City News Briefs WINDOW BROKEM A su-by4-foot wiadow tl Nel son and Nelsoa Realtor. 1S9S 1 Commercial St.. wu found to con tain two holes Monday which could hare DM made by rocki er BB fhOt. DOlict Mid. OfflMTt Mid the u indow-brtakini did. not appear la be an attempt to enter the build ing Hm-hester 4 Golden Jubilee peaches mm en. Moaea P Adams, i.m Wsllsc Rd. EM 1-ail. (adv.) Ml, TRUCK HIT A car drim by Arthur F. Baker, Mimsville, and a tank truck driven hv Richard F. Fori, Ml. Anfel, mllided at II a.m. Monday en High and Marie streets, police mkI Ne Injuries were reported, fine mde of the Baker car was es trnmvrly damaged, police Mid. Tainl prices slashed during re modeling sale at Clarke I m N. commercial, (adv.) INITIATION DUB Kappa DeRa PI, WiUasnette I'nl v rrsity educational honorary socie i will hoM initiation Thursday at h is p m. at Golden Pheasant res taursnt. Members and guests may make reservationa at the restau rant. Insist on a Johns-Manville Seal-o niatic roof, lor your new home. Mathis Bros. EM 4-M3I. isdv.) Animal Brand Talks Planned The second annual brand In spection conference for state de partment of agriculture personnel engaged m livestock brand In spections and related work will he held at Pringle Falls Aug. T to 11 Ahnut IM men will sttend, with the conference divided into two sections to avoid disruption of public services. M E. Knickerbocker, chief of the division of animal industry. till head the school, assisted by livestock Supervising Officers Henry Matschiner, E. L. Wright and Chester B. Lkschty. Robert J. Mewerd, director of agriculture, will participate, m will Charlie MrCracken, Boise. Idaho state brand inspector; Jerry Mulcahy, niympia, Washington brand super visor; and representatives of the Oregon Cattlemen's association and the State Livestock Advisory Board. Purpose of the conference Is to promote greater uniformity and flficiencjt In the Oregon brand in spection work and to keep the in spectors informed of aew develop ments. Berry Marketing Organization Plan To Be Studied Kerry growers interested In form ing s marketing organisation have been invited to a meeting at the Old Fellows Hall. Amity, Thursday night, according to a circular which reportedly has been sent lo sll berry growers in the Willamette Valley. II we have missed any growers ho are interested, they are invil e1 loo.'' Howard Davidson, Amity herry grower, reports Davidson is spearheading the move toward un ion organisation The circular also asked growers to write lo members of the Oregon delegation in Congress to urge s Department of Justice tnvestiga linn of prices paid berry growers Salem Obituaries Sirrr BSwta Staapea SI Incil hoeplUI JulT S7Ui Sur vival! by hmwier. Owvle, Mupin. N Plan. Nth. AfraneamanU o( atrv-i-a will mart later ty h Vlr fit T OaMaa Co n Wares BMaaell awl y Julr 17 le Portland nrt, l th afe nl as vaan LaU -iHlanl of Sharttfsn fhf Huihanll nf In. K Suaafll. Sheridan, lather of Sijuatt traaeant CMS. Calif I hrnttler nf John Ruaoll PnrllanS Ort Balph uaiell -nt re ' altf GarVwOa ArMM. Klna . Alta ShlalOi ln Air. Ohm Servirr. -ill he hIS Tuaadav July at I OS f SI i Ih. MatKaalitt Chureh in Sheridan rra InUrmrnl 4 PM at Siver ' ttw CaiTMTUMT Sa tartMnO Tmat wlah a eall at PerhH Shartdan Pwaaral Home until II SS M Twasdav. TtMra will ha na naw f aftar Uut Una In Ihw rlf Jul SS Lata rasMeni at I. Boa ISS . Salanv al tha af ' SS rears, rtthar al I. C Wamplr' Salanv Mri W Met.nwr Oakland f aHf . Paul Wamalar. Oilloquln fr g Wamparr, If faamalH falla Ora Ta. irandctllMrM and It areat fraiMleMlalrefi a Ian