing of the club this year, and
are hopeful of improvement."
Johnson commented later: Tha
ball club wasn't winning, and that
was lust about it."
Boudreau. who managed tha
Cleveland Indians from 194S
through 1950 and the Boston Red
Sox in 1953-U-54. said the dismis
sal was not entirely unexpected
due to rumors of the past week
but still came as a "severe blow."
'Happy Saiaati '
' I didn't think it actually would
happen because of the happy situa
tion in Kansas city and the spirit
of the organixation." said the for
mer star shortstop of the Indians!
The happy situation" was refer
ence to tan support in the Kansas
City area
Craft. 42. former outfield star lor
the Cincinnati Rodlegs. managed
iCaaUawed agr 12. raw. !
at rartlaaw I -a, Saa Dies
manager Danny Murtaugh.
Taaaees Blaak Nats
in the American League.
(hwaaa 42 41 Ml Btr44 S U 4SS
&a 41 tta m tkria M lal
t h e civtawa u si m kaarttv r r sat
New York Yankees gained their '" "'
i i i .j , . Waiklastaa I; at ISku t. Kaaiaa
Urgent lead yet. moving seven aaau,. t. bmsw i; ai
games ahead with a 4-0 victory Dunn I. cievtiaaa t
over Washington while last place ,,,,,,,
Kansas City beat Chicago s sec- w l rn irn
ond place White Sox J-l Clcve- S f "'f' '
land beat Detroit J-l and Batli- nrKa atu su ca r ts Jsi
st 47 mi nru r si in
at Si Laata
I naU 4. at Braaklra t, Naw Yark t.
ritukarsa s, rtiiaaaiaaaa s.
Padres Tip
Bevos in 2
more climbed Dast the Tieeri into Caraau
fifth place with a 11 decuxm over , r .rSu-.a'v cS,.'
The Braves bagged their ninth
victory in II games against trie
Redtrgs. A pair of walks from
loser Hal Jeflcoat and doubles by
Wes Covington and Bob Hazle pro-
Lvided the cushion in the sixth that
was just enough to hold oft a
two-run Redleg ninth.
Spaaa Saares llth - . .
T o . . . u , I PORTLAND. Ore . Aug t (I
Warren Spahn won hill I thw.thiTh, p.dres swept a
a nine-hitter that included home p.,,,,. Co)ut doubleheader
rura by Frank Rotsinaon and Don ; from port), ilk.
ldJLur1h,U .tw "f the first game 4-1 and then
RBI for the fourth place Redlegs. rolliM . , . vtrtorT -a in
II hit attack in the nightcap
In other games around the league
San Kranciscn won rnith ends of
s doubleheader from Los Angeles.
t) and ?. behind the four -hit
pitching performances of R W
Smith and Tom Hurd
Dirk Aylward knocked in all of
Seattle's runs with a homer and a
tingle as the Rtiniers' Bud Pod
bielan blanked Hollywood on four
hits. 1-0
Morn Martin got his Uth vic
tory at Vancouver whippod Sacra
mento. a-1 Owen rriend's Jlst
homer highlighted a five rua out
burst in the second.
now five games behind
Bob Speake drove in three runs,
two with a homer, for the Cubs
as Bob Rush limited the Cardinals
to tlx hits for his first victory
tlaaliaaed Mir 1Z. rat II
JC Tourney
Saa Dlaa (11
Hrl M
Rhtn.i '
Stars May Rely Upon
Passing Against Pros
CHICAGO. Aug t on. - The College All Start will rely on a po
Initially great passing attack to upset the New York Giants at Soldier
Stewart Falls
In Net Play
i Special i Roger Stewart of Salem
was defeated by Alvin Lopes of
Austin. Tex . M) 4-1 m s Junior
tingles event during the opening
round of the Fourth Annual I' S
Junior Chamber of Commerce ten- r,'i
nis tournament here today, Dut Avar in
Joined with Harry Doyle, of Grant I jnn 'f
mgn of ran land in the doubles
to (Meat Lon Nicholson and Alex
Wilferd of Nashville. Tenn . (-1.
Of the four Oregon entries in the
tournament, only Doyle was able
In imat a amalaa tritimnh tnAmv I nU
In (act he got two. downing Pete i u'oZto
George of Blloxi. Miss, (-1. Hi Portland
ia his first match, and then up
setting the highly rated Art Kono
of Seattle. J-l. 7 I in his second
Kono was ranked by the North
Wan) lb
Jonaa r
Morr. lb
(1) rarUaaa
4 111 Drake rt I I I I
4 1 I t WMJb 411
10 11 Mrwilb lilt
4 I I I liiK.rl I I 1 I
lltl Rrkwi.rf lit
lilt Wnrnaa lltl
lilt DM n ib 1 t I I
lilt Holtlr r lit
J 4 t Ttiorp.p 1 t t I
last Criwl lf t 1 I
hiwr.p t t t I
Mrlwa.a t t
AFraaM I t I I
SS III Total St til T
fano4 for Marlowa la 7th
Hill-Ward 1. Kaaa. BoMler. star-.
n Jb-Lannon S Draka Bar ny
Ward RagwIOa L" -in Dlta .
