The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 31, 1957, Page 5, Image 5

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    City News Briefs
turret m
w- tfcg Blaa. Sy rftA
id lilH n Marae
, rxtnrt Curt, Twuii at
seeing gwy ta nwr at
t and euwrdrrtj roaducn he
. ..r by sute paiK- Manaat
i eorter e the OaJkenOrf I
r i r had trufWi Bat
. .. j a a hap tars raw
. .hea hesid asm
, ,v RtLXAJtED
one- Ramoad neeajy Hi
i it)1 as utrased Tuenoaj
VtrM Ceuy jail la i alitor
, 4 .. Krtfm M l cWt
. .-r' He had brm serving aut
',ne 'olowulg his arrel m
r arowf abu
IKY this truant
r .laraf 4 restyling, now at
.-b s wfl rate. rrfngeYated
. Lanwll i 1M Ferry x
police were JormH Tue
J Ihe thefts I t croquet
the hetkyard of th Pul
t"v reudear. lie) Icel Si
I" '. car mirrors worth f? vj
Ran Peail t rr wltitr
ted in hw driveway at 3T
i'Mlt St
Farewell Luncheon
Held for Departing
Juvenile Director
rv Jimw Athbaugh re
i !-iHn as dirder i( Ihe Mirwi
'i "Iy Juvenile lieparlment is ft
."e tndav was bnopred Tuet
. . at i larewell luncheon at Sena
H rl bv iepartroent nemhert
. nail o in Marx ( otialy
.,'1 al Domcitc Relations
!r i.rvtaugh w leaving Salem
firpt a position a dean of
I'Xerti Montana ("allege al Havrt
f serving 'our .ears as tuvenlr
-r'of He is irucceeded hv Carl
r son department counselor and
r'"el Marine rolonel
MTLE-To Mr and Mrs Rich
a"f Lttlr eport. a ana Tuet
' 4 July SO. al Salem General
H H-'tal I
nr. MOI'LLV-To Mr and Mrt
irin H
D. Moully LU C-ie
a son Tuesday July
4 em l.eneral Hospital
X. ai
RA.SHOB To Mr and Mrs So
I r Ra.vhnr Salem Kl 5 Roa afllA
i danehler Tuesdav July XI. at
Si em General Hnapilal
Ml M".ER-T Mr and Mrs al
in M Munger 1111 Aider St a
fi' thier Tuesday July JO at Sa
irm Oneral Hospital
WHITNEY - To Mr and Mrs
Imal Whitney Qlfl Mountain lew
'" a daughter Tuesday. July JO
si alem Mr morn I Hospital
MTH Tn Mr rnd Mrt Wesfon
South Ashanv a daughter. Tues
""v July JO. at Sslem Memorial
yiF.l.lVSRF. To Mr and Mrt
Wallace Ztelinskr Hiihhard a son
7 lesrlay July JO at Salem Memo
iii Hospital
The family of Toby Aronwn ac
Irnovt ledges with grsiefiil appreci
s'"n your kind expression ol tym
Mrs High Wall.
Mrs Phil Krltit.
Mrs Rudy Pheiflrr.
Andy (i A ronton
Waller J Arnnson,
Don M Aronann
isdv 1 ,
' ' M
' -Y- T
Easy Terms
CUrtw F, guv, eaa at Mr
tad Mr flay 9n 141)
Nebraska Si fufeag the final
anas I u wert aruJlery re
serve aCart tra.Bi.uj cwrpw ataw
vrr ea ampmni at Fart SiaV
rrjtktm bm
TV ntj enfinrrr afftc faal
rt kanaaui aermiu TWaj at
0 P Rj.tsa hv CM aama r-M-
at N (apai Si aa1
ta Gaaifaa lor . al akara-
txaa ta kcr kam M IU
("ampeneetinj CWr af Gad
r Da? aefiaa M Inm
ill ai Taraef Tarwraarlt "E
Taar Wrlrame aaS I
trurt atnea tw Rabert A
rittar al Pankaaa' atrart aad
mtT a MrT meter fraal
at HI l awi St ai I! I a m Taat
4a tut the atoer aaa aatjiirt.