aarvive Srotw m LuOaar Waaaat. Vlanwnea, IM Martin U Wamalar raH Rnrk Mirl, SMamatat Saa heea made tn Klamath r.tia nr senates anal tiiaanmnt fcj W T SlaaVaa Ca S-DAYS ARE COAUNG! WBtdl a a a Walt For tki Crtettst Fed Servings Evtrl AIDS PETITIONERS Mallory Walker, representative of tht U.S. Immlgratioa and Na turalization Services in Portland will be at the clerks office in Marion County Courthouse today and Wednesday. He will offer a sisUnce In filing petitions far naturalisation iBd wj hold exam inations far cititenship applicants. MAN SENTENCED Marion Dudley, San Diego, Calif., was sentenced to 1 days in the Mario County Jamil Monday after he pleaded guilty in district court to charge of petty larcency Involving theft of cheese and a can of ham from a Salem supermar ket. RETURN SCHEMLED Mrs. Agnes Booth. Marion Coun ty school superintendent, is ex pected to return to her office Thursday to resume her duties on s part-time basis, her office Mid Monday She has been recuperat ing at her home in Turner since undergoing surgery early ia June. VET REAPPOINTED Frank W. Young, organizer and first commander in 19S4 of Salem Barricks 113, Veterans of World Wsr I. has been reappointed to the constitution and bylaws commit tee for the organization's national convention in Minneapolis in September. ENTRY PROBED The Salvation Army building st MO State St., was burglarised Sun day night or Monday morning but apparently nothing as taken poHce Mid An officer found the oulldinf front door open end s door on the second floor pried open. Sk?rLn.s On Master Plan for Capitol Development Ads. EM 4-il. (Stary tim M Pi( ,( jt0, M cguinnt. 1 planning for Capitol developmeot. GR.ASS Bl R.a Members of the State Board of 1 Various schemes were presented. ' Here, he Mid, you caa provide a North Salem firemen went to Control and the Capitol Planning birt iw attempt was ma to make , harmonwus and DMutiful group Southern Pacific railroad tracks at Commission heard a "progress re- rhc Pl rfeive ing of government buildings which Tile Road st I S pm Monday! port' Monday from the architects '"r" ,rom th architects other itstes for lack of foresight wben grass along the trscks start -employed to prepare s master plan A subcommittee of the n!snmg have failed to do. This will attract ed burning The fire was out in 10 for future capitoi development commission will confer with them: visitors from aU over the country minutes, firemen Mid. j Reporting were Wllmsea ft En Chairman George W. Gleeson of: and all over the world, as the dicott architects of Eugene, and Corv alii. Dean Sidney W I.lttle. present Capitol already is doing. ATTEND MEETING I Herman Qrookman Portland as- KuKer and Charles A. Sprsgue, , Keally recommended that north Marion County Judge Res Hart ,,, .a pmiwi'. KmIIv ej Salem. of Center Street some flexibility ley and Commissioner V. L Rog- ers were in Portland Monday to sttend a meeting of the Public Jnd. Committee c. Orego, coun I'nsightly facial hsir ZTftS ly, permanently Price Salon. Ph EM 1-55 tdv.) ACTtH NTANT TO TALK Speaker at a Salem Rotary Club lunch Wednesday noon ia Marion 1 Hotel will be William Holm. State Board of Accountancy chairman. His topic will be Small Business and Taxation, and What s Ahead Dental plates repaired while you sit at Painless Parker Dentist. Its N. Liberty. Salem. ladv.) PFRMIT IMVED A permit to erect a one-story H (MM dwelling st DM Kumhler St was issued Monday to Marvin Gir rard. Ml ST AM ANTE To Mr snd Mrs F.nriqui Bustsmanle 1895 S lncaster Dr . a daughter Mon day July , al Salem General Hospital. DORN-To Mr