Pnrftand J M Thorfa I. flail I.
Kauer 1 SH- Thorpa 4 Hall S,
Mirlni H M Thorpa ' BU -1 ,
The tipoff on AU Star strategy came today as collegiate coachjwest lata Tennis Association "".'''mJ'u, ",,".?.'
Curry Lambeaii said Were hop-(tne ino l junior player in lhe;iuocl tnA Orr T-l Si
Ing for a nice dry night because , Northwest, and Doyle had unsur 1 igaromii '
we intend to do a little passing ' ( cessfully tried to defeat him for "1r S iao 4 '! t
That probably is a whopping un- three years H- did it today, and "nrnrtr..! and smi: CarmMai.
derstalement with such fine fling -, advanced to the meet t quarter M.rtm it.. Mariowa it and amir
quarterbacks as Stanford's finals in the Junior division MJlt
Giambra Gets
: K0 Victory
In the seventh and his single in the
ninth gave Yakima a -) lead Mey
ers rapped in five of Yakima s six
Sparry Orwllar 'I
Ktppar and Carina
ai) un mi i i.i i
knocked out Jimmy Welch of Col
umtxjn Ohm. in the sixth round of
a scheduled 10 round bout
Four thousands fans Jammed in-
nx ios im 7 II o moanw oau oars inr neno Dig-
and (anmu.jirsl fight crowd since Mai Baer
beat King levtmky in 10 rounds m
Giambr t weighed I SOS and
Welch ion
Welch, a rangy veteran of more
than in) pro fights, gave a good
account of himself until the knock
out In the fifth he brought the
crowd to itt feet with a sudden al
ack of right hands to the (ace
Giambra i vicious body attack
OSC. was named to coach loot ha II began to wilt his taller npponent in
and track Sern Marshall, whoithe sixth Two terrific left honks
graduated from I mfirld last spring to the mid section started Rim on
will coach basketball the way dnwa
PCL Line Scores
John Brodie. Notre Dames Paul years'
Hnrnung Purdues Len Dawson ' -)t ( fi,,ii,n ,
ana uaianomat um narris run , , . i Arie. '
ning the collegiate attack I LM('rt' dropped him inU jS.n rrmr, mi ant t t
Its signifies!, thai Brodie one lh ronaolatlon bracket of the torr., -and cam., a w OmitN
of the greatest tosaers on the col tournament which has lured ISO." -"
legiale scene, was named with ' P "e nation. ! ,s.,nd.
. 100 in the kininr iram in la Ik. tM A ngr la
renier jerry luooa m iraianuma , ,7 " r' tan franrum
Estacada Selects
Brown, Marshall
KSTACAPA Aug 0 un - F.tta
cada High School today named re
cent graduates of Linfietd College
and Oregon Slate tn roach its ath
letir teams in the next school year
Ken Brown, s I9SS graduate of
at co-captains of the 4A player
AJUStar squad
aVotHe May Hart
Brodie figure tn got the starting
assignment and if the ex -Stanford
star doesn't start whipping t a e
hall around at the start, it 11 be a
big surprise, especially to the Na
tional League Champion Giants
Lambeau has another lad who
ran toss game breaking passes in
boi let-maker Ace Dawson. Hor
nung and Hams were better
boys division
In the boys division lage IS-II'
It east. ag U. rwt. 4)
L-R Defeats
Oilers, 6-0
Hoi l wnnd
Itr tns ion I 4 I
km mj it 4 10 I
Taad. Hurd snd
sot tni
1 I 1
nft 4 i
and AyHrard. Waters,
and Hall
Sarrarrtnln SfW SSI 4ait I t t
Vanmurar 9M tnt Iff- 4 I t
Oaanhausw Graana III Harris ill
nd harragan. btartln and Atwel
Donovan Duet Lifts Mat
Crown in Hot Mix Here
Undberg Randall shutout Randle
Oil. 0 0 behind the four-hit pitch-1
ing of Gene Hilfiker and hitting of i
Don Vandervort last niahl tha
known at keep-it met as ouar , fmt ht three i
terDocjLS. ow doui raa nn uie
mark Harrit. however may be
tabbed for defensive duty
Owe of LambeatTi harder chok
es was lining up his defensive unit
since collegians piay twway foot
hall with the emphasis on offense
The pros, of course, play platoon
football under the free suhstHu
i tinn rule which will prevail in
frklay night'i game
Major League
in i
'Cenlits page
Senator Swat
The Donovan Brothers uaed one Donovans tha winners
of their many slick tricks in their Carlson stormed and stomped ,T'"
Narthwast tag team title mat mil around the ring, while the crowd j THe All-Stars have a bevy of!
with Herb Freeman and Cowboy roared its disapproval When be: fine recernng ends, headed hyj
Carlson at the Armory last night got tao rinse U Doug. h got boa-1 strong boy Ron Kramer, a rWcel
and it won the coveied trophy for ped with the trophy competitor from Michigan The!
