74-(Sc. I) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Fri., Aug. 2, '57 GRIN AND BEAR IT ByLichty K$ fetor Stuty Vt. fear SAaif Aua." Treat fw suteaanaa. Marck a. uu CHARLES A. SPRACl E, Editor k Publishar vVE.NUf.LL WEBB, Managing Editor Put Inert mi oaarniavg SVataaea attica JSI SZTTLr-. k. SaW Oca f.l IM -atil Snterw UM pmutttc el Sale. Ora m J ttaet avttiat yaw ecS at Coa Marco S. in Metaker aaaacieted Prese Twa Iniili il Na enattea ei'luam! to taw an. tat kkiMmmi M U Mara! t' nut aowiaaeai. Gluck's Luck Still Holds MuweU H. Gluck did prtity well In the ladies ready-to-wear business He built up i chain of storeJ. msde enough money so he could "diversify and went into the breed iiif of race horsev Semi-retired he thoujht he could 'diversify'' further so he invted i government topoinmtnt Af'r- ?'.' he had contributed 2d VX) to the CM' i.-rtD'gn. and the papers rid the Pre ' "! find ieg it hard to attract good men to ap n: if office So Gluck! name came m. and apparently was thrown in the Krrel i-; a' the Slate Department. After the cage a roiated. Gluck i name was drawn and the matching alignment wss at air. ja-.sador to Cevlon That was a surprise to (Jluck He hatlnt ev prcted anything quiie o pluh One of the qualification! for an itikj N'dnr if?ms to t be able to pick up the tab for -uch ev peases as the govfrrTneni maie no al)o ance for. and Dun F-a.teet jsve Chy k a good credit rating Tlwt ma be an expla nation Then Gluck made the mi-take of under going Interrogation h the Senile committee oa Foreign Affair? hen unprepared Al ready iti member vere unhapiv over Mime of the nominations mire r-v 'den r"v hower in fact. S'n?or Thsoior" F drfrn chairman, had wriitfn Mi Dulles u:.-Mn- tn.-t only able men be i-. el f ; ,mi'adors and that fucb appo.nl rner's 'o;ild not be ir. 'e as political rewards So w,ien (tint;, came to the committee, he was subjected to stiff cate chiam. Aiu. for Mr Gluck He hadn't done bit borne work He didn't know the name of tke prima minuter of Ceylon or how to pro neunct the name of Jawaharlal Nehru, prime minister of India Gluck proceeded to bone up or Ceylon and the Tar F.ast He readv td recite his lson at tne next committee meeting. g-t the commi'tf approval and the Senate s, and is now I' S ambassador to Ceylon The euel. of enurse. was the ire shown by President F.isenhower when quuied about Gluck a donation to the Grand Old Party in 1U4. Indignantly be protested any imputa t)9H that be would use ambassadorships for reward to big contributors ithough it has beea done). Knowing the President as they do, the people are sura he wouldn't do any thing so venal. But many will be curious as to who put Gluck a name in that squirrel cage! Aa for Mr. Gluck, he seems to have beea rather an innocent victim of the resulting ridicule Ht volunteered, be said, because he touM derate the tin and because be felt be might be of service. That gives him a better rating than if he was interested only in lounging about Miami hotels In winter and at Atlantic City in summer And sometimes our ea-businesamen have ,made verv able diplomats, e g , Chester Bowles in India and (be late Tbrlght Morrow In Meilca College Cost Coos Bay is one of the districts which has been considering establishment of a com munity college under the law passed by the last Legislature A member of the local schoolboard, Karl Gehlert. in a Ulk at North Bend eiprewed the view that the local tat burden would be too great Under the law the state will pay a qua tier of the operating cost, and tuition la to cover one-third The remainder would be raised by district proper ty tax. Also the district will have to provide ill the founds for school plant Gehlert rec ommended that the law be changed with the state to provide all the capital outlay and, including tuition income, 75 per cent of the operating costs. It is logical to expect pressures for in creased state support of community