Saiem polir reponed
Happ in all anrta aV
pmMema mn a the ClaaifHl
Ada r M 4i ; ,
Ruei B S.wli Salem Rt I
u placed an t veara arartattaa I
Tueda at Ma' I aunt) Cmtmi
( ourt after earlier aleadinf (uitlr
la a rnarfe ti ann aunpnrt
4 Jn ManriMlle SeaiaMatK
rcml ill prmet i wnjr Kome rome
ind t ra n mir aeaier aa
rlone a tur pnnnr Mai his Brna
KM UD1 Smart cotan, tree eat
adv '
Salem Health Slud ('.rota; ilalea
pubiir meetinj al I p m THurv
at Nalem woman i ( luti Gratia
pfrilent r'red Rer a ill apeak
on trie ae to heallrl and happwea
Ro. heeler k Coliira Jubilee
fjeat rtea now an Mnaea P Adami
IPOwallarrRd KM nit ad
Barbara Fuhr rt Salem will pad
uaif from l.nnd Samaritan Hnapi
lal SrnrmJ tW Suraini Au II al I
pm al Tnnilv KpiaropaJ ("huirtl
l luifhlly latiai hair removed tale
ly. permanent 1 Price i
SaUm Th EM I S.)
ladv I
I Nebraska Social Club of Oreton
and V anhinftoa will hold Hi an-
ua p(rmc jMm prt ,
Portland al noon Sunday. Au II
A program will follow
IVatal platrs repaired while you
ait al Painlesa Parker Dentist. ,
IIS N Liberty, Salem. ''!
TV D Pm.;! t -k U -t kti a
i rar ra- I ii I m m rAFI
$ will opfak mi th iub,rt D
ItaaMaaaW DM.' .1 tk. TV....
noo. meetmg of Salem 1
Club al Hotel Marion
Driver Denies
Drunk Count
I Hardv Kusene Dimit k Jr . Can-
h piearted inntxent Tueaday la
Marion County Divirirt Court on
'barge ol rlnvins while inloniialfrl
' arreslH hy stale police in
Hubhard earlv Tuesday morning
Trial was tel for Thursday and
Pimirk s bail a set for 1200
A vt "man passenser in IV rar.
Mrs told Brehm of Tigard was
lined tin aflrr pleading guilty In a
tharne of being drunk on a public
highway Her three children, aged
7 4 and II months, were placed
in a rminlv fnslrr home for the
mgril following her arrest, stale
nohce said
Rtlem'f Oldest
stlem't Largest
Firemen Battle Winter Street Blaze
'4av .
alV --
Z0 '
Sateai ftreaaea Wattle la raatral
Wllllaait, S4 S. H later SL
Panial (Slaw aa pare aael.