Lnrn The two Donovas had teamed , All-Stars alss may pitch a lot to
Before thev len the arena. Dmig ( mrm for the first fall, sucti fast backs as Abe Woodson
Donovan conked Carlson over the ,lth nnif trpym( H finally
nnggm with the trophy Then Then Freeman full nelanned Doug
strangely enough, no one tried to m .rnd while Carlson
mob the two rassJin naatiet R around the ring to
whir surprised even them ke-B him from interfering
The power pack ad Freeman had ... ... .
ftl n im h .W-KW. h,tt 4W.fO IWH
netson hold ia the final tall tad
seemed kt b wel on the way to
the centner Bat the younger
the two nlliaas wiaety kicked
LlL rCTi J Ll. terming uaesj his alligalor dutch
hrother Douglas rouk) help aot .
He dM. hr amg Red for s ram
rod tipping Freeman ever hack
,,,4! In the opener Lew Garibaldi ra-
TV big guy hit the deck with s hot mix with Ham Sas-
thud Red qsKkly lagged Doug oki by setting up the Jaf wirti a
and the latter lnpped ia to finish rwrr how and arrow msomver
off Fnfeman Referee Jack Hines ,h '"m him havt It with
allowed It all and declared too knew lifu and o preaa.
AMIBICAH l.iaotl
g aa a a in
wintaaM Bsiaa r m il in ja
Mawsla. Maw Vark let Ml SS Its .MS
WaadUat. rtaraksd H HI 4t St JU
Bard aaMlwtara Itt III SS Its JI4
raa. rkSrata 104 007 4T III JM
Malaawa. SVaa 141 IM as in lit
WIbm. I bkiit let MM SI lit Jit
MrltoataM. N V SS Saa OS 114 -tat
iwo runs singled home by Van- riiaad isi st sa its it
rlerft ia the tirat mnina nrnvart Wiwi rwm: WMHaias. In IS:
to b. eoough nwgi. lor the UR I tTVr.lVrZ. "cSZZi
nine titen nianto and Claune wiw-a. nwtrM it
a mhmrA .,n. Im kartad SS SSTr W thlM
weaver were aboard vis tingles m.n cm4 71 kiau
and had moved up a base on an Mew Vara to, tkawraa new Vark
77. sawsal
series for the right to meat Kay
Woolen in the Salem District soft
ball playoffs
In the first game of the twin bill
at Phillips Field. Meier Frank
defeated the Salem Jayrees. 14 1,
ia Capital League action
But L-R p u i h d across three , aa
more m the fifth with a walk, twe
arson i. t.aaott
n aa a a
arilwaakea Id 4IS rt Itt Its
St laM Its 4as 47 1st JU
Graat. rlttakarfk 7t irt I at 111
Vark Itt 441 77 IS 7S
T , " yz, rZ" , errors and a double by Weaver and m.n w.w
aon rirrani m ouinrra VanoWvnei ainele oouw I be dam- . Ckarlwa lal 411 71 IM nt
aed page It. eot. 01 i ..- . rawdy. fHi
made hrt debut and looked like a
tough guy ta a corker with the
; .irlaaay Join Pawl Henmng But
k"ihe got only draw He ssed t
hangrmaa'i naM for has fall, and
. for tne other Thew they foaght ' mm tss
W 17
isi ra
ni itt
its si
ra ra am aai nt.
I I 74
, , - tawdv. nlawrtk It SSI II III JI7
ag( They picked up the last run ctmJ, srn.i ts mi at in nt
in the sixth Srk km wtwi.k n ir m iu sat
rwtraea ei ss si its in
nwrtwaatl tt 111 la tat sat
VamJervort had J-for-1 and Blan-
tna rwa hits for the wi
Ml ,
rrrr mwo
a re
Lvwaak tt 17
Sara a m
Baattat n SS
iam It SIS
1 OriMarV II MS)
I Olfcaaa at rttSt
trilwnkaa II
m, pstcher Norv H.lfiker had tw, TEST. "vJTX aT
Of htl team t four hits Ckwata IS Crawa. rtaaswaaah tl
Mr tank advanUg Ot 11 walks I aad ta Sfaatal at. i-s
.1 . i- .l ua tt. i": 4rta HUwawkaa tl. Craar.
and st errors to go alone wtta ns i rtertm.t sa- wr r. vara Tt
jts Ble Mts ia heotmg the Jareeea aaak riwatwwaa tt. Cwwia, as laah
BiD Mathewwna went -tor-4 for "
fas i ine Ttciora. r mw jr nuagrna n-o
tn the Jayeees with s homer
so mm sa Undha,, Hand.n sna ail , a t t -l'nheirten lealharw-irM Jimmy
SUN x Hilfiker and Vnuwa O Hifik- Connors appearing hefnrr a home
in tt " " " ' town crowd of I M knrrked ntrl
IS 71 as strtrr A tVank vn j it t j. Ramee, Snln nf Pwertn Rkrn to
" - J'"? Tl" 1 J " ' night at 1 40 of the first round
St W H PUrtniff ill OiriiWnana. Warnar
U1 OS M'aad Taatuhai, ' t wa4D4l IS.
lUniT 1 1 T LT-s. X
a jr. aa w a a a a ta r a -sa. x
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