and Mrs Jim H Doran. tOM Carolina Ae, a son. Monday. July 9. st S s I e m General Hospital. - KF.I.I.EY-Tn Mr snd Mrs Har rv W kelley 20.10 N 17lh St a daughter, Monday July 29 st Sa lem General Hospital WOOO Tn Mr aod Mrs Norton E. Wood. Brooks, a daughter. Mon da July IS. at Hoxpilal. Salem General lARTrtt rr-Tn Mr snd Mrs Ronald O Bsrtruff. a Dryden . . . u J I . I u Ave . a son ainnaaj. .iuij , m I Salem Ooersl Hospital I VORACK To Mr and Mrs Krsnris J Nosack. Salem Rt , Bos 17V a son Monday July a Salem Memorial H nuptial Elt'HSTKADT To Mr and Mrs Howard Eichsteadl. Woodburri a daughter Monday July a. st Sa lem Memorial Hospital RARRAM-Tn Mr wod Mrs Dan F. Rsrhsrn SSM l-arrlen I .a or a Mnndav. July si Salem Oeoerat Hnapilsl nSst W I i Births 1 vfiWii -f-'l'l-"''' vf "l-ir'-Vi ' '- " ," II "I'(inffiEwv l tr 11 1- I -a 11 iJLT- Valw fill 11 "I 13 tWed r awnaj.ssarl Architect . i ..4 f V . , .xt-t. ri' A? - v hit : f-4j vf wtjefct' prf vli . I T irirn' sfc Oregon SUte Capitol Bulldiat architect Fracts Keally (left), New York, In Sales yesterday for Meeting of the Capitoi Plannlag Commission, confers with Dr. George Gleesoa, dean of OregM State College School of Engineering and commission chairsasa. They are looking at plan of the Capitol area. (Statesman PhoU) Control Board Studies Progress Report York desiener of the oresent Cao- V0Uth Meted Probation A 17 yMr-old Turner youth re- ceived a suspended commitUnent j MacLaren s School for Rav --'- Monday when he appeared in Mar ; ' t-oumy juvenue toun en s fhr larceny from an sutomo-; Dle i lerms oi nis pronation lncnroe keeping stoadily employed, main- bujijjng development than the ', torhim and eshibit hsll were pro tammg reasonable hours and close pri marble-fronted, block type vided they might be located across supervision from the county Jove- buildings along the mall. the bordering streets at the North, nile department differed, however, on the In answer lo a question from The boy was booked an the inlM-ior design of the sres Secretary of Stole Hatfield en ceny charge involving sheft of sj ajrookman. tnfuenced by the whether It would be wise to go purse from s csr in Newport ear-1 broad svenue of the Spanish capi- j ahead snd locate the new building lier this month, the Juvende de-. ul M(1nd where he passed the ! authorized by the last Legislature partment Mid. He has a record of Wter. urged a broad esplanade Keally urged that this be delayed past offenses snd had been on WUn wj() wan,wlVi with buildings until the master plan is approved, court probation ! on the side, with the present divid After the presentation Gov. A second 17 yesr-old youth from strfH mergmg into a Holmes snd Chairman Gleeson of Aumsville booked on me larceny Lungl wide access street st the the planning commission com rhsrge also Is awaiting court dis North mended the architects for their position of an auto larceoy charge H, ,M, tn, (uprMnt rourt 1(K) declnred their planning after he was picked up with a K.,iUln, ,,iKr an one ixie of th. would h hclnful ta the slate oi third youth In Norfh Bend Display Today to Close Area of North High Street North High Street between Court and Mle streets win ne tioseo m traffic this morning and alternoon for a display of a trailer caravan sponsored by Queen lor a Day rsdin program Salem display of the 7Vtrailer caravan en route from a Angeles ta the Seattle Seafair is sponsored hv KSLM rsdio slal on m. . i . rOSlJI KeCCIDtS ..a fa i Ian otnnoor pnvttton. or tor nmor- MaKe jharD Climb al and art museums They 1 stressed the need for bigger farll ftnlem Post Olfics