The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 05, 1957, Page 5, Image 5

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    City News Briefs
Tht "Virginia at Sagadahock"
commemorative stamp will be
placed en sale (or Um first time
at Bath. Me., on Aug. IS, tht Post
office Department announces. The
t imp, commemorating the 150th
innivertary of shipbuilding in
America, bears the title and design
o! the first merchant ship built la
this country.
Those who receive help and relief
from pain, arthritis, bursitis and
rheumatism once had the problems
vou have. It can help you and
change your lift as It did mine.
KM 4-2190. (adv.)
Annual picnic of tht Licensed
Charles A, Grimm, IMS N. Cot
tage St.. told police he found two
empty women's purses near his
home Sunday morning. Police
said an empty billfold bad an
identification card made out to
Ellen M, Comfort. Both purses
were being held by police.
Dental plates repaired while you
ait at Painless Parker Dentist,
US N. Liberty, Salem. (adv.)
Vehicles operated by Max D.
Scbotlhoefer, Stayton, and Clayton
C. Nelson. 1JJ4 Lee St.. collided
Saturday at 17th and State Streets,
city police reported Sunday. Left
Uncontrollable Factors Aid Increase
In Salem Crime Rate, Police Declare
Staff Writer, The Siaieaaaaa
A burglary will shortly be com
mitted in Salem because of certain
conditions police can't control.
To some extent home owners and
merchants can protect their pro
perty but burglaries, holdups and
petty thefts will continue because
of uncontrolled factors.
As s result no matter how effi
cient the police department's crime
prevention program is night prowl
ers, safe artists and cat men will
continue to operate.
What are these factors that have
front end of the Srhntthoaier r.r Been responsible lor an Increase In
Practical Nurses Asia of SaUm i and right side of the Nelson car 1th' nun,ber f burglaries commit-
.11 be held at p.m. Thursday J w" imaged, officers said, ted in Salem this year?
," 'V? membCT-'"" Rochester k Golden Jubilee peach- M" ""'
! cs and rriends are irmted and M B0W , Herb Hl Capt Glenn A. Bowman in
'i. 5" Jl" ? T reds Taking orders for Slappy. charge of Salem's detective bureau
ihe Mission Street entrance to the u p la.. w , .JZ)..iA .t. . ;. ....
. , ... . , I. mil. tNT.f wire wi iiic lliwvi UVIIWI U UH
scarcity of money and greater un
employment. Others which are less
known are improved highways and
too much leisure time.
The bulk of the burglaries oc
curring in the area are during the
early and late parts of the years
when employment is slack and peo
ple have more time on their hands,
Capt. Bowman said.
The summer months art rela
tively quiet periods with increased
activity keeping the individual
The valley harvest is also credit-
park. Coffee and rolls will be furn-,
I naightly facial hair removed sate-
permanently. Price's Beauty
Salon. Ph. EM J-SaM. (adv.)
An account of his recent ride
over the rapids of the Colorado
River and other experiences in, the
Grand Canyoa area will be given
hy Statesman Publisher Charles A.
Sprague at the Salem Rotary
Club's Wednesday noon luncheon
at the Hotel Marion. Special lunch-
Cause of
Keizer Fire
StaUsaaaa Newt Sarvlee
KEIZER. Aug 4-The charred
. si ivi s j o f munt -1 vuii'
en guest is to be Arnolds Cos- m " "V"m ed with dampening the potential
. . i sea
re on inemawa Koaa were ,!,,.. ' k.
. . , . . .. . . tniel i yen lor dishonest money ne-
' . . ,J fause it is satisfied by his having
to determine what started a fire . us.
l-:nlov vour home more Free .ve'trrday which cost thousands of
ourself of roof orries Choose a QO"ar'
Irhns-Manvi lie Sea -O-Matic shin. nmrr r irr v inn ,mnn nii-narrs .... . , ... .
. . . . i nr nai.rat ai.-v ui nigs wiiii ii
gie rooi Matnis bros. m Mate ',".T..Z T ,V migrant workers some of whom re-
r.M 4-mji. i adv. i i ,u "ul aranm - '
the opportunity to hold a Job.
Illegal Methods
sort In illegal methods to earn
Ruth Morrison. 134 S 13th St .
Original estimate! were that the
fire caused IH.noo damages Lau-
some rxtra dollars, Rowman aaid.
