The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 04, 1957, Page 4, Image 4

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    HSfc r Statesman, Salem, Of., Sun. Ai:?. 4. "37
I cOnson?$ta(f?naa Labor Cirrus
v. .... r. r. ,,,, Has Three Rings
fnm ft
Mrr 3. 141
Thee '.na are .n 'le '.vt
CHARLES V nFRvCI L L.' ta & PNlvt r --. i-d -ha- ' rrar- e p-jh'.-c
w en:
s a -4
Mam :
v ' ee
Adding Score on
Civil Rights Fight
: vl
1 f f v P
P Tt s
V,- - 4 '
r' ' -of- 'f1"
j . h, . .." j e
. i ' i " ' ' ' i
, , - f . . , ' . - .
rs e rr r . p .
'.j e ! 'a e B, .
,. - . - a. - r . -
W if ,JMn)
News Sufcects Varerf
Subtest maier ef mamr news i,niu:s '
ween In faKI for sumwr pon' r""'
news il all around Sorre t.e "-'
!i iwl to the follow r: ae .-T 1: v '
of them ru kppt up prrrt we;;
Maa Wal-VIarv'k M-mrm, m I i T
e'f -e-
1 J"-'
! k ni Mir tuK x arit.
euro lad fiMBtaniaJs are
mart te wejltl mtfj
I ifli k rill h CflM
till IJMM llMOUiK TliU ( I
V 1 V
Threat to Ruin
Family's Position
Brings Conviction
European Impressions 2 Salem Youths
x p. . Waive Hearing in
Venice Progressive Deposits Theft Try
Re ww
Hjr jod T nf m M i fn
rriHj oof 1 '. ck. j
nfc f n t ";ff i rf ! 6c
TiM inow M' Hjr irvJ N.'
cvivn,. irf heft ! noir vwf
' V 'rt c-urr ,n ri'
ts i'f re'tirf rtr er
p', p,.. p
pnrth'P .f A'
1 1 r ji nd n i ' i 1 4 t i jius
' Kf f(' if Vi fn
a -mpir mr t .t
' ' i n' on iv ' ' r
i' . i f if h nr " j
T . V 41 !hf f 1r IT v h i
:' -t""1 ;ird 'sr ( V en
' S.n H rf rV M.U1 V
' k ,4( lime ir touirt i'
Man A P'ftWkli
' .t r 4 f ' 4
T h ; r' V
t fr.p ( Mr-
e o'
1 c : : . ' - a
u here .f . 1
Thf ore K
Rusv"! -w ."-,:
in on :'',r
nn rln'ihl he .
Despite Roots in Past :,
e ,
' h I 0 II' f
I a
t 'If
B. Rl i. IN XI I r KKr R
Kltr V ml N-n- Thai".! h
t-ap n a "i'' 'iepoM!tr
'1 !n;lf
K'and mry
Elect Hoffi
f 'it K'H'!ani1
r r 1 a ghi(
n 'o sp" an 1 f'nrr 1 of
I i V rA 1 " , 'f c rprtt I'f
f ohsrrfr n its flight
in a i nti
Tit firrJ"
TUM rf" v .'