reported a Hies for housing Joint session of sharp opium ia postal receipts Ihs Legislature snd lor ether stale Monday related gatherings Postmaster Albert C Gragg sad Francis Keally rornmewded Ore the report period covering the past gnn for in vision in long-range four weeks shows receipts totaling an. SOS or 14 per rent more than wss received in the cnmparehle period last year The gsin was higher than the sversge T h 1 1 year i increase in postal receipts so tsr sversges T per reel, Orsgg said nmrli ane kmOi srtion, like fresh frW srtersNev helps rmr fsrmrf wtT r4essaly regulsi wiy s ei astWi. Sreea eisy trial mJJ sris jrJ Studies Capitoi If t : fit ..,- i . , , ; -' 4 -,' t '''! i w e- 1 ; 'i sVr. ' -V I . 1L l'Sfh ' tn principals presented sketches of plans for the develop- ment of the Capitol area which em- braces the land from Court Street north to D. Street, between North Summer and Winter streets. In a number of respects they were in agreement Favor Closing Plia ... , ..,. , rw,.!-. j . ana union strews, aii lavorea oe- v,oping , paTf ,t the north end , lhf rM B4(jve trfe, tni water of North Mm which crosses the tract tk, (.VOr-d ton leu formal mall or in the park tract opposite 'a governor's mansion. He would. adorn the mall with trees snd pro vide benches along the avenue, and have fountains in the center. Wilmsen snd F.ndicott, in pre senting their schemes, sdmitted they were aiming for the ideal in their recommendations of redesien , K.t patterns They urged that th. snu,,, ptrlUt tr.,, movf( to p,rti the Ireeway , Highway 99 '. and that Court, f,ter and Marion he the only streets crossing the capitoi zone. 1mi I'odertanlag In proposing a park dVvelopmenl ai the !Nortn tney snggesied ll Miala k - lIhI ..I. .1. ..J., taking In that ares prevision might he made for an auditorium. r? in ii aai t iija nai a manai umi'i in m ai.a ' ,. tf. -.- ' '. . " . i Y eve aeoecHgnHon of training end U I 3aliaw a;AaVkvaa.aiaia. tarod ahnMte wfce ereetw "wnSs the anxte ordered" muti have a tremnaWu am.utrl f koowledpe and f,rtfnt H f your prsKnann h yaof " Wt Cfvt frtl" 0 CAPITAL DRUG STORE ) IfXADONl TO OH flfSCIhTKNJ a 405 Stao tl O 1 y Chowaehosa 4470 N. Irawe Id . Krer Area Plan : ' ! i I r- S i "nS" a a' Vi) . s i . irrtji inn "-WITT. : ITt Jf.-'.e'.yi, J. a 4 .n"! sratl rsr t-a,U J. jl irf s.'t w'Vrta j ,Ws1r3i- in design and location of buildings and ia materials employed be per anitted. He recommended strongly that a Supreme Court building be located at the northern end of the mall, to be of marble, but of low height; Intervening structures , south to Center street might be sited st a diagonal, of modern of- ". "! nmKm m """" nrw nirra ts. Sketch Preseot Hf Aetch( iB e park at the northern end the stream and an island m which a governor s man- mm mieht he located If an audi- finals, Codling Moth Spray Due Second brood of codling moth has emerged is the Willamette Valley, according lo S. C. Jones. I nts means, says Jones, nai n ia time for s rover spray for codling moth controi. Recommended sprays are I pounds ef lead arsenate or I pounds of M per rent writable DDT powder la 10 gallons ef water Red spider miles may be a problem in some orchards, also reports Jones, and if this is the esse he suggests inclusion of an acark-ide ia the rover sprsy Parsthien. 