5li i!:fe.f
School District Orders
More Liability Insurance
Arktitmnal hartilily insurance al
leits than one third the ealima'ed
root was ordered Tueaday by Sa
htm School District
Salem School Board had budget
ed an extra H..VN Inn year to add
to Hi annual motor vehtcle inaur
ance yiou, liability inaur.nce an
cafeteria swimming pool, gymna
slum and other operations
When bids were opened on the
insurance package Tuesday it was
(ound lhal the low hid of U M
from Homer H Smith Insurance
Agency was only about 1701) more
than the amount last paid for ve-1
. ,
A ITI I I t) A f flkC ' I htO 1M KWl
"" rn,n u' 10
M in The low bid is on insurance
by Pacific Indemnity Co
TV bids were tabulated and an
nounced by School Board Clerk
Cornell C Ward The arlministra
tion empowered tn lakr action by
the hoard, ordered the insurance
from Smith he said
(Xher bids e etvrd Bob Calla
Plinners' Okeh Sought
ForGarjge Enlargement
Mr and Mrs
J P Aspinwall
Salem Planning
ar apoiving 10
Commissinn for permission to en-
l.r ihe usraer on their property
al l.iTJ Kerry SI Special permit It
necessary because Ihe present ga
rage is closer to ad lat ent property
than normal sideyard setback al
lows An Aug 13 public hearing al CHy
i Hall as set Tuesdsy by tV corn-
I mission
a. JT
. . . ol foodi
your fingertips
Trade In AHowanrei for
I'sed Refrigeratnri
9 P.M.
i Mate Twaiii Baralaf at
TU flra riaae. ai nUBatea
han Afenry M M7 Rourlanrl Aen
ry and C Stuart MrKJhinnv each
14 SM James H Nicholson M M
Pioneer Truat Co IS 117. Huggina
A terry. HMi. Urrrill D. Ohlinf
Holt Makes
Low Bid for
Road Patcher
Holt Equipment Co of Indepen
denr waa low bidder Tueaday for
1 ' "l"1lnv" -"
nt, enrnr,n, department seek,
ta acquire
bsd of Vm rorngared$540 1 D0Q SHOW
bids rrf three Portland
TV Holt
with higher
firms Cramer Machinery KIM. s,tlm ,Uni Oub announced
Nelson Equipment. IMS, Columbia Tuesday a IM0 net profit from Its
Equipment. MM I recent annual dog sVw
City officials ate checking the Some Vtl dogs look part, S less
hid I preparalnry In submitting than last year, according tn offi
thrm to IV City Council for deci rials. The show grossed W JOl
sion Aug 11 Thursdav noon program of tV
TV new roller. 14 inches wide ' club al Hotel Marion will feature
would be used mostly in street Wallace Wharton, director of Mar
pitching etterr a big paving roller
I l,n needed It would be new
rquipment to the engineering de
I Prtment.
W have just complstaly
, Yardage Daptrtment. Wa
, af brand naw fall goods.
' at th low, low prices.
36 Inches wide, lovely for
dresses blouses and many
other items. $1.24 yd. val
ue. Shrink controlled fabric.
Top Quality
In Floral Prints
3tT Widths
A fin shrink controlled
fabric in 30 patterns and
color. AH cuitlity bolt
It. A
Reg. 79c Yd.
2Ydi. $f
the aaaaa ! Mrv Daratbea
,m 4atsa(t. (Suirttaaa
County D.A.
To Study in
mois Class
Manon County District Aliorney
Hathe Bratiel will leave Salem
Saturday lo attend the annual live
day course for prosecuting all or
neyi al Northwester I niversity la
Ktaaatoa. III . Aug 5 1
She will be among district at
ttirneyi from the entire M stales
attending the course which includes
mslructKM in preparing trial of
t nminal cases and iludx of srienll
fic methods of .nteatigaling crimes
The Chicago Police Department al
so will demonstrate th I a t I
equipment in crime detection
Miss Bratiel will return Aug 11
Cacm jor,s fsef
ion County rtvil defense, who will
explain results of the recent "Op-
nation Alert 157,' mock atomic
I attack.
ramodale) and antargad uTj
now have thousands af yards
Coma in . . . You'll be amazed
36" Width
Printed Inlay
Rag. Yd.
All first quality and made
of fina comb cotton. Color
of yellow, bluet, groans,
pi nil t, groans, etc. la first
for choice tolactlon.
H Yds. L
Pace Blood
Bank Givers
Bear at era eraa waa tae
acxiaaahi acraual aar
i tar baaaal Oaaaiad la
ktanaa Caaaatj Red Craw Band
laaA lilt aaa C tJa rKairrr.aa
at taa Baaaa. BaaB raranaliee re
al Taaadai
la arfWf atapaarl at Jar
" awaaeajiabale al Sama
Araaari TWadat afteraaaa Elba
raaad taat a aaaia?