Irnm San Fi am
lock N'ev 1" V
th lmprVMins
MoUlli farmrr a u'f
nlf his plaif rrvirtfn
Cl . phoned polup tjt nmpth,ng rxplml
d jut hhmd mv hark fenrp O'jt nf 'hp
mdlfv of rpn 'hp prnfpwiona!' (jure
chart thp rnimp of thp Tipipnr Ph:l Rrojan
of thp Bend HiiMptin rlrt t'i da'a 't
Oregon for thp mpnran Mptpor Soriptv Thp
Bullftm ireourt ijuqIpM Nk-ipu nlfnrK
puttinj thp firphaH arKiui S(i milp ahmp t'p
firth blamc it plungpd into jhp nmov
phr Us cr'Mird pitn a pll to thp
loulh of Orrjnn
Thp futpst rhpdulcd tra n nin m thp
I'rtilH Stjtpn is thp 57 " milp frum Ftiitip
du Chien to La rosr H'u it an ivpracp
ipppd of M 4 milf jn Hour Thp Nok hih
dnclo.pj that tidbit hntapvpr dpsn t uv
whpthpr thp purrxp of urh pppd n to gpt
wiy from Pra;t p d.j Ch rn or to net in l.a
p,ap1 in 'nmiri.n' ro n 'hp KI ' in
" 10 held 'if - h -'nrir m!;,-' on So
r 1 pm p v 'hr' hf , on
jo' da1 on 'jkp ,p I, I rnirx H "a
fur Mo'fi h rn.p!f hp ppn; to t.p a
tmaM opprj'.,r if i ,,,,, .,,,V. ,,11,
"p 'a a n '(,p i'pr'ati"in hp!p it 1. kl ,
and 'a, ft another .ttijI t-arcp w
pn r
Time Flies
Rot ft Slirnlcr
hear ng w'ifn 'e he
'me I S k nrnm.vN oner ( ire
Te p ' i f uff
t" rl l'th re iint , (ttf inn
IP'n d, pMl , hL,ie nf ! ( ,,m
nir" ,4 Kind and , lit) t"r a i iv
I "'HT l i .Irpos ' .ne
.' t-fi sjnunaf,. I- arn' in
('i.ii it oi fr h HI Mert , naid
To ,kf dit,r
i ne cannot '
or !(u jnone v
hla arfre in the vulh or ho
1fHA(ri rwln'nji d olution
n rilen however mil nor can
one fle lor an educational iff am
roiVr hnrrr aVefu! to th
1'f d of candidate n narrowed
dn to Bill 1 jncer ho He
agaiNt everything and the per
pirxi'v ho one can Ne rithrr
a Hrp'ilTn or a Wi'H'
ifw should eie- Jrn Ho'fa
e red.iv gpj thin .lone and
h' J M ( ampreil
I'alU.v Ore
'r.i hit '
u iiin and nikf 'he tvn"
a M v- . ,
1 ,
for a Ifged wire but he ha I lot of nd ( honii ng rh i U-
N-iaH-e and i;prprpe p'f uv ,'jn. e We ;n an ',f' i 0
opportuni't 'th an e hf rnrn rh?r?
r cri'' rp no n. -',n'e o f kvp - !ntr
T Im f hj help w:H g:e him con'rnl of Kart Kra. a freat u(hn
T'e r .rk Timrr Mm and H'f'a w.i! "r,l ho rt""d ln on f
apivr hrfnre fhp na'p rnmm '.'" Te 011,1 ,h n,0,nrf' ' hjb ard
f "nr mr h..lf rwhmd 'he fifh mpnd
. ., ., U tee Imw rtfhl le Pi.l
m-nt and Moffa , ,n gl.h he mav fa'k h-m u , flwrt , x Btrr h,rr
r!f n-,' of he prorlmmpni 'fl whnh the the nue i (til mrie nlv hu
f nmni ''''e dis( lnvi.rr l ap put h,m if he lum and 140.0 and I h 1 rain
10 Years Ago
Aug 4 It17
1 art being rumpi1' for
1 n I p ( l':h of Oregon
f'ind dn r hn h u!
f . . t 'he ta'5 The ih
H id neeU Ihe building 'o
H' d train handu appd wr-
KMliaae4 ! pa ft )
frofn Argentina and the Kfv.
M.trtin Niemoeher of Germany
wan led lo n.ake the tatemenl
'ron(ir Horer trw r(hhlhop
of "nlertujr Ihe He tofrey
f ivher anprcned the tta'ement
t iv for Tir riHl'i nnce
t IU" 1
. . . 1 kr 1 - r :
.1 ; 'nia, K
h..lw Tiei!if
nf t nmmf' re ioni.
1 1
do. h s fiork in thr powe-- ?one nf organ
uerl 'ahor w'l n fvt -h thrraf nf
r p" t'rfatfr monop-: s';c fxnUsf than efr
Th puhlif should fr In fnihn. vihv tran;
r r'i in the thrf ring nf the labor irru
I' not r nfrrtainment it ttrirvit hui
nosN ip "n ef'rct rn wnrkpr wrlfrp and :h
(fur'r huinr,.
nerr he at bad a a n I rhikf r
The (f moUtr txat are aarrlv p
audihir p
nd . f .nn - not a rlv .
' n : n ' d' N' .' dif ler v a..' .
Rir 1 .lie f re 1
: t ; htnal iruporlance ;n thf
p.i-" '. t ifnn ha nt ' hen
'nfe'-c't-d r
-d for off
f ot par k
25 Years Ago
I rxier I b- hr fulj"
k of' fir pro-
u h e
' ' ,iin 10, d
'ofA.trd l..