colleges because of the present tax burden for fi nancing the public schools. But if the local burden is light, the temptation will be to spawn community colleges in excessive num bers. The community college camel has his neck in the door of the state treasury. There will be plenty of pushing from the rear to get more or all of his body inside. Parole Denied Nathan Leopold Gov Wilham Strait on of Illinois upset the 'dope " that he would approve a parole for Nathan Leopold convicted with Richard Loeb for the heartless murder of Bobby Frank in lirjt T!:e plea of defense attorney Clarence Dirrcw is Prod ted with saving the pi'ir from execution The sentencing )ud?e. however i d wnai I e (on!d to insure the t o 3uld -pond the ret of tner d.is in pri-on. Loeb did hawnf tven nurdered by a fellow inmate in 1934 Ooiryrtent on this ca-e has txen diverse. The Pes Moines Regijter took note that Leo pold had gone far in extraordinarv service to expiate his guilt and concluded that his r?habil'Ution warranted his release But the 0:egon:an think this wo-jli be a breach of tse undersiand n; tv which his life was sp-rert In its support of abolishment of iap ial ivin'siment it wants a provision which would exclude a first-degree murderer from future parole However if reform rather than punishment is the objectitte. it would he wrong to bar anyone from such considera tion Hope of possible release is a spur to 2'xid londuci and effort at rehabilitation The door rf hone should not he closed evrn ta it. jrdr-e-s like I.eoroM He ws he will re new his jpocal fr rrqor?' on to .Ket It ri-e pot -rem thai a p-t understanding' should bjr him from parole Governor 'State Foresters Weather Names 14 To Boards Peurteea appointments, sachid- iini a complete U-otember emer- trawfjuTiaum nonniiiw to stady the aaiwal Orefaa baacar shortage, were announced Thurs day by Gov. Robert D. Holmes Besides the group ta cope wnh freijht problems, appointments were made to fill vacancies aa a veteraaa' advisory committee and the Slate rubert Camnuasion. New mem ban named ta the re organized transportation commit tee are Ammoa Giice, Salem, past president at Oregoa Par mars laioa: Earl Hartley, esecuthe secretary ef Westera Council of Lumber and Sawmill Workers. Partlaad: Bea Buismaa, editor of Oregon State Grange BuBetia, Portland Otkri Named Ralph Sandstede af Rtuid Praine Lumbar Company. Dillard: Grant I ,o tren, teneral manager. Ml Baldv Lumber Company. Cot tafe Grove: Carl Sarieat and Son Lumber Company. Norway: Gar land Mender, autfoinf presksrni of Oresoa Cattlemen s Association. Members the new committee who have served in previous yean are Uoyd C Mason. Salem. Ore ion Firm Rureau: George Brawn, legislative director of Ore ton State Labor Council, Portland. Rust Fryburf . Ttmbermaa Lumber Company, Eugene; T J Headrick. estmaiss hu. volume and fixes tues. reduce the national debt. f'l"". Eil.l'.rHU the price he must hae to T.ld ' put mora money in the hands of , the proitt he wants He controls bo:h employers and employes. manager Resseourg ... ... iu..- u a a tv- .Lt... ,k. 1. Lumber Company. Rosehuri t IT tPUrumaJ n m urinaiiwj inr vgi sr. SSV-ivi uuig W ir ovui- Cn.. mnr U Im A ih a IL. Station Goes oh Airwaves "I ilmt I dxc miuli cnitfidtiH'r in his diagnosis! ... Iv e seen tiut same ami on the face of quia show cootestants w hen thev re jrttcv.iiij! . . . The first forecasts by the Slate Faraatry Department 'a new wea ther bureau in Salem went ever the airwaves Thursday. Weather forecasts for the various . state-managed forest areas in wes tara Oresjoa are aaw being broad cast from Salem twice daily, at ;i a m. and 4 .p.m.. aver Station I KOA-411 oa a frequency of tOS kilocycles imedlam frequency range,'. The new weather nation was jointly established at Oregon for estry headquarters hv the state andV. S government to strengthen the state s ability to combat forest fires an ita ewe lands Before