1 pound ef per rent- wettahle powder. Aramite Pi pounds IS per cent wettahle powder, or 1 pounds U per rent wettahle malathion msy he added ta the spray aotutma for toe con trnl "f red spider mite 4 1 rt fat 'Jwl of yeees opoeonco The Grten Stamps t Multnomah's County Fair Due Thursday Floral Competition To 6 Big FtJturt By UUJE L. MADS EN Gardeo EOUr, The PuieMaaa First of the numerous county fairs which will be held in the WUIamette Valley during August gets underway Thursday and will carry through Aug. II. This is the Mtutnemsh County Fair at Gresham. One of the big features at this show is the floral competition, ac cording to Diiane Hennessy. (sir manager. Mrs. Marshal Yeager. superintendent of the floral show. mvi that the flower event will act ually he divided into two events, the first show scheduled for Aug 1 through I. and the second will take ever from Aug. I through 1 Four major classifications of competition haw been listed lor thoM entering the first show. In eluded are cut flowers, outdoor pot ted plants or baskets menls and garden club arrange ments. Tht outdoor potted plants or baskets entered for compel itton only in the first show will on dipslay the entire 10 days. Major Show Pbaset Major phases of romnetitinn in the second show will be corsages. cw nowers and arrangements with another soecieJ aertinn rMiriei ie garden dub cornpetitlon Norvell Gillespie. Los Angeles j wiU bead the judging staff for both WMFWI. For the first time in recent years, floral exhibits will be dis played la the old floral building ta addition to exhibits, half the building win bo traoeformed btto a summer garden, according to Mrs Eugenia Raebel. supervisor of exhibits. This garden will fea ture plantings of aU the summer and faU blooms. Oae of New Themes "Mobile in Basket," one of the new themes this year at the flower show, will feature dry materials ia a design of hanging containers. "Vegetables." "Summer Bou quet," and "Spirit of the Fair" will interpret the color and feel ing of the harvest seam while greea materials only will be used ia an arrangement titled "Tex ture" The full cycle of growth, the bud. the flower, and either the fruit or seed pod. will be pictured ia "Glory of the Seasons." 2-Line Fishing 'Just Not FaV It's Just not fair to the fish that's what the state ef Oregon be lieves about fishing with more than one line at a time, a Portland man learned to his sorrow Monday. Edward Oliver Johnson. Port land, wm convicted and fined IIS in Marion County District Court when ho appeared on a charge of angling with two lines la McCarthy Lake last weekend. n 002k&ooo mm -aaaaaaaaaa vocrVi. gsaxri I 1 JJo, frn glad I bought an yr Vl r Ji' Pick WlnnsM-1 Stop up to Rexkest Cnajlnsi Oldortaobil ! Ysmi arst styling with a future . . . the moth rid, safeity, and aaay harteilrnaj ef a raally big carYou gat quality that maana a top return when you RelleCnd yosu get all thla at a price far leea than you'd guatv I tA'trr Man Found A man cornered in a Salem area tavern last week by city police Monday pleaded guilty to a charge of burglary not in a dwelling dur ing criminal arraignments in Mar ion County Circuit Court. John Raleigh Taylor. 1370 Ne- Driver May Lose License Permanently Judge E. 0 Stadter Jr recom mended permanent suspension of Elmer Merlon Patterson's driver's license Monday when the tl year- old Turner man appeared in Mar ion County District Court. He was charged with failure to yield the right of way as the result of a four-car accident two weeks ago near lllihee Hill nine miles south of Salem Although many drivers of ad vanced age are still safe drivers, this did not sppear lo be true in Patterson's esse. Judge Stadter Mid. Patterson also was fined 125 on the charge. Judge Stadter s recom mendation will be considered by the SUte Motor Vehicle Depart ment. Pedestrian Struck by Car Sun ley G. Cruse, Independence, was hit by a car at 1 25 p.m. Mon day at Commercial and State streets, city police Mid. First aid men said Cruse told them he would see a doctor. I Mrs. EveJys L Morley. 