4U .rr n
, t ,,
e i m M tins
President Eisenhower
JUU ClldU IU VUlte
."'.1 I.
it '
t 1 r a : n v
M sup
r 1 1
a-- - i-
thirn mif 'ki
hKh (annot tr pnis. ,
arrtbpd or exp ained h tain
pfl tn r p r e n :
wppks t n '
tPT7 rprpntK a
kind of crlrvtial
lira, a qua.i'
ef bping larger
thin .lie ur
roundfd Dvtight
D F.iSfnhowpr
Ilk Thp dinn
itjf that doth
hedfe 1 Kmc '
But in rprpnt
Mkj. thp aura
hat rathpr fiddenly hf t in In
par off
Ymj roiM fnp the tdi"a ot
Uip (lira a' the Preidmi .
TfCPrrt prp rnn'r'pri, . 'o- . x
amplf Thp rred'n' ho'' .'1 -and
for that rrn'ier
kinoVt pre (hat arv p,''.,d'ni
ha pnjoypd in 'hiv ( n' if . ' n'
py rpepfltty. thp altnff n.oirf
ly attltildp of thp prpvi toward
the PrPuKipnt mart hi pre ron
fprpncpn rathrr dull affair
But laJt Wpdnpuday Uip PrPi
dpnt was aaked a numhfr of (jup
Uoof with dirtinct 'Hasp - ou
jitopppd baUnyourwl, net
tone. At lpant twicp whpn h
ai asked about hit persona fi
nances and about hii appoint.
mnt 0 thp unortunatp Maxwell
H Gluek as Ambataador lo Crj
Ion th President became
viaibly arujry.
There u plenty of other pvi
dence of the new tendency to
treat the President more like a
human being- and less like a ten
ereifn to be admired at a res
pectful distance. It Is bo longer
shockinf. or even very surprising,
to find such words as "vacillat
ing" or "wishy-washy" used in
the friendly press to describe the
President's handling of such mat
ters as th budget, er the school
bill, sr drfl rights.
ThrfHifhtvul hla flrl term ern
the- mMl par1lan I'enwwrali
( pit a! Hill hied aar f r m
rritt im of ihe Pretdent dim
elf hea laev wanted ta
rrtlrrlte tkrf rr rareful i
tuh(Mut lh euphemum Tht
.dmliiraUfn lor ibr f tn
krr namf W hm Aid
Mallhea Seelv ai W rt Irfinia
Itar ked the President parrannalh
In lli-'i. k a fahunned lik a
leper and quirklr auhided tnta
Rut n rr .f in-ri n' ' n- P-rt (
d,r,t :s; a ''"- ,. (,r
afur n the ongrrv s- H"''i
Kr-r a.perMon or 'hr I'tv
den' 1 iniHiigrn e ere wiiv a
mp"nr Nnr'rVrri I r rc ' s '
!'kr Vn;t'fr Hirhard Neiier rr
and f'aiil leoogla have Vrpvv
vc od f 1 Hr pot 1 e ' h3t ' f r.
U i ' d I'-fvid-nt
miIi' i ri spon-itilf 'or 'nf a 1--4k
mii '1' ' hi ii', ' 1 ! a-id
in !t. Ho'ie he h.i hex'n r
tor,,,. Niarrf-d 'T :(e (!'-! nf
lir ffii h,i,
The repealed rebufff the Prei
4eat hat taffered n hla attempt
U reemJl rnei fr Uie highet
Mta ta hl admlalttratlna are
another ivmpUm ( hit fading
aara. Tweaty kcitmeii.
fnr f lampte. have hlandlt rr
IWd the Mer U lie ad Ue rnr
eiga AM Ageaey. It h 1 f wd
hft that alrnmit erery aae nf the
twraty-a, Wtered a ImllarW
Important pott four yeart agn.
whM have meatally Mapped U
atleation and acre pied.
Then are a manhr oi rraaons
for the fading rt the aura TVre,
ii nmple familiarity, whtrh hat
way rt tausinj auras to fad.