Thursday, all forest weather pre dictions for western Oregon boOl national and state forestscame from the I. S. weather Bureau in Interim Group to Decide on State Development Director (Co 1.) at his prices ( me reporter savs the concept as explained to a Senate commit lee headed bv Sen Kefauver mu.st hate made the bones of old Adam Smith rattle in his eenlury and a hall oM grave Smiih was nai. is administered inflation ' boxcar situation this year in Ore- Kohler Wins n Wisconsin Wisconsin held a primary election Tues da for choice of a successor to the late Joe McCarthy as I S senator Former Governor Walter J Kohli'r Jr won out over Glenn R Davs in the republican pnmarv and Wil liam Proxmire was ho-en for the Democrat ic standard bearer Davis is a former con gressman who two sears ago failed to detest Sen. Alexander Wiley for renominatmn though he had the support of the GOP or gsnuation Davis had the Support of the Mc Carthyites two years ago and presumably held their favor this year Hts defeat in both primaries indicates thst the McCarthy 'ele ment is a minority within the party in Wis conain. Kohler. three times governor, has beaten Proxmire twice before and Is evpected to win handily w November He identities himself as aa Eisenhower Republican, but he falls far abort of being an aggressive personality ss were such senators as the two LaFollettei and McCarthy. Ha will prove a comfort able' incumbent, however. Elections may become powder puff derbies Already women voters outnumber males and their ratio of advantage is likely to increase Voters sre not tallied by sex. but the fact that females outnumber majes by 4 600 000 among persons of voting age Is taken aa proof that they also outnumber male voters The life span of females Is longer than for males so there Is little chance that the men will catch up with the women This explains why politics I parties strain so hsrd for the wo men s vote More and more will candidates have to have sex appeal, that is some way to register favor with the women voteri It seems to me that as long as " f"" good Date for wage increases seem to be auio- ,h ,,r" m"tin ,h """mittee mane with eacw contract renewal. r' with big unMoa really more pow- VHeraas Drnnrtneat ertut at the bargaining table even tw. ,,-,, ,i .nimit expounder n lanset (aire phdoao- than big business business will Mvri B Garnett of Eugene to a phy as applied es-onom'cs let seek protection throush rrcular uirw yMr trm on a seven-mem huiinesn slone the law of upplv price increases Its success ,imrT commKtff lor the sort (irmand w'l work to the ulti- thoush is definitely limited Sat- rvp4runeni of Veterans Ata'rs gin( rarninjs rr-wn, m many H, f William C Dyer Jr corporations in pne of higher o( vo ume of business show that GarM( , rvmoctic precinct pnc do imK always yield to ' ad- .n h opfrite , ministration Steel will find thntl .hop on the Lniversity of "J"' i '" kTVk u .k"" 0r'" f"Hua lor toe past five steel is abated While the number He u , rf of rujKhtiea in the ecomic sys- E t WrMtb Com. em are increasing the control- miitl( nd , Wt6er Uot Ung torce remains that ot o County 4rlrrtnl organizations mand. and pnee is a v,ul factor fUudf , j, PortUnd n measuring demand. ( Lnduvn.list waa appointed to a ore-ycr term on ine uregon ru hert Commission. He succeed James P Nelson, also of Portland mat- benefit M all This administered price theory sounds simple And it has this measurt of truth that there are mam rocks in the channel to impede the current of supply and demand Monopolies have a great deal of freedom in setting prices. Patents provide price pro tection Itility rates are under gosernment regulation Services are nm bought and sold st suc tion TraoVmorkfvt foods rsn he pi ice marked ithoot particular recant 'o nM of inTf'ien' Kreedmn in Imng pners Is go ernel h fT-Hom f 'tin comperi lion and hv 'he r- .sdines of Ihe market i aheorn Ihe produd at the lued price It