But. he added, the percentage of
as treated Sunday afternoon by'rence F. Shendan estimated loss mlrn" oreating uw law isn i
city first aid men lor s lacerated to his building at $15,000 However, overwhelming,
lot which ahm uistiinMl hn ih. f'h,. M.kk.r. ..iH rnriiv ih. Lncl Sam is also partly re-
was hit bv a rock as she was huildme was damaced to an r- sponsible for the burglary in-
mowing her lawn. j tent of approximately $3,000.
' lr, Unmr, Rnmin,n hiH Kr
Tomorrow you ran he receiving damaged (ock worth 38.000.
icuura uim ii nit mat iHm in
crease. Bowman said.
The number of draftees has been 1
i 1 - "
Boys Break
Car Panes in
Assault Try
Grant M. Steinbork, 7n E- Nob
Hill St., notified city police early
Sunday morning that vandals in a
vehicle forced his car to a curb
and broke the windows of his
car with a hammer in an at
tempted assault.
Stein bock said the incident oc
curred 12:30 a m. at North Sth
and Belmont streets.
He related three boys in the
car attempted to gain entry to
hit car while he was inside with
three passengers.
Doors to bit car were closed
and the vandals tried to get in
side by breaking the windows, he
said. Something happened to
frighten the vandals because they
left before gaining entry, he
With Steinbock in his car when
hte attempted assault took place
were Dave R. Steinbock. same
address; Warren J. Fbks. ISM
Alvarado Ter . aid Franklis
Reece. 321 S. 18u St
- s
yours if you order a Claimed
Ad today. EM 4-8811. 'adv.) i
Firemen from Salem's City Hall
station went to the Blue Line Cafe. 1
278 Chemeketa St. around 11 V
p m , Saturday when grease on a
hat plate started burning Fire
men estimated tV) damages to
tht contents of the restaurant
(Highway 99E
Crash Victim
Still Critical
ItilMlu MWI Srrte
ALBANY. Ore . Aug 4 - No
change was reported today at Al
bany General Hospital In the con
dition of Mrs. Leota Mat Martin.
Tangent, who was critically in
considerably cut and the young Steel In all shapes tad sixes Is favorite tool of the burglar
man who has too much time on ! as shown here by city detective E. W. (Hap) Hewett. He
his hand has to satisfy it some, BOl4, , tire iar recently used in a house burelary. (States
other way The majority become Ktt ohoto)
productive, but some turn to burg-'
lary. i
In Salem during the first six bo ripped open a safe in a gro- " a. J
months of this year compared to '""n nd stole W.5O0 J Q ,JgQ f QT
me same period in i me numrer ' '"w " . i
of auto thefts has jumped from It Bowman said., "and were later ap- LJ n
to 28 Burglaries rose from M to prehended in Texas." II U
Tt- A . ., i ... JLVi af i than ratonrrl nl Qolam ' rwv
1.1 nu peuy miirny wn up inim " . V" - - . .n ..., .
252 to J31-a gain of more than " department in clearing burg-' r .Tca
one-fourth lanes' Such information .'' Bow-, wddln "frf Sunday
PanWif (f,. , L... man sa,d "is virtuallv imoowihle flernoon c"'' Pl,c on chrlt
died uiexpectedly May at the ,hfM n ,f obu.n " , el tmnecessary us, of a soundmg
imnrovro nignways, Bowman said. " innmra nuai may
Death Claims
Resident of
Slatriaua Nwt Srvir
RICKREALL, Aug 4-Mrs. Ar
mimia Hamilton. 74. ol Rickreall
SWEET-To Mr. and Mrs. Rich
ard A. Sweet, Dallas, a daughter.
Sunday, Aug. 4, at Salem General
SPROI U-To Mr and Mrs Ed
gar L. Sproul. 22 S Klma Ave . a
daughter. Sunday, Aug i at Salem
General Hospital.
MORLEY To Mr. and Mrs Ro
bed r. Morley. 2M0 N Cherry St .
a daughter. Saturday. Aug. 2. at
Salem General Hospital.
BREMMER - To Mr and Mrs
Max R. Bremmer. ltfiO S 12th St .
a son, Saturday. Aug. I, at Salem
Memorial Hospital.
JACKSON To Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Jackson, 2153 Bruce St . a
daughter. Sunday. Aug. 4, at Salem
Memorial Hospital.
MAICKE To Mr and Mrs Ed
ward Maicke. 1950 Kapphahn Rd
a son. Sunday. Aug. 4. at Salem
Memorial Hospital.