eaxibar daaara eaairt uM
reed tae ramdy a aaaml ajuata
raaamadrd Ike aearh M
nmaaaf i al lite tatea ttu
a kat ftvaa nfU ar nat
! Baau eat t
TVa-adaj afternaoa a kaadma
lktk rod apnataared h Otwi
lau Ladje Odd reitwaa aad die
IReaetaba TV araetkue will per
I al atber doaura. U
Refaiar and apecval rallerti
laatalied 17 aaau Jtih
ar tlte TturMat
vud lB be anaa ta f m
Holmes Names
Labor Examiner
Fraana M Rracaa.
aliorney. Tueaday ai appotaleti
by Gat Robert D Holmea as
Labor Eiatniner (or the Slat Di
tuioa at Labnr r lections
TV position redtM-ed U part
lime staius bv the las? legislature.
Kas heea tatant since Fred G
Scherer resi(ned June M Reafaa
wiu rtMMinue hit private Parkroae
practic and arvaa art era! days uaaal aad Laral fllarlinhj FeaU
a moot t the stal past. val Grants Past. Auaj I. II, aad
Reagaa. democrat, a a IMI th Oregoa Gladaaltat Ska Lav
raduai af Northweatara College Grande Aug M-S
af lew. H was admitted la IV TV "Maasary Marathaa' trtl
Orego. Bar la 141 H served la v a modert bara-raiaiag aaa sa
IV Navy during part af World Oregon Ram Bale. Laker lew Aag
,r " ,: Waster Oregoa Eiptaartisa,
He was general counsel for tn Cottage Grove. Aug U-M
A K Wiboa Lumber Company which more thaa M brick layers
from 147 to ItSO, attorney wuh will Lay over 108 oae units af ma-
t y B vrterans onministratioa
from I to late 147 and has been
locatea la I artroaa for seteti
Police Probe
Burglary Try
City detectives are Investigating
a burglary and attempted safe
cracking Tueaday at Emery a Food
liner. aaS Wallace Rd Weal &-
lem. Aa unsuccessful
also made to enter
war store
Nothing was stolen, but a safe
was damaged and a bark window
smashed before th burglars gar
up their r a b b r y attempt at
Emery's A sladge hammer and
other burglar tools wera left at the
scene, police said
Th rear dour of Hedge i Hard
war tAS Wallace Rd . was worked
on during the same night, police
351 State
Comt In-Leek Around Net Our Quality and
Ptoplw Patrenizt th Midgtt.
Boiling Beef ' lb. 25c
Pot Roasts r lb. 45(
Siviss Stealts lb. 69c
Boneless Rump Roasts lb. 65c
Ring Bologna f )(
w w f mhiontd Kino III K.
Liver Sausage -i?z)
Polish Rings lb. 49c
Tender-Juicy-Jumbo Favoriied-Skinlesi
Franks lb. 35' Wieners ib. 43'
3 lbs. 1.00 1 5 lb. Box 2.00
For Something that it Deliciously Different Try Some of Our
Dried Chipped Beef n. 49c
SutrsmAtv SVm,- Ore, VL. JuK 31. 1S37 iSc. D-5
Grid Games Herald New Season
af tat rtkaat af tea-
i a uatia af laur
ural TV- a-e Uie
a'tk ker tpeoa; eeati k u
aiate Uaei awruooa taaaa
faer akeat ad raea re
ira m e Orare outer t
ktJII,n tkai ovludr ay-h
ttmrt aaauai rrwi at the
Skaaeoeia Feati.a, 1 atad
aad taa Mao Pea aVw Tret
TVee taainail (antra aii he ta
eaatara Orr(aa ailue tae laurtk
aad larfeM '.he SHruae Hit art
lame, ait! he al Parttaad TV
latter pua nara at the Part
aad metrapalaaa area iiid
'.nan trata a-U a ill he heal
at MullMmaa Stadtaaa Aaj H
Onera art the lUa' (ad aeat
ame at Oatara,. A,i M tfte
Kaalera Oaraa I aa.