is premature however t say that the law nf supplv and demand is abrogated or even suspended Steel companies are in Ihe for- Oefoa State Senatt's interim committee on executive appoint ments wiO meet at the Capitof. Wadneadar ta decide whether to confirm Gov. Robert D Holmes' appointment of Julius Jensen as Resident of Woodburn Dies at Age 81 lull IS titwt Serrlra WOODBURN. Aug 1-William Anderson, retired carpenter, died at ais home at 1 15lN 1st St in Woodburn this morning He was II Born March 17. !7. at Mil waukee. Wis . Anderson came to Woodburn from Los Angeles four years ao He was a member of the Methodist Church at Turner Sumvors include his widow. Mrs tmmi Anderson, whom he married in Wisconsin M years ago: (pur sons, the Rev. Scott W Anderson of Turner Herbert J and Harold Anderson, both of Woodhurn. and James D xnder son ol Raid in Park, Calif : one daughter. Mrs. Paul Evelyn ' Ldwards of Woodburn. four sis ters in Wisconsin, M grandchildren and 31 great grandchildren. Services will be p m Saturday in Ringo-Cornwell Chapel with his son. the Rev Scott Anderson offi ciating Burial will be in Belle Paul Cemetery director of the new department ef planning and development. Secretary of State Mark Hat field, who died the meeting, said it is being held because several committee members said tney want to interview Jensen Normal jly the committee acts on confirma tions without holding formal meet- in: Jensen came to Oregon from I Seattle where he held a similar post. Members of the committee are Sens Howard 0 Belton, Canhy. I Walter Leth. Monmouth, and Lee Ohmart. Salem, all Republicans and Dan Dimick. Roseburg. Dwight Hopkins, lmbler. and And rew J Naterlin. Newport, all Democrats I Portland. This was the teat at the trst forecast sent out for Closure toss No 7 'Willamette Valley, fmea Portland ta Cottage Grove oa ths north, and from roughly Dallas and Silvertoa oa the west and east': ' Fair through Friday, except a few morning c lends along the Ok ambta River Valley. Winds north westerly st J-la miles n r I both days. Lowest humidities sear jtt per cent, except near M rent in the extreme south sortioa. j Little change in temperature." , rare Danger ! Robert Kirk pa trick, chief mt. eorologist. said the fire danger u high for this lone. Mentiasu ef ths tire danger in the various tones 'whether 'high." "low," ,. treme etc will form part of ths forecast before long, be said. 1 Kirk patnek is employed by the federal government. He was joined Thursday hv Clifford Watkuis, stale-employed meteorologist, frna Portland. Holmes Asks Tight Money Policy End Gos Robert P Holmes a-kd President Eisenhower Thurnda to relax the "tighi mone polio and to liberalize ihe lederal homing administrations d"n pavment standards The governor, in s letter to the President laid the tedersl finan cial policies have depressed Ore gon s lumber industry Min, mull have closed and others sre faced with long closures Holmes said phuw ess s-oau sissctirnon suras By carrtat la ctttai Daily iofl suaaas Si 19 aw aw Daily ah' St SS swr mt Oundx nly IS vtS a; van otiiy aaa awwaay itt aavto) la Ortaoa Si ss oar ova 4SS Uira M ? IS as nu In V S autaiaa ay mail Saeas aoiy . an sdvanr' SI IS I ssss HSiaaea kmin Surwa M Ctemattoa nrf aroaavi eutllikrrt AStvrttwai nearvaraMaCfvww waav-iiairrrrsi in Saa rraartwa watfiS wist sou m.t co Nt TrS rwtraaa Public Records State Officials To Attend Confab nan rr ros-wr Winnifred Jos ce Sauve vs George 111 I It I la C I Dfl 13 Joaeph Sauve Decree "f annul ment awarded to plaintiff with 7M ; William C. Loomis. state super- tunait positMW at a still eipand- lump mm alimony. yisor ol trade and industrial edu- ing demand for steel This year ( q, f-rink1B Davenport vs lo- cation, will apeak on trade erten demand lor steel plate used in M cladvs Davenport Complaint "a programs at a convention of atitos and appliances, has fallen or dwtt charg tni ,. the American Vocational