1417 E SUrk Ave., listed ss driver told1 police that the accident occurred' m she glanced1 to see if the sun waa shining in her baby's eyes, according to police reports. i Drowning Victim's Rites Thursday ataSaaaau Msws Sarvwa 8CIO. July a - Graveside aarv- tees for Michael Let Doaa, t. Shot- burn, who drowned Sunday la Tho rns i Creek about II miles east at here, will be Thursday at 1 a.m. la Miller's Cemetery, the Rev. Gerald Manley of Scio Baptist Church of ficiating Services, are ender direc tion of Weddle's Funeral Home. Michael was the soa of Mr. aad Mrs. Hubert Doea. (HI RECENT UMt hsavM M with greatful hearts toward aaigh bors and friends. Their comforting expressions of sympathy and thoughtfulnoss wiD always be re membered. Dr. Mrs. W. I. Wetbora Mrs. 4 Mrs. Jack W. Robertson Miss Marthe Fuhror Mrs. Msrie Lambert Mr. k Mrs. Jacob Fuhror Mr. 4 Mrs. Walter Ftihror Mr. 4 Mrs. Paul Fuhror sjAdt ifKif s HAfiOMAt Sttesman, Salf m. Ore., Tuf s.', July 30, '57 (Sec. I)-5 in Tavern Admits Burglary. braska Ave . wm booked on the charge Friday after a private citi zen notified police he saw a man enter Charley and Eleanor's Tav ern on M0 N". Commercial St. about I I! Friday morning. Judge George R Duncon con tinued sentencing for an Investiga tion on Taylor. Judge Duncan slvi sentenced Robert V. Harpole to an additional year in the stale prison on a charge of escape from the peni tentiary. Harpole was serving a two-year term on a felony charge when he walked away from the prison farm July 12. 1KU He was taken into custody this February in Tempe. Ariz , and later indicted by a Marion County grand jury. A pre-sentence investigation wss ordered for Claude Everett Shields. 411 SUte St . after he pleaded guilty to a charge of oh- Merchants Set Special Meet At 6 Tonight All downtown merchants are in vited to a special meeting at the Senator Hotel at I o'clock tonight. Douglas V eater, president of the Salem Downtown Merchants Asso ciation, Hid Monday. Discussions will center around Fabulous Friday event, a "School 1 1 m e Jamboree" promotion and downtown parking problems. Dinner at T p.m. win follow a social hour. NOTHING DOWN! Nw Royal Porta bl WILSON TYPEWRITER CO. S34S Faftiand Rd. All ahesKhet of Peatlitry Mates Repaired While Tea Watt V Dl. C. A. ILDRIEDGI, MANAGER PAINLESS PARKER Liberty DENTIST EM I UU 1 1 m liiifr witi taming money and property by false pretenses. The charge in volves a S3S check cashed at' a Salem market. Will new filter-tips protect you against cancer? Seieatlats lay It is the amount of tar and nicotine ia the amoke which Hm a aerioua affect on health. But when you buy a packaga of filter cigarettes there is no way of telling the degree to which these impurities will ba filtered out. Now, the latest laboratory findings, reported in August Reader's Digest, five you this information, and ay brand nam. Thia article makes exciting and hopeful reading. On filter-tip cigarette now offer a 23 improvement in tar filtration ... and 60 leas nicotine ia the smoke! Other improved Alters are on the way. TkU Rmdtr t Difft artidt will bt hUM about from Cotut to Cotut. Don't mitt itl Also in the August Reader'! Digest, 38 other articles of lasting interest ... the heal from leading magasjnea, news papers and books . . . con densed to mvs your time. At jeer aewsataad today. Oal low OK Week CaB IM 2-3231 UBCm CMDWI : luir ji J I