There la the fact that the hhith
la off tha rn for the more rrn
tn atjve husinexrnen. who
dreafne! rt a return t the rh
Jiy tax-free heaven rt the nine
teen twenties, and whose duilhh
Um hat been reflected tn the
" .'.-'1 i 'l ' , 1- ... P' . 4,-'
a tmrtf I I'H1 ( h -
K nad of t ojr e thet i-
' at Ih jh' r ,
" i ..nNiil ihof-.i, ;H
p-ee-idpfV :r y-n'
l a ' n rf.M ;p
.r,.tn ri.iv i.
r'in nn 'iht
p 1 r .t '
: a- 1 'fi'4i"
a cow hm tkeini; hjr led
fMK king hor'-e The pm
,, 'he gift tf the Ma'e
a' department ''h 'ue
he t hanipinn rider ol
- loom
ai ion re ei t hv ( 11 v
Tnndie from Ta orna
ntpret'ed in ci;nng a
Mian indicate, that S.i
i'pln atmn i one rf t he
tot th f'rvt U-fore '
1 .n Tnndie ;. id he ai
pr t'.. ii on I u, .
Tie of - jfi ; r. r
' r p ' c '
' ' t-ndui m ' ' 1
n.i enrour hi ;
et 'he ull t'
n. arl,r
r iv ntan
ward .ifietior i' r
h t ti 'Teed r -id '
t "e 1 1 .(i inn vi 't'inp fnf h - 1
I : t oder f h , , 1 ,c-
ri ' .or T vi r a ' c - - , v t fie -rno-.t
etlet'.'t pretHurt- lor ineir
iv the cgnMra.nt of religious pnn
. riu
fir. 1 n,i"v (he 1 r finvvion get
! " ' r pijh -' !'r I ' v (( k Ir
Ndld. n hin:el' a one man
I j-iled Nation and the prestige
o; 'in r epr im 'it .it ion g'et him
a idcru e in n ,mv 1 a4.n!ai When
Pr evtdrn S v njf man Hhee ai
to rhu part rt the country will
not be long de laved
I have described tomething of
th ork rt tr .So Me He 11 mt
aWne a -a ipohpsman lor reliji
ou hodie The Roman Catholic
hir-f vi fh it orlrivide rnn-nt-Minnv
a,vn hr ni ih great in
" rv in rea' in ' rne m man
I 'e iuatrr through their great
r jani'dtxm in Hr tain and the
' '.'rd St a' e pursue th r mm
N...m ni Ted 1 ;it ion and rt'ltef f'rn
n neglfM 1 h ot;ier
Vlhui ihn rfddti np 'n 1 hi
Puh,, nffMid v arc not a Mir ,n
dTT n,; Ion ar d f oni er vr! nn
and diM 'tvionrs lMkjnif h veil
rtien' o' nternHtioel depute. are a hoti of rinn go
e-nment agencies. rnntpM uous a
ttiem the 1 hrniiyn
i n iir( h Though it is unfortunate
1 divided into man hranches it
ftM(as to tonvilidle efforts o Us
leverage mav h greater and its
infl jenie more pcitent m estab
lishmg and presrrMng peace and
justue among the nations,
f in m mHi
v d. r' N..I. !'.'
a n:ahe h'jt p'ipr
The aner net wtth the Prest
dml ttr the moat importaint
r lor the fading ( (he
rtenhoer aura akn lei iih
thr Pridrnl Ml new It acquired
habit mi lagmg puhlie dehalet
tth himelf nn ueh laue at
Uie hwdget and elvtl riffhu hat
Indeed fit en an lmpreien nf
wUht ahlnet whirh hat grent
t undrrmined hi personal auth
tntt Hul a Prrtldrnt ran almo
t;iv frt nhat hr nanla hen
he rrallt gne altrr II
drtend ii for. gn -( an(j
rWene biidfe' K a res. i It of
lr. 11 oiinfe'attak he vtor-d an
exrelient riiaive ot getting arar
stantial.y what he wanted until,
amazingly, he n the g'rxind out
lljlt ha brtomf a f,hin n
trf tn und miIv In Pari find ihr
prnple arr ell dressed a l
huh ronllluf a markrd dilfrr
rner aialn( htfime d "ii fr