Associa off but demand for steel used in humjn lrf4;m,n, i(K, ,k, cu, t,on nesl week in Philadelphia heaw eonatnsctMm - plate tor f)dv ,hw minor Mlr Other Salem educators sched- ship. stmctures for hndjes and nj Jm mA i( Vancouver uled to attend the five-day meet build.ngs-has been heavy High W(Jh o.r I Paulaon. atalr direc demand or steel is expected to tor of vocational educai on who continue a spue f the laU price Joy Arnnell Usher vs Wrald; ..,, , increaa Curtis Fisher ( omplsint for di-l"1 chairman a( a state (ThlVindine, hn.es. Save vorce charges cruel and inhuman I trprt8r "",n " Hher induslnes. fr ' ...m.. lw. Itm. and Paul F. Wilmeth. trade fa en flat In Irving to hoM their ireatmeni ana aee ciuuoay ot two , i,,.,,,-, ..,. n nrir. line We has. M thai m minor children w.th P monthly tni Industrial supervisor, who will F 1 ,!1V!T1 aiiDoort Married Sent M ISM. al Prlo ' " meeting of the lumber and ta plywood Pnce, of Sept , 1144, at copper lead, rlnr have tumbled r-ma tarn. ind Indu,trl.f ArU sections nf the and profits of producers have' Revs Mahan vs ftafv K Mahan f been sharplv cut Prices of auto- Decree of divorce awarded to ! mnOsies are ' administered '-in- plaintiff with ruatody of one minor i . crea.sei nf from S30 ta SSS are child and US monthly support mow A a a ahead for the l.ia models but ev riTIYlC Art lf a - wavne ua s janire si arte deala' that the administered Au), cm plaint for divorce prices" are just a starting point rnarges cruel and inhuman treat for barraimng Same for televi mrnl tn(S runody of one mi won snd other apohanres ( om ,1 n,mi jur 4, , petition In these lines has been pjrnn s lemfic Shares nt textile mills o . iT L . ZI Suklls V ""L r-"'. ment seeks realorntion M alainUff'a or . a, nm uru fnrm,r s s m e of Lyon Mi Mav U lt7 al Salem Rosd Safety Agency Plans Another Move The slate traffic safety division, which has moved five times in the past few years, is scheduled to va cate again. James R. Banks divi sion director, announced Thurs day Presently housed in room SOI at the State Office Builduif. Ike eight person traffic safety department will shuffle across the Capitol Mall Saturday morning to rooms 301 and m In the Capitol building Scheduled ta occupy the vacated traffic safety apace is personnel from the cramped State Tai Com mission. Banks said. Begonia Show 'To Open Today The Salem Rriiinu Noddy Show will open lhi a'tprrHmn nt 2 niliMa to Ihe pi. Inn II - Items held al Ihe Meier 4 l-irfnk Xudi'm Mm on the store s se omt n-r jnd will continue until o im k iv 1 night. It will be open dunn s'or hours also on Saturday 1 Those making entries may bring 1 their flowers between and 11 30 am. OOX OFFICE ATIClXrTSt, 7 NOW ON SALC FIELD OLAMU ITOLC Dan Zeh Jr . IJ70 Chemeketa St , told police Thursday a SMI pair of field glasses and carrying case were stolen from his, car while It parked near hu home SURGICAL SUPPORTS Of All Kinds. Traaaea. Abdoaiaal Bapports. Clastic Howry Expert rttters Private Fitting "laa Tew Doctor" Capital Drug Ston Slate Street Corner of Liberty 2f Greea Stamps WIllAaUOTI COMCSBT Ullfl St.ttS 1 labsvtk, akllM Laovrd Warran, SartiaMa Saymeuf li4in, eiafvial Marian Aodaraeo, CaMiraaa piMtacu rtstAiat "Taa OiaiaWae" ! t nw teak SAINSOW SANCI vmsts rat ras auo is tar e a ss eosrusMa nsanaagaarr osCrstsraa Ossakar tl 1VST Jaaaary tS. HSS ,kS a. toss CsjsesHgnsj VSJa9B)jajnayftWj) sawajsyiiMI ftsMB ateyesjsiat jfwtiiM-snvtesarMrtas aWsMfaj Msjajgej 9 0-30 to close its mill at Snellen Nancy Lou Sukiia vs Samuel Pe- Cnmptainl for annal- Married Incorporate Two Salem businesses filed In corporation papers Thursday Roth art incorporating for business rea sons and plaa no changes in oper ation affecting the public, oil mala said Southern Pacific Doubts Freight Car Shortage to Hit Northwest One is the Capitol Fuel Com- The 'administered price rnk H Blancr.ard vs Gearg. , exUWIshed is Salem It theerv tf Ecenorruat