SCHLAG To Mr. and Mrs Allen
N. Schlag. Independence, a daugh
ter. Sunday. Aug. 4. at Salem
Memorial HospitaJ.
home of a daughter. Mrs. Eva Mae
Bates. J9I2 Liberty Rd . Salem
She was born March 29. 1883. in Getaway Easier
Granger County, Tenn., daughter
of Joseph and-Orpha Wolfenber
grr. and was married to James
Perry Hamilton en Jan. 18, 1102.
She lived in Rickreall for 42 years.
Mrs. Hamilton belonged to the
First Baptist Church at McMlrut
ville. and to the Order of East era
Star at Mineral Springs, Tenn.
Besides her daughter, the la sur
be cleared three years Irom now,
The motorists. Nancy Gilliam
Ckqu act C -,k Ct U II-,,.. I ...
and a burglar arrested on one ' " "? " . "..
i. ...j u i ,k.... k.u. k- ; i., " i
in uuun wui iu pi im r, inr vmi , iikwitii ui pjjpj for
getaway is mucn easier now man more man one pressing, ana entry
whea ealy country roads connected
Aa increase la the number of ac
cess reads to and from highways
and freeways where speeds up to
KM miles an hour can bt attained
have made the "getaway" a ser
ious police problem.
Bowman recalls whea tht travel
time from Salem to Portland by! whlc led U the arrest of
automobile was an hour and 30 ,w " on 'burglary charges The
which police havt no knowledge of
Arrests could bt higher the de
tective said if cititens v era mort
Arrest Peaaftle
One such alert citizen was re
sponsible for furnishing detectives
with pertinent information last
sounding their horns
police said.
Both women told police they bad
left a wedding at the First Pres
byterian Church.
Officials Visit Reds
HONG KONG, Aug 4 u-Ice-land's
Socialist I'nity party leader.
Einar Olgeirsson. is touring Red
China with his wife and children.
Peiping radio reports. On the list
of visitors expected next month
are three union officials from
Ghana, the new African nation ot
the British Commonwealth, who
are coming to study the structure
I of the Red China trade union
I movement.
lured in a two-car accident yes-, vived by four sens, Frank A. and
terday which claimed the life of Robert, both of Rickreall. Hollis
her le-year-oJd ton, Robert Dean Hamilton of Salem, and Verlia E.
vrwiuna. (M iiwpcnwm uirww atcyvvn. i . i ... . r . . .
Three passengers In a second , Elmer E of Salem, Milton D. of minutes. Today, he said. "It caa ulJ " nvc" " D,n '
ear Involved in the accident were1 McMmnville, and Roy L. of Port- j "e done in 43 to M minutes " POtU vault and obtained
listed by hospital attendants as land "However." the detective stated. Mbe license number ef the car they
fairlv good Thev are Dorothy Cub Funeral services win be held at "the picture Isn't toe gloomy and driving
bison. El Monte Calif ; Flossie the Rollman Funeral Chapel in burglaries can be somewhat can- Information enabled police
Cubbison. Salem, and Carolyn Sue Dallas at 2 p m. Wednesday. The trolled if precautions are taken." , en" w arrow iwo men
Cubbison. Salem. Rev Ben Owen of the First Bap-1 What attracta the thief' Keys ' " "as found someone had
The accident occurred about two tut Church, of Salem, will offk-i- left In cars, an accumulation of 'naenea a Dassei-iiH oev.ce in me
miles south af Albany on V S air Interment will be in City View milk bottles and newspapers on the oeposii sioi 10 csicn nigni oeposiu
Cemetery. Salem.
Highway WE, statt police said.