much malr rlrfanee Ihoiivrh not
much female tnr the lomfi Ua
drrt elegaMlv heionc lo a l
whme wnmenfnlk t siill ni hrmt
teen mrh an the tren of lll
Ian rltles et iniiuvtflrv
hate vpriing rtrrtwhrrr ahovr all
the man tarlnrte nf u h well
knnun product a the (Mlvflii
tvpevrttert. the Ye re hi etni ma
rhfnen or Ihe manr I
40 Years Ago
Aug 4 HIT
Movf fu
( itv
tr it
mint :
V a v at
of M-
rs on
U' 1 1 ivn '
f r om t he
! 'ie 1-ne nuv
! .n John e e Sev -erationv
'ti'h wedding unrii ervary
aori Mrs 1 A Wallace
ii raied at their home fought :n the Indian
and IV
1 h,( v(wn' r.oS
in I'alv and ha e nui
( i , n' 1 r ! t; it ooni' t . ; ;
a hi n (hanjtre fru.n. - ,
,. KlptKl- III 'llk''' (' h ,
ri' ,in fy inii pirn ht-il tv 1 hi. . . . A
cwidurtor or just hvntander ! xf
thi ould have twin imprwv.hie
X) or IS years ko I call u
progress p
TZ School Girl, IS,
Chalks Up Fourth
Water Rescue
hat k on agreeing to a
Km Ir Nnlde f'.e
.1 on turn i.r g ng htm
''. fid tne iinfe n his
"iihi'i a trine deferred
h V-vhen t'ie Suez enss
'v height. )r olde flew
to i.i-m a 'her to Paris and lon
don !n rach ntv leaders of
i h irehev he,p'd him make con
tai's th oMina's that he might
n-akp a pl a lor resolution of the
it sis H keej'S ,n constant touch
v -h -aders m the Midd'e Katt
and prevves 'tr relief rt refugees
h ' mted Nation
I hae 'fed many times to get
Or Sold to msm the Northwest
for a senes of talks in which he
could relate hi experiences on
this world mation P'H he is al
vas ton hus with trip tn sensi
tive areas where his influence
nuzhf count for god I shall per
iO howev er and hspe his v isrt
Phnne CM I
1 i iei 10 n a trii
Bt rrrl,r i nun
IK. 1 ' 0 uodr 'I per Tm
Du'f onlt II M p mo
a..f1 only 10 oeth
t Mat! Oni aa Sanaar
ir ad. inrf t
in Oreicm l T pr m
4 AO Ihret me
St tit m
13 00 vtr
In t' S ut1ct
O',oe l 71 mo
ft? Mill anniap ly
in advane .
M r
Anait Bnraaa ml rirnlaOfn
Baraaa 1 erot1n 4NP4
Oreiw Mraaa
rikHakera MUM
Aavarttatiii Be artaBvai
waan-oairrrfB in
Ban Praneif OetriHt
wstt noi.i ina.T ro
Nt fnra CblfM
I 1 1 IN (Int ,t 1 f-
jnhart l' vrar i.ld hifh
ihalki-d up hrr fntirth
i.- nf the jear lait night.
';id Ijiuv Doyle J out
' I '' imtsno after hp had
.. . : k . ! in,- n( hu depth near his
I'. .rit..n Heath horn
shr r. "Might the hoy bck le
In-, and rcMved him after 2S
I r !- H-iilwial rf)irtion
r- r-n am Wendy saved Bar-'..i-a
.lewiiihurg. M. from thp
'''ii of Rurlington Canal Tw
''i earlier she pulled Sharon
( h,wpll. 14 from the bottom of
hr lakp She also safd Bonnie
1. when the eirl tot tired
Wtaevrr f eta t ealrp aknulH
irom unoer n, ..n .ipportfr in mi ,rther Pidya nor Ferrara
the budget f eTl hv akin8 far M R. The. three rlUe,
Ms than the ,m he had prf- ,rr t)Mrt m,ltmr, ,Tom fnlf,
viously df.,gna' . tre bedroct ,r,m . ,mMhrr tm4 lh,jr
minimum for drvr.e WM,y rmprritllf ,h r
The favrt n Ha a F'rev.dpnt. ana) thflr towprtaf role la the hi..