Moans has M "oper firoer dismissing ease'''" "7 wn a., oaria in- brought re)nindrs Henry Hathtt. contributor to Newsweek, blamaa government for much af aur built ia inflation'' which Meana y A. tvoanr mrrw c WASHING TOM. Aug l-Bswth tra Pacific lUdread asstartpatea that the freight ear supply, wrwsrh usually nsade raoate to snoot late aununer ss s 1 p p I s oemaaos 1 a r lumber aatd har a- f " will not poa t At f aernut prwNera aaal anaaaaaiaaafl w(r4 Irwrw I) J A BaaM eawstn p.ii ST peas Uent. ta Cnsnressmaa Charlea ri Partes-, Orwaan xvacti "Dtxt Is the (Secliaaf " lm'r Isadrnf and ether traffic eioeri aaeed during :he first half 'h swar. rcep af bax cars, hmh Uaded and empty, through rnn niditna apertoumauly esiuaied the number of bax cars taawlH aad enapty. deiivertd ta eur cow eetions thus cresthvf s gener ally Sawasfaclary caswlaUon rwapen tag ear saappty an aw line Rus aafl wrote Porter la gilatil aaateaat the UM aectasne ef the cauntry. along with a directly apposite situation with respect ta hart at' in elhar sections of the country may re sult Ht k heavier peak demand for den ad ears ta move Una gram (has would normally be the case." Ptuaaifl said "However, we are hopeful that wah the rleae attewttMi and ceaparstata ef al havmf to nw wtth this piwtwem. tha car siappty saustwa t rear will nm be a sertma one " KaoaeH aaM SP la ewattaaia Ma aewraaa lar aaavtng aaw la atent aajt "wt kave etprrteaeed raahaeeal raiaiaw W haaaHwga Ihia year wHk raawSUaji rffaet aw earwaaaa la sStWIan. we have aeon lt4 Kk sajoaattal av rriaan la oage atat atnwr eoaU thts rear wkart nave akaa rewWea eaiwaagt tirtaai af Oelay la aa Ulaaaaj ICC approval tar adhMt- aaeaoa la ratal 1 with prejudice corporators betides fsana are lint- .,.,. as Mernt: Tniai. M C, Tho- rVwt M Millie eaUte Order The other is City Builders. -4 uys as encournswd bv adminis-1 r'"'l "iM,t i "w coutructioo firm which haa terH wages and admimstared Wilbur H Weeks estate Order,0"1 operating for several years, prices According ta Hatlltt. gov- admitting win ta probate and ap-lrkirf1v m ,h Hramngsen subdivt- trnavkant poUnaa and laws have pointing Myrtle ( Weeks as ad ; (IM tv,mr Dr'v south ef so built up the power tf niworaj mimatrslar eatate est 1 mated ta j K'"f Incorporator! are Mrs that employ en raa no anger ra- esreaa tf IIS. see Darn F. HaU. her father, P. I wood tax eteaaalve wage owraaada. ayde B SuH eataie Oder rim " her brother in-law, Then they nut nrnaaurt ta govern-1 lng M,,, Raymood f. Hall. men! money manafers la create monev and credit ta sustaM the W'TWICT COt WT erwimg srice incrensee forge Washinfton kelaey Sil- BUllding Purchased The Wall Street Journal doubts v,rln(, ,imd ,w lflfr pk,,dm the Meant theory that the seller ..,,11. t . - .. rZ PORTLAND. Aug I vasA real ran detemunt pncea far hts mam al the scene of an accident today annauncod that product Supply aad Aemand K - dllam 0 Murphy Portland has ...II ptay their part ia the mart . 'lJ' rWhaaed the RnthchUd Rialdlaj aW.-at -l .... I w. " . m..-m,w m -rm la, MF-mm WWm tm pi? tftti MMmatarW fhem' Time Fl les: ' af aw rwae st Joty 4 the ears ta Harass as enawat af tatt) ft W flaw BaMsHaVawfal ABMMMbT Mtjaat later than usual maturity and ef gram crept a 10 Yein Ago Ana. I I Ml In a Hton t create better "traffse eosirt atjwoapaere ana reipert for trsffie law enfnree iseat in Manna Cesintv Ois trirt Loaart Judgt Joaeph Fel loe revealed plam to aegrega'e Uailat violatori from snort ser MMis fniaaetwesnort rigwres from the fit? build ins tnapaetar's othre show that 1292 JOO in building pentiita av sued In Jwh if fvalem wwre third btgheat ti north wi 25 Yiart Ago A af. I. mt Thr will ha J7J rlasaifira tion nt eihihiiv in Ihe land BCirlur4" ina which will ha heM n eonweettoa w 1 ' h the late fair in VptenKa" Mai Gehihar dtraetne of 'he Mala Agricultural depariweot an aounresl The prenuumt ia the Prwen Teas e aw pel ilioai aggregate in airaaa of