Mrs. Banick
At 87 Years
Mrs Pauline Banick. 87. Salem
Dorch and no liihta or inadeoual. Bowman urges clUiens to be
night lights in business houses i ,lwt tni ta not")' P1,c immedi
Other reasons? Unlocked doors, ,,elT they see a crime itking
uncut lawns and carelessness. i P'c H Mainat trying te
"The burglar Is happy," Bow-1 apprehend the criminal becuat ef
man said, "whet, he is In the dark ! " BW tvolved
Whert ample night lights exist and I "No how many uncoo-
the safe is placed where It ran be t"eble factors Inert are." Bow
seen from the streets the burglar m MKl " Burglaries, house to
il not likely to enter." tr, tni P1 U1" n be
kept down if adequate precautions
Rate Nt Gaaraotet tn an)J , lef1 tltiUui$ is
A safe is mi euaranlM aiainsl maintained I
Mrs. rll Baalck
AI um raiStm, Itlt Lm 81 . mi
Sunday. Auaoaf ,1 S'
ntoM rallt - b IM 1M ImMl M um A ttA CimHsV 111
fiS r1iiM A,".J: her home. 1817 Lee St. Death was nr ii means if nat te bt j
rCrir believed to have bee. cosed by pr-ed en. which Ukes Ume kj i
, H.rbor Cm Anno,irwmni ol bkwd tM i something the burglar has very i W rPfK MUrTQ
ESS EX. ...bornDee 18 "UJjof jTT lCV.8 IlUllb
- - 18M in RuMi. u Pauline Labrenx ' " the country C TMitU
virrii lrtd m.rnH August J Banick on ave beee broken inU but the Jd 16111 OUDIC
IJ,,.',rJTdV,Jhiit,,L.?."T71VI Oct 18. 1887 ia Russia Her hus- burglar was taking a gambit be-i r
,.Tl JIS - K band died Feb. 21. 1148 cause ef the time ht spent aid U.-,, Snafflo
Brawn r ii wi sard wt. mi U Mr t(Kj Mrl Ranlrk came te lnI them." Bowman said MCfll tJCtJIIIC
L'i: tTSXfli STaX the I'nited State, in June of 1881 During the ..year, Bowman ha. !
Aista sihi Carl Lr Brawn all r xh deceased was a member af been with the department he has Mr and Mrs Russell Caldwell ef
f'MlMmiliTO-"' the Evangelistic Temple in Salem seen all typea of tools used in burg. 18M State Street. Salem, were in-
f P.irtn. and Lueiil. lm. both and a charter member of the Roy lanes jured Sunday ia a four-car crash
Wralimiviii. Mrs anr Ttvkir a ,,jhbor, A tire rack was recently used in "ulh of Ihe Seattle city limits, As-
I.??,' "7m.m"r.'i Ch.T! She is survived by daughters, three house entries and a screw sociated Press reported
anwn both M SaWw.. Mrru lrw rl Rfgina R Ctiflnrd. San Pi driver was used mi several ethers They were hoh taken tt Renloe
iNhMoTt 'enii'Tr 'TJiVI"0- CM Mr Mml A'nor, s Almost anything can be used." Hospnal where their conditio, was
Sarrv-M Win r .tie Mw4aT. Aat lem . Mrs Maleda (iamaia. S a n he said, as long as it fills Xs pur- reported as fair
uat I rt I ts N ia a Ca.p.1 ' i.ndr, Calif . and sons Albert pose AP said Caldwell. 28. suffered
w T KttOoa Ca tnWrment. , . . ... ... . c . ,. ... ... i .-j
aUi I afamariaj Park naniri, run imwu. am Lm- .-vime prmrssrotiais maat ineir i"-u. ann, w-g. ami rym oa-
ard Bank-k. Harbor own tools hut they usually end up nines Mis wife. Norma, 14, had a
Services are pending at them jail even if they use 14 carat broken jaw and shoulder injuries.
kfauain i Clough-Barrirk Funeral Home. Igold plated jimmies and diamond The accident occurred when a
studded hammers. car attempting te avoid a stopped
I automobile crossed the renter line
and struck the Caldwell machine
DlIC OH SundlV NtXt ' omrt"T, during the past four Tw other cars were unable to slop
' years ihe biggest hurfjarv m Sa and crashed into the first two. AP
p,,, lem aas pulled bv professionals said There were m fatalities
arrv Btwka SSawia
At a loral hanal Juht iTUl Bur
nvat Ot brathor. Charm UTauain
K Piatt.. Nab OravMiil arvia
111 t Kalal MmvrlaT. Aaruit I al
r.rJ.'K Annual Meteor Shower
In h unlf tH iirvrtJ. nt lh
VaritJ T CoKSan C
t WrRrhV
In a kor-al ImafNtal A 'tffuat Ird
'mdtnl af leil f Uih '
yK VORK u 4
lamp i nvl imnrfssue demotl
'la at nl '4 rar Survival hi on ' .
aaai a. tj,a,riat. slratMss of booin stars-the aa
wi btwshar Ili t. stay Kial ferae d meteor shower-will
:r. rTr,r;,k;l: be dimmed . m
ana Uattaa. Waat, : yiri awl liHh- 1 Atiguat moos says the Amertra.