Ume diKi or nn ha immpnsp lory Wesleri thlnklai iPadoa'
Dower if he la !f to use It mmA mmr .ma.U lliini.i
A'mve all. he ha the nnwrr nl .w iain Hk . .. Vkfn
choosirut. or at -at nrn'r,rwtlv a i i. im. a. afd as ser into the lake
infruerecini the choire of h mamy ,u. Uat ., , 1"" ',r- "'
party , next President,,! rand,- m.,,.l r.mlnrl Amerl- nM J" " t
date The que.uon i, whether tmM, aa ear. anal rlrlff '"m ""J h'r
Prpsident r.iaenhower. hemj the tm; bojt Uat are mm AmerVan
kind of man hp is. will ue the nt( Ui afalp f RaTPnaa. rT'1 'on are wnrth Interruptini a
power hp has If hp does the rll)'ulie a (trod t (pp thp Wet. ,r,ln r"1 Th,v Tr both 12th ren
fading nf the f.upnhower aura is irrt m,ti i most bpaalllal, lury pu-cps. huilt hy thpir mpdieval
likp!v to he a tpmporary phpno- brpa(MaUii( mMakra. 'j owners unlike the more famous
menon and more artistir tower at Pna
,r. r 7 When ou go tn Florenrp. dnn 1 1 deltbcratply in order to lean! Juki
e T-rk htaM-TibunT inc ) ' BiiU BologM. Us two leaning tow- lo brag, that i il
M fl pf hndri frdd
rf. new " eT fo -
W'lW-t Atd t est httK. Ml
af I wi dan frsaxsa $1
UV, Ikiatan trwa IS
PaM laaaWra fraaa U 71
MavWaaT ftaoht frVm tBav
HMWraa t4 'inVa It til kleaW
tsii Diuvnr
Ph. IM 2-241!
mnoitn.irFici smuts
4t STATt iT ftALtH, ttf.
at atxafrra. cOoCflt utwt
. i !aoav' m
W "O " .a P'amap
pCU rntAret
a ,av M r it
IN'aCll TMIrt
' 'M klatMlf
lf tWa I'M
aiaakcw SaWCI
J.CI 'an nan
. C I Is' t l
eotnaO J'kaPwOaTf
O. 11 '17
ti iota
. j i ia
a (aai lana'i
jIohiis tavttiaaitari
.... M w a M
Royal Portable
Instruction Rook
irnini ( ase
Thg Tpins f'ipcr
I ear iuarinif e
429 Court St.
Nil i.XlaVtll lift if l'tt Hlt.lH'tl
w ,.r,.TiMil.m1,n.n H'l"'
What The Public
Should Know About The
Can Anyon War Contact Leroei?
This ne Irna rnak's it p,vhle ..; anw,.- an,,ne tn er
r'lOlarta H.rrr 'hoe mai vnef.T.t a e people ,h high due to the heller vw n i.htjinM ihe ri.ametlf
idvinlaje with, l.
Ar They Comfortable to Wear?
A ilh anMhing ( llrd In Ihe bd ..,rh a. .1 ni.irr and nevi
ahiiei there i a period of adapts' r . , p.- (,., h 'he wear
ing time is gi ailiiai.v mrre-.ed In" ,. ' . ai ' ir ne. , 1 1
produce nn nnor, trn.iiinn than "r r . ,i pav,,n rnPr the
eie a. il ..ppn. a-,'1 rii.e Th s pei.'-l "I lai 'a'.on iinrn
ith Ihe mdn !.,a!
Do They Cover The Entire Eye?
Nn thl revolulmni re a -; n u, h r ci'ail en end. for
ever the dm nmlurt n( ntri'M'p ror'ai' rn., It , aa a
teardrop rniennt only a portion n( the rnrrri nf ihe eve
tisane thin urtuallv i pjrt nf the fe :Ue'f el nevpr
towhra vnur ee for thi rea.on pjiien'. wear ihem con
tinually from morning till hed time
Are They Safe?
Yea thev are made of .pre .1 hjrd ihr r e is adually
aafrr with rontarta lhan wi'hout, d'lf tn the estra protection.
Are They Expeniive?
Cnntart len.ra rnmpare fa'nrahlf "h 'he rn.t nf ordinary if pf'oH.r rhante of n.r- .rekagp of len.ea and
frame, change of aivles. eir . are ronv iirrrd i redit lerma are
Con Thty Be Worn While Swimming?
Yps. in most raaea after thp lrnr have been worn a fpw
wepki thpre u no danger of Invi ern under waler AlhlptPi
of all kinds are wearing them aurreafully.
How Art They Fitted?
No mould or Impression of thp evp it now necessary The
curvature of the ey n measured hv means of an instrumpnt
called a Keratomeler that reflecta light from the cornea of
the eye and reenrdi the esact shape nf the surface of the eye
with microscopic precision No fluids are necessarr.
Can Thty Be Insured Against Loss?
Yes, an annual insurance policy is obtainable at a low cost
This rovers accidental loss, theft, or damage.
Yg ate cordially nvrrcl H consult ws further wrtKwvt
obligation If you have any questions not answered ssov.
422 Court Strool
Phra IM S40S1
JL. 4i 4-.-