tl ion The ( nt a il 1 I 1 Servire board recently conferred ,wiih three of Ihe Chantiea directors ind proposed that the ( harities he nvertrd with the SerTiee and Ibree ( harttiei dire-tori plared on the Service hoard 40 Yeirt Ago Aug. I. 117 Details at the attar ki by er man lubenanttet upon the first f ipeditioei af Aawarwaa trwnpa ent ta Pranre became know toe the first time when the r P'ai nf Rear Admiral Olesvet. roanmanding the naval roe v 01 wra snaae awhlar by Seeretiry Darnell Hinre a report ia Sovamhee hv S C kargewt. ataie mpe intentent ef banks, akyviag tit banks ta the otaie a-vg 4poawta af 1 OOO ram or asora. Salem hai rnolert Pendietna out af awoad place. arraignment fk.mrmm ml a Am,mm f annul contra) berweid the naing . . j .., j . . .have peaple thank rt is ant in! . T their interval ta hvy " The Jwur Lemuel Irl Roetriaon. SMS E Ea nal dtea the breakoWa af fair gewwod St . ftnad CSS an court trade lawt ia prnnf It often aa-1 cnwvtctjon af driving while hvteai othw aolutian kat the twvrrnrnent ' rated artl twice af appeal given slap coenpettng in the market tor MARRIAGE APTUCATIOM lahnr and materials reduce Ernest M Sastan. kgal. iawitne 1 i"i m iwaaaantwaaMtiavaatnta gjj rr, ga . and Eleanor T, John won. legal, clerk Ita N tinwiwi 1 St . both af Salem, j Joha Roaawefl Cwmmiagt. St. tat ' Pan-view Ave and Danna Pave t Whal ,. wrong with lh'.eo- fTT'f" T" l-e' The coach claim, that "" tour mllaa are laa far 'a nan. 1 ert Ketth Ssrnm M f t Air and I am iwtoeet to tare ta 1 Tmrr Brraa. Te. snd Sheila Dee ,k.. ritch. it at home IrM Wills U . WV. mt im k MrraH VMHa SaleWl rialioo of robual ' Better Enqlish ! II r aHam I Which oat af Iheat words is 1 1 - - j miMpelW EfTbaawce tffwacy. WQ JfnlTt6 t Airplane Cnsh iadu- effervese effukgat What eaaa the ward creet meaa S Whaf a a word twannteag with ka that fling BAKER. Ore Aug 1 A meant high-; ataae aparatad by Irt C Byrd Douglas Caawty sheriff crash-' ANSWERS IshmM and mwed over m t field I lay The cwacti MAIN hare knot sag TAiNS that few mtlea IS lew far Neeher Ryrd nor hit stsamear te ma ind I am Htrbned la P W Hamer. the mnee af the agree WfTH that. I Accent sew- piano. a (tnirwd nasi rrtakte. ant the fwat Ef. police aatd' that Byrd waa terteiet 1 Lsrkmg m laweaW hWf Hamee to tha lawn nf HaH- ' hsdfmeaal awsa atti ia Vaaa- he way where Hamer head of a , havwar a very nwtiacraai " I 'rWarasrg 1 awatrarli hens, haa Bernbaetae. 1 but in at Seahnfvi. b risk of oncer reduced by new ntutiU filters? When ran bay t package of tujareUea tbara it no way af tailing, front the paelusw. how murk tar and nicMioe wll he ks tha amae-a. Lataat lahoen Sory fladings reparttd la August Reader t Pigaet. wiB give you this mf ormatwo shout moat of the popular hrtnna Thie ansrie snakes aaeiting' tad kapoful reading. One sjter-up ngwretta sow ad art a a, ktsprt waaa tat la tar iW trtttoa ... aad SO, leas tiro tut ia tke amakt' Otkay kwneovwd liters setts ths way. Tat etaaaur's Dupat artarit mUl as SafaaW aaotat ram Cawaf Is Caaot Daw I tuat at' Alan ia tha Angus Raa Oar 1 rhfast tl athar tfticlaa ef kwaf lataewst . . tha bast frost laaaSag paagasSnos, seww napaet snd koeiloi . . . aan sVaaaad to tavt yaw QaaS. At .AnnQuncSnc THE OPENING OF THE NEW SALEM OFFICE Electricd Products Corporation faw.tcfwrtrt tr O.aJrry flacfrk I'tpn ni Iffkfbf 5ict If 12 To onurt tKa highest ttandordt of manufactur and prformanc locally call . . . asE j t mi la U S at. Off. For outstanding ntw dotignt & ditplayi or qwick tavff I eiont torvict on your tign probUmt, contact . . . BOB McFARLAND or BOB GILE We htvww ywj to vitif aw aaw office at 1487 NO. CAPITOL STREET TELEPHONE EM. 2-9577 The Mack ef Mark) ZIOH it Beantaa) awaaaaaaV -A -- a. i - . . . w "wRtifti ifwtjjnni f immwmm9my Lpj-a-if-auA afaaaf laakata aaaaShhaSaaawa(sat aSrwanawapaajf ajrw naaayaa anjajagawanaBarwaj 9 tW'dr'w'ri'wWo vc A4r4waAVBAT( aetahnHhW to the sUk rtOM, Okaaw, Ui.A.