Miami rtwrtt. itrrto win n viuaaiwn - Harden PlaneUrtum
hl ia ftiaaai mt VlrfU T I .
Ma, r Tnaaatar. Au em. ai I The ahower will tceur sl Sm-
aai. a naraM Rmaraaa wrrtna day Rlgnt.
latawwaat CMr View fam
I Monday morning
II. and early
LWd Inynesrlnf) U- "
11. v
tota llgwwwv CetaaMee hat lee exit teaorej
taaa Wvaaa laeetad a4 the flgbwey Pepwrtaaent
Wm mi Balaaa
laM Mae far the parrbeM ef en er tev eae pteet e that
load I a ale nl wt W itsatwad bv the atese Hlfbsm reea
hsata. Boots ftt. Mate RKkwtv MlHla.. Aaleta. (Vf.
Mil t-aal . . Tk-iai AoartjaS 21 H wMrb tt
the hidt wit W ptbttrty ofessed saxt read
fwp.Ml hrai Md rwfl tnforswetsoe sway be twed
attsa 221. Btatt fkwwy BasMtag. Atletx f- end
the Mate hTlgtsrey irstpeaewl Plawt at sWte-a.
Bf.M.. gyasafee.
TV Statt of Ortgoa. acting hy snd through the Depart
ment of Finance aad Admiaistration. herehy solicits aealed
prnpoaala fir the leasing of appeoximaielr 40 fjrsl square feat
of nffire spore ia the Hit of Salem In a arrupted by tht
Department of Motor Vehicles
Parties interested i. submitting a proposal may tecwrt t
statement of spenfiratrnna and au(rstad floor larool trosa
tht office o the Department of Finance aad Adsainietratie,
Been 151. Btete Fiaaact Building. 1233 Ferry Street, Sales,
The Deeertsaewt ef rtaaaee tad Adsniaiatrttiaa rati rest
tht rigM to reyeet any er til prspoaals
Ketleal prnpnaals oa forms rapplied by the Depart mewt
f Fintnee tl Aitwiiniatratine He retd hv tlae De
partment Bow IS1 fit tie Finance RmMtag 1223 Ferry
Street aot later that I fa) P M Aufu 12 1887
F C.aai anatnmat.
Str ains tsrehwna
Reg. 14.95
Broken Sizes
Reg. 15.95
Broken Sizes
Value! lo 9.95 OM ntt
Broken Sim O ,ni 3
Values to 5.95
Broken Sizes
Values to 6.95
Broken Sizes
FtrM QaalMv
LiaaH 2 Pair
Alto N arses
WhMe Haa
HEH'S 10(1(5
let. IN
4S0 M. CieeJ
OtaM Mm. 1 Fri. Til t P.M.
18th Child Born;
Woman Wants More
land. Aug 4 I Mrs. Trixie Grief
recently gave birth i her 18th
child, and says she wants at least
one more. Only 12 of Her children
are living, and the 43-year-old
laborer's wife says: "We can't
possibly stop at such ah unlucky
number. We are a happy fsmilv
snd we don't want any ill-luck
creeping in."
Statesman, Salwn, Ore., Mon., Aug. 5, 57 (Sec. I)-3
Actor Accused of Drunken Driving
MAL1BU, Calif.. Aug. 4 U -Actor
Allen Jenkins as under
arrest on a drunk driving chame
Follow ng the collision the 57
which the orter motorist vas
siirhtly injured.
The California Highway Patrol
reported Jenkins rlroie out of the,
driveway of a Malibsi Beach home;
into the path of an oncoming car'
Fallowing the collision! he 57-
year-otd actor was booked oa
ftffpicioo of drunk driving. Ha
was released after posting S263
bail and will be arraigned ia
court tomorrow.
Camp Fire Girls have 4M.MS
l v -rk it's sir fODditioncd (L" ' l
' Shop Mondays
VFAs)5l" and Friddy,
'; ; 1Vv Tin 9 p.m.
H "U
' i v it v.v A
lajUX-Ol. f - V1- ?X
netc fashion brat
by Renee
Designed especially for your bare-back
fashions . . . two new bra style with
extra low cut backs and flattering, com
fortable support.
Above: 'Backdrop in cotton and dacroa
leno with embroidery, light booes,
front hook, elastic back
J2JSAB. 12400
lft enntnured beauty that rounds
the hips hook. 10 QQ
22 2dA. S3-40BC li70
Liftman t F oundattonj, ind floor
-A- ril ilia ha