PnnerUie An M aad) tW Paal
ael lUaa B Shria (am. Pada
tua Au )l
ShaArapeareaa Fratnal
e at AaMaad ad riaaia
alteram! praaWtiaaa af
,at Ui It." Twa Geatar-
mea af Srreaa," ' Unary VIII"
and fH hello "
Scheduled lar Aaf I a at
Marys Pea Shnad Tred Taaue-
saada at autos ar nparied la
make the drive ta IV top al
Mary a Prat lar aa afteranaa of
eotertai nmeol aad a barbecue
Foceela ( la IP Shrine Hnapdal
' Crippled Childrea la Portland
Rodeo and round tapa are th
xnerald Kmpirt Rodeo Eugea.
Aug 14 Croaked River Round I
up Prinetill Aug -ll and th
111 Caunty Rnuadup, Latevlew.
Aug II Sept 1
Flower sbaws arc US lateraa-
aonry in a tingle day I
cons trurt loa af Pnrlland
Oregoa Museum af Scieace aad
I Induatr Dale lar tt mnmt l
be Aug 17 at th Portland laolef
Kal Gardens
Also included oa tV events list
IV the Historical Ant Shaw,
Jantien Beach. Portland. Aug. 11:
Frontier Dayi. Sweet Horn. Aug.
It-ll IV Oregoa Stal Fair. Sa-
em. Aug )i i apt 7. Miner I
Fine Suspended
iZgP Deer Charge
A Salem woman wtw picked aa
t laws dear earlier this meats re
ceived a BS suspended fin Tues
day la M r 1 1 a County District
Darthe Margaret Teeter, apaj
Wolf St . was charged with Illegal
ponsewsion of fawa by stat gam
Vfarers July 1 SV explained thai
she thought the deer was abandon
ed and did not know it wai illegal
to take wild gam into captivity
Jvime u Jwacuus Am II la
Seat ! the nataj-at C auati r a'r
aad teaaa Saaiare tt Faat
a. Riarburt u S V
Aaewai Tirrva LAet e
4.4 aaafiaa Part Summer
pest a. Partiaad nS PittTvauff tiaaaed P'
er 1 Sbettand Ptan Sbea
K.irat t4 . 11 Suauet Bax
bet-ue Bandt An i Sminera
i ouao la rt are abated a 'ai
t Mjltmanaa taitMi f a.r
t. recant u '. Id .laarpdine
(ouiki In (.rami Kim (
II i'gri (naMi Fa td
BratS Hoed Rier
I sua? Fair Hnad Rivar Au 1
1 7 T'Jlamooa t'auate Fair Til La
mou t l Claotamaa Caua
l Fair faar Aud ! It I ma
liUa Cavat) Fair. HermiMaa. Atif
SanaU Ritar Fhtf SmiU Rior
- OraiMra Hall aear Baedapan. An
1 -M Fall Fair. klaunaU Fall,
Ay !(. Clataop lauatj .H
Fall Fair Aalarta Auf II H,
Oao I ouat Fair PriaraiUa.
Au I3M aeca ( ouaty Fan.
Trfb alhry. Aud D S Deacatdaa
ar deaar aa expreaa U aar kiad
neiffcbon and tbavefttiul
M Vartfed bVaaAa ft
maa eioreasKina af syrapaOry.
TV heautiful fWal arleriafi rt
1 especially appreciated
k Mrs Roy Bmrtk It
a Mrs. W F Caaaidy
4 r amity
k Mrs Orb a Taysar
' 1 ' "
!j SAVE $$$
ll if ecr I
ll a i n if
I , Set Thursday's Paper
I Capital Furniture Co.
Pric.t. You Will Understand Why Particular
CaaHa? rar. Btflariaad Aa( aVS,
Madaaw Caaaxy Fair aad Rarea.
(Waria Aug aVtl aad anwaJI
Cauat; Fair MratUaxibt Aaf.
Wfftdi . a a Wsit
For Hit Grtettst
Food Sctingj Evtrl
Rtploc Outttrt A
Downtpeutt How
Free Fatlsaales HI Mttt
